
Daily Dads #122: Show Me a Dad Open to Learning and I'll Show You a Child Inspired To As Well

Daily Dads #122:

The Dads discuss the importance of morning routines, consistency, and the mental clarity that comes from physical activity like walking. They share personal experiences related to gratitude, community connections, and the significance of lifelong learning as parents. The dialogue emphasizes the value of exploring new skills and hobbies, fostering a growth mindset, and the impact of learning on personal development.

Takeaways from today:

  • Consistency in morning routines sets a positive tone for the day.
  • Physical activity, like walking, enhances mental clarity and perspective.
  • Gratitude and community connections are vital for personal well-being.
  • Lifelong learning is essential for personal growth and parenting.
  • Encouraging children to pursue their interests fosters a love for learning.
  • Exploring new hobbies can lead to personal fulfillment and creativity.
  • Engaging in conversations about learning can inspire others.
  • Sharing experiences with peers strengthens community bonds.
  • Learning new skills can be a fun and rewarding challenge.
  • The importance of being a role model in learning for children.

Keywords: morning routines, consistency, mental clarity, gratitude, community, lifelong learning, parenting, personal growth, new skills, hobbies, Ryan Holiday, Vaynerchuck, GaryVee, VeeFriends, VeeDads, DailyDads, Daily Dads

Other Resources:

Daily Dad by Ryan Holiday:

Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday:



Join VeeDads, Blaze Hirsch, Dom Rouzaud, and Ryan Turner, every morning at 8:30 est on Twitch. We cover a daily meditation from Ryan Holiday’s, “The Daily Dad”. Our community joins live in the chat and shares their insights as well. Feel free to join us. Catch replays of the live discussion on the VeeDads podcast through Spotify or Apple Podcasts. 

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Ryan Turner

Broadcast on:
07 Oct 2024
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- Who was walking out early this morning? Was that you? Is that you that I saw out early walking? - That was me, sir. - You are. - You are everything. You are the man of consistency and strength. And all things we want to be as dads. So good morning from the daily dads. We're here, we're making it happen. We're showing up and staying consistent. So we gotta do, how was your sleep last night? - Good morning, good morning, good morning. Good man, just out cold. It's like, it's finally starting to switch over to like, you know, like we've talked about like kind of colds, cold in the morning, cold in the evening. So had a nice warm blanket on. That always helps me sleep a little better. - Yeah. - But yeah, woke up, popped up four o'clock, jumped out there, got on the, got on the walking trail and just got back a couple of minutes ago and set my whole, whole little mobile office up, set up and here we are. - Nice. - Right on time. - Tom, are you the kind of guy that is going to need to have his things that are not so much laid out, but just kind of around? Or are you the kind of guy that can get up and like go through a drowned, get your stuff and like you're just gonna make it happen? - No, I'm very order and organized. Like always have been like put my keys, wallet, phone in the same place every night, like fully dressed and packed and ready to go the night before I leave for town. Almost my entire life I actually used to just, I would shower after work and I'd put on tomorrow's clothes, sleep in it and just like take that one more thing off my list. But lately I've been more so changing. So yeah, no. - I definitely feel that. So, okay, I sleep, I sleep pretty much in my gym clothes. I'm gonna tell you that it's, I need to reduce as much executive functioning challenges as possible sometimes and if I sleep in my gym clothes I just get up and I go and it helps me. So that is my thing. Although I am also on the side like everything is pretty much in the same spot, but more because if it's not, I will fall apart. So I'm with you. So good stuff. We got a blade. - There he is, there he is. - Hey guys, as I say, it was our mystery guess. I'm like the complete opposite. I like, I'm just always going by the scene of my pants. The most organized I can be is laying out my clothes the day before. But every day I feel like so different for me. It's hard to like. - Are you in a row? - No, it's just a weird swasher, yeah. - I was like, hey, you know what, more power Jesus. The collar was looking very roped like for a second. I was like, I'm jealous, you're all comfy and warm. - You know, the black dog cafe likes to switch it up. But I think that I have like some things like anchoring and I think the steps has been anchoring because since I'm not consistent in a lot of things, I think like being consistent with 10,000 steps daily or more has been a good anchor. So I was looking for those good anchors. - Awesome. You know, what I wanted to ask, I wanted to, and please, you started touching this yesterday. Have there been any changes anywhere else in your life? Any like positive takeaways, anything else? Like everyone kind of goes towards health. And so I think like, this is the language I use almost every day, but like those off-scale victories. But is there anything else that has been a benefit of kind of getting all the steps in here? - I just always think about like added perspective. I delivered pizzas for like three or four years, like in college and high school. And every time you'd go to a new house, I almost felt like it activated like a different part of the map in your brain. And so like you have all these like synapses and everything like that. And I think of that like walks, like with trying to get more steps, I'm going on more walks and only living here for like two years. There's lots of paths that I haven't taken. And so I think it's unlocking different like synapses in my brain because I've never like stood at this specific longitude and latitude and saw the perspective from my like five foot six and a half body. So that might get pretty far out there. But just a lot of like added perspective on like different things. - Nice. I like that. - John is a man at anything. On your own. - Yeah. - Yeah. - He got new shoots. He got new shoots. Is that you're done? - Yeah. - Okay. - You got two pair, right? - Yeah. Yeah. I always like to buy multiples and then bulk. And you know, with Amazon's return policy, it makes it easier. - That's like an old thing. - What? - That's like an old person's thing. To buy two of everything. - Yeah. - Well, I also like to get different colors too. You know, so like I, you know, I like that just the classic blacks that you could put that anywhere. - Yeah. - And then I really dig the green, you know, team green. So I got a green pair. But yeah, so as far as the walks, for me, it's unlocking like just that, that time, like that additional time and space for just like being alone and thought. Like just allowing my brain to go wherever it needs to go, whether that goes for, for work or for V friends or for, you know, relationships or, you know, just, it just goes wherever it goes. And it, I have that space for it cause I'm like, okay, I'm going on a, you know, hour long walk. So we just take this wherever we want to take this, brilliant mind of yours that just does whatever you want to do. So, you know, like we were talking about before about normally being more organized and more calendar oriented. Like the walk allows me time for like chaos. You know, just like let my mind wander wherever it wants to wander and not have a plan. So I dig it. - I dig it too. I think it's great. Please have been doing a great job getting it all together and keeping it organized. So thank you so much, please. - Oh, yeah. I need a, I need a better point system. And just so you guys know I'm not a mathematician. So if ever you think that I've like shanked you on some points, let me know. We're going to have a huge prize. Probably, probably going to be the biggest prize that my daily dad's has ever done. - What was the, what was the game show that Drew Carey hosted with the, with the, with the comedians? - Whoever's line is anyway. - Who's line is anyway? - Yeah. The game show where anything happens in the points don't matter. There's a little, there's a little bit of me that feels like within the step challenge. Sometimes that's kind of where the points are. Everyone is, everyone's staying in it. And it's great. And it's like, you know what? I think the points are good. I think we're doing great without them being perfect. So I just think about like at the next Decon after green wins, like should team gray like serve team green? Like, like building this like dichotomy. - I like it. Set it up. Just kind of plan, plan less and do more. Someone, someone recently told me that they, that they are not a planner, that they're a doer. And I appreciate that. That was, that was Robbie. That's, that was a great thing that he ended up saying. Hey, please, I have a, I have a question. Whatever you wear, those amazing headphones. Can you, can you make up and tell us where you're going, where you're possibly going to? - Well, today, hold on, hold on. I got to get in character. Hello, everybody. This is my daily dad's airline and we're getting ready to cruise to an altitude. Brody Hirsch has a cough today. So we're going to be going to the pediatric urgent care as soon as my daily dad's is over. They don't open till 10 a.m. So enjoy your peanuts and your snacks on our drive. This is on our flight. I did the best I could. There you go. - That was great. I can't. I can't wait to ask you and make you do it on a day that you're just not in a great mood. Just be like a really, really accept pilot. It'll be good. - Have you seen a movie, flight? - Uh, Washington. - No. - Yeah. - I think so. - Oh, you mean? Is that where he was like a drunk pilot or something, but like. - You rated it in landed in the river? Yeah. - That was it. I didn't see it. Was it good? - Yeah. It's good. - Any other takeaways? No, just what maybe you think of it. That's it. That's all I had. I just want to see if you saw it or not. You should watch it. I don't like talking about movies if you haven't seen it. - Oh, it's okay. I mean, I guess I would probably would have gotten back to that one. Anyway, let's jump into some gratitude over here. What do you guys got for granted? I think we kind of touched on some stuff, but you guys have anything that you have actually. You know what? Let me, let me highlight the couch first. Let's highlight. We're here. We're here for friends near and far for always checking and regularly. You know what? I think it's definitely something that we need to do. I don't feel like I do not have some people. That's making me feel like I got to check on and crack more. So that is helpful. We got Jason over here. Jason down in Colorado. My brother. I crashed for a weekend on the energy. I'm doing mostly every minute late night with some dads. Oh, nice. Yeah. Do you guys have a dad's group around you? - What do you mean? - Not really. - I have a couple of dads that kind of get together. - Oh, no. - Also notice friends. - I'm working on it. - Yeah. Like we said, my wife and I, we reconnected with a bunch of couples. So we're working on some stuff. We went on a, on Friday, we went on a double date for brunch instead of our normal Friday, just the two of us. And I know the girls have, are planning some girls trip. We got a family trip coming up with all the families to Palm Springs in a couple of weeks. And then we just planned a, and booked a couples trip to Nashville in February. - Oh, nice. - So yeah, that, that's good. - Did you guys go to? - So that's. - Hmm. - Were you guys going to Texas or something like that, Tom? - Yeah, we, we, we bumped that and I booked something different. I think I booked a, a weekend in Vegas, just the two of us. Texas didn't work out. - Nice. Well, F Ryan Holiday. - Is it cause Ryan Holiday was out of town? - Yeah, he wasn't responding to my DMs about coming on The Daily Dad Show. - Oh, yeah. - And sponsoring us and giving, and sending books to Australia. - I've messaged him a couple of times and he hasn't reached that back out, but I think, I think it's probably from the perspective of like, he just doesn't know what to say to me, but I get it. Like, so we're, we're going to work on that. - Yeah. Um, and then, you know what, I'm grateful. I was reminded yesterday on stream about this hat, and I, I appreciate it. I also forgot how big these like, brooms are. And then I also loved that blaze, blaze always, um, blaze is, is, uh, blaze is all about arbitrage. And so I know blaze is looking to kind of flip some red devil hats at some point. So it made me think about it. So it worked yesterday and it worked today. - That's for sale. Hats for sale. - That was crazy. That was, that was a crazy day yesterday. So anyway, um, any answer to your question? - Yeah. I almost need a break. Yeah, do it. Um, so is that Bryson's lacrosse practice yesterday? And I'm still like, I'm trying to make friends. I'm trying to get my kids to make friends. My youngest son and my daughter, both have friends they can have play dates with, but my middle son doesn't have a lot of that. So I'm trying to work on it. And so I was talking to this one dad. And we were like, how I always try to pitch our, like, daily show to people is, I'm like, oh, do you know Ryan Holiday? And usually people are like, no. And this guy was like, oh, yeah, I love Ryan Holiday. And so I'm like, best friends, let's be best friends. When are you coming over? You got to check the show out. And it was a great conversation. So I think I might have found a new friend for Bryson. I have a play date with and I can maybe even have a new friend on the show soon. So there you go. - That's awesome. - Yeah. Let's see. What is today? It's Tuesday. Are you in the city? Don? - Yeah. Nice. - Yep. - Yep. - Did you read today? - I did. Yeah, I read before my walk and then I was like, oh, maybe I'll, like, think about it more on my walk. And then that's not where my mind went. - What were your first take? What was the title today? Gross. - Are you showing them how to be a student? - Are you? - A little bit. - A little bit? Yeah. I've been having a couple more conversations about that. I like the, like, so the main thing, the main takeaway was basically, like, kids look at adults as, you know, getting to the end of school. Like adulthood is getting to the end of school and the, the, one of the main lessons in this passage was, you know, to try to undo that, that thought or that stigma or whatever, that, that education and learning stops. And that's one of the things that I like about this whole thing that we're doing here and the V friends community and almost everyone that I've like met within the communities is like, everyone's an adult who appears to be or, or is in like a stage of, of growth and learning, like almost at an ever ending scale. Like seeing a lot of people start new businesses, seeing a lot of people, you know, continue their education or, you know, get themselves outside their comfort zone and just, that's what I always would always gravitate me back community is that it's like the whole thing. It's like like minded people, like doing different things that we're all kind of doing the same thing. And so, yeah, I love that. I always look to you because then I feel like you're always reading some kind of like motivational or like inspiring book. And I read a lot of fiction and so I'm always thinking like, man, I want to, I want to be more like Dom and read some, I want your, I want your book list. I think is what I'm trying to say. What's it about reading that on? You know, the good thing that I, that I like that I, I don't use as much lately, but like, Ryan Holiday does have a email list of a, of a book list. And yeah, so it's, it's a newsletter or something, go to his website and it's, I don't know if it's, I don't know if it's weekly or monthly, but he sends out, you know, four or five, six books and then a little synopsis on each one of them and just, you know, he's very big on dumbing things down or making them very simple. So his synopsis is not really good. And that's the other thing that I liked about when I was first getting into all this is I would listen to his daily stoic podcast and his daily dad podcast, but I would specifically listen to the longer ones because those are typically interviews with authors. Like, that's how I found Gary V. Oh, really? That's interesting. And all of this is I, I, I would only, like, I would strategically listen to the longer ones. And that's how I found like this self-driven child book and all these other books that I listened to is like, he interviews the authors that, that he likes, that he vibes with, that he likes their story, that they tie a little bit to stoicism and, and like, you know, that kind of way. And then if you listen to the daily dad ones, they're, they're mostly authors about parenting books. So it's a good image row to, to a book. Love it. I mean, I think I saw like a video clip of him, like, he had a stack of books and he's like, going through them really quick. And I thought it was a cool video, but I'm gonna have to check that billing list out. And then David just recommended for high school parents the book Red Helicopter, which I haven't heard of. So I'm definitely gonna look for Red Helicopter. I like the name. I like helicopters. Ryan, what, oh, I did want to say the other day we were talking about, I can't remember what the conversation was, but it has to then do with like, if you're, if you want to do something like you want to, you should study it or get your kids to study it. And so we're supposed to go ask our kids like what's something they want to be better at. Maybe we can find a book about it. So I asked my son what he wanted to be better at and he said he wanted to be better at Mario. So I instead of shutting that down, I said, great, let's go get some strategy guides. You can read some strategy guides on how to be better at Mario. So I can't remember what my mom, why, why, I can't talk. I can't remember what the mill said, but there you go. I look, that is, that's I think where you guys take advantage of the moments, right? No matter what it is that they really want to do, you're still jumping on the opportunity to show them that you're behind them. That you want to help them out. So I think that regardless of what it was, I'm sure there is something. Wait, that's, we're not going to do that, but there's not many. And I'm trying to think is my, is there anything my three year old still wants to be a horse. So, they're failing with that. And then my oldest is still in the moment of, I don't know, she's still kind of discovering a lot of herself and she's like really into friends right now. She's starting to like really gravitate to like my friends rather got to go. And so I'm trying to help her balance a lot of those feelings of like I'm not with him. So I want to make sure that's like the FOMO is not there as much, but that's not really, I guess, teaching her anything. But I think accepting all of those kind of things. You guys were just talking about the book or the meditation, right? Yeah. Yep. Always learning. What do you think? Thanks for asking. I, I liked it. It's a good reminder. And I found myself a couple more times this week, having my book in my hands versus my phone in my hands. There is like, there's, there's a part of the day where everyone's decompressing as a family. I will, I usually will find myself on my side of the bed laying down and the bed's like me. It's like no one's going to bed, but they see me. And that's like a defining moment where I'm going to have my phone in my hands and I'm scrolling or I'm going to have a book in my hand and I'm reading. And there's been a few times where I like heard my kids like come in the door and book your hands and it's been helpful. I think it's important, but it's also reminded me to pick up that book too. And it's been really good because it's hard for me to slow down. It's hard for me to not want to do the next thing. And so the book thing has been really helpful for me to realize like you need to, you need to, you need to utilize something to help yourself find a little bit of silence and a slower pace. And so reading the books have been really, really helpful. And I appreciate it. So it's like, I think it's helping all things right. And this morning I was reading, I was reading the daily dad on the couch and then my oldest came in. And as I'm reading this, I was like, okay, tell them you're learning something. And so it just, it did bring up a conversation about like, yeah, so my book says this is what I'm learning and it was also making me think like, did I see my parents ever learning something when I was younger and it does go back and I'm sure there's many more that I'm forgetting, but there was a point in my dad's life. I do remember that he was focusing on a lot of self help books and the one thing that I remember him like quoting for like weeks as he was reading it was don't sweat the small stuff. And so when I think back to my dad, and that book that I feel like you could kind of see like the things that he would say you would see him implementing that in his life like with his parenting, and I saw him learning that. And I can, and I'll keep this one short. I do, because I'm not thinking about it. My dad, my dad had stepped up to be my soccer coach for me and like my age group, because we didn't have someone. Like there was no coach that was ready to go. And my dad like went to some meeting and was like well, I guess I'll coach the kids because that's just who my dad was he was a teacher. And I think that was just kind of what he wanted to be and what he wanted to do. And I remember he would go to the library and he would take out stacks of books on soccer and he would just read like he would read through everything like there was no internet and this was what 2020. In 1993 1990 maybe is like he would just go to the library he would just like he would just absorb all of these soccer books and to this day I think like that that is learning and I kind of take that in right now. There's a little bit of being like, I don't know if I have the bandwidth to actually go coach or learn a new sport for my daughters, but that is that's that's kind of now where I go back to thinking about my parents or my dad like really learning and I'm like yeah learning doesn't stop. I guess I'm great for that. This was a good moment. Thanks guys thanks for being here for this. That's awesome. Well done Papa Turner. It was good. Did you see your parents ever like learning or going back to school or anything like that. My mom went and got her masters when I was like how old was I think like eight or nine. And so I remember like sometimes she would take me to school and I'd sit in the hallways with like a coloring book or something like that. Which I don't think you could do that now I don't think that's accepted whereas like maybe back then she was a teacher taking night classes like maybe it was. I mean not all the time but just like a couple of times that I remember I think that was like really cool to see like my mom doing that. I'm trying to think if I've ever seen my like parents go to like other classes. I know it's always really important for us to be in like Sunday school and stuff and my dad taught Sunday school. I'm trying to think like I can't think of them taking like tennis lessons or swimming lessons or I think my mom went to aerobics but that's to me just more like a fitness class and not so much like a learning thing. Yeah, I think it's like okay she's pushing herself to do something different maybe we're not. Yeah, no yeah. Well that's a lot of text. All right, well, did you ever see your parents learning? A little bit like my dad used to use to talk about a couple of books and especially in the high school timeframe like trying to get trying to recommend that I read some books. But like I said before I wasn't it wasn't that time in my life I wasn't ready for it I was still in the anti dad phase of my life. And then as far as my mom, not like haven't seen her with any like formal form of education but more like kind of like, you know just learning new new skills or new industries or, you know, taking on different challenges and stuff like that. And then I've always seen her as like an adaptable like kind of like can take on anything if she really wanted to person so like that's kind of what I learned from. But yeah, not like formal education, no books. Yeah, do you think you guys are going to try and learn anything new in the next couple years I like to go to more comedy classes. I want to go to one of your standups. It starts in two weeks but it's on. Well that's what I was thinking about our comedy instructor. She does her own monologue and she always talks about how like her pickup line at bars was she pretended to be a flight attendant and she referred to her body habit is certain parts is like the flotation devices. I feel like my mind was going when like you had me do that this morning. So, but I would like to take some drawing classes like my wife likes to. Not my wife my daughter likes to draw and I like to draw so I think I'd like and I've been doing DJ Kaufman's drawer nightclub, not every day but a lot of the days. So I did, I do want to show his stuff. He has this thing called prompt over where he shares drawing prompts for every day in October and it's like spooky themed so if anyone wants to sharpen some pencils and jump in it's free. And he gives away like cool prizes and stuff too. Yeah, I think I want to do that right now that you can show us. If you go, I'm trying to think I don't think I can right now. I think they're inside. I'll post. I'll be vulnerable and post like a thread of blazes drawings on the my daily dad's page. Like learning it itself right you're like following along someone. Yeah, it's been fun. David's into writing. Blaze try in October this year that's what I'm doing well. Pencil tober. I don't know. I want to draw pets too. I'm gonna have it. I'm gonna have a drawing competition or brother. Maybe that's what I need to do. It's all I got. I was reading the comments. It's really I feel like it's really satisfying. It does. It really kind of like zen you out is definitely good. But anyone on the couch right now, what is something you think you're going to learn? What do you want to learn? That's new. What do you want to learn? I feel like coding is always like I'm going to learn coding. I'm never. I always want to learn coding and I never make the time to actually learn coding. So I'm going to we'll see. Oh, well, I mean, I think you like challenges. So I challenge you to learn coding to make like a fun like my daily dad's game or something like worm or toad or frogger or whatever. I don't like that. So I feel like if you challenged me, I would completely I would be like, Oh, God, I have to do that now. And I don't really I feel like I don't want to be challenged at the moment. I feel like Blaze knows that I can fall into the trap of doing too much. So you're like, I'm trying to figure out how to describe it. I think it's like. A highly motivated task completer. Like, and I think that's where I could be stronger because there's some things that I commit to and then it's like, I don't want to do that. But like, like with the step challenges and certain things like I see you, like, attack these things like a bowl. And I think that's like wild. Well, bullish bull. That's what I am. I'm a sign language. I've actually seen people do sign language. A lot of people have picked up sign language as like a as a quick thing to kind of learn, which I think is really stop it. Stop Blaze. Um, as what did I do? I was kidding. I think you I think you clicked on Jason says I clicked on David. Oh, I'm sorry. I thought I was the pilot. Anyway, sign language. I like that. I, you know what, my, my youngest daughters went into a sign language class with one of our family friends, younger kids too. And she learned how to say cookie. And sign language. I think this is it. I don't know. She loves. She like loves telling us. She loves telling us. Okay, let me go do that. Okay, good. Thank you, David. My, my son still does a couple of a couple of sign language things like for bath and for a couple of different things. Just like randomly. Like, don't know, don't know why you can fully speak now, but like you just will randomly do it. It's hilarious. It's like a part of his nature now. If you guys don't know Rochester. Oh, sorry. I was just kidding because we did teach him some of that stuff when he was when he was going through like because he didn't speak until he was like three. And then didn't really start speaking till four and five so it's just funny to see that he still knows it all. Um, Rochester is like the American sign language capital of the United States early has like the highest population of sign speaking people. Um, so when you guys move here, you'll be, you'll know a lot of stuff. And then, um, I was watching a clip the other day. There was this gorilla that knows like a thousand things in sign language. And he loved Mr Rogers neighborhood and Mr Rogers always takes off his shoes and he helped Mr Rogers take off his shoes when he met him. Um, just, that was like signing kind of a side street from the conversation but apes are cool. American sign language Rochester, best friends, 902 a.m. You know what plays it's been, it's been, it's been quite a minute since you've, since you've sent me a real estate listing. Oh yeah. Yeah, please please for this time. We're building V friends village Josh is across the street then like, I think Dom's a harder sell because you're in the state of New York. I can't, it's going to be hard for. I believe high school and like replant, but there's no excuses. All right, wait, I have a, I have a challenge. I know that you challenge me please. I turned it down. How about we all learn one thing to say in sign language and we bring it in. All right, I think that's a great idea. We do that. Yeah. All right. All right. All right. Mugs of coffee, heart to the gratitude. All right guys. Bye.