The Women to Wealth Podcast

Episode #49 - How To Be Healthy In An Unhealthy World

We’re pumped to announce our new 6-week Health Program for Women designed to help you reclaim your energy, vitality, and well-being! Whether you're struggling with fatigue, inflammation, or hormonal imbalances, this program is for YOU.

What You’ll Learn:

Week 1: Stop waking up tired with 7 life-changing sleep tips

Week 2: 3 things that make a surprisingly big difference to your health

Week 3: Detox: When it helps and when it does more harm

Week 4: Master gut health & digestive issues

Week 5: How to spot and fix adrenal fatigue

Week 6: The science of women’s health: What your doc isn’t telling you

Program Outcomes:

More energy and better sleep

Understanding what’s really affecting your health

Improved digestion and hormone balance

Reduced stress and better overall well-being

How it works

1 x LIVE 30 min call each week with Dani Catania (recording access available)

A community for support & accountability within Women to Wealth

Access to the lifetime of the 6-week program coaching

Led by our expert Dani, a rebel dietitian with 18+ years of experience in health and nutrition

Dani has worked with some big names in the sports nutrition space, including the St Kilda AFL Football Club, Melbourne Victory Football Club, The Victorian Institute of Sport, Athletics Australia, The Australian Ballet School, The National Theatre Ballet School, and many development athletes who have gone on to medal at the Olympics, the Paralympics and World Championships. She also has taught at training institutions, including ACU, RMIT and the Victorian Fitness Academy.

Dani brings a unique, holistic approach that breaks free from the traditional health mold.

Limited spots available – Sign up today and let’s raise our level of health & well-being

Only $47

WTW Method Members - access for free!Secure your spot NOW

Broadcast on:
11 Oct 2024
Audio Format:

We’re pumped to announce our new 6-week Health Program for Women designed to help you reclaim your energy, vitality, and well-being! Whether you're struggling with fatigue, inflammation, or hormonal imbalances, this program is for YOU. What You’ll Learn:
  • Week 1: Stop waking up tired with 7 life-changing sleep tips
  • Week 2: 3 things that make a surprisingly big difference to your health
  • Week 3: Detox: When it helps and when it does more harm
  • Week 4: Master gut health & digestive issues
  • Week 5: How to spot and fix adrenal fatigue
  • Week 6: The science of women’s health: What your doc isn’t telling you
Program Outcomes:
  • More energy and better sleep
  • Understanding what’s really affecting your health
  • Improved digestion and hormone balance
  • Reduced stress and better overall well-being
How it works
  • 1 x LIVE 30 min call each week with Dani Catania (recording access available)
  • A community for support & accountability within Women to Wealth
  • Access to the lifetime of the 6-week program coaching
Led by our expert Dani, a rebel dietitian with 18+ years of experience in health and nutrition Dani has worked with some big names in the sports nutrition space, including the St Kilda AFL Football Club, Melbourne Victory Football Club, The Victorian Institute of Sport, Athletics Australia, The Australian Ballet School, The National Theatre Ballet School, and many development athletes who have gone on to medal at the Olympics, the Paralympics and World Championships. She also has taught at training institutions, including ACU, RMIT and the Victorian Fitness Academy.   Dani brings a unique, holistic approach that breaks free from the traditional health mold.   Limited spots available – Sign up today and let’s raise our level of health & well-being Only $47 WTW Method Members - access for free!
Secure your spot NOW 

Welcome to the Women to World podcast. This is a space for women who want more, who want to earn more, who want to live more, who want to give more. So let's be the women who go out and live a life worth living. So I'm here with Danny Katanya and Danny, thank you for joining me today as well. With this chat, I know we've been in behind the scenes conversations because we're creating something that's going to be very, very cool within the Women to World space. And I'm super grateful to be creating that with you. And we're going to talk about that at the end of this conversation. But for those listening in who may be your meeting or hearing of Danny Katanya for the first time, we've actually done some really cool things together over the years. 'Cause I've been bringing you in, I've kind of, yeah, I've been tapping on your shoulder a bit over the last few years. Like, I'm like, come, I need your help with this. Come, the ladies need you to talk to this. And the reason being is because health is a core pillar in Women to Wealth because we know if we don't have that functioning at a high level, there's a very slim chance that anything else can function at a high level. And so Danny Katanya is a dietitian. She is a leading expert in, I would say, alternate thinking in nutrition and in lifestyle. And that's what I've loved about you, Danny, is you actually take all these, I'm gonna say they're not big words, but they're big conversations in the world. Very diverse, very opinionated, right? There's so much going on in that space. But what I appreciate and what I know women who have worked with you in our space appreciate is your real world terms and relatability and taking what can seem complicated and overwhelming and like do your head in kind of information and making it like, oh, I get that. I know I can be in charge of my health. I know what I can do to help my health. Great, thank you for giving me that power and empowering me. So I know for you as well, I just wanna kind of ring your horn for a little bit because you have had an incredible background. You have worked with some of the biggest sports stars and sporting teams. So in AFL, it's St. Kilda. Now, I'm not a big AFL fan, but I think anyone in Australia knows who that is. Probably everyone over sees knows who that team is. So St. Kilda, AFL, the Australian Ballet, you've worked with sports stars, taking them to the Olympics, to the World Championships. Maybe you wanna expand on that a little bit more because before we get into our conversation, which I'm excited for, I would love to know having worked with some of the biggest names, what has surprised you most about working with people at that level and switching them into a new gear of their health? If you can expand on that and share with us what you love most about it and then let's get into the conversation. Awesome, Nick, thank you so much for having me in. That's a cool question. No one's ever asked me that before and that is a very, very cool question. So I would probably say two things actually, two things have been surprising. I think when I, working across different teams and different types of athletes, I think that's probably been number one, the biggest surprise of how, so some sports, so you say like in AFL football, I think it's probably, I would dare say, probably where the money is as well. So in AFL, I worked with a lot of swing champs as well. Those type of sports tend to be, actually the money actually doesn't work and I'll explain why in a second, but for the most part, they take their nutrition really seriously. In fact, I remember it almost becomes a religion when especially like if it's pre-game or pre-event and that's when you know that you're at the top of your game when you have like the religious type like days, like three days out from a game or from an event. So that's probably fact number one. I think the other thing is it's equally surprising when I see athletes that are very talented. So at the moment I'm working with some circus athletes and to contrast that like I've worked with jockeys and dancers and so it's those kind of sports actually where I think when nutrition is like just if not more paramount to the sport or to the event, where it's actually they don't consider themselves as athletes. So fun fact for you, but yeah, I think that's been probably the most surprising thing of working in sport, you know, where I've worked with some incredible people and yeah, it's just been an incredible ride. The thing that I'm loving most now is probably over the last, I always say probably more like 10 years, working especially with women as I become a mum myself. I've got a seven year old daughter who is on nearly eight. And I think in that in that journey, I think realizing how not only important women's health is, but I go to say it's critical because we are, whether you're a mother or not or you're in a care space or not, whether you're driving a business home or whatever space you find yourself in. I think we have such incredible power and for us to be able to put our health back on the priority list, this is what I've been really passionate about, probably over the last 10 years. - Yeah, I love that, Denny. And you are leading the way with that. And it's so important, you know, I was sharing with you when we were speaking the other week that I got pneumonia a few weeks ago. And it knocked me absolutely sideways. I have never been that unwell. And I just lost all that. Just my body just was not functioning. My mind was not functioning. And it was just that reminder that very visceral, obviously reminder, like I was experiencing it, of just how important our health is, our overall health, our mind, our body, our spirit, all of that. And you just never want to get to the point where it's like, you know, you lose it before you appreciate it. It's like, no, you said something that how important it is. It's like, it is vital. And, you know, speaking to women every day and you saying people like jockeys or people who work in the circus, they never really picture themselves with athletes and maybe they're the nutrition or the lifestyle isn't as important or front of mind for them. But I think that's the everyday person. I think that's the everyday woman at times is that, you know, especially in our space, it's women wanting to create different results in their life and elevate their results. But it really amuses me because I'm like, we can't elevate any result until we elevate ourselves. And that includes our health. And so really just bringing it to the forefront, like you said, and, you know, for anyone listening in, I'm sure you all agree. It's like, oh my gosh, do not wait for the sign or the experience or until you lose your health until you make it the priority in your life. So that's what we're here to talk about today. - Yeah, and if I can, a hundred percent, and I think if I can add something to that, is listen to your body when it whispers, not when it screams. And that's really what we're talking about today, right? How you can, I think really the theme for today is how to stay healthy in an increasingly unhealthy world. That's really what I'm super passionate about. - I wanna dive into that straightaway, you just saying that because, you know, and this is just, I guess, my opinion and experience with what I see. On one side, we have more information and access to answers than we've ever had. We have more research than we have more brilliant minds in this, on this one earth and we've ever had. You know, it's all there. Yet it feels like and looks like we are becoming more and more unhealthy from different things. And, you know, there was research done recently and they did a study with adults and it was 70%, I think I wrote it down, it's 70% of adults are reporting higher levels of stress and generally feeling more unhealthy. These last couple of years post the big old C, or just say the big old C, I think everyone knows what I'm talking about. So post the big old C, 70% of adults are feeling that way. And so that to me, I'm like, okay, what are we dealing with here? Can you speak to that? We have all this access more than ever before. We generally know, I think the average person generally knows how to be healthy, but then we're dealing with a world that maybe has never been so unhealthy on the other side. Like we're dealing with different external variables in our food, in our air, you know, or what we're putting on our body. Can you just speak to that a little bit? Yeah, 100%. And I think I've been on this journey probably for the last, I would say eight years before we had my daughter 'cause I had, and just to, I haven't shared this actually very openly, but I heard an early miscarriage and it was a bit of a wake that before I had earlier. And it was a bit of a wake up call because it was, it was like actually, I know better, I know we can do better. And as I started to deep dive into cleaner living and picking up heart things that were, you know, destroying our health, why was that so important at that particular time in my life because I was trying to create new life? And I see it, I have a lot of friends, it's very sad at the moment I see, and I know most of us would know either someone who's struggling with the challenge of infertility or who's gone, who's had recurrent miscarriages and my heart absolutely breaks because there are so many things that we can do and that we're not here to talk about, you know, fertility and miscarriages a little off the off topic, but just to highlight, there are some clues as to what's going on around us that kind of highlights some of, I guess, the world that we're living in. And I think, you know, you touched on it. I actually made a bit of a list in front of me 'cause I was like, well, what is making our world so unhealthy at the moment? And why is it, like you said, we've got, we have access to so much more information than we did, say, 100 years ago, but we have so many more challenges to combat as a result. So everything from EMF to geoengineering to 5G phone towers to, you know, environmental toxins, mandates, you know, things like, you know, pharmaceuticals that are being used in our old livestock. And then obviously we're consuming that, you know, GMO, heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, you know, and all of the farming chemicals. And I'm actually probably going to stop there because I don't want to, like, I'm, this is not about, this is not about. - It's a lot, I don't even want to walk outside. - And this is the thing in that, and I'm a very, like, kind of 80, 20 person, right? If we can, if we can do our best 80% of the time, control what we can control, that you are, there's never, you, we don't live in a ball of cotton wool, we were never designed to do that. But what we were designed is we weren't designed, we weren't designed to cope with this onslaught of an, and barrage of chemicals and things around us, most of which we can actively reduce in our immediate environment and we should be doing that. - Yeah, and I could probably go on to just having a look at my notes too, that I think when, you know, this is, like I said, it's not about a rabbit hole, this is really about, like, what is the, what is the end point, right? Because I love your podcast, Nick, and I listen to it. I love the fact, like, we're all women looking for more success in all areas of our life, in money, in business, and in health. And when the health kind of piece or puzzle piece drops, you know, it's things that can result in things like, you know, not being able to think clearly or focus clearly or having that brain fog or feeling indecisive. It can be, you know, how, how will you feel in your body? And the way we talk about that is our inflammatory state, right? And it's like, that can show up in lots of different ways. I'm sure we'll talk about that as we go on. - Yeah, can we, maybe let's look at that now because it's about where to start. That's what my, where my thinking is going, you know, for someone listening to this, it's like, okay, yeah, that's what we're up against in a sense. And hey, we were designed in a way that we are strong and our bodies do incredible magic work. But there's things that it wasn't designed for. And so that, you know, knowing what we're up against, then it's about where do I start? And you mentioned something there because what I heard was awareness of maybe knowing your body, knowing how you do feel, but then how you could feel, you know? So how do you pick up on, you know, if my body is inflamed? How do I pick up on if my body is operating at a three out of 10? And I think I'm, I think I'm normal. I think I'm a seven or eight out of 10. But actually, no, you're operating down here like shit, quite frankly. You know, like you're not getting shit done. You don't have clarity when you get up in the morning. You're, you know, drinking wine to chill yourself down at night and you're sipping on three coffees a day just to perk yourself up during the day. Like we're all out of sync. So I don't know if maybe you can speak to some of the things that you know as women, we might be feeling and experiencing that we can go, "Hey, let me become aware of that in my body." And then let's talk about, well, where do we start and go from there? Yeah, now that's, that's a great, a great starting point. And I think the number one thing you just said too is that awareness. Like awareness of, and it's really interesting. I've been working with a few athletes and not to sort of, I'm going to use them as examples because it's, it feels obvious to me that as an athlete, you should know your body quite well. But you know, these guys, like I know that they're under fueling. And they're, I'm like, how are you feeling in training? And they're kind of like, I'll just feel like, I just feel like how I always feel. I'm like, okay, in my head, I'm thinking, well, you feel like crap most of the time. So you probably, you don't know any better. You don't know how different it is to feel better, right? And so I think sometimes we can get stuck in that. I think also to, we excuse a lot of things as aging or we kind of are quick to brush things off rather than really addressing it. So I think, I guess maybe what I can talk about, Nick is potentially about, I guess first step is, how does inflammation show up in our, in our world and in our daily lives? And then I guess, maybe the obvious thing is, like, what do we do about it? And I think inflammation is, is like a real word that gets bandied around, and it's such a general term. So I want to kind of drill down more into, if it's okay with you. - To what it looks like and where it comes from and what are the things that we can fix? So how it might show up is there are disease states, right? Everything is, everything stems from inflammation. So from, I see a lot of metabolic dysfunction in my online nutrition practice. And it doesn't have to be diabetes, it can be prediabetes, it can be PCOS, it can be an inability to shift weight, it can be cardiovascular challenges, it can be thyroid issues. In fact, I actually think so many of us are affected by thyroid challenges that it is becoming now the, almost like the root of all disease states. So it's definitely something that we need to pay more attention to. Things like, you know, endometriosis or menstrual function, think our, our menstrual function is such a great way just to take 30 seconds to talk about this. It is such a great way for women, us women to know exactly how our body's functioning and how we're feeling. You've got a heavy period or you've got a painful period, that tells you something. If it's a late period or an early period, that tells you something. We've actually been straining depending on, not to get all hippie and woo, but depending on the moon cycle can actually tell us where we are, where we're at in our life. If, like, for example, just a random fact, if we are menstruating on, say, the, like a half or a quarter moon, that can be a sign of that we're in a transitional phase in our lives. New moons, if you're bleeding on a new moon, it can be new beginnings on a full moon, very, you know, you're kind of in your power. And any changes to that can give us some clues as to how we've done in that month. If you're stressed, it's going to affect that. So we basically, we are so lucky that we have the ability every month to kind of have this kind of chicken. So use it, there's a lot of information. And again, we could almost do a separate episode just for menstrual stuff, but we're not going to go there. But it gives us big clues as to how you are feeling and how you're functioning your body. Mental health issues are a huge, huge sign of, and can be a telltale sign of inflammation. So things like if you, you know, depression, anxiety, all stem from inflammation, autoimmune disorders, hormonal dysfunction. I work with a lot of women who are often saying, I just, I feel like I need to get a hormone panel done 'cause I just think, you know, feels like it's out of whack. And that is often, again, there is some metabolic challenges happening and there is inflammation at the root of that. So there's some signs that we cannot, they're kind of like telltale signs. Even things like, how do you feel when you wake up in the morning? Do you feel like you can move with ease? Do you feel like, and recently, this has been a good lesson for me 'cause, you know, like you said, I live in this world, I'm real. I'm not immune to any of these things. Just recently, I've been waking up in the morning and like the soles of my feet have been sore. And I'm like, okay, I know what this is. And I know what I can do about it. And so I can share more about that as kind of we get on. But for me, I was like, okay, there's a few things that I've been letting slide. I can do better than this. And I guess probably the second part of that is where does inflammation come from? 'Cause that's often kind of the next question, right? And that is, you know, we, you know, if we look at it at the base or the root cause of it is cellular inflammation, right? And we'll talk, you know, we'll talk more about that 'cause I think that's a big piece to that. There's physical inflammation. So there's things like joints, tendons. And they can stem from like lots of different causes. So poor gut health or a microbiome that's out of balance, that's often one of the biggest causes. Looking at say, your omega three to six balance. That is something that I don't think we're talking enough about. But it's something that gets very, very quickly overlooked, but it's something that we need to get back on our radar because that is a, that is pure inflammation right there. We can also, things like I've been doing some training in them in our methylation, in the world of methylation and again, not to bore you with all of the details, but methylation is, there's some very complicated or complex chemical reactions that happen inside our body. But the root of it is it's how we are copying our DNA and how well we are doing that. And if there are, there are some really, really simple markers that we can check that give us a very, very good indication of where you at. If you are under-methylating or over-methylating, this gives us a lot of information that we can then work with. Obviously, you know, there's some obvious things that we haven't, you know, I would be remiss not to mention, things like nutrition and stress, stress obviously, impact our inflammatory state. And also, there is the, I guess, the root cause where it's epigenetic. So that's kind of, I guess, that's like your, all of your DNA is like a recipe and it's your body's ability to create the recipe and how well is it creating the recipe and which recipes is it choosing? 'Cause I see a lot of, and I'll finish with this piece, I promise I'll end this monologue. - No, please don't. (laughing) - So many people, I see so many people like getting DNA tests and it's interesting because it's actually, you might, for example, you might have a certain gene that codes for something. Let's just say, let's talk actually MTHFR gene, right? 'Cause that's kind of been on some of our radars, especially when we talk about methylation. You can have one or both of the genes that code for the MTHFR gene mutation. However, if your diet is on track, if you are looking after your body, it doesn't mean that that gets expressed. It doesn't mean that that recipe gets made and it's not as simple as just taking, you know, a methylated vitamin. So anyway, I won't go into that, but there are so many things that we can do to address inflammation and most of them are things that don't cost you anything at all. So that right there, the reason I've just got this big smile on my face is because we're also in this world of, you know, the marketing machine, the pharmaceutical marketing machine, the health marketing machine, all of that, like what is the go-to fix? And so I love that you said there are so many things that we can do that aren't gonna cost an arm and a leg and that we have control of. I feel like I'm hearing a few things there 'cause I'm thinking of women who, it's like, we're already overwhelmed today, right? You know, we're wearing all of the hats. Some of them we need to put down. Someone needs to tell us to put down some of those hats. But we are, we're wearing all of the hats. We've never been more overstimulated. You know, the noise of the world, the destruction, all of the information. I always, I call it information constipation because there's so much, you get constipated, like you listen to these podcasts, you listen and you go do all these Google researchers and you listen to another one. And then you've got so much information inside of you that you're not doing anything about it. You're constipated and nothing's changing. But what I get from you, Denny, in all of our conversations is the first thing of the awareness is I want you to be able to help all women and men as well, obviously just in women's world. You work specifically with women. But first to become aware, like when you said you got up and you could feel some pain on your heel and you went, oh, I know what that is. Because I think so often we are normalizing feelings of being unhealthy, feelings of being broken in our body, feelings of being worn and torn. Because you said it before, that's how it is, right? They tell you, this is just an age thing. This is just a stage thing. - And on that as well too. I think we're also at 100%. We're living in an environment or in a society where we're taught to fear those things and that we can't do anything about them and that we're gonna need help, external help. And really, I think the only, yes, you know, if you have, and this is not Dr. Bashim or it's not bashing our incredible medical care that we have access to. But what I, in my personal experience, in Western medicine, it is great, essential when you have an exploding, you know, appendix that needs to get out like ASAP before it kills you from the inside. Or it's for acute medicine, that's where it's at. Or you've just slid under a fence like my brother did when we were young, slid under a barbed wire fence, ripped his leg almost from his knee to his hip, right? So like, you need stitches for that, right? So that is like acute medicine where we are so privileged and lucky. But what we're talking about is this chronic underlying, or these chronic underlying issues that the only person who can take control of that is ourselves, is you. And so I feel like what I do in this world is empower women, especially women, 'cause we're generally the ones that like pay attention to this, men catching up, but especially women. And we need to because like we talked about earlier, right? We've got this critical role in what we do. But this is also why I love these conversations because this is really about how can we empower you as the listener, how can we empower you as the woman who can from today make changes, from today make a difference into how good you feel, into how well you wake up in the morning, into how like you can take action right now. It just takes a decision to do something about it. - It totally does. And as you're saying that, Denny, I read somewhere and it's so true, is that healthy women, the cornerstone to healthy societies. That we are, it always starts with us. We're the ones that we recreate, we give our time, we give our resources, we're the nurturers and creators, right? But it's healthy women create healthy societies. And that shouldn't feel heavy and loaded, that should feel empowering. - Yeah. - That's how important we are. And so it is, how do we get the baseline of health, which has gone to shit, up. How are we getting it up? And it starts with these conversations. I think it starts with the awareness. And that's what I want to ask you for the woman who is listening in. What does she need to start to become aware of? Do you think? What is maybe some of the most obvious things? And I know you kind of went through it, but let's touch on that again. And then where do you start? Because there is that gap between, until you know how good you can feel, then you can compare how terrible you've been feeling. But if you don't know that, your normal level is terrible. You don't know anything outside of that. So do we have to start with other tests? Are there things that go, yeah, actually, you're a three out of 10, even though you think this is normal. So let's get you to a five. Let's get you to a six, you know. And then, then you're gonna be the most favorite person in the world. So can you touch on that a little bit? What do we become aware of and how? And then where do we start? And then I want to talk about what you're gonna be doing with this 'cause that's gonna be, I think it'd be awesome. - Awesome. - So I think, look, as for where to start, I think it can be overwhelming when you're trying to do everything at once. So I think the thing is, there are some small changes you can start with right now. I think the first, the very, very first step would be, take stock of kind of where you're at right now, check in with how you're feeling and be brutally honest with yourself. Are you, there's a couple of questions that you can ask yourself. Like, how do you feel when you get up in the morning? Are you hitting the snooze button a couple of times? Wishing, wishing, wishing you could have more sleep. How easily are you falling asleep at night? Are you, someone who, is it taking you a long time to fall asleep? How would you, how do you feel? And we all know, 'cause we are well-educated women who are listening here, right? And how would you rate your nutrition right now? And it doesn't, it doesn't take a dietician to kind of to look at that. We know, you know, especially it's things like, are you making the time to like prepare your meals? And I am not a meal prepper. I see incredible like Instagram images and TikToks of people who prepare like two weeks and they eat the same thing day and day out for two weeks. I am not one of those people, 'cause I love food. The background's Maltese. I've still been married one. It's working out together for like 20 years, so it's good. But I was joking about that. And how I create, we create more reasons to eat more. So I'm not one of these people. But if you are organized, if you know what, you're eating 24 hours ahead, that is paying attention to what you're eating. You know, it's things like quality protein. You know, making sure you've got some, you know, fruit and veggies on your plate. That should be the bulk of what we're eating. And again, we're not here to go into, 'cause there's actually, there's some different dietary applications depending on kind of where you're at. But there's some really, really simple things to start with. And no, it doesn't look like a whole issue. - I think those questions to me are awesome. Be brutally honest with those questions. I'm gonna pop them in our group for later. - Yeah, awesome. - And I think, yeah, like are you, yeah. And if I can add one more, it would be, are you prioritizing your own self-care? And I don't mean, this is not to mean, do you have a massage booked every week, or do you get a many pity, you know, like, no. Self-care is actually like making a meal, not just for your kids and your family, but something that is going to nourish you. It is sitting down for breakfast in a quiet house, or for a quiet moment before the day begins. Is it, yeah. I think how, yeah, making sure that your self-care is at the top of that priority list, or on that priority list, is it another, yeah. Where is your self-care? - Yeah, that's huge. I think, and I think we should go into that conversation in our group, which everyone listening in needs to join our private groups, 'cause I think we should have this in there. What I'm hearing is, 'cause it pisses me off as well. It's the whole self-love marketing machine. We're getting sold into the marketing machine versus what matters. And you're talking about what matters, the things that actually matter that move the needle of our health and take this baseline health up, versus what makes us feel good in the moment. What makes us feel good for just a moment, but it doesn't have the longevity. It doesn't have the legs. In fact, it's got a dopamine here, an instant gratification here, and we think we're doing all the right things, because that's the marketing machine. - Feel good in the moment. - Yeah, it's all this other stuff. So I'm gonna pick your brain so that we can also get a bit of a roadmap of what that is in the group. We might even do it in this project that we're gonna work on together. - Yep, that sounds amazing. - Yep. - Awesome. - I love that. - This virus, so to answer your question as well, so the first thing is, I guess, take stock. Take stock of where you're at. And obviously with those guiding questions. The second thing is, is there are some tests. I said there are lots of things that you can do for free. These, most of these are free, 'cause you can go through your GP. Some of them do have a small cost, right? But nothing that's gonna break their bank. And it's things like looking at your a negative three to six balance. It's things like looking at, sorry, homocysteine is a fantastic way, it's a very simple test, that you can get checked that will give you an indication of your methylation cells. And with the right practitioner who knows what they're looking at, they're gonna be able to guide you. Most GPs will look at the healthy range and they'll say, oh, you know, you're between seven and 15, so the healthy range is actually, the magic number is nine. If you are either side of that, either way, then there are things that we need to fix, and that is actually not in range. And again, this is where probably that, what you said earlier, Nick, it's that alternative thinking. It's that, how can we do better? And how can we not wait 'til something becomes a problem, like a heart attack, or like, you know, the end game, if you like. This is in the preliminary final that we're talking about, right? And there's a couple of things like just recently, I was listening to a podcast, and it was by one of the world's leading neuroscientists. And it was a really great podcast. And she talked about, she's talking about this secret to big fat fluffy brains, right? So she was actually talking about what our brains look like, and she had me, I was like, and she was like, you know, there was these things that you can do for free. So I went to bed and I was like, tell me! And it was exercise. It was exercise. She's like, you know, even going out for a 10 minute walk, changes the game, changes our brains. First thing in the morning, that was her advice, and this is coming from neuroscientists. So I was like, well, if I needed any reminding from a neuroscientist, that'll do it. So, you know, making time to exercise, and we can go into what that looks like, whether it's now or down the track. And even things like cold showers, you know, turning that, again, it's like stuff that's a little bit uncomfortable, but it's accessible and it's free. And the way it was described was, so it was basically, and I don't know, Nick, have you brave cold showers? - No, I don't. And you're speaking about it right now, and I'm like, I know I have to. - You should be doing this. Look, it is uncomfortable, but I know anything about you, Nick, it's always, it is in the uncomfortable zone, and where it's uncomfortable, that the greatest transmission happens, and cold showers are no different. And we're talking about, so I've created this new rule for myself, where, 'cause this all improves clarity and focus, and how our body is functioning, right? So when I, like I've washed my hair, when I put the conditioner in my hair, then I turn the shower to, like, full cold. - Yep. - It's a very quick rinse. (laughs) And it's actually getting better. There is a bit of, like, this happening, like, just get my hair under there. But that is, like, bathing our brain in, it's like, I heard it described as a bubble bath for your brain. - That's cool. - And so, yeah, because it's the shock of it, is the, that's where all of that, those neurotransmitters and everything, so kind of kick in. So if I had to say that if there were two things that you can do from today, that could make a huge difference in your, not just your health, not just your productivity, but from, this is, we're talking long-term health. It's exercise, gentle exercise, first thing in the morning. There is evidence to say that getting your sweat up, actually has more benefits from a brain point of view, but any exercise is a good start. And I also caution anything, any hardcore exercise in the morning because I make sure it's gentle, especially if you are particularly stressed, or if there's adrenal fatigue in the picture. We haven't even spoken about adrenal fatigue, but most women, we have signs of it. And yeah, and I feel like there's so many things, Nick, we could talk about, we haven't even touched on sleep, and getting into a good, you know, being able to have a really good energizing sleep so that you wake up from tomorrow, feeling like you've had a good sleep. And I'm not talking, you know, like, there are so many, there are so many things, and again, absolutely free, don't cost anything, it's just a matter of putting things into practice. We, there's so much stuff that we now understand about adrenal fatigue. And that's something that I know, especially as high-performing women, is something that needs to be on our radar. So yeah, I might pause for a breath, and does that kind of, I know I have to sort of... - So, yes, absolutely. And you know what, you know, I just speaking through that, I'm thinking about sometimes the barriers that we put in our own way, right? Like, I know, I've known for a while that having the cold shower is good for you. Now, why am I not doing it? One, because I think it's gonna be uncomfortable. But it's like, what's really uncomfortable? You know, and that you talk about that short-term pain, long-term gain, do what's uncomfortable now, or be uncomfortable for a really long time. Like, it's just logical stuff. - Yeah. And you said this, actually, I reckon you... I saw a post for me not long ago that talked about choose your heart. - Yeah. - Like, do you talk about... - Yeah, it's exactly that right. Yeah, but you know what helps with this, Denny, and this is why I'm excited about the six-week series and support environment that we're gonna put in place, because I think a lot of it is making the decision, but giving your word, and we speak about this a lot. Like, I don't know what it is about humans, especially women, when we give our word to someone else, it does hold so much more power and weight. I mean, the word to our self needs to be enough. But when we do give it to someone else, and we curate that environment of accountability, absolutely our success goes up in following through, in doing the thing and achieving the thing. And so it is little things like this, because I think on one side, you know, we're dealing with women who it's like, fire out. I already feel busy enough and overwhelmed enough. I do just wanna feel good, but it can't take me five hours a day doing a five-hour morning routine and doing all this stuff that people preach on Instagram. And it's like, it doesn't have to. We're overlooking the simple things that with commitment to each other, with the right education, with the accountability to put the practice into place, we can just do. We can really do that and make some significant changes to our health. And I think that's important, because sometimes we put that barrier in our way, thinking, what's it gonna take? This is gonna take me, like, so much money, so much time, my plates are already full. But then it's like, hold on, is it really? Because a simple example of that, the cold shower, it doesn't take any more time, any more effort. I'm having the shower anyway, and so should you. Everyone should be having a shower a day, if not two. If you don't. Maybe that's not a conversation. But we're already doing it, right? It's like, oh my gosh, so I think part of it is what barriers do we put in our own way that isn't actually real? And then finding these things with simple education, but also an environment to execute on them, and just put them in place and create the habit. And it's like, oh, it wasn't as hard as I thought it was making it out to be. I think we need that as well. - And I think with most of us, I don't know if you've come across the book, The Four Tendencies by Gretchen Ruben Nick. - I remember chatting with you about that. - Yeah, I refer to it often. And she talks about this basically four types. And the one, the one that kind of sticks out, and I refer to, is because a majority of us are, we are obligers. And we, especially I think as women, we're very good at obliging everyone else. Where the term comes from, is being able to uphold commitments to everyone else. But we often have trouble keeping that, like you said, the word, the commitment to ourselves. And I think one of the reasons that I am loving what we're putting together is for that exact reason. Because most of us are obligers. Most of us do need some external accountability. There are some very incredible individuals. And I actually speak from experience. I've known an obliger very well on the inside for the last 40 years, because I am one. And I get it, and for everything that matters to me, I need accountability. Even if that's just telling my husband, I am waking up at 5.30 tomorrow morning to walk the dogs. Please kick me out of bed if I am still in bed by 5.35. You know, it's that, like, it is as simple as that. So definitely building in the accountability. But also I definitely think, sometimes, like you said, right, Nick? You said that there is so much information, and it's really about dialing everything else down and working out, OK, what is actually important for me to do? How can I fit this in in the little bit, these cracks of time that I can create for myself in my busy day in this busy life? How can we make this work? And I think if I had to simplify what we're doing together, it is like a self-care roadmap. Like, that is really like, what is it that you need to do? What are the simple things that we can put into place from today that is going to shift the dial, is going to make it your friends? Yeah. Let's go into that, then, Denny. I think this is a perfect time. So let's talk about what we're going to be kicking off, what you're going to be leading us in. Over six weeks, we're going to be doing this. And we're kicking off October 22nd. So that's going to take us through to November 30th for everyone, part of the Women to Wealth community. So talk to us about this self-care roadmap. What's it going to look like? How can we be part of it? And then we'll rally and let's all do it. Yeah, awesome. So, look, I think this was actually born because I was like, if I had to simplify, what is it that I need to be putting my attention to? Just to give you one example of the many busy women out there right, Nick. And I know, obviously, I'm not an exception to the rule. But between work, between growing a business, my homeschool, my daughter, we live in a semi-regional town in Victoria. Like travel time, there's a lot of things that are vying for our time. There is work to be done on the property with animals, et cetera. So I was like, if I had to simplify this for myself, what do we need to be paying attention to? And so the key things that we're going to look at over the next six weeks are, essentially, it is the keys to staying healthy in an unhealthy world. So we're going to look at things like the key pillars of health. So looking at where does inflammation stem from? How do we get our hormones under control? How do we protect our physical and our, well, our environment? I think both physical and mental. We're going to look at gut health. We're going to ask questions like, do you need to detox? And it's actually not what you think. We're going to look at things like stress and adrenal fatigue. Things, issues that are really pertinent to women right now today for anyone who really wants to get the, I guess, the concentrated juice, right? It's like, actually, no, because that's not really that great, but it's like the essence. What do we need to be doing? What's important? What's not? And really be able to get clear on what is it for you? And what are some simple things that are either free or very low cost that you can do to really make a difference? Yep. So that's really, yeah, that's where we're at. And as you said, we're kicking off at six weeks. It is going to be a very, very small time commitment because, hey, we don't have, like, chunks of, you know, five-hour blocks of time. So it's going to be in real bite-sized snippets over those six weeks. There will be that accountability. There's going to be women who we are kind of in the same boat looking to be well-educated, very, very aware, but really wanting to get a handle on what is it, what are the current issues, and what do we need to do to make sure that not just for us, but anyone that we take care of is going to be their healthier selves. I love that. I can't wait to kick it off. It's going to be great. So we, what we're going to do, I'm just thinking, so make sure that you're getting touch with us because a lot of the information, it will come through our email. So be on the Women to Wealth email list also in our private group. So if you're on Facebook, I don't love it, but if you're going to be on there for any reason, it's to be into the Women to Wealth group. So join the group and we'll have a lot of communication in there. And we'll set up the support structure that we need over the six weeks with Denny. So there'll be the education, the support. And I love how you said just like this simplified roadmap. These are the things to learn. This is what to focus on. This is what we can implement straight away. So I'm really excited six week self-care roadmap. So please, whether you're listening to this or you're in our group, reach out to us, comment below, or be on the email list. And we'll get registrations for this group, Denny. And we'll all kick it off together starting October 22nd. Yeah, Denny, just want to say massive. Thank you. I appreciate you so much. I know we've done some really cool things together over the years, but I feel like it gets bigger and better, which it should. Yeah, it should. So I'm really excited for what we're going to launch here. And I think because it's needed, I think that's why it's like, I know this, I know you will make a difference for women in this space, who really want to move the needle with their health. And as I said before, you know, healthy women are the cornerstone to healthy society. So it starts with us and you said it's vital. We've got to prioritize ourselves first. So this is the start of doing that. Yeah, Denny, appreciate you. And we'll see you in the group. And we'll be all kicking this off together in just a couple of weeks. Amazing. See you, Denny. Thank you for listening to this episode. Let me know what you loved, what you took away, and what you'd like to hear more of. And before you go, it would mean the world. If you dropped us a love, drop us a follow and make sure to join us in the Women 12 community. We'll see you in there. [BLANK_AUDIO]