Does Anyone Else

Episode 12: Girlcast

A comedy podcast episode.

Broadcast on:
10 Oct 2024
Audio Format:

-- Holy shit. Does anyone else podcast back from medical hiatus? Oh, yeah. I need some sort of music intro. I'm on the road, so there's -- I can't -- I can't do a genuine vibe check with a sitar, but I can. Let's see. Oh, yeah. I got -- I hit up a little Wayne. I was like, "Hey, Lil Wayne, can you do some sort of intro for the cast?" And he's like, "I'm a big fan, won't it?" I was like, "Sick, can I hear it?" Yeah, about to put on my -- does anyone else bandana call me Lil Wheezy? I'm from Lil Wheezy, Anna. Well, that's a pretty good bar. Has he ever said that before? Can somebody text Wheezy F. Baby and see if he's ever said, "Call me Lil Wheezy. I'm from Lil Wheezy, Anna." And if he -- if he would like to maybe buy that bar, it's a -- it's a no. Keep my name -- keep his name out of his mouth, my mouth, what? Don't contact. He's in the gang, the bloods, and I will be hurt. Sure, that's a pretty good bar. He doesn't want it, and to please -- I'll leave him alone. All right, all right. I thought it was pretty good. Wheezy F. Baby and the F stands for fuck off, dude. I'm like, I'm mad at the -- I'm mad at the fake interaction between Lil Whee. I'm like a genuinely male. I used to love -- I used to love Wheezy, and he wouldn't buy my fake bar that I did for a fake intro to a podcast nobody listens to. But fuck him for sure. I'm glad Kendrick got that Super Bowl. I'm so pissed. That's -- that's a girl -- let's go and girl-brain. Like a fake fight that doesn't -- it's just not real. I'm just being like, "Oh, actually, I hate him, and you don't even realize -- you don't even know what it's about." It's a whole fake thing. Yeah, girl will have a -- like a lifelong vendetta, and it'll be some sort of thing that she made up and then forgot that she made it up and then just couldn't even tell you why. Just like, "Oh, I hate her." It's like, "Why?" I don't know. Yeah, so anyway. So, girl-brain on Lil Wheezy. Obviously, he's the goat. He might -- I think he might be in my number one. So, obviously, I'm gonna have reverence for the Wheezy-f baby. That is a good line, though. Because I mean, he's from New Orleans, Louisiana. His name's Lil Wheezy. Lil Wheezy-anna. All right. Well, move past this and get it again to the podcast that everybody's been clamoring for. Yeah, I still can't get into the mis-serious ailment, but I've been on pretty much vocal rest for a while now. I tried to do -- I did an episode whenever that was, and that one was pushing it. But I think I've got the all clear for now. But what a -- yeah, what a just a devastating blow to somebody who's trying to talk on podcast and just in general. But we'll -- yeah, we'll see. Hopefully, that doesn't continue to keep this. Pulitzer-nominated. There's no Pulitzer nomination. Okay, well, this podcast that is a podcast from happening. Hold on. If you can hear the background, there's bad kids on dirt bikes. Honestly, a dying art in this country. Bad kids used to be on dirt bikes and motorcycles. And now they're just saying the n-word on playing Fortnite or whatever. I feel that that's -- I feel like that's what the bad kids do now, is they use homophobic and racial slurs on playing Call of Duty in Fortnite. Pretty sure that's accurate, but I have nothing to back it up. This is "Does Anyone Else?" I'm Patrick McClellan. And this is a podcast where we get to the bottom of stuff, or we try to, or we never do, or it's -- that's really no point of even saying that at all. That it is just a meandering, kind of stream of consciousness, fever dream, honestly. Really, it's honestly, I mean, what even is what, you know? What is a podcast? Who are we? What am I? Who am we? I've been -- since I've been away, I've gotten real philosophical. What is who? And honestly, at the end of the day, who even is what, you know? It's just something to think about. Something real deep to sink your claws into your Santa Claus. Delete that. Edit that out. Edit the Santa Claus went out and a whole low lane part. Actually, we're going to start this over. We are going to start this over. You think after being gone so long that I would come in with some sort of -- some sort of plan, some sort of list, but actually, you probably wouldn't think that. If you're listening to this, you know exactly that the only way to get a cast out is to completely wing it. But since we are -- we are on the move. I'm actually -- I'm in the -- I'm in my tree. I'm in my Sequoia. I'm going to stop making that tree joke. That's so fucking dumb. So we can't -- So anyway, I usually have my phone hooked up to the -- to the zoom pod track -- to the zoom pod track P8 so I can play bad TikToks of a guy doing a JD Vance impression. But I have -- now I have it in my hand at my disposal so I can look up stuff, which I normally can't do. And that really really hinders me. I mean, it would be a pretty -- pretty brilliant podcast otherwise if I had stuff to look up, but basically it's me throwing something wild out there without any knowledge of it or just any information whatsoever and then not even looking up to verify. So basically just I think that -- I think this would constitute as fake news, but not on purpose. It's not -- I'm not -- not the fake news -- the fake news media. All right, so yeah, so I don't have any -- what do I -- what's even going on in the world? Is there anything important happening? Can't get political. I got political in the last one. People were pissed. People were so upset. They were upset about the politics of it all. And to them I'd say, shut up. Who cares? And if you really care, you'll do the right thing and come November. So something to keep in mind. And you -- I don't need to tell you what the right thing is. You know what the right thing is. So do that. No, we're not going to get political. I still -- I stand on the -- my firm belief -- but my firm belief that my name is Mike Tyson and I'm going to punch you -- okay, I can't do Mike Tyson. That's usually the one a voice that everybody can do. I can't do -- I can't do Mike Tyson. I can't do Arnold. I can't do any of the ones. I can't do Christopher Walken. And -- I can only say And. So I can't do any of the impressions that everybody can do. But if you need a butt head from me as a butt head, I can like do that or something. So I can do -- I can do very deep cut voices. All right. Yeah, this is -- I edit that part out too. If you can make a note to edit pretty much all eight minutes of this. Oh boy. I had -- I'm trying to have so much to talk about. Let's see, since I've -- since I've been gone, what has been going on? I've been getting back in shape. Everybody, if you are out of shape, you hate to hear that. If you're in shape, you're like, it's about time. Good. Good for you. Trying to -- I'm doing intermittent fasting. Basically, yeah, I'm not going to punish you with any of the -- any of the details of that because nobody -- honestly, nobody gives a shit. But I feel good. I've gotten -- for the first time of my life, I've gotten on coffee. Drinking entirely too much coffee. And that seems to be pretty good. Let's see what folks -- what folks don't realize is that although the -- ingesting so much sugar, like an insane amount of sugar, is definitely by all accounts terrible for you. But caffeine doesn't affect my ADHD brain. It doesn't really do anything. So I don't -- people would always see me like, what, you're always -- like, why are you always chugging that delicious ampe energy drink by Mountain Dew? And I'll just -- I would be like, because it tastes good. That's -- I'm not -- you're going to be up all night. No, I'm not. Well, I mean, I might be, but that's going to be from -- yeah, from toxic thinking and rumination. That's not -- it's not going to be from -- from the caffeine. It doesn't affect me. So I can just chug coffee and I have to, like, reel myself in because I -- yeah, just because it's entirely too much sugar. I definitely land in the camp of girl -- girl, I'm a girl coffee drinker. It's like as much cream and sugar as possible to where it's -- it goes from being like the lifeblood to get working to, like, just a yundalish treat. So that's where I'm at with coffee. It's a yundalish treat. And I -- but let me drink it in the morning, but now I feel like I'm ready to move into true girl coffee drinking, which is also a nice afternoon yundalish. Pick me up, and that's where I -- that's where I get the -- you know, go get a -- a nice frappe, just a -- just a milkshake, whipped cream, and just the -- the gayest thing of all -- the gayest thing of all time. So that's -- that's been good. And I've been walking a ton, which is just on -- like, on the surface and on paper. Seems gay. I don't know. I don't know how to say it. But it's -- it's been good. I feel good. Yeah, I'm walking, like, five -- three and a half to five miles a day. And either -- in the city or I'll go to a park. So that's been -- if you've been -- if you're on my TikTok at Sir Pat McClellan, I'm a real knight by the -- knighted by the queen, I'm a real -- I'm not a real knight, so respect that -- that title. On my TikTok, it's just been -- my -- all my content's just me filming turtles on a stick on a lake and some vultures. So I'm getting some good content, some good quality content from turtles on a stick and some vultures. There's a gas -- gas pipeline. There's a -- I haven't posted it yet, but I have one. There's, like, a heartbroken bird just looking forlorn into the water. I got -- so I got a real good wildlife account going on, so that's pretty sick. But yeah, I've been walking -- I don't know why it's gay, but it just -- it just is. There's just certain things that -- and it definitely is not, by the way, so I -- I've read up. I was reading all of the research and how it's actually walking is actually -- by some accounts -- better than -- than running or jogging for just feeling better and, you know, losing by the way. So that's pretty sick. So I haven't been walking, but it's just me -- Asian women. There's a lot of Asian women walking. There's one hot girl with a dog. There's a very nice down syndrome lady that walks opposite to the way I walk in the park. It's like a rant. It's a big path. I don't know. I feel like you've been to a park before, but I don't know. It's a long mile-and-a-half trek or something, something like that, but she walks the opposite way. And I don't know if there's -- are there -- is it like NASCAR rules? Because I go -- I go clockwise, and most people do, but this nice -- this nice young lady goes the other way, and she just has a fanny pack and like a speaker and it's just blaring, blaring Spongebob. It's just in cartoons. It's what it sounds like. Obviously, I'm glad that she's active and she rules, but just yeah. If I have, like -- I have my AirPods in -- oh, it's October. I've renamed them my ScarePods. That's right. You knew this was a spooky -- this was a spooky cast, so that's something we can get into -- how spooky everything is, how scary everything is. But yeah, they're my ScarePods, but if I have, like -- I start out -- see, I'm already getting to my routine, which this is -- I mean, this is as bad as talking about my fantasy football team, which is 4-in-1 dominant. There's like a few things that you don't want to hear about. It's -- you don't want to be disparaged by a vegan for whatever. You want to hear about fucking chicken farms or whatever, chicken picking. You don't want to hear about somebody's dream, and you don't want to hear about their fantasy football team or what bets they've placed, all just punishing to hear. So getting into routine is definitely not good either. But yeah, I like to start out with some music to get the energy up, and then I go into a podcast. So if I'm switching that, you know, I'll be able to hear, and then I'll pass to the Down syndrome lady, and she's just blaring SpongeBob, which rules. I mean, honestly, that's -- I can't fault her for that. You got to figure out some way to get the exercising done, so that's good, but it's just insane to hear that on speakers. And that seems to be a trend. It's not just her. A lot of people just are either on bikes or they're walking around with just full speaker on blast. And I've been clocking that. And most of the time, people are listening to just crazy fucking house music. And I guess that's for energy or something, but it's wild to just be barely trotting around a nice park, just with pure German DJ energy, pure sensual Gary, just a secret DJ party at a dock, just rave music. And hey, whatever gets it done, so I don't want to disparage too much. That's good. Yeah, I don't know if that's what's worse, that or the psychopaths with no headphones, no nothing, and they're just trying to be mindful. Like, that's a true psychopath. Like, entertaining themselves with their own thoughts. So that's who you really got to watch. But so yeah, I've been getting back in shape, intermittent fasting, annoying, well, annoying to talk about. It's not really that annoying. It's actually crazy, easy. You just, I do the, see, I'm already getting into the thing I just said was annoying that nobody wants to hear about, but maybe you were searching for meaning and you're like, I've heard this, but what even is it? You just, you have an eight hour window that you can eat during the day, and then you fast for 16 hours. So basically, you just eat your last meal early, like you eat dinner early, and then you don't eat again for 16 hours, which usually lands around lunchtime, depending on when you eat. So it's not that tough at all. I went from being a breakfast eater. This is the worst podcast of all time, by the way, should I say a slur or sometimes I haven't said anything racist haven't done an accent, haven't. Yeah, nobody wants. Yeah, anyway, I'm getting back into it. But yeah, you have to, yeah, so 16 hours, you just you just fast until then, and you, you don't get to break fast. You have to lunch fast or something. I don't know, you get to eat lunch, and you just eat in that eight hour window, and it seems to be pretty good. So, so that's all good. What else? What else we got going on? We were not doing politics. There isn't that hurricane. People got mad at me because I don't know if you followed anything with Hurricane Milton. But there's this fucking, just an insane drifter, literally, named Lieutenant Dan. He has one leg that everybody's he's just going viral. And he's just like, he's really just a narrative. Well, just a bad guy, just a bad guy with one leg that lives on a boat. And he's hilariously named Lieutenant Dan. Very funny. But he's just gone viral with this storm and everything. And I'm just like, fuck this guy, dude. He's like, he like tried to set a woman on fire or something. He's just a basic bat, or at least he used to be a bad guy. I don't want to, everybody, you can change or whatever. But I'm just, I don't want to see this just a mean guy that lives on a boat with one leg that seems to be pretty easily agitated. And everybody's, I don't know, I don't like when people like that go viral. I just, I can't stand them and along that same vein. Also, like fuck me, dang. This fucking weird ass slimy hippo get the get the hell out of here. Biting people's legs. Just an absolute hell beast. I don't even need to get into the, the ins and outs of hippos and how many people they kill per year and how terrible they are. But this little slimy little idiot, it's not cute. It's gross. She looks like she's the fucking inside of a kangaroo's pouch, just wet and slimy and just just, just, so I refuse to just, to buy into the hype on that. I am a contrarian, but I think that I'm a contrarian on things that I'm correct on and everybody else is just as retarded as humanly possible. So I'm just, if there's something cute, I will, I'm not afraid to, to buy into something that takes the world by storm. You know, like mom talk and all these crazy, crazy Mormon ladies. Can we get into, do we need to get into that? Do we need to get, this could be just, this could be the first full girl cast. But yeah, there's, so there's just like, I don't know, it's like the, it's not the real house, it's not the real Mormon housewives or of Salt Lake or whatever, but they're like, I don't know, the show's on Hulu. I don't know where the, their show is. There's only one season of it, but it's just the dumbest possible Mormon women, but they're bad and they're all swingers and this is going nowhere. I can, this is not good podcasting and all this is already a bad episode. But a little wheezy, can you come in here? No, I cannot. Please do not contact me. We see a baby and the F stands for late me. Pretty good. There's another line. You want to buy that? No, I do not. I'm a, I'm a gang member, please. I need to rap about pussy. Stop talking to me, Wode. All right, dude. Sorry, Wayne. What's the name, Dwayne? Yes, that is correct. All right, my bad, Dwayne Carter. That's my, that's my government. Please don't ever say that. That's okay. I don't, I'm allowed to do, am I allowed to do that voice because it's a real person and it's not like, I'm not just doing, I'm not going, I'm not going to do, I'm not doing like a, it is a black sand, but it's not, it's a very, it's a specific one. So I don't know where the, where the, whatever the term is, where you, where the thing falls. I don't know. I don't even know what I'm talking about. I am in blackface though. So unfortunately that's kind of probably the biggest issue with this, this part of it is that I'm in full, like a full, a drag wig, dread wig, and I'm in blackface and I'm saying, name Lil Wheezy, Lil from the Louisiana. So if I, I wish I had, I wish I had a vocal effect and I can do an auto tune because I would add a love, add a love. What a sweet song by Lil Wayne. Just randomly, he's always talking about, I beat the pussy up. I killed four people on my way to work. And then he's just like, has a nice song on it. I love sometimes you get a feeling in your heart blah, blah, blah. I love, I do love Lil Wayne. So, and obviously he's listening, so Wheezy, please don't, please don't be mad at me. I'll, I'll go skateboarding with you. I love that he's just like a five foot five guy, just skateboarding everywhere. You got to respect a guy in their forties that's just like getting into skating. Like that does kind of rule even though it's going to end badly. I had one, there was like a, a time when I was, when I was growing up that were that like where it was cool to not only play regular ball sports, but also like all of the extreme stuff was coming on. Everybody had cool BMX bikes and I had a dinosaur, sick purple and gold dino nitro. It was like Laker colors, pegs. Now pegs means something different because the goddamn liberals now used to be talking about, if you're peg somebody, you're just giving them a ride on your BMX bike and now goddamn. It's like, now guys are coming against their will because it feels too good. Okay. Well, it's a Kamala's fault. Oh, no, nevermind. I'm, people are going to clock that that's fake because I said Kamala. Yeah, you're right. It's, if you're a racist and you're bad, it's Kamala. If you can even say that or it's what's Trump color, Kamala, Kamala. I don't remember what he calls her, but it's, I did see we're, we're not getting political, but Trump went on Andrew Schulz podcast, flagrant. And I heard him bring up his new one for Gavin Newsom, Gavin Newscombe. Great nickname. So say what you will about Trump. We will and we're going to love him forever. But his, I mean, the nickname game, tampon Tim, Gavin Newscombe, Pocahontas. I mean, these are all lion Ted. I mean, these are crybaby, back daddy. Oh, the incredible, incredible nicknames, but Gavin Newscombe. I mean, 10 out of 10. No notes. All right, we're out of that. Was I talking about Lil Wayne, Louise? You don't even know what I'm talking about. It's not good. Okay. So it's spooky season. People are scared. There's ghosts out. Skeletons, ghouls. You know, one thing I'll say about this is that I like how, how Halloween's kind of taking over for Christmas in terms of just decorations and people going all out. And like, I think that's real fun. But like the, the shelves and target really up their game, they had like neon lights. And there's one, this one that it got, it sold out. And I can't bring myself to buy on it online, but it's just, it's like a, it's a neon light skeleton doing the devil's devil horns and it moves. And okay, you know what? I'm probably going to buy it right now. Actually, I'm going to get on and buy that. I'm who am I kidding? And they got like a bat that flaps its wings. I mean, sickest thing of all time, but it's sold out. But yeah, but the, all of the decorations in, in Target were like the shelves were barren by October 1st. And they're not replenishing them. And they've already even started moving Christmas stuff in there, which is honestly, it's sickening. Let's try to, we try to keep Christ in Christmas, but they're trying to keep the capital in, inism, capitalism or what, you know what I mean? So I can't even, I got all of these skeletons. I just bought a 13 foot wolf and a witch that is at regular height, but upon movement goes to even greater heights to scare people. Just got, just got those and loaded up and about to set up. And now it, you know, it got, now full of nutcrackers and it's, I get cute, confuses the hell out of me. I thought, I mean, I thought I had time with this. And now I got, I don't, so now I got, I bought Halloween lights that can also be used as Christmas lights. So I just got to figure out, I don't know how, anybody, anybody, y'all, y'all familiar with Pantones, color palettes? I've recently gotten color palettes and, yeah, I just, I spent a couple hours on it on TikTok trying to figure out what, what my faces, colors were for makeup. So yeah, I don't know, I think I had autumn colors, but I, again, I did took so many of them. I don't really remember what the results were, but I've been trying to figure out what, what colors worked for me. And I think, I think that was what it was, but I, again, I did so many of those. Yeah, I, you know, I love the, man, I thought I was, when TikTok came out, man, I was like, yeah, fuck the Chinese, they're doing something, they're Chinese. Obviously, we hate them, but yeah, I wanted it banned. I was speaking in front of town halls in Congress. And then it comes to find out, man, these filters are fun as hell. I found out what, what my job was in a past life. And I found, when I died, and I found out, yeah, the colors of my makeup face, I, all sorts of stuff. Those filters, man, they're, they're so fun. So yeah, I, maybe I'm coming around on Chinese. So yeah, I, maybe I was wrong about everything, and maybe stuff, sometimes stuff is good and it's not bad. So I don't know, man, but what was I even talking about? Oh, yeah, the light thing. Yes, the decorations are really, really the bane of my existence right now. And also, Kamala Harris, and I only said it correctly, because a really scary lady with, with those cat glasses, you know, they look like a scary labyrinth, like librarian from the 60s, really laid into me, and line it, and line it target. And so I'm just going to say it correctly, because I would really would rather bathe in sharpened razor blades, just jumping Donald Duck into, I mean, not Donald Duck, a Scrooge McDuck into a pool full of razor blades, rather than ever have to deal with a woman like that again. So anyway, so decorations are a lot, and I'm just trying to figure out how I can merge the two, but now I got this election. And man, I'm so sad, and I thought I had purpose, but okay, I kind of like that guy. He was kind of trying to win me over. I don't know where I was going with it, but that guy kind of ruled just an absolute ignorant idiot. But also, he's like learning that everything isn't terrible. And he's like slowly coming to realization, finding out what empathy is, but still also correctly hating mean crazy lady and cat eye glasses. Have you ever run into one of those in the wild? I was, you know, I was dating this girl recently, a very short lived shot to that shot to me, shot to love, shout out to try and love, shout out to dating, shout out to dating apps, shout out to, oh, actually when dating apps, I met this girl organically in the wild, which is pretty sick. And she was, she was all right, she was pretty cool. But her best friend, literally is the worst person I've ever met, and it was one of those people. And I mean, just, I can't even like this, this lady, I'm gonna call her a lady. I don't know, she's like 30 something 30 or 30 is 29 or something. So she's still figuring it out. But right now she's all wrong. One of the quite possibly the worst person I've ever met, just an absolute punisher to be around, a bad friend, just the wrong about every take, but is loud about it. She like, like think, I think she's a truly a narcissist, but like she like thinks she's the funny one, but is also said that she hates stand up comedy thinks comedy is dumb because comedians shouldn't be able to say whatever they want. I was like, that's kind of how talking works, you fucking idiot. But yeah, but yeah, so yeah, I'm sure you're the life of the party, the funny one, the person who hates comedy. So this is the kind of person we're dealing with. And like, I'm sitting there and like, I'm a comedian. Like, so I'm, I'm king of the good times. I'm, I'm part of the goof troop. And like, she's sitting there disparaging me. I'm like, Oh yeah, for sure, comedy sucks. I mean, comedy does suck, but not for that reason. But just so I yeah, I went out of my way in the like month and a half that was dating this girl. And she always had that this was her like, this girl heard all of her friends lived elsewhere. So this was, yeah, this lady and her husband were her only friends here. And this and so she was always hanging out. And this lady was so bad that like, like, I almost, I was to the point where I'm just, I can't hang out. I'm sorry, I can't date you because this person is the, I can't, I literally cannot be around this person. That bad. But just so I, but I did have fun for like the last few times we hung out that like, just try, I would say I said retarded way more than I should have. Did Asian accents. I had, we're sitting outside on a patio, having drinks somewhere and I drew a swa, drew a swastika in the condensation and she lost her shit. So she has, she's mad. You can't say anything. I mean, just, I just can't stress enough how bad this lady was, but she was kind of a cat, I like cat glasses lady. Just just an absolute bitch of a lady and her husband was a dumb pussy. And they were awful. But I'm, which is really should have been my first, the first clue that the girl was bad too. But she was pretty, I mean, she was all right. She was cool enough, I guess. But yeah, this lady sucked and that's kind of who would probably would have said something to the, yeah, to my, my friend at the in line of target. Yeah, she, she definitely was one of the ones. She was definitely the one that did it. I was trying to say something hilarious and she, yelled at me. So I didn't need to go back in the character, but, but yeah, this lady sucked. And I don't like, you know, I like to air up people out on, on a very popular podcast that's been on hiatus, but this, I mean, what a, just a fool. Like just a hypocrite on every level. Very fun to hate. And that was, was funny. Like the whole, pretty much all me and this girl talked about, which was very fun is just to talk shit. And, but I could never get, you know, that was her friend. So I could only be like, oh yeah, that sucks. Oh yeah, that's pretty terrible. Oh yeah, she's awful. You know, but I couldn't really be like, yeah, I, this is actually, I couldn't be like, yeah, she's actually the worst person I've ever met. And I can't stand to be around her and therefore, really can't stand to be around you either. That it's that bad. Yeah, I mean, she used, I wish I could, I'm just trying to think of every, there were so many instances in a very short period of time. We went to a, we went to the Weezer concert, which was sick. It was like Weezer and it was flaming lips. And Dinosaur Junior opened up. So a good concert. And so they, these guys, her husband, show up, they miss both Dinosaur Junior in the flaming lips. They show up very late, barely made it in time for, for Weezer. And she shows up and they're, I guess they're trying, they're buying a house and just got inspection done. And she just, all she was doing was she was showing the girl I was dating just all her inspection photos. So as Weezer is like starting to play, who is one of, in the girl's favorite bands. And then I would like, yeah, just, we were talking about the audio was kind of weird on some songs. So I would just be like, oh, we were, you know, you're, you're allowed to talk at concerts. And I would just, we were talking, I would lean in and say something about, you know, the sound or, oh, that, yeah, that song rules or just actually talking about the concert. And then they went to like, the bathroom to get drinks. And she said, she made a comment that I didn't have concert etiquette after she went like that, this is the kind of bitch this lady is. She's like, yeah, he just doesn't have concert etiquette. So I, which is not even a thing that is real. But, but it was sitting there interrupting the concert by showing inspection photos, which nobody gives a fuck about. I don't care, even if your friend pretends to nobody cares and like paid money for this concert and then had the nerve. And I'm, and I'm not even interrupting song. I'm singing along having a good time. And we just in between songs, we'd be like, oh man, oh yeah, I hadn't heard that song, you know, and forever. And, and then had the nerve like just that kind of lacking of awareness and just, just the worst at all times. So this has been a very therapeutic fun section. What a dumb bitch this lady was is, but I think God, I do not have to deal with her anymore. That's just awful. Yeah, we were, let's keep laying into her, honestly. Yeah, we met up after that. I don't know, was it the same weekend? I think it was the same weekend. Like the next day, we went to have drinks and watch the, watch the Texans game. This was like the, yeah, two weeks ago. And yeah, this more, this moron showed up to a like a sports bar where everybody's there to drink and watch the game and just kept repeating sports ball, sports ball, not reading the room and abuse like that. So that, that kind of person, like thinks that's hilarious. Like, oh, it's, yeah, it's pretty funny to go to a place where everybody's watching a thing that they like and just to keep saying sports ball, you fucking dumb cunt. I mean, a cunt of the year. So I really wish, yeah, I really wish my, I had other friends that had met us out or something to, to really have a good talking shit session, because this lady sucks ass and it would have been fun to be like, can you get, get a load of this person? Or honestly, because it was good to the point where I was like, I almost have to say something like this is awful. And then, yeah, she has, she's immune to any of that stuff. And then if anybody does anything that she deems as not good, she has no problem saying something. But anyway, it was very fun to do Asian accents and say retarded and I, I'm, I crack up thinking about just starting to draw swastika and the condensation that was still very funny to me. And to think that that's, you can't do that. It's like, yeah, oh yeah, I am, I forgot to tell you, I'm definitely a real Nazi, because I'm drawing a swastika in, in the condensation of a cocktail outside, which is, I mean, that is pretty fun. And it's a solid bit. So I can't, so I guess maybe she should try to check out some comedy because she has no idea what is funny. And that is very funny because it's just still funny thinking about it, just how, but just making her mad was very fun. But yeah, shout out to that. True, like, I'm gonna loop her in with mooding and lieutenant Dan, like, I hope they all get, looking mauled by dogs or I mean, I mean, all of them, I hope they all suffer tragic death. So try, we try to, we try to stay positive on the Does Anyone Else podcast, but some people aren't worthy of your positivity, because I was very nice, very nice. And I didn't really do anything to deserve disparaging in any way. And it's like, she couldn't help herself. And she's just the literal worst person I've ever met. So it's fun with some of those people that are just, some people are just cons. And just on her high horse about everything and has no, just, I can't even, I can't even, I can't even waste too much time on this podcast talking about her. But she was the worst. Just literally everything, all she, yeah. And she like has, we could, should we keep laying into her? Yeah, she has, she has IBS, which I, or Crohn's or one of those, but like, she like holds everybody in her life hostage by being noncommittal about plans that they kind of need to know. And she's like, I don't know, I need, I might have to go to the bathroom. And so she'll like, one foot in the water to every single thing, almost ruining the plans multiple times. And just kind of leaving people high and dry. And just, she's like, kind of, I guess, because she thinks that nobody can say anything. So she kind of uses that as a control tactic. I'm pretty sure she's a narcissist or exhibits some of those qualities. But, uh, yeah, so just, yeah, just picture like the most annoying person you ever met with, those cat glasses and bangs that thinks she's cool, but dresses like an absolute retarded but a retard. I'm gonna say the hard, I'm gonna hard our my back. Actually, I'm not my bad on that. She's a cunt, not a retard. She's a retarded cunt. But she's, I don't want. Yeah, well, this is 41 minutes in. I can let those fly a little bit. I've been good. I was talking about how they've been bettering myself. And so I got to, this is very cathartic to lay into her. But, uh, so yeah, so that it's always a shame when young love doesn't get to flourish, but it is part, there's a small part of me that is mad. I don't, I don't get to hear any more stories because she, and I'm like, we only did it for about a month, a little over a month or something. And she managed to outdo herself almost daily, got just to just stuff. I'm like, she really like, I already thought she was the worst and she would kept doing just the crazy shit. I'm like, yeah, you can't be friends. I was like, you can't be friends. I couldn't seriously say that. But I think, I don't know. But, you know, she ended up, that girl ended up being very dumb and stupid as well. So I think that that, I think that that makes that all makes sense now. But, but I wish I could, I wish there was some way to get updates of just what what this moron is doing. Because there, there are a few things that are as gratifying as, as commiserating with somebody and to hate, because yeah, because the girl was dating, like, essentially hated everything this person did and knew it was bad. But I guess it was her only friends and they've been, I don't know, it was one of those tough, tough relationships. But, I don't know, as I, as I get older, I think people need to be reminded that you don't have to hang out with somebody who is only bad and makes you feel bad. And it's not fun and ruins times and is selfish. Like, you can just not be friends with them. And I think that that's something that people need to, you're not with anybody. That you can just kind of protect your energy and, and I would definitely would say that, especially in this case, that it was better even if it's her only friends, just make other friends, do something, but you move. But you can't be friends with these people. They were, they were awful and she was terrible and the husband was like a, the weirdest pussy of all time. And he, he, he, he sucked in his own way. He was nice enough to talk to and stuff. But he would just like, we, we went over to their house, like, ever having drinks and he would just like, like disappear and go like hang out in his room. Like, just, I mean, a great a weirdo. And obviously to be married to her, I can't even imagine. So I almost, I do have some, some empathy and some grace for him because he is, he picked the wrong one. And I'm, I don't, actually, I don't think they're married. And I think she's trying to pressure him. She kept making jokes about him. And I don't, I think he's like, not wanting to marry her and, but they're buying a house anyway. So that's the gossip section. This is the girl, this is the girl cast. So shout out to my girly pops. I am just a girl. This is what we do. I'm going to start. I'm just, I'm going to keep doing wildlife TikToks and maybe starting to count where I, I just make videos how to be Mormon and drink. And then also how to make meals for your family on a budget in Air Fryer. It's real popular on TikTok right now. And she's like, actually, yeah, I made, these are I bought the right, I bought them regular shaped chicken nuggets, but I actually cut them into dinosaurs. And I made my own dinosaur nuggets. And the kids love them. And yeah, they all, yeah, they all have high cholesterol. And we did lose one of them, but dinner time is fun with my craft mac and cheese and dinosaurs that I can't even really cut into shapes. But I am trying, I'm working, I'm getting better. I'm trying to get better. But it is on a budget. All right, so we got, we nailed that. P Diddy pervert, pretty fun. No Diddy, hilarious. I really, I really have nothing else. My throat's doing pretty good. I've been able to talk 45 minutes straight without a, I started to get out of here. It's starting, it's starting. I can, I can end it on. Let's see what else I tweet. I can, I can just read my tweets. Why do drug commercials always sound like it's summoning an ancient demon? Is that a good bit? It took Vyosa, Lipitor, Ozempic. It's always like, it always sounds like some ancient Sumerian deity or some Algoth or something. Pretty fun. Pretty good, pretty good bit there. That's really anti-climactic way to end it. But I really, I really got nothing else. I was very sad to see that Lieutenant Dan survived the storm. I'm glad the rest of Tropicana Field didn't. Did you see the, the clips of that? I mean, I don't, I guess I'm, I'm no engineer, but I was not aware that, that dome stadiums were just like poorly hung curtains that are just ripped apart and just, I didn't, I had no idea that that was the, the roof of a stadium was just fabric. It's like, where, how, how, who's building your stadium? Actually, it's Joanne from Joanne Fabrics. And they actually got together with Michaels and they're, uh, yeah, they're doing, Joanne Fabrics is doing the, uh, the roof of the stadium. Oh man. So that's fun. But yeah, so Lieutenant Dan survived, unfortunately. And, uh, look him up if you don't know who he is, but I'm sure if you're on social media, you know who that fucking idiot is. Uh, my name is Patrick McClelland. This is anyone else podcast. Uh, we as a baby, you got neat bars to send them out on. Yeah. This podcast actually ended up being pretty good. I know you said it's a girl cast, but if you haven't listened to it, give it a whirl cast. I am. Okay. Yeah, this is bad and the show should have ended, but unfortunately I, I, uh, what's the, what's the, uh, Hillary Clinton thing? She persists. Is the girl cast ended? She persists. It's not history. It's her story. All right. I'll see you next time.