Kingdom Community TV Podcast

Lesson 2 | Having a Discerning Heart

Broadcast on:
10 Oct 2024
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Solomon asked for an understanding heart so that he could discern between good and evil. God answered his prayer and he is known as one who had great wisdom. We, too, must develop a discerning heart. God gives to those who yearn to be used by him with all of their hearts. Will you be one who yearns deeply for the things of God, develop a discerning heart, and be used greatly by the Lord. More books, teachings, online courses are available on

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Are you ready to go higher in the Lord? Well hello and welcome to a new level of weight you. I am your host Lois for Welling. We all desire spiritual growth, but do not always know where to begin. On a new level of weight you we provide steps to guide you into your divine assignment and reach greater levels of greatness in the Lord. New levels include receiving dreams and visions, more intimacy on a daily basis, deeper levels of understanding the word of God and his prophetic word and experiencing God encounters that will change your life. So get ready to go from glory to glory by new levels of weight. Let's just lift up in prayer first and then we'll we'll dive in this dive into it tonight. So Lord at God I thank you I thank you for every individual whether they're here in person or on Zoom Lord God I thank you for their heart so I thank you Lord God that you are redirecting them to get to know you even more and deeper deeper relationship with you. Lord God I pray in anointing over this teaching tonight as we talk about having a discerning heart. I pray Lord God that we'll be open to hear what you have to say and that the message that you give tonight Lord God is whoa yes thank you Lord if you have a holy spirit already and so Lord God we thank you that you're going to speak and I pray that we'll have ears to listen and eyes to see you and that we can discern what God what you're doing in this place tonight in this season in your precious name Amen. Amen we're going to go I don't have this in your books as you've discovered I do this do these books up a month before and then all of a sudden the Lord will give me more stuff so I just kind of add it in as they teach so we're going to go first of all the first Kings chapter three and we want to look at I want to look at verse nine here in in this scripture in fact I'll kind of I'll back up this this scripture talks about Solomon and if we look back at Solomon he did some good things and he did some bad things this is what's interesting about this and you remember he he went into alignment with he married one affairs King of Egypt's daughters number one and then in verse three it tells about how Solomon loved the Lord walking in the statues of his father David except that he was sacrificing and burning incense on the high places and then it goes down but the Lord actually sees him he said in Gibeon the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream at night and God said ask what you wish me to give you and so we know that that Solomon what really it tells us here he really loved the Lord but he he allowed some things that he shouldn't have allowed right but I want you to notice he said then Solomon said in verse six you have shown great faithfulness to your servant David my father accordingly as he walked before you in truth righteousness and uprightness of heart toward you and you have reserved for him this great faithfulness that you have given him a son to sit on the throne as it is this day and now Lord my God you have made your servant King in place of my father David yet I am like a little boy I do not know how to go out or come in and your servant is in the midst of your people whom you have chosen a great people who are too many to be numbered or counted so this is what he asked for in verse nine so give your servant an understanding heart to judge your people to discern between good and evil for who is capable of judging this great people of yours now there's some things here that I wanted to bring out as we start this class tonight about having a discerning heart here we have Solomon he the Lord was pleased with Solomon even though he had done some things and he had made some decisions around that the probably the Lord didn't agree with but yet Solomon admits here he said I'm just like a little boy I don't know how to do this and I want to you know the Lord just quickened my heart and said that for many of us the gift of discerning a spirit we just don't understand we don't know we've never been taught we just we don't have the bigger understanding of all this but what did Solomon asked for a discerning heart didn't he to distinguish between the good and evil so this is this is a reason why God is telling us when he told me to to really talk about this this in this particular subject he said my people need a discerning heart we need to change this up because so many of us don't have a clue we're so naive we believe anything that comes across our path we look at people and if they hold a certain status then we just take whatever they say is truth we don't have that discerning heart that we absolutely need and watchmen need and secrets to real power makes a statement real power is based on the measure of your heart toward God real power is based on how much you love the Lord to the degree that our hearts are towards God to that degree will our eyes be opened the reason we as a children of God have so little light is that we have no heart for the Lord and the reason for the lack of power among us is our inadequate consecration or devotion that's a big mouthful and the and we have to really look at this is we all want the power we all want to flow in the glory we all want the anointing we want to do all these great things but the what it goes towards at the beginning the foundation is what is your heart towards God how devoted are you to him and to his ways there is such a mix today such a mix and I'll even throw this out there it at you you can have a gift you can have an anointing and your character be bad and yet we will go after and follow those type of people because they have an anointing oh wow they're doing all these powerful things but they behave badly and so what God is really saying in all of this is that we need to have a heart that is after the Lord so what does that absolutely mean what does that mean for us I want us to go to Hebrews chapter 4 and and I'll explain to you and this is something else that I kind of added added in here at the beginning because I thought it was just so important that we look at this it says in verse 12 it says for the word of God is living in active and sharper than any two-edged sword even penetrating as far as the division of soul and spirit both joints and marrow and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of their heart and there is no creature hidden from his sight but all things are open and laid bare to the eyes of him to whom we must answer so here we have another piece of this is that when you have the Holy Spirit and when you really flow in the Holy Spirit with this discerning heart I'm telling you he's living he's active he is going to go sharper within you first to two-edged sword he first of all is going to go deep inside of you he's going right down into the soul even penetrating it says as far as the division of soul and spirit so he's going to go right in deep so the first thing we have to really look at and examine is is where is our hearts how much compromise have we made how much what do we do we take seriously when God says you know when he starts dividing inside of us and that convicts us and I'm going to be talking about conviction here in a little bit because that goes hand-in-hand with discernment it goes this way before it will go that way you may see things in other people and discern things in other people but until you get your own stuff cleaned up and healed it could be coming out of your own hurt and your home trauma your own rejection your own fears whatever it is big so you have to be really careful this is something we have to take care of business with we have to go in first in first he says enable to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart he judges our thoughts he judges our intentions he's discerning us big way and so we have to he knows it all folks we're not going to get away with anything he knows it all and what are you noticing throughout the nation today or throughout the world is that he is exposing people left and right now I truly believe some of that is is from the enemy who is trying to destroy people and other the other parts of it is God exposing and shifting out and bringing in you know those that have this heart truly after him have the wisdom like Solomon asked for so as we look at this if we go on it says in that first paragraph we want power we want the anointing we want discernment but first our devotion loyalty and commitment to the very one who is the power must be established if you don't establish that you're not going to be really be able to clearly have that discernment that I know every single one of us desire and want watchman knee also says if you read the Bible carefully you will discover that God gives us gives his spiritual riches life and light to only one class of people and who is this who is among this class of people those who yearn to be used by the Lord with all their hearts what does that mean well how do we give all of our hearts to the Lord it means that we're going to follow after him regardless of what we go through what the world is throwing at us we're going to stand strong in in in this word of God regardless of what the pressure comes from all around us and so we have to watch this carefully now I wanted to kind of add that in before we get started here because discernment and the heart go hand in hand so I'm going to be talking about the voice of God and making sure on how we are how we walk with that and how we understand God so the voice of God is the basis for everything in our walk with God if you are not hearing God then you you should examine some things and check the reasons why am I not hearing you Lord so many people say well I never hear God I don't know what he's saying I don't even know what part of that is because they don't even recognize when he is talking he's talking to you but you may not even recognize that's his voice that's part of that and then the other part of it is is that do you really want to hear what he has to say are you so bent on doing your own thing and operating under your own fleshly ways that his voice is just dismissed so these are all factors that we have to take in and then the other part is what is your mindset around this I learned a long time ago my mindset has to be Lord you speak to me I'm going to do what you tell me to do whether I want to do it or not and many times I didn't want to do it but I knew the Lord's voice and he was so strong in that that we had to do that and it's it's sometimes it's we look like fools sometimes we have fun and laugh about it can I tell a story Marianne Marianne and I we're going to go to this house of a relative and they weren't there so we looked at each other and said well let's just walk the property we'll pray around the property we felt the Lord telling us go on and course can I blame you we're Marianne she said well what are people gonna say if they see us but you know what we're doing we're walking around this house we're doing all this and what are they gonna say it and but we laughed about it yes we worried about what everybody else was gonna say because we did look kind of odd out there walking around somebody else's house and nobody I mean the neighbors probably didn't have a clue who we were we were doing some things and saying some things and but yet we knew God told us to do it and we knew we had to do it so we laughed and we pretended I think that we were doing other things but we did the assignment God told us to do so part a communication with God tends to be more than a heart-to-heart or even a thought-to-thought level now that's going to challenge you a little bit we know the Holy Spirit communicates often on a heart-to-heart level with that still small voice which is a turn internal and learn through spending time with God and in prayer but what does it mean to be more than heart-to-heart or even that still small voice that level is a little bit different when you absolutely get a loud voice inside of you a compelling voice that says no don't go there don't do that or yes I told you are you gonna obey me that's more than just a heart-to-heart that's a that's like a father saying you're gonna do you know do this or you see what mean and I don't mean like he's gonna punish us or anything like that but what I'm saying is that it's a very strong voice I've had those times when I could not get out of it you think of Moses how many excuses did he have over and over and over again did he get out of it no he didn't he ended up going anyway didn't he because God had an answer and a solution to every single thing it is the same in our lives so this communicating with God needs to be developed so that when you hear this still small voice you're listening but when you hear the commanding voice you're listening and when you're when you're you're having just a thought that comes through your mind you're kind of turning to that thought and you're going with that you Lord this is how you grow in this this is how your communication will grow because the communication is body language how people stand their tones attitudes the emotional place they are speaking from and the context in when in which their communication is comes from is all aspects of discernment as a counselor I'm trained in body language I can sit there and I know who's lying and who's not I know when they're emitting things I know you know I can tell just by looking at your eyes your body you would be surprised what I can figure out but I was trained in it I was trained and then I would hear also behind me because I told this before I've always I still have my angels with me and I had an angel of wisdom and an angel of counsel right behind me in the chair and they'll say and I would hear the voice of the angel going they're lying ask them this don't want to come in counseling with me do you know because I can see God will help us to see through what is going on and when I asked the question then the whole body language starts to change again and then the truth comes out you see God does the same thing with you and me he he you know we think we're fooling him we think he can't see us when we go to certain places he we think he can't even hear us when we when we say things are oh and what about when we watch shows we shouldn't be watching don't be fooled like that scripture says he knows you know we're not fooling him and when we get this really this gift of discernment down we're you know people are not gonna fool us either okay all right so let's go on here God's voice is a force and when he speaks things happen now I've got the wrong scripture in here I got it reversed so it's Isaiah 30 31 okay I noticed that today it says his word has the power to move immovable circumstances and to transform situations no matter where you look throughout the Bible oh my goodness read Psalms 18 read some of these other other scriptures and you will be surprised at what God he shakes the heavens he shakes the mountains just by his voice his voice roars out so his voice is a is a force and when we discern prophetically and then speak what God is revealing that word that we speak out has the power to heal deliver and set people free now I'm not discerning anything right now but if I discerned that Norma had something wrong with her physically and the Lord wanted me to speak a word over that and I spoke that word I'm telling you she's gonna get touched by that word because that's the force that we operate with that's God that's how he operates and when we come into agreement with that and then we will understand how powerful the voice of God is it's so powerful it says Jesus in part 3a Jesus told his disciples before he sent it into heaven to go back to Jerusalem and wait for the promise of the Father and you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you the word power we all know this is the Greek word dunamis which means a force miraculous power a miracle itself strength and worker of miracles I am telling you that that when he tells us to do something and we do it like the disciples did that what happened they received the power didn't they the Holy Spirit found I will tell you I was in the upper room the power is still there you do not believe you can barely walk up those stairs and then when you get into the room the power the anointing of the Holy Spirit is so strong you some people were just stand there and weep other people because it was convicting for them other people started praying and and over each other because they knew the power of the miracles in that place and it exists today it's the same today and when we receive the power of the force of the Holy Spirit within us it gives us the ability not just to work miracles because some of us what we want is oh I want to see a miracle I just want that moment when I just can experience those miracles you know God is way over that he's beyond I should say not over it he's beyond it you know what God's about you and I live in a supernatural life all the time that one that is just filled filled totally with his explosive power and might he wants to give us that strength for every day to go every day and the thing that it happens is is that yes our bodies get physically tired yes our bodies get into places where we think we can't do these certain things but when we tap into the Holy Spirit and God will give us a hill anoint us for whatever it is that he's calling us to do I've seen that you don't know how many times the Lord has done that for me when I feel like I'm just at the very end and I can't do anything more if I've spoken two days right in a row and I think Lord I just can't go on much longer I can't do this I'm exhausted all of a sudden I get up there and the strength and power that comes that most of the time they're the most powerful meetings I ever because he's taken over completely super natural living for the voice of the Lord brings a life let's just go to John chapter 5 and let's just look at that for a minute because our voices are so important here John chapter 5 to verse 2 now in Jerusalem by the sheep gate there's a pool which in Hebrew is called that she see see that having five portagoes in these portagoes lay a multitude of those who are sick blind limping or paralyzed now a man was there who had been ill for 38 years Jesus upon seeing this man lying there and knowing that he already been in that condition for a long time he goes do you want to get well sometimes we have to ask ourselves sometimes I ask people when I pray over them for healing do you even want to get well or do you want to stay in this what was Jesus really saying to this man do you even believe you've been doing this for 38 years is this way you want to continue to carry on and the man just looked at him and said sir I've no man to put me in the pool so what is he saying he's blaming it on somebody else not himself not his own belief system and so then Jesus said to him just looks at him and he gave him a command and if you go through and watch what Jesus says Jesus has many many commands and he just says it and he looks at this man he said get up pick up your palate and walk now I sat around this pool and I sat there and again the anointing was really high and I sat around some people that I didn't know and people were coming back and forth coming in and out you know around this pool and all of a sudden a person came up to me and started praying healing over me I didn't even know I needed healing what had happened was flying over for 20 some hours because I got re-routed I had all swollen up and my feet and legs and I could I was struggling to walk and I knew that but I just thought oh well I'm just tired this was this is going to wait but that person came along discerned that prophetically spoke over me and laid hands on me and just like that I was able to do the rest of the trip and you know what the person said we're at the pool get up you are healed start walking because I didn't feel like I could walk any further and yet God delivered and he healed me at that point how we use our voice is so important we need to remove all the negativity I mean we can speak realistically I'm not saying that that's not negativity but sometimes out of our mouth everything is negative negative negative negative like I said I'm not talking about truth and reality of what your situation is going through what you're going on in your life that's not what I'm talking about I'm talking about a mental a mentality of living in negativity and if you start picking up pick it up your palate let's say okay God give me a voice I want your voice I want a heart where I'm going to go after it and I'm going to speak out and I'm going to bring life into not just my life but other people's lives around me you getting this we can have this life so God is spirit and those who worship him most worship in spirit and truth it should be a regular part of the believers you know life to listen and pray I will tell you with this relational heart in order to have a discerning heart you've got to have our relationship with God and in that relationship it is connecting heart to heart and if you don't know how to connect heart to heart with people you need to learn ask the Lord to show you how do I connect heart to heart with you God how do I do this because we need you know for many of us we don't even know how to connect heart to heart with individuals we need to learn even how to to just be in the presence of another person and it's interesting because sometimes you won't even you don't even need to talk when you're in that presence I'm not talking about God now God is true for God but it's also true for other people but there's something about that just sitting there in the presence of that other person you know their hearts and their heart is for you and your heart is for them and that's the way it is with God when we when we sit in the presence of God even though I'm not hearing anything I'm not feeling anything and where are you God and all this and that we go through love but he's right there because he says he never leaves us or forsakes us his voice he's right there but this should be a regular part of him and you have to really ask yourself if you are one of his you you will be able to hear his voice you will be able to sense when he starts to enter the room you will be able to know other sheep that are around you that also are one of his all part of discernment you following me you fun and so when we do that when we hear God's voice when we say okay I'm a sheep and I can look out and most of the time can you just discern other sheep how are you discerning it what gives you a clue that they're a sheep what gives you a clue that they're a wolf in sheep's clothing see this is all part of discernment and this is something that we need to really look at and examine so God will speak through your thought life if you keep the mechanism clear if we put all this other stuff inside of us and that's where we live and that's where we focus and that's where our minds are always going to all the other stuff then how is the light going to get completely through do you see what I mean I'm not saying there's no light I'm just saying sometimes it comes banging up against all those things okay now what's that mean have you ever been easily distracted it's like you know it God's right there and all you're feeling that and all of a sudden you're off somewhere else totally oh I've I mean this is what happens with me is that I need to go and I need to do this and I'll get up my little book that my little notebook and I'll start writing down and I said oh dear I just messed it all up because I was I was in the presence of the Lord and now I'm over here yeah it happens big time does it ever happen so we have to keep those mechanisms clear and we all know I think Ephesians 1 where it's like me open up my eyes Lord let me let me see you okay number 8 prophecy dreams and visions are part of the promise of the Father that Jesus gave his church to fulfill his commission on earth so part of discernment is prophetic is you're gonna get prophecy you're gonna get insights you're gonna get some you're gonna have dreams you're gonna have visions if you haven't already you can have night visions you can have open eye visions you can have all caught you can have images just kind of go through real quick and you'll go what's that and so God will start speaking to you in this language to help you discern when you do when you start in this process you may go into a place I mean and all the sudden you feel like this is some of my experiences okay I feel like okay there's something going on here I sent something but I'm not sure what it is I start to have my antennas come up I start looking around I am I am I'm really looking all the way through to discern okay God what do you want me to notice what's taken place here what are you trying to tell me what is it that is happening and when this it when it starts God you know Jesus gives us this because why because he wants us to fulfill the commission that he's given us and what's the commission spirit of the Lord is gonna fall on everyone sons and daughters everyone what's it gonna do you're gonna get it you're gonna have all kinds of dreams and visions the young and the old men and the women all that that's what Joel Joel 2 says and many of us are not because we have to come into agreement with the Lord on this is that he can do it because this is part of what he wants us to know so that we can fulfill what's going on if I just randomly go through my life if I randomly go through the grocery store and I do this I don't pay attention at all but then there's other times when somebody will be highlighted to me and as I go through I'll notice that every all I'll go down that person I'm crossing I'm walking and I start hearing what the Lord wants me to say or do and so you're in this place where you're just you're now becoming what I call intentional about discernment you're learning it may not say anything to that person if that's up to you in this learning process but other times it's like you just you have to you just have to say something and that's God that's God so number nine one of the highest acts of engagement with the Lord is by speaking in tongues praying in the spirit brings clarity to your mind will and emotions a place of high capacity is developed by praying in tongues for extended period of time it rebuilds renews builds and sharpens the gifts within you so tongues are a direct communication with the Holy Spirit and so if you want to grow in you want to grow in his word read the word but also ask the Lord to fill you up with the Holy Spirit actually we have what three people that that was prayed over last Friday night that got filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking in tongues and I will tell you their life is going to change if they follow through with practicing and growing that gift because this really does is changed my life and I know for those that who do speak in tongues it changes our lives because it does if I'm really struggling then what happens I start praying in tongues and then all of a sudden I have clarity of mind all of a sudden I can start here in the will of the Lord there's many times I walk I try to walk every day and I'm praying in tongues the whole time I'm walking back and forth and the reason why I'm doing that is because I want I want to know what is your will Lord what do you want me to do for this day what about this particular situation what about what you want me to do next do you want me to go here there I pray in tongues and then I get the answers because he clarifies that for us Jim Gall or James Gall in his book the discerner explains it this way each of us needs to become a discerner no matter what our personal background or specific gift function in the body of Christ doesn't matter which church you attend what the denomination is it doesn't matter that you've studied the gifts or haven't studied the gifts discerning is important so you need to change some mindset again around that it says although some believers are specially gifted as prophets every follower of Jesus receives the gifts of revelation and discernment and every believer needs to use them I absolutely believe this whether you've been taught on I mean you're I'm teaching you now so now you're responsible that's what the word says as a teacher I'm responsible for what I teach you but what you hear and what you're learn you're now responsible to implement that in your life that's up to you developing discernment is not so much about knowing the future as it is about bringing the kingdom God to bear on the time and place in which you live okay in a very real way you and I bring God's word to well to dwell in the midst of the world as we remain sensitive to the flow of his spirit through our relationship with God we receive revelation and we bring that revelation to the world around us we actually incarnate his word in our very ordinary lives so if I'm going along and I'm seeing somebody and I just smile at them and I discern you know that they're maybe struggling with something in their lives and I just sense that they just need a touch of you know whether God whether they know God or not met maybe they they know nothing about him whatsoever they could even be an atheist and yet if God prompts me and says I want you to smile back at that individual and speak encouraging word in their life I didn't say a prophetic word did I I said an encouraging word and I just do that when I do that you'll see the light start flowing all around them you'll see a shift in their attitude you'll see something and then if God permits or wants me I will then even go further if he gives me a prophetic word and I and sometimes I say you know what I'm just hearing the Lord right now just saying this is that okay if I just share that with you and when that happens all of a sudden their little minds are are clicking wow God can do that I didn't know that maybe I don't know God to the way I thought I maybe you know I need to check out maybe I need to figure this out a little bit more all we're doing is planting seeds aren't we that's what we're doing all right so wrong discernment now I mentioned before discernment and conviction are intertwined it's go it goes hand in hand they wrap around each other so you may discern something but they're also you that conviction may be upon you as well what is what does conviction do here's the role of conviction sin righteousness and judgment John 16 8 so when conviction comes he's going to convict us of sin he's going to convict us to do something of righteousness right or he's going to convict us of a judgment that we're around whether it be in our judgment or the judgment that is going on in the atmosphere that we're in so when we get this conviction we will end discernment we will act it out in the way that God wants it to be acted out let me give you an example I used to be the queen of sarcasm you know that's just what we did back in the days we could we could slam one another so quickly and I believe it still happening today and then they laugh and it's funny and and then I got convicted I mean I don't like it I mean it's okay if I'm putting it out there being sarcastic out there but it's not so fun when you're the victim and when they're making fun of everything about you or you know calling you putting little twist on things and then a roaring laughing and it's so fun well I used to be an environment where it never failed that one person always became the target and I was sitting there and I was watching this one person now the rest of the people thought they were just having a good old time but that person's face just went white and I thought that person was going to get sick and the person left got up and walked out I got convicted I discerned some things but I also about that individual and about what was taking place but I also got convicted in my heart that God was judging me he was saying this is sin what do you who do you think you are treating people like that and and even though I didn't say anything that particular night I didn't my voice didn't come out at all that that night God was still convicting me and he forced me to speak up and I stopped the whole thing and I said did you notice that the person that you were making fun of just got up and laughed they hadn't even noticed they were still laughing and carrying on and thinking they were having a grand old time because now that that person's left somebody knew was going to have to step in and I told him I'm not going to be a part of this anymore and that's what conviction and discernment does it changes your stance on things and you know what I never I still was around some of those people but I will tell you they knew my stance and they knew I was not I gave up my name the Queen of sarcasm I laid it down because I saw the hurt and the pain that they went through and so when we do that that's why we can have a right discernment or we can have a wrong one no one of the things having a wrong discernment is having a loveless heart we must first discern our own hearts to determine if we are functioning what are we functioning out of are we functioning when we discern a mistrust are we accusing somebody of something because we don't trust or is it an unhealed past event or a competitive attitude oh don't they think there's something you know that's discerning but whose heart is being discerned not theirs yours God's speaking to you that's that that's that sword coming back in and convicting when we have that attitude what we're really saying is that I think I'm less than because we're projecting out that that person is is thinks that they're we're accusing them or something they may not even have any sense of that it's just the way they are we have to be careful in this loveless thing there is a false discernment that is based on mistrust suspicion and fear and you can recognize false discernment by the coldness around it false discernment may be packaged in a type of love but it does not originate in love it comes out of criticism true discernment is rooted deeply in love so we have to understand that in order to discern correctly it has to come through that love heart relationship with the Lord and when it's wrong because if we we can be critical and I know I have in the past I know I still probably am very capable of it we all are that's why we have to second guess ourselves you know come back to the Lord and say Lord where is this I had to do this not too long ago I was sensing some things and I said Lord where is this coming from is this coming out of a competitive attitude is this coming out of something that's unhealed in me is it coming out of mistrust because I've been hurt before is this coming out of trauma is this coming out of a bias that I have is this coming out of an offense that I've had is this where is this coming from is this coming out of rebellion and then another situation is is it coming out of legalism you know we can have a strong bias against the religious system we can have a strong get offended by the religious system and so whoever's in that religious system we can discern things and it's coming out maybe I'm not saying all of it is but some of it can come out of our own hearts because we're we're speaking through all of this other stuff in fact I have learned that if you discern something negative about another individual God may have given you a secret sometimes when God gives you those secrets we're supposed to keep it until he gives you permission to reveal it I give a lot of prophetic words and I know things a lot of things that I don't ever speak out if I'm in a crowd never I know things because that's not for everybody else to hear if I'm one on one with the individual I will speak it out because that's for them is between them and God so lots of times I choose to hold back on some things and that's because God has taught me to love the individual out of his love he doesn't want them embarrassed or shamed or hurt because what happens when we do that what do you notice happens have you ever been gossiped about yeah we'll close a person off but anybody listening they automatically will start oh did you know that and then and then it rolls and damage is done so we have to be really careful about what we discern will you discern some negative things yes you will and sometimes we can say that now I'll use this as an example Friday night I gave I looked at an individual and I could see somebody that was really distraught in deep emotional pain and I mentioned it publicly but what I didn't tell was a lot of the other stuff that I discerned but that individual got some healing that night because I prayed over her later and so we can have these times when you know we have to be really careful because you don't want to end up like what happens if you have a loveless heart you're going to start judging people you become the judge you become the one that that you know you judge them you never ever see them the way God sees them you always keep them in their past you always keep them in what they've done wrong you always keep us I should say because I have experienced this where you they keep you back there and they never see all the greatness about that individual because you're operating out of a loveless heart you just want the gift you just want the anointing well you can have it but I'll tell you what you'll go forth and you will do damage unless you have a heart after God for every individual that you discern through sometimes we look at the outward appearances only ever looked at outward appearances made judgments boy can you ever can you do that today have you been out in the world today there's a lot of strange looking individuals they don't look like me so what's that say they don't look like me then there must be something wrong with them my hair is not purple green orange I don't have tattoos all over my body I don't have rings coming out of my ears nose and eyes and whatever I don't wear specific things so we have a tendency to judge them on an outward appearance when in reality there are some amazing people that are serving the Lord so powerfully and they look exactly that way now they think I'm frumpy they probably say well she doesn't carry anything look at her she look you know he's an old woman she dresses like an old woman then she you know I'm sure she's gonna act like an old woman they have a clue you see you we all make these stereotypes and these judgments and what I've noticed is that there's some wonderful people if you just give them a chance sit on a plane with a few of these have conversations with them you'd be amazed at the depth that they that other people have that you may initially like I'm gonna sleep through this one I'm just gonna close my eyes I don't want to I don't want to get too close you know and then when God starts discerning some things and you start talking or they start talking to you it's amazing the people that you'll you'll discover and the greatness that is out there being inexperienced in the spiritual sometimes we have a loveless heart because we just don't really have the experience in the spirit realm we don't have the the love of the father to the depth that we need and we need to grow in all of that how you doing have I hammered at you tonight I feel like I have I don't mean to in the activation tonight there is this whole process that and I can't pronounce her name she's a she's a brain scientist and she had this whole image that God had given her about logs that jammed people's thoughts and actions and in these logs they couldn't flow the way that they should because the they were in large in such a way and we've given that such power and because that's our culture that's what we've grown up with that's what we thought but when you go into other cultures you'll find out that your thoughts are kind of like not accurate try going to some other cultures and you'll learn really quickly that some of these jammed thoughts and actions are yours and it's not accurate do you get really afraid sometimes when you're in certain situations around certain types of people come on be real you do don't tell yeah we all do and yet sometimes they're the very ones that's going to help us I've been in those situations I've been in other countries where I'm I'm just not I mean I am so uncomfortable because I wasn't sure you know what to do in that particular situation and yet the one that I thought was going to be the worst one it was the one that really assisted me and helped me we have to get over our biases we have to get beyond some of these things so I'm gonna ask you this week to do some one-on-one with Jesus asking what's jamming my thoughts what's jamming my reactions I want you to start looking at your own culture what you think is so perfect and correct could be not the same as somebody else's culture because we're getting a lot of mix now I mean I've been to you know different countries I've been to Asia and Europe and England the UK I've been you know south and you know it's it's so funny I'll tell you a one incident that happened to me when I was in Puerto Rico and we were going through in them all and the the person that was guiding us basically that's the person we went down to do submissionary work with he said he said as a woman don't you look up don't you look at a man in the eye don't you dare do that now you walk through there because you're telling them yes you want them and I'm going oh my god how am I supposed to walk through this mall and so the whole time I'm you know trying to was he he was just joking with me he's joking with all of us women because we he knew we didn't know the culture and yet some of those men were just wonderful people but that gave me a perspective of things that it did it something got planted in there it got planted on a mini trips that I went on well there was in the Philippines I was in Korea you know South Korea and I'm like oh my goodness what's their culture like do I dare to talk to any of them do I dare to look at them do I you know I mean it's ridiculous what we can get jammed in there and so kind of look at it it says died to personal judgments ideas of retaliation and self motivation if you've got some judgments folks and you want to retaliate and get back at people whether they've hurt you 50 years ago or yesterday you know we need to really examine these and what's your self motivation what do you you know what are you doing here that's just within your own flesh and then the last part is learn how to abound in love if you don't know how to do that then ask God for you and look he will show you how to bound he will just pour his love right on you and they will you'll see a difference come over you in that so that's the activation that I want to present to you all right so Lord we just thank you for tonight I thank you Lord that you are growing us you are giving us that that discerning heart Lord God I pray once again that every single one of us will will come closer to you Lord that our eyes will be open we will be enlightened Lord God to know your will in your way we will be able to discern things for Jesus but also to behave properly after we've discerned it Lord I thank you Jesus that as we grow in our hearts that our voices become stronger that we become whoa mighty forces to be reckoned with in this time and this season Lord God because people need to know people need to hear your word people need to discern Lord God what is good and what is evil and so I thank you Jesus as we close out tonight that you're you're delving way down and deep into the hearts and minds of every single person and we give you the praise and honor for it in your precious name Amen I want to thank you for watching and joining me on this journey as we go higher expect to grow speed your territory and enter into new levels of intimacy with the Lord check out my website at for books online courses podcasts and other resources to help you soar in the Lord are you interested in increasing your confidence being able to speak assertively subdue your fears manage life situations effectively and overcome rejection or betrayal so that you can tenaciously stand back up again then you must sign up for a free strategy session so we can design a plan specifically for you I now offer one-on-one coaching sessions with group sessions coming soon my heart is to equip and make disciples and advance them into living a life more abundantly yes my website is check it out and I hope to be talking to you