Soul Led Living Podcast with Nikki Novo

179. Messages about Your Purpose

Broadcast on:
10 Oct 2024
Audio Format:

I haven’t felt this pull for a while, but the guides really wanted to chat with us about our soul’s purpose. 

Like I mentioned in today’s podcast episode, our purpose is not solely about work. It truly is an alignment of all categories of our life. 

BUT in today’s podcast episode we’re going to talk about your purpose when it comes to your work, business and career. 

I found the messages to be helpful, so I’m hoping it supports you as well. 

I shared 7 messages that cover topics like:

  • Timing
  • How to stand out in a saturated space
  • How to view the future of your purpose
  • How your heart wants to lead the way

As always, let me know what resonates. 


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[MUSIC PLAYING] Hello, and welcome to Soul Lead Living, a podcast dedicated to helping you live your soul's true path so you can create the dream life you know you are meant to live. I'm Nicki Novo, your spiritual mentor, a fiery Latina, mom of three, and an advocate for living soul lead. You're here because you're meant to be here, so let's do this. [MUSIC PLAYING] Hello there, friends. Welcome to another episode of Soul Lead Living. It's been a while, but we are doing a business edition. And today, we're going to talk about your purpose. So disclaimer, not everybody's soul's purpose is connected to work or how we make money. Purpose to me, I see it almost like an ecosystem. Its purpose has a lot to do with these different areas of my life being in alignment and being true to who I am. So we're going to talk about purpose, and we are going to connect it to career, to work, to business this time. But those of you who are listening that maybe that's not top of mind right now, just know that that doesn't mean that you don't have a purpose. It's just we're talking about this one category of purpose that has to do with work, career, and all that. I have read-- let me see, I think I've done over 800, 900 readings at this point. I'm not sure how many. But in every single reading, I always look at a person's soul's purpose. It's one of my favorite things to do. I think it's a very important thing to do. It's part of why I got into the work. I asked that question a lot. I grew up-- my father was a doctor. My older brother always knew he was going to be a doctor. My mom was a science major. My younger brother wanted to be a doctor. And I was like, just me. I didn't know what I wanted to do. So one of the reasons I got into spirituality was to really ask that question, god, why did you put me here? What do you want from me? What am I supposed to do with myself this lifetime? And that was where my interest started. And that's a lot of why the readings are the way they are. And there's a focus on purpose. So I'm going to share a little bit about what I've learned from reading so many people. But also, I have seven messages about your purpose. I don't know what's happening right now, but it's almost-- I just felt this very strong feeling that there are things about your purpose that you need to know. It's starting to come online. What's interesting about reading purpose is that we're not always in the season that the purpose is going to take up all this space. But for some reason, right now, it looks like thinking about your purpose. Maybe you put that question off for a while and you haven't asked yourself that question lately. But your purpose is coming online right now. Whoever is listening, this is for you. There's going to be a lot of people that don't listen. So this is not going to be true for them. But for some reason, your purpose is coming online. And there are just things the guides we want to talk about. They're like, we've got to talk about this. So if you maybe are a little burnt out, maybe that's happened to me before, that I'm super focused on my purpose. And then I get burnt out. I'm like, I don't want to think about purpose. I just want to live my life. Well, it's coming back now because it's like time. If that makes sense, it is time. So let's get into our seven messages about your purpose. And as always, feel into your heart. See which ones for you. Position any questions that you may have about your purpose. And then just see what you receive in this episode. All right. Okay, let's get into it. Message number one. I was getting that you kind of know or not know, but you know you're like onto something or there's some sort of pool that is bringing you to focus, to actually like quiet out all the noise and maybe even say no to things that you've been saying forever. I think this is like a big problem for moms, especially right? Like I'm a cancer, I can't help it. I am like so children focused, like such I'm so focused on the kids. But sometimes it's a little overboard and I'm supposed to be paying attention a little bit more to my own purpose. And it feels like where you're putting your focus is almost like out of habit and maybe even out of societal pressure, but you're supposed to bring your focus towards some sort of like obsession that might be coming right now. So there might be like an idea, a business idea, a part of the business. Maybe you took some time off about thinking about your business, but now you're like supposed to come back in and really kind of quiet anything that is making you feel guilty about focusing into that. So I really saw like a sense of focus. Like it is time to focus on this concept. I don't feel like it's super clear for you. Like I almost feel like you're not sure exactly what it is, but it's like this path that's pulling you and you're really meant to go for it. Even though you can't like see all the steps, I was also getting that you need like time, like almost that your schedule is not allowing you enough time to actually focus, to actually like follow that thing. So we, especially as moms, right? Some of us may have to prioritize that and just be like, okay, I'm gonna hire a sitter for a few hours or I'm gonna really ask my parents to help me out here. And I'm going to give myself some dedicated time. This felt like you needed dedicated time. And even if that's like every Saturday from 10 to 12, I dedicate my time towards this thing that's like really calling me. It just looks like it needs like that respect. It needs that focus, it needs that time. It's trying to talk to you and it's almost like if you don't set like quiet time aside to actually work on whatever is calling you, like it's like a little, it feels like a, like the wind or like this, there's a sound and it's like calling you, but you're just like not giving it enough time to actually listen to it. And it feels like it needs consistency. So again, as simple as like every Monday from this time to this time is like when I sit and work on my purpose, whatever that means to me, like whatever, you know, however I understand that, that's what I am gonna do with this time. And of course, like in our last episode about the October messages, this is also has a little bit to do with guilt and like really just like kind of moving away from what we think we should be doing with our time and moving towards like what we know we're being called to do with our time. Message number two, your purpose is, I see a lot of you trying to figure out your purpose by using the third eye. So I see a lot of you like almost like trying to look into the future. And that's where you're almost like trying to get your purpose information from. But actually your purpose information's coming from your heart. And what I thought was interesting at first, I was like, okay, yeah, we've heard that message of a bunch. Like use your heart, let your heart like lead the way. But what's funny is that your purpose, it is coming from the heart, but it's a different use of the heart. I think a lot of times we try to use the heart for other people. It's like, let me love on this person. Let me serve this person. Like let me help this person. This is actually about loving yourself. So your heart is leading in the way, but you have to tap into the use of your heart where you love yourself. So that makes me think that some of you, your purpose is not gonna be like, I don't know, I'm saving baby elephants in Africa, right? Like a lot of people think like, my purpose must like change the world. I don't think that it's like all humanitarian, if that makes sense. I think some of you are going to live into your purpose in a way that serves you. And oh my gosh, she said serve herself, serve ourselves. But yes, I feel like if you were to love yourself, that's where this thing comes from. Like whatever you create or this path you're following actually comes from like loving yourself. And that may be like, I set this schedule for myself and I have this business that does something like really silly and doesn't really help the world, but it gives me like this money and this lifestyle that I want and that just brings me joy and I'm happy. So it's not so much that like your purpose is supposed to be like helping or serving others. That is going to come, of course. But where the answers come from for this thing is from a place in your heart where that love is going back into you. So I thought that was super interesting because you know, I don't know when you think about starting a business or something, there's somebody's always going to tell you start with your why, like why are you doing this? And it's always embarrassing to say that you're doing this for making money or for whatever or for yourself. You always have to have like this, you know, altruistic reason as to why you're doing the thing. But that is not the case. This is really about my why it's somehow connected to myself. It's somehow connected to like how I love myself. So that's where this, that's where this calling or where that's where this information is coming from. And I guess we were just, we're being told that because we are feeling guilty about what we think it should be and let's eliminate all that. And instead, how do I move into my purpose in a way that comes from a place of me loving myself, okay? So sometimes that might be like, I really want to be on stage. I don't know why, but I want to be on stage. And I don't care like if it helps people or not, but I want to be on stage. That's you loving yourself. Like that is, you know, like the little girl inside of you is like, you know, a Leo and wants to be on stage. And that is okay, you know? So that's where this comes from. So really tapping into that part of the heart. The third message is we're being asked to make a plan for the next level. So it feels like something that you are already doing. Like it's almost like your business is at a certain place, but it is ready to evolve and go to like the 2.0 version. It's going to like this next level. And we've been talking about this for a few months. Like, you know, like business models changing and things changing a little bit. But this is like taking what is working and like elevating it. So it feels like you might need like a plan for it. So actually taking some times to write out, looking at what is working in your business. And of course, sometimes what's working is, doesn't mean that like it's working because it's bringing in money or whatever, but it could be working because you love it, you know? And because it makes you happy or whatever. So looking at those things that like bring joy and also maybe are also working like monetarily and being able to like write a list of like, how can I elevate this? So for example, my podcast is working. I love it, people are loving it, it's working. We started in January, you know, going at it intuitively, randomly every week. But now if I really wanted to take it to the next level, what would that look like? Maybe I have like a marketing plan to like get, you know, get the podcast out there more. Maybe I spend money on ads. I don't know what that is yet. I'm definitely going to do this myself. But it just feels like there is a next level that's coming and that you have the answers within you for that next level, but there needs to be a little bit of time to write it out. It feels like it's a 2.0 version of what you're doing. And remember, that could be like a business idea, but that can also be like, oh man, my lifestyle, I really changed my lifestyle and it's working. Like I like this lifestyle, have time for this, I have time for that, I'm making money this way. So it's like, okay, if we were to elevate this setup that you have, how do we elevate? It's like, how do we put the volume up in these different areas to make it even better? To make it even more authentic, to make it more aligned? More true? And that's what we're being asked. (upbeat music) - Hey friends, I wanted to quickly interrupt this episode and remind you that you can go deeper on each episode by joining my subscription on Substack. If you're working to build a life that looks truly authentic to you, if you have big dreams but sometimes feel weighed down by your responsibilities or lose faith often, the sole lead living Substack subscription is for you. For $11 a month, you'll receive access to my library of healing and activating meditations, journal prompts, and you're invited to a live group reading with me every month. My intention is to create a space with high vibe content to help you remain on path so you can continue to create the dream life you know you are destined to live. So head over to and join my subscription today. Message number four, I wrote repetition over confidence. As I was sitting in meditation, I could see you guys like waiting for confidence, like wanting confidence, that solar plexus was really lighting up for me. And it's almost like you're waiting to make a leap because you're waiting to feel confident about it, feel good about it, feel 100% sure. It's like we're waiting for God to come and like whisper in our ear and tell us that it's like absolutely, absolutely gonna work out and that's why you should do it. But I was getting that like we really need to put confidence to the side, like confidence does not mean shit. We actually need repetition. So I was getting more like you wake up every day, you show up and you do the thing. And you do it for three months, you do it for six months, you do it for nine months. And that's how it grows. And obviously that's also where confidence comes from. You get, I'm a confident reader because I've done, I've repeated it so many times. I've done so many readings, right? That's where my confidence comes from. I wasn't born with any sort of like reading confidence. I grew into it from the repetition. So I'm getting like, we want to value showing up more than anything and repetition and consistency. That's why I was saying like in that first message where we like needed more time, more hours, it's silly, but like two hours a week, repeating that for a few months actually does something. It's not like we need to repeat it every single day or at every hour of the day, but it's this repetition. So when you feel a little like insecure or when you feel like you're not sure you want to take a step towards something, I just see you kind of like making a simple commitment, like almost, even if like let's say you're looking for a job, you're just like, okay, every Monday or every morning for one hour, I'm going to keep like applying. Like, and I'm just going to put the timer and that's going to how I'm going to do it. And I'm just going to repeat or I'm going to do mock interviews or whatever it is. And that looks like that repetition is actually where the success of this, of your purpose comes from. It's also where the confidence comes from because part of me thinks that you kind of know, you know, it's like your purpose in this case is very aligned with your desires. Like to me, and I think that's also like that message about the heart. It's like what you desire is actually your purpose. So that's where these two things are coming from. But there's like a lack of confidence in what you desire. And the confidence is going to come from the repetition. So let's focus more on repetition, on repeating something and over and over again that we know with time is going to pay off rather than waiting for confidence. Message number five, after you kind of tap into your heart to see like, you know, what's really true for me? If I loved myself, like, what would I do in this situation? If I really could, you know, believe in myself, love on myself, what would I do? Then it looks like for those of us who maybe have a little bit of an idea of kind of what that purpose is, what we are, you know, building or moving into, I did see a strong use of the third eye because this thing that you're receiving, like this purpose, like this calling that you're receiving is connected to innovation. So it's almost like whatever it is that you are being called to, it is that but innovated. And that, it almost makes me feel like you might be like, for example, maybe you're looking up to somebody before. I love, I don't know if you guys have ever listened to the podcast founders. It's this guy who, I think I've talked about it, that he reads like business, auto business books, but I'm sorry, autobiographies by like business owners. And it's great information, but a lot of these entrepreneurs were from many years ago. So if I were to go and like copy exactly what Estee Lauder did to like build her company, I am going to be behind. So it makes me feel like you might even like look up to somebody like, let's say I want to make a beauty brand and I'm looking up to Estee Lauder. I can't do exactly what she's doing. I have to take what she did and innovate what she did. So almost like look at, I think somewhere in the autobiography she talks about giving out samples. Like so she would give out like little samples of cream or whatever to like everybody that came to the salon, which is where she first started. Okay, so like if we know that that worked, okay, it's 2024, how do we innovate that concept? So it makes me feel like we're not in a place where we can follow the people before us that have done really well and that we admire and that we look up to. We can't really like follow them exactly anymore in this day and age because this thing that we do, there is an innovation connection here. I just was getting like the world is changing and it's changing so quickly. Like we're almost like not aware of how much the world has changed over the last two years or so, like you almost have to use that third eye to ask yourself, how will my product be used? How do people want to consume my information? Like what are they gonna do with it if I used to do courses, but like nobody really wants courses anymore. They want this instead. I used to write books, but like they don't want books anymore. Like what is that innovation? And you need to like use like you're looking into the future, like your ability to like look into the future. And that's where that's an important component to understanding your purpose right now and to following that purpose. Message number six. Some of us, when we think about the reason for missing her purpose or not really like letting it blow up and expand is because we are prioritizing safety beyond anything else. It's like I want to follow my purpose, but I want to make sure I make $10,000 a month. And if I don't make $10,000 a month, I'm not gonna make like, I'm not gonna take any risk or whatever. And which is normal, of course, like we always are, as humans we, of course we need to be safe. Like I am very big on safety. If you've read my book, I talk about like safe decisions. And I feel like some of us are praying for that, almost like you might be manifesting or like praying to God and asking God for like certain safeties. And what I'm getting instead is I like, we need to start to ask for bravery and for strength. So your purpose is not going to fully satisfy your need for safety. It's just like not gonna happen that way. So instead, if we know that like to follow my purpose, follow this path, there are gonna be like risk and it's, and there might be like moments where I really need to like be brave, then we can't seek out. We can't put safety above purpose if that makes sense. So with purpose is gonna come, it will not come, but it's gonna, we're gonna need bravery and strength. So I was getting like, it's helpful to pray and ask for bravery and strength. So, you know, dear God, I really want to live them into my purpose. I really want this to make this work. I'm really scared. I understand that like, it's not gonna be this cozy, you know, it's not gonna be cozy the whole way there. Please help me to be brave. Please help me to have the strength to live into this rather than please make sure I get, you know, those $5,000 a month to be able to pursue this. That's just, that's fine. You, if you ask the universe for that, you will attract that for sure. But it's just not gonna take you down your soul's path. It's not gonna take you down the purpose. In this case, your purpose just doesn't look like it's coming with like that level of safety right now. Your purpose involves some leaps of faith right now. It involves some bravery. It involves a lot of like foresight, like almost like being like, okay, I know I'm not gonna make that money right now, but if I do this thing for the next year or whatever, it's really gonna pay off. So I'm gonna kind of like bunker down for a year to be able to like build something much stronger. So it's very investment kind of based. And if we're not in that mindset or in that energy, then we're gonna prioritize safety and we're gonna miss the road, if that makes sense. So let's pray for strength, let's pray for bravery, 'cause that's really what we're gonna need on this path. And lastly, message number seven, made me feel like a lot of you guys are, again, maybe understanding where you're being called to, maybe you're already started the business, maybe you've already started the career. And there's like this fear of saturation. There's this fear of like, but there's so many people doing the same thing that I wanna do, like the market is saturated. And yeah, we're in that place. I like, yes, there's a bunch of podcasters. There's a bunch of, you know, YouTubers. There's a bunch of flower shops, right? Like we're in that place. But I was getting that the success of this kind of like purpose-driven path has a lot to do with the development of your voice. And this could be like the development of the voice of the business, right? Like if in my case, it would be like my voice 'cause I am like a, you know, like a personal brand. But if you are another brand, it looks like getting very, very clear on like what you guys do, like what the tone is. Are you funny? Are you serious? Are you soothing? Like what are you? And almost like putting some thought into that. Are you black and white? Are you colorful? Like what is it? That looks like, and of course you can't make that up. It has to be whatever is like unique to you, but it does look like, just remember, your desires are not a mistake, you know, that like that desire has to do with your purpose. So like God is not gonna make you go down this path if it's like not meant for you. But we have to do it authentically. So like developing that authentic voice, like not the voice that you're copying or the voice that you wanna be or the voice that's most liked or, you know, or that's gonna be most well received. Like, oh, but I know that if I take this path and I do it this way, like people on YouTube are doing it that way and they're doing super well. So I'm just gonna follow like, you know, I'm gonna lean into this part of me because like that's what's working on YouTube. But if that's not authentic, it's you're just gonna keep hitting your head up against the wall. So it is worth it to establish and not establish, but develop your voice. I mean, for me, the podcast has done that in many ways. Sometimes like, you don't know what you have in you until you give yourself space to actually express. So I can go back and listen to, let's say like the last three months of my episodes with no judgment and like almost like, as if I'm not myself, as of like a third party. And I'll probably be able to pick up on like what her voice is. Like, oh, interesting. Like this is her voice. She has this tone, she has that. And then understanding that, packaging it, writing it down, being very clear that like, oh, these are like, this is the voice and then elevating that voice so that everything that is working, that I'm like elevating it and it works even more. So that is what's gonna kind of make you, like you don't need to fear saturation of any market if you are really paying attention and developing your voice. And sometimes, you know, we have to develop our voice by developing ourselves, you know, like not being the good girl or the good guy anymore or, you know, releasing all these like gilts and shames and all that kind of stuff. And just like really learning to be true to ourselves. And obviously that's where this comes from. But also just giving your space to express in whatever way and then going back and watching your natural expression. After a while, you can't just like judge yourself on one expression, but if you can do like seven, you know, let's say seven drawings, after seven drawings, you'll probably be like, oh, this is like this person's style for the most part, okay? So do not fear saturation. Those are my seven messages for purpose. It's important that you just think about it right now. That's like what I'm getting. Like it wasn't time to really think about the purpose or put like any pressure on yourself. And this is not about pressure, but this is more about like it's go time, it's game time. And it is time for your purpose because there's a lot that comes after 2025. But you gotta like take advantage of this moment that is showing up. And this path is like really starting to show up for yourself, it just needs to be natural and like raw. It feels like we kind of complicated with all these different emotions. And I think this messaging was really about like kind of cleaning out all the noise and getting very clear on what's allowed to come with you and what's meant to stay, okay? All right friends, I hope that was helpful. I love you so much and I will see you at the next episode. That's it for today's episode. Thank you so much for listening. I love you guys so much. If you have a sec, I would so appreciate it if you would leave me a review wherever you listen to podcasts. Those reviews are so helpful. And if you're ready to start living your soul-led life, pick up my latest book, Soul-led Living, available on Amazon. Until next time, love you much. (gentle music) [MUSIC PLAYING] You