Fox & Father

Fox & Father | Episode #029

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10 Oct 2024
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My faith in the process judiciary is never or in any institution in this country is non-existent really. We need to restore the patriarchy. Yes, we do. It's like if you're going to get them, you have to get them on points of law, you can't really get them on interpretation of points of law, you have to get them on, this is the point of law and UMass. Rides on this election, it is that serious and I am being hyperbolic but it is at the same time it is that true. You take one jump too far away from the lane that the work people would say stay in your lane, stay in your lane and Jordan's lane was very much the free speech lane and the anti-work lane. So when he's now not wrestling with God, I think there's a bit less interest in that. The mainstream media are hyping all of the months up with these racial industry people that are making money from it. Maybe Farris just played one hand too many in the fiscal world to get right. I'm going to deal with the culture. Even though we're British, we look towards the U.S. the whole of the West looks towards the U.S. for these situations. So we need a solid man in the White House who can stand up to these fools, such as Iran or China or Weber. And at the moment, they're the person that can do that is Donald Trump. Hello and welcome to another episode of Fox and Father with me, the Fox and him. But this has felt like a dramatic introduction this week. I mean, I didn't say much about something. I'm just my bassy baritone voices there for you, Calvin. How? It's very, very sunny here. How the devil are you? It's very sunny here. It's lovely. Yeah, I'm very well. Thank you. I went to the cinema last night to watch Am I a racist? And I discovered that yes, I am racist. That was good fun. Matt Walsh is hilarious. I didn't realize it was going to be acted. I just assumed it with a documentary similar to what is a woman, but he dramatized it in a bit of a corny American way, but it was entertaining. Just highlighted the hypocrisy of it all. And the highlight for me was he got Robin, Robin to Angelo on and just exposed her for the fraud that she is, because of course, her and Ken Day, not Ken Day, the other one, Kenbie or like at the forefront of all of this, this race hoax, stoking up tensions to make money. And so you're just lading all out. It's great. Really good. Well, before we do that, what happened with Ken Day, Andrew's, who calls you a house negro and a coconut. And you can blame the people, because obviously it's a racial hate crime. And what do the police do? Nothing. They sent me a text message saying, I'm sorry, this isn't the result you wanted, but nothing's going to happen. We're dropping the charges. Okay, well, first of all, you don't even speak to me about it. That'll be the decent thing, be rather than text to me. But secondly, if I had of caught him and ignorant nigga, I would have been arrested, but he'd call me a house negro, Coon, Uncle Tom, all these things. And there's no consequences, because it's not about color of skin. It's about the fact that he's a lefty, so-called professor race studies. So it's okay for him to say whatever he wants. But aren't you a priest, so you can say whatever you want. I don't know if it works like that. It doesn't seem to be- No, it's because you're a common sense conservative. I mean, you've got a whole barrel of intersectional problems, because Christianity thing, they're really hell-bent on wiping out. So I've just done my comments since crusade. I've just had two interviews. One was about Christie Higgs, who's fighting for free speech, because you're just a TA who essentially said, "I don't think we should be teaching queer theory and genitalian schools." That. The other was a priest in the Church of England. In a Church of England school, who was sacked for saying, "You don't have to abide by trans ideology. You can abide by Christian teaching if you want." Either or, just laying it out there, Bernard Randall, he's also been sacked. It's like Christians are being persecuted left, left, right and center, but being Christian. Crazy. Yeah, well, I mean, it goes to show that, I mean, you've sort of got to take it as a compliment, don't you, really, that the one true religion is always going to get beefed on, so it's- I stress the truth. People always say, "Well, yeah, now do Islam, or now do Muhammad's, they don't." It's not because they're afraid. It's because they don't want to do it. There's no point. They only want to challenge the truth. They don't want to shut down the truth. I've started doing Islam. Have you not noticed? I've started to say, whenever I see someone going, "You are running the wrong clause. It is not Islam. You are disgusting." I'm like, "Why don't you just deliver on the game, mate?" Because it's pretty obvious. It's brilliant. Just come out of the closet. We're a progressive liberal Western democracy. We'll accept you. You don't have to go and blow something up just because you're a homo. But I also went to a watch party for the debate. We'll get to the debate, I'm sure. That was good fun with the local GOP. It's been a good week. My rectory is nearly done, so probably by the next time you and I speak on air, I will be in the rectory. That'll be nice. I'm going to send you a camera. I'm sending you a camera. It's all right. It's all arrived at the house. It now just needs to be unpacked. You've moved out of the office. The office has gone. The office has gone. How do you feel about it? I feel good about it because at the end of the day, it was lovely having your face, but it was there for the studio really, and most of the stuff that I do nowadays is down the line, so it doesn't matter where you do it. This backdrop that I'm tapping in the house will be replaced by a slightly nicer setup, which is getting built, they start building it next Monday. That'll take two weeks, and then it'll all be beautiful and gorgeous, and we can look very professional together. Actually, what I might do is I might bring the camera out, and I'm coming out to the states in a week. I'm coming back next week as well. We're actually swapping it. That's ridiculous. It's very kind. It has purchased two Chesterfield armchairs, so I'm going to have what we used to have in the studio. I'm going to be sat on one of those next time I speak as well. Amazing, we're getting there. Take me back to amiracist. Instead of calling it 'what is racist', which I thought would have been the documentary style, amiracist, so he's acting as the unit. Yeah, so he goes to one of these groups where there's an angry black woman leading a load of white with people in their guilt, and he goes there as himself, but gives a fake name, and they set up the premise for the whole film, because eventually they find out who he is, and they attack him. They call the police on him and kick him out. There's crazy hostile lefties do, rather than saying, "Oh, Matt Walsh is here. He wants to learn about race, too. Let's have a conversation with him." They kick him out and say, "This is his premise to set up for why he disguises himself as Winston Marshall, in his kitty jeans, and his tie back here." So for the rest of the film, he goes around looking like Winston Marshall, and he trains up as an anti-racist person. He gets a DEI certificate, and he keeps flashing this card at people saying, "Oh, D-I-E certified, and he builds up a profile." Somehow he manages to get on TV as this guy, as well. I mean, it's not a very good disguise. You can clearly see it. Matt Walsh with a wig on, but he starts saying silly things like, "Let's all stand up and shake our arms and stretch our arms. We're stretching our whiteness out." He's really taking the mick with it, and people are going for it. Anyway, he gets the group together, and he puts his own course together by the end of the film, and he exposes it for the scam that it is, because every single person he speaks to, of course, on screen how much money they got paid for him to speak to them about race. Essentially, for these, what is usually angry black people, but sometimes angry white liberal women, it quite often is women, breaching on race, but of course, the way stoking racial tensions is never about colorblindness. On the one hand, you're saying this, and the other hand, you're saying that, and he shows how you can't hold these two contradictory ideas. You can't pretend not to see race, but also see race, and you can't be the left-right center. He just highlights all the stupidity of the anti-racist movement, goes and talks to real people. He finds a black immigrant who's like, "What do you talk about? I don't understand what systemic racism I like. I like this country. This country's great. I've managed to do whatever I want to do." He goes and talks to some hillbilly white folk who are like, "What? My father was in the clan. My grandfather was in the clan, but I treat everyone equally. Treat me as a human being. I treat you as a human being. That's how it should be." He finds the furthest rights. He finds the first left. He finds white. He finds black. He meets these people and discovers that no one cares about race. It's the mainstream media, hyping all this nonsense up, with these racial industry people that make him money from it, but all the way through it. It's witty, very witty. Yeah. He's got that great quality that you have in acting. It's this sort of deadpan in comedy. It's a good quality deadpan. Never point now that he's taking the piss or not. This is the piss out of everyone. He gets people on our side. He gets someone on who's written the story about the hoaxes. You remember that Josie Smollett and all these people that said, everyone kept saying they were finding nooses all over. They were all hoaxes, none of them were real, but the mainstream media were loving it. Another hoax has been found. Racism is strong in America today. It's a lot of America. And this guy comes on and he's talking to Mike, like, no, these are all hoaxes. And Matt's like, no, I know what I'm talking about. Here's my D.E. I said certificate. I know what I'm talking about. We just paid it deadpan with all of them, so it's not just mocking the left. He mocks everyone, but it's all for the purposes of highlighting the truth. I wonder why it hasn't been released here yet. I have contacted the daily why people then ask them to send it over, but I'm probably low down the list of people they want to send it to at the moment. But I have sent a message to Jeremy Boring and said, I'd love to review it for you. But maybe they're very focused on America. I mean, it is. Happy third day of Black History Month, by the way. I'm sorry. I didn't wish you that at the beginning. But you're racist, clearly. I'm a massive racist. Speaking of racist. I know you are, I've read it in the headlines. Yeah, it's a certain newspaper that would cause you a racist. I've, we're preparing our appeal now for that is Lawrence racist. And we're trying to, I mean, without wishing to, I don't know, you know, whether one sounds optimistic or not optimistic. I have my faith in the British judiciary is never or in any institution in this country is non-existent, really. But I think, I speak to Andy now, and it's like, if you're going to get them, you have to get them on points of law. You can't really get them on interpretation of what you're going to get them on. This is my law and you messed up here. So we've collated a list of bits where they've screwed up, I think, or I'm told. And we're going to go, we're going to appeal that decision, because, you know, I'm, I'm sort of, the problem is, in the same way as you've got this thing of, like, I'm complaining that someone is calling me a house Negro or a coconut, but I mean, it's like, well, I'm really mad at what Calvin Robinson thinks about it, and he doesn't have any human rights, because, you know, he's a Christian and a conservative. So it's, um, screw him, really. Um, I, I don't know if it's a society though. So I, um, I do think it's worth just giving it it's one last push through, you see if the legal system can stop turning people into St. Grosse citizens all the time, you know, and you read the stuff about you. And it's like, Calvin Robinson, there's the Britain's got a problem with Islam and then runs off to a matter. It's like, no, it's not a guy, by the way, I'm a what are you talking about? What are his name is? For the times two weeks, two weeks, I don't know. I can't pronounce it. I don't know what his name is. It's not an Anglo-Saxon name. It's hard to read, hard to understand, but he's clearly got an issue with me two weeks in a row. He's written these articles. I was never a fan of camera. I don't care. I don't need you as a fan. I'm not speaking for myself. I'm trying to speak for the truth. Either you're on the side of truth or you're not simple, but these constant attacks just expose it. The time used to be a conservative newspaper. What's happened? Well, it was I knew the writer in the times when I went to a dinner party quite early after a question time. No, sorry, before question time, I went to dinner party. I, personally, children remain nameless. BBC, journalists. We know when I was still invited by these people because I was a trendy edgy person rather than a monstrous writer. It was a times journalist there called Janice Turner, who is very good on LGBTQ and women's stuff, but she's a bit of a lefty on everything else. We in private conversation, so if you're at a dinner party, you don't expect to become much that to be repaid ever. I mean, it's a real joke. It's a breach of journalistic code, really, to do that. She wrote, and I told her that my mum was not well with, and she wasn't, and she wrote this article afterwards about the dinner party, but straight after question time. And I was just like, "You scoundrel." And I wrote to her, and I just said, "You're the worst example of why people just think they mean you're dead." They're horrible. These people have no moral compass. Remember that time I invited that chap into my own home from the times to do that profile. It just came out like some kind of silly hit pieces. I don't have time for these people anymore. The independent wrote to me again this week. Can you comment on the game? No, no comment. I don't want to talk to you. Why would I waste my time? You guys are going to look for any word you can twist to kind of get a gotcha moment. It's not about reporting the truth or the fact of the matter. They always editorialise. This times guy, I'm going to give him the benefit of trying to pronounce his name. "Omi wa a wal-la-di," said Calvin Robinson. It's hysterical, and he's a crank, and he compared me to Candace Owens. This is a foreign-born journalist of a formerly conservative newspaper calling me these things because I'm against the Islamification of Britain. Like if you are for the Islamification of Britain, you are against Britain. Get out. He said that Calvin said he not Powell's right cut. He not Powell was right in his reverse of blood, speech, and I outlined why he was right on my thumb stack on The mainstream media is not on our side, essentially, as well as saying here. I remember when I was at our former employer, GB News, and the little squirmy worm, Angela Spring got blossed, came up to me and he was like, "I need to have a war with you." And I'm like, "Oh God, what have I done now?" He said something that expressed myself really, "What have I done wrong now?" Angela was like, "You've got to speak to Calvin." And I was like, "About what?" And he was like, "His whole Twitter here is, you know, Powell." And I was like, "I'm here." And he was like, "It's got to take a day he's racist." All right, now he's not a racist. He was a controversial figure of his time, turned out he was right as well. So I think you're barking up the wrong tree, Angela, "Wait again, squirm over there and attach to a multiple martial class testicle." The way that they just said, "Oh, he's a racist. Why was it? What were the racists for?" Like people hate that speech and if you look at the content that speech, he was spot on in pretty much all of it. There are bits that I just grew with, sure, but that should be the case with a politician. We should be able to say, "Yeah, I agree with him on that," but not on that. This idea of like, canceling the Muslim, everything he said was wrong, bad guy, bad guy, enemy, evil. It's just childish. It's juvenile, it's stupid. And it's of course the cancel culture, which places like GV News are supposed to be against. Yeah, well, it's also pure leftism because the minute they say you can't talk about something, they know it's because what you're talking about has some merit for it. Not even though. A place like GV News didn't care about the merit, they just care about the image. We can't talk about it because we want to be seen as nice guys. People think we're horrible if you talk about this. It's neutering, though. It's the nutrient, the whole point of free speech is that if people understood that free speech was defending the right of others to be offensive towards you, it would be fine. But this whole thing, I was having this conversation with Geneveed the other day, and I won't go into the private bits of what was being said from his heart. But what I was saying was like, you know how we had such huge relief and joy when Jordan Peterson started coming out against compelled speech and the work started from just like, "My God, what a thank God." And that when he just got Kathy Newman and he just thought, "Oh, yeah, I could listen to a day's genius." And then the problem, one of the problems on our side is we kind of develop a new persona to challenge, and so Jordan Peterson is slightly over into the theologian aspect of things. Well, no, he was always up to be fair, much of meaning and stuff like that. He did really break the Bible down as a philosophical text, which is probably not what the Bible you should do with the Bible, but that's just my opinion. And you'd get that sort of slight sense that you take one jump too far away from the lane that the woke people would say, "Stay in your lane, stay in your lane." And Jordan's lane was very much the free speech lane and the anti-white lane. So when he's now that we're not wrestling with God, I think there's a bit less interest in that, and that's not to say that he's not brilliant on that too. But I have this sense as well with GB news and Farahaj and people like that. It's like maybe Farah's just played one hand too many in the physical world to get right. I'm going to deal with the culture. I'm going to start to grow up culture. But as my friend Jeffery says to me in frequently, he's only been going to our church for such a short period of time when it comes to cultural stuff. So one will have to catch up. And it's interesting watching the election campaign, the Tory leadership campaign back here is he's getting outflanked on the right, seemingly. I mean, whether it's rubbish or bollocks or not, who knows. But it seems to be getting outflanked on the right by Jen Rick and Kemmie as well. Kemmie over culture, because she has been going to that, whether you think about Kemmie, whatever you think about Kemmie, she is bang on on the culture. She's been out strong. She's been good. And so she has been going to the church for a long time. And Jen Rick has got his sort of Tommy Robinson hairdo, and he's coming out as a hard guy. And it's kind of, it's interesting to see that the two Tory front leadership contenders, I mean, they're politicians. So they're just lying in a way, I'm sure. But the two leadership contenders are further right than Farrosh. And this led me to the conclusion that perhaps, I mean, I'm sure they're playing a long game and it's all very well thought through and everything. But perhaps you've played one under poker too many. The hero Brexit may be the one that muddies the waters of the right of centre politics in the country for the next five or 10 years. And whatever happens, I mean, the conversation I finished with Ben was whatever happens. If we don't go into a general election united, when we next get the opportunity to run, should the sausages not be released? As Starmer has said, and should men not grow a cervix? The foreign secretary says, you know, if the right is fragmented, then we're in such trouble. And so I don't know what you think about that. What do you what do you make? I think George should speak on the culture. I think we've been wanting him to speak on the culture for so long. He's been obsessed with immigration. Immigration is an important issue, but he hasn't been addressing the other things that affect our country. And I think many of us have been saying speak on the culture. And finally, he is. So that's a good thing. And he should be because he's one of the people that can apply pressure from the rights. But he has to be strong and courageous with it. And he's so far, he's been very timid with it. He's not facing a head on, and he still wants the cameras and the people behind the cameras to like him. You can't be for the truth and be liked at the same time. You've got to pick one or the other. And this is why it appears like it appears that Robert Genrich and Kimmy Badmock are to the right of him, because they are speaking bolder than he is on these issues. They're not even speaking as bolder. They should be. Kimmy Badmock wouldn't say which cultures are inferior to Western values. Robert Genrich won't address the Mohammedan issue. He would say sectarian problems. So neither of them are being as bold as they could be. But if still bolder than or appears bolder than farad, because he's walking around leg shells, because he doesn't want to be seen as a Nazi person on the far right. People who don't like him are always going to seem as a Nazi person on the far right. So all he's doing is losing his core base by pandering to the middle ground. And to talk and say we win elections in the middle, we don't win elections in the middle. We win elections at the core and our core vote and the conservatives lost because they lost their core vote. Yeah, and you're absolutely right. That's why Kenney Badmocks either cleverly or not cleverly, but I think probably cleverly is refusing to talk about policy, because it's about principles, conceptions, and it's never had any to do with policy. It's so weird watching that sort of thing unraveled, because what are we going to be left with? We're going to be left with Tommy doing Tommy, you doing you, me doing me, all of these figures that have big profiles and big voices, and only certain of us will not turn on those up at the others. I think it's so strange. And you're battling an enemy, which we've got to the bottom of, which is they are the lovers of death, the left, essentially. They love death. They love partial abortions. They love the planet, but they hate people. And I was only given some skunk reassurance that this is possibly Faddish in the terms of what Michael Schullenberger was saying today, which was that a lot of workism, and we talked about this before, is driven by female compassion. So it's compassionate, it's compassionate, it's compassionate, you know, anything concrete. And that actually one has to, when one is trying to engage with the, you know, a one of these socialists, or an overly compassionate work person, you have to acknowledge their sort of right to speak freely and express their compassionate and always to pull their compassion before you start educating them to use the woke language about the inconsistencies in their argument. And it's, I mean, it sometimes feels hopeless until you watch things like the debate. And you say, J.B. Lance, what did you make? So you watched it over there. Tell us about how it was seen. Oh, well, but yeah, speaking on if feminine culture, and then if feminization of culture, this has been an interesting one, because the response to the debate has been, ah, look at J.B. Lance with his beard, this is a sign of masculine toxic masculinity, you know, it's aggressive. Women see it as this, that, the other, it's like, who are you to speak on behalf of all women? Secondly, what is the problem with men trying to be masculine again? We want everyone to be feminine. And then, and like you say, overly compassionate, but compassionate, by everything else, it's just fake, and it's weak. And it's great to see someone like Vance could just come in out strong on a lot of these issues. But yeah, I went to tell, tell, tell, tell my stuff a little bit of a bad thing, you know, tell me stuff, or mommy. Just go out and say that I'm really sorry, mate, the beard is intimidating. You can chant from the river to the sea, and then you can applaud and then cry when someone gets, you know, when one of your terrorist leaders is going to kill, but you know, we find your beard a bit toxic, he masculine. It's like, these people are so, I just find them embarrassing me, that's sad, anything to attack him. But anyway, I went to a watch party with the local GOP out here, and the raw grassroots Republicans, because there'd been an internal battle, which was interesting to hear about, actually, in that there was an establishment, there was an elite, and they controlled the local party, and the grassroots essentially kicked them out. But of course, they need to have their money with them, and they use their money to control it. There was a form of power, and it sounded very similar to things I've seen in the conservative party, but one of the chaps was talking to me saying, "Oh, I met Faraj at a rally out here, you know, he's one of these grassroots people," and he was like, "No, it's not actually, we have exactly the same problem in the UK. Faraj's party establishment party elite does not associate with the rabble of the grassroots of people, like me, you and Tommy, et cetera. He is not one of us, unfortunately. We wish he would be more involved with us, but he isn't." And so we're seeing the same problems on both sides of the pond, but the actual event was great. I mean, there was loads of people there, all very supportive, all very patriotic. It was like a piece of party, but they asked me to start off by praying the grace, and people were coming up after to say, "Thank you for the prayers," and everyone was joining in with the prayers. I thought, first and foremost, that's a major, major difference. I've been involved with the conservatives for a long time in the UK. I can't remember once where anyone's ever asked for prayer or thanked for a prayer. I can't remember, other than explicitly Christian conservative events, I can't remember the conservatives ever being Christian in that way, and it being okay, you know, not seeing as quirky or weird or a bit out there. Out here, it's just normal. This is the conservatives of Christian, because, of course, we are. There's Christendom, it's the West. So that was a good first time, but the debate itself was great. I was nervous that Vance might feel the pressure, but he really owned it, and then he made walks look really. And, of course, breaking the fourth war all the time would have made people laugh, "It's witty, it's great." Yeah, he was very good. He's a very highly-architected guy, and he is the future of the manga movement, isn't he, really? Beyond Trump, he's incredibly good, and 2028. Yeah, and that's what it's going to take. You can't, if you can't talk people back into their box, they're sort of crazy little box, you have to beat them back into their box, and you beat them at the ballot box, hopefully. And I think that the Republicans in America, the rhinos, the golf club crew, are a receding, and the neo-cons and all that sort of receding, because they actually have much more in common with the Democrats than in the same way that Kennedy had more in common with Trump. It's a crazy political inversion taking place, and we're all sort of sat there watching it happen, and then we've gone drawn in a friend, and we've got, and somehow in England, we've ended up with one in five people, well, actually four in five people, not voting for some idiot who wants sausages to be released from somewhere. I mean, lack of foreign secretary. I'm sorry to do this, but he's our foreign secretary, David Lambie. It's murder, whatever. He thinks that you can grow a cervix if you have some treatment, yet to be fair, he did carry out it with hormones, but this guy is profoundly stupid, and he's our foreign secretary, and the idea of wonderful Great Britain with its sort of diversity, higher foreign secretary who's sent out to build things that the whole point of my foreign secretary is that I'm going to talk about the climate, and it's like, that's not your job though, that's the job of the climate one, the weird chap of the ukulele looks like he's been smacked in the face with a shovel, milli-bland. Was it last week talking about how it's important that he's black, because his ancestors were brave, and this and that, they're like, huh? That's more annoying cares about you, all your skin colour, your hair to talk politics on behalf of the British people, what is your critical race theory and answers all about? And then of course we've got Don Butler, who's of the same work. I've got a Don Butler thing for you, I've worked on it, hang on, so what I'd like to do here is I'd like to play the Don Butler one, wait, wait, wait, I tell you what I'll do, I think I can do like a little background thing as well on this, let me see if I can select a, let me see if I can select a some sort of nice background. Okay, here we go, here we go. All right, what are you doing? Oh, this is great, it will work. Right, it's decided to start playing for the church, stop, right, function, strings. Okay, okay, here we go. The bit is a bit more serious than dawns, but we've played dawns and now we can have mine. You wanted to see me broken, head bowed and tears in my eyes. More for you, you didn't realize that my strength is powered by your lies. You are the wrong one, the violent one, the weird one, where was I? I am the chosen one because I am the Anglo-Saxon one. You see the skin I'm in, this beautiful ash white skin, the skin you don't believe, so why do you try so hard to achieve by straightening your hair and trying to look like a white bird, I'm working on it, it's working, it's working brilliant. For me, there is no need because I am the Anglo-Saxon one, I am one of the first ones. I know I'm white in handsome, a lion-hearted Englishman, my skin is my protection and you, my friend, don't matter because I am the chosen one, for I am an Anglo-Saxon one. You created a structure of grievance that protects you from criticism when the simple reality is all fake because I am the chosen one, for I am the Anglo-Saxon one. So you wanted to see me broken, head bowed and tears in my eyes, more for you. You haven't realized my strength, there's nothing to do with skin colors, bloody dull can you stop it please. Do you think it's good, as I work in progress, do you think I'm doing well there? I think that's good, you missed it, there was a rhyme there, you said there is no need, you could have gone because I am the Anglo-Saxon breed, that would have rhymed. Well, I mean, you could have at least offered some encouragement, it's great, it's good, it's well done, I mean if she's going to do it for her Afro-Caribbean heritage, why can't you do it for your white English heritage? Well, my particular race theory seemed to be white, pointed out that it's my rangelou poem originally, and it was about being abused by someone, so it was about being, she goes you're the violent one, she was talking about, she wasn't, as far as I can go, she wasn't talking about white people. Don Butler's got a form on this, didn't she copy someone else's song throughout the last general election, she kept saying these words if she was profoundly making them up, but it was someone else's lyrics. Yeah, I think Don Butler's a bit, I hate to say it, because I'm in a little bit out there again, I don't, Don Butler's the sharpest knife in the drawer, she blocked me on Twitter, you know, I was a resident in Brent's, my church was in Brent's, in her constituency, I know you're on Twitter, I can't do that, she's an elected representative. They should be banned from doing that. What do you make of the, I know it's a bit, it's a bit late for pagergate, but what do you make of the, of what's going on in the Middle East, do you think we're going to hit World War Three? Do you think that Joe Biden might apply some more sunscreen and we'll be fine? I tell you what I think, there was only peace in the Middle East when Donald Trump was in the White House. Yes, we've got less than a month as this goes out for that to happen again. If he's not restored to the White House, we could very well see World War Three, whether that's somewhere in the east of Europe or in the Middle East, things are escalating at a rapid pace under these Democrats. And unfortunately, even though we're British, we look towards the U.S., the whole of the West looks towards the U.S. for these situations. So we need a solid man in the White House who can stand up to these fools, such as Iran or China or wherever. And at the moment, they're the person that can do that is Donald Trump. It's true, isn't it? We don't really have, I mean, do you think that there, who would you, if you had to choose a victor of a conservative leadership race, who would you pick if you had to pick somebody to start redefining Britain's foreign policy? Oh, gosh. I honestly don't know who I would pick. I can't think of anyone I would want to lead the Conservative Party at the moment. I don't think of any of the politicians that are actually conservative and bold. Danny Kruger is conservative, but not bold enough. Jacob Reese Mogg is Christian, but not always bold enough with it. My struggle, Lawrence, what about you? I reckon it's going to be either commie or generic. And I think that that's either, I mean, at least they're making the right noises. I mean, let's try and find some positivity there. I like that people. And, you know, I've been friends with commie for a while, I've worked at the same thing as Trump's generic. The problem is a lot of it's rhetoric. Like, they're voting habits don't line up with the things that they say. That's the issue I have. Yeah. It's the issue a lot of people have, I think. It's like, yeah, I'm pro-freedom, want to deal with what we evokes on the COVID policies. Oh, I go to bedos. You know, it's all a lot of careerism is like that, isn't it? I think you've got one needs to be more radical. We're all heading in for more radical zone. So I'm coming to America to go, and I'm actually going to a Trump thing. I can't tell anyone where or when, but I'm going to go meet the rally who wrote the, no, no, it's a private thing. But, you know, he wrote me when I was at GB News, I infued him. And he wrote me a thank you letter. But the same, he was a great president, because he bought deterrence back to, you can see deterrence. When you're dealing with death lovers, like the death cultists, like Islamic death cultism and all of that, and then the woke death cult as well, you have to have conservatives can only have one weapon, which is deterrence, which is like, if you do that, I'm going to absolutely stop you dead in your trance. But my vibe is to avoid war, at all costs and avoid conflict, if I can avoid it. But if you mess with me, you're going to get hurt. And the value of deterrence has been lost across the west. Well, it's parenting standards. It's common sense. So the mother's instinct is generally, oh, don't everyone be nice. Come on, don't do that. We know that doesn't work. The father has to do that again. You're going to good hiding. There's a difference in parenting style between mother and father, and they're staying with government. The lefty liberals will say, oh, come on, it's just been nice to the Arabs. They won't bomb us anymore. Whereas the Trumplings will say, do that again. I know where your house is, right? It goes right back to the very fundamentals of everything. Because if you look at this, you know, if you look at the cause, and it's left it in which are, you know, getting rid of the family and getting rid of Christianity and getting rid of God, they are so hell bent on that. And I know this from personal experience that they would rather you gave your your fealty to the state than you gave your fealty to your husband. And I've noticed in my encounters, it's certainly in the family court system that the fathers are like a really major inconvenience for the state to deal with, because the state thinks that they the mother knows best, which she, if you end up in court with a woman, God forbid, because a woman that takes you to court is a savvy clever woman, because she knows she's going to use the state to attack you, not her own arguments. And I've just sort of noticed that every single fundamental structure in this country is built around the destruction of masculinity, the destruction of family values, even broken families, which happen, you know, sadly, and they shouldn't, but because, yeah, we're all so, and I think this is true men as well, we're all so overly keen on being, I mean, all the time, that we forget what our responsibilities are and what our duties are. And that video you shared the other day was so brilliant of the guy of the kids saying shut up to their mum. Children are taught now that it's abuse to be told off, but it's abuse. So the state essentially is the parent already. And then we see that more broadly on the foreign policy scale. And then, you know, what Zylar meant to me when he said, you know, it's all very well talking about protecting British culture Lawrence, but Britain doesn't know what his culture is. There's no idea what his culture is. And that's been gaslit, because people keep saying there is no culture, there's no British culture, there's no British culture, and the people are like, oh, we don't have a culture, we've been gaslit for so long. Of course we have all this great culture. Yeah, I mean, we're the world actually being out here reminds me that there's somebody angler files out here who love English culture to the extreme. I'm like, these people are more English than we are in many ways, especially I'm serving it in an Anglican church. And there are many Anglican traditions that they adhere to over here, but we've forgotten in England. It's absurd that we've kind of disregarded so much of our culture, but other people see it. So it doesn't exist. It does exist. It does exist probably elsewhere. It's sort of morphed and moved elsewhere. And the Americans, the thing I do love about the Americans is they know that freedom is so good. But what you're seeing on the right in America is this idea that, you know, there's a sort of a panic, which is analogous to the Democrat thing of going, you need to vote for me to preserve our democracy. And you know, and then on the right, the sort of woke right, you've got, if you don't vote for me, you'll never vote again. And the truth is somewhere in the middle, isn't it? Really? And the truth actually comes again from why Kenny is right to talk principles rather than policies is to go, well, what are the principles that we stand by? We stand behind a strong family. I mean, it can't be hard for these fucking politicians. Like David Lammy, you've marocked that. You weren't a saying, Dave. Sorry, mate. I don't know where it's all coming from. I don't know what's going on when you're swearing all of a sudden either. You've been just a warlord. Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. I don't get animated about it. I don't know if you've seen this, but I genuinely believe that a lot rides on this election, if Donald Trump doesn't win. Kamala Harris and Tim Walsh get in. Tim Walsh doesn't believe in free speech. Kamala Harris is a communist. It will be open borders. The country will be destroyed out here and it will be war all over the world. Britain won't have a big brother or best friend to stand by. We'll all be worse off. Whereas if Trump gets in, we'll have a strong masculine leader in again who believes in common sense values. It's not perfect. No one is, but at least he believes in the core things that built the West and say he'll maintain it. And that's a good thing. I was on the National Faithful Prayer Group the other day with Speaker Mike Johnson praying for Trump. And I think it's important that Christians realize that we can't wait for a perfect leader. We have to pray for Trump and we have to help Trump get in because if he doesn't get in, it all goes to pot. And it's all, you know, pro-abortion, kill babies up to birth, even after birth. It is evil times if he doesn't. At least he, as a sinner, recognizes he is a sinner and recognizes that he is there to serve. And he recognizes that there is one true God in that Jesus Christ and he worships him. And that's a good thing. But we can't wait for someone who's sinless to lead us because there is only one person who's sinless, that's Jesus Christ. And he's not going to lead the nation or the West. But I was Yeah, sorry. I was invited to a call with him last night. And I haven't actually met him or spoke to him yet. But it was a prayer call. I don't think what I want to say on that is, well, first of all, I couldn't make it because I was going to a cinema with a friend. As you know, priorities and friends come first, which is good. But I will hopefully get to meet him and pray with him at some point because Christians need to do this. And I'm saying this, especially to Christians who are watching this, because most people in this country, in the United States, are evangelical Christians. And most evangelical Christians do not vote. So it could be a block vote that could be Christians hold all the power in a state. If all the Christians turned out on both of the Trump landslide tomorrow, well, obviously a month from today. Do they not vote? No, a vast majority of evangelicals just don't bother to vote. And these are the even people that walk around with manger hats on. So it's to their own detriment. So the message is, pray for Trump, vote for Trump. I don't care if people say that political partisan, yes it is, because we need it. Well, he's defending the very values that Christ put on earth. And also this whole stupid idea that people think that they can somehow double blind God in working out who he chooses to be his messenger on earth. Why wouldn't you choose someone who is a bit quirky and a bit fallen? Because they have a more common touch. This idea that you've got this sort of very sanctimonious, I think it's what puts people off Christianity full stop actually, is the fact that the most vocal proponents of Christianity are the biggest frauds like the artificial country. They're not even Christians in the first place. And be they're the most sanctimonious, boring people you'll ever meet. Whereas a good Christian is always up to the crack. And actually, he uses weaknesses to strengths. And so he uses people who are fallen and sinful. This is to encourage other people. This is what the stories of the things are all about, fallen individuals who are finding Christ and finding, but he is the truth. You know, I'm not very going to speak right. I speak too fast. I'm very quiet around people. And he's used me to speak as part of my ministry. This is a major thing of my location. I know so many people who are like, who have things that they see as not very good or weaknesses in themselves, and God used turns those weaknesses, turns those bad things into good and that's exactly what he does. And that's what he's doing with Trump. That is what he's doing with Trump. And I think, I do think Trump has had a major moment post that now took the ignored assassination attempt to, to reflect on his why he survived that. And, you know, and I think that would be amazing. I, from what I can gather, and I'm obviously no American politics specialist, but I do on the step from what I understand. He doesn't need to win Arizona. He doesn't need to win Nevada. He does need to win Pennsylvania, Georgia, and what's the other one? If you win Michigan, we're good. Yeah. So, and I, and they, this sort of narrative that Kamala's, Kamala, whatever stupid name is, with her wife being, you know, this is the other problem as well. These men that care one about how I actually love women and how they always say, you know, we want to elevate and look at women. They always end up being the ones that give women a good slap in the same way as you get like the person you want to come to work. The person who wants to work in the gender clinic always turns out to be a pedo. I mean, it's a surprise surprise. So, we do need a bit of straightforward masculinity actually back. Restore the patriarchy. Restored. Oh, the thing in the West rides on this election. It is that serious and I am being hyperbolic, but it is the same time it is that true. But I also like hyperbolic Calvin. He's good. He's good. But I also want to specify, as part of them, as I am, this is our podcast. And this is where we talk about politics and current events that have not seen and part sent in the pulpit. And when you come to my church and sit in the pews, you will hear from the pulpit the gospel, and I will exegete to the gospel reading of the day. Sometimes in the epistle reading, it's not a place of parts and politics. I want to put that out there because people watch these things and get confusing. Oh, my gosh, he's a Trump. You've even stood there telling people both for Trump. Like that's literally not what I do. That's not my vacation. That's not what you've done either. What you've done is you've tried to say that these are the Christian values and that the person who's embodying the Christian values more than any other person is possibly the one who's the most weak and fallen of us all, which I think is a wonderful thing. Probably why Christianity can allow itself to be mocked. You and I would probably disagree on how much you can mock Christianity. And certainly my father and I disagree on that. But Christianity has there's a strength to it that it can survive mockery. Whereas you look at these little Mohammedans going on about control, control, control, control, control, control, final religion, final religion. It's like shush now. So I've decided that I'm going to mock them mercilessly, especially the more ridiculous ones. Because I've told them that Mohammedans to shush now. Yeah, I'm happy with that. I've got some security lights and a shotgun and a knife by my bed. So, you know, it's, you know, you're coming for me, Mr. Mohammedan, bring more than three. I went to the range the other day. And I suppose it is bragging. But I've got it. I'm a good shot, man. I've got an idea. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'll have to take you and duck shooting, your frozen shooting is so much fun. It's once you get your eye in, nothing, nothing makes it arse. And then you get an odd partridge that comes at you really fast. Those country sports and all of that, I love, I love the country. I actually wrote a little thing about how much I love the country. So I have to go down to London every week to go and do some meetings. And every time I go, I need to tell a while and discussing it is yesterday I got, I pulled up in a cab outside, not a nasty hotel. And it was about 10 foot high bag of pile of bin bags, stinking bin bags. And I was just like, I feel like rotten chicken grease on my face already. So it's going to tell them a shower. And you come back to the country and you see how much people care for things out here. You know, just you look at the way that they, they prepare things to farmers because it's all farms around to where I am. And you look at the way people look after the land. And that there's a deep connection to that reality that you just don't get in a city. And hence why we've talked about it before, you just end up with these terrible, terrible, terrible ideas in cities. You're physically home bad for our souls, but bad for people. We're not made to live in cities. We need to get away from the city. So how has it changed for you? So what are the things that you've noticed the most since you decided to leave me by myself all alone? But you're moaning a lot. But here it's hard to describe. It's a vibe. London has felt like a bad vibe. It's dark, it's heavy. And out here, it just feels lighter and more optimistic. And you know, everywhere I go, there's something, everything's pretty new here. I mean, people are here to see things as old and they're like, oh, that was built 100 years now. Right. But everything's very new. And they've got this mentality like something doesn't exist. Okay, so build it, do it. I think in England, we don't have that. Everything's already established. And if it's not, then they can't be done. We're kind of a bit pessimistic in that way, because everything's been around for 1000 years. So of course, it's ingrained in us, but it affects the way we see the world, I think. Yeah, I think that's absolutely right. There's a hope and an optimism in America. I think it probably comes with land maps as well, because you have the land so you can build your temple, laterally, rather than vertically. And I think that really helps as well. It's a strange thing, but it suits you that you're there. And I will try and cross over with you. I need to find out whether I'm still trying to sort out the dates because I've got a really, really amenable performer, and try to make sure that I can just get out and see some people and get some of that rivetification that one needs. Because you get even here, I mean, I love it here. I'm so much happier than I was in London. But even here, I will go after we've had this chat, I will wander down to the pub and enjoy the sunset. And that's one thing I do miss, by the way, wandering. So I used to leave my house, walk to the park, do a rosary walk in the park, walk into London, you know, walk to your studio, like, I'm just walking everywhere. There's just no walking here. I need to find a way to make it happen. My iPhone gave me an alert yesterday morning. I think for the last two weeks, you have walked less miles, you have burned fewer calories, it was like, just the iPhone helped out. I don't know why it gave me an alert, but it gave me an alert to say, basically, since you've been in America, you're not active anymore. Of course, I've been going to a gym form or that's not locked on the phone, obviously, but just my day-to-day life as active as it was, because you drive to here, you drive to there. So that's something I need to address. You need to drive down to see me down in Alabama. Yes. I love Alabama. You need to, we'll go and shoot some full automatic darling guns and stuff just to make ourselves feel better. So in my rectory, which is almost done, there's a space above the fireplace for some antlers, so I need to get, I need to kill either a deer or a moose, and face it up there. That would be good. I'd love to see that on social media. Because we need to build towards the movie where you are in this uniform, but slightly possibly leather and possibly with a sword thing, what do you put a sword in? Is it? No, it's not. It's scabbard. Is it scabbard? I don't know. Anyway, but your big cross double-handed sword means to come out. So we need to do some military practice to do it. What have you got on for the rest of the week? A million in the rectory. I am off to two events this week in different parts of Michigan, one for Padre Pio, medical school, and one with a part of Tomah who's hosting an event with Dr. Carson. Ben Carson, who is a, I'm sure you've heard his story, he's got a very good Christian conversion story of how you used to live a life of, well, sin and embrace Christ and was reformed by it is a great story. So we're going to go to two events and then I've got Morning Prayer and Mass on Sunday, Evening Prayer and Rosary on Monday, and then I'm heading back to London, heaven forbid, for stuff that we'll talk about another time. I know, we can't talk about that stuff because it's all a bit secretive, but yeah, it's not fun stuff anyway. I know, I know, and there's, there's also some other stuff going on. Yeah, I'm trying to work out what we can and can't say, not much over any of it. Well, listen, I'm still angry with you for leaving, but your beard is coming along well. You've got past Lewis Hamilton stage, which is good. And, and your shoulders are looking, your shoulders are, you've changed, you've either had your thing fitted or your shoulders are looking more like robust and strong. So you're doing shoulders a lot in the gym. Are you doing shoulders and gym? Oh yeah. Okay. Well, I love you, and it's good to catch up, and I will, I think we're going to put this one out on Saturday, isn't it? Because they want to. That's what it is. Yeah, we do what we're told. We're trying to. Well, God bless you, man. Love you. You too. Love you too, brother. I'll see you soon. Thank you for watching. God bless. God bless. Oh, wait, wait, wait. Calvin. Yeah. What happens if the world all goes capitalist? No way. Painful things. Not good things happen. That's what happens. The government can control what is more to every penny we spent. But what is above $2,000 an ounce? Is it gold? Labor tape. Now, as we come to the end of the show, I did promise you that we had a new sponsor. Yes. It's launching the Fox and Files show because apparently this company, Gold Bullion Partners, a few of our listeners have decided that while being faced with the tyranny of potential digital IDs and CBDCs and where they can keep their money safely without it being removed from the government, they have come up with the idea of gold. Well, this is actually silver. Well, I've got some gold. I've got some gold too. But my gold's a little one. So, the problem is, your money isn't yours if it's in the bank and you can't rely on it. You can't trust the banks. We've got to invest in assets. No capital gains tax. That's interesting. No capital gains tax. I've got a lot of friends who are buying gold and silver actually. Yeah, non-traceable. I'm buying silver because gold's a bit up there for me. I could probably get one of these. But this is legal tender. Is it? Yeah. I wouldn't want to spend it though. No, I'm just saying. Well, a lot of places aren't accepting legal tender anymore. That's part of the problem. The more we go to a cashless society, the more the government can control everything that we do. They can see every penny we spend, they can control where we spend it. That's not a good thing. But gold and silver are holding their values beautifully in the world. And in times of trouble, people tend to lean and go towards gold and silver. So, you know, gold bullion partners, guys. Their link will be in the show notes. And if you so feel that you want to absolutely do your own research, look into it. Yeah. And we will carry on buying it ourselves, won't we? Yeah, we will. A lovely man. You too. Oh, don't forget, the culture stores are up now. Where can people go to find stuff? Yeah. The culture stores. Oh, hang on. You sent it to me in a group. Oh, something wrong on that. You can go over. Everyone should go here, by the way. We're about to release a, what I like to call the Calvin doesn't like it if I swear, but I call it the fuck you, Pin. It, which is a heart shaped union jack. So you go to the culture forward slash father, Fox and father merchandise. And you go to the culture forward slash, I think my name or your name. If you want to get some pipes or in my case, you know, t-shirts that mock pride month, I'm just working on the, from the river to the seaside beach bag. And yeah, it's going to be, it's going to be really, really, really serious. You don't have to do like Lawrence. You can actually buy t-shirts that fit. You don't have to get one size too small. And that's, that's it, isn't it? It's always in case. And then here, and then here comes the chortle. Sometimes I don't know why I bother. It's like, there I am. I feel I'm closing it. Case I trust you, I trust you, I trust you, and then you just rip it apart. Yeah. Well, thank you for watching. Thank you for watching. Thank you for bullying me. I'm going to go and report you for a hate crime. Well, they will listen to you because you're right, waiting for it doesn't matter. I'm white. It's not even fair. I see not that mother's either. I could be a wokie right when you're a new bitch. I'm a great Christian. Not good. Yeah, I'm going to become a white, I'm going to become a white, zero-worshipping death cultist. And then I'm going to report you for being a racist, and you'll be jailed. Ha ha ha ha. And then when I turn up and caught, it'll be like, you'll be like, but no one listens to me over to kinder and goose thing. And that white bloke called me a BN word. And he was like, yeah, but he called you the M word because he felt it. And he really meant it. And I'll be in my rainbow t-shirt, nodding. And she'll pinge up five years, which is where you go. Okay. But I'm on the bike. Ha ha ha ha. He's on the bike. [BLANK_AUDIO]