
Daily Dads #110: Let them Express Themselves - It Builds Confidence

Daily Dads #110:

Today was an engaging conversation with Blaze and Dom as they discuss their morning vibes, the ongoing step challenge, and share heartwarming parenting stories. They reflect on the importance of fostering independence in their children, the joy of family moments, and the challenges of teaching responsibility. The discussion also touches on encouraging curiosity and healthy disagreements among kids, emphasizing the need for open communication and understanding in parenting.

Takeaways from today:

  • The importance of maintaining positive vibes in daily life.
  • Engaging in physical challenges can motivate healthier habits.
  • Fostering independence in children is crucial for their development.
  • Family moments can be heartwarming and memorable.
  • Encouraging kids to express themselves builds confidence.
  • Teaching responsibility helps children understand the value of hard work.
  • Healthy disagreements can strengthen beliefs and perspectives.
  • Curiosity in children should be nurtured and encouraged.
  • Balancing parenting duties with personal time is challenging but necessary.
  • Creating a supportive environment for kids leads to better communication.

Keywords: morning vibes, step challenge, parenting, kids independence, family moments, responsibility, curiosity, healthy disagreements, Ryan Holiday, Vaynerchuck, GaryVee, VeeFriends, VeeDads, DailyDads, Daily Dads

Other Resources:

Daily Dad by Ryan Holiday:

Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday:



Join VeeDads, Blaze Hirsch, Dom Rouzaud, and Ryan Turner, every morning at 8:30 est on Twitch. We cover a daily meditation from Ryan Holiday’s, “The Daily Dad”. Our community joins live in the chat and shares their insights as well. Feel free to join us. Catch replays of the live discussion on the VeeDads podcast through Spotify or Apple Podcasts. 

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Ryan Turner

Broadcast on:
04 Oct 2024
Audio Format:

Good morning, good morning, good morning. Dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun. It is September 13th, 2024. And here I am. Blaze our end, 617. It's really good to see everybody this morning. Oh, and Dom's here. Let's let him in. (laughs) What's up, buddy? How are you? Good morning. How are you doing? Um, the vibes are really good. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. They were kind of good yesterday. Today, the vibes are down a little bit, but you just have the highs and the lows sometimes, yeah? Yeah, what happened? Just dealing with some work stuff that I'm frustrated about, but I think that's pretty common in today's world, I think. Thanks. Yeah. How about yourself? Yeah. I'm good, I'm back at home and I popped up nice and alive on my 4 a.m. alarm. And decided to go on a long walk around there. Neighborhood. I was going to get myself into like the trails back to my house. Yeah. Before this conversation, 'cause I thought it'd be cool and interesting, but it's still pitch black out there in the trails. Oh. So like, I'm on top of the mountain behind my house or like as high as the road goes before, there's like a fancy gated community up here. So I'm like right at the gate. Yeah. Like the only street post. So if I walk any further, you'll just go pitch black. So. Blair, which project? Blair. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. You guys could be with me as I creep through the woods and get attacked by coyotes. Mountain lights. That's awesome. Good for you. How many steps do you get instrumented? I don't remember what it ended at, but it was definitely over max. So it's like 16 or something like that. So. Yeah, I'm at like three and a half miles right now for this morning. Yeah, cruising. Turn it in for the first time a little bit. We do, we're doing a step challenge right now for six weeks and we have team gray and team green. Dom and I are on the awesome team, team green. Green is green. And I thought I was going to be averaging 10,000 steps today, but the past two days I got above 12,000 steps. So I think I'm going to continue to try and execute on that. And maybe even break into the 13,000, 14,000. It's the push of the push of the challenge for me. I've been wanting to step more anyways, go on longer walks. But yeah, I think the challenge is really helping me. Especially, I think Ryan came on yesterday and was like, I just did a cool six miles and worries. What a flex. Just like to start the show that way. Yeah. Power move. Your power move. But I think he's all about that. He's all about that psychological warfare in competitions. Yep. And for me, I've just been thinking about like, instead of just sitting at my desk on my breaks, like get up and move around. Like there's like our office building is like a circle. So I just walk by all the offices. I had to people do a couple laps outside and do that for three times. And I get my steps in that way. Yeah. I was trying to go to Orange Theory this morning, but because I can go when my wife's out of town and the kids can go wake up Louisa. They wake up looking for me, but I don't have as strong as drive to go when I had it's not there. So I just go to the morning and I'll still get my steps in. Nice. Yeah. Yeah. So we're in Riverside now. So can't see the chat. We're both on mobile, walking around. So sorry, those of you on the couch, if any of you with a laptop wants to brave the unknown and jump up here. Mr. Turner is busy setting up camp. So he won't be here. Yeah. Yeah, and anybody or I think a couple of people have myself on our game and wants to text me. And if anyone hasn't been assigned to a team yet, let me know. I probably need to do a team chat today or tomorrow to make sure that these are you. Yeah. I know we had like choppa join. I think we need to sign jar on the team. I think we need to make sure he's on the great team. And David is listening. David, if you're here, if you need to follow me, please are in 617 on X, then I can add you to our chat to get you on the team. And if you guys haven't, post your steps from yesterday on Thursday's post, and then I'll put a post up today, yesterday's steps as soon as I can work. Yeah. So how's your gratitude for today? My gratitude for today is I just love how cute my kids are. Like last time I put a picture on Twitter yesterday, I just put a copy of that. My son and I have been through my be friend card binder, looking for new characters. And I walked into his room and kicked him all out of the binder and was like organizing them. And he's like, I'll find them all up and check out the best one. Yeah. Do you guys watch me, Dick? I was looking for the Soak Slime, and I was going to throw that one out there, but I think I was driving while doing it. Well, no, which one? He really likes the harp. Nice. Yeah, that one's cute, man. Like, especially the V2 version of it. Oh, he's cute. A lot of them got super cute. Like, they're definitely, they definitely went that kid's route to prepare themselves for the book and the "Cocamilla" show. Although changing the characters and the "Cocamilla" show to look less cute was definitely a choice. And he loves it because we've been reading the "Cocamilla" book in the harp and the ball court. And he's like, he plays basketball. Yeah, nice. Our other big question right now is, does the harp take a brief fire? So, if Bryce never meets Gary, he really wants to ask him the harp take a brief. Yeah. I think he does. Yeah, for sure. Just 'cause he looks like a dragon, you mean? Yeah. Okay. Wasn't there one of the, I don't know. I thought I remember something doing something. We're having magical powers. This is a hard trip or maybe. What do you guys even-- Say that again? What do you guys-- What do you guys-- Uh, no real plans yet that I know of. Nice. I don't know. Okay. But my, I have a similar story about how cute my kids are. So, I was upstairs. I got home pretty late yesterday, like 7.30, 7.45. So, I was upstairs in bed with my son, like putting him to bed and reading stories and playing Roblox, which ended up just being playing Roblox. And as he was like, okay, I'm done with you. I want mom to put me to sleep now. 'Cause he's in that phase right now. Yeah. Like, my daughter's singing downstairs. And it was just cute 'cause she was just all alone. Like, the rest of us were upstairs. And she's just like, all alone singing. And she was singing the national anthem, like of all things. Like, most of the time it's like Olivia Rodrigo or some other song, but she was just belting out the national anthem downstairs. Oh, yeah. That's awesome. It's just, yeah, I don't know if it was, you know, obviously 9/11 week, lots of, you know, American pride going around the schools with remembrance and memorials and all that stuff. So, I'm sure it was, you know, that kind of stuff going on. Yep. But yeah, it was just very cute to like hear, you know, 8.30 p.m. Completely quiet house and then have that going on. So. I love that. I love it when like kids do like have that confidence. Like, you know, they like think they're alone, like that no one can hear them or like no one can see them. And then like, you catch them doing something like super adorable and cute. Yeah, love that. Awesome. Would you, do you know the reading? Do you have it memorized? Yeah, I don't know the title of it, but it's all about like teaching our kids like the power of thought or like being able to think. So. Hey, I think that I move at a pretty quick pace with my kids sometimes. So like, kind of like dictate a lot of like, right to your clothes on. All right, eat your breakfast. All right, brush your teeth. All right, let's get in the car. It's so. I don't know where it when it clicks to my daughter, probably like last year or maybe two months ago where it's like she can get her own clothes on and pick them all out and stuff like that. I just remember thinking of like, what psychological freedom that brought me to not have to like pick her clothes out for her every day. So that's awesome. And then I'm trying to do that more with my son, but like he keeps the mismatching stuff. And it's also like, who cares if you want to wear like a baby blue shirt with black pants. Oh, I think it's hilarious. Maya, sorry, go ahead, keep going. As you say, like sometimes he still puts it towards on backwards or like puts a shirt on backwards. I gotta help him out. It's like, I mean, he thinks he should address himself, but sometimes he moves so slow that I just like do it for him real quick. And I'm like, no, I just need to back off. He needs to learn that like, it's not that stuff. - Yeah, just turn him into one of those, those people that get dressed the night before. - We do that too. - Sometimes. - Yeah, I think I've always been that person. Like to get dressed the night before. Now I'm not so much, but now I realized my middle child is that way. So like she'll, especially when she showers. So she took a shower last night and she got completely dressed. And she's like, yeah, I gotta wear red, white and blue tomorrow. She's like, I'm just gonna wear the white and blue 'cause I don't have anything red. And so she was like already dressed in lane and bed in her clothes. And I'm like, all right, sweet. Like that's one note I've done. But the other thing I want to say about my middle child is that maybe thinking what you're saying is like when she started dressing herself, she was like the queen of wearing like those long socks with like characters on them. Like an owl or, but she would always match them on purpose. Like that was like her jam is to have to mismatch. And it used to make me cringe because like I'm a very like shit has to match when I'm out in public. And so, yeah, I just leaned into it. Just, you know, it's just her style. She's adorable. She's always had like a different style. Like she'll go from wearing all black, like sweatpants, hoodie, just like very like emo goth. And then the next day, she's like in a white tennis skirt and like a baby blue top. And I'm like, your closet is confusing girl, but I love it. Yeah, I love the confidence, the no fear. Yeah, I think that's like something that, you know, I hope she continues with and I try to milk, I try to stoke that as much as I can because that's like probably the opposite of like why I felt I had to match all the time or, you know, be a certain ways. Like there's a little less confidence. From the other end of the spectrum, my daughter's like really in the blue and she'll like make me go uncomfortably out of my way to like get things that are blue, like socks, shoes, different things like that. And like she'll like still do stuff like, okay, if it's yellow, if it's green, that's fine. But like she hates pink. So if I give her something pink, she's like, I don't want that that's pink blue or nothing. And I'm like, oh, okay, let me search my soul for a second. So you like, when you go to a store and they don't have anything, like are you like going to different stores or are you just saying like around your house? Like all of her drawers are just blue. I think we'll fit the door. Then like I bought her stuff before and it's too pink. And she's like, I'm not like, okay, well, I guess I have to take it back now. And then like if we're picking colors for a game, like if one of our brothers tries to pick like the blue things, she'll like get really upset about it. - Yeah, yeah, that makes sense. All right, so they're reading. Yeah, I thought it was, I thought it was interesting. Like I think they're all very interesting. And I'm trying to think of like how to adapt that lesson and that thought into my kids and just help them to understand like, and it's something I've been reading about a lot right now in the parenting books is like help them understand like the reason behind all the stuff that we're having them do or telling them they need to do. You know, like I've been telling them, maybe it's wrong, but it's just like one way that I figured out like to rationalize schoolwork and homework to them. And I'm like, look, it's kind of about learning the grind and grit because, you know, you're a kid now, you don't have all the responsibilities and weight of the world, but like eventually you will. And so that's what like showing up every day at school at a certain time and doing all this work will eventually teach you. Kind of goes a little contrary to like the somewhat of today's culture that just is, you know, work from home or work remotely and not wear pants and work anytime you want and stream for a couple hours in the middle of the day. But, you know, I don't, that's my way of trying to start rationalizing the questions of like, why do I have to go to school every day? How do I do homework every night? It's like this one day you're going to have to do dishes every night and laundry every night for your kids instead of drink beer and talk to your friend Blaze on the phone. - I've been trying to, I've cut down my alcohol and take like significantly over the past like a year. And so I probably only have like one or two glasses of wine a week or like one or two beers. But today, like I love like the fall like pumpkin beer or I'm a big, still a big, big guy. So I'm already thinking like, is today the day we splurge on something a little bit? (laughing) - Yeah, yeah, it's a good time. - That's the one thing that I tolerate with the pumpkin is a little pumpkin beer. I'm not a coffee drinker, so. - I hope I can find it. There's this like pumpkin beer that's like, I can't remember who it's from, but it has like some jalapeno hints in it and it's just like spicy pumpkin. Oh, it's so good. It's okay, it's okay. - It's very interesting, very interesting. - Chat, couch, make sure you're dropping the chat. Sorry again, we don't have the chat. - I'm sure you guys are having legendary conversations right now with each other. - Especially after that Buffalo Bills win yesterday. I know everyone here is just like losing their mind over that. But the Miami Dolphin, that's percept. But going back to like the shot, like, why do I need to know this? Like, why do I need to think this way? We're teaching dosage, Calc. Our eyes teaching like medication math yesterday. It's some nursing students. They're like, am I gonna have to do this? - Okay. - Not every day, but you need to know the functionality and you need it to pass your stay forward. So yeah, you do. - Yeah, is that like the whole, there's like calculators and charts that'll figure that all out for you guys, but like in the event of an emergency and you don't have that shit, like you should know it. Is that like, I don't like how kids are like, well, I'd always have a calculator. So why do I need to learn math? - So like most of the, like 95% of the time is done for them. But once like a lot of them want to go on to be like nurse practitioners or the nurses that make the most money are a nurse and narcissists. So those that are like putting their patients to sleep like under an anesthesiologist. And they have to do a bunch of that math to make sure that they're getting the right dosages for like putting people to sleep based on weight, a lot of the, and then if you want to work on oncology, you always have to like double check the doctor's work to make sure. So they're not doing it. You're going to have to use it. It's a tool that you should know how to use as well. So there you go. - Yeah, that makes sense. So how are you going to explain this lesson to your kids? - Um, I think just, I'm going to have like, I need these steps. - You don't have to walk because I'm walking. (laughing) - I think that just letting them think through things a little bit more, and not so much like mediating stuff, like there was a couple of weeks ago where the meditation was, Brian Holly was talking about, like we need kids to think through things so they can develop their themes and thoughts and be able to speak to uncomfortable topics. And it's like, if we don't let them through things, they'll never figure it out. Like I love disagreements, like healthy ones, because it either strengthens the stance that you already have, or it makes you crush, question your own beliefs. And I think that, especially like with politics, it's like, you're right, or I'm right, or you're wrong, or I'm wrong. And it's no like, well, I'm always thinking it from the perspective of like, what's right for you? Doesn't have to be right for me and vice versa. But like, how do you teach that like a seven, six and three-year-old? I don't know. But I think it's just, I go back to like the Legos. Like, if you wanna build something else and think through it, do that. My son's really good at it about it. He's always like, he comes up to me, he goes, "Daddy, I have a question." And I'm like, that's my favorite time of the day, 'cause I have no idea what he's gonna ask me. And then we just like launched into this like, fun conversation about where Legos come from, or why do I talk to my friends on the phone every morning? Or why is green better than gray? I don't know. - You know? - It's just that. - It is, son. - That's good. - Yeah, that's good. I mean, that's the curiosity, right? Like, that's the curious mind that you always need to be aware of and stoking that flame and leaning into it no matter how busy you are. I need to do a better job of that. I think I've already, I think I've like some part of me thinks sometimes that I've already put that flame out, or like in relation to like how my kids are with me. - Yeah. - And so that's like a lot of this stuff. That's why I'm reading it so that I could go try to do better today, because I already feel like my kids don't come to me with that kind of stuff. It's a little bummer, but it is what it is. I'll figure it out and fix it. - What you make me think of too is like, it's so much, it's really easy for me to be that person on one on one with them, but when they're all together, it's almost just like trying to keep them like focused on the task in front of them. And so from like one perspective, like life's a team sport. So maybe that's something I need to like think more about, but also still make sure that I'm carving out that like one on one time, which like, as you know too, it's just like really, really hard with all their like different activities and stuff so. - Yeah. One of the other things like, they always, they always come to you with a question like together. I guess like, it's like it seems like all three of them will wanna ask you something at the same time, after like 45 minutes of silence. - For me, it's when I get in the car and like, 'cause I'll pick the baby up from daycare, they'll pick up the two big kids. And they're all asking me something at the same time and like yelling at each other. And I'm just like, guys, I can't talk to you right now. Please just like listen to the music or play with your toy that's in your hand or whatever. Like daddy can't talk right now. And then like the older one in the middle one will get it, but then the baby will be like, daddy, I need you to talk to me right now. And I'm like, daddy needs a break. I didn't like mentally like just trying to focus on the road, getting you home safely. - Yeah, yeah, exactly. It's always the little, like the little, the one that doesn't understand as much and that's, that's part of like what I've been trying to teach my little one, 'cause I think I've let it, we've let it go on too long for him running the house. So my thing is like, I've been trying to like put him, like not put him aside, but like say, look, I need to let your sisters have the floor right now. And then once they're done, like their question is super simple and nine times out of 10, like they were talking first and he interrupted in, you know, it's like that whole like, wait, you're giving her attention? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Like I all of a sudden have a question too. - Yeah. - Oh, so yeah, there are, they're funny humans. - Well. - Well, it's tiny humans. - Man, what a good topic today. - No, I'm gonna be thinking a lot about the thing. If they think more, can I think less? Well, my phone's not-- - I don't think you have that. I don't think you have that positive power, dude. - Go Team Green, I'd be afraid everybody had the best day ever and thanks for being here. - Amen. See you guys. - All right. - There we go.