
Daily Dads #108: Fostering Curiosity in Kids

Daily Dads #108:

Today, Ryan and Dom discuss various themes surrounding gratitude, parenting, and the importance of curiosity in children's development. They share personal experiences and insights on how to foster curiosity in kids, the role of technology, and the significance of community engagement. The discussion also touches on creative solutions for parenting challenges and the value of shared experiences in family life.


  • Gratitude can stem from simple family moments.
  • Curiosity is essential for children's development.
  • Creating boredom can lead to increased curiosity.
  • Technology can both hinder and enhance curiosity.
  • Community engagement fosters creativity and support.
  • Travel planning can be a source of gratitude.
  • Curiosity can be nurtured through shared experiences.
  • Book smarts and street smarts both have value.
  • Parenting strategies can evolve with community input.
  • Creative solutions can emerge from collaborative efforts.

Keywords: gratitude, parenting, curiosity, community, creativity, family, travel, technology, food delivery, engagement, Ryan Holiday, Vaynerchuck, GaryVee, VeeFriends, VeeDads, DailyDads, Daily Dads

Other Resources:

Daily Dad by Ryan Holiday:

Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday:



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Ryan Turner

Broadcast on:
04 Oct 2024
Audio Format:

so buddy what's going on guys how is everyone good man good are you driving right now well I'm not Lauren's driving kids are doing iPads and coloring that's Dom Dom's in California yeah you want to see Dom hello nice we are headed up to Maine Lauren has planned a wonderful trip to Acadia National Park so that's where we're heading to yeah nice very nice so we got coffee we're making it work yeah sturdy okay anyway man so what's going on I was I was I was gratitude we'll see if I need you to take it on from here but I think okay is good I bought gratitude this morning let's start early on it me for me quick quick visit home with the with the with the kids last night hung out for an hour or two before bedtime them all the bed got some I think he could sleep last night man I was awake for like an hour or two I don't know what happened but couldn't get my mind just to stop erasing but yeah you know work on work on settling that mind today so how about you man well I I slept really good I think it's mainly cuz we're on team gray not team green and that's mainly why life is looking good right now so sorry man he's ready got the wrong team yeah maybe that's what it was I got picked picked for the wrong team is it is it loud in the background here no I can I can barely hear you but I might have my volume turned down so well becomes a challenge yeah little little bit of wind like you know car noise but not a big deal it's I think it's less background noise than when you're when you have a yoga studio behind you so oh maybe that's going on I really have a hard time with with the studio sometimes you just can't seem to stay in one spot that's like in at a good volume so it's teeny green will not win nath but I see you there well we'll bring away can you do it on my phone I'm trying to figure out exactly how all these features work yeah gratitude for me gratitude I think it's just the Lauren does a great job of planning all things travel sometimes and I don't do as well sometimes with the transition of getting out and packing so her patients with me is very helpful sometime so that's what I'll say it's good do you have any gratitude what's your gratitude grateful for being a woman after the debate I feel like all right Lawrence Lauren's getting political so just the temperament of women versus some I feel like okay I'll give you the voice okay okay all right she's grateful for the temperament of women is what she has mentioned I think coming off of the debate the debate last night what was interesting while I was packing last night I was listening to the debate yeah I mean the temper the temperament and the strength and the strategic planning of of women is probably the only reason why families survive I know it's the only reason why my family survives so I get on board with that Lauren loves you right now more than loves me so yeah it was um I I agree with them I agree with them and if you want to be in the challenge and you can definitely come in Craig Downer Australia says hi Lauren we got other gratitude over here Lauren Lauren Lauren won to let the let the Australians know she said Cheerio then she just realized that's not it so she'll say good day if that's that's even said but we got granted in the chat right now with Robbie Robbie grateful for time with my bride this morning oh it's awesome you guys definitely get out I think pretty great oh my gosh Robbie you're puppy you're so cute by the way Robbie Robbie down in Texas is a puppy we got Nate over here Nate is grateful for gratitude persistence and accountability and curiosity you know what curiosity's been popping up so much more for me lately you want to want to voice your issue what's what's the problem no okay your curiosity though which is all kind of about today so I think that's a pretty good thing I like that we got gratitude Jason's over here right now for a solid shoulder day oh man I'm so glad you got back in the gym I know that you missed it yesterday so I think that's gotta be feeling pretty good man that's good and yeah Robbie I am I don't know what I'm gonna do today I will I'm gonna get myself to 13,000 steps today somehow I will somehow make it happen I don't know how but I'm gonna do it I think I might like 200 right now considering my car so we'll see and then we got David over here David gratitude as powerful women and girl dad talking yeah for sure all good stuff wait you just answered hands taken shots what's and saying she says go team gray oh got it okay and and I and I are good friends I like and a lot but like she's just always on the wrong side of choosing teams either team gray or team patient and it's just I don't know I don't know what it is she makes bad choices sometimes that's a shot for sure huh I feel like I feel like I really wanted to do I wanted to do East Coast West Coast steps and see what the difference was gonna be but I think the team is a really cool idea to so I like it yeah but if anyone I think we're even right now at least at least that's at least that's good so yeah I feel like I'm excited part of me I'm excited part of me was thinking about doing this call while walking on the beach but I wouldn't be able to hold my arm up for that long so I just can't let's out in the car and I will I will hit the beach right after this and I will catch you even though you're three hours ahead of me learning indoor voices these days you got to struggle yeah I've been I've been I've been doing some walks in the morning I've been doing some walks the morning and I've been holding the phone off as I go and it's been really interesting what do you want to show what is that that was a little shovel she's shoveled her drum pad over to her sister who didn't react that's great so how does it get out of the girls like the V friends play mats did they get on those last night the V friends the play mats are you talking about did they do any of the little did they do any of the little games on it there's like a maze and a word search and stuff like that no we got back it was busy yesterday so we didn't get to talk about it so we'll have to we'll have to introduce it all let me get back but who had oh I think it was you you asked right you asked if I would use that service yeah so I thought it was interesting I've actually like I've seen I've seen wonder before and I didn't really know what it was but I think it's actually pretty amazing and I went in yesterday I walked in and what it is is like you walk up to a few screens you can order whatever you want right and so basically it's just this one facility this one kitchen that you can order from like seven or eight different menus so you're basically ordering from restaurants but they're just menus basically right I think what's really great touch over there is that you're able to like if somebody wants like like Thai food and someone else wants a burger and someone else wants pizza you can really you can get all three of those done so like decided one restaurant I thought it was a really a really great idea I really do see like if you look on the website it says that it's like the future of delivery or takeout or food whatever it is I really believe that though it really makes sense like if that model really works I'm all about it so so it's just so it's actually a physical physical location that has multiple like restaurants in inter kitchens yeah I think it's like well I didn't see behind so like when when I walked in it's like there's there's kind of a sitting area it's like a waiting area but then you can walk further in where like there's a counter and there's someone there that's kind of she's managing I think all the orders but she's managing orders back to the kitchen which I think like it's just one large kitchen and I'm sure there's different areas of the kitchen that makes specific things but it's like if you look at the website it basically is like oh you can order from any of these restaurants we'll have all your food together at one time but basically what they're doing is that they're just they're just they're making all that food in one big kitchen but just like playing it off like it's different restaurants does that make sense yeah yeah yeah I thought it was more of like a door dash competitor I was gonna ask you guys if you even use services like that yeah no it's I would see I don't I don't really do a lot of take out and I mentioned my response to you that I don't really do let it take out except for like pizza so this I would do that especially if like we don't know what we want but there were only like four or five options for kids there's like a grilled cheese cheeseburger hamper her chicken tenders and then maybe I think it was like a mac and cheese or something so it's like there's not a ton of options but I think for kids if you just need something like quick and easy chicken tenders were actually really awesome it was actually felt like they were like elevated really delicious chicken tenders the burger just felt like kind of a dry burger yeah I would definitely use the service because I thought it was really cool how did your how did your wife and kids react to knowing that you just basically munched down kids meals all day yesterday I had two kids meals yesterday yeah yeah don't please don't please don't hit her with it all right we're 15 minutes in all right you want to lead us off with this this is the reading for September 11th this is how you make them smart there's quote by Albert Einstein just pretty interesting I have no special talents I'm only passionately curious see I was a good it was a good read I enjoyed it I enjoyed the reminder to you know keep keep your kids curious do what you can to you know always always lead them into curiosity you know I like that I like the idea especially me being a way of like you know bringing stuff to them or you know it would even be funny to mail them stuff but stuff to you know get them questioning you know what is this I do I do tend to like try to send them pictures especially you know the older kids as I go on walks and see cool things I know that like I have I think we all kind of have like a little bit of an issue with like technology and stuff like that but I do I do appreciate the level that sometimes when they're using technology and they're scrolling through videos they come across stuff that makes them curious on Instagram or YouTube or whatever so we have like a you know a family DM chat in either Instagram or just in text message and the girls will forward us stuff and you know that's what's come of like us making like interesting things like one time Brooklyn saw sour patch frozen grapes on Instagram forwarded me the video you know we went to the store and got the ingredients made them try them all that stuff so it was a it's a I like this book I like this reading it was a good one today how did everyone in the chat feel about the reading today how are we making our kids more curious are we leaning into this folks I'm curious what Ryan's kids are curious about for this weekend in Maine so yeah that was that was my takeaway I know I can do more as always so working on doing more I don't feel like I feel like I was decently curious when I when I grew up but I don't know how to know if and how my parents or anyone stoke the curiosity so I think that was just natural born curiosity there he is it's so quiet talking to the ether is is a little strange it kept you know what it does feel strange I think I think the more you do it though you you get used to it but curiosity curiosity is I know it's been popping up a lot lately you were saying that you were a curious kid is that what I heard you say I feel like I was curious but I just I can't in my memory like imagine like where I got that from other than just like natural born curiosity of like I think I was of the I was raised where like my my mom was a full-time worker so like after school like I just roamed and so I think that's part of my curiosity is just roaming around with other kids and you know getting getting into trouble having fun hanging out so I was trying to relate it back to my childhood but my memory is very spotty when it comes to my childhood so well it's good I mean I this is sometimes really conversations I think can kind of go where I know that we can reflect so quickly back on our own lives really quickly and then not so much on the kids as much but tying it back is always good I think that you're usually very good at that with I think curiosity in general I feel like I was a curious kid but I didn't know how to ask the questions to actually dive deeper into the curiosity does that make sense so you know for me when I'm thinking about my kids and maybe I'm a hyper aware of it and maybe it could be incorrect I don't know but I know that you know with my oldest sometimes I'm always trying to kind of gauge where her mind is going sometimes but I think we have to create that space for her to be curious or bored right we had that son number we were talking this morning about trying to get I can't help you with that just yet but you know I think we I think we have to create that boredom for them to be curious about something like in their environment around them I get nervous with you know the iPads and stuff like that that it kind of removes that curiosity and then their brain isn't really developing to you know think things through or understand what they know or what they don't know and then I think it's only perpetuating this challenge of not learning or teaching kids how to actually use words or ask questions about how to dive deeper into a subject whether it's research or just you know getting creative all that yeah yeah yeah that makes sense oh wait hold that I was gonna ask because you because today's reading is all about like you know helping them develop and becoming smarter but do you feel that being curious and roaming with your friends versus like getting curious in a book or something like if we use smarter in a certain way like do you do you think that made you smarter as a kid? Yeah I mean I feel like it's it's like the you know book smarts versus street smarts like kind of adage where you know like I'm I'm very like hyper aware of my surroundings like I you know I'm not one of those people that you know trips and falls very often or stubs toes or anything like this like I'm a very casual person like I don't know I just you know I've directionally like you've I don't know if you've ever met people like anywhere they are they can tell where north southeast west is like I'm kind of one of those people that don't have you know many fears of like heights or you know bees or animals like because I was just you know I was more of like an explorer type than a book type so like I wouldn't say that I'm like intelligent and like very eloquent and like you know maybe becoming more so now that I'm reading more but so I didn't grow up that way I grew up a little bit more that street smart book smart yeah I hear you and with your I mean you you had shared at least within our than our text group a lot more because you want a little robot like that not like you want a little robot on that question try again oh yeah you know what I'm on LT I was asking about if you're trying to get your kids more book smart right now because I see you as books smart I see you as someone who's very stoic and knowing themselves very well I wanted to get over to what Nate was saying over there now try to read it too Nate I love you but sometimes it's hard for me to read the paragraphs while listening to the boys on screen I would love to touch on this from the aspect of dual parenting as opposed to single parenting as the eldest of four with a single mother I know my curiosity was high as a kid it was a learn behavior having to explore learn fix build and all the expected things to be done from the man of the house yeah yeah I kind of I agree with that you know like I I had that a little bit too because I was the same thing I was the eldest of a single mother so I felt like you know I had to do some of that stuff too I feel like going with Nate said I it's like I feel like with that I feel like with that type of thought you know there's definitely a lot that someone could take what Nate was saying if Nate tell me if I'm off on this in terms of being curious because you kind of had to be curious or forced to be curious right because it was kind of a survival mechanism I think a lot of people would look at kind of this situation if no one's listened to Nate's story he really laid it out really well during one of the v-dads podcast date when was that maybe like four or five months ago no four maybe three months ago you guys go check it out but I think people would look at like that kind of story like Nate you could look at that and be like oh my gosh I had to I had so much of a hardship and it was such an issue for me to look back on it and you know trauma trauma trauma but I guess we can also look at it and Nate I see you as such a resilient person and such a great dad you know you going through that and having to you can kind of define as being curious it's just kind of made you who you are right so it's like these moments of you know trauma or challenges difficulty all that kind of stuff can make us can force us into curiosity especially if boredom isn't available right does Nate that that moment like boredom's not really like front and center right with everything going on with your family you didn't have a chance to be bored you had you know you were kind of forced into making and making things happen but I don't know if I'm on point with that so if I'm not I apologize but I did appreciate you sharing it yeah and then uh Dylan here I love that your parents as teachers group parents and teacher group maybe did a big truck day last night in my area so this three-year-old got to play on fire truck trash trucks semi-trucks that's awesome I still haven't done anything like that with my son and I really need to we have like a my sister-in-law goes to like a truck fair or something with her son and I keep meaning to go and find it but I keep forgetting it's maybe maybe that'll be my push to search for that thing because I think you would have fun just climbing around on trucks that makes me think of uh and I brought this up with Lauren before well I maybe it's I don't yeah I guess you've talked about it's like the dangerous plaything how dangerous play has been removed from a lot of kids lives and needing to be curious I think in that moment about like safety and making decisions and you know consequences if they jump onto a rusty piece of metal right that is gonna be on a truck which I'm assuming this big truck day probably didn't have all that much danger but yeah I like the idea of curiosity curiosity is definitely it gives me a sense of um makes me feel makes me feel good to kind of think about getting my kids more curious forcing them maybe because I'm I'm that way so where are we at in the drive how much longer do you guys have uh oh first of all just wanted to get to you uh we have uh we have we have just under six hours right now all right I love to do client calls I'm kind of like fit into the day right now uh I'm gonna have to drive at some points I'm gonna run alongside the car as we drive at some point to get some steps in so if they don't survive it's no I love you all uh just just if you guys have a if you have a planned stop for lunch just have Lauren drop you off like two miles out and then you walk the rest of it to meet them at the plan to lunch stop you know I I know that you're saying that as a joke but I feel like I could see myself actually asking that at some point I feel like your I feel like your girls could use a break too you know just like kick you out of the car for an hour sorry wait which means yeah yeah what you say I was following up on the joke I was saying I I feel like your girls could use a break for me maybe so you know kicking you out of the car for an hour too much might do everyone some good I think they would they would all agree with you well good meditation oh Greg I wanted to make sure Greg I saw a message pop up I think Greg if I can Craig I think I would I think what I sawed it at see them but um Greg made some really awesome and it's actually I was I was thinking about these and it doesn't even matter because Craig stepped in because he always gets things done this way and he's such a creative guy but like Craig is creative in the way of like an engineer like Craig it's like like like I feel like I'll get creative like artistic wise and I'll hop on like Canva or I'll draw something out but like Craig makes things happen and he'll make like a big like a big he'll make like a box that glows and then send lots of people across the world or he'll make that amazing Gary B card by the way that gold one did you guys see that mm-hmm yeah that was awesome my gosh that was so cool but Craig made bookmarks uh for for the dads and so I didn't take a look at the you know because I think you do make sure that we get those out I always love to highlight everything you have going on all right well I just want to point out how I'm gonna point out how in your a nice kind words about Craig you truly went into Craig mode and went roboty so we we didn't all hear all those kind nice sweet words you were saying about how handsome and smart and intelligent amazing he is but we all know it so I'm just I'm just taking Blaze's role right now I'm just carblaze car Ryan so I don't know if I'm still robot you're good maybe not but I think it's time to go uh so we're gonna kick this off we're gonna get our I love this little intro no trophies but that's not the right one this is the one we need it good you got it in there? yeah all right well guys enjoy your work, enjoy your big k-roll you wanna do bye