The Daily Mind

Season 16. Episode 383: Car accidents

Happens everyday, and can happen at anytime. I go over some of the most common causes of car accidents, as well as ways to avoid them.

Broadcast on:
05 Oct 2024
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right now is gorgeous. And it's also a plus for those in those affected areas of the hurricane. Nice clear skies, not too hot, not too cold. It's just perfect. And the most beautiful part about it's going to be like this all week. So finally, some good weather look forward to. I feel like you've been waiting for me to join to get on here. It's like you're the first person immediately on here. Well, welcome, of course. All right. So lots going on out there. Hey, Mina. My cousin just joined. Wow, that's the first hello. Love you very much. All right, a lot of things going on today. Brand new tropical storm just formed in golf. Milton, its name is Milton. You couldn't pick the most nerdy fucking name for which popular storm in the golf. The best, well, I wouldn't say the best part, but the good part about this particular storm has forecasted. It's not supposed to hit the Carolinas, but it's going to, I'm glad you've been waiting all day. It's going to hit the portions of Florida that was missed by Helene. So it's almost like Helene hit the northern part of Florida. This is going to hit the southern part of Florida. It's like Florida can't catch a break. And about a two week span time it would have the entire state would have gotten hit with the hurricane. I swear, like, the weather is funny. I told you, hurricane seem to have a weird personality about about them. They're almost like people. Just with a lot of rain and shit, and other destructive things. Any who, what else. Oh yeah yeah yeah so the longshoreman they finally got some sort of a deal and delayed their strike till January. The funny part about all that is that the people that went out and panic purchase a bunch of shit that they thought they were going to need because they figured the end of the world was going to happen. With the shore strike with the dock dock worker strike, but the thing they stocked up on made absolutely no sense. Toilet paper, you know, if people paid attention in class on economics or just basic common sense shit you will know that we don't import toilet paper here. We make the toilet paper here. You have people who cleared paper towels toilet paper everything like hot dogs pizza rolls gone they're like damn if the if the shores are closed, we can't have pizza rolls or toilet paper. Wrong. All that shit is made here. So you have people that stocked up hundreds of dollars on stuff. And now they're going to be stuck with it but at least you got toilet paper though, but the most bizarre thing about all this is that people did not stock up on soap to wash their ass with. So that means you can have all this fucking toilet paper, but nobody stocked up on soap like we import water here to drink and take showers with people you got to start fucking thinking like none of this shit you do make sense. During the pandemic, people stocked up on toilet paper and pizza rolls, not sure what the fuck pizza rolls got to do with anything, but I tell you right now that that's, man just just kill yourself just if you stocked up on pizza rolls during the pandemic. I hope you're fat, and I hope that you have a type three diabetes and I don't even exist yet, but there's a lot of other shit going on this is not what this episode is about. Today I want to talk about car crashes I kid you not. I woke up this morning. And about a span of two hours after waking up they were three car accidents here in Clarksville three I drove past two of them. One in front of that dirty crusty hotel called the winner circle right there on four Campbell Boulevard. There's another one on Tiny Town Road, and then there was another one on Peaches Mill, and a hundred first. Now I know a lot of you that's listening. But I can tell you one thing about Clarksville, wait a minute, you heard that putting worms and ramen noodles on hell no, that's a really weird question no I never heard of putting worms and ramen noodles but I hope that you're not doing that. Anyway, so Clarksville is a fast up and coming, somewhat small city here in Tennessee. The population boom is ridiculous. It's so much people coming from Nashville Memphis. They're all coming to this particular town. With that, they're building houses like crazy subdivisions, townhouses, they're being built up like crazy. The only problem with all this. Send me the video. All right anyway, the problem with everybody coming here is that there's not enough road infrastructure to support this place. So accidents in the past year have went up like crazy every single day I follow this page called the Clarksville chat on Facebook. People post all types of shit on me I'm talking about things happening at work scandalous shit, but most importantly car accidents. So, all this there were three accidents in the span of like an hour to hours here in Clarksville alone. In New York City this wouldn't be a big deal it's a big city, but here in Clarksville this shit is a pretty big deal. The other day it took me, it took me 20, 25 minutes to get home on it from work which normally takes about 10 minutes. The traffic out here has gotten so bad and they keep encouraging people to come here, but they're not building enough roads to support this. Like even the main road I live off of is packed every single day even at night in the early evening pack. It's literally like rush hour traffic here, but I'm just curious when it comes to people that drive you think you would think that people with a license will have some common sense to avoid certain situations. What is the science behind car crashes, how do people get into accidents. I've always tried to figure this out like what is it that you do or that somebody else do to cause an accident I mean they call accidents but let's be honest a lot of these accidents can be avoided. They can easily be avoided. There are now more distractions than ever out there on the roads that is distracting a lot of drivers, for example these brand new cars are coming with so much tech in the cars, big ass screens on the dashboard, sitting on top of the dashboard like iPads, and then of course cell phones everybody's streaming while driving and just doing a bunch of unnecessary shit is causing a lot of accident. So today I am going to basically talk about car crashes. Yeah, that's right this shit here that people just seem to avoid. These two cars here, one of the safest cars on the road Toyota Camry, and of course this car here but I'm going to demonstrate something with these two cars in a minute no weird shit I'm not doing no weird shit with the car. But it's something I'm going to demonstrate to try to make a point because it blows my mind how this how is this happening. So often I can tell you right now here in Clarksville, it's just a lot of cars on the road, a lot of inexperienced drivers, a lot of people who are not familiar with the Clarksville road system here that's coming from other places. Now here in Clarksville is a big military community, we have Fort Campbell, large military installation, a lot of people been coming here for years, you can't even blame Fort Campbell really because Fort Campbell has been here forever. What's happening is again they're building all these new houses, they're inviting more people this is like the it place to come to here in Tennessee is Clarksville, everyone's coming here. Nashville everybody's getting pushed out of Nashville because it costs too much the violence is getting kind of crazy Memphis is already a fucking while while West so everybody's moving here. It's not going to be it place to be, but it comes with a lot of fucking issues. Alright, so today I'm going to talk about car crashes. I'm going to go over the causes of car crashes. I have a list of 25 causes of car crashes and of course you can try to guess the number one cause. I'll let you guess in the comments, but it's quite obvious what the number one causes. And some of the things on this list may surprise you of what causes car accidents. I can't tell you right now some of the shit here is it's so avoidable, but yet we still get caught up in the show. I don't understand why. Before I start that list. I'm going to read. I'm going to read, basically some car access statistics now Captain James you asked the question. So what can we do to get these accidents down. As a lies a few things is not just one universal answer for all this. For one we need to get the fuck off the phone. Alright, I have seen people on the phone and cars late model cars with Bluetooth capability. But they still have the phone today here. I don't know why you're not that fucking important driving a Nissan Altima with no with broken hubcaps and cheese doodles under the seat you're not that important where you gotta have the phone of your ear. You have Bluetooth for a reason or put if you if you if you drive a car that don't have Bluetooth put the fucking phone on speaker. That's it put the phone on speaker so you can hear don't see him do this nonsense right here. It's it really is distracting. And most times even with Bluetooth I'll be driving. I don't even like answering calls while I'm driving and I have Bluetooth capability. I just don't I like to be focused on the driving, but that's one of the things we could do is just get off the phone and pay attention to so many different distractions a lot. Now I'm gonna read these statistics. It says here that the US and of course by the way this is a this is coming from a website, GJEL accident attorneys. This is a really good list that I found that highlights the number of accidents in a few statistics. Now it says that this country sees approximately 6 million car accidents a year. 6 million now there's only about what 300 plus million people in this country. God knows how many cars on this road. But we see 6 million cars car accidents a year, which is mind boggling. It said that breaks down to about 15,000 accidents a day. Half of that shit is probably here in Clarksville, but 15,000 accidents a day in this country. You it may not seem like it, but you got to take into account how big this country is. How many cars we got on the road. How many people are out there driving legally or illegally that are out there just doing the most with traffic. Out of all this, though, it said that 37,000 crash fatalities or 101 deaths per day. That means 100 or one people are dying every day from a car accident. That's great. That's, that's insane. That's mind boggling to say the least. And it really makes you think and any anytime we leave the house, we could be this statistic. We are taking a risk every time we go in our car, even if it's for a drive to go to the grocery store, there have been people that got hit just running a simple errand just like that. And people had to have died just going to work. The accident may have not even been their fault, but there's other drivers like me. I'm a confident driver. I wouldn't say that I'm the best driver, but I'm confident enough. I'm more worried about other people, especially those who drive Nissan Altima. They are by far the worst drivers. I even did an episode on this shit. I'd be honest with you. I'd stay away from those cars at all costs. It says an additional 2.3 million people suffer injuries or disabilities each year from accidents. That's roughly about 6,400 people a day. And the two accidents I've seen. I've seen a person in the one on Fort Campbell. The person was on the stretcher. They were alive, but they were on the stretcher. It was a three car accident. And then the one down here down the road from me. It was a Hyundai and the SUV, the Hyundai deployed all the airbags. Luckily. That's a good thing, but it's, I don't know. What are we doing wrong people? Like, for one, you got to put the goddamn phone down. All right. Now, I'm going to go through the causes and then I'm going to go through the tips on how to avoid it. Now, again, some of these tips. It's situation dependent. That's a disclaimer. It's situation dependent. It may not always work out that way, but half the tips to, you know, to save yourself from an accident is really on you as well. But I guess we all have to work together. We're all just trying to get in our car, go somewhere. We have to all work together. All right. On the list, there's 25 causes of accidents. It goes from a start from 25 work my way up. Number 25 ice. Now here in Tennessee, we don't deal with ice a lot. It does sometimes snow down here. And I've since I've been here, we've had a couple of days where they have to close streets and work down because, because of ice. It says ice is difficult to avoid, especially black ice. However, if it's cold enough out to ice, the extra cautious, slow down before bridges drive the speed limit leave plenty of room between your car and the vehicle in front of you. And of course, when approaching a stop sign or stop light starts stopping far in advance to allow room from skidding. Yeah, I mean, don't be one of those people that tailgate behind someone because you're that confident because you drive a Range Rover with wide fat tires and nice grip and don't mean nothing. Ice will take any car over. No matter how much money you spent on the car, how high and highly advanced the traction control system is, it don't matter. Ice will take your car. No matter what you drive. All right. Number 24 street racing. All right. Now I haven't seen too many organized street races here in Clarksville. But for one, there's one trend I do notice. And I seen this just yesterday. Two cars of the same. I've seen two challenges come up to each other side by side, and they'll just instantly race each other. And then I saw a Mustang and a Camaro do the same shit. It's like, it's not an official race, but we have a lot of muscle cars out here. A lot of soldiers buy muscle cars. And a lot of them like to show off. And they show they just don't take off for a cable boulevard is notoriously known for this shit. But number 24 is street racing. And since those street racing is illegal. People still do it. Street racing on public roads with other drivers is downright dangerous. And if one is caught part taken as street racing activities, he or she could be charged with a lot more than reckless driving. I mean, not to mention you could die too. If you have the speed for speed, find a street racing league and race on your own private roads. The biggest complaint with this is that people say, well, why don't they build those drag strips and stuff like that so we could race. It don't even matter, even if they built, we have a racetrack here in Clarksville, believe it or not. But even if we build these things here, it's not even going to matter because people are going to still want to race on other roads just to show off in front of other people. No, I don't want to see you racing up and down for a cable boulevard. It happens every day. I don't want to see that shit, because the first thing you crash, you expect somebody feel sorry for you. Yeah. And see, yeah, exactly cheated. Two cars racing over here a while ago happens every day. I'm telling you, I avoid that shit. If I see two cars racing and they crash, I'm not pulling over for them. Nope. Nope. I'm not helping you or nothing. You chose to do that. You know it's illegal. So you think I'm going to pull over. You could be burning in that car right now. And I've seen you guys crash racing. I'm driving. I'm going right to Arby's. All right, number 23. Let's see number 23. Oh, you said, why not? Because think about it. Think about it, Captain. They could have almost cut you off on the road. So let me ask you, if two street races cut you off on the road. And they're racing, but they crash. And they almost just damn they're killed you. You're still going to go save them. Oh, wait, number 23 failing to obey the rules of the road. I guess, I mean, that's why that's why accidents happen. Somebody is not paying attention. And somebody is doing something wrong on the road. It said, again, rules are in place for a reason. And it's not to make your life difficult. Rules are there to protect us speeding running red lights, ignoring traffic signs, following too closely and other illegal driving behaviors causes accidents. Yes, cause accidents. Yes, people. Come on. Number 22 curves. Not everywhere has a curve. Fort Campbell Boulevard, for the most part, is a straightaway. Ain't no curves. It's three lanes on each side. It's Fort Campbell Boulevard is a US highway. US 41 is a US highway before Campbell Boulevard. But yes, curves. Some people don't know how to maneuver them very well. Tight and blind curves are hazards to drivers. No curves can be fun to drive, especially for those familiar with an area they are caused of several accidents when driving on curvy roads, make sure to maintain the speed limit and look out for others. Also, it depends on your car. Okay, some cars, right, are built with independent suspension. Some cars are built on transactions, the straight suspension access. Like, for example, this car here, Toyota Camry, I think is built on a four link independent suspension. So it's able to hug the road a little bit more, a little bit tighter, versus I don't know something like this fucker here. This Camaro, which is if the rears, the fake the front is independent, but the rear is a solid beam so it doesn't handle as well. And then of course you got like fucking SUVs like this shit here. Higher center of gravity, they sit high off the ground, they're able to tip a little bit more. Their body rolls are a little bit more dangerous, but it depends on road conditions, the car to drive the experience, all that. I mean, like again, there's no real one answer to solving all this. There's so many factors. All right, number 22, I'm sorry, number 21 tire blowout. To me, that's the scariest shit is a tire blowout. If you're on the highway, I've seen the truck in Europe. I was driving. I see the truck's tire blowout. That's like the scariest shit. If you drive up and down the highway out here on interstate 24, or you see a shredded tires up and down the entire highway. But yes, tire blowouts. Okay. And again, they're more dangerous on the highways. It says, speaking of blown tires. These are just as dangerous as potholes, or vehicle malfunctions, as they could cause you to lose control of your vehicle. You can prevent tire blowouts by having your tires rotated regularly, changing them when they start to wear or inspecting them for imperfections ever so often. Every single day I jump it before I jump in my car. I do a 360 of my car every day I check the tires, everything. It's like my trucks at work. I do the same shit. That it's, it's easy to get blocked. Sometimes you don't even need anything in your tire to get a block. Sometimes the tires itself. Just weird. They wear out and they, you know, sometimes you get the bubbles or titties on the tire, whatever, and you don't see it. It's easy, right. Rotate your tires ever so often, right, especially if you got four wheel drive I do it all the time. Because I know what four wheel drive the tires wear out. Sort of similar, but the fronts will always wear out more because that's where the engine is so your front tie is always going to wear out a little bit. And then of course, if the roads are torn up that's going to fuck your tires up over time too. So, again, pay attention to your tires, man. We just jump and turn the keys on in our car, but we never really, really check around our car. And if you were a lover of cars like me, you would check around your car. Number 20. This is not a big problem here, but in the cities this is potholes people potholes the gunshots of the road, a pothole will take your ass out quickly. The potholes are a pain and unfortunately they cannot always be avoided. However, if you see a pothole ahead of you, either try to avoid it or slow down when you go through it, speeding through a pothole is guaranteed way to lose control and blow a tire. That depends on how fast you're going through this pothole right if you're going through this pothole at like I don't know 1520 miles an hour. I think you'll be okay but if you hit that shit like at 50, 60, 70 miles an hour. Oh, you're fucked, you're fucked yeah you're more than likely going to either like fuck your axle up. You're going to fuck up your steering, you're going to fuck up the tires of course and then anything else that comes with it or you may even hit a pothole and just go right off the road. It's that simple. Number 19. All right now again this I don't think this happened very often but it happens vehicle malfunctions. It says it is not unheard for cars to stall in the middle of the freeway. That's the scariest shit. The car is in drive cars that stall out of nowhere are both dangerous to the occupants and others to the vehicle occupants of other vehicles. You can prevent a crash by maintaining your vehicle and fixing issues where they arise not just when they become convenient. Sometimes our cars can be in really good condition. And just vehicle malfunctions happen I mean, especially nowadays with these cars. Excuse me. These cars are very advanced high tech fly drive by wire you got miles of wiring in your car you don't ever see it. But if you like take the body for example like we're full of like a bunch of we're full of hundreds of not thousands of nerves and nerve endings. If you look at the anatomy of a car. If you look at all the body paneling you see wires everywhere around the car. You don't know what can go on with any of the wires why I could show it out. It could show it out one of your sensors. Like wiring is everywhere and I mean everywhere around your car. You don't see it. But you know hopefully you don't get mangled in a wreck and you definitely see all your fucking wiring and shit. But no anything could go wrong with the cars thousands of hundreds of moving parts and wiring it's kind of hard to kind of hard to keep track of. The next one has been a big occurring problem. Sometimes even on a wide two way road I think about this this is a real possibility of happening number 18 wrong way drivers, which most of the time wrong way drivers are drunk from what the stories that I hear of accidents coming from that it's mostly people that are drunk. It says wrong way driving is worse than improper turns. Unfortunately wrong way driving accidents are more common than most people might think, and many of those crashes happen on freeways where cars are driving along as speeds up 60 to 80 miles an hour. Head on collision at those speeds could be fatal. If you're unfamiliar with an area play pay close attention to all signs to the direction in which the traffic is flowing. Half the time those just people right see the drunk or even suicidal suicidal drivers are known to do this shit where they will drive the wrong way for however long and whenever the point they want to end their life they'll find any car indiscriminately and they'll run into that car just like that there's been cases recently where this has happened. Very dangerous shit but it does it did make a point most of the time. It does happen on a highway and the signs will tell you right off the back of near highways wrong way entrance like you see the exit ramp if it says wrong way you're going to wrong fucking way you got traffic coming towards you. And you're trying to go up on go up on that ramp you're going the wrong way. I mean how hard is it to read a goddamn sign. Number 17. And proper turns now says as a licensed driver in the US you should know how to make a legal and safe turn and proper turns a common cause a motor vehicle accidents steps from performing a legal turn including using your blinkers slowing down and obeying traffic signs and signals. People nobody use turn signals anymore I don't know why they should just remove turn signals from cars because nobody likes to use them in fact I dealt with that shit today. I see somebody just like a merge into another lane with no problem they figured well I got enough space blah blah blah blah. Use your turn signal I don't care if you're going into your driveway. I don't care what you know you got to use your turn signal you have to. It says do not perform an illegal turn when signs clearly indicate turns in a certain direction are forbidden. If you need to get somewhere and take the correct way that places shortcuts causes accidents. I see when the next time am I coming over again. And I don't know it's going to be a while I'll have to talk to you about that one later it's going to be a while before I come back. I could probably tell you it's not going to be during the holidays. That I don't think so. All right number 16. Okay now if you get into an accident in this particular part of the road. You deserve to get your license revoked number 16 construction sites. If you have not noticed fines are doubled and your points are double on your license. If you speed pass construction sites. So there should be no reason why you're getting into an accident in the construction site. If you're supposed to be slowing down now it says construction zones can be confusing and oftentimes there's not adequate enough warning for them. That said if you see orange beyond a lookout always follow the posted speeds even when you do not see any workers present and be extra vigilant about those around you. If you are confused chances are other drivers are as well. Listen. Nobody likes fixing roads your tax paying dollars is going to fix roads. The people who are fixing the roads are the people you're paying. They got families too. They're trying to go home you know sitting out there and all types of weather trying to fix your pothole. So give them the common courtesy be careful but there's no reason why you should be getting into an accident. All you have to do is read the sign slow down. It seems like here in Clarksville everybody's in a rush to get somewhere. And there's nowhere to even rush to that's what I don't understand what is it out here that people are rushing to because there's nothing. There's nothing there's no major amusement parks and there's nothing here. And no matter where you live out you should be rushing anyway. Number 15. Let me scroll this up. Animal crossings. Listen the animal crossing thing. I can tell you right now I've driven past so many spots that has signs of animal crossings I've never seen not one animal. But I promise you this. The area where you're going to see an animal crossing is not an area where it's not where it's it's not common. Animals can come out of anywhere. It doesn't have to be that particular animal crossing they could just dart right out of the woods in an area that's not designated as an animal crossing. Now says when a large animal jumps into the middle of the road. It could cause a lot of damage to both the car to both the car that hits it and the cars behind the lead vehicle. I knew a guy I've worked with. He had a fucking deer that totaled his car. James you probably already know who this is but he hit a deer and the ship was completely destroyed. It was one thing I learned when I became a truck driver in the military was that and this is a big ass truck but. We were taught that if we see an animal in the road center mass don't try to swerve away from this animal. Don't just hit the fucking animal as crazy as that may seem. You hitting the animal would likely save your life than you trying to avoid the animal. Picture yourself on like the interstate it's three lanes on your side. And the traffic isn't too crazy but it's enough cars on the road. This animal comes out of nowhere and you go ahead you're in the middle lane. And you swerve into the left or right lane. Now you might have just killed yourself and maybe the other drivers behind you or even in front of you just. Like I said I don't just keep your eyes on the road because even now with all this new development here in town. Animals that ending up in places they normally have not have it have lived in. So we're finding animals crossing the roads out here and in some really wild places. Nonetheless all you can do is just be careful. And if you do encounter an animal. Don't panic like I remember one time I came 10 feet to almost hitting a moose. That close and I had a permission of that shit happening. Just prior to me jumping into the car and driving. This fucking moose came out of nowhere 10 feet 10 feet luckily I was only doing what. Twenty five miles an hour is really really low speed road. It wasn't even anything too crazy. Number 14 night driving. If you know you can't drive at night stay off the road. Seriously stay off the road. Forty nine percent of fatal accidents happen at night. And the fatality rate per mile is nearly three times as high at night as during daylight hours night driving is dangerous. But sometimes we don't have a choice but to drive at night. Some of us work overnight. Some of us work daytime. I mean sorry graveyard ships. Some of us are taking long road trips. If you're taking a long road trip. And you know you have a hard time driving at night. Yes it will take you longer to get to your destination. But you need to sit jazz down pull over at a rest stop. Sleep through the night. Wait till the day. It says not only is vision impaired at night but many people behind the wheel at night are tired and toxicated or both. While you will be required to drive at night sometimes remain vigilant behind the wheel. Stay sober and you'll find yourself getting tired either way. Now someone knows drive or pull over and rest. People that's easy. It's easy. Like you can avoid that shit at night but when you got hundreds of other people in the road now you got to worry about them whether they. You know whether they got enough sleep. They're intoxicated. You really don't know. Alright so number 13. Teenagers. Teenagers number 13 on the list. Okay well. I know in New York for example. Teenagers cannot drive unless if they have a permit they can't drive. Unless they have a license driver up until like 9 p.m. or something like that. But you get those rebellious teenagers those rich bratty teens. That would jump in their parents car go out for a drive. Not a clue what the fuck they're doing and then boom. It says though teenagers have a lot of redeeming qualities. Carefulness is not one of them. Not only are teenagers inexperienced behind the wheel but also they tend to exhibit reckless behavior especially behind the wheel. The experience combined with natural naturally reckless and tendons tendencies. Off the result and accidents and unfortunately more work for car accident attorneys. Well I mean if you want to call it more work or you want to call it more money. I mean let's be honest. Attorneys and lawyers and shit make a lot of money off car accidents. Not the most glamorous thing but you guarantee job security because it happens every day. That's why I'm doing this article number 12. Big big one right here unsafe lane changes. Unsafe lane changes. Changing lanes is not unsafe. Changing lanes without looking when there's a little space between the cars in front of and behind you or at fast speeds. However is when changing lanes always check your mirrors and look over your shoulder and only change lanes when there's adequate space to do so. And again changing lanes you should goddamn who you should blinkers. Use the blinkers believe me use them but nobody ever uses them. People just kind of do a little quick little thing. I see it all the time out here. Especially on Tiny Town Road that people are infamous for that shit. Number 11 snow. You got a lot of people out here that don't know how to drive in snow. But to be fair here in Tennessee it don't snow often. So no shit. When it does snow out here let's say snow like two, three inches like kids you're not. They shut the whole town down. They shut the military post down. We're told not to go in the work for three inches of snow. Now if you're in New York you're thinking like in New York it takes a foot of snow. It takes a foot of snow just to close school. So imagine two, three inches of snow shutting down an entire town and then telling people hey don't come in the work. It's too much snow. The reason being is because this area is not equipped to. It's not equipped with snow removal. Plus the people out here are not equipped to drive in snow. They don't have winter tires or anything. There's plenty of trucks, SUVs yeah, but they're not driving on winter tires. So that's why they just kind of. They just say don't even come into work. It says if there's a great deal of snow on the ground avoid getting behind the wheel entirely. Driving in the snow is almost as avoidable. In fact many employers make allowances for heavy snows and let workers either work from home or take the day off. You got a job like that. Good for you. If however you are forced to drive in the snow put your vehicle in four wheel drive and drive slowly. If you do not have four wheel drive put the chains on your tires. If you do live in an area prone to snow make sure to equip your vehicle with snow tires. My car is four wheel drive. I have all seasons. They do pretty well. All right, but then again I don't deal with snow very often here. And when I lived in Alaska is where I got the car from. It did really well in the snow. And I had no issues with four wheel drive works. Unfortunately if you got rear wheel drive cars or front wheel drive cars. You're going to have to tread a little bit lightly. I will add down to the last 10 causes of traffic accidents according to this at this website. Number 10 fog. God and and the funny the stupid thing is people put their fog lights they know they put their high beams on. In the fog that is highly illegal do not do that. Like with rain you cannot always avoid driving in the fog. If you are forced to drive in a fog use your fog lights drive at or below the speed limit. And constantly check to make sure you are in your own lane because the fog can be so thick. You can't even see you. You can't even see what lane you in. And they didn't even mention at night fog at night is way more dangerous at night. I swear it's. If I don't got to go out I ain't going out. But unfortunately if I have to drive somewhere. And you know then whatever I got to go drive. But if you could avoid the fog then avoid the fog. Number nine on this list. Drugs that should have been like number two I don't know how that's number nine. But number nine is drugs. Okay your question cheetah is what about if it's pouring down rain. All right if it's pouring down rain and you know you drive but you got to just slow it. You got to slow it down at least drop it like five ten miles an hour in New York. It's the speed limit is twenty five. Nobody's going to drive fifteen miles an hour in the rain in New York unless it's really really bad. The only thing you could do is just kind of slow down a little bit. Just just be more visual about like what's to your left your right or whatever. And don't follow behind cars too close you know like one of these numbers. You know driving like on somebody's ass like this. Back it off a little bit because in the rain it's harder to stop a car in the rain. All right so alcohol and drowsy driving are not only things that can impair your vision. And judgment both illegal and legal drugs can inhibit your sense and make it difficult for you to drive. Do not do narcotics or take heavy prescription medications before getting behind the wheel. If your doctor prescribes you a medication ask him or her if use of medication will impair your judgment. If you notice for some of you that aren't on some weird medications or whatever. They say don't operate heavy machinery. They didn't make it clear that that means a car don't drive the car is a heavy piece of machinery or a forklift or a motorcycle even not to heavy piece of machinery. Don't operate it. If you are in some sort of particular medication don't do it. Number eight drowsy driving. Listen Americans us we drive. This is a like a car culture country we drive everywhere for long periods of hours especially truckers shout out to the truckers out there. They bust a ass. They work crazy crazy hours some of them do drive a little reckless I'm not saying all but they do what they do and you know they drive ridiculous crazy hours so shout out anyway. Number eight drowsy driving. It says researchers indicate that driving while tired is just as dangerous as driving while drunk somebody did this. They did this. This formula that depending on how many hours of sleep that you're deprived of is the equivalent of a particular amount of alcohol. I've heard somebody did this study and it's actually kind of scary to think about being overtired can impair your judgment. If you're slow your reaction time that's what your vision and even cause you to fall asleep behind the wheel. If you catch yourself drifting off or having difficulty concentrating pull off to the side of the road and rest. If you are near home or hotel stop and get some sleep before hitting the road. Now I know for me when I drive to New York it's like 15 hours I do that shit straight. However though along the way there's a lot of rest stops so you know if you're one of those people who drives long distances up and down these interstate. There's rest stops. Don't be ashamed to pull over and take them nap. Or if you got other people in your car that can drive switch seats have them drive to arrive alive. There's no sense of you trying to beat records. I used to have that kind of mentality but I've learned sleep is extremely important when it comes to driving. It's absolute paramount. You're sitting in that one position in your car those vibrations and then you in that one spot. You get very tired like you're not doing anything physically heavy. However though just the idea of sitting in one spot the vibrations and stuff of the car. Definitely will make you sleepy. Alright number seven tailgating but a love of God please stop driving so God damn close on people. It's that there's never an excuse for driving too close to another vehicle. Tailgating is a dangerous behavior that has led to many fatal car accidents. Ultimately you should keep two three car lanes between you and the vehicle in front of you. At distance allow you ample time to stop should you answer the car before you stop suddenly. So especially if you got not so great breaks. Then you probably should not be following behind any sort of car especially in the rain. Definitely want to keep maybe two car lanes if if if if applicable. If you can other than that then you know driving so far somebody so close on somebody asked for what. All that's going to do is fuck your car up the car in front of you and even potentially the car behind it. Then now you got a three way happen and not the kind of three way you you're thinking about. Number six driving in the rain. Now I'm just going to go through the tips of driving in the rain it gives you three of them because there's a lot to read about the rain. Number one it says drivers should reduce their speed and increase their following distance and bad weather I just I just mentioned that. So like if you're driving and you're maybe this close on the regular day in the rain you should probably be that close to that far of a distance. I mean it just makes it's common fucking sense. Number two it's important to ensure that your vehicle is equipped with the appropriate tires and other equipment for weather conditions. It's not always the case or right tires are fucking expensive. They are expensive not everybody can afford new tires. And if you're out there driving on a donut you probably should not be even driving in the rain unless you have absolutely no choice. And if you are driving in the rain with a donut then you probably shouldn't be driving near anyone that close because donuts are only temporary tires. They barely even have enough treads even like stop properly. And number three drivers should be aware of changing weather conditions and adjust their driving accordingly. If it starts raining heavily you slow it down if it lightens up a little bit speed up a little bit, but again, a lot of these things are common sense but yet we still keep getting into these accidents. Let's see what number five. This shit is like epidemic out here in Clarksville running red lights running red lights. It says like drunk driving this is one of the more obvious cases of car accident red means stop and will never mean anything else. But you know here in Clarksville red means speed the fuck up faster. If your light is red it means that the lights directing traffic and other directions are likely green or yellow. If you blow through a red light chances are you will hit someone who actually whose actual turn is it to go. And distracted by work matters or family matters is not an excuse if you're too distracted to drive do not get behind the wheel. So I'm getting to an accident be like well you know I ran out of fucking syrup last night I'm upset I couldn't feed my kids pancakes man no no sunshine no. That does not constitute a reason for you to get into an accident because you got distracted because you couldn't feed your kid pancakes. I don't want to hear that no you should not even be driving. If you are driving I hope you're out there trying to get some pancakes but you trying to run a red light. And then you know you hit somebody and then you come up with a lame excuse is not it. It's not it. But yeah out here I've seen red lights. I see people take many red lights out here and boy I haven't seen any accidents behind it but shit in due time. Maybe one of the accidents today was maybe somebody running a damn red light. Number let's see. Damn it don't damn article just did some weird shit. Running red lights. Number four reckless driving. I mean reckless driving you're guaranteed about eighty ninety percent guaranteed to get into an accident. All right it gives you three. Three little tidbits is that reckless driving is a traffic offense and can result in fines, points on your license and even jail time. Number two drivers who engage in reckless behavior are more likely to be involved in accidents. I say eighty ninety percent chance. And number three it's important to always drive defensively and be aware of the drivers on the road defensively not recklessly. So I think a lot of people get that shit twisted. Number three drunk driving that's definitely and always will be on any list as one on the top maybe five reasons why accidents happen. Drunk driving used to be the number one cause of accidents. But thanks to cell phones GPS and tablets and thanks to drunk driving campaigns it has moved down the list. That said an unacceptable amount of accidents are caused by drunk drivers each year. Do not be the cause of another tragedy and stay sober. If you do drive if you do drink while out have someone DD you are calling uber DD designated driver. I mean we get safety briefs all the time about this shit. You better make sure you have a DD or stay at someone's house do not you know give your keys to someone else if you feel like you're not capable of driving. I mean these are simple things but one thing about alcohol is it's a confidence serum. It's like a lot of people who are used to drinking like crazy amounts of alcohol are like no I can handle my liquor you know I drive better when I drink. If I hear someone I'm never going to drive with someone that says that they drink that they drive better when they drink. I would I would just wait for the bus. I'll just snatch the fucking keys when you're like you know I don't care how many accidents or how many times you made it safely home while drinking or while drunk. It's going to be that one time and I do not want to be part of it. All right number two speeding. All right it's a lot to say about speeding so I'm going to read those three little tidbits and this one little bonus tidbit it had in the bottom. Number one speeding is a leading cause of fatal accidents. No surprise there. Number two speed limits are in place for a reason and drivers should always obey them. But of course you got people that's like oh man you know speed limit is there because you know the state just want to take your money. No motherfucker. It's not there. The state will only take your money if you allow them to. In other words you get caught speeding that's on you and the jet underscore I thanks for joining me I appreciate it. Number three driving at a safe and reasonable speed can help to prevent accidents. Okay time out. You can drive a safe speed but you can still get into an accident now it will likely it will lower your chances of getting into an accident but here's the thing. You can be driving safely in your nice little Toyota Camry right. But the person in the fucking muscle car can be driving fast and reckless and then bam. Now if these two car crash these two cars crashed right. Which one of these cars you think is going to be the safest. Which which one of these cars you think is going to be. That the driver is going to survive and you think it's going to be in his Camaro or you think it's going to be this Camry. No the person is going to survive in this Camry because this car don't even have fucking crumble songs. So yeah they're dead but no. But the point is you're driving at a safe speed does not always guarantee that you will not get into an accident not when you got hundreds of other drivers where you're driving safely. But they're driving recklessly it's always the other drivers I got to worry about like I know I'm driving safe. The other people I worry about them. And of course the number one, the number one, the number one cause of accidents distracted driving cell phones. Put the fucking pose down no call is that important. I saw a lady today a kid you're not she just completed a right turn and as soon as she completed the turn. There ain't no text in the world that fucking important where you have to be on your phone while you driving. No, I don't care if I got a text message telling me to hurry up and get to work. I can see on the notification on the top of the phone that's all I need to see I'm not answering you. Nothing I'm driving I'm not answering. It says at the top of the list. Distracted driving is the number one cause of car accidents in the United States each year. And though it is recognized issue it's becoming increasingly worse distracted driving can lead to serious car accidents. Often resulting in severe injuries or fatalities. Distracted driving includes but is not limited to texting while driving operating another handheld device while driving driving with the music blaring and talking to backseat passengers while driving eating while driving and more. You imagine you getting into an accident because the pickle out of your big Mac fell on your lap. And then you get distracted and now you're in some fucking. You're you're in the ass of a of a geometro or whatever car is in front of you because the pickle dropped on your lap. Now I'm I do eat on the road sometimes don't get me wrong I'll have my McDonald's in the passenger seat now tend to take a fry or two there. This one I'm also at a red light like I'm not going to be eating french fries out of a bag doing 80 miles an hour or 70 miles an hour on the highway. That's crazy work if you're doing that not only are you greedy. But you're probably fat too. Maybe don't do it. All right. So be smart behind the wheel and keep all senses attuned to task at hand. Now when it comes to being distracted with kids okay if you notice a lot of cars newer cars are coming with options of putting screens in the back seat there are parents installing entertainment systems in the cars or giving the kids tablets of phones to keep them distracted. Listen I'm not a big fan of doing a screen in the kids face. But if it makes the difference between shutting them up and you being able to drive then by all means that's the perfect time to throw that shit in their face. But kids screaming kids yeah they can be distracting too. I mean, but then again you know having kids is a choice and it comes with a lot of distractions and many other things. Kids are blessings kids are absolute blessings but you got to know all these things when you have a kid these are all the things that come with it. So you can't be like these kids are so distracting and you got to find ways to calm them down you have these kids have to read the fine print anyway I'm done with this episode. Oh, there was one thing I had to read that was something down here I said I was going to read towards the end. What was it what was it? Oh yeah it's it's just a quick little tips to avoid car accidents. Number well I'm gonna start from number. Oh I also gave oh it gives a lot of things gave some facts too. All right 10 things to avoid car accidents. I'm sorry. Am I reading this shit right hold on on people. It's seven things. Number seven pay attention to pedestrians and cyclists that give them plenty of room to maneuver. In New York though the pedestrians and bikers. They don't give drivers enough room at all and here's the thing New York City is catering more to bikers than drivers. I'm telling you New York City at some point is going to be a carless city. Number six be aware of other drivers on the road particularly inexperienced or elderly drivers. But you don't know who the hell is inexperienced or not you can't tell. Elderly drivers. I avoid them at all costs. Number five keep your vehicle in good condition and have a regularly serviced and maintained. You got some new brakes yesterday. Don't be one of those people that just gas and go pay attention to your car. Pay attention to the noises it made. Pay attention to something new that you know may appear around the car or on your tires. These are things you have to pay attention to. Number four adjust your driving habits to account for poor weather and road conditions. So don't be a speed demon in all types of weather. Number three never drive or drink under the influence of drugs. Obviously number two obey the speed limits and traffic signals and avoid aggressive driving behaviors. Number one avoid distractions while driving such as using electronics devices or eating while behind the wheel. Again do not get into an accident because the Krispy Kreme donut fell on the ground. And it's the last donut and you didn't eat nothing all day. And you just want to reach down there near the gas pedal to get the fucking donut. And then before you know it now you're off a cliff for a donut. It sounds extreme but just think there are people that got into accidents being distracted over food. It's happened. It has happened. Don't let it be you but no seriously though. It blows my mind how many accidents we have here in Clarksville alone every single day. It just blows my fucking mind man. Every time I look on Facebook is another accident another accident another accident and I'm just like. Is it that you people are not paying attention that you people cannot drive. Or what I don't know what it is but I just wish I had the signs behind it all. You know what I mean like today's cars are way safer than they ever been before. Like I said this Toyota Camry is super safe. All types of electronics ability controls has got crumple zones to protect you inside the car. So you know it's kind of like a little roll cage design. Both sides get rear ended you're protected. They're a lot safer than they are but they're also more distracting than ever before. And the crazy part is nowadays everybody's driving big SUVs and crossover. Like I said, crossovers are great. They're basically cars big tall cars big truck frame. I mean truck body car chassis. But again, even little SUVs and shit are pretty high high center of gravity. They're easy to roll over. But we tend to feel safe in front of these inside these things. So I don't know. Nonetheless, you got to be safe on the road. Don't get distracted. Be careful. Arrive alive because I promise you. I'm betting on it that before the end of the day, I'm going to hear about two more accidents here in Clarksville. I know I am. I know I am. Anyway, thanks for listening to this episode. Tomorrow will be a very special episode. Tomorrow will actually be tomorrow is the two year anniversary of the Daily Mind podcast. Two years. It's been two years and this is the 383rd episode. Tomorrow will be episode 384. And basically I'm going to go over the past two years of the show. I'm going to go over some milestones and what the top 10 episodes of all time. According to my numbers and statistics of the Daily Mind podcast, one of the episodes. Well, the number one episode will sort of surprise you. It still surprises me when I see it, but I'm not going to reveal that until tomorrow. So stay tuned for that. Also an update on TikTok. I'm still waiting for age verification. Believe it or not, it's been almost a week. I'm able to do live, but I can't do live. I can only do practice live there in the process of going over my age verification to make sure I'm of age. Once that is cleared, then I'll be good to stream on TikTok. But in the meanwhile, I'm streaming on this and this is fine, you know, but I can reach a large audience with TikTok. And I have more of an anticipation for the show on TikTok. If I could get on TikTok, so I'm still waiting there. So I'll give you further updates to the meanwhile, you can still catch the show on Spotify or wherever you listen to podcast. And also just watch it on Instagram for now, but I will let you guys know when I'm on TikTok officially. All right, so thanks for listening. Enjoy the rest of this beautiful Saturday, depending on where you are. And drive safely. I take cars very seriously. I take driving very seriously. For me, it's like a love, it's a science, it's therapy on wheels. I enjoy driving so much. It's me. Driving is me. All right, I'm not the best driver, but I don't try to be the best driver. I just want to be safe. That's what that's what it's all about. Getting to where you need to get to alive. All right, so hey, thanks for listening. We'll do this again some other time. Peace out. Enjoy the rest of your day. Stay tuned for tomorrow's special episode. Two year anniversary. Have a good one. Peace out.