On this week's episode of the "I Wish You Knew" podcast, Adam and Sarah sit down with Tanner Guzy, a masculine style coach and author of the fantastic (Adam recommended) book "The Appearance of Power." Together, they have an insightful conversation about masculinity, style, and how men can step into their power and have the confidence to be their best selves.
Tanner shares his perspective on why appearance matters for men, and how style is connected to confidence, leadership, and embracing responsibility. He explains his approach of starting from the inside out - getting clear on a man's identity and values first, before finding a style that aligns with who you are and what you want to present to the world.
They also discuss the transitions from boyhood to manhood, and why many modern men feel stuck in "perpetual adolescence." Tanner stresses the importance of rites of passage and modeling aspirational masculinity.
In the episode they also cover:
- The signals a good watch conveys about a man's time and status
- Why men dress safely instead of authentically
- How to upgrade your basic jeans and t-shirt look
- The role women can play in encouraging healthy masculinity
- Teaching men social graces and confidence in any situation
If you're a man looking to step into your power and potential, this conversation offers some great insights. Tanner shares actionable style advice, while Adam and Sarah provide the male and female perspectives on what confidence looks like.
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Need more help with your attachment? Work with Adam: www.adamlanesmith.com
Looking to develop in your relationships? Work with Sarah: www.sarahdawnmoore.com
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Follow Tanner Guzy:
Website: www.masculine-style.com
Twitter: www.twitter.com/tannerguzy
Instagram: www.instagram.com/tannerguzy/
Tanner’s Book: www.amazon.com/Appearance-Power-Masculinity-Expressed-Aesthetics/dp/1979138400
Follow Adam Lane Smith:
Website: www.adamlanesmith.com
Youtube: @attachmentadam
Instagram: www.instagram.com/attachmentadam
Twitter: www.twitter.com/TheBrometheus
Tiktok: www.tiktok.com/@attachmentbro
Follow Sarah Dawn Moore:
Website: www.sarahdawnmoore.com/home
Youtube: @sarahdawnmoore
Instagram: www.instagram.com/sarahdawnmoore
Twitter: www.twitter.com/SarahDawnMoore
Tiktok: www.tiktok.com/@sarahdawnmoore
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