The Daily Mind

Season 16. Episode 386. You forgot my drink!! Drive-thru orders gone wrong.

tik tok episode 3

We've all been there. Drive thru gets our orders wrong, however it's not what they got wrong, it's how you react to it. Tales of real people crashing out over their fast food orders gone wrong.

Powered by Maonocaster.

Broadcast on:
09 Oct 2024
Audio Format:

what's up everyone what's going on welcome welcome welcome to a new podcast of the daily mine back again on this beautiful cool crisp Tuesday evening where I'm living at hopefully the weather is good where you are hopefully your days went well hopefully you're eating a good dinner or whatever you're doing after work or still at work for some of us other than that my day went well hopefully your day went well as well I know that sounds stupid and then we're already already almost halfway through the week tomorrow's Wednesday hump day you guys already know and then the weekend some of us like myself have a long extended weekend much needed much deserved people that work for me and watch this you already know we need a goddamn break other than that that's pretty much it my day has been has been pretty much in a classroom all day and it's pretty much gonna be like that all week so there's nothing much to talk about except of course everybody's talking about Milton hurricane Milton I'm gonna be honest with you this is gonna be a storm that's going to break many records it's probably gonna take a lot of lives and it's gonna cause a lot of damage it may sound cold but it's the goddamn truth now I'm a big meteorologist fan I love tracking hurricanes and storms like that and I remember a week or so ago they said Milton would have not formed or wasn't supposed to form until actually around today and Milton decided to form days earlier and they did anticipate Milton being a major hurricane of sorts but I think they underestimated this storm I don't think they expected the storm to be big like this I don't think anybody expected this shit to be this big it blew it blew me away in fact it just went back to a category five as of the recent hurricane update it went back to the category five it's back up at 165 mile an hour winds and the pressures dropping when the pressures dropping the storm is getting stronger and shit is about to get real out there they just they have hurricane hunters flying over the storm every two three hours we get updates and of course you got the conspiracy theorists out there saying well I don't think the hurricane hunters are flying over the storm to get data I think they're doing something to the storm to make it worse like cloud seeding I don't know what the fuck they're doing what they're doing is they're collecting data they're collecting data for you and I so they go on each end of the storm they fly a little bit into the storm around the eye and what they're doing is collecting data they're collecting rainfall wind barometric pressure lightning thunderstorms they're collecting everything inside this storm and then sending it back to the National Hurricane Center from the National Hurricane Center in NOAA it goes to your local weather station yes I am a weather nerd but what I'm telling you is is that they're predicting Milton to hit Tampa area at a category three I'm pretty sure it's hitting another four or five if it maintains that strength or even dips a little bit more to the south and still tracking in that direction and not touching that upper wind shear towards the north it can maintain category four easy all the way to Tampa I really hope not and then the make matters worse is that a lot of those areas that got hit by Helene they in fact haven't even cleaned up all of the streets yet there's still debris everywhere around Tampa that has not been cleaned up yet so it's it's about to get really really bad out there and it looks like most of the storm is going to hit around nighttime out there so that just makes things so much worse you're not going to be able to see all that trash the debris everywhere it's going to be a mess and I don't know what they're going to do in taking care of North Carolina and taking care of Florida it's going to be monumental work man it's going to be it's going to be a bit but that's not what today's episode is about today's episode is about people overreacting well actually I'll give you a little synopsis real quick the inspiration behind this episode was the little story I told you guys yesterday when I went to Burger King and again I ordered two double cheeseburgers and order of crispy fries the chicken fries and I didn't check the bag normally I do but you know normally they get my order right but that's hit a miss so I go home and I look in the bag it's only one single cheeseburger and the chicken fries needless to say that was God's way of saying stop being fucking fat stop eating so much fast food you deserve that to happen but I didn't react I didn't like overreact okay maybe a little bit in my car but I didn't like go online and make a rant about it and stuff like that like people will do make a viral video because they only got three packs of ketchup instead of fifteen packs of ketchup like they used to throw in your bag back in a day they don't do that no more they've been very stingy with the ketchup and shit so I thought about it and I was like you know here in America we're very spoiled we're very entitled and I've seen many a video and stuff where people were like super overreact over orders gone wrong and I feel so bad for fast food workers and shout out to if anybody is watching this shout out to you if you have fast food work I give you applause you guys deal with a lot I applaud you if don't let anybody tell you anything different about your job it's a job and Captain James thanks for joining men I'm loving the love and respect you're giving the show it's definitely helping out keep it up anybody else that joined the show I didn't get everybody's names coming down the feed but don't worry I see your name I'll shout you out for sure alright so in the spirit of fast food orders right I found an article this was written a little while ago but I mean it kind of still holds the same like you know people still reacting to getting the orders messed up and doing all types of crazy shit to make a scene and also too you could comment on a time that maybe perhaps you got your order messed up and what you do listen if you shot up the place I don't want to hear nothing about it I don't want to be accessory to your crime alright over you getting 19 chicken nuggets versus 20 chicken nuggets I don't want to hear it MX monkey what do you think about P Diddy he asked me what I think about P Diddy listen the dude is a talented producer he put a lot of hits up we we can't deny that he put out a lot of hits I don't know his dirty work is coming out though you know you be surprised the facade that a lot of musicians and celebrities put you don't know what's happening behind that closed door other than that the man is a talented producer but a shady businessman he did actually throw a lot of his artists under the bus you remember making the band he sent those kids to go across the Brooklyn to go get him a cheesecake a cheesecake I swear a cheesecake and yeah you're right a lot of hits a yo yeah yeah I know see you're you're perverted man you're perverted James alright so I did find an article um ten terrible over reactions to messed up fast food orders there's actually an article on this of people's reaction I breezed through it a little bit and some of the shit is OD like I can't believe that somebody would like actually flip over like flip out and crash out over some food like that but I mean think about it okay you're in the minivan a Toyota Sienna I'm being specific and you're sitting there you got kids crying you got Cheetos under your seat your tags is about to expire you're late for work the babysitter isn't around and your kids is hungry in the van you've been waiting to order for 20 minutes you finally get your food and it's like half done like it's not even like everything inside your shit yeah you're gonna be a little bit frustrated but don't take it out on the fast food the drive-through person they took your order you know what I mean and then whatever else happened from there happened from there alright so I'm gonna start off the article it starts off with uh again that tagline is ten terrible over reactions to messed up fast food orders okay now this was written back in May 27 of 2014 but you got to understand one thing it's this type of behavior still holds true this was written by Stacey Conrad who I doubt is even watching this show and it goes to say that is happened to all of us which is true you order a Big Mac at the McDonald's drive-through but when you go home and you open the bag you discover a filet of fish in its place when this conundrum arises most people choose between three options toss the offering food eat the offering food I mean offending food or return to the esteem establishment for whence the food came in actually kind not kindly asked for a replacement now what I did yesterday I still ate the food okay because I'm not driving back for you know to try because for all they know I ate the food already and I'm coming back saying hey I'm missing this and mind you I'm like ten fifteen minutes away from that establishment so needless to say it's pointless for me to go back and be like hey you messed up my shit alright but no it was pointless alright so I'm gonna start off with number 10 this could be a relatively quick episode unless you guys got something to say in the feed and give me whatever story you got and whatever you gotta ask me and you guys can ask me any random questions about myself because this is actually my third streamed podcast episode but this is actually my 386th episode of this show it's been out for about two years hey what's going on Jose but the show is just starting on the stream I'm finally catching up with the time alright so I'm gonna start up with the number 10 story of people like crashing out over in order now we'll see where it goes alright the 10 story it's this person threatened to assume your ultimate form I don't know what that means but I'm gonna read anyway it says melody douche knows what it's like to crave the wrong menu at the wrong hour when she was refused chicken nuggets during breakfast hours at an East Toledo Ohio McDonald's she got out of the car and hist after drive-thru attended then reached through the window and punched her in the face she eventually shattered the window but only after spewing forth all sorts of unlikely threats okay so this woman got her order wrong and she decided to hiss hiss at the worker what are you a fucking cat what kind of shit is that who gets out of the car and be like yo I'm missing chicken nuggets I'm gonna no man like you could have just went back inside you should have just parked your car went back inside and hey this is the discrepancy can you please fix this you got your receipt and everything but you're getting out of the car now you got a charge on you because now not only did you assault the employee but you should also be in the she should have also been charged with acting like a god damn cat which I don't know what the hissing is about but I can only picture this woman with probably shortcut hair glasses and you know the rest all right but that to me is crazy hey what's going on Liz thanks for joining you're right on time all right so this night number nine this story hey what's going on Caitlin thanks for joining now this nice story of somebody spazzing out at the drive-thru this person refused to leave the drive-thru after the order was messed up um it said last summer Kimberly Womack pulled up to a McDonald's with an infallible roost to collect free breakfast so this woman is trying to like scheme on trying to get a free breakfast let me see what she did it says though it was 6 30 a.m. she requested two big max when the cashier responded that they didn't make breakfast big max uh she demanded two free egg McMuffins instead the manager refused but she stood her ground at the drive-thru for more than ten minutes deputies eventually approached her car and uh she informed them that her rights were being violated upon her arrest she was probably surprised to learn that free egg McMuffins is not right up there with the freedom of speech and the freedom of press so you mean to tell me first of all when the fuck you guys seem big daddy you remember when Adam sailor bought that kid over to the McDonald's and he wanted a breakfast and they just missed it by a few minutes and no he wanted a happy meal and it wasn't even lunchtime yet at first the kid ordered Cheerios I thought that shit was stupid as hell but this what this reminds me of okay little-known fact Burger King do sell lunch items but a very limited list of items they you can get a walker in the morning depending on where you go you can do that you can get a double cheeseburger depending on where you go on Burger King but McDonald's it does not do breakfast big max they are really strict about their breakfast in fact I think if if I'm not mistaken correct me in the chat is that lunch starts at ten thirty this has been disputed that lunch either starts ten thirty or eleven o'clock at McDonald's I guess it depends on where you at but I've always known McDonald's to be done with breakfast by ten thirty I could be wrong commented I don't know hey Chrissy what's going on thanks for joining got a fun I got a fun episode here for you hopefully you like it you're right on time no you're pretty much on time but yeah this woman is spazzing out over over breakfast big max if you ever got a breakfast big Mac let me know I think the only way you're gonna get a breakfast big Mac is if someone at that McDonald's actually somebody you know at that McDonald's can hook you up but you ain't getting no breakfast big Mac ain't no way in hell gun shots all right next one this eight number eight get hot under the collar over hot sauce so so this story it goes apparently no one told Jeremy Combs no relation to Diddy Combs that getting hot sauce packets at Taco Bell is as easy as asking for them when Combs noticed his drive-through order was missing a hot sauce he pulled out a 12 gauge shotgun people on the cash here at the window he then fired but he was arrested at his aunt's house two hours later still intoxicated so this man he's not related to Diddy again his last name is Combs but he went to Taco Bell for hot sauce and yeah he ordered he actually ordered food I'm sorry he ordered food he went and he realized that the hot sauce is missing and he pulled out a shoddy over a hot sauce listen I know that fast food establishments have been getting really cheap with how many how much ketchup they give you now I know there's some spots out here in Clarksville that they give you a lot of fucking ketchup and shit in fact where was it ah actually they don't count I was talking about the little restaurant and the casino they give you a shitload of ketchup but you know they can afford it and what not but I mean McDonald's can afford it too you know like why be cheap it's not coming out of your pockets ketchup packets come on you can give more than one I mean do you think that one packet ketchup is enough for a large fry no what the hell were you thinking all right next one number seven somebody impersonated a cop yeah somebody impersonated a cop in March Austin sure my name is Austin too but I am related to this too he got excessively hungry let me see hold on he gets a little hostile if they forget a straw haha listen no before I'm going that one that that's no joke I've had um I've had restaurants forget my damn straw there's no joke okay especially if it's a paper straw I mean I don't care fuck a paper straw but no I've had places that forgot my straw and I was a little bit kind of mad but life hack just always keep a straw in the car keep a straw oh and napkins too yeah James napkins yes I've had places that forgot the napkins too I'm not even gonna I'm not even going to front and it kind of hurt that's diving for thanks for joining me I appreciate it um yes I've had places that forgot napkins which sucks it really really do um but going back to this this guy impersonated a cop so Austin sure got excessively angry when he received the wrong order at Palm Beach Florida Burger King there we go Florida man I knew it come on Florida his reaction was so extreme that managers threatened to call the police which is when he said call the police I'm an officer unquote the manager called his bluff which is when the real police got involved he amended his story saying that he actually had been a member of the West Palm Beach fire rescue not the police police called the West Palm Beach fire rescue who said that he had not worked for them in more than a year he was arrested and released on a thousand dollars bail okay so he impersonated a cop but he wasn't lying about um being a firefighter but he was fired a year ago now I don't know what kind of hold that a firefighter is gonna have at a Burger King or a McDonald's I mean what are you gonna show your badge and be like hey I'm a firefighter I'm a volunteer firefighter I'm entitled to a free whopper with two packs of ketchup no no that's not how that worked so personally the police officer he actually was a former firefighter but I don't know how that's gonna get you anywhere in this mess and then you got arrested for it's pointless that was stupid people you gotta have patience when you go to these fast food places I've learned this lesson yesterday for like the 26 times I should know better by now I should know to look inside my bag and be like is everything in there even if they got your order and everything right ten times in a row consecutively that don't mean anything they could still mess up we're all human but that's why it's called fast food it's done quickly and things are thrown in the bag quickly Mario White Castle White Castle never fucked up my order absolutely never messed up my order in fact that has been the only establishment I think out here that has not messed up my order I've had my order messed up at McDonald's I've had my order messed up in Burger King I've never had my order messed up in White Castle shout out to White Castle over at Wilma Rudolph you guys are the only White Castle in town and I'm forever grateful for it all right number six this person ran the car in front of you in the drive-through oh come on I want to see what this was worth probably over a big chicken or something oh and yes indeed the chicken rings is on point in fact I recently had them about a week or so ago they perfect perfection people if you don't have a White Castle around you I suggest you go find one please all right this story Timothy Brady Jr. oh wow the first guy name was Austin and this guy has my middle name this is great had such a Arby's craving at 210 in 2010 I'm sorry that he couldn't wait for the slow poke in front of him in the line after placing his order Brady began flashing his high beams at the car in front of him then ram the car with his SUV the customer moved aside then immediately contacted the manager Brady now at the coveted food dispensing window was told that he couldn't harass the customers because that's not what you're there for he responded by pointing a loaded rifle at the manager then driving away presumably without the food that he's so desperately wanting police later found them passed out at his home with a blood alcohol level of 0.191 damn so first of all who the fuck is craving Arby's all right Arby's all right look Arby's is not exactly my place to go however I'm not going to jail over Arby's at all now I will say that Arby's that burger that they had like I think I don't know in some places it's a limited time offer but that burger they had yeah I don't know who's keeping them in business either somebody that likes the meats pause but the burger is actually pretty good I was actually impressed now it's expensive just for the burger though it's like seven dollars with no fries no drink it's pricey but it's I think it's worth it I think it's worth to try maybe once or twice I personally think so but no this right here Arby's is not worth going to jail over if you're going to go to jail go to jail for like the cookout or White Castle or hell not even Long John Silver's and Captain Dees don't even go to jail for that don't go to jail for any of this stuff none of the shit is worth it and James I appreciate it man keep sending me the gifts and whatnot I'm loving it thank you thank you thank you you keeping the show in business but yes people do not go to jail for Arby's that's your PSA for the day number five yeah somebody got in a SWAT team shootout I want to know what fast food place is worth having a shootout with a swag all right all right oh oh I know hey Meredith it's your spot actually in 2011 a Taco Bell and San Antonio ended the promotion they were having on the beefy crunch burrito which raised the price from ninety nine cents to a dollar forty nine now frequent customer Ricardo Jones discovered the price increase after ordering seven of the beefy crunchy burritos and became so mad at the higher bill that he shot at the drive through window cashier then pulled out another handgun and an assault rifle and put them on the roof of his car he didn't use the Mattaco Bell though Jones were found at a hotel just two miles away and he engaged in a four hour shootout with the SWAT team he was finally forced out of his room with tear gas and the rest of that story need to be number one so you mean to tell me you mean to tell me this man he then pay attention to how long the promotion ended I mean how long the promotion went for he goes there you know and grab the photo you got that weapon wheel where you could choose your weapons and GTA 5 so he did that because he pulled out a rifle a handgun and an assault rifle so he's literally picking the weapons on the wheel and he's placing it on his car like are you gonna like do what I tell you to do am I gonna get this for like a good price but then they found him two miles away on a four hour standoff and then he got tear gas all this over some Taco Bell man Taco Bell is not worth it's not worth getting three to four stars for that man got literally maybe three to four stars he used his weapon wheel to choose all three weapons that he was that he didn't even use and it's a good thing he didn't use it because that that to me is crazy drive through workers if you're watching this it's a lot of people don't think this but being a drive-through employee is dangerous it is dangerous I've seen I've seen videos of workers get shot at I've seen the video of a McDonald's employee at the drive-through shooting at the customer it's not a game people can throw stuff in your face they can point a gun at you it's a lot of shit and they just drive away it's really really dangerous but this guy right here is a nut case especially over some goddamn Taco Bell all right this next one number four throw the food and then call 911 that's right this guy or whoever threw food and then call 911 now what do you think happened after that find out breakfast enthusiasts Michael and Nova Smith breakfast enthusiast people these are people that are so enthusiastic about breakfast is that they make it their mission to go somewhere and have breakfast sure Michael and Nova Smith ordered early morning value meals at McDonald's and Mesa Arizona when they received their bags the Smith's noticed that something was terribly terribly a while their hash browns was missing not just one of the hash browns both of the hash browns enraged at this injustice Nova through the meals at the cashiers while Michael dial 911 quote I was barely able to hold myself back Michael said if not for the 911 call operator holding me back I probably would have went berserk because employees were hit with food the couple was charged with a soul just imagine you being so enthusiastic over breakfast that you go into this mental state of darkness and everything turns red around you and you go into this enraging inferno because you are missing hash browns and then the 911 operator calms you down back into a calm state and tell you baby it's gonna be okay that is the most mental shit I've read so far besides the SWAT team thing I'm not losing my mind over hash browns people he they could have went back inside spun the block came back around and went to the window and said hey you forgot my hash brown I could have done the same thing too had I discovered that my stuff was missing earlier but I waited until I got home to realize that my order was completely messed up but I didn't do anything crazy I didn't like go back and threaten people no I just ate the food I was this close to throwing it away though I'm not even gonna joke but for the money I paid for that little bit of shit you damn right I ate it why not I don't waste I don't waste food and I don't waste money so yeah alright I'm down to the last three stories some of the shit is just really bizarre I really hope that some of you who are listening to this is not doing any of this because I'm not bailing you out I'm not bailing you out all right someone call 911 three times they call 911 911 three times in 2009 the Tracer Latriesa I don't know Latriesa Goodman I've been Katie you better not yeah we are I hope not I'm not bailing you out you might need some no I'm not over some ketchup over a missing straw I don't know I might not bail you out anyway in 2009 Latriesa Goodman walking to a McDonald's in Fort Pierce Florida in order chicken nuggets after she paid for the nuggets Goodman was told that the restaurant had actually just run out of nuggets right after she paid for it so she got she got the leg up on that one let's see she asked for her money back but the employees denied her the money trying to sell her a big double instead she called 911 the first dispatcher suggested that she go and talk to a manager oh come on who did that look like I was gonna say I'm not gonna say I'm not trying to get any way the first dispatcher suggested that Goodman talk to a manager but promised to send someone after she called back a third time and officer finally arrived and charged with misuse of 911 McDonald's corporate office has said that a refund should have been issued and said they were sending her a gift card so just imagine you order nuggets now it doesn't say how many nuggets but let's just assume it's because if anybody just ordered nuggets by itself nobody's ordering a 20 piece big nugget by itself that's big bag energy so a six piece to nine piece let's say she ordered a six piece or nine piece they ran out they didn't give her her money back instead we'll give you a big double which is probably worth less than the nuggets she calls the police three times and they arrest her because she's wasting taxpayers dollars calling 911 like that for a non-emergency because think about it when you call 911 for an emergency that is not worth calling 911 you are pulling resources from an actual emergency and not to mention you're kind of wasting taxpayers dollars so I mean honestly that wasn't even worth it don't don't do that that's that's crazy that's absolute insanity number two call 911 okay so somebody else called 911 alright when her local subway put the wrong kind of sauce on her sandwich yes I I don't say sauce I say sauce because again I'm from New York so I'm gonna say sauce when a local subway put the wrong kind of sauce on her sandwich and refused to make her a new one Bevelante Hall was determined the right to right the wrong it's ain't good she dial 911 and reported the malicious use of marijuana pizza sauce was her preference and demanded the presence of an officer immediately the officer that arrived prompted arrested I'm properly arrested um Hall for misuse of the 911 system I'm gonna hang that up thank you um jailed her for three minutes and then released her on two thousand dollars fine so wait a minute yes that's my sauce so wait a minute so she called 911 on some bullshit she was arrested for only three minutes and got fined two thousand dollars yeah round of applause was that even worth it no so you paid basically two thousand dollars for a sandwich when you really think about it you paid two thousand dollars for a sandwich it's not even worth it and you were arrested for three minutes so you're probably gonna tell your family you did some time when you only did three minutes of time like you didn't do no time yet I was arrested I was I was held up no you were in the car for like maybe or just standing outside of handcuffs for three minutes and that was it you were done come on don't do that oh sure I'm already at 30 minutes and you damn right that is embarrassing as fuck I wouldn't tell nobody that at all red and blue stays with you James we're not in class yo captain we're not in class right now I told you don't put any stupid stuff from class you couldn't beat that information out of me shit you couldn't I'll tell you a whole lie I'll tell you I got into a shootout and everything but not over no chicken nuggets all right the number one story boom fire shots all right so in February again this is um uh let me see okay I don't know what's going on anyway um here we go in February Grand Rapids woman placed an order at a McDonald's drive-through um it was wrong allegedly missing bacon now understanding just how upsetting missing bacon can be the workers apologize and promised that her next order um would be on the house so the woman returned at 3 a.m for her free meal it was also incorrect the free meal was incorrect after replacing for the mistake rather than ordering again and running the risk that um running the risk that it too would be wrong um Jesus Christ Shanika Torres pulled out a gun and shot through the closed car window and the drive-through luckily no one was injured okay that's that's extreme but not as crazy as the swad story or ramen the other car up in front it's not that extreme however though um yeah that that's kind of crazy um I'm just reading some stuff here I don't know what's coming what's coming down however though um I don't recommend that happening that's extremely dangerous um listen people I know we have a lot going on we have a lot to do we don't have a lot of time and stuff like that but there are some things we just got to be patient for and this is one of those things like that to me is reckless if you're going to sit there and you know do stuff like that I mean come on now look it's fast food I've said this before it's fast food you have to be patient okay I like I said I've learned my lesson and it was a sign from above that basically said that I eat too much fast food and what happened was they sat there and basically they messed up my order it was a divine intervention okay I believe there's more there's a universe out there that kind of controls us whether you believe in god or not or you believe in whatever force out there there is something out there that basically is out there kind of putting us in our place but anyway that's pretty much all 10 of the craziest things I don't know I mean I I've heard some other things too I'm not sure if I could find some other things maybe some honorable mentions if you will maybe um okay wait I might have found some extra stories I'm not sure bear with me though and let's see here this is a little bit recent 2017 still a little bit away but still um all right bam all right I got some honorable mentions so the episode may go a little bit longer let's see what we got there is no particular order or whatever but these are actual testimonies from people on this website called this article was written back in 2017 June 22nd now oh man 10,000 likes man I'm loving it thank you thank you thank you I appreciate it keep it going keep it going um now I'm going to read some honorable mentions from this article I'm not going to read the opening synopsis it's pretty simple cut and dry and um boom let's see now this one is titled the worst hot chocolate ever this woman went to go say she said um my mom bought me a hot chocolate from McDonald's and it tasted off I opened the top half of the travel cup and inside of the hot chocolate was a used coffee filter it was the most disgusting hot chocolate I've ever had in my life now you find it how do you get a coffee filter inside a coffee how did you know how long that coffee filter it might have been there like forever god knows how long that's been and that's disgusting and yeah let's get the 15,000 people keep it going 15,000 likes let's keep it going I got I got some honorable mentions um that I found on this other site of some nasty stories now these are not exactly people spazzing out but it's kind of in the same realm like finding something in your food or drink kind of deal um this one is titled if it makes you feel any better this person's story is once I went to Boston pizza with my girlfriend in order they're panooki whoa what oh it's a parent-sized brownie cookie I'm like what's panooki oh that's bad that's a whoever came up with that name for that particular thing is well you know what you were doing um my first bite had a mixture of cookie brownie and onion I'm trying to finish uh cookie brownie and onion put no key that's disgusting when I told the waitress she said quote she told the wait the waitress said if it makes you feel any better it was probably an onion from out of the dishwasher to which I replied yes it makes me feel better that the onion was first on someone else's plate before mine our meal was free that day you know it's funny I remember here's another fast food story uh local McDonald's out here I won't mention a location they gave me I remember I was just coming out of the range I was coming from the range it was a late night and they gave me a McDouble now this McDouble for those who've had Mc Doubles you guys know that it just consists of two patties the cheese the onions ketchup that's it my sandwich was plastered with mayo all inside the it might have been a divine intervention but it had mayo in it now the first of all the sandwich don't come with mayo but somehow it was plastic the wrapper was so greasy I didn't even eat this I ate like half of it before I realized the mayo and I was like I'm throwing this away it was out of there and I'm like who puts mayo on a McDouble that's not even supposed to happen they have a chart on the wall that shows you how to make a sandwich somebody had to either been fed up that night they had to stay for work you know and stuff like that got a little sauce for your panooki that night pause no but like somebody had them in pissed off but come on like even if you're having a bad day at work do not take it out on somebody else's food that's dangerous man like what if I was allergic to eggs or some shit like that and I got mayo like that that that could have put me in a spot but come on what I said you know since then I never went back to that McDonald's now the Burger King that messed up my order I'm gonna forgive them on that because that to me I felt like was a divine intervention the mayo plastered McDouble was just diabolical work all right next story quote that wasn't even the weirdest part so this story goes I was traveling and found myself in an airport and I got a burger from a local fast food joint now you know fast food joints in the airport is going to be expensive so I'm pretty sure she was probably pissed um I deeply hate ketchup there was an incident at a daycare when I was little I don't much like talking about it and we are not going to talk about it and so asked for no ketchup my burger arrived and I took a bite first impression that is ketchup on my burger I gagged and spit it out I can't deal with ketchup second impression this tastes weird I opened the burger and that's when I discovered there was plenty of ketchup and no meat this woman got a ketchup sandwich somebody had to have known this woman's past somewhere behind the scenes and was like hey that's katie she's not you katelyn another I'm just using the name as an example that's katie I knew her from kindergarten she hates ketchup let's not put any burger patties on her burger and let's just fill that shit with ketchup and there were however about eight slices of cheese in the sandwich but that wasn't even the weird part she goes to say the employee was just as confused as I was when I bought it back no one can remember making this thing and no one knew why they made it I guess I got haunted grilled cheese instead of a burger so it was not a burger it was a sandwich with eight slices of cheese and a shitload of ketchup man that couldn't have been me that couldn't have been me no no well what are you what are you people thinking all right next article title going in circles this person McDonald's when I am I pulled up to the window and ordered a McDouble a McChicken in a large fry easy peasy a drive up to pay and the woman working there hands me a McDouble a McChicken in a large black coffee a large black coffee she says I asked yes she replied I ordered a large fry actually no you order a large black coffee no I'm pretty sure I ordered a large fry no you order a coffee no I did it yes you did sir fine just give me the coffee being non confrontational I pulled out of the drive through and back and drive back into the line to order my large fry when I got to the window I made sure that clearly and loudly enunciate yeah exactly how you gonna tell me what I ordered man it's gonna get better I'm sure when I got to the window I made sure to clearly and loudly enunciate quote yes I would like a large fry a large fry a large all right okay I get I get it I get it um let's see it says I get to the pickup window for the second time and the same woman hands me get another large black coffee I definitely ordered a large fry no you order a large black coffee no I ordered a large fry you said black coffee no I did it yes you did why would I drive all the way around and go through the drive-through again and order a black coffee that I again I didn't want so after two rounds through the drive-through I finally got my large fry along with two large black coffees at 1 a.m let's think about this for a second it's 1 a.m it's late maybe she thought the dude was sleepy he looked tired he's probably been driving on night probably just got off a graveyard shift and probably felt like he needed a coffee listen let me tell you something I would take the coffees he did he took the coffees and he took the large fry but maybe that's another divine intervention telling you you need to stay awake take this fucking coffee and that's it but just imagine you spinning around again to go back and they tell you the same thing like some sort of prank from a movie or something like that and oh I don't know I mean how would you guys react yeah exactly as long as you're not doing like those other stories they were doing all right this story is titled there's not even a combo number for that oh I can't wait for this one uh when my brother-in-law was 14 or 15 he went to a summer camp yeah I've been mad too for a couple of weeks the whole time he was there he ate standard summer camp fair not terrible food but he certainly didn't get to indulge in one of his favorite meals on McDonald's cheeseburger when my in-laws picked him up to take him home that was his one request more than anything at the moment he just wanted a cheeseburger they made a quick stop at the drive-through and the family was back on the road let me see why why why why why why why I just lost the story hold on on yeah yeah they were back on the road rappers were passed around and around the car and everyone started eating then from my brother-in-law the backseat uh quote uh I got a biscuit his parents turned around oh what he said a biscuit wait you mean a sausage biscuit or an egg and cheese biscuit he said no a plain biscuit instead of a cheeseburger they had given my brother-in-law a biscuit and I don't mean a biscuit in the way the Brits used the term a sweet crispy pastry I mean a starchy roll and a cheeseburger wrapper so they bamboozled so he basically got a cheeseburger but when he opened it up it's just a biscuit with nothing on it with nothing on it it said um no meat no cheese in fact the biscuit hadn't even been sliced open you can't even order just a plain biscuit at McDonald's there's no combo number for plain no slice biscuit with nothing on it after two weeks of longing for a cheeseburger uh my poor brother-in-law just sat in the backseat of the car staring formerly uh for lonely at a dry hunk of baked dough the hilarity of the situation struck my father-in-law so hard that he doubled over laughing and had to pull over to keep from driving off the road I remember my cousin one time he got a cheeseburger from McDonald's that didn't have even have meat in it I don't know how you missed that that's the most important part of the of the meat of the sandwich is basically the meat that's what makes the cheeseburger without meat it's just it's not even burger it's just bread it doesn't even have the title for burger anymore that's the meat isn't it right all right this next article this person clearly doesn't know his food groups that's why I quick don't get me wrong some of them do though some do but not all all right it's it's what it is now this story uh let's see let me just line up right so I don't have to keep scrolling scrolling I had to stop going to my favorite Chinese takeout place they switched owners and the first time I went there after I ordered my usual dish beef lo me no vegetable oh come on who doesn't like vegetables when I got home to open my bag I only found a dish of oil and beef when I went back they insisted that the pasta was a vegetable so he got a box he got a box of just oily beef paws you got oily beef no noodles because they said the noodle is a vegetable people is lo me noodles a vegetable isn't it like a rice like like a pasta of sorts not a vegetable pasta is not vegetables I managed to get them to remake it but oily beef with a large black coffee whoa yeah can you imagine that shit or imagine the oil is just it's just coffee and beef like but man I swear to god um I called the place and um no they said next time a week later I ordered the same thing I get it home and again no pasta is just beef and oil again um I call the police and the same person starts yelling at me on the phone about how pasta is a vegetable after getting yelled at I got I get told to bring the food back and they will make my dish right and give me a refund I go back in and they shove a paper bag in my hand and started grumbling about pasta obviously being a vegetable I get home and look in the bag just pasta no beef no oil just just pasta I call the bag and they tell me that the beef is a vegetable I don't know that I no longer go there oh that's that's all types of petty that's all types of petty yeah I don't think they like that guy who knows he might have done some shit that like pissed these people off to where they played that prank oh man yeah I would have lost it that's the funniest shit um there's so many stories but let me see I'm gonna try let me see how much time I got I'm not gonna try to get an hour I got like 46 minutes though but I'm gonna keep it going for a little bit I normally don't do shows for an hour I think I've only had like one episode that actually went an hour but these stories are just too good to pass up um third time's the charm right that's what this story is titled um a few years ago I think I just heard my wife come in too well actually I heard her car along she's gonna probably be like why didn't answer the phone but she realized or doesn't realize I'm doing a show anyway you're probably gonna see her hear her in the show um a few years ago I order a McDonald's quarter pounder with medium fries five minutes later um oh yeah I definitely will tell her hi for sure uh five five minutes later I'm handed the bag and I took it I took into it only to find that my burger is missing the bottom bun because of how sticky and plastic McDonald's cheese is the burger is literally glued to the box this made I asked for a replacement hey hun hey come say hi to everybody when you get a chance Liz is here too um this made I asked for a replacement a brand new box has given to me and I get back my food only to find this one is also missing a bottom bun I send it back and get yet another replacement guess what missing a bottom bun you might have thought they've been realizing something was up by now uh yep there she goes hello that's my wife back there say hi she never wants to come on this show I'm trying to get on the show uh Caitlin says hi but I'm trying to get on the show actually that was the first time she actually spoke it to the show round of applause all right anyway um so you might have thought realized that something was up by now I'm continuing the story turns out the people preparing the food in the back had dozed off a bit and just made a massive pile of burgers without bottom buns people what the fuck I watched all that delicious food get thrown away in the bin just imagine you've been worked to hell to where you're so tired that all the burgers you're making doesn't even have bottom bun so here you go boom bun top bun bottom bun patty put the fucking top bun on the burger put it in the box bottom patty just put them aside next one someone beat them to it um after working a 14 hour day I don't know how after working a 14 hour day outside and driving home star I popped into a McDonald's drive through order the value meal and headed home I did the usual snack on the fries as you drive routine I did that too I do everybody does everybody snacks on some fries as they go um I did the usual snack on the fries as you drive routine and it was greatly looking forward to the following my burger when I got home I sat down at my table and when I opened the burger box there was a massive bite taken out of my burger no no no oh there was a massive bite taken out I tried to recall if I had done it but there just wasn't any way I would have gotten to it while driving I was starving so much that I tried to rationalize eating the burger they wouldn't have spent the burger they took a bite from it's probably fine in the end I didn't eat it and had something like cereal for dinner I called to report the issue and the manager seemed not to believe me hard for me hard to be mad at that I would later go back for my free meal um bite free of course hard to forget the disappointing of a disappointment of a starving man coming from and opening the box only to find that somebody beat me to it but if somebody bit into your burger that's just as much of them spitting on it because their whole mouth touched your burger so maybe somebody was so hungry and they just was like you know what I'm going to low battery I'm so hungry I want to just bite this burger now I'm pretty sure I'm McDonald's you're entitled to free meals up to a certain amount or free meals in general drink or whatever or eat before you go to work man but sometimes it's hard sometimes I don't even eat breakfast half the time I kind of get it all right look I might I don't know how many other stories they are but oh I'm almost reaching an hour people I'm liking to see you guys are the reason why this show go the way it go I have not laughed as much in an episode or anything like that because you guys are you guys are giving me input on this this fit is stupid um all right I'm gonna find another article um oh okay I'll read this one a simple mistake turn it to a huge ordeal let's find out how hold on one second what's up okay bye first a tiny bit of background my wife at the time was not just lactose intolerant but wouldn't get earth shattering cramps horrendous smelling diarrhea and felt like she was on fire she was on a fire reaction if she just got a little bit of any kind of dairy needless to say this woman is obviously lactose intolerant um well she went to a McDonald's right across the street from her crappy retail job and ordered a McDouble with no cheese like she did about three times a week because it was cheap and close she had very short lunch breaks and said crappy retail job she gets back to our work and notice hey is is cheese on this so she has to go all the way back over there and walks to the restaurant and has to have it replaced the manager comes over and asks what's wrong when she said she ordered it without cheese and they put cheese on it he responded with a flip it quote so now this manager was not some just out of high school kid he had to been in his 30 so you would think somewhere along the lines he had grown up a little bit but i guess not uh she explains to him that she's allergic to cheese and needs one without cheese so he hands the sandwich back to the grill area and they scrape the cheese off re-wrap it and try to give it back to her people you can't do that and yes mary let's get it 15 000 likes i'm already at 11 000 that's keep it going now just imagine the remedy to your problem that you can't have cheese at the scrape the cheese but there's still residue on the sandwich that is not how that works um she then tried to be politiced as possible explain she cannot eat a sandwich that has melted cheese scraped off it because she's freaking allergic to you stupid waste of human flesh that's what she say unquote so he huffs and gives her more attitude it rolls his eyes and angrily throws the sandwich away and ask the grill to make a new one she gets it ask him if he's sure it doesn't have any cheese on it he says yes and she leaves gets back to work opens the bag and guess what she finds her sandwich two slices of cheese so she gets permission from her boss since now she has burned like 35 minutes to get a stupid sandwich from across the street walks back over there and the manager sees her come in and ask her now what my wife asked to speak to a different manager who didn't give her any attitude apologized personally made her a new one opened it in front of her to verify that there's no cheese you damn right that's vital um that there was no cheese on it and refunded her meal um my wife of course got both manager names and their stored number good good well then proceeded to report the entire story to McDonald's corporate with a glowing review for the manager who handled it correctly and a very condemning retelling of the crappy service manager um gave her we got some gift cards from corporate and the owner of that particular franchise verified the story with manager b and manager a's employment was terminated they asked my wife to come tell her story at an employee meeting but she declined listen i ain't fighting with no fast food workers because if they got that kind of attitude like that you know they're going to spite your food they're going to spite your food not saying all of them but as you can see here is one thing i've learned about going to a restaurant never rush to cook and and just be polite dude like you can't you can't sit there and do some crazy shit like imagine they scraped the cheese off all right you didn't like it now you come back with two slices of cheese now you know they could get in trouble for that because they can injure this woman to a point where she could probably like really go into an episode over this that's spiteful as hell so it's only right that they fight the manager so i mean that's some good news why not all right um now i'm going to read one more story because i'm dragging it i'm trying to find a story that um it's a lot of them oh no she almost died oh there's a story that's actually saying she almost died um they poured it right on top okay i'm trying to find an article and i'm just trying to find something something the crimes against pizza all right i'll wrap it up because pizza stories are funny i don't know why but pizza stories are actually kind of funny yes and there's there's been a lot of stories um about people getting their food messed with that's nothing to play with you don't you don't play with people's food that's some dangerous dangerous stuff um oh i got like four more minutes before this live and okay i didn't know there was a time limit i didn't know but let me see uh give me a second folks hmm all right i'm going to wrap this up let me see i'm going to read the story real quick um yeah i didn't know either i had three unfortunate examples unfortunately for them because i never purchased anything again from the franchise location um let me be quick about this that that that that that that pop a john shortly after moving from Detroit to Dayton, Ohio my wife and i decided to try there to try theirs we enter the building order a large pizza with three toppings paid for it and waited as they prepared the order about 20 minutes later it was still not ready a couple of customers that had ordered up after us have gotten their food and already departed all right look i ain't gonna read this i'm not trying to get my live cut off in the middle of reading that so i'm gonna just wrap it up i had a lot of fun on that episode though that to me is just crazy work but i've learned something about tiktok you get about an hour i think what it is yes because i'm running my audio with the same time as the live so tiktok only gives me an hour to stream which is all the time you need you need an hour i think is perfect time and i can keep track of it as i track my audio because i start the audio and the video at the same time so listen i'm wrapping it up i don't want to go over i'm already like this is like one of the longest episodes i've done so far um shout out to everybody who's um who showed me a lot of love and likes i mean let's get the uh let's get this show going it's got a long way to go but i do appreciate it um james everybody captain my niece and sister-in-law thank you thank you for supporting me mario i'll make sure i get you a uh a large coffee and um some cereal or some shit i'll send that to you um oh it says i have 15 000 but it's not it's not shown on the top but i believe it either way yes katie i'll get you a large black coffee too you got it uh large black coffee and a platter of seafood shrimp you got it that's on me from your uncle all right so hey thanks a lot i appreciate it thank you thank you thank you um they may be an episode tomorrow they may not usually i determine if there's an episode or not depending on the flip of a coin two out of three if it lands on heads there's an episode if it lands on tails there's no episode that's just how i do unless somebody somebody asked me if i'm doing an episode like um captain james i have no choice to oblige so of course i'm gonna give an episode all right so hey thanks again once again thank you tell your friends keep sending those likes nothing better than heads you got that right all right so hey all right thanks a lot appreciate it i'm gonna wrap it up we'll do this again some other time keep your notifications on you'll you know where to find me and again the daily mind podcast at you can even email me um some topics that you want to um you want me to discuss again the daily mind podcast at all right thanks folks i got to get some rest or probably go to the casino with the missus because that's what she likes to do and get me a large black coffee and some jackpot winnings all right i have a good one we'll do this again some next uh another time peace out stay tuned talk to you later bye