
Daily Dads #117: Power of Curiosity in Child Development

Daily Dads #117:

Today, Ryan and Dom explore themes of gratitude, curiosity in parenting, and the importance of health and nutrition. They share personal stories about reconnecting with family, the significance of nurturing relationships, and the impact of curiosity on children's development. The discussion also touches on the role of nutrition in healthcare settings and the need for a more hospitable approach to food service. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of mindfulness, personal growth, and community support.

Takeaways from today:

  • Gratitude can lead to reconnection with loved ones.
  • Curiosity in children should be nurtured and encouraged.
  • Daily rituals can enhance mindfulness and well-being.
  • Nutrition plays a crucial role in health, especially in hospitals.
  • Relationships evolve and require effort to maintain.
  • Walking and physical activity can change perspectives on life.
  • Creative mediums like tracing can boost confidence in children.
  • Community support is vital for personal growth and motivation.
  • Embracing curiosity can lead to deeper understanding in parenting.
  • Health and nutrition should be prioritized in all settings.


morning rituals, gratitude, parenting, curiosity, health, nutrition, relationships, personal growth, mindfulness, community, Ryan Holiday, Vaynerchuck, GaryVee, VeeFriends, VeeDads, DailyDads, Daily Dads

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Daily Dad by Ryan Holiday:

Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday:



Join VeeDads, Blaze Hirsch, Dom Rouzaud, and Ryan Turner, every morning at 8:30 est on Twitch. We cover a daily meditation from Ryan Holiday’s, “The Daily Dad”. Our community joins live in the chat and shares their insights as well. Feel free to join us. Catch replays of the live discussion on the VeeDads podcast through Spotify or Apple Podcasts. 

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Ryan Turner

Broadcast on:
06 Oct 2024
Audio Format:

It's happened. It was happening. Mr. Dom. Morning, buddy. Good morning. We're here. We're making it. It's Friday. We're making it happen. Did you walk early or did you walk late? Where are you going? What are you doing? Yeah, I just finished three miles this morning. A little quick one. Everybody. Dom is an idol. I'm a feeder starting to hurt. My feet are starting to hurt, man. Oh, you know what? My feet with my shoes are starting to hurt for a sec. But then I knew I was a man and I stopped complaining. I was kidding. I gave myself a little massage there. I worked out, but no, it's a I wear. Did you get any shoes? Yeah. You did. We probably wasn't the goodness idea to put them on for the first time and then do three miles. But, you know, we learned, we learned even at 40. Yes, some people would say that wasn't the best idea, but you got out there. Regardless, I'm a big fan of the Vivo barefoots. And they are they're like, we're all hopping in so efficiently. Oh, this is great. That's not funny. It all worked. It all happened. We learned something new every single day. You did it, Billy. Can you guys hear me? Yeah. Perfect. Can you hear you? Perfect. That's great. All right. Um, what's going on guys? Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Want to start some gratitude? Let's do it. Yeah, buddy. I got mine right here, locked and loaded. Start us off, Tom. So first off, I'm grateful for my my cousin. She she and I got into a little thing back in April or May. And we haven't spoken since and she was like one of my best friends. And she took the first step and called me yesterday. And we had a good first conversation back at it. So that was a that was a special moment yesterday morning. That's awesome. Also also stoked for new shoes. Thank you, Robbie, Reco, and I'm coming out of this sickness. The this morning was the best I've felt so far. So I'm coming out of it to Rama. Your does a lot of your family live really close? No, none of them. They all live in Arizona. Oh, got it. Well, it's not that far away. That's like the difference between I feel like Pennsylvania, New Jersey, or Pennsylvania, New York for us. Right? Right? Yeah. My is my geography wildly off. Six hours. Oh, yeah, it's not bad. It's pretty close. That's great, man. How did how did your cousin break into the conversation? I mean, we knew it was coming. So it was just part of a like we need to talk this out or we just never going to talk again. I think she was getting, she told me she was getting to that point where she was starting to, you know, reassess her relationships with people and her time. And, you know, whether or not she was going to write people off, you know, forever or like try to reestablish. So I think I fell in the reestablished category. So pretty thankful for that. That's awesome. Do you think she was the right person to start the conversation again? Or is it something that you were trying to or planning to do yourself? Yeah, I was planning on it. In fact, I had a thought about it that very morning. So it was like kind of like a, you know, random thing that she called. Like that we were kind of like thinking of each other in the same grain around the same time. So that's why I picked up the call. So I was like, oh my God, what a coincidence. But yeah, it's something I've been thinking about for a while. Just, you know, life gets in the way, man. And like we both said, like it, you know, the months go by faster than we think they do when you're, you know, she's got a family and kids and husband and all that stuff. So new schools, all that stuff. So it just gets busy, man. Definitely does. Well, nice man. Congratulations on that. I feel like it's so nice to hear people kind of like dropping. You have either a grudge or kind of getting reconnected in that way. That's great. I'm sure it feels good for you. Yeah, for sure. Lazy, what's going on, gratitude? I have gratitude. I just want to say like it's such an interesting concept that I'm thinking about it now. Like we're always blossoming in this different direction based on water and sun. Obviously, I went to yoga today. And I'm just going to talk about the relationships that I have and what are some that I want to feed more into and what are some that like, you know, might be on the fringe or the cusp or even like the root of something that's not not vibing with me and what to do with that. So what a great gratitude from Dom to get my brain taken this morning. So I really appreciate your that gratitude for today. I'm just thankful. I think this is the best for this steps challenge because I love looking at life through a different lens or a different perspective. And now that I'm focused on getting 10,000 plus steps a day, it had me. It just has me thinking in all these different ways. Like I'm going to walk to get coffee. I'm going to walk to the mailbox. I'm going to walk. I'm not going to bring all the garbage cans back at once. I'm going to be one at a time. And the funny story this morning was I had to charge my watch and I wasn't carrying my phone. I didn't add my watch. So I'm like, what's the point of walking right now? If I'm not tracking it. So that was my kind of gratitude and just kind of like funny perspective. I had this. Yeah, I feel like those werewolves always get me. I used to have that thought all the time when I would wear a Fitbit and then it was the only Fitbit I had. It was the only Fitbit I ever wore. And it made me, it made me nervous that I was, I would think that way. And I always got worried that I wouldn't be doing what I need to. And I stopped wearing werewolves for that reason. Do you think, do you think that? Well, what did you do when you realized did you not walk or did you continue what happened? I decided that wasn't going to let that cripple my morning because I could have just stood there and watched my watch charge. But like I had this shower and I had some wardrobe issues this morning and trying to find like the kids, some diapers and stuff like that. So good man. But I think that it's that it makes you feel good. Doesn't it doesn't make you feel good to go and actually like walk even though you don't have the steps counter or no. Do you not feel that? Um, I don't think I was like leaning like one way towards the other. I just thought it, I thought it was a funny thought that like, that like even like came across my mind. Yeah, yeah, for sure. Hey, so did you, so you did go on the walk. You know that if you're in Apple, in the health app, you can just add something. Like you can manually add data. Oh, now everyone's going to cheat. Thanks a lot, Tom. I mean, honor system people come on like, I gave you guys those two points yesterday. So let's do the honor system. Nathan. Nathan was our first sub. Hey, you know what's hard? I don't think that if I'm in stream yard, I'm able to see any of that stuff. So Nathan, I see you. I see you. Thank you so much. If you don't know, um, through stream art over here, which is how a lot of us can communicate, you can actually hop on to X and communicate. We can all see you too. Good morning, Brofitt. We did activate subs, which is something that can definitely support us, make sure that we are continuing to show up every morning and bring on more content. And so we'd love for you guys. If you are feeling it to really join us and come along for the ride, as we are getting into morning 115, that's pretty exciting 115. That's good. So congratulations to all of us. Really? Um, I am able to, I'm, I'm slowly working my way back up, just as we're building out, uh, you know, daily dads and v-death and stuff like that. I'm grateful right now. My, um, my sister-in-law and my wife coordinated getting a, um, a, uh, a desktop, um, Mac. So I can now do things I need to. I just realized though that I needed to, uh, take her. I told her, I was like, you know, I'm, thank you for this. I'm going to, I'm just going to reset all this to factory settings, just so you know. And she was like, yeah, it's really cool. Then I realized that there's like no memory or RAM on this. And that's not something I ever knew kind of had a handle. So I actually had to order some more RAM. So I'm going to, I'm going through the process of learning how to get into a computer and add RAM. I think for apples, it's really easy. So we'll see. But anyway, if this computer breaks down, it's completely my fault. That's what's going to happen. Bye. Uh, all right. Well guys, how are we feeling about the reading today? They brought, um, the, uh, meditation. Blaze is already in meditation. I love it. I, I try to be a curious, remain curious. And so when my kids are curious, I think I always have to dial back a little bit. Cause I'm like, oh, you like Pokemon? We got to get the cards. We got to get a shirt. We got to, we got to learn about all of them. There's, uh, for a thousand Pokemon. I got to learn about all of them really looking for those, my kids aren't curious. Like my son was like really in the space and then he was really in the dinosaurs. And I'm always thinking like, we got to go to the library and get a book, which I think is good things. Um, but always thinking about when they have that entry. It's so easy to squash it like a bug and be like, no, we have to go to the cross. No, it's time to go to school. No, we have to do this. And so really trying to take that deep breath and lean into that curiosity when they. You're always a great dad with that. I feel like you always, you always are really curious. So he's asked great questions. So are you at with, um, with, I don't know, dumb. Can you, can you go? Let me know about how everything was. I feel like I'm clicking around right now. No, I left you hanging there on accident. That was my bad. I'll do the same thing. Um, yeah. I mean, this is the whole month is this, right? Like diving into your kid's curiosity. Like investing in them, um, you know, I was on the DJ Kaufman stream for a minute there on my walk. And I just asked him, I'm like, hey, my daughter's, you know, back into drawing. Like, is there someone that you recommend that she look at on YouTube or, you know, whatever. I didn't mean to insult him in any way. Like saying, like, I wouldn't have her look into him, but, uh, yeah, someone. Who was it, John, Jonathan Ashbrook recommended an Irish comic. Drawer. So I screenshot of that. I'll look him up. But, you know, she did, uh, she's been doing this thing. It's really cool. Like on, there's like an app on her phone that shows her the trace outline of an image. And then it looks through her camera and she can see her hand and she can kind of like projects it. Does that make sense? Like, and she can trace it even though there's nothing on there. Oh, that's really weird. I'm going to try to get her to do it and do a little video so I can show you guys. But it's really good at it. And I'm just hoping that gives her more, uh, confidence in her drawing. That's awesome. Time into that. Show her Blaze comic original. If you find the name of the app, let me know. I'd love to play with it with my daughter. Yeah, I'll ask her about it. I think tracing is one of the incredibly under utilized creative mediums, maybe. Uh, I know for me, uh, did you guys grow up with like tracing books? Like there were books that you could end up getting and it would be a big book and it would be different fonts. And then there would be like something for science or something. So you would be able to kind of trace it and create your own thing. But you would, you would, if you wanted to create a sentence or a bolded, you know, title on top of a handwritten, you know, creative kind of thing, uh, you could go to the page and it would have, you know, all of the letters in that font. But then you'd have to kind of move your page and you would trace over it. It was my favorite thing to do. I would, I remember I would create, um, you know, a lot of science projects like with that. And it was the one thing that gave me the most confidence in terms of like then moving on to like drawing myself. Now my brother, Jason, is an artist really, um, but it was definitely something that I really appreciated and I really, I always, I always loved doing that because it was like, I can, I can be creative even if I don't have like the steady hand or, you know, even the thoughts like, okay, the book can give me a little bit of a bump in creativity. But I always love tracing, tracing is one of my favorite things to do as a kid. I, I'm trying to picture what you're talking about. What I'm thinking about is there's these tracing color books that had like, tracing paper in between business and kind of like that or, or, or was yours books more like? They were, um, I'm trying to see if I can find one right now. So I want to show you, but they were the best. They were like these. There, hold on, stay right there. Because I think that it's, because we're talking about curiosity right now and I think that it could be a way to help kids even like with their handwriting and all that kind of stuff too. Um, but if I, let's see if we can do this here. We do, it's not going to work is it? Let's do this. Can you guys see that? You guys can see that, right? Yeah. So like, these are the kind of things that I would end up using. I love using these. These were like one of my favorite things. So like, this kind of stuff right here, like it wasn't a calligraphy that I was always using. I don't even know if this is my biggest here. Um, but we would, I would like use these books and then like you could, you could find different fonts and then you would trace it. And then there were like, there'd be pictures and stuff like that too. I just, I always, I always love these things. They were the best because it could teach you like, you know, graffiti or it would teach you different fonts that you could kind of write. But I always love these. I mean, there's like the simple stuff like kids, I guess young kids using these. But like, you could buy a book of like these fonts and then you can make your own like hand-drawn type of projects. I always thought that was the coolest thing. I love that. So anyway, if you guys ever think of using it, it's there. Um, yeah, I think the curiosity thing. I've been, I've been definitely trying to kind of lean into curiosity, into curiosity so much more. And I think with my kids, I have to be more open because I know that both of my kids are going to be so different. And my oldest is someone who is extremely, um, you know, like it's like friends drives her world. And so I have to stay as curious as I can because it's not exactly like the thing that I want to do like seek out friends to go let them guide me. And she likes that. I almost had like a negative thinking. I'm like, no, you guide yourself. Know what you want. You do your own thing. But it's how she just really shows up to the world. And so when I think about her and her development, I have to be more open in terms of like, okay, her friends will be a lot more part of what her identity is. Then I would maybe, um, expect to maybe want her to be in some kind of cases. But that's what I was taking away from the idea of just, um, anything in pure and curiosity. Does that make sense? Yeah. I mean, I think so. I don't think there's anything wrong with, uh, being someone's number two though. Or someone's number three or, you know, like, I like to think of you as the, as the leader here. But, but I know you would say that, uh, you feel that I'm an important role here too. And I, uh, I'm your support, man. So sometimes taking the leadership roles, uh, sometimes a tough one. Uh, speaking of, um, speaking of leadership, uh, we know Belize is running the step challenge like it's champion right now. Do you guys come on? This is it. I need to know. What are we doing with the logo? What are we doing with the character? Who, who, who's going to represent team green? You know, it's funny is like we had a whole conversation back and forth about this in our, in our team green chat, like the couple of first days. Um, but then we just decided that our steps would just destroy you guys. Oh, wow. Oh man, we've just played around. Hey, Robby was very, Robby would say, come on guys, leave with love. Come on. Yeah, exactly. That's what we decided to do. Right after, right after, right after you, uh, what was it? You, you framed me in Blaze for hitting someone with a car. Who got hit with the car? Was it bro-fit? No, it was Ron. Ron. Oh yeah. Ron Jordan. A little image of me and Blaze in the car. Yeah. Anyone doesn't know. So first of all, the step challenge part of my daily dads, uh, um, has been really fun. Ron, Ron hopped in one day in the city. I hit by a car, uh, going across a, uh, a crosswalk and, um, I, I took it upon myself to blame both Blaze and down for it. And so I sent them an image of them hitting Ron Jordan for car. Cause that's, that's just how it is. Um, just bring it to the, back to the chat for a second. Um, David was asking in favor of walking shoes. I don't have a favorite walking shoe. So now I feel like I need to get a walking shoe. If I want, um, to continue walking and not like kill my feet. Um, we were talking about intelligent curiosity, which I need to look into. Um, good morning, bro-fit. David, check your XDMs. Cause I added you to the steps chat on, uh, Twitter X. Um, if you want to jump in there. If anyone has prime, you get a free sub. So you get one free sub a month. Oh, you get a free sub a month on Twitch through Amazon. How cool is that? Um, and that's all I got. So nice. It's got yours, man. I want to throw a bro-fit back up here. Bro-fit, uh, down in Arizona. Good morning, morning. Morning and I'm hanging out this morning. Cause I'm in a great mental health space at the moment. So I'm going to get back to that, but want to stop until you guys. So I love the idea. I know that, you know, we're here every morning and I was, I was always thinking about this, like, what is that feeling? Like, what are we doing for everyone? What are we doing for ourselves? But I feel like, you know, social media is a huge message and just kind of like, I hate someone's world, but it's never easy to always do it that way. And I love that it's just these like smaller conversations. So bro-fit even, you know, just popping in and saying that. And, you know, maybe even listening to us on the other side of it, I think is so great. So thanks, bro-fit for saying that. Thanks for coming back in. Please, are you wearing sketches? No, I have my V-friend's re-box on today. I don't even own a pair of sketches, but I did have a really cool pair of like, sketch, like, I couldn't get Doc Martens growing up. So I ended up getting these like, fake Doc Martens. It looked like they were sketches, but they were like boots. I think that's the only sketches I ever had, but my daughter were sketches. I feel like sketches has re-marketed over the past couple of years. And I think they're a lot more popular than they used to be. I even think there's a sketch or basketball shoe now. I need to check to see who it's through, but those are my winding thoughts. I don't think I'm going to buy sketches, but if Nathan thinks I'm a sketches guy, maybe I need to lean into that a little bit. I'm going to give my two cents and put it in the couch right now. I don't know if you can click that. I don't know if you can click that right there. But Vivo Barefoot is my favorite shoe whatsoever. I've always liked a barefoot shoe. And Vivo Barefoot has been like the one that I've totally just given myself to, whether it's hiking boots or walking shoes. I love them. So it's good for the gym, good for everything. I'll have to check them out. I broke my arch running a half marathon 10 years ago. And so I have to be really cautious. I need good arch support. This is a just, I would always love to have this talk. Because I always hear that there's the arch support. I mean, you broke your arch. I guess that's different. But I always hear that using walking shoes that give too much support is like putting a cast around your foot. Now, I don't want to sell anyone on this idea. It's just what I've always, this is like more of like an influencer-based kind of thing. But I've always heard that like using a shoe is more of a way to weaken your foot. So using a shoe that is less structured and less padded can help the muscles in your calf and the muscles in your foot actually become a little bit stronger. And then it really helps everything out. So that's what I've always heard. I'm curious if Robbie ever heard that. See, I know he's just in the walking world a ton. But that was always my thought. But it broke my arch. My good, that hurt. So when I ran the half marathon, I was training in Nike Pegasus, where I really liked. But then I got some of those V-Brum like no heel drop, almost barefoot shoes. It wasn't the toes, but they're still like considered barefoot running. And I didn't train in them enough. I did like two runs with them and then did the half marathon in them. And I remember the last like two miles, like I got like my feet were like dead. I wanted to coat my left foot off. And ever since then, I've had really bad like plantar fasciitis. And so I constantly need to be reminded myself I need to stretch. The thing that saved me from that though was A, Dr. Scholl's foot inserts, and then B squatting. I don't know if it's true or not, but I just feel like. And I need to get back into it. But having all that weight on my shoulders, I felt really stretched my foot out and brought me like a better place with my feet health. Nice. To show us, I think our buddy Josh is starting a squat tuber. So maybe it's a time to get your feet a little bit stronger if that's going to work. I don't really know that whole dynamic though in terms of strengthening feet. I feel like it's something I wouldn't want to cross into and say something wrong. But I see David is starting to dry some of these barefoot shoes too. I guess David's usually barefoot regardless in warmer weather anyway. I got to be honest, I will, this last time I'll say the bibbo barefoots. I love bibbo barefoots. They've been the most comfortable shoes ever found. So that's why. Craig's feeding into the no exercise November. That would maybe last good one, Craig. Ankles are the strongest part of my body. Not the calves, huh? Apparently our family is known for big calves. I just don't have big calves, but my brothers do. I don't know what happens to me. You're the runt of the calf family. You didn't get the calf gene? I don't know, I don't understand why, but like my younger brother has like huge calves and then Jason has huge calves. I just don't. So, hey, Dom, are you about to take a shot? Is that a ginger shot? Yeah, buddy. Super boost. Super boost. Show it, show it to us. Will we, hold on, we'll be back over here. All right, take it. Tell us how it goes. I mean, it's black pepper, dude. So I know it's going to taste like it's just going to taste like a fucking mouthful black pepper. This is it. This is this, this is you becoming superhuman right now. Isn't this like how they made Captain America? The, the super serum? That one on that one. Yeah, right. Isn't that what it is? Hey, this one didn't, this one was really good. No black pepper, actually. Oh, there we go. Heat on this one. What is it? Show it, what's the brand again? Let's take a look at it. Sold Thai, sold tea. Okay, got it. Now, the reason why I, I would be totally backing this, if it was something crappy, I just, I, you know, I had it up. I'm like playing around with this computer bunch, but I had some research up on why the ginger shots end up really helping with immunity. And it really has to do with how it affects the, your esophagus and the mucosal lining and everything. So I thought it was really interesting. I'm going to keep, I'm going to keep it up. I'm going to see if it helps me be less sick throughout, but from a nurses standpoint, do you feel, is it, do you, do you think it's smart place? Taking ginger shots? Yeah. I don't, I'm not educated enough to give like a professional thing, but what you do make me think about is how underutilized nutrition is in the hospital setting. I, I think they're good about like, I just think about like TP and lipids and how like, oh yeah, you know, you need some kind of nutrition. But then I think about like a lot of the hospital meals I've seen across the like five, six, seven, eight different hospitals that I've worked in in my life. And it's like, if they really want a nutrition to be a priority, I think that they would like focus on that a lot more. Because I've just seen some of these like horrendous hospital meals. And I get it from the same perspective, like, if you're trying to provide meals three times a day for 800, 900, 1500 people, like that can be difficult. So you have me thinking a lot about like nutrition science and maybe ginger shots should be stocked on the floor instead of. And if you think about it, a lot of floors have soda on the floor. So like you're serving people's soda, but they can't get a ginger shot. I don't know, going off tangent, but that's where you took me. Well, my brain is running. When I, when I was working clinically, I remember how, how crazy food service was. Because you have different floors and you have different health status of people, people who wouldn't even eat the food. I remember ordering a lot of boost all the time, especially for people who weren't able to eat or weren't able to chew. We just had to get their protein up. Like it's like, oh, yeah, great. It's a crazy, it's a crazy world. And I definitely get both sides of it of like the clinical side. And then wanting to make no service good, but just to end on a positive note, because I think this could kind of keep going into like a larger conversation. But I'm making sure that we can understand that overall, that there's just like an acute need in a hospital for certain things. And, you know, we're not going into a restaurant study, but there are a lot of places that a lot of hospitals and blades, I think you must know this is that a lot of hospitals are trying to follow a lot of the hospitality type of models. So, yeah, creating food service around hospitality, creating different, you know, the food items around hospitality and stuff too. So, really interesting thing. I'd love to dive into that even in the conversation one time, but I know it's that I know we're at time anyway. Yeah. So, anyway, but let's look at there. Any last thoughts, guys? Dumb, any last thoughts? No, not really. All right. My daughter just scared the crap out of me when she walked out here. But I was trying to mute myself, but accidentally muted Blaze, but all good. I was wondering why I got muted. I'm like, am I breathing heavy in the mic? No, I didn't know we could do that. Okay. I would just say stay curious and lean into your kids' curiosities. Man, please, you always have a good ending message better than I can ever think of. Well, I hosted Huddles for like years. And so it's always like, you always want like a good closing note, you know? You need it. I'm going to close. Do you just want to say, Nate, thanks so much. The sub thing is just new for us. And I think that it can definitely open up some doors for us to continue being creative and bringing on great content of people. So, thank you so much for that. And we'll keep talking about all that too. So, thanks. All right. Made your cups or your mugs. They filled with coffee and your hearts, the gratitude, everybody. See you later.