The Daily Mind

Season 16. Episode 385: News out of a hat (Episode 52)

tiktok episode 2

From Hurricane Milton to The Joker 2 bombing in the box office, this is the first news episode to be streamed on tik tok!

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08 Oct 2024
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(audience applauding) Hey, what's up, everyone? Good evening, good evening. What's up? Let me kind of fix this a little bit. What's going on, everybody? Welcome to a new episode on a Daily Mind podcast. And technically, it's the second episode, but I kind of feel like it's the official yesterday. It was kind of a pilot streaming episode, I guess you could say. Let's just call it episode two for the sake of shit, all right? Welcome, everyone. Welcome to the show. If you're getting notifications on live now, log in, say your piece, whatever, curse me out, whatever. How is everyone's day going? Hopefully your day is going pretty well. It's Tuesday, already almost done with the week, halfway through the week. Beautiful weather where I'm at. Had a really easy day at work today. I just was in a class all day, just learning about random shit. Something new, something different out of my show. I mean, out of my job. I'm sorry, I got a little bit distracted. (clears throat) Buddy of mine was just kind of waiting for me to go alive. But now he's in the field. Okay, I got you, I got you. Hey, maybe next time, maybe next time. Anyway, hopefully everybody's day is going well. It's Tuesday and the weather's nice. I already said that. My day went okay. I went to Burger King today when I shouldn't have went 'cause I really wasn't that hungry. And I went, went to Burger King. I ordered two double cheeseburgers as some chicken fries. My fat ass being fat. I wasn't even that hungry, but this serves me right. When I got the food, got halfway home. I actually, by the time I got home, I realized I didn't have the two double cheeseburgers and the chicken fries. I had the chicken fries, but I only had one single ass cheeseburger, gun shots. That was like, that pissed me off all the high hell, but it taught me a very valuable lesson. Whether or not you believe in God, that's whatever. But I think it was him telling me, man, listen, you're fat. Stop going to fast food joints. Take it easy on the fast food joints. I think that's what it was. So it served me right. And I spent a lot of money on that 'cause you already know that fast food is pretty expensive. And you get what you pay for, and then like me, you don't get what you pay for. You got, I got damn near nothing for that amount of money that I paid. So, serves me right. Anyway, so this is again, the second episode as being streamed. However, this is the 385th episode. All right, and if you're new to the show, welcome, thanks for joining. Now, on Mondays, what I do is I do a segment call news out of a hat. That's if I do an episode on Mondays. And what it is, it's kind of like inspired from the weekly news update from Saturday Night Live. Not sure if some of you watch it, but whatever. And they do the weekly update. So once every Monday or whenever I do an episode, I go ahead and I look up some news. Now, you may think like, oh, who wants to hear a news? But I kind of put a spin on the news. I try to make it a little bit fun. I also try to find news articles that we're not familiar with because you'd be surprised outside of what's happening in the Middle East, Ukraine, and of course, to clean up with Hurricane Helene, there's still a lot of news happening out there that we're not quite hearing about because our local news has those three topics overshadowing every single thing. So, what I try to do is I try to find articles that are interesting. Again, while keeping about a half hour with the show. Again, you'll learn more about the show and myself as I go along. Like I said, I try to keep the show at about a half hour. Bish, sometimes episodes do go a little bit longer, but this is the very first episode of news out of a hat of the Daily Mind podcast. That's actually being live stream. All right, so first article right off the back. You probably got, you guys probably been hearing about what Wendy's is doing with the new promotion that they got, which I'm super surprised that no one has done this. In the past 20 years that this cartoon has been out. Yeah, tell me about it David, finally, right? I'm glad to be on, glad you're on there. But back to what I was talking about, Wendy's has just started, I believe today, is the grand start to the Krabby Patty meal. You may think like, well, what the fuck the Krabby Patty meal is just a burger fries and a drink. But this couldn't have been, this is the most genius, this is the most genius promotion. I think any fast food place has done. I would have expected this from Burger King, even, or McDonald's, but Wendy's jumped on the idea for the SpongeBob Krabby Patty meal. You have to imagine the hell that Wendy's employees are gonna have to go through in order to serve this damn meal. Anyway, this article is coming out of CBR, right? And again, I read some of these articles. I don't read them all in entirety. I try to break it down, make it make sense, put a little spin humor into it, 'cause I don't want this to be like a boring ass CNN, Fox News-type deal. No, I get that. We try to, news is sometimes fun if you make it fun. Not all stories is fun though. Some stories are quite sad, like this Krabby Patty shit. All right, Nickelodeon now to SpongeBob Squarepants, themed meals coming to over 250 restaurants. So this is a limited thing, all right? People are gonna travel far and wide, and I promise there's probably gonna be a lot more TikToks in regards to people seeking SpongeBob meals, traveling miles and miles for this meal. Now, it says you don't have to go to Bikini Bottom to get a Krabby Patty. It's been officially announced that foods inspired by the famous SpongeBob Squarepants burger will be introduced in over 250 restaurants this month. In honor of the 25th anniversary of SpongeBob Squarepants, Nickelodeon and Paramount have announced the Krabby Patty collab. This is a program that will see Krabby Patty inspire food choices, add it onto real live restaurant menus, starting today, actually. No, I'm sorry, not today, that's tomorrow, tomorrow's the eighth, that's my bad. The program will see more than 100 renditions of the dishboard to life in restaurants located in New York, LA, Chicago, Dallas, Atlanta, San Francisco, Seattle, Miami, Las Vegas, Toronto, London and Mexico City. Again, I appreciate it, you have to build you the man. You are the man, I got you, man, I got you. So basically all the major cities are coming up with this collab meal. The closest city to me is Nashville. I'm not driving the Nashville for no fucking Krabby Patty. All right, I'm not doing that. It says real life Krabby Patty is a coming this month. It says it's been reported that Wendy's will be offering the SpongeBob Squarepants themed meals before the promotion was officially announced. Wendy's restaurants in US, Canada and Guam will be able to purchase the fast food joints Krabby Patty collab and also develop a collaboration with the off the menu, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. So in other words, can you imagine, right? Can you imagine you go up to a, you're working in the drive-through, right? You're working in Wendy's in the drive-through and you get somebody's order and somebody pulls up and be like, well, hi, can I please have the Krabby Patty? And what's the secret formula? Who wants to hear this shit all day? Can you imagine people pulling up to the drive-through like Plankton sounded like SpongeBob, Mr. Krabs, asking Wendy's employees, what is the secret Krabby formula? Sir, this is a Wendy's, there is no Krabby Patty formula. This is a fucking Wendy's. I can't imagine the nonsense that people have to hear in order like the people that work there, that have to hear this shit all day, people order in the Krabby Patty meals. Now, there's no doubt, if you are one of those unfortunate souls and I'm saying this comedic, that you're working at one of these Wendy's that's may having this promotion, God bless your soul. I really hope you do make it through the day. That's kind of like when McDonald's was having these, these collaborations with like Hello Kitty Toys and shit, people would like travel far and wide to these McDonald's to find the Hello Kitty stuff and just go completely bonkers. I mean, people lose their mind over shit like this and it's my bond. But if you live near one of those major cities, good luck, try to get you a Krabby Patty from Wendy's. I promise you don't be stupid when you order the Krabby Patties. Don't ask them about the Krabby Patty formula. They don't want to hear that shit, just let it be. All right, compressor 55, thanks for joining, man. Appreciate it, thank you. Just order the goddamn food and leave. Don't do anything else. Now, let's see if we can find some more news articles. I know I've seen a few. Now, of course, you got Hurricane Milton. Milton is a beast of sorts. I'm going to find me an article reading about Hurricane Milton. Now, Hurricane Milton is pretty far away from Tampa, but it's supposed to smack directly into Tampa. Tommy, thanks for joining, appreciate it. So Hurricane Milton, all right. I think this is the crazy part about this particular hurricane, is that it was, it formed and developed faster than what was anticipated. That storm wasn't supposed to be a hurricane or anything until yet tomorrow or Wednesday. This thing blew up. Now, they said for a week already that this was going to turn into something and it did. What they didn't catch was how fast and how intense this hurricane's become. This shit blew up. It's currently right now at 180 miles per hour winds with a low pressure of 911 millibars. That is record breaking. And we haven't had a hurricane out in the Gulf. That's strong since 2005 Hurricane Rita. That's how strong this shit is. Luckily for Florida, or luckily for you people, it will not be slamming at you at category five, but it's still going to slam at you at a category three. It's still dangerous. Take this shit serious because I'm telling you right now, if you haven't learned anything from Helene, this is your final lesson right here. This is the time to really start packing your shit and going because shit's about to get really serious in Florida. And I get a shout out to Floridians. Honestly, I don't know how you guys do it, but you guys are some of the most resilient people that have ever come across. You gotta worry about alligators, hurricanes, Florida man. Falling coconuts out of the tree. Falling iguanas out of the tree when it's cold outside. You guys deal with a lot of shit, man. And I got to give it to Floridians, but bear in mind, this is nothing to play with. Like you got to pack up and leave. People have already been leaving, getting gas, taking money out the ATMs because you know all the power is going to go out. So this will be the perfect time to like, get the fuck out of there, like get out of there now. All right, I'm going to read an article out of CNN. Now again, I bounce around different news articles and I don't just, you know, do news from Fox News and CNN. I bounce around to find the most interesting article out there. Now this is coming out of CNN. Now this hurricane again is going to be something for the record books. Hurricane Milton could be unprecedented. This is the factor that matters. It's coming out of CNN. It's not even much of an article here. It looks like it's just basically a video. But I mean, I'll give you a little info on it. Again, it's moving at like east at 10 miles an hour. It's taking its little time, but it's going to start speeding up and it's going to start weakening. But this is the time to start packing it up. I'm going to find an actual article though. I kind of got shipped out of that one that I want to read over. Where is it? Where is it? Where is it? Where is it? Where is it? Maybe this is an article out of AP News. What's to know about Hurricane Milton as it speeds towards Florida? This article was actually just published 27 minutes ago. It's fresh off the presses. This is not even two weeks after Hurricane Helene swamped the Florida coastline. Milton has strengthened rapidly into a category five on a path towards the state. Now, real quick, Milton went from a tropical storm to a category five hurricane in 24 hours. No hurricane that I remember in the history of that has formed and became that powerful that quickly. The Gulf of Mexico waters are out of control. Now, unless you believe in other conspiracies like, I don't know, cloud seeding or throwing energy drinks inside the eye wall of the hurricane, I don't know. What I will tell you though is that that water is cooking that storm up. Now, it also goes to say that the system is threatening to densely populated Tampa metro area, which has a population of more than 3.3 million people. With the potential direct hit menacing the same stretch of coastline that was battered by Helene. This was only just two weeks ago. Traffic was thick on the interstate 75, North Monday as evacuees fled in advance of Milton. Crews are also hurrying to clear the brie left by Helene. Yeah, that's another thing is that a lot of the debris from Helene has not been cleaned up. When this storm hits, that left over the brie is going to become airborne and it's going to fly all over the place with brand new debris that's coming off of newly, off of other buildings and stuff. It's going to be a disaster. This area, I don't know how we can handle cleaning up the Carolinas on Asheville in particular and cleaning up what is going to be left after Milton. It's going to be something catastrophic. This is probably going to be the craziest thing I've seen probably since Hurricane Katrina and that was back in 2005. I'm telling you, this is going to be something. Now, it says, according to the National Hurricane Center, Milton will make landfall on the west coast of Florida by Wednesday, that's just less than two days. It's expected to weaken slightly to a category three storm when it hits the shore Tampa Bay region. I don't get it twisted. Category three is still pretty damn strong. It's roughly about 15 to 125 miles an hour, that's still strong. But the issue is not going to be very much the wind with this storm. It's going to be storm surge. Storm surge is what kill more people in the hurricane in these areas than wind or lightning or the random tornadoes that the hurricane can spawn. There's a lot of shit that a hurricane can throw at you. But the storm surge is going to be what really is going to do the most damage. It is storm surge, definitely storm surge. Without reading any more of the article, I mean, it's pretty cut and dry. Like I said before, this is something to not play around with. And if you have the opportunity to leave, this will be the time to leave. So honestly, don't waste any more time. If you got the means, go get the hell out of there. Go head north, head to Dodge. Luckily this time this storm is not going to touch any of the affected areas by Helene. So that's a good thing. (audience applauds) Let's see. Now, there's been a lot of controversy when it came to FEMA as well. There's been a lot of talk about people claiming that FEMA is not doing enough to help those there. Now, what do I know? I'm not there. I can't confirm or deny that. But you got to take it from the people on the ground. It takes a while to get this help out there, to get these resources out there, especially given the geographical challenges to this and logistic challenges. I mean, it's kind of hard to get to like some of these small towns and houses. But, you know, they've been doing their best. They've been finding people alive and unfortunately deceased. And they can only do so much. But there's another article here out of the Associated Press. FEMA Administrator continues pushback against false claims as Helene Defto hits a staggering 230 people. And, you know, honestly, the Defto is unfortunately going to go a lot higher simply because, you know, they still have to find people. There's still a lot of people that they have to go find. So it's unfortunate. But it says the head of the US Disaster Response Agency continued to forcefully push back Monday against false claims and conspiracy theories about her agency's response to Hurricane Helene as the Defto from the storm continue to climb. Federal Emergency Management Agency Administrator Deann Criswell, she's the head of FEMA, pointed to the agency's massive collaborative effort that keeps growing. And she strongly urges residents in hard areas to accept the government's offer for assistance. I mean, I don't know. She goes on to say, though, she said, "We have thousands of people on the ground, not just federal, but also our volunteers and the private sector." She also goes to say, she said this at a conference in Asheville, North Carolina. One of the hardest hits areas from Helene. Quote, "And frankly, the type of rhetoric is demoralizing to our staff and have left their families to come here and help the people of North Carolina and will be here for as long as they're needed." So she's defending her people, all right? Because just imagine you're one of the FEMA help and you got people bashing you. It makes your job feel pointless and people don't trust you or whatever the case is. So she's cleaning up the rumors and speculations and misinformation, I guess, on the lack of work that people are claiming that FEMA is doing. Remember FEMA? The first time I heard about FEMA was back in 2005 with Katrina and it was a lot of the same thing. Oh, FEMA's not helping the people of New Orleans and this and that and this and that. It's basically Hurricane Katrina all over again. It's the same thing back in 2005. If some of you are old enough to remember Hurricane Katrina, again, that would be a name for a storm we'll never hear again. All right, let me see. What are the news articles we got? 'Cause there's a lot of news happening. I'm not trying to get too much in the political shit. Again, I can talk about politics, but I'm so tired of hearing about politics. I don't wanna hear about it, to be honest with you. But all right, let's see what CNN has to offer. I wanna see what kind of news they're running here. Today marks the seven, the one year anniversary of the Hamas attacks, which was pretty devastating last year. I'm not gonna really get into that. But let's see what else we got here. I'm trying to see, it's kind of slow. It's kind of a slow news day today, I guess. I don't know. What else we got, what else we got? Let's go to, let's go to entertainment news. There's always something interesting. I'm tired of hearing about Dee Dee. But Whitney Houston's mother, apparently, has passed away today. Sissy Houston, Grammy, winning singer and mother of Whitney Houston just passed away at the age of 91. You know, I never even heard of her mom and it's crazy because her mom, I would have thought her mom may have passed or whatever. But her mom was still ticker. She outlived her daughter and she just passed away at 91. It's quite sad. But Keanu Reeves, moving right along, he made a professional auto racing debut at the Indiana Motor Speedway, Indianapolis Motor Speedway. What is it? This man could do damn near anything. I swear Keanu Reeves is, he's a man of all trades. Now he's racing. I mean, we've seen his movies. He does have some driving skill. So he entered professional auto racing at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. Needless to say, his car also spun out too. And although he didn't get last place, he didn't win either, but he didn't get last place. It goes to say Keanu is putting his foot on the pedal of his professional auto racing career. This weekend, the Matrix actor competed in the Toyota GR Cup, an amateur focused racing series for car enthusiasts and aspiring racers at the legendary Indianapolis Motor Speedway. In the field of 33 racers, he finished in 25th place in Saturday's race one in place 24 in Sunday's race two. At one point, his car spun out into the grass just over halfway through the 45 minute race. Listen, Keanu, you can do it. We know you can do it. We know you can do everything, but don't kill yourself driving out there, man. We need you for like John Wick 10 whenever that comes out. 'Cause you know there's probably gonna be more John Wick movies. This man is like 60 years old and he's living his best life, man. Like if you don't know too much about Keanu Reeves, he lost the child and never tried to have a kid again. He lost his sister and he's got a tragic tale behind them, but that's what makes him one of the most humbling human beings out there. He's like one of my favorite actors too. He's one of the only actors that never gets in trouble in Hollywood. You name me one thing he got in trouble for in Hollywood. I'll wait because you're gonna be searching that all day because that man, he stays out of trouble. All right, let's see what other articles we got. Oh, wow. Al Pacino reveals he nearly died of COVID. Thanks. Thanks, Ben. Yes, I tried hard to be handsome, man. It's kind of hard. Damn, ugly as shit. Cut it out. (laughing) No, actually, I'll read this article. Diddy's mom, John Diddy Combs, mom is defending her son. I mean, naturally, you don't wanna believe everything your kid does or whatever. You don't believe the hype, but his mom is coming to his defense now. And Esther, thanks for joining, appreciate it. This is coming out of CNN. Sean Combs' mother says she's devastated and profoundly saddened by allegations against her son. I mean, any mom would be. You understand what I'm saying, but mom, you don't know what your son did. Have you been to his parties? Have you been to all his tours? Have you used baby oil before? I don't know, mom, let's find out. Anyway, it says, Janice Small Combs is defending her superstar son, Sean Diddy Combs. The musician and producer is currently in federal custody as he awaits Trump and his indictment in the Southern District of New York on accounts of racketeering, conspiracy, sex trafficking, and transportation to engage in prostitution. Those are some serious charges. He is pleaded not guilty. Combs is also facing multiple civil lawsuits against him of a range of sexual misconduct and other illegal activities. Janice Combs released a statement on Sunday through her attorney, which was shared on social media. She goes to say, quote, about her son and the allegations. He says, "I come to you today as a mother." This, that is devastated and profoundly saddened by allegations made against my son. Her statement began. And she also goes to say, "It is heartbreaking to see my son judge, "not for the truth, "but for a narrative created out of lies." She wrote, "Are you crazy? "This is nothing." People have been talking about this man for years. This is just now all coming out. I don't know if it's lies. If everybody, you got hundreds of people coming out saying this, I don't know of their lies. I don't know, Mom, but again, you got to understand she's a mother. She's going to defend her son to the very end. For every single bottle of baby oil, she will defend her son. The case has put a spotlight, actually, let me finish what she was saying. She actually goes to say also, "To bear witness, what seems like a public lynching "of my son before he's had the opportunity "to prove his innocence is a pain "to unbearable to put to words." So she's a heartbroken, Mom, and has every right to be, but your son likes oil a little too much. I don't know what to tell you. It says, "The case has put a spotlight "on the music mogul's alleged lifestyle "away from public view, "and the indictment federal prosecutors "cited alleged freak-offs." Sean Colb's name for elaborate sex performances, in which he's accused of drugging and coercing victims in the performing extended sex acts with male sex workers beginning around 2009. But I've been here weird shit about him even before 2009. There's no telling. The first controversy I heard about Diddy, that there are people out there that believe he got biggy kill. There's no proof of that. Again, who knows? Who knows what this man did, but what he's done or what people seen him to do is coming to light. And God knows how many cards will fall in the stack of Diddy. Is there gonna be a lot of people coming down? You understand what I'm saying? He might be like, and this might be crazy, the black Jeffrey Epstein. Except he didn't touch kids. God, I hope he didn't touch kids. He shouldn't have touched anybody he's not with. Period. All right, Diddy? Don't get me wrong though. I grew up with Diddy in terms of his music. I grew up with so many hits, man. And I'll be honest with you, it is quite sad to see him in a situation all jokes aside. I don't know how as much as we can wish that he's cleared. I don't know if he's going to be cleared. I don't know. I have no idea. Hey Liz, yes, I'm on, I'm live. Thanks for joining. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Your sister's at work anyway. She's not even here to stream with me. But Diddy, man, I don't know what to tell you. They got a lot on you, man. It will take a lot of money for you to dodge this one because, I tell you what, it's pretty bad. It's bad, Diddy. All right, in case also too, the Joker movie. Oh, tell Katie I said hi too, yes. Make sure she, I don't know if she has a TikTok, but you know, tell her to watch me. I'm almost on every day. The Joker movie. Now, I want to talk about that because that's actually going to inspire an episode for me of the worst movie sequels of all time. The Joker 2 is a bomb, and let's be honest, I don't think we're going to see a Joker 3. Now, the first Joker movie I went to go see, I gotta admit, was all right. It was pretty dark, it was kind of funny, but it was dark, it was a little bit violent. But this movie, it has cost Warner Brothers, no shit. 70 million dollars, they lost 70 million dollars on this movie so far. Gunshot. They lost that much so far in this movie, it's bad. This is now the worst movie in theaters right now. I kid you not, the worst movie. I don't know what went wrong, I think the problem, hey, Katie, yes, thanks for joining, yes, I'm on, I am on, and Rad, yes, Raka songs, please. All right, the Joker 2 bombed horribly. What went wrong though, what went wrong? A lot of complaints about this movie is, don't mind my username. Oh no, I don't even worry about it. You're good, not even gonna pay attention to that. I know who you are. What went wrong with this movie though? You understand what I'm saying? Like, a lot of people say that the musical aspect, 'cause it came off more like a musical, is what ruined this movie. When you think of Joker, right now, the first Joker movie set the basis for the Joker, for this Joker series with Joaquin Phoenix. It should've escalated into something more dark and violent. Instead, it turned into a musical, with Lady Gaga, who asked for this shit? I didn't ask for Lady Gaga to be in this movie. And she's supposed to be Harley Quinn, I guess she's supposed to be Harley Quinn, but, whoa, this movie bombed bad. In fact, it's so bad that people were actually leaving the theater midway watching this. I don't think I've ever walked out of a bad movie. In fact, despite how bad the movie is, I'm not walking out of it, because I paid to see the movie, and I'm not gonna get my money back, I might as well suffer through the rest of the movie. Anyway, this is coming out of New York Post. Joker 2, moviegoers are leaving theaters mid-showing, quote, "What the fuck is this?" I guess a lot of people went in with an expectation for this movie that fell completely flat. Like I said, I don't know what they did, but the first movie was set up perfectly for this. Joker Folia Dole hit a sour note for some audiences. The highly anticipated Joker sequel, which hit theaters on Friday, is underwhelming at the box office, and for those who did see the movie, they weren't staying long. Social media users took to the internet by storm to share what Joaquin Phoenix, who reprised this role as the Joker and Lady Gaga, who play Harley Quinn, didn't cut it for them. It goes to say that, quote, "Guys, me and my wife "are at the view, and we're gonna watch Joker 2, "and the screening before us, everyone's leaving, "like everyone is leaving early. "It can't be that bad, right?" One Tiktoker sent in a video, quote, "The reviews are not saying it's bad, "but everyone is leaving early, what the fuck is this?" If everybody's leaving the movie early, then it's bad. Comment below. Dinkus, can you watch the Joker with your health? Look, you can go waste your money, watch that shit on your own. I'm not wasting my money watching the Joker 2. All right, I'll wait till it come out on VHS. Meanwhile, I won't even pay for it to watch on VHS. In fact, I'll just bootleg the shit and leave it alone. And you lacking, I heard the movie is buns. Yeah, that's why I'm reading this article. This shit is trash. It has cost Warner Brothers $70 million. They lost $70 million. This movie may not even make its budget. If the movie does not make over its budget, the movie is a failure. And that's where this movie is heading right now, and it's sad. And needless to say, I don't think we're gonna ever see another walking Phoenix Joker ever again. I think after this, it's done. They're gonna have to like redo the whole Joker thing and get a new actor, make it dark, and that's it. I mean, like I said, I went to go see the first Joker and it was okay. I liked it, you know what I mean? It was a little dark, you understand what I'm saying, but I don't know what the fuck happened. I said later in the clip, he raided the movie, telling followers, quote, that shit was garbage. Don't waste your time. What the fuck, two hours? I am never gonna get back. Don't fucking waste your time. Listen, this show is uncentered. I'm not gonna see it and hit beeps. I'm gonna curse it all out because I am a grown man with more than one or two hairs on my balls. So I'm gonna curse. This is another TikToker Kate captioned her video Joker to review. So, so disappointing before describing what went wrong. And she said, don't waste your money on going to the Joker. She began, I am so disappointed. Her boyfriend chimed in, quote, if you're expecting to go see the Joker and see some action, you will not see any. It's basically a musical. It's like watching Matilda or some shit. That's been the biggest complaint. It's too much of a musical. Why did they take this direction? I don't know. Maybe the Joker's supposed to be more of an artsy kind of vibe of a movie rather than violent, but the Joker's not known for singing and shit. He's known for being a statistic and violent. That's what was set up in the first movie. You see, he killed Murray on the set of that show in the beginning of the movie. What the hell happened? So he went from killing Murray to singing and dancing and shit. Listen, one of brothers count your days, man. We're never gonna see another Joker movie again. And if they do, that shit better be violent as shit. I mean, it better be him killing in the coming attractions. It better be him killing in the movie, and that's it. And to answer your question, this daddy, why? Because this movie has it made, it's not gonna make its budget. So therefore, for them to even take a chance on making another movie, I don't know. It's gonna, it may not even be worth it considering how much money they're losing off this particular movie as we speak. It's pretty bad. All right, now I'm going to read one more. I'm gonna find a couple of more articles and I'm gonna leave all those alone, and then I'm done. All right, like I said, last about a half hour, I got the show at about now, 34 minutes, give or take, 34 minutes, I guess is good. Let's find some other news articles or something of interest. Let me see, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah. Check out some shit in the US. What the hell is this? Okay, refresh the page. I don't know. Usually I have a bunch of news articles lined up and whatnot, but I don't know. Sometimes I kind of just browse through and then I just keep it going. Let's see, can I refresh this page, right? You know what? Fuck it, you don't want to do it? All right, you know what, screw it. I had a whole bunch of news articles lined up here and it's acting stupid. Let me see, there's something else that's big that's going on in the country. I mean, we got the cleanup for Helene, which is controversy in itself. Florida about to get hit with Milton, which is crazy in itself. And like I said, I try not to get too much into the, watch him or call it. Oh, Liz, did I watch the Mendez thing on Netflix? You talk about the Menendez brothers? No, I haven't seen it. I've heard some good things about it, but yeah, I have yet to see. I don't know, I've been watching, it's always sunny in Philadelphia on Netflix. That's like one of my new favorite shows now, but I have yet to see the Menendez thing. I will probably check it out. It's a lot of catching up. I need to do on Netflix. So, I will get to that at some point in life, but right now, no, I can't say I've seen it. I'll put it on my to-do list though, for sure. Baby, how many episodes is it? 'Cause you said you binge watched it, so I'm assuming it's probably like a mini series of sorts. So I'll probably check it out, definitely. You know, your system might be into the same type of deal too. So, I just want to try to find like 10. Okay, yeah, 10 episodes, shit, yeah, I'll take it. Why not? It's a nice little mini series. Why not? I can do something like that. Let's see, I'm gonna try to find one more article, and I'm gonna leave all else alone. It's just so much political shit, man. I don't wanna read a bunch of political news. I really, I try to avoid that altogether. You know what, let's go to some New York news real quick. Let's see, what's happening in New York? 'Cause there's always something dumb happening in New York. Bop, bop, bop, let's see what we got real quick. ♪ Oh, let's see, let's see ♪ Let's see what we got coming out of New York, and I'm gonna wrap it up. All right, first article, who's FEMA? Damn, we're ripping off FEMA again. We know who FEMA is. We know who FEMA is. I'm not gonna get into them, like. Oh, okay, this is, let me see. Oh, we got some articles here. What is this? Why do I wanna support ads? I don't wanna support ads. This is the way to read the goddamn news. I had an article here too. Hold on, I'm gonna try to click it. Mm, disabling ad blocking. You know what, screw it. All right, look, I'm gonna wrap up the show because apparently I can't get any more news articles, at least any good ones. It's been kind of a slow news day. I'm not quite sure what's going on, but I hate ads. That's why I use the Brave browser. I'm gonna look that up because I can't stand this. I can't stand this ad shit. It's driving me crazy, for sure. But I do, I feel like I wanna just get... I just wanna get one more news article. I'm pretty sure there's something of sorts out there. Maybe, maybe not. But I don't wanna keep dragging this out. Other than that, I'm just gonna wrap up the show and keep it moving. Let's see what else we got here. Ah, fuck it, screw it. I'm done with the show. All right, ain't no more articles. But, real quick, while you guys are sitting there typing, as I talk, give me some ideas for an episode, like, no shit. What I do is, like, I'm rarely receptive. I get ideas. I write it down and turn it into an episode. And it gives me a lot. Sometimes I have, like, writer's block or podcast block, where I don't have any ideas for an episode. I don't. So, like I said, I give you guys a minute. If you've got any questions about the show, again, Iran, you already know what I want. I don't know what you want. What do you want? Yo, nah, I don't know what you want, man. Like, I don't, you sound kind of sus right now. More rad, chill out. So are the Menendez brothers, or the Menendez brothers? I'm pretty sure it's the Menendez brothers, not the Menendez brothers. But I get what you're talking about. I got what you're saying, but, um, if you got any ideas for an episode, here's what you can do. Look, I have an email addressed specifically for this podcast, the Daily Mind podcast at Write a hello, say hello, give me ideas for the show, because it's you guys that make this show worth. Listen, I get ideas about an episode based on what I hear about me during the day. That's why it's called the Daily Mind, because, again, I get ideas. I'll hear how so I hear something. I'm like, damn, you know, that's an interesting topic. Let me talk about it. But sometimes I like some input, some feedback, and, you know, just jot it down. Tell me what you want to hear, and then we can go from there. But I'm about to wrap up the show. Not going to keep it going. Once again, you guys should have the email, the Daily Mind podcast at Send me a hello, and, of course, follow me on TikTok. Send me a message of what you want to hear from the show. Learn more about me, because, again, the, um, as the show progressed, you will learn more about me. Ask me questions about myself. I'm willing to answer this about anything. As long as it doesn't get me locked up in somebody's closet. All right, so, hey, thanks for listening. We will do this again some other time. Let me just make sure I stop my recording. This news, this news hit 40 minutes. Now, again, I know it was light with news. I do news episodes every Monday, if I do an episode on Mondays. But Fridays is my favorite episode. What do you want to call it? Is there such a stupid question? And if you stick around for Friday, you will find that out. And I'll explain the premise of the show. Captain James, where were you, man? You're late, you're late. Man, you should have got the, um, you should have got the, um, what do you want to call it? The notification, but it's all good, man. I do appreciate the love. Thank you, thank you, Rad. I know, I listen, I know you don't want me to go, but at the same time, you know, the show is like a half follow. I got no other news articles. Again, give me a nod. Give me something you want me to talk about, Rad. You know, I work with you every single day. I know it has got to be something you want me to talk about. If not, I'll see you tomorrow. You know, that's just what it is. Um, all right, so hey, I'm wrapping it up. Thank you. Thank you. This is the second episode. I have really good feeling about this show. I feel like this podcast is going to evolve. Maybe there's something a little bit bigger. Podcasting is a very competitive thing. And it's, you know, these things take time. I've been doing this podcast for two years. Oh, really, really quick. I know I'm talking a lot. Go if you want to hear a lot more of my episodes, because this is actually episode 385. Um, go to Spotify. I am on Spotify. Listen to all the episodes, starting with number one. I read how you're going to take us number one spot. I mean, James, come on. But no, go to Spotify or wherever you listen to podcasts, type up the Daily Mind podcast. You'll find me, Austin Edwards. Click on it. Start from episode one. Some episodes are kind of trash. I got to admit, some episodes are pretty much throw away, but go back, listen to the show, tell your friends. Let's get the show going. All right. I'm late to the streaming party. I know this. I'm late. It's been two years. But what better time than now? All right. So, oh, here's one. Birth parents versus step parents. Oh, hey, mom. I was like, who is that? Birth parents versus step parents. Actually, that's a pretty good one. Because you know what? I mean, some people, in some cases, don't know who they birth parents are, right? And in some cases, they have step parents, all right? So yeah, that's a really good one. Birth parents versus step parents. I got it. I'll put that on cue. And let's see where it goes with that. Like I said, I'll get dozens of topics. And I'll just pick one if I have writer's block or podcast block. I'll just sit there, boom, cross it out. All right, bam. Birth parents versus step parents. And also an episode on just step parents. That works, too. So look, that's why I need you guys to be receptive. Give me ideas, because you guys are the show. The Daily Mind is basically not just what goes on in my mind, but what goes on in everybody's mind every single day. The show is your show, all right? Now I'm going to stop talking because my head is hurting, also because I'm an old man. So I'm going to go watch "All in the Family" and shit. All right, so hey, thanks for listening. We'll do this again next time. Keep the ideas coming. Keep hitting me up with the love. Captain James, Rad, Mom, thanks for joining. Caitlin, thanks for joining. Thank you, guys. Thank you. And we will do this again next time. I promise you. Have a good one. I'm going to make sure to hit stop. And we'll do this again next time. Peace out.