
Daily Dads #119: Reading as a Powerful Investment

Daily Dads #119:

The Dads share their experiences and reflections on family life, parenting challenges, and the importance of reading. They discuss the joys and difficulties of parenting, the significance of gratitude, and how reading can be a powerful investment in personal growth and development. The conversation highlights the balance between family responsibilities and self-care, as well as the value of emotional intelligence in relationships.

Takeaways from today:

  • Family events can create lasting memories and experiences.
  • Parenting requires adaptability and understanding of children's needs.
  • Gratitude can be found in everyday moments and interactions.
  • Reading can significantly impact personal growth and development.
  • Investing in books for children can yield long-term benefits.
  • Emotional intelligence plays a crucial role in effective communication.
  • Intentional date nights can strengthen relationships.
  • Balancing personal goals with family responsibilities is essential.
  • Physical activity can be integrated into family life for health benefits.
  • Reflecting on personal experiences can lead to valuable insights.

Keywords: family, parenting, gratitude, reading, personal growth, emotional intelligence, relationships, books, investment, life lessons,Ryan Holiday, Vaynerchuck, GaryVee, VeeFriends, VeeDads, DailyDads, Daily Dads

Other Resources:

Daily Dad by Ryan Holiday:

Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday:



Join VeeDads, Blaze Hirsch, Dom Rouzaud, and Ryan Turner, every morning at 8:30 est on Twitch. We cover a daily meditation from Ryan Holiday’s, “The Daily Dad”. Our community joins live in the chat and shares their insights as well. Feel free to join us. Catch replays of the live discussion on the VeeDads podcast through Spotify or Apple Podcasts. 

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Ryan Turner

Broadcast on:
06 Oct 2024
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I don't know, I was trying to figure out these settings here and they were just messing with me a little bit. Hey, good morning, man. It's good to see you on a weekend. I wasn't sure if you were going to be here. This guy left one place that a great party yesterday for his daughter. He's just good stuff all around, you know. Nice. Yeah, my, it was a wild weekend with a homecoming high school festivities. We went to the homecoming game. It was, it was crazy having been to a high school football game like that. They do a big out here. It was, it was everything, man. When my daughter was on the cheerleading team. So she was super excited. She got to cheer for varsity game with the varsity squad, even though she's on JV. So it was just like a fun experience for the family, but it went a little bit past my bedtime. So I slept in slept in, but you're, but you're here. It's awesome. No, I mean, I slept in yesterday. And that's why I wasn't here yesterday. Oh, I see. I got you. And then how were you, were you a guy that was like big into homecoming and like the stuff when you were in high school. No, not really. Okay, got it. So it's all around just a good different environment for you. Yeah, and then she had the dance last night and I haven't seen your sense because I was out with my son at the park after his basketball practice. And she mom left to go get her ready and take her to the homecoming dance. And then they got back so late. I was already asleep. I'm sure she had fun. Is this this brings up thoughts in my mind of boys and dating and all those kind of things right now. Are you in the midst of all that? Mm hmm. Yeah. Good morning, Blaze. Good morning, guys. What's going on? What are you doing? We didn't see you, Blaze. It just mentioned your daughter's birthday party. It sounded like it went really well. Oh, yeah, we had it was good. It was three hours. We had eight or nine little girls at our house and it was just, it's just an interesting experience because the whole time I'm thinking about man. They don't have any sisters. What would life be if she had sisters? There's there's lots of high energy and I'm like, you know, I'm doing okay. I'm doing okay. Thanks, man. You are. You do a lot of the planning. I know a lot of the coordinating. I always look up to you for that. No, thanks. Well, surprisingly. Heather did, I think 80% of the planning for this party, I think. All right, so it was, it was a shift. I'm sure you guys have been in these situations where like you're used to doing like being responsible for something that someone takes it over and sometimes it's really easy to just let go of the rains and other times it's like. That's not how I would have done that, but. I think 99% of it was like, Oh, this is great. Good job. I love you. It's awesome, dude. You feel like it gave you some time and energy back. Um, I think it would have. I just said, this is the first birthday party we had at our house. So it was a lot of like, I don't want you girls going upstairs like there's like eight or nine of you like you don't need to be in the mill's room like stay downstairs and then like. Our six year old is really in a dance parties right now and dance offs. And so he really wanted to invite the whole party to his room for a dance off and I'm like. Hey bud, like you're not or not. These girls aren't going your room. So off. You can do it down here or like in the basement or outside and we can bring the speaker. And so he just he didn't understand why. And I still don't think that I can break it down and just to say that like. That's not that's not the story that I want anyone to walk away from this party from. And it's not your party. It's your sister's party. So there you go. You know what, I really look up to him now for like trying to get it happening up there. So he was definitely looking for the story to tell his friend on Monday. Oh my God, I'm gonna get kicked out of town. So, yeah, it was good. And then she got like gifts and presents and don't cry. And so, I think it was a lot. Oh, wow. Thanks for asking. That's awesome. Well, is there is there a gratitude within there? I think my gratitude is is yesterday because I'm selfish. I got my 10,000 plus steps without even like really having to do an intervention just because like from the party and parenting and walk it around the house and I was weeding in the morning. So I think that was pretty cool. Yeah. But trying to live in the moment and be happy. I also got like 11,500. So I'm like, Oh, I could have got that those 500 extra steps and got more points but it's okay. If you're doing a great job coordinating all that. Do you do you feel like the steps that you have right now? Are they? I always kind of think about like the amount of steps that I know that I can definitely get. And if it's like below that something was going on in my life. You know, the amount that like if I pushed myself to I feel like really good about and then I know that there's like that level that I'm like, okay, you know what, I was dedicated. I really made sure that I hit it usually for me. It's like 10 to 15, 20. What is what's what's that absolute number that you know that you're usually getting. Looking back, I think I was averaging over the past like six months, probably like 7,000 to 8,000 steps. And I think that, with just a little bit of intention, there's no reason I can't get to 10,000 steps every day. So that's kind of like my goal where I want to be. I feel like I've had to stop myself around like 15 if I hit 15 there's been some nights where I've been like laying in bed at like maybe 830 after putting the kids down. And then I'm like, all right, I can go outside and I can definitely get myself to 20, but I actually had to stop myself a few times and say like no you definitely hit it you don't have to do more right now so that's been like a learning thing for me because like I did it like two nights across past couple weeks and I was like that actually made me a lot more tired and it felt unnecessary. And then I was walking one time at like 1145 p.m. And I was afraid I was going to get stabbed in one area that I was walking and I was like this was completely unnecessary. Yeah. Got myself doing that. But save that energy because then I'm not going to say which weekend but in a couple weekends, there's going to be a bonus point challenge where you have to try and get like 25% more steps than your highest reported because I think that might like help even out a little bit for like someone who me but like me, who's only doing 10,000 steps on average but I still think my highest day is 15,000 so I think a lot of people still it's going to be like 20,000 steps in a day. But that'll be fun but don't forget if anyone's doing this step challenge September if you will. I like that. That's good. I almost wanted to change the name but then it bleeds into October so. Okay. But you know what that gets me I have to stop myself I'm like now I want to make a logo. I'm not going to. Oh, our age is like all right well I guess I have to get a 35 days update. Oh my gosh. Let's bounce. Oh, you know what yes, we had birthdays over the place. We have blazes daughter. We had my aunt my aunt also turned my answer in 76 I think. So you're dead over there awesome 6500 steps in the morning taking family to park and meet up with friends to have kids play park in the time. I want to play. I'm afraid I'm going to get way too into pickle ball though sometimes so but you guys playing pickle ball. I have a set of rackets and the kids like to go hit the balls around but I haven't. I haven't taken the jump myself. Got it. Don are you. No, no the girls the girls did it for summer camp one time they both they both liked it and then I think we're going to start in tennis lessons. So I'm going to start in the next week maybe or maybe last week. I don't know. But no not for me. I got Craig over here grateful for my kids and. Who's hi, hi help me today carry some things. As I wrote to the doors intended my right thumb like you can't use your thumb. Oh my gosh. One thing that separates us from animals. I'm so sorry it's happening. I'm not good for pickle ball. I was supposed to go to the pickle ball games yesterday in Central Park and I didn't. I don't know if I regret it or not but. Let's see what do you have for gratitude but that would have been interesting to see. For me this morning. It was the it was the walk this morning. I missed it yesterday like not doing it. So getting it today just like alone in the quiet 4 a.m. like nothing in my ear. I just like walked and thought it was a good time. So I'm definitely great for that. It's awesome. I am I'm seeing Robbie's gratitude right now. Just put it up great for date night with the bread. Oh my gosh. Did they want to see this amazing picture of Robbie and his bride? I mean he just. It took the just by storm just the beauty the pants on this thing that came out of the picture my goodness. I don't know if I could have measured up. I was made me jealous. What a good looking couple. Really really I got it. I got to say. And it's not it's not I just wanted to say one of the it's not just that it's just that you guys look happy. And so like Graham said like connecting all these dots and like the family that you guys are involved with. Like I imagine you've been together for a while. And there's always thinking like me and I hope my wife and I can look that happy as we continue to progress in our relationship. I love that you said that I I look up to you. I know Robbie says it. My brother says it a lot too. About going on dates and I think being more intentional. I think that Lauren and I are really being that intentional about like going on dates. And I think that we could definitely think about doing that more often just because I see you guys doing it and then Robbie so happy then. Blaze is so happy too. So I need I need to get there. Oh, wait. And then Dom Dom Dom Dom does Dom does Jim dates. Right. You guys make that intention. Yeah, we've been trying this weekend week. I think we miss it because we were both. But yeah, I'm going to have to get it in. I was going to say because my wife and I didn't date for like three or four years just because all of the stuff we had going on. And so the first couple that you go on, you're like, what do we even talk about? We should just sit here and silence because there's no kids here. And then I almost felt like it took a couple of warm updates to like get into like, Oh, yeah, I forgot like I'm interested in some of the things that you're interested in. And like just so I highly encourage it. And, but I mean, it takes a lot of planning too. And kids don't want to babysit these days. So you have to do some like work around. And I love that you said that because I think that's where there is a little bit of a vulnerability there about sitting there and needing to reengage or understand each other at a different level. And because you both involved and was like out of who you were previously. And then I know sometimes the comfort and like looking to take care of the kids in the moment like it is there. So, I'm going to, I'm going to take that and run with it. I'll write out the gratitude. We have, we're having a guest today guest of the bison type. He is joining us here in Brooklyn. I think he's going to head over to the fives pickle ball tournament over in Central Park. So he, I believe, link it around eight o'clock so he's going to head over Brooklyn a little bit and then he's with us for the night so grateful to have a friend who's stopping in. Oh, I love that. Just just him. Yeah, just him. I think he, I think he found like a really cheap flight to get down here and flew into New York, and then in our, in our eight, eight hundred foot square, or eight hundred square and then he'll be able to up in the couch and join us. And then we're also having other guests what next month of the, of the, of the sea creature type. Urchin still on the top. That you guys don't know that's me. And yeah, I'm still trying to figure out. One hundred percent coming. I don't know. I'm back and forth. If I want to spend the money and go to Comic Con. I don't know if I just want to come Thursday and Friday. I don't know if I want to come Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, I was going to bring a kid and I'm not going to bring a kid. Because Heather is leaving the weekend before so I'm like, this can be my weekend. But if I encourage myself, I don't know if I want to stay at Ryan's has the whole time because then I don't want to be, you're going to be mad at me. I don't want to be a burden. But, so that's all the things that we have to be at our Minnesota. Thank you. All right, cool. Well, guys, let's transition to buddy Ryan. How I love it. Do you guys read, like I said, I listened. I don't know where my book is. I lost it. If anybody knows it, but I had it on auto. But I just, I wonder if I left on vacation or at the airport, maybe. I just, I just hope if I did lose it, somebody picked it up and they're following along. But I love today because it's all about look as books as investments. And like, my daughter's always talking about her crush and like, I don't think I'm going to buy a third grader like a book on how to win over her crush, but I thought that gave me a little cackle this morning to like think about. Think about that. What would you take away from today? I love today's just trying to, you know, I was, I was trying. Like I said, I barely read it before I jumped in here. So still kind of gathering my thoughts. And I was like, you know, I like, like, I got to figure out how to. What's that? Sorry, my headphones are started yelling at me. Yeah. Somebody said we're frozen. Can you guys, are we frozen? Can you guys see us or hear us? Yeah, that's what that's what distracted me. I got booted out on my laptop and I was trying to figure out what was going on. Also, I see what's going on right now. It looks like Craig is, I saw this earlier. I didn't really know what he meant by it, but he mentioned the advertisement. So, I'm now assuming that if people are going to be jumping in. And we set things to actually accept subscriptions. I'm assuming that now what's going to happen is people are going to get advertisements and maybe that's part of the reason. Goodness. Okay. I see what's happened. We might be able to turn it off. I'll try and play around the settings. Okay. Got it. Thanks for letting us know, guys. That's really appreciate that. All right. So the, the meditation today, if you guys didn't know, except 20 seconds show them, they'll get out of this and we did a good job of kind of mentioning that it is going to be a investment, I think, and reading and all that kind of stuff too. I really attached with today's reading for sure because of stuttering. If no one knows. Fun fact about me is that I started pretty heavily growing up. I had a really hard time. Yeah, I had a hard time reading in front of groups and getting up in front of people and it was stuttering as a kid. And no one knows the mental burden that it has that it sits inside of your head. And you think about it more than you actually will spend time talking words, starting a sentence, getting the first syllable out. What someone's going to think of you, not about what you said, it really takes. It's a burden. It's it takes a toll, I think mentally and especially in a young kid's mind where you're still trying to figure out yourself. It does become part of your identity. And the reading today is talking all about how Joe Biden. He also stutters and he still stutters to this day and there are some things that I see people say about Joe Biden when he's up speaking that I am aware of and he's spoken to this, but I'm aware of why he's saying it the way he's saying it. All things political aside all things him having dementia or medicine. The way that I see him speaking, I can see some of the strategies that he takes to make sure that he's speaking without his speech impediment. I think people look at it in a way, in a different way than I would expect and it's, it almost, it's, it's kind of sad to see, but I think people who have not stuttered or knew someone who stuttered that was very close with them. It's really hard so, but it's not really about the stuttering. It's more of the fact that Joe Biden had mentioned and whoever it was like it doesn't have to be Joe Biden, but the fact that Joe Biden attached to a certain reading a book about someone and that person in particular, I don't even know who this was, but it was an order sounds Greek or Roman whatever it was about how this person overcame the stutter and then Joe Biden again couldn't be him or anyone else but really attached to that story through the reading and the reading and watching someone overcome it and then seeing yourself overcome it and then that leading to I think what it says here is like your crush now liking you better because of that or whatever else is going on, the return on investment of getting your kids to read a book that is going to now affect them I think it's that long down the like it's huge like for me, I always, I always love reading about like Theodore Roosevelt because I've always felt that Theodore Roosevelt I thought, you know, many things that I think that we can kind of point out that could be an issue with him and the way that he like, you know his policies and whatever else, but he was always someone that I felt was trying to escape because he, I know he grew up like I walked past his childhood home a bunch here in the city, but I've always known that he was trying to escape to go out west for whatever reason sometimes like I feel that way I'm like I want to escape the city I want to get out in nature I want to get lost in the woods and I've always been like okay got it like somebody can be here in an urban setting in New York City but then also have a life and I go chase dreams and go chase like you know these desires out in wilderness and then come back here and be successful in both so I thought that that was I just really like that takeaway about like get someone reading that return investment like now I'm like yeah now okay now I will definitely pick up another biography of somebody like I would pick up a biography of like Elon Musk I've heard that's been like a really thing like people to read so I like today's reading I thought it was good I'm trying to think like what are things that I what what's the last time this like triggered me to like I want to buy a book to be better and honestly I probably play online poker like a couple times a year and I just played with the tweaks the other day and every time I play I'm like man I need to read a book on like playing poker I think that I'd be like really good have you guys ever played poker in a casino before dude I totally think you would be good I'm horrible at poker I also don't have desire to play I think you would be amazing at poker my problem is is like I'm good for like 20 or 30 minutes and then after that I'm like you know what I don't want to play any more cash out and then you just like go big or go home so I think I'd have to like work on that piece of the game but I just I love like this the math that's involved in the theory and the chance and all that stuff I'm always impressed with you please I feel like you keep your no pun intended I think you keep your cards close to your chest most of the time and then like you'll kind of drop something because I'm always impressed you know who said this one time and it's it's always around there was there was some sort of conversation going on and you know you know who said this and I was like alright there's sometimes I'm going to listen to him and other times I don't know whether I should listen to him or not but scuba like in in like the moment he was like alright the best thing you can do and at this time is think about who's acting emotionally and then who is acting you know more more objectively and I thought that it was a really good point I was trying to make like in that moment then it hit home and then the past couple months I've been like okay got it where is my emotion and then where where can we stay objective but I feel like you blaze you do a good job of balancing both of those and that's why I think you'd be so good a poker I've managed like thousands of nurses and early on in my career I read the emotional intelligence 2.0 book and so like I forget what it's called but I think it's called like a something in the brain it's like a I'm not saying the right word but it's when like you say something to piss me off and then I'm going to feed in that emotion so I've really tried to train myself to notice when I start to go to that place and there's two things I do in those situations one I'll lean on something and try and feed that negative energy into that item or wall or whatever and then take a deep breath and then listen to that person or I'll just walk away and say you know what I'm not ready for this conversation right now we're going to have to talk later but thank you. Maybe that's what it is maybe it's that I feel that you have really great emotional intelligence I do and then Dom is just a stoic over there all the time sitting in the dark with his hood up. I always think he's just waiting to drop some knowledge on all of us. Now I got distracted because a little rat just walked along on the side of my house. Don't call your kids out. It's Mickey right? There's a house in our house I need to find him. How do you know? Droppings. Oh god and then is it the mouse like eating anything? I don't think I never know if they're like just visiting or if they live in the house because I've caught mice in our old house and I have good mouse traps but I haven't caught any here so I did find a bat the other day though. But there's a mouse somewhere and sometimes I'm grateful I don't have a house, other times I'm sad I don't have a house but living in an apartment like I guess I'll take it. I don't have less rats and bats I guess. Can I play? Can I do something fun for a second? I don't know if it's fun but I always look at the tools that StreamYard has over here and I'm always wondering how we can use them. Do you hear that? Not stupid. I didn't like that. Oh because you're on the desktop right now right? Yeah I'm trying. I upgraded my RAM on this computer over here and I think it's like slowly becoming better. I was expecting like once I did that that it would like just be good. It wasn't so I'm trying to figure it out. Who's playing with that? Who's that? That's me. Do you guys like block, bubble, classic or minimal? I kind of like the bubble. Does it change this? Oh it does change that a little bit. Okay I like that. That looks so much more fun and inviting. Nice. Please you're learning as we go. Oh this is awesome. Okay this is good. This is good. Yeah. All right 858. Any final thoughts on investing in books to do stuff. I am selling my mission to finish three books by the end of the month. I will keep doing the best that I can. Yeah I'm going to go chat with my kids and see if there's anything they want to learn about and go find a book for them. I like that. I like that. My son just got a Pokemon book because he wants to catch them all with that count. I'm using the pedal book he sent me as a book I read this book. I think so. All right. Let's leave it there guys. Sounds good. See you guys later.