James Johnstone Football

The Arsenal Show 24-25 Episode 7 - Arsenal 2-0 PSG

Broadcast on:
04 Oct 2024
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And hello everybody and welcome back to the channel and another video let's play the intro and get right into it. Yes hello everybody and welcome back to the channel and another video it's the Arsenal show and I'm joined by two great guests I'll go to the one here first Ray your back again back on the channel it's a pleasure to have you here yeah thank you again make for for inviting me on it's always a pleasure um missing I'm in with with royalty podcast Arsenal royalty with you to so I'm absolutely thrilled and honoured to be here and I'm not in jail I'm not in prison I've just moved nice curtains for prison mate well I mean you know but yeah the lighting is terrible you'll probably hear all sorts of weird old background noises so apologies people we'll try and I'll try and do my best to keep it under wraps but I can't comment no comment right there in the bottom it's the main man Mr Albert JTV Albert how you doing make it his debut I'm glad I finally got you on I said I'd do it go on James that's it mate go on when you put the you when you put the cool I said cool something good to be there babe Peter you've got to be able to laugh not gonna turn it down but to be fair the first thing I said to you was what time you did because works a bit funny sometimes with my just so you've got to be sort of rushing though but you said ain't fair I said that's perfect mate so um pleasure to be on joining Ray again after such a long time I forgot what you look like to be honest but um yeah it's like mate you can't even bloody see me so don't worry about I can but I can don't worry about um James man yeah pleasure to come on man 100% me assume that's not much no no I appreciate you both coming and like I said Albert it was a bit like I don't know if you guys saw the pre-matched stuff on I mean when they put it on they were an hour behind weren't they you know they said something about with the weather they couldn't get the signals and everything connected but yeah when I tell I don't know if you saw it pre-game and he had his pre-match question they said to her about oh Mica Romero is in the squad will we see him tonight and he said what manager ever picks a player that's never gonna play I just love I just sometimes I love how we respond and I think I don't think he's intentionally nasty I just think that's how he is yeah I do you asked me a stupid question I'm just gonna come back you know he's got that old you know vibe to him of like yeah you asked me something stupid I'm just gonna blank it smacky back with his response but yeah just quickly I know normally I do like the line up and then we go into like players and goals and everything the line up was pretty much what we all expected wasn't it there weren't no real changes in there that you were thinking after the weekend either of you I'll go to you first right yeah I think it is pretty much what we expected it was the same exactly as the Leicester line up wouldn't it really so yeah I think you know other than the second half where it just went belly up in in the Leicester game I thought if we could start how we did in that game but just not make them mistakes I thought I thought we'd get the win so I think that's heard out like that really sorry background noise number one but yeah I think in terms of the line up mate I think it was pretty much as we expected yeah now but was there anything line up wise that you thought it would be different or was there anybody that you perhaps were like I think he'd be better off today than this one no no no line up was kind of what I thought it was I was lucky enough to be there James for the game on a Tuesday Champions League night it's funny cuz I don't know if you'll touch upon it but there was a bit made of the atmosphere I mean maybe I was maybe I was at a different game James I was quite surprised when that got quite a kind of brought up night after but let me not digress but yeah if you were man no if we go for me I as a television viewer so I know I wasn't there I was just like well they're just so loud that is probably drowning out everything yeah yeah yeah you're gonna get if you've been for any club that's played at European football your way the way fans that come over for about other countries they're superb they're absolutely brilliant like it this that's how it is in their domestic leagues anyway so I wasn't surprised if you're gonna it's an also funny if you're gonna compare it to the way the European away fans are when they come to England I felt a little bit unfair on the Arsenal fans personally but listen I thought the atmosphere was brilliant at personally but maybe like I said James maybe maybe maybe I'm a minority as a different game I'm not too sure but it regards to the game yeah the line-up I wasn't too shocked or surprised really I think we've trusted in particular he's a very good football very intelligent footballer so technically in theory it should work if you're playing in that position it should work he's intelligent enough he's a good footballer he can use both feet but I think for me James I don't want to say too much because I don't know how to sport a flow of your show but we've asked I think being back in the Champions League I said it before and I'll say again I was concerned that into last season Champions League because we've been out of it for a long time and then you know the higher restaurant of football you're playing in the European football and we haven't been there for seven years you're taking baby steps to catch up really but you've got to learn quickly we saw some sort of we saw some sort of pros and cons last season in the Champions League specifically in terms of our Arsenal are gonna tackle it but if they have learned quickly I think the first 45 minutes against PSG was 100% evident of that yeah no no and I agree and I'll go to you first Ray and then I'll come back round to Albert just after but PSG 52 consecutive Champions League group games that they've scored goals in they come to the Emirates obviously we shut that down and it just amazed me and I've done a stream myself the other night just before this where I was reviewing Lester and talking about PSG and everything else and I actually spoke a little bit in length about the media and stuff that's being said by certain people and I'll touch on it before we get to the end as well but I thought it's really important here Melvin when he was on the show a few weeks go shout out to me he's probably watching yeah big big fan of Melvin on this channel he said about if you look closely at goal posts in football now they've actually got little remote control tyres because they keep being moved especially the ones that Arsenal they're being moved all the time and it went Arsenal beat okay this is a completely different we know this is a completely different PSG yeah but yet before a ball was quick kicked I was being told how important they are how good they are they're midfields absolutely rapid they're going to smash Arsenal a bit even though they haven't got Dembele playing they're still going to do this they're going to and you know Arsenal are going to think it's going to be a walk over and it's not and yet when we win oh they're terrible that's the worst PSG I've seen they're terrible that PSG oh Arsenal need to win away for it to be for them to make a statement in the Champions League but these guys are unbeaten in their league scoring goals for fun okay it's more about the quality of that league and this is a manager that I have people tell me is better than the manager that's in the dugout for Arsenal so when this is the case Ray how do you feel about this because for me I thought it was a very very good like Albert said first half arguably from an attacking standpoint probably one of the best first halfs we played this season regardless of the competition and yet it just seems like because it's us it's diminished yeah I have to agree with that I thought first half we were absolutely spot on I thought that's how we just imposed ourselves I think PSG actually started quite well for the first sort of 10-15 minutes or so but I don't know if you boys would agree with that but I feel like we just sort of took that on board and we just sort of grew into the half and the first goal for us really did sort of just change the the landscape of the game I felt anyway as you mentioned PSG scored in what 50 is it 52 games did you mention James so there are no mugs and I mean I know it's a different PSG side to maybe one that we're used to seeing and obviously people do think of Neymar Mbappe and Messi in recent years I know that that team has been dismantled in over the last couple of seasons but they've still got a lot of quality PSG and I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of their players end up playing in the Premier League at some some stage in the next few seasons because yeah they've got a lot of talent but they're very young and maybe at this level this PSG side are a little bit naive and it's a bit weird because we're normally used to seeing that or saying that with Arsenal aren't we that Arsenal are a bit naive and a bit young and experienced at this competition but it just looked like it just completely rose reversed really yeah and in regards to the first half as I mentioned that that opening goal once we got it I think then we just sort of took control I think it was a real punch in the face to PSG and they probably wasn't expecting us to do that to them I think they would probably expect him to come and set this still out early and yeah I mean it was just a really good first half performance I was really impressed with Kai Haberts and how he put himself about there's obviously a lot of talk about us needing a out-and-out goal scorer Albert I know you're a massive fan of Vixiv Ocarrez what we do to bring that guy in right but as long as Kai is doing a job and being able to provide the threat that we need and link and bring others into play I think I think he's suitable I think he's okay I've said we can improve and I think one day we will but I think he's I think he's doing well and I think the goal itself I thought was very brave actually from from Haberts I don't know what you guys think but yeah he's a fantastic livery in from Trussard puts it in the areas in it where it's it's almost the corridor of uncertainty that's the word I'm looking for my friends yeah the corridor of uncertainty and you know Donneroom is a big goalkeeper it's a bit of a throwback you see a lot of goalkeepers like ours who's a bit smaller obviously a lot neater on the ball great with his feet can pick passes but yeah Donneroom is an absolute giant and if he's coming out to punch the ball away fair play for Haberts for putting his head potentially where it hurt and he got there first so yeah I just think that overall my first half I think they could be very happy with that yeah now but what about yourself because obviously like I said you know it's it went from being this is this this PSG up here to all of a sudden when we win in and after when we beat them they're that now so it just that's it the mind baffles me out but what did you obviously like Ray go into what you thought as well but mainly my question would be what do you think this unfair criticism is because to me like I said before I think a lot of it is just engagement farming and they just know I mean I'm nibbling now but do you know what I mean I think they dangle it out there because they know that it's gonna get people to click it and call them you know what's or they ring up whatever channels they're on or you know they slag them off on Twitter or TikTok whatever one they see it on and yeah what would you make the whole thing oh James how long you how long you do want to do the podcast for man I mean I could tell you as long as you like although Ray you might have planned so if you need to give out let us know yeah great last if you listen let us you've got any plans Ray let me know but I'll stop talking back but no it's interesting I thought about sort of the way Arsenal was viewed about the way Arsenal been viewed sorry in the last two years three years took particularly last 18 months and I'd obviously TC on my channel on Sunday morning for the album JTV Breakfast Show and I suppose the question Tim I said obviously because you're part of you know you're in the journalism sphere and I was as a fan and I do find it really really odd I'm gonna be honest maybe it's my age I don't know but and I think we live in a digital age and a social media age where you know from a social media point of view you've got rival fans doing Arsenal content I'm not even talking I'm not even including much along so I'm talking about specific content I think in this one so this is crazy I mean I can't think of James I don't I know me I can definitely speak to you James obviously as we've got channels but I've got better things to do irrespective of how good a team are or not to be doing content specifically about another club that's that blows my mind I don't really understand that I get it as you mentioned from an engaging point of view and but yeah it's it's a bit odd and you write about the PSG thing listen they're no choir boys you know yes they're going through a period of transition they've got a top-class manager I mean I'm looking at the team that started I mean dinner rumours not exactly taking his first steps in football the key me is a fantastic right back had an amazing World Cup from Morocco you've got Marqueños who's been around for about a hundred million years Zaire Emery's a good player Barcole is really near Pichao never so listen they've got some good players then man so I think we mustn't take it for granted as I mentioned before about Arsenal being back in the Champions League you know we we didn't make a knockout station quite a number of years but for obvious reasons not being in the competition but the first off was really really impressed man really impressed playing in Europe and I think I'd say I mentioned this after match post-match and playing in the Premier League and playing in Europe is is is completely chalk and cheese because let's be honest as good as Arsenal are particularly away from him as it's spoken about with Saka Captain Saka love that kid man there's times in Europe you just you you you will not have possession of the ball and you have to be patient and he saw that particularly in the second up but the first off was I thought was brilliant if I'm going to be really honest in my own humble opinion there were a number of positives glad to see the battle between her key me and Martin Elie because that you listen you don't get many better right backs and hear me well football if you can name me some Chuck a minute chat or tell me right now Ray or James but trust I was very very to very good he actually could have gone down for the goal and I'm fine enough Ray mentioned about the cross because I think he's in the first 10 minutes Saka's put it across from the side of the bitch but the way you put it in off with the night if you're going to put crosses in it's got to be on the money and then subsequently 10 minutes later Chaucer gets into a great position in the final third kind of attacking fantastic balling it's in that corridor of uncertainty people talk about don a room or any positioning but you put up you put the cross in the right area and have versus obviously got good ability in the air and Bob's your uncle would go one new up is a brilliant goal brilliant brilliant goal and as for the second one I know Saka talks about he did actually say he kind of meant to hit it like the way he hit it and who am I to disbelieve but Kyle Saka captain Saka but yeah listen there's some really good positives particularly in the first half and the season is a long time in football and so the second half was what it was and I expected it to be like that to be honest of you because they got to come out a little bit better and PSU got to come in the front foot and try and rescue something but it's a good milfin you know we go yeah and listen I know PSG spoke about they somehow know a lot about our free kicks and getting into the final third but listen also it's become a very potent potent weapon our set pieces but yeah there's a lot of positives in the in the first half but as you mentioned your initial question it will continue to happen the narrative and the goal post will continuously change um if we'd have lost you if we'd have lost on Tuesday night you know what would happen even going back to Leicester game we've got Nicole Alman let's write our own narratives she said it and she's right we have to do that yeah it's funny because uh I was gonna it's gonna mention Sophie funny enough because um I remember literally straight after the euros final and she mentioned about what happened with Saka didn't obviously give it the parallels to what happened with Bekam in 98 because it's a completely different kettle of fish and she said that Bekaya Saka from this will become like how David Bekam had the 99 season and it and basically went from strength to strength as a footballer and as a person and now I don't know if Bekaya Saka will win a treble I'll be over the bloody moon I think we all will if he does especially this year uh considering who won the treble just a few seasons ago that are a bit annoying you know that'll make them back in their box a bit um and I I said the other day when I saw the corner that Trossard scored from against Leicester and I went this guy's delivery is to me becoming a David Bekam level and I don't think it's being I know that I think someone on match of the day the other day shouted it out I can't remember which one it was and they said like this this is getting a ridiculous level you know a few seasons ago James Wardprouse was getting the comparison because he was hitting the three kicks and scoring them directly well that's he's done that now whether it whether it was a great you know it bobbled in front of him or ever goals a goal it went in the net you can't take it away from him you know first one that we've scored what in three years directly since older guards against Burnley away in the Amazon season so I can't knock that at all and like what Melvin put there if if we were in their heads and the panic sets in and it's not even across it's because it's being hit that just goes and shows a strength to me that's a very very you know good weapon and I I can understand that people say oh this is boring or the football that you're doing or what have you but I watch a lot of fighting whether it be boxing or whether it be UFC and there's certain people that are like I've got one I've got one way I throw a kick I've got one way I throw this and they use it so for me if we've got one facet to a game that an opponent cannot handle walking not deal with why not use it time and time again I don't care yeah and James it's funny what people were trying to trying to paint a narrative about Arsenal sort of being they didn't say the word I'm saying it now in terms of long-haul merchants but with the with the greatest of respect if you watch that first off against PSG we play some bloody good stuff man to be fair and I'm not being finding as well on top of that Arsenal and most definitely under probably Vengar and what I liked what I liked and I should probably going back to last season as well that Arsenal are now capable looking at looking at the playing staff for the team to go a bit more direct that never happened before that had not happened for years if you if you want to tell me when it did happen then then tell me now or when you watch it back on or listen to you know I mean we weren't even doing it when Connie was there man yeah and then Connie Connie was bigger than Herbert Swearney but we were like taking it under Connie really but yeah Robert's gives us that option to go more direct we got we've got Blaz that can play on the deck and you know the speed of Martinelli and the trickery of Saka and the pace of Saka but I think that's one thing we can play we can play really good football as you saw in the first half and even in the second half if that goal had gone in I think it was Saka, Trossard, Havvers and might as it the volley is that boring football because he's not well looking from one touch two touch football the great Spanish sides and the club sides that were trademarking doing that so I do find it quite funny that Zavav had to try to find you know we're a bit of a launch at the team no there's many different ways to skin a cap and Arsenal can go direct so they can keep the board for deck as well so that's what I have to say to that but quickly things about Saka I know the whole kind of world class talk with him right I don't really think that even really started with Arsenal fans really I think it's more kind of it was kind of put out there with the socials in terms like your BBC sports or your TNTs to say he's obviously performing at a level that you want to have that conversation I just think it irks rival fans that he's in that class domestically or internationally I'm beginning to struggle to see what the what the disagreement would be oh he has to win things okay oh he has to play in Champions League he has to do this he has to do that he's a cis record and goals record is is second to none he's even starting to season brilliantly to be honest with you I think he's got look I don't know if that if that that assist will count for him in terms of I think is it the Leicester game was it because he I think he's got taken off him I got I mean fantasy as well but yeah and just to finish up quickly I think with Saka I mentioned this to I think I mentioned it to Sophie and Tom on the first game of the season when Saka got I think Saka got taken off of that game I sure he did and he's walking off the pitch now just sitting there like sort of watching him thinking I can't recall in my in sort of my lifetime having a love for a football that I have for him and I'm talking about as a human being and as well as his ability on the pitch I can't recall a player that I felt like that about in an arse or shirt and I'd have to go back probably to the late 80s early 90s but and I think with rival fans as well I think Karaga mentioned it on CBS it's very difficult to dislike this guy he's incredible absolute credit and when you've got TT say when you're coming around for tea basically to him what can you say yeah I mean he's welcome around mine for dinner any night I'm a huge I'm a huge because Saka fan man and I agree with you I think in terms of rival fans they begr I think it's like Ian Wright back in the day man just begrudgingly you've got to go how can you hate this guy yeah James I know early guys injured but I said this I think this is the Kenny Ken I think it's I think it's I think it might not be a big thing to a lot of people you guys don't know if you guys agree or not but giving him the captaincy smart thing to do 100 million percents yeah 100 percent million percent to see your player he's been the tallies man for four three stroke four five years he's our most important player in my opinion and to give him the captaincy leadership and smart move brilliant move yeah and you consider the other players that are in that that were in that starting 11 yeah you have a guy you had a guy there who okay like I've mentioned before might be the Johnston's paint trophy of Europe but he he still won a European trophy he captained his side to a European trophy yet Pakaya Saka got chosen which again I'm with you rightfully so but you know if Declan Rice was the captain for that game I don't think many people would be like well that's our sorts you know he's done it before he so yeah I think no Saka was a was a was a great choice but Ray just going back to you obviously before we move it on here you said about the Havart's goal and how it was brave and if it 100 percent agree with you but what I really liked as well is is Alan Shearer was actually on the comms and I know Alan Shearer can be you know he's a polarizing figure especially with Arsenal fans in terms of what he is there's a pundit and even as a commentator but the thing that stood out for me was Alan Shearer went that's a brilliant header and to have Alan Shearer who for me I think in my lifetime of what I've seen next to maybe Ronaldo just on the leap in ability but in terms of someone heading the ball I think Alan Shearer is the best I've seen so for him to say that that's a brilliant header I think people need to recognize like you said as well Albert people going on about Donna Rumor's positioning I think that's a brilliant header because the way he's coming out with his hands he's knocking his block off if it goes wrong so yeah and I don't I don't think there's many players in that Arsenal team that are brave enough to do it I think he's one of the only ones that generally would be like I could get absolutely smullered here but Champions League and I are squirting the final I know what it's like big game I'm a big game but he's a big game player I have it yeah yeah very much so yeah I thought I've been really pleasantly surprised with with have a physicality I guess because I thought he was always a techie player but obviously at Chelsea they just completely mismanaged him and misused him for most of its time there doesn't sound like Chelsea but I mean yeah the the facts that we've been able to take him and we've said okay you know you are this big tall striker that we've got up front you can you know play but what else can you do and he's been able to feel that side of it you know the holding the ball up I know you guys mentioned some of the tall strikers we had earlier I think probably the most recent example was probably Giroud wasn't it in terms of a tall striker that could could head the ball for Arsenal and hold it up but yeah I mean I think I think he's becoming a very very important player for Arsenal and when he's not in our sides we just look a completely different team almost I mean it's got to the point now where I still do think there's a player in Jesus but if we're choosing our our teams I think most fans maybe you guys as well but me certainly I'm picking habits to start out of the options we've got based on how he is as a player what his output has been since he's been here and just overall the effect he has on the team because I just think that there's no other player in our squad currently that can do that or can or does what high habits does I think he's I think he's so important for us at the moment yeah yeah and just quickly because I always do these graphics and what have you so for me he was my man at a match for the other night against PSG but you got any arguments for anybody else oh that was a Thomas party was good at and actually didn't give the ball away it's a lot but trust I was really good but you know what I would give it I would I agree with you as I would give it to have us and touch on what Rey was saying he's become very very important I mean jury well jury would have loved to played in this side because even though he played for us he didn't we did not get crosses into the box absolutely did not play too strict so um with Kai yeah you're right you're right you're right you make a good point in terms of he's a he's a tall guy um but in terms of is there is a physicality that I absolutely he's shown you he can do that he was a Trojan against Tottenham away brilliant performance um I see no one's putting a chat timber big up timber I put I shared that I might in timber yeah tackle that tackle when but you were bakolo was coming into the box and tough decision to make but to win that ball back and then put us on the sort of the on the offensive brilliant so um yeah loved timber as well yeah I was I was literally Melvin is he is a mind reader I'm convinced and I was I was literally just about to go to you first Albert because obviously you ray were you there sorry I didn't ask I wasn't no okay okay I'll go to Albert first and then come to you after um Albert I I didn't go last season even though he only played one game unfortunately and I haven't been this season yet I'm always I'm always available to go if there's tickets you know shout out anybody who's got them let me know I will I will take them off your hands um but watching this guy just even on the screen week by week now I've I've mentioned this before and I mentioned it again as well I am an incredibly heterosexual man however I am developing a man load of men are getting it for Califuri and make the guy on the right hand side in this game he took it out of our box beat three men and was on this run and I can't remember what guy it was for PSG but he yanked him back and I but the way that he spun the three men was just in cells like bloody hell these people have got families durian like you this is out of this is disgusting behavior but I'm loving it but yeah like it's it was like he's taking people's souls and when he was on that run I I was convinced I was like he's gonna get to the byline whipping across again and someone's gonna score because they're not gonna catch it I haven't seen funny enough it was another Dutch player but I haven't seen someone with a ball at his feet running like that since mark over mass in terms of he's gonna do he's gonna do every single one of you and you can't get him I always used to know when I even when I was a kid like mark over was for me as soon as he got it I was like you're done you're full back's done everything because it's that niche is that first five steps that first five yards what they do and it just it's like he just eats ground like it's nothing I know that they'd say about habits and the tall players and like Harlan but this guy is this how good is he Albert live that's the name I'm I'm glazing about all sorts of randomness because like I said the man crush takes over but how good is he in the flesh mate um the funny thing is I'm glad you asked about timber because he got a lot of flowers against Tottenham and rightly so but I said on my channel I actually clipped it at the time when we played villa away if you watch him when you buy defenders right first primary first primary job want him to defend um yes if they're ballplay and ability fantastic but if you watch him positionally um in our in our defensive third or in defensive positions or in the cover he's absolutely superb and I'm surprised a lot of people didn't really pick that up against villa because I thought he was brilliant and for that particular aspect jade um and what I like to be going back to sort of talking the villa game sort of before I sort of move fast forward um is he sort of always said it was just in cenco you've got to know when to cheat when to invert and when to sort of you know get into the final third sort of thing but I think timbers brilliant at doing that um if he has to tuck in he tucks in if he if he stays in a four as in terms of you're flat back four and not inverting he can do that he's good going forward um he's linked up play even in his short early days with saka has been really really good if he got an assist for the goal on sat lives it deck and rice is a goal gets lester um he's been brilliant he's been absolutely brilliant and like I said the key where those is defensively and his position in it is excellent um even if you just watch him alone just for that put in particular you'll see the incremental changes of what he's bought to arse or defensive unit listen no writing off bem white bem white has been brilliant um and um if there's a small chart of timbers not a hundred percent ready for saturday then then you don't risk it and I think arta probably knows that he's come back from serious injury yes he's integral to the team the way we play but we will see if he starts but um yeah he's been excellent I was like I said that piece of defending against psd in the first half when bar kola's really quick and really lively not only to stop him but to win the ball back and then to turn us on to the transition and get us up forever at the pitch was superb um i'd like to watch it two or three times again today i was looking that is our right back boys timber that's our right back man um but yes and him and part in particular sorry in terms of high risk we've got to be careful with him and i'm mikle and you know they've got the they've got the experts there in terms of the physio side of it so um yeah timbers been brilliant man like i said positionally you're watching excellent Tottenham, Villaraway, the other night on Tuesday night against them psd um and there's gonna be more to come yeah and great just quick as well i mean um album makes a great point there there's some of the games that we've had to play this season have unfortunately become defensive games just through either people being suspended for things that we've debated before um and you know and the game state unfortunately dictates that you know you can't be as attacking as you want to be i mean in man city in that second half of me him and habits i thought with a main two that were trying to win it high i thought the effort that them two put in was absolutely mental um they just kept running and running and running and timber for me shown his defensive work and then on satter day you see him against Leicester what you can do on an offensive level and i think you saw it again here on Tuesday and this is why this injury now obviously Neverland's didn't pick him and we'll go into the squad for satter day a bit later you know when we move on a bit later but this injury if it's you know i don't know if it's a really bad one because they said he felt something we didn't want to take the risk but yeah how how bad is this for you now with him not being here because i i think it's a i do think it's a big miss yeah i mean as uh album touched on there he's been massive for us since he's uh come back this season and it's so refreshing to see because uh we obviously had such uh big hopes from last season and i think we really missed him um it's easy to say now isn't it in hindsight based on the performances so far um i could certainly think of a few games that we we dropped points in that he would have been uh really beneficial to us but um yeah i don't know how bad the injury is um i have to be honest with you i've but what i do like is that they are at least managing it um even though he's uh he's a class player and i know the Netherlands have a lot of great players especially at the back um at least you know he's not just going and then they're just going to use him regardless and then if he gets injured oh you know that's a shame kind of thing at least um there seems to be some sort of dialogue or some sort of understanding um with the club and the country and and which we're going to try and get this player back up and running um long term because as long as you know if he's if he's back up and running for us there'll be uh he'll be a backup and running for the Netherlands as well so it is a mutually beneficial thing and i know they are a smaller nation in terms of size but um they have got a lot of quality at the back so maybe that works in our favor as well but yeah just as long as um we can rest him easy um and you can come back whenever uh he's available that's great and i think um we've got a lot of strength and depth in our and our back line now so although you know we want to play timber every game and again probably jump in the gun a little bit but um with Southampton in mind maybe it's a game that we can afford to make a change or two and listen i i don't know how bad the injury to bem white is does any of you boys know is it is it uh i know um with timber it's a musculine injury isn't it um yeah bem white i'd i'd have thought probably on but made potential in the horizon of maybe starting but again i don't know how serious his injury really is i mean um is it a groin injury did say it was a groin injury they say it was for um Albert it it went from initially it was his knee yeah then it was his thigh yeah now it's now it's his groin um all right i'm like well i got a second he had three injuries is this why he's unavailable because that's three different ones yeah it's quite we've asked it's quite i don't know i i i'd have to speak to some people but it seems to be quite i don't know how you guys find it when we sort of hear injury news on the eve of games although although although it's deliberate probability it's very it's very cloak and dagger you know you don't really it's very hard to know when when they're coming back or they're available it's the very kind of hush hush until probably maybe on the day of the game you say you know what he's not playing or he's available you literally don't know i don't know how you feel but i just i you go i get a question yeah yeah but i'm because people go oh it's mind games isn't it and i'm like we you know no no i don't want to diminish with disrespect to anybody if i can but i'm like we really play in mind games with south but this is this is a guy who if they lose at the weekend which you know i think they will um this manages potentially getting the sack i'm like we really play in mind games with a guy that's probably going to get the sack like we i mean if if we are we are but i i can't i think that's a bit too much of a stretch for me yeah i mean one they're talking about Russell Martin job yeah i mean to be fair he's with Lucy Pinder so i if i got sacked and had Lucy Pinder to go home with yes me sack me and i'll have the competition man because i'll just keep taking her out mate Russell Russell why i said that was an absolute throwback from about 12 years ago and you know what i saw a pic i saw a picture of her the other day with him she still holds up i saw a fair play fair play fair play Russell Martin yeah yeah more rough yeah but yeah i think um i think we've got the i think it was we've got the squad now basically what i'm saying is we've got the squad now to to cope so even if timber can't play for us at the weekends i do think we'll be able to find a solution i'm just hoping it's not going to be Thomas party at right back like we saw at times last season because i don't think that really worked for us but listen i trust in uh in mikael and the coach and staff i'm sure that um he'll come up with something at least that will get us over the line yeah and you mentioned Thomas party there ray i hope i don't know i think albert might have stepped away for a second so i won't obviously throw to him because i don't think he's there i hope he's not searching loosey pender i don't know why um so yeah albert mentioned it earlier and i know you did as well but Thomas party the other night me and melvin obviously we have conversations that we say about Thomas party that when this guy's in full flow i i i struggled to find people that i enjoy watching play more than him when he when he's on the song because of just everything that he does and you know what that's 64 minutes it's almost party putting in the other night i think that's the best performance i've seen him have in years for me i mean 33 touches as the ball he made 93 percent of all of his passes you mentioned it earlier albert as well wasn't dribbled past at all and this is a guy who i think athleticism wise a question a lot but yeah he had three young guns yeah he had three young guns in that midfield and they had like you said tricky wingers i mean that new no mendes was who stood out for me for them i was like you know what you're quite tasty at left back mate you're not too bad i know i know that we've got a defender fetish and we buy loads of them so i was like oh i'd never be you i thought you look like a really good player um and yeah i just raid Thomas party especially on Tuesday night and i called for jejunio to play this game because i thought he can't do three in a week Thomas party i don't know if he can hold up but i've completely changed my mind i think he's got to start a day now just for how well he did in that 64 minutes on on Tuesday what about yourself all right that's uh me james yeah yes yeah yeah yeah so um yeah with with Thomas party i think he's uh well when Thomas party is on form for us i think he's easily one of our best players he's so crucial to what we do um has been for years it's just we haven't seen enough of him that's uh that's the biggest criticism um i've got but um yeah i think i think with Thomas party we just need to try and manage him um so again i don't want us to say rotate the whole team because it is Southampton the last time we played them they they did give us a thing in the tail didn't they so um we should we should be respectful it is the premier league but i do think we just need to try and manage the squads as best as we can um like you i would certainly i would start him but i don't know if i'd uh given the the full game i think i'd give him an hour or so depending on the game state obviously um i maybe put jorgenio in but uh yeah we've got a lot of options this is the this is the thing um potentially uh we could put decklam rice in there um we've got obviously uh mikel morano coming back now um he played a little bit um so maybe he could come in midfield and do a job there and i don't really i have to be honest i've only seen mikel uh morano and sort of bits and bobs really i don't haven't really seen a full 90 minutes of him uh ever really so i don't know if he is that sort of defensive or six fight player or whatever he is more sort of box to box eight but um yeah i think we've got plenty of options um and yeah like i say i think i trust what that mikel uh artetta and and his stuff will do um it's just about keeping the boys fit so if we have to make a few changes and potentially uh ask tom musk partae to sit on the bench and uh and keep warm then um then i'm fine with that yeah al but what about yourself obviously like you said you were there but tom must party on Tuesday night man how good was it? now he was he was really really good um because usually there's there's always a point when he plays where he gives the ball away stupidly i thought he just has that in his DNA i don't know why what he just does but um i can't fault him for having that laps really i thought he was really really good um he made a good point about athleticism i think i saw a tweet it was uh hummer it was i think i might be looking at the growth but um in terms of the athleticism side of it or it's a straight shoot act between more or less party and marina that that's the way it's going to come down to um i'll take raise point in terms of we've got to manage him because we do he's he's high risk isn't he i mean the good thing with him is he had a pre-season um there was no major tournament that he was involved in he obviously played the back end of last season um but i think of him it's good shout Finland for fair play man um but yeah i think with with Thomas party i think he when marina obviously plays a few more games and adapts a bit more i think you'll probably see more the case of party not starting games as opposed to um starting games i say but this and marina obviously got a bit more work to do but um in terms of his position in the side definitely that sort of left-date position um in same pass and ability by the way become marina trust me um so once he gets embedded into an arse or shirt we'll absolutely see the full benefits of him and obviously a fit minor regard to come by but you know what it is um Ray um Ray and James to finish up with that i think even if you sort of look long term do you know he's here for another season Thomas party i i i don't think there's a lot more years left on his god draft for what i kind of see it'd be kind of yeah well there you go so it'll be a case of Mickey i'll be thinking already and the guys in terms of looking to see who's going to be coming in because that's that's how we have to look at it because yes we've got the depth and we're talking about this season but um i think for an athleticism point if you have party touch on that quickly and it's not a criticism James because the thing is when you have the amount of injuries that he's had i don't know too many footballers that will come back to first team football and be as sharp as you was when you didn't have injuries it's just not going to happen the body doesn't work like that so if people are going to pick up on that which is fine but it's not criticism he's not going to be as athletic as he was three four years ago two years ago three years ago whatever it is so but again it's how you manage him who you're who you're pairing with by for Deccon to me i would like just a quick shout back to kind of what we what we've bought before what we what we used to sing with him 100% agree yeah he was it was really good man Deccon so um Thomas party i think yeah i think listen he's been excellent thus far so far this season um but don't be surprised through the course of the season if you see him sort of a bench room a little bit more because we didn't buy Micko Moreno to sit on the bench he's bought for a reason so um yeah you'll come good trust me but um i listen i'm i'm pleased with what i've seen already fantastic yeah yeah i mean Moreno for me the main thing that stood out when he come on like you said obviously the passing but just again i i know he's six foot two but when you actually saw it he was just like your presence again i'm like we got another big guy and this is a big guy like it's a man this is a grown man in this side and you know what i i've not seen a player that when they get panned into him when he was in the sling for the last couple of games i was like this guy's pissed off because he's like i can be out there i can sort this out like when things weren't going right you can see him watching it with his eyes like i can sort this out like for god's sake like what get this sling off me and let me out to you know sort all this mess and everything and yeah i can't i can't wait to see more of him he's definitely going to have some more minutes at the weekend hundred percent but uh another person i just want to shout out quick and i i think it's a guy that has come into some you know i wouldn't say abuse but some negative comments just before he played against Bayern Munich and held Leroy Sarnay ruined him well for me Leroy Sarnay pretty much ruined most fallbacks in europe let alone this guy but Jakob kivi or ray i'll go to you first and then Albert afterwards but this guy comes on he makes two clearances two interceptions two tackles won both his duels and again wasn't dribbled past so yeah amazing amazing for me and i think it's so refreshing that we have a squad player here that just you know a jinstas pasty is called good honest food isn't it that's the tagline for a jinstas pasty right for me Jakob kivi yours good honest food he just comes like you know ron seal does what he says on the team i will like hell nanny used to he might not be the most amazing player in the world but you chuck him on i do my job and i'll do my job well for you and for the team i that's what i like i like players like kivi your man what did you think about kivi yours performance because i had to shout him out i thought you did really well when he come on yeah i was a great i think i thought you were solid to be fair i think he's really improved i know when he first joined from from Speccio in Italy he was a little bit all over the place wouldn't he um sorry all i can think of is is gingsters now pasties and and how i'm meant to sort of compare him to a good honest point but he did a apologies man i know it's not but um but yeah he he was uh he was solid i mean even i know it's bolton and people be saying you know they're only one or whatever but i thought he was really uh he looked really accomplished in that um as well um and yeah i mean like you say it's it's great that we've got a squad now um especially in in defense because you think of the defenders we've had in the last 10 15 years um and it's just been a mishmash of just anyone who has once played as defense in some sort of professional setup being qualified to to go in there and and give it a go um you know we've had uh we've had all sorts so now that we've actually got a set of defenders that are all internationals um that can all come in all plug in and play and do jobs and and they can all you know other than Gabriel and Saliva they can all play either um at full back or in the middle and they all seem very tactically switched on as well and uh that's crucial because what we're trying to do is the the set pieces obviously we we do require a lot of big lads in there to put themselves about a bit um and they look like they can take them uh them instructions on board hence why we're we're doing as well as we're doing um and like you say James it's just refreshing that when we bring on a player these days or bring off a player sorry we can bring on the likes of kivial and we know he can do a a suitable job um because you know it was only a few seasons ago wasn't it it was Cedric coming on for example or players like this so yeah i'm really happy with him um i don't know if he's going to be here long long term but i think you know certainly as a squad player to try and push for the for the league um and who knows to try and go as far as becoming the champions league i think he's um i think he's more than than suitable for the arsenal nice and uh Albert old uh jinston's just keeping you up what do you think what did you make of it yeah when he came on he was a bit it's a bit shaky man um a few balls out of play um misplaced classes but he he kind of grew into it and i guess you would kind of grow into a bit more um when you've got the defense that you've got around you and you've got a fantastic goalkeeper behind you as well um so he grew into the game and he got better actually to be fair to him um because you can't remember he's not playing a lot of football he hasn't for arsenal um so to come in obviously we moved califery to right back um the team were coming off but um yeah it started off very shaky uh to be fair um from what i from what i could see but actually grew into the game and i actually expected probably him was in cenco not to be here in the summer i thought he's if one one or the other but and we've kept him um as rase mentioned defensively um i say jul's ground we've had a sudden defense we've got it right now i'll tell you that but um yeah listening grew into it and this one we might need him because tommy asu is not fully recovered obviously we've got some issues we've been white still we're not too sure about you're in timba starting on saturday so we're gonna know we're gonna um we're gonna need these guys um to to maintain um as i called it the great movie the great wall of arsenal yes i love it i love it that's uh a spot on but yeah just an end the last shout out for a player and i know he didn't play a lot of minutes but i loved seeing the video i mean first of all get this guy's mum better seats arsenal why are you making it why is she in the gods how dare you how dare you make this woman sit in the gods maybe she wanted to i don't know maybe it was her choice but miles louis scary i love that video man because yeah this guy's mum to do what she does in that space is remarkable because sadly i've got to say it she's a woman going into that male-dominated space and holding her own but also she's a black woman doing it so the kudos that i give this woman is unbelievable and you know what i've seen comments galore from people that have young players that are trying to develop into the game that have said that his mum and that the agency whatever that she's a part of is a godsend they're like she has done so so much so yeah just seeing her being watching louis skilly come on and he's a guy for me he's going to be a player louis skilly i think i think we all can see that he's going to be a player because mikella tetta if he can trust you off the ball as much as he can trust you want it then you you get in and i think there's there's been glimpses with nanwari this season you know that that against left to where he made that crunch in town right at the end of that he's gonna love you he's gonna he won't remember that run on that shot he's gonna remember that tackle that's what our tetta's gonna remember no it's it's a good shot james man because um i i i think clubs of i think fads of club fans of a football club we'll do it right um well i don't think i do it personally but the whole we're bringing world class you've got to be world class we've got to bring and we've got bringing the best i said look you have to i understand you want to improve your first 11 your first 14 first 14 14 players that are going to regularly play and i understand you want to get you know you want to you know make your squads bigger and world class here world class that realistically you can't always do that or you can't do that because you're coming up against other superpowers in terms of other clubs but even with other clubs there has to be that balance and i said just a couple of awesome fans and he but we need to get me to get ready made and i said no i understand what you're saying but if you look at other clubs you have to bring somebody young players in for and for a plethora of different reasons you know Liverpool jamal quanza um half yelia there's a few there's a few others um what's i'm going to say now what club is going to talk about now it's got out my head now um obviously i asked them no no it's in a Premier League but um see we're going to um fold and reco Lewis for example got like you have to have that but you have to bring in somebody and if you and if you think they're good enough they will pick them and play in jazz they will um and i think we've asked all this season yes we'll look i'm not talking about us having the class of not the class of night you don't manage night it had but you've got to bring through a couple um even from a quid's in point if you go down the line would you bring a lot of body but um so one even one area and um Lewis scaly from me it looks like those two are the ones that are going to slowly slightly get some more 13 minutes i mean when one area came one the other night against um the other day sorry against Lester he gave us that spark that i don't think many teams have box office players that come in and do what he did um obviously got the goals against Bolton in the week big guts Lewis scaly before he was excellent against Bolton um i don't care if it's leave one don't care um these guys they need to get first team football and reckon in minutes and make our artist that obviously feels probably particularly with one area they're ready but he's going to manage them but they're ready so yeah big up James would mention Lewis scaly man 100 percent and you you Ray i mean what do you what do you make of all the well i like Albert said there's two main young players but then obviously you know we've had before this our tata doesn't like young players he never brings any of the young players but he gave five their debut against Bolton yeah yeah 100 percent like i think Albert covered a lot of uh a lot of head to be fair um with it you know there's so many reasons we need to bring the young players through um but i mean as supporters young players and players through our academy and through how end they are the players that we couldn't we can really get what we have to get behind all our players obviously but those are the players in particular but um but we really do get behind because we we sort of know and see how they're coached and we know their back story and we know what they're all about um and uh the young players in the academy and the lifeblood of of every team other than Brentford who just don't have one youth academy but um they're you know they're so important to what we do and and when you see you know the images of uh Lewis Kelly's mum in the crowd and Harry action to her son coming on it's just so brilliant to see um again you know we've won the game and it's it's all you know in a great sort of context but we had the documentary with the hairland boys and Lewis Kelly and and Ethan when yeah they featured quite heavily in that and you see you know them playing against um you know these these boys from other academies and and everything else and and what they have to do to get to where they're getting to so it's uh it's so crucial to have these players that we can that we can get behind and then like you say we we need to we need to not only get them and bring them in and by the way when a Premier League team can get a player and put them in the academy and then put them in the first team and play them in the Premier League that is a success that is an absolute success whether they play one minute or whatever that's that's it's a success um and yeah I mean it's it's crucial if we're going to try and develop and get better at selling and and all of this as well we need to have a a youth academy that other clubs and other people can see and and we will attract interest so yeah I think um I think our tetra would always play young players as long as they're good enough um and uh you know obviously sack is the shining light but I think Ethan and and uh Miles Lewis Kelly I think they they could be as well um obviously when we played Bolt and we had to play a lot of those players didn't we but um yeah in terms of Ethan and uh Miles Lewis Kelly yeah if you're just looking bright for us I think yeah yeah 100% and uh just before we wrap up quickly I just want to touch on something and funny enough this shirt behind me I saw a man playing this shirt behind me that's arguably one of the greatest players not just in Arsenal history but in World Football history they made a polarizing comment about a former manager of ours I'm talking about Sierra Onary yeah where he spoke about uh Unai Emery this week and I'll go to you first Ray and then Albert after but for me the the revisionism on Unai Emery's reign at Arsenal I don't understand how people can't just go it weren't a good fit if if you really look at it we had a fractured board we had a lot of overly oh egotistical players that were like I'm gonna last you I'm gonna last here longer than you're gonna last here so don't tell me what to do you know Bellerin come out and said they're doing impressions of him behind his back you know taking a mickey out you know the good evening and all that the players don't really respect the guy so I don't know I looked to today just some of the things that were coming under the someone else shared a picture of Unary with the article like the comment that he made and an article about it and I remember Frankfurt at home and this was before lockdown and it was empty it was empty because the football that we were playing people we I remember we played Lester away and lost and it was chucking down with Ray and I went sack him now because we've got an international break that was coming up number yeah remember and I was like stack him now get a new manager in that could bed his ideas in in the international break because this guy's not coming back and yet they kept him and then they done it which I thought was out of it I was like you shouldn't because he knew then that Lester game he was done you can see in his face he was like this is done yeah and yeah I just I I'm I'm happy for you know he's never slagged us off I think he appreciates the fact that he wasn't Arsenal manager and to me I just you can you can admit when things weren't a good thing you know me and my ex-girlfriend we weren't a good fit just that's how it goes you know get over it you know I'm over it she's over it but yeah just turn off me turn off to me well yes she doesn't listen so yeah it was yeah 100% a dad might but you know he might agree with me I don't know yeah for me I just can't just see a guy that's doing well at another club just go on about that I don't understand why it's got to be brought back towards us right yeah I mean I think two things can be true I think Unai Emery can be a good manager or a great manager and I can also think that he wasn't a good manager for us again maybe it might be right man wrong time the structure was completely different and listen you know whatever you think about the cronkeys our tater has always been their guy I mean even before we got Emery we were linked to getting our tester and they didn't do it because of in being through an experience they wanted to go with the the more experienced man so they they hired Unai Emery and yeah James I can remember I mean we had some great times under Unai Emery in terms of results I can think of the Fulham game I can think of the North London Derby the 4-2 I can think of the run up until Baku in the Europe League final don't remind us let's yeah let's leave it at that but there were some there were some car crashes the final the game that you mentioned James do you remember the Watford game where we were tuning up the whole time and then for whatever reason told them just stop playing football and they you know palace at home palace at home so they just rolled off the tongue didn't they but yeah there's just so many examples and unfortunately for for Unai it just didn't work I know there was a lot of players that he wanted to bring in but we didn't get no he wanted Zaha we got Pepe I think he wanted Harry Maguire so maybe maybe he's just yeah he wanted Ryan Fraser and Harry Maguire so that's what it meant to be. Yeah and Stephen and Zonzi I think he wanted as well yeah yeah so so maybe but again you know everything is set up for Aston Villa and it's working for him I know there's a director of football that I think used to work at Sevilla and all these other clubs that have been at Monci yeah so again everything is is geared up to Unai Emery and him to have success and good luck to him as you know as long as he doesn't beat us twice a season and getting our way then then I wish him the very best of luck but other than that you know it is what it is I think like I'm going back to your question right at the start of the podium mate I think Arsenal's a bit of a lightning board for the criticism and clicks isn't it and I think just you know obviously Unri is one of our biggest legends ever and yeah you can have the the opinion but I think it would just always get the attention in that respect because because of Unai what he's doing now but like I say unless you physically transform or pick up everything including owners staff environment everything and and move it then you know we're talking about fantasy world and like I say I feel like we're doing quite well with our manager at the moment. Yeah but what about yourself I know like I said Tyrionree obviously such a polarizing figure especially when he talks about the Arsenal. Do you agree with obviously what Han Tumi put I hope I've got that right he said you know he's he's there to create a talking point I don't know I think when he talks about Arsenal he's not doing something to like I said earlier for engagement farming I think he's you know he talks from the heart because like he mentioned when he come back I didn't just score that goal as a player I scored that goal as a fan. I think I think you know he cares and I don't know what what what did you make a deal? Yeah I mean I'd be honest when I hear ex players I know obviously on replay for us and one of the best every you know I mean but it's like yeah you can say that but we're never really going to know are we just be honest so it's just it's the unwritten kind of question is like well yeah it's almost it's one thing saying it but that's not that's not the case is it you know we've we've got our manager we have now he's been here for it's just what's the our text fourth season now so yeah I don't really pay too much attention to it because you know what to be honest with you there's more people there's people out there that will make more of it just because they've got nothing better to do we have we have there's so many media organizations out there where they have experts professionals come on there if you're going to talk about somebody that's not an actual footballer or maybe owner the only the one the only one I could think of top man is probably Simon Jordan he says a lot of things so there's a lot of hot topic things shall say to put it politely but it's it's the world we live in now man I mean Simon and Kenny Ken's Kenny Ken's favorite Simon Jordan yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah some of the things I hear James that I'll be honestly not just with what Henri said but for the last few years no matter what organization it is I'm like do some of these guys really believe what they're really saying or are they just doing it for the very reason that we all think they're doing it for engagement because I sometimes I'll generally don't think they believe what they're saying we're gonna be really really honest we've got some on reset raised made articulate the points perfectly listen there was some really good one-off games you can think of but there was some really bad ones and I think I was done after Baku if I'm going to be really really honest because that's me I said second I was like don't let me get off the plane yeah I went I don't care he goes to a European photo I'm like that is the worst performance I've ever seen yeah that that second off was I'm sorry that's even now think about it still pains me it's always going to pay me anyway regardless of the European trophy it made me laugh all these people oh look at Lucas Terreira cry I went I'm fucking crying I don't care about Lucas Terreira they don't cry yeah exactly yeah exactly when you've lost four European finals in a row of course I said he gets to go home and he's still getting what 90 odd thousand pound a week I know I've got fuck all for watching that yeah and now I've heard about this and who I am he's had a reputation obviously working in Spain winning Europa League a number of times I've always a good appointment at the time for Phillip to be honest with you I mean it's proved to be probably even better appointment than they thought yes he's been back to Villa he didn't get back to Arsenal what we're going to do to rewrite the history books we're going to bring him back to Arsenal they are listen there's plenty of there's plenty as you know as a content creator and Ray as a guest period on podcast after podcast there's plenty of there's enough channels out there that will cover this to the death if I fancy listening to it I might do more than likely I won't to be honest with me one because I've got a life and two I just find some topics a little bit a little bit redundant if I'm going to be really really honest with you so yeah that's my sort of Albert JTV take on it mate thank you man and just quick I got two quick ones and then we will be straight out of here so unlike other people I won't you know I won't mention names I think he rhymes with a very popular cereal brand I've got a line up here that I'm going to do I'm not going to charge you 15 pounds for the privilege of hearing what my line up's going to be I like these other people it's all for free here so I've quickly notched up this little graphic here and hopefully you can all see it yes and that is the team that's ended the game for us in the Champions League midweek and I think unfortunately due to the injuries that we have this is going to be the team that's going to play because Ray you made a great point earlier about people saying about Thomas party being put and right back and I actually saw a journalist say this he believes that Declan Rice will be moved to the six and then Moreno will come in and Thomas party will go to the right back well for me if you make Thomas party do long distance running and try and play out of a congested space you're going to ruin him like I said earlier he's not athleticism wise I don't want Thomas party doing long distance running no and I don't want him and I don't want him you know being in a congested space so that's why I think it's going to happen I'm happy to be proven wrong I'm happy for Tim but to be back and healthy I'm happy for Ben White to be healthy hell I'd even take Tommy Asu back and healthy I'll be happy with it any natural right back instead of playing a left footed player at right back I don't believe Califuri's poor in it you know but I just I would rather have a natural right footed player there if we could both of you yes or no do you think that's going to be the same team or do you think it's going to be different? Ray go ahead mate go on mate yeah I think it probably will be to be fair I mean like you said I think the only thing is the right back position I don't think it's likely is it but hopefully Tim or White will be fit enough to at least start that game but if not I could quite easily see it being something among them lions anyway but yeah I'm hoping we get a proper right back back as well because I mean this is the thing as well the the relationship that they have with Bikai Saka in particular and this is what I've been impressed with timber about as well as what we mentioned earlier is that the transition when he plays there isn't a lot different is there to Ben White he's still able to get up and support Saka in the same way that White is so yeah just hopefully we can we can get one of them back Albert oh um you know what I think defensively I'm hoping like Ray said I hope in either if it's not going to be timber it depends out bad the muscular injury is um you might be fine but um I'm hoping Ben White I'm hoping one of the two will play right back then obviously we've called a fury over to left back so that's sort of but like I said I think defensive cover for now for now the key word we're okay ish um is there is there an argument to play Ethan on Saturday tomorrow um yeah I think there is to be honest with you um because you've got it's not like you've got in experience in and around him um and you're at home and you're playing against a team that has only got 1.6 games will Michel will Michel take the chance to maybe playing starting possibly possibly I don't think you would but I would like to see it I think if you can embed him in for particular games definitely in the Premier League anyway for certain then you get him in and you give him his minutes and he's dynamic and he gives us something very very different in that Arsenal makeup um but I wouldn't argue with the front three at all I think that I think that I think you could probably I think it kind of picks itself at the moment if we're going to be honest with you um unless you're bringing Sterling who knows the thing is I think the fact we're having this conversation um in regards to some of the players that may potentially start is more than a positive particularly at home to Southampton yeah yeah 100% and then my next question and I'll go to you first this time Albert is uh prediction please three new Arsenal nice right I think two new Arsenal um I'm hoping Aaron Ramsdale doesn't come back and have a blinder a bit like that Leicester goalkeeper to be honest I thought you were going to say I was going to say good yeah well I mean he did score for Southampton that last time that we we played and so he does I was one but yeah I this is the thing I was thinking about this earlier on actually and again I think our set pieces are so good these days that it probably won't matter but he have all the Premier League goalkeepers he does have insight of what we do at set plays so potentially maybe he could uh brief Southampton a little bit on on what we do whether they're good enough to stop us is uh is another thing mm-hmm it's another thing but potentially that might come into play so we might have to be a little bit patient with some of our corners and some of our routines just because if Southampton seemed like they they know what we're going to do a few times just my theory I think that um having having that bit of knowledge might work in their favor but ultimately there they've been a poor side um this season as we mentioned uh or a Russell Martin is on the brink by the looks of it um he's still got a uh a gallon model as a as a girlfriend so it's not all bad for him but um or an ex-grand model but um he's uh yeah he's he's having a tough time of it and the thing is is that when you play um expansive and out of the back and risky football and the championship and it works and you're one of the better teams you're laughing but in in this league especially as a newly promoted team it's always going to be tough years isn't it so yeah I think we should have more than enough to to get the job done hopefully we can get the goal difference a little bit but I said this before the Leicester game and look at how that turned out so just hopefully we can just win the bloody thing yeah and just quickly before we leave we got a comment here from Neil and he said mum is asking which club has the most supporters in the world is it man you we have the biggest social media presence so to answer this quickly Neil I don't believe they're the big there's two ways to answer this so in terms of actual supporters clubs worldwide who has the most is Celtic and Rangers so if you go per country all around the world I don't know what it is with Scottish people but they seem to spread out so Celtic and Rangers yeah they're the two with the most diverse fan bases because they're just everywhere but yeah I think your mum is correct mate and it is Manchester United I think are the most supportive club in the world I believe maybe even round Madrid it's got to be one of them probably not as well supported these days man you know it is they normally no no yeah no a lot of them have gone back to supporting Chelsea again or whoever they supported you know but but yeah we we absolutely do have the we absolutely have the biggest social media presence Jesus yes whatever way you want to look at that whatever context you're looking at we do yeah yeah good and bad yeah there's a lot you know and all of us have got a podcast so so yeah and Neil said here give her a mention and embarrassing no I will not embarrass your mother Neil we love we love mums on this channel so yes thank you very much Neil's mum for watching I appreciate you viewing and yeah I hope everything is good for you and the family now so before again we wrap up Ray everyone always enjoys what you have to say you need to escape the prison as you called it earlier where can people find you if they want to read more or hear more Ray and I know you're dodging all the cult of cold Palmer avatars and yeah this is it it's every month mate on Twitter or X it's another Chelsea avatar that I'm just blocking or avoiding so yeah I've done ends though I've done cold Palmer I've done Nicholas Jackson God knows it's going to be gusto or someone now probably and they've got so many players I can't keep up that's the problem but yeah if you want to follow me Instagram it's probably the best place Ray Carson 92 I've also launched a dog walking yes Ray shout out the business company as well so I'll shout it out listen I know you're based in Essex and so I'm probably not going to get many customers where you are mate but I haven't walked a few dogs around Essex it's not wrong yeah but I mean listen anyone my my links are on there on my Instagram so it's Ray Ray's dog walking so services hastens quite a long one but it sits on sale it's it's ginksters it's it's uh I can't even remember the player that we said to us ginksters now but it's kiwi or it's kiwi or it's all kiwi or but yeah and I will I will chuck it I will chuck it in the description Ray as well yeah but anyone that I'm really new to it so anyone that knows you know websites social media building businesses that sort of thing please get in touch because yeah yeah any help or advice as much appreciated so thank you very much legend and uh Albert all of your links are in the description audio and visual I've got I've I had to find it I could for some reason I couldn't find your Apple link but I got it in the end I was scouring Google and uh because yeah I realized that they were for whatever reason Google would just put in podcasts that you were tagged in they weren't even yours it was just ones that had your Twitter handle on and what have you or your name so I was like no I want to find his actual podcast please but yeah I've done it so don't worry you you're all covered but yes if people want to hear you see you right you are love letter where where can they where can they find you Albert I don't know about don't know I prefer love letters and um some of these letters that some of the youtubers are receiving from other clubs but yeah that's another thing that's another story man but yes thank you for having your baby Albert JTV the Twitter handle is there a a a humor at a humor 57 even forgot my Twitter handle um I shall be doing I won't beat the game tomorrow um one because I forgot to end the ballot which is a criminal mistake um two even if I did get a ticket I just would not have been able to do it because I'm out in central London enjoying a night out but to leave the game early to come back home to get back changed to come back central London not doing it it's just it's just completely not worth it so um that I'll be doing a wash long on my channel and leave judge TV tomorrow so that's that should be fun good man good man well thank you everybody that's been watching and again thank you Ray and thank you Albert and we will be back to do the Southampton game so yeah cheers everybody take care have a good rest of your evening and enjoy the game tomorrow and I realize I haven't done my prediction it's the same as yours Albert I'm going three day last everybody. 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