
Daily Dads #120: You Need to CREATE Family Memories - It Takes Effort

Daily Dads #120:

Ryan and Blaze explore various themes related to parenting, gratitude, and vulnerability. They share personal stories about their weekends, reflect on their parenting challenges, and discuss the importance of connection and encouragement in family life. The conversation also touches on the complexities of divorce and its impact on parenting, emphasizing the need for support and understanding. The session concludes with a meditation segment that encourages parents to foster a positive environment for their children.

Takeaways from today:

  • Connection with family is essential for well-being.
  • Finding gratitude in everyday moments enhances happiness.
  • Vulnerability in parenting can lead to deeper connections.
  • Encouragement is more effective than criticism in parenting.
  • It's important to try new foods and be open-minded about them.
  • Sharing personal challenges can foster community support.
  • Mindset plays a crucial role in how children perceive experiences.
  • Parenting requires patience and understanding of children's perspectives.
  • Creating opportunities for family bonding is vital.
  • Engaging in activities together strengthens family ties.

Keywords: parenting, gratitude, vulnerability, family connections, divorce, meditation, personal reflections, daily dads, family activities, encouragement, Ryan Holiday, Vaynerchuck, GaryVee, VeeFriends, VeeDads, DailyDads, Daily Dads

Other Resources:

Daily Dad by Ryan Holiday:

Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday:



Join VeeDads, Blaze Hirsch, Dom Rouzaud, and Ryan Turner, every morning at 8:30 est on Twitch. We cover a daily meditation from Ryan Holiday’s, “The Daily Dad”. Our community joins live in the chat and shares their insights as well. Feel free to join us. Catch replays of the live discussion on the VeeDads podcast through Spotify or Apple Podcasts. 

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Ryan Turner

Broadcast on:
06 Oct 2024
Audio Format:

- Morning, what happenin'? Get in there. - Morning, how are you? - Good man, how are you? - Good man around, good man around, good man around. - What's today, bringin' you? - Um, I'll be right back. - We got a bulk. We got a bulk on one side, it's okay. We'll be back. Blaze, morning blazes, a busy blaze. Well guys, good morning, good morning, good morning. We are here, Dilly Dazz, we're live, all over the place right now. We're live on Facebook, so welcome. We're live in two places where we live on YouTube. We're live on Twitch right now, where our live chat is goin' on. So, you wanna join the live chat over there? And what else? We're two places on X, two places on Instagram. My goodness, all over the place. Good morning, Dylan, Ray, Turner. - Can you hear me? - Perfectly. - Awesome. - Sorry. - Hey, go bills. - Go bills. - Are they playing at night? I wasn't aware. - Yep, we played night. - Nice, really playing. - I have no idea. - Great question. - We'll have to find that out. We'll find it out so we can follow up with you next time. But good morning, Robby, good morning, David. Good morning, Dylan. We're all here. Blaze, your weekend, you got a busy weekend. - Oh yeah, it was a busy weekend. My daughter had her birthday party on Saturday. And then yesterday, my son went to a birthday party. Trying to get my steps in. And then grocery store and church. She getting ready for the week. It was, I don't even think I had to work very hard to get my 10,000 steps a day. - Who next? - Morning, David, morning MP. - All over the place today, that's great. Bill's Jaguars, Robby's on top of it. You know what's going on? How do you get with the Jaguars? Anything? How do we feel? - Trevor Lawrence, I want to say they're Owen too. And then Robby just adds me on. So I can't even, I don't even know if I can name a player besides Trevor Lawrence on their team. If there is any Jack fans in here, I apologize. I think they probably aren't happy with their season. And thus. - Been a couple of guys, Trevor Lawrence, started with talks in my beginning of his career. But we'll see them together. - All right, well, we got the Jaguars. They're Owen too right now. They're Owen too. So we'll see what happens for you guys. You guys, that was an honor to look for what the, where we're sitting with anything at all. Oh, Mack Jones is down there right now. Oh, Travis at TNA, right? Is he over there right now? Also, I don't know what's down there. Oh, Evan, Evan Ingram is down there. Wow, what a name from the past feels like right now. Anyone else that I know that I can look at? Tank Bixby, just an amazing name. Ronald Darby. Well, anyway, good luck tonight. - Oh, thanks, man. And I know you would have been full weekend. You have a bison stain with you right now. Do you want roller skating or DM roller skating? - Yeah, Lauren is always great at planning all kinds of things. And Lauren planned for us to go to free roller skating over at Brooklyn Bridge Park, which is pretty amazing because you really have, you're like basically skating. So in the winter, they have ice skating. They have like a roller rink all set up here. And so you're like basically skating right next to the Brooklyn Bridge. The view of everything is right there. It's kind of one of those special times that makes you appreciate, you know, living in New York. So Lauren always does a good job of finding those opportunities. We brought one of Sloane's friends. And I think we're at the moment right now, where I think we have to lead on all of their parents and families to like take our kids and help them connect. And I'm not great at that, but Lauren's always good at that too. So we were able to take one of Sloane's friends and then her dad came and kind of joined things. But he was definitely was an eventful day. It was cool. It's awesome. - Gratitude, where are you at today? - Gratitude. My gratitude. Oh, you know what, Mike, this morning I got up at our usual time over here and I went to the gym and then I know Josh was staying on my couch. And I liked Josh and I was like, "Josh, when you leave and you're ready to go, you walk past my gym, I'll pop out." And we had a nice walk over to the Brooklyn Bridge. Little sunrise right there. It was, it was a nice thing to see. And just kind of spend some time. And I feel like the feeling of being able to connect was like with somebody in the community, walking, talking, really kind of feeling things out for the day. I was just, it was a grateful moment. I'm grateful for that moment versus just that larger kind of, you know, feeling today. So, and also, you know, I actually had a really special call this morning with our friend Robbie talking about a few things that he really wants to get started and he's such a special guy. So I told him, I said, I said, "I'm going to give you a call." And I, is what I told him, I said, "I felt less vulnerable, just giving you a voice call." And I felt more vulnerable, just giving you a FaceTime call. And I felt like I wanted to chase the vulnerability. So we called and we talked for a while as I, as I walked this morning on FaceTime. So it was really, it was a lot of connection this morning, all before 8 a.m. So as everybody might know, I'm a very selfish person. So I hope that your conversation involved tweaks. And if it didn't, that's okay too. But I just wanted to throw my hopefulness out there. Did you, did you jump into a tweak stream? Is that what you're doing? Robbie gifted me a tweak a couple months ago. I get on the Discord a couple times a week. They do, I jumped in, they do this poker night. I think once a week, and I did that last week, and that was fun. And I was like, I always want to be part of projects that I'm great founders. And Robbie's a great guy, so he's a great founder. And that's where my mind goes with that. My, my, my desire was to be more, even I went into Discord one time. I posted, I was like, I'm going to be here more often. And then I wasn't. And I've just, I've been having hard time balancing all that. And I'm giving myself a little bit of grace. Not kind of forced myself right now, but I will, I will definitely be in there more. But I know the poker nights are definitely pretty fun. So we'll see what goes. I don't think we've ever shilled a project on here, but I know that Twisted Tweaks has a mint coming up in October, which I want to say is like super, I want to say it's like $5 a tweak. If I got that wrong, Robbie, let me know, but that's coming up. So I think I'm going to, I think it's ETH. So I might throw some ETH in there. I might even have like five or 10 bucks, and I might mint another one. So there you go. Did you just hit someone? Crash, boom. Something is right over something. Yeah, I would love to know more with it. I feel like we should give Robbie this stage one day to talk more about the Tweaks than the other really cool thing. Perfect. And I'll, I'll end that with a number of guys. Leave with love. That's the message we want to do. Got some great gratitude here in the chat and sharing it. Just working down from the bottom. David, thank you so much. Morning connection with an old Columbus music friend. Is that Columbus, like Columbia music or is that like Columbus? Let us know. I think here's what that is. Robbie, showing some love for our conversation this morning. Definitely a good one. Getting some clarity on some things that he was sharing with me. Yeah, the waterfront in Brooklyn is a pretty special spot. I think it's tough living in New York. You kind of like, man, it always feels like it's easier to live somewhere else. Or it could be when you have these moments that are always feeling so special. MP always here kind of thrown in. I want to wear coffee. He has this morning. Always sharing his coffee. But his son came into his room last night after he went to bed to say thank you. And how much money he had at his party. Oh, it's awesome. My kid would not share a gratitude unless you were showing him how to share a gratitude. So you are a great dad. That is using good stuff, guys. Can I ask a thing? I wanted to ask, I was thinking about, I always want to leave some space for Columbus, Ohio. We see David, thanks. Just vulnerability. If anyone's having a hard time, just any vulnerability about dad's, anything you're just having a hard time connecting with. I would love to just kind of prop it up. You have any questions for us to kind of work through. I think it would be always good. Just a good reminder. I always want to come back to that. But sorry, Liz, I cut you off. I was just going to say, I love a good fact check. Robbie's not the founder, but he's very involved. So I just want to know, I like that. And then Mitch is opening back up 10-7 and been around since 10-21. So there you go. Love that gratitude. Gratitude for me is, I feel like I keep going back to this step challenge. I think that's okay. So I stepped on the scale today and it's been a little bit lower. And I'm like, I wonder, could just getting more steps a day contribute to my overall health. And it's like, yeah, absolutely. And so I looked at my average steps for the past couple of months. And like June, my average step count was like 7,500. It was 8,500 in July, August. It started going up to close to 9,000. And now I'm set to hopefully average 10,000 steps a day this month. And I just think about like compounding interest, how, okay, now I'm stepping more. So then I'm trying to drink more water. I'm trying to eat more healthily because I'm focusing on steps and being healthy. And I just think like, how great that is. So I think that's where my gratitude is today, along with, I needed like a thousand more steps last night. So I went on a walk with my six-year-old. And he's really into like ninjas right now. So he was like walking into people's yards. Dark out at like nine o'clock or eight thirty now. And he was like walking into people's yards and being a ninja, hiding behind their like trees and flowers and stuff. The cutest, funniest things. Because like, that's a short window where he's going to enjoy pretending to be a ninja. And he's like, dad, there's one thing you really need to know about ninjas. And I'm like, what's that? And he's like, they're sneaky, sneaky. So you got to be really sneaky. And I was like, oh, okay. Like, yeah, I get it. So I kept pretending I couldn't see him because he was sneaking. Is that is how special is that play time right now? I think I'm reminded often about, you know, making sure we take advantage of those moments where they want to play with us. I get kind of sad thinking about like, you don't have, there's something I hear. Some people say like, I'm going to, I'm not going to get this complete. I'm not going to butcher it. I'm not going to get complete is that, you know, we know our kids as kids for only a short period of time versus how much we're going to know them as adults. So it is taking that moment to like pretend you can't see your kid. I think it's so important and special. Love it. Are you, are you, are you doing any notorious ninja stuff for him? The what stuff? Nittorious ninja. Be friend stuff. Oh, no, I don't think he knows about the notorious ninja. He's a big, trying to think he likes the dinosaurs. But maybe it's an opportunity this week now to introduce him to the notorious ninja. Having both, having both. Dinosaurs are cool too though. So and you can't see them. Yeah. They're pretty in Magneto. Or Rob was talking about fusing characters the other day. Maybe we need to fuse the, and keep thinking of the driven dragon. What are the dinosaurs names? The translucent T-Rex and then there's another one. Truculent T-Rex. Maybe maybe one of them can merge with the ninja. So yeah, how did you get to read today? I did get to read today. Can I make space for something really quickly? I know we're like 14 minutes in right now because I did ask for it. I thought it was definitely good. Before I click on this, we see it on the couch right now. Anything you're feeling a little bit vulnerable with right now, or today at all with the kiddos, as it is? Yes, overall it was a good weekend. And I think my yelling's gone down significantly. But I think still like a big trigger for me is like when I spend 30, 40 minutes making a dinner. And my kids won't even try it. So I made like, they're really good with pasta with just sauce, but I really wanted to make meat sauce last night because I really want them to like, start being more comfortable with that texture and getting that like, added protein to the Rigatoni noodles and the sauce. And so I made that yesterday and the boys did great. And I'm like, okay, it's a minute. It's time to sit down and eat sweetheart. And she's like, before she even tasted it, she's like, I hate this. This is disgusting. And like, that was like a big trigger for me where I'm like, just eat three or four noodles. And like, that's not good. I'll make you peanut butters or somebody told me like, if your kids don't eat your dinner, just make them butter and bread, which I'm fine with. But, and I didn't think it was like too much of me to ask of her to eat three or four pieces of Rigatoni. And it ended up with her not even like, barely taking a bite, spitting it out, saying that's disgusting, saying she hated it. And then she got up and wanted to run to her room. And then I yelled at her to sit down and finish your noodles. And then she yelled at me and ran up to her room. So it was not the best way to end the Sunday. And we made up afterwards and were fine. So I think for me, just really figuring out how to manage my energy better in these situations, that's where I'm at. Well, I love that you're aware of the energy and knowing kind of where you want to change it. With, you said you ended it. Was there anything where the word shared set you kind of ended it with? Or was it just was an apology or was it a next step kind of thing? So I went and I apologized for her for yelling. But then I talked about how we need to try new foods. You're old, like, we can't eat just three different things. And I also talked about, like, if you went to a friend's house a year or two ago, and they made something similar and she refused to eat it. And I'm like, didn't know you're going to go to people's houses and they're going to make you different foods. And it's really important that we try these different foods. Even if we like, if you don't like it, that's fine. But we used to have to give it like, you know, an honest try. And I'm trying to talk to her about mindset because, like, before she even sat down, she's like, I hate this. This is disgusting. And I'm like, well, now that you think that way, and that's your mindset, like, so I mean, but she's also eight and I'm 30 something. So I had a 36, 37, one of those ages. So trying to figure out or being more thoughtful. I feel the same way right now with my oldest with Sloane. I think it would be a great conversation. I am, I have a reason for sharing the vulnerabilities right now. I will definitely, I want to, I do want to share one. I'll be short with it for a second because I want to get to what was shared on the couch right now. But I remember there was a time where I was, I was asking a great friend, one of Lauren's old colleagues, actually, about how, you know, how dads can help dads. And really it was just like how anybody could help anybody, how friends could help anybody. But one thing in particular about, I think being vulnerable and kind of sharing and all those kind of things, one thing that he ended up sharing. And you guys can go back and listen to this. He's actually one of the VDAS podcasts because he's a great dad and he has a lot of things to share there. But, you know, he was like the best, the best way that you can actually, you know, support a friend or support someone else that you can help them out is by asking for support yourself. And so, and I think in that case, like also sharing vulnerability. And I was thinking about it recently. A big thing is like, you know, that connection, right? With, I think with VDAS, it's always like confidence and health mindset and connection. So I think if we're not connecting, I think it really misses a big part of that mission that we'd like to kind of bring here. Before I get over here to the, to the couch, I did want to share, you know, one vulnerability, which is not a hard one to share. But one I need to really stay accountable to is, I feel like with my business right now, I'm not doing as well as I can. And coming out of the summer is always a hard time, because it's like a slower time for nutrition and, you know, all things, you know, wanting to get coaches to help you with stuff like that. So I feel as if I'm not being as deliberate and as targeted as they should be, to be giving the girls the life that they deserve right now. So my, my vulnerability is I'm not being the best business owner for my family at the moment. And that is where, that's my vulnerability at the moment. So I'm going to keep working on that. And I feel like it's sometimes a hard thing to share. You know, when I feel like I'm not showing up for myself, I'm definitely not showing up for my family with a hit that they need to. But anyway, I want to share that because I did want to share that David over here was just sharing some vulnerability about him talking to another dad that is having a tough moment with his oldest adult daughter. He finished a tough divorce and his girls are still unpacking their feelings. It might be too much for this chat. And first of all, nothing is going to be too much for this chat. I'd love to make sure I know that we do try and finish in like 30 minutes sometimes. So the only thing would be our ability to kind of dive deep. But bringing these things up, I think is huge because, you know, David in particular, and as I look through the chat now through the couch comments, you know, cash doesn't sound appropriate now for what we're talking about. But when Craig and also Robbie, they're kind of talking about divorce. And like we do have a lot of dads that have gone through divorce right now. And I want to make sure that, you know, we bring some light to those things too. But there's going to be certain things that we talk about in any of these, you know, daily gratitude that are going to be incredibly important to kind of connect these things in there. So keep sharing them, please, because we'd love to bring it up. Because even, you know, with Blaze sharing, like I'm having a hard time teaching my daughter or how to stay open minded around food and getting her to eat differently. Like that will connect with something else in the book too. So thank you so much. And if anything, it will give us even more to talk about during Blaze's amazing spaces. That Wednesdays right now, right? Wednesdays, Blaze? Yep, Wednesdays, 230. We didn't do last week. Just didn't happen. So, but try to be consistent. Don't get married to that time though, because I have to start teaching clinical 3 p.m. to 11 p.m. coming up soon. So I might shift to Tuesdays or Thursdays. But more to comment, just I really, because these times are so quick and they are jam-packed with an agenda. And so I love having those spaces just for more like open conversation. But I think that, you know, going back to like what you were talking about, I always butcher this, but it's mindset, connection, and what else? Mind and health. And health, because I know we always talk about round tables and I think it would be great to do a round table about parenting and divorce. And I'm sure that some people can share some lesson learns, either their own parents, from that perspective, or somebody going through it yourself. I'm getting ready to teach mental health. Again, behavioral health for nursing students in a couple of weeks. And I've been trying to find a good video on depression and suicide that will resonate with my students and add a different perspective for them. And one of the individuals who is in this film that I'm trying to get my students to watch, he was talking about when he was dealing with abuse as a child, he would always write down with different things that happened in his life. Remember how this made you feel. Remember how this made you feel. Remember how this made you feel. And he wanted to do that for the perspective because he knew that he was going to be a father one day and he wanted to remember these moments so that he could protect, guide, push his future kids in a certain direction and remember that moment. So I thought that was like super powerful. And again, that just goes back to like, I think we, because I know that we really want to do a parent, dad round table on like single dads, we want to do one on divorce. And I'm sure there's a couple of other things that we could think of. Dylan shared right here, a diverse child right here. So I'm sure that you have like some nuggets in knowledge and wisdom and pieces of advice that you could share for some of these people. Yeah, even if we, I mean, we just have to start doing it, right? I was talking with Robbie this morning about Robbie was so clear. He's like, well, if I'm not a planner, I'm just a doer. And so I think sometimes like, you know, it's like, let's just do it. Let's leave that spot open and be like, hey, you know what? Two 30 Wednesdays, let's get, you know, if anyone's a divorced parent or has any, you know, a divorce is a trial, let us know. There would be a cool discussion just to bring people up. One thing, this might sound so juvenile right now, but whenever we're talking about feelings, because I really see what's going on, and then let's make sure we get to the meditation with the last seven minutes we have. I always bring this book up in my mind, okay? And I love talking about it, but this is a book. I know what we're talking about, like divorce and older kids and whatever else, but I've always loved this book. And I think because it's the message that I end up seeing, because it really is a good reminder that, you know, we can do as much as we really want to, you know, help someone through what's going on and like, give them solutions. But sometimes when you get through this book, you'll kind of, I would recommend like, this is a book I would buy for almost any kid, because I just love it that much. But the rabbit listens, it really just the message at the end of like, just being there for someone and letting them unpack their own feelings and making sure they just feel supported. It really is this and I love it. So like even, you know, when I was, David, when you were kind of talking, I was thinking like how special it would be, just to make sure that like, your friends, girls, as they unpack their feelings, like we can't do so much until they're ready and vulnerable to share their feelings. And so I always love this. I always just come back to this message. Oh, this is just so special. But that's what I wanted to say. All right, let's make sure we get to the meditation, anything. I didn't really connect with this meditation so much today to be completely honest with you, just because I feel like anyone that is showing up right here. I don't know that we're above this challenge. Thoughts today, please? Thoughts today on this meditation? So my daughter is going from like, not like being a great reader to being like an avid reader. Like she's mowing down like three books a week and I found out she's very gamified. And I guess at school right now, they get like certain ribbons under their name on this like bulletin board for every book they read or something like that. I don't know. But she wants, she's like her mom or she like on a scale of like zero to 10 on how competitive and I am. I'm probably like a six or seven. Whereas my wife said an 11. And I think that my daughter is inheriting that, which is great. And competitiveness, I think is really important. So she's just like mowing through these books. But then my son is getting more interested in reading and he can hear me. Okay. You know, just having my car turned off. I'm not driving. I'm just parked. And so my son studying agent Egypt in school right now, so he keeps talking about he's really into gems. Like if I had a guess right now, I think he might be a geologist or gemologist. I don't know, or maybe just play dungeon and dragon. Who knows. But so he's really into like gems and he loves agent Egypt because it has like treasures and pyramids and all this stuff. But he keeps calling it like, I can't even say it off the recording. He calls it ancient echipt. Or like he instead of a G, he's like adding like a C or a K in there. But it's just like so funny. And I think like Ryan Holliday is like, don't make fun of them. Like what I got from his like guide them in the right direction. But like, you know, I think that like reading a lot, reading aloud and mispronouncing things like don't make fun of people about it. Like encourage them like, yeah, be bold, be a bold bet and puff your chest out. And if you mispronounce it, that's fine. Just learning to move on. So that's what I took from today's meditation. Yeah, and it bleases talking directly to it right now. And if you didn't know, September 23rd in the daily dad, Ryan Holliday's entitled never make fun of them for this. And it's talking here, I think he highlights Harry Truman. Harry Truman was not able to pronounce certain words when he was younger. And then I think someone in his house made fun of him or something like that. Ryan Holliday ends this whole thing with the last sentence here is encourage it. And if you want to fix the problem, start by expanding your own vocabulary. So I think what he's really saying is like, why, why are you going to like, make funny your own kids if they can't pronounce something or let's, it's not just pronouncing like obviously the message here is like anything they can't do. We're not going to make fun of them. If you are here, whoever you are on the couch in whatever chat, whatever platform you're watching us on right now, if you, if you're here, you are your rate rate individual and you care about parenting. I don't think that many of you are probably out there making fun of your kid for, I love your water bottle. I've been using that water bottle the time to be. You're not out there making funny your kid. And I don't think that like I'm definitely not out there making fun of my kid. But I think what I did want to take away from this, because I'm always looking for something is more of like, where are we possibly bullying our kids? That was a message that I was trying to take away from this. And like I also read something recently, I know we're almost at time about like our kids first bully is never going to be in school. Our kids first bully is probably always going to be us. And we have to be really aware and careful about how we kind of use things. Like one thing in particular, my oldest daughter has a hard time not chewing with her mouth closed. And like I have this, I just had an issue with hearing someone chew. And so it's something like chew through your mouth closed. Like why can't you chew through your like mouth closed? And so when she's eating, I almost feel like I'm a bully in the way of like chew through your mouth closed. Like why can't you do that? And it's almost like playing on like that fine line of like be really careful with what you say or she's going to hate you when she's eating food and all these kind of things too. So I think about like how I can expand not my vocabulary here with what the message is today, but I can definitely expand my patience. I can expand my vocabulary of how I ask her to chew with her mouth closed. I can maybe understand why she's not chewing with her mouth closed all the time. But that was my takeaway. I was trying to take away something and that was it. I love that. That changed subject. I'm still learning settings on here. And so I think I just accidentally hit some people's comments. And if I did that, I'm really sorry. And I'm learning and trying to be 1% better more every day. You did good, man. You're still playing around. You can definitely play around one day and see all the new fun stuff. There is so much on StreamYard. The only thing I don't like about StreamYard is that you can't see any messages from any Instagram. You can't see messages from other platforms that you can see them obviously. Anyway, it doesn't matter. But it's been good. So thanks down wherever you are for pushing me to open up StreamYard. It's good. All right. Well, hey, we are at time right now. Always trying to give us 30 minutes so we can just inspire and move on with the day. Any last words? I'm just trying to think we might even pick on my kids a little bit. So I was trying to think like, okay, work it. I think the opposite of making fun of someone is being encouraging. So I'm thinking about where could I even encourage my kids even more? So where can you encourage your kids? Is this takeaway that I would take today? But regardless, may your mug stay filled with coffee and your heart's a gratitude. Unless you don't drink coffee, maybe drink tea. I don't know. But... Don does drink coffee. Don drinks. Whatever energy drinks he drinks he drinks this. Also, I always try to remember this and look at my notes. I like my notes. Like I have reminders. I never use them. If you guys need to get inspired to move your body a different way, please go check out Brofits. Live workout every morning. If you can't do it now, get inspired, do it later. But just take some of his energy wherever you guys are. But we love you. And Blazer already said it. Coffee, gratitude, mugs, full. Okay. Okay, guys. Good luck. Good day everybody.