The Daily Mind

Season 16. Episode 382: Dennys vs IHOP ( The Breakfast Wars )

In this final installment of the breakfast wars, I put Dennys and IHOP against each other to find out which one people prefer for an all-american casual breakfast.

Broadcast on:
01 Oct 2024
Audio Format:

it's gonna be a great day. Hey what's up everyone what's going on back again. Welcome to a new podcast episode of the Daily Mine. Not getting on this beautiful Tuesday evening man the weather finally cleared up quite a bit on this area we've been having like showers all the way up until like yesterday. Still left over from Helene believe it or not this kind of swirling around. Sun finally broke through today. Beautiful sunset out there finally some clear skies as opposed to be this way the rest of the week. We'll see you know the tropics is still still kind of cutting up we got like two areas to look at in the golf that is going to be something by next week and then all these other storms in the in the Atlantic. However then none of them are actually even coming close to the US which is a good thing we need a reset we need we need a break we don't need any more storms heading for a while we're still recovering after what you call it after Helene. Anyway hopefully everybody's week. Week is going well so far hopefully your evening is going okay so far I can only hope and you know you kicked off your shoes relaxed your feet and all that other stuff. Update with the show so I finally am now able to stream on TikTok believe it or not it is going to happen. Yes however though I have to wait for age verification. Once it verifies my age the show is good to go so hopefully the first episode streamed on TikTok will hopefully be this Friday. I didn't know that there was a process that you got to wait for and for what I've researched it could take up to maybe 15 minutes a few hours a few days however I was going to have this be the last episode stream on Instagram but I'm going to play it safe and I'm going to wait until I'm officially verified for TikTok and then I'm going to go ahead and then stream from TikTok and I'll record one last episode of this podcast on Instagram with these prototype episodes as I like to call them. These are just test episodes to see what kind of reception I get for the show in preparation for TikTok. Anyway you know when you think things can get worse they do. Veteran actor John Amos passed away today at the age of 84 believe it or not though I come to find out that he didn't pass away today he passed away back in August about a few weeks ago it is just now revealed that he passed away. I guess the family wanted to you know have some privacy they didn't want to come completely like out to the public about it but it just been revealed today that John Amos passed away. If you have not been following John Amos or you don't know who he is he is the father well well known as the father from good times. He played in roots coming to America he has an extensive portfolio not to mention he was a football player at one point I'm not going fully pro but you know he played some football before he before he went to acting however though 84 years old he passed away leaving a legacy of just a lot and just now that I think about it him and James Jones passed almost around the same time frame and they both were from coming to America. I hope this is not some sort of coming to America curse of some sort I can only hope not but I just now thought about it it's a it's a strange coincidence however though a lot of people have been passing in terms of celebrities lately so it's been a rough few months for Hollywood anyway my day with pretty smooth can't complain I'm just like I said making my final preparations for the move to TikTok and as it goes you know I still got to have this show go on your boy Ray thanks for joining man I see right now you're the only one that's joined but it's okay like I said this is a this is just a prototype livestream I'm not expecting a lot of people to be on it but but a few that's on it you know I do appreciate it rather before see you guys all right so I know yesterday I was going to talk about Hurricane Helene but I want to just change gears real quick I want to wrap up the breakfast wars I've done already maybe two episodes of the breakfast wars putting McDonald's Burger King Starbucks don't get against each other I have one more entity I want to do before I wrap up the breakfast wars and I want to pit together Denny's versus I have now this these two are legendary Peter thanks for joining man you're right on time Denny's versus I hop I want to wrap the breakfast wars up with these two entities because they are just so similar yet in a sense different I personally like I hop better there's a Denny's that I have out here in my area that's just I don't know me and my wife we went a couple of times recently and just it just I don't know whether it could be it could be the time that we went because both times we went pretty late between like 10 11 o'clock at night and Denny's for what I know is not 24 hours so perhaps the quality of the restaurant kind of dwindles around that time and maybe the best time to go to Denny's is probably in the morning I mean there no more for the breakfast than like the lunch and dinner anyway however though I wasn't I'm not a fan that much of Denny's maybe it's just this location that I'm in but I hop is I think better but it ain't that much better because now even I hop has been falling off the map as we speak anyway I'm going to do it I'm going to go right into it Denny's versus I hop which one is better and of course those who are watching a live stream please put your input in about which one is which because I know you guys probably got something to say in regards to which one is better and you may even disagree with me which is fine it's all opinionated yeah where Denny's is much prefer I hop I agree I totally agree we're already on the right start here all right so I did find an article comparing the two it's called it's from a website called eat this not that this website it brings down the five major differences between the two this was just published this year so it's pretty valid even if it was an article published two three years ago and wouldn't have made a difference because it's still very much valid the article is written by Brianna Rubak it's actually kind of cute in the picture oh for my wife's not looking at that anyway I'm gonna get right into the article it goes to say who said breakfast is just a morning meal certainly not Denny's or I hop the two restaurant chains serve breakfast all day so customers can rest assured knowing their pancake and bacon cravings will be satisfied no matter what hour they get their meal it says also aside from being known for their breakfast both chain serve lunch and dinner and casual family friendly environment the two have also their own merchandise as Denny's call it dinner drip there's no denying the notable overlap between both restaurant concepts however they each have their own unique qualities and menu items that help differentiate them from each other the next time you're deciding on a breakfast chain you'll want to keep a few elements in mind before grabbing your table yes they are different they serve damn near everything the same everything to say I think Denny's had one up over I hop and it was the grand slam breakfast or some shit they had which I think people have said they've kind of fell into obscurity they can't really find the grand slam breakfast or if they do the prices went up drastically it used to be I think 599 for the grand slam biscuit I mean breakfast and you got everything you got fucking sausages you got eggs pancakes everything with the grand slam breakfast but you know inflation shrinkflation these things are starting to disappear alright so it goes to describing number one and it breaks down by the looks of the store what they got to offer pricing everything so the first thing they highlight in this is the store footprint now if you go back in a day I hop used to be like this still some of them are like this the very skinny triangle buildings before they were called I hop they were called international house of pancakes yes people that's what I hop stand for you be surprised how many people don't know that but that's to be expected of a newer generation older generation when you went to this place it spelled it out in complete wording there was no no I hop it was international house of pancakes alright so the store footprint it says both I hop and Denny's have a strong presence in the breakfast chain world with I hop having the larger footprint between the two as of June of last year there are 1790 I hop locations all around the world now what's funny is I've never seen an I hop outside of the US and you know I'm in the military I've been virtually everywhere and especially Europe and I can tell you I've never seen a fucking I hop in Europe I need to look that up because one thing when I was in Italy was that it was very hard to find anything that was 24 hours there was there's nothing ever opened 24 hours the fact that this they're saying this I hop somewhere yeah it's crazy it says basically that there I hop in every 50 state all 50 states two US territories and 13 additional countries again I'm gonna look it up because I've never seen a fucking I hop outside in the US and Jay quest 04 thanks for joining appreciate it you're right on time show just started a few minutes ago you're good to go now meanwhile Denny's it says that Denny's is slightly smaller it has uh one hunt I mean I'm sorry 1573 locations as of December of last year within its restaurant portfolio they have chain locations in all 50 states two US territories and they just operate it in 12 additional countries where the fucking these restaurants at outside because if I got to go back overseas somewhere I'm gonna try to find an I hop I can tell you there's no waffle house outside of the US that's for sure but these two I'll make it a mission it's gotta be somewhere I mean an easy google search probably will tell me where these places are all right now I will tell you the atmosphere when it comes to the store footprint Denny's is a little bit more dimmer and a little bit more chilled inside I hop is a little bit more inviting I think when you walk into what I hop you feel I don't know I think when you walk inside I hop you feel more excited the one to eat there I don't think like Denny's it's like at least the location and I have here the lighting is very dim it's nice it's a nice low setting got a TV I don't think I've ever seen the TV inside I hop but I can tell you Denny's definitely have a TV so I give as far as the outside appearance I don't care too much about because when I go to restaurants to me the most the first thing that catches my eye is not even the menu it's the overall interior decor of the place if it's a nice setting it's probably going to be pretty good at least we want to think that but no when we walk into these places we want to feel comfortable we want to feel welcome we want to feel excited somebody's places are exciting some of them are comfortable like I said I hop is a little bit more exciting to walk into Denny's a little bit more chill to walk into it either way I think I give it to I hop on that one I like to be excited when I walk in and go get something to eat you know what I mean I mean have you ever walked into a restaurant just super excited like you go into that you go into the restaurant it's nice it looks beautiful and you're just like man I'm excited for you all right now every restaurant this next one every restaurant is doing it it's no secret rewards program rewards programs are awesome you save money you build points however a lot of these places they you know if you don't use the points you lose them I found that out the hard way with McDonald's racked up a lot of points had to go overseas and therefore I couldn't use the app overseas long story short when I came back I lost everything every goddamn thing anyway both do offer rewards programs it says that if you find yourself become a regular at either of these breakfast spots you might want to consider becoming a loyalty member last summer Denny's gamified it's rewards program so customers can unlock perks after completing various challenges Denny's rolls out as challenges every month and the rewards become available the following month or at the expiration of the challenge window according to the chain's website meanwhile I hot rewards is centered around the international bank of pancakes oh that's cute um this program uh customers can earn one pan coin never even heard of this but then again I don't have any of their apps uh for every five dollars spent at the breakfast chain uh these pan coins can be redeemed for various menu items and perks where three pan coins earn customers a short stack of three pancakes that sounds pretty though I mean I I think it's innovative then Denny's turned it into a video game which makes it fun I mean that's what a lot of these restaurants are like nowadays um especially with their apps like video games you know Denny's decided to gamify it I hop try to keep it you know I keep a little bit more traditional which is cool oh man Kaori welcome welcome this is we're talking about your favorite subject here pancakes and and and Waffle House and iHOP so I don't know which one you think is better type it in there and I'll read it out loud I'm pretty sure it's gonna be weird um however though um I can't agree or disagree with any of these I don't have any of their rewards programs I mean my wife and I we do go to these places we don't go very often but we go with we go to these places and it's funny because I said that for now one whatever restaurant I go to even for the first time I'm gonna get their app because I'm telling you right now for somebody like me who who drives take really long road trips these type of reward program apps they're gonna work out in your favor I mean honestly especially if you're on a road or you frequent these places or you know you take a lot of your dates to these places I don't know but if you want to save yourself a little bit of money you probably want to go and check it out all right now this next category I think this is perhaps the most important part of this episode and the comparison of these two menu items I think this is where this is the meat of potatoes of this uh thing now again both iHop and Denny's are fundamentally the same shit they got very much the same similar thing however they they put their little spin on it um when it's cheaper than the other one has better quality food than the other I mean either way you go to these places uh they they they're very much the same now it says menu items yes both Denny's and iHop offer a lot of the same dinner-style menu items pancakes omelettes burgers sandwiches you get the gist however they are some offerings one chain offer than the other restaurant lacks it says take whoa almost knock my mic over geez it says take iHop for example the breakfast hotspot serves a variety of sweet and savory creeps ranging from cinnamon buns to chicken pesto chicken pesto anyway denny's on the other hair only offers a sweet option iHop also has bigger selection of biscuit options a few chain specific items you can find at denny's include the brisket or melt sandwich melt people bourbon chicken skillet and mac and biscuit skillet as always menu item availability can vary by location now when it comes to the food quality okay i know um iHop has chicken and waffle that i know they have i had it one time it blew my mind um yes i am big chicken fingers fan i know some people are like what are you five years old you know they're just they're not i'm gonna shut the fuck up anyway one thing denny's have over iHop i say is the burgers denny's burgers are definitely better than iHop have you seen the size of a denny's burger it's massive even if you don't even get the double cheeseburger the one patty burger alone is enough to fill you up i mean shit there was a couple of times that burger damn there took me down however though um iHop i think they definitely got the pancakes i mean they'll be crazy if somebody said that denny's pancakes are better than iHop's pancakes at that point gunshots kill yourself it's no fucking way um but denny's definitely have the burger seen on lock iHop their burgers are pretty decent i mean they got a nice little dinner option the last time i went to iHop i think i ordered i think i ordered a cheeseburger some shit like that it's pretty decent again nothing on the same level as denny's denny's shit is just it's more gourmet but iHop when it comes to breakfast now the breakfast again i said this before i'm not a big breakfast person but i will say when it comes to breakfast at least my wife thinks so i think she said something in the lines that denny's was better don't don't quote me on it i think she said something in the lines that denny's is better however no i can't really i can't really disagree or agree again i'm not big on breakfast i find myself going to iHop in the morning ordering a lunch item hey it's 24 hours a certain iHop locations you can get breakfast 24 fucking hours so why not get lunch in the morning and zico miss starry hey thanks for joining me i appreciate it um again why not why not have lunch for breakfast so i think as far as menu items i'm gonna say i'm split denny's got the burger iHop got the pancakes it's cut and dry i think in that aspect yeah now it's funny this next category pancakes yes pancakes that's true never trying anything besides any breakfast it's true i told you i know i'm not the only one i'm not the only one uh the next category has pancakes again both locations serve this i think both of them even serve waffles i could be wrong i know for a fact that one of them serves waffles it's pancakes number four that it breaks down now i think this is the most important part of this as well because what the fuck is breakfast without a pancake from these locations why don't you just go there for a boil egg no it says if you look closely at both chains pancake options you'll find some differences that go beyond the flavor a quality repeatedly excess and various taste tests at iHop you can choose from a variety like cupcake pancakes new york cheesecake and multi multiple protein pancake option hey already you like protein shit you probably need to go get yourself a protein uh pancake option anyway denny's doesn't currently offer these pancake choices however it does serve salted caramel banana pancakes diabetically diabetically delicious i'm sure um in addition to hercy's chocolate chip pancake puppies two menu items you won't find on iHop's menu as we speak let's be real to a point wow wait till i finish reading that part i already said it before iHop pancakes are definitely better additionally iHop recently launched its new pancake of the month program on the first of every month the chamber released a new limited time pancake flavor uh combo to encourage customers to try its new pancakes iHop has an added loyalty challenge to its program those who ordered a pancake of the month at least twice in one month will at least um will earn 10 pancakes again that that's like the loyalty rewards program hey jake man thanks for joining appreciate it um they'll earn 10 pancakes for that month customers who ordered a new pancake at least once a month every month for the entire year will score a hundred bonus pancakes again i don't know what you really can do with these pancakes but i could assume you get free food if you earn enough pan coins so again get those loyal tv awards programs i'm telling you they rack up they'll save you some money down the road especially if you got kids all right pricing i think nowadays this next category oh by the way yes iHop has the better pancake i've already established it number five the pricing between these two because this is most important now remember it's like don't get in starbucks starbucks is like target don't get is like walmart walmart is cheap don't get his cheap don't get again there's a reason why starbucks is more expensive go back to that episode i explained it all in there all right now pricing especially for like you know we're all cash strapped um oh no don't even worry about it jake you're good man a few minutes here in it it's all good don't even worry about it if you can't stick around for the show no problem it's in my if you can't stay for the show that's anyone it's going to my news uh my picture reel the whole episode is on there in in case you can't stick around for the whole thing it's all good again going back to pricing we're all strapped to cash we're all trying to save a little money so which one is the cheaper option now cheaper isn't always best expensive isn't always best again these two places are different but fundamentally the same um it says chain restaurant pricing can vary by location but you may notice one spot to be friendlier on your wallet when comparing a few menu items at new york based denny's and iHOP denny's came out on top as the least expensive uh the less expensive option specifically denny's super slam which include that's what it's called not the grand slam although i'm pretty sure there was something called the grand slam but the super slam breakfast uh it says include two buttermilk pancakes two bacon strips two eggs and hash browns cost 10.99 meanwhile iHOP's smokehouse combo which includes the same breakfast items minus the strips of bacon cost a whopping 17.75 fucking cent gunshot ain't no way uh the philly cheese steak omelet at denny's is 15.99 while the similar big steak omelet at iHOP is 18.99 the trend continues with kids menu um items for example the junior cheeseburger at denny's cost five dollars and 19 cents while iHOP variety is 9.29 so you already kind of get the idea and i think um a lot of us have already known this is that yes iHOP is more expensive than denny's no secret there right so it also goes to say in the article with that being said pricing could be even lower depending on the restaurant chains available deals for instance iHOP is currently holding the iHOP-y hour which kicks off at 3 p.m at participating restaurants with this deal customers can score various menu items like chicken and pancakes or the classic steak burger starting at six dollars and again just like um McDonald's don't get these places depending like if these are franchise locations you know the owners can even come up with their own deals you know what i mean and and you never know and again also to keep in mind when it comes to pricing it all it all depends on location it all depends on location like if you're in the city and you find these options like denny's iHOP they're gonna cost you more if you're in the rural areas and the suburbs and whatnot they're gonna cost you less but nonetheless it you know iHOP is always going to be bigger than denny's is going to also be more expensive generic railroad uh railroad man thanks hey it's been a while since i spoke to you man we go back a long ways man thanks for joining thanks for joining now the one thing it it didn't highlight in this and i'm pretty sure i'm gonna find it on reddit customer service customer service i'm gonna be completely honest with you both locations iHOP and denny's they both ask as of lately i don't know this this customer service has been slow the last time i've been to denny's um denny's basically um they were really slow it was late at night too but this seems to be a uh a running gag with a lot of places a lot of uh these restaurants have been short staffed since covid and also a lot of people don't want to work at these places no more i'm gonna be real with you even with the um even with the the um the um the raises and whatnot some people don't want to work there but there are people that still got to fill these positions and there are people that are still willing to work there for a decent paycheck or at least a paycheck but customer service um my most recent one at denny's they took pretty long and i mean the place wasn't even crowded it was probably just me my wife and then another group and boy it took forever to get that food i don't know what the fuck was going on and iHOP was the same but the last time i attempted to go to iHOP once again the shit was packed it was crowded it was like a damn what 30 45 minute wait it was insane all right now let's take this to reddit as you know there's always a subreddit but every goddamn thing now i'm gonna read some of the stuff from reddit see what people got to say and then we'll go from there now there's a subreddit casual conversation and they mentioned which one was the superior denny's iHOP now this apparently was created five years ago so i don't even know if it's an active reddit anymore uh subreddit now the person asked when they made the post they said i was just wondering which of america's diners are better are the better one i haven't been to a denny's in the wild but frequent at iHOP for a spell when they were advertising the international house of burgers yes i remember that that was a few years ago uh because they were close by and i haven't been the denny's in the wild but i feel as if there may be a general consensus by the public and i'm just curious which one is better somebody mentioned that waffle house is the better option i done an episode and i pinned up i pinned iHOP against uh waffle house and i said at first that waffle house was better but then later on i retracted and said that iHOP is better because let's be honest all right every waffle house you go to it has the same exact decor it does not change it's the same layout everything feels greasy but the food is delicious and i'm telling you right now be that one special cook that's there whipping up everything and the shit tastes good now if you're looking for fine dining waffle house would not be it it's a quick easy place to go get some food watch a fight or two and that's it hold on oh man i would just kick it god damn bless me anyway this person said waffle house but yeah if you go to a waffle house anytime after midnight you are risking your life for sure you're risking your life now this person danny says is there any access to a waffle house in the pacific northwest i'll be honest with you i think for what i've seen on waffle house map um the furthest up north i think a waffle house is somewhere in indiana or ohio now on east coast right the furthest one up north there was one found in maryland maryland i think was the furthest up north that uh a waffle house was found if you're down here in tennessee like me there's a waffle house every god damn where in fact in clarksville alone i think they are at least three waffle houses i'm not even joking there's at least three of them bitches and you don't got to go very far it's like dollar general dollar generals are everywhere out here you never have to go far and they're still expanding um let's see what else people got to say all right this person said dennies because it's open 24 hours where else can i get a grilled cheese with mozzarella sticks at 3 a.m the fried cheese melt is sacred i don't think my locations open 24 hours but i will tell you that um i hop is definitely open 24 hours i'm not sure about dennies i have to look into that um what else let's see what else somebody got to say uh this person lickerman said my vote is for i hop the food is more authentic maybe maybe it's a little bit more gourmet that's why it's also a little bit more expensive it's like Starbucks and um it's like Starbucks and and Duncan Starbucks invest more money and for better quality so this shit's gonna cost more and of course the goods and sales cards as i explained to before um Starbucks don't absorb all that i mean a lot of this shit is corporate you know all this stores is corporate rent there are no franchise Starbucks that's the big difference between Duncan and Nat excuse me i am having allergies are kicking up but that's okay the show is almost done i just want to read a few more reddit i should be taking tallies to see which is better who said as it says as it shows right now it's kind of an even split between the two uh this person by the name little prince rex says that i usually go to i hop if i'm doing breakfast or some other actual meal most of my dennies visits are when am post concert party hangouts with friends where i usually just get milkshakes and maybe something small to snack on waffle house is the perfect post club place to go to too i mean where else can you get food at 3 a.m after drink after a drunken binge you know all right next person said i hop it feels homey even the new ones because the older ones used to be all wood like the inside of a cabin the people seem to be nicer there whenever i go to dennies which isn't very often the service act like you're bothering them i didn't notice that one time in fact i remember growing up in the 90s into the 2000s dennies got in a shitload of racial discrimination complaints from customers and for a little bit black people used to avoid going to dennies because of all these allegations and whatnot and um that's that's the funny thing about it dennies used to be known as a racist place i mean i didn't start going i think the first time i've been to a dennies jesus christ they have to been sometime enough 2010s i don't know but i can tell you for every time i went to dennies i never experienced any racial discrimination just long waits for food uh this person said dennies for sure i hop by my house is the worst miss boombastic said i will always choose dennies so i feel like it's not even split uh ink water said i hop if i want a sodium overload and a dining room full of grandparents the dennies or crack a barrel though my preference would look like this um this other person said uh superiority between dennies and i hop is based on which one is closest to the nearest cardiac care unit damn i've never heard anybody getting a heart attack in a dennies or i hop and this last one said dennies because of their dining their diner comfort feeling with the breakfast menu i hop is fine but i don't get that good dining vibe from i hop yes i did say when you go into a dennies uh dennies feel more like homely i hop feels a little bit more modern so dennies is a much more chill vibe especially the morning time i think that's the best time to go to a dennies i don't agree with going at night especially for the breakfast if you're gonna go to dennies for breakfast go in the morning and then lunch or whatever other time you know you got that going but that's i think that's the best time like that's the best time we had a good breakfast from dennies was when we went in the morning at night not so much i hop um yeah breakfast in the morning for sure their pancakes is good all day long no matter what and then waffle house well waffle house you can get whatever you want there anytime of the day at night and they're typically open 24 hours a day seven days a week so it looks almost as if there's not a major disparity between both i think people are very equal when it comes to which one is better dennies are i hop like i said i like i hop better dennies definitely got the burger on lock but i like i hop better i think i hop is a little bit more modern dennies is chilled yeah but i think if i had to measure them both i hop would be here dennies will be here that's not a big disparity and it doesn't it seems like the case even already there's not like a a really large gap between the two places they seem to be equally loved so shout out to both of them so that now i'm wrapping up the breakfast wars i'm not comparing any more breakfast stuff i think it's pretty dry that's the beautiful thing about choice is that you have choice you can either go to a dennies you can either go to i hop you can go to a Starbucks go to a donkey your pocket your wallet money is the most powerful tool in your decision making day like when it comes to eating if you feel like a place is too expensive then fuck it don't go there like i said before you know a lot of people we complain about these restaurants the service the quality you know you have a choice you don't have to go to these places like what i do is this right like i had an episode on tipping and there are some people that don't tip at all i don't agree with that i don't care how bad the service is how fucked up the waitress or the waiter maybe give them a tip all right that is not an easy job and they rely on the tip so i think at the very minimum right the very minimum i will give for a tip is five bucks if the service of shit was really bad now typically i'm a decent tip right tip between like fifteen twenty dollars a tip yeah i'm dead serious i remember at a red lobster i tipped this one woman she was having a really really rough fucking day i tipped that at least what 25 bucks and that made her day like it's it's things like that it's not an easy job having to deal with whiny kids throwing shrimp and french fries all over the fucking place and then you got the moms that's there demanding just demanding the most ridiculous stuff i mean it's it's you get what i'm saying i'm kind of drifting off it again your wallet is power your money is power so wherever you feel like you want to eat you don't want to eat you have that choice you've always had that choice don't ever think anything different all right so hey real quick all right now tiktok is in the process of processing my live streams it's going through an age verification and today i was going to have this be the last episode on instagram but i'm not going to do that um just simply because i'm not on tiktok yet plus like i said i'm aiming to have an episode on tiktok if everything is approved on friday friday hopefully would be the very first episode of this podcast to be live stream on tiktok i personally think that's where this is going to take off the most i hope we'll see um like i said like i said i'm using instagram as a test bed for streaming i used another site before called bigo i don't know anybody on there but i'm testing the waters with people i know and people i don't know that join in and out of the podcast so if you are watching i appreciate it if you've been listening on spotify or wherever you listen to uh my podcast i greatly appreciate it too but stay tuned i will let you know when uh when instagram is hot i mean tiktok is hot and if you have me already on tiktok perfect you'll get the notifications right away if you don't have me on tiktok don't worry just uh i'll get i'll get you guys the username when it when it goes hot all right thanks for listening to the podcast as usual all right i'm done for the night i'll do this again next time stay tuned for the next episode notifications all that and again i will keep streaming on here uh appreciate it man thank you thank you i'm doing my best man i'm doing my best for somebody who used to be extremely shy camera shy all that shit dude i appreciate it but again stay tuned and you know the show will soon be moving to instagram me instagram already on fucking instagram moving to tiktok soon hopefully by the end of the week all right so hey thank you thank you have a great night we'll do this again next time peace out have a good one see you later