FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Tiger Talk Overtime w/Doug Holton 10.10.2024 w/guests Brian Brinsfield, Coach Fred Riley, and Stu Donald with Tailgaiting

Broadcast on:
11 Oct 2024
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it's time now for Tiger Talk Overtime time we should embrace playing the gold standard of this conference right now you should welcome that you should won't that you should want that experience it should burn within you to say I won't that opportunity nobody's left give the ball up and over he got hit behind the line of scrimmage everybody's name was coming Alabama being loved was coming both decks and just don't sure ever got a shot gun Patrick Nick Alabama bringing everybody Nick's is gonna blow one for Sander Sander Cornell Williams at the tail back they'll hand it off to Williams up the middle 25 that's an inside perfect 3540 there goes Cadillac to the 50 to the 40 to the 30 to the 20 to the 15 to go crazy Cadillac go crazy touchdown there goes Davis oh my god Davis is gonna run it all the way back Auburn's gonna win the football game Auburn's gonna win the football game he ran the best field go back he ran it back a hundred and nine yards they're not gonna keep them off the field tonight road home dirt grass it don't matter just give us that opportunity that's the fire that is within us first down in the tent just inside of it field there's Tam on the fake right up the middle breaks a tackle at the 40 stays on his free 35 30 25 20 here's and the one man to be at the five team is presented by will to number one in quality and safe work for industry to be a part of the show call the Morgan Bradley Open insurance Tiger line now at three four three zero one oh six now here's your host Doug Holton and good evening everyone welcome to Tiger talk over time on a Thursday night and I'll wait for the Auburn Tigers as you know by now lost to the Georgia Bulldogs last weekend and happens puts Auburn at two and four at the off week in 2024 and a couple of road games coming up Missouri and Kentucky and then back to Jordan hair stadium in November but we'll talk about where Auburn is right now with a couple of guys that are pretty knowledgeable Coach Fred Riley and Brian Brinsfield join us in a couple of minutes to discuss Auburn football and also later in the show Stu Donald joins us to talk some football as well and give us a little place to go this week as far as tailgating and where you might enjoy the weekend and get some great food at the same time so stay tuned for that with Stu in the second half of the show tonight first of all want to mention again that coach freeze was in mobile this week to talk to the 68 ventures bowl group and I went back after his comments after I heard some of his comments and looked at the game Saturday against Georgia and I got to the first series and that's all I needed to see I give it to you we we posted this on my Twitter page at TV underscore War Eagle if you want to go there and join us for the conversation during the week okay 1330 to go this is the first series offensive series of the ballgame for the Auburn Tigers 1330 in the first quarter third and 12 and Peyton Thorne throws a nice pass out to the left to Damari Austin and he goes from the 21 to the 33 on third and 12 for a first down a little bit later on it's 11.56 to go in the first quarter third and ten same play same formation Peyton decides to run to the opposite side to the right side Damari was wide open again it looked like to me he would have run for the first down number 11 for the Georgia Bulldogs a linebacker was spying on Peyton the whole time and there's no way absolutely no way Peyton would run for the first down on that play that indicates to me if you watch those two plays on our Twitter page our X page that indicates to me that Peyton to Peyton Thorne cannot make the correct decision in the ballgame this is the first offensive series of the game against Georgia and he makes that decision we know what decision he made on fourth and one later in the game that cost Auburn as well so it's hard for me to believe that somebody like Hank Brown or Walker White who was very highly recruited very highly talked about my freezing of staff last year couldn't make a better decision on that play and extend possibly extend Auburn's drive and takes some more time off of the clock if if not anything else but Hugh Freeze this week in Mobile in Birmingham on his media stops and his talks talked about the quarterback situation and says the following you'll hear what he says but he defends Peyton Thorne and says he has played pretty well in the last couple of games you know Peyton has played really well the last two games I mean he's laid it on the line and obviously the interception in the Oklahoma game that really turned at is was disappointing and he takes a lot of heat for that and I blame myself as much as him on that one we should have just ran it and punted we were playing really good defense but you know thought we had a good play call but they give them credit they really that linebacker he really tripped into it I don't know if you've seen it but he was falling all over himself and you know just fell right into it and but Peyton played really well outside that took care of the ball the other day made some really good runs and throws when you need to and so right now it's us okay we want to welcome into our microphones to Auburn Tigers here on the off week to talk about Auburn football coach Fred Riley is with us former grad assistant for Pat Dye and the offer the author of Bo don't know me is that right coach did I get that right that is it correct I appreciate the flow long-time coach in high school football as well and Brian Brentsfield also long-time high school coach and Fair Hope Pirate and former Auburn Tiger as a long snapper Brian welcome in thanks for a good day war Eagle a lot to talk about this week again an off week for the Auburn Tigers we'll talk about what they do in the off week maybe a little bit later but want to delve into last week and a little bit as much as we can stand first of all 31 13 Georgia with a win over the Auburn Tigers I think that was eight in a row for the dogs in this series Brian I know we've talked before about expectations heading into this year Auburn fans were maybe hoping for five and one at this point at the off week and we've got two and four so where is this football team right now do you think well I mean not where we want to be obviously and I if you're frustrated I think you're you're what is well deserved you know we I saw coach freeze's press conference after the game and you know I hate the I hate to think that our coach and staff now had after you know we had there were 245 days between the bowl game and August 31st our first ball game and I hate to think in the middle of the season that we've got to now figure things out we couldn't figure things out in 245 days and I mean that's a long time and just you know I didn't have great expectations going into last Saturday at Georgia but we got to get things fixed having two wins going into the off week is not what I thought would happen yeah coach what do you think no turnovers against Georgia last week so it looks like we've improved that a little bit but still the decision making as far as some of the players in the quarterback certainly on the fourth and one is the one that sticks out I guess is still not where it needs to be and and I don't know how you get it there I know we've talked about that before but it's just it's a glaring point that sticks out to me for the Auburn Tigers right now you know the first of all we'll say that was probably the best game we've played and in terms of just execution managing the game doing the things that I thought they had to do to have a close football game and give them a chance they ran the 42nd clock every time Georgia substituted we substituted and did it slowly and made them burn burn the play clock Georgia finally had to quit substituting because of that and just play with their base person they'll most of the game I believe if we had operated in that manner the way we played yesterday we would have beaten Arkansas and Oklahoma and Cal and that performance yesterday was good enough to win those three games and it goes back from a coaching standpoint of okay you have to cover the wide F so they don't become if only and so so to what Brian was talking about we obviously didn't cover enough what ifs going into this season so they did so they have become if onlys and now you're on the back end of trying to fix them and that's a tough thing to look at but but that is frequently you know sort of what you know Peyton Thorne can't handle this what is our plan right afterwards he's not handling this this is what we have to do you know and and and that that's um that that's just an over some overall strategic issues there in terms of the program that it is very frustrating for the Auburn fans to have to go through this we'll talk more about it coach Fred Riley and Brian Brentsfield here on the show for a little bit tonight later on we'll talk to Stu Donald and get his take as well glad you're with us on a Thursday night Tiger Talk over time we'll be back in just a minute welcome back to Tiger Talk over time presented by will to number one in quality and safe work for industry to be a part of the show call the Morgan Bradley Alpha Insurance Tiger Line now 3 4 3 0 1 0 6 back to Doug Holton and welcome back to the show everyone Doug Holton with you Thursday night Tiger Talk over time glad you're with us talking some Auburn football and we want to get back into the Auburn Tigers and the things that are keeping us from becoming what we could be and I think a lot of people had the indication or the feeling this year that the Auburn Tigers could be a playoff team in the top 12 or at least close to that and I think we are except for that decision-making we're getting at the quarterback position I think that is a thing that's holding us back and that's puzzling and frustrating to me and to the Auburn fans Brian Brinsfield is with us coach Fred Riley also for a few more minutes tonight on Tiger Talk over time and Brian want to get your thoughts on that and that play that we talked about on the the X-page tonight if you want to go there at TV underscore War Eagle and watch those plays in the first series of the ballgame last Saturday but I also know you took that fourth and one play where Peyton changed the play apparently coach freeze talked about it after the game we had a hole if you go back and look at the pictures and the videos now a great hole for the dive play to Jarquez Hunter and Peyton changes that play to a read option to the right side instead of the left side and as you talked about to me earlier in the week the numbers just weren't there for that play to be successful no and I've gone back to you know we've talked we talked on Sunday I went back and really dissected that that play and tried to get in Peyton's head and thought think trying to think like you know what was he thinking what did he say and you can see before the play he taught to the tackle they had they had a guy and they got a B gap so our center center of our tackle were covered and we really couldn't get to the mic back here so on the on the right side of the field the side that we put toward the boundary that we ran to because we had quads we had four receivers on the field side on the left side field we did we had an over they had an overhand corner so they had a corner that just no he wouldn't cover anybody they also had the defensive end and the defense event really did a good job on this play on the read play because he came toward the mesh where the quarterback in the in the running back you're gonna you know hand the ball off and so he that gives confusion but so I don't know what Peyton saw because we were outnumbered on the right side of the field he should not have checked that play if anything we should have you know we we should have run the dive and or F insert or something on something like that but and just taking our chances I think Jack was would have gotten the first down because they had they had guys in both B gaps we didn't have anybody really over the center except the mic so you know if our center can release to the mic and get him and Jack was be it's a get to first down or even Peyton just runs a quarterback sneak up the middle we get one yard and we're still in business coach that might be a new book what Peyton is thinking but he and coach freeze had a couple words after that play last weekend if you encountered that on the field what would you think it you got a dive play called and he checks out to that what do you think you know and I'm not sure if you know listening to what you know Brian said and and and I'm not sure what exactly happened other than the fact that he he didn't hand the ball off like you know did they did they call a inside zone play to hand it off that it was it was they said it wasn't a read play you know but if you watch um Jarquez's response I mean he he went to block it was almost like he if he if he thought he was going to get the ball and didn't get the ball he would have ended up diving into the a gap and turn and look back over his shoulder to see what the heck just happened so it looked to me I would have said it looked like to me he told him go block the end and I'm gonna keep the ball that's exactly what happened and and then okay so you've adjusted it you said I'm gonna keep it you block we need a lead blocker here maybe because they have us outnumbered a guy you know what's going in that thought process but the fact then that he didn't just hit it up inside and go for the first down and he bounces outside into pursuit into unblocked people and you end up just looking terrible I mean you know and and you know we we've always one of the one of the things about coaching quarterbacks and having quarterbacks over the years is I ever got to the point where I could not trust what my guy was going to do with the ball and making bad throws is one thing but the ball the ball going to places that I'm what and that what is going on here where are you throwing it why are you handing it here that at that point in time your hands are tied as a play caller I mean because usually you have no idea what to anticipate and and because you call the son can't trust the guy will put the ball where he's supposed to where you tell him to and it gets picked I can live with that that's on me but all of a sudden the ball is going places that you're you're looking you're talking what did he just do where you know what's going on here when it gets to that point you know it is uh that's a that's a problem you really can't solve I mean you can't because the quarterback's got a got a got you've got to trust that that guy's going to you know put the ball where you if you tell him to throw the post throw the post I don't care if there's a free safety back here at 30 yards deep right take it that's fine that's my fault right but don't don't expect the ball to be looking to the post and you look out there and he's you know handed the ball off or whatever I mean you know you just can't you can't trust that and it's hard and you know that it's never in my career I've never been able to fix that I didn't get that fixed up the other way I've fixed it was changing quarterback's and he got me to help with the only answer I can come up with well and and and we and we tried that and that didn't work but but I think this is the second week in a row that Peyton and coach have have it's been in it they've been at odds on the last drive and you know Peyton didn't check to the to the hot route on it Oklahoma he had a hot route open and when they when they showed six um he should have thrown it to the hot route or call timeout and then yesterday I mean this Saturday they should have called timeout coach freeze when he when Peyton went up to the tackle and I asked the tackle who was going to block and tackle looked at the deep it's a lineman and then he brought Jarquez from the pistol to the gun and pointed at the DN and said you block him coach freeze should have called timeout so I you know we've got you got two people I think they're they're not to blame but we could have done something different yeah and and coach freeze said that in the post game that he should have called timeout but it's it's not like they're not communicating in the helmet I mean with 20 seconds to go if you don't see what you like you're gonna call timeout on that fourth and one I would think it's in to coach's point I think right now you just say if you're you freeze you say when I call the play you run the play I called quit checking quit checking to I mean coach said it if you if you throw an interception if you throw it to the guy and it gets batted down or or whatever you live with it you live with that mistake but quit checking because you're making the wrong decision yeah and I'm thinking if you're Peyton Thorne and you have a dive play called to Jarquez Hunter if you check out of it you met a better make damn sure you're checking out something that's good yeah don't you think coach or do you try somebody new in the in the off week or what do you think I mean you know I you know the the next guy is not the answer right now I mean this this again you so you Peyton has gotten better Peyton has gotten better as they've paired it down he's gotten better as as as she has determined to a point that I've got to call a perfect game offensively I've got to be right every time and I cannot put this kid in a bad position and and now I've got to call him basically a perfect game but to that point yesterday he puts himself in a bad position again I don't you know I don't know is that you can what if that I mean that's one of those like gosh what are you doing kind of things where you sort of you lose your mind I mean I think I think they're committed to him they've got to go with him I mean he got to play it out he's the best option to uh uh uh uh to win but again but you know we're not the only I mean Arkansas won yesterday basically they they're they're at the top of the SEC or one a couple of games now basically without a quarterback there there guys nothing exceptional I mean the the there there are people that are found in a way to win football games right now with Arabic quarterback there's only a few that really have great ones right now in the league I mean we played against the guy of this weekend that went 20 for 20 that's pretty good I mean you know 20 for 20 pass and I don't know how you do much better than that you know the uh so so the the finding a way to win with the guys you got I mean that's that's that's the lot you're cast and and and football at this point in time in the season there's no uh nobody coming to the rescue you've got to figure it out I mean uh like we talked about Arkansas did the Tennessee this past weekend what what we needed to do and that's and the same thing Vanderbilt did to Alabama guess what you ain't gonna get snippet very often yeah I mean you're you're you're we're gonna make we're gonna run the ball we're gonna control the clock we're gonna make first downs uh we're gonna convert third shorts and keep your offense off the field and uh and and and find a way to win the game late and um and that's a plan for a lot of people not just all of them and Arkansas uh green got hurt in the second half of that ball game and I thought he was playing a decent game like you said nothing spectacular coach but uh and then they bring in their second guy and he plays pretty well in the in the latter part of the ball game that come away with a victory over Tennessee but I wanted to hit uh one more thing on the Auburn game last weekend while we're talking about it uh Brian is two plays stuck out to me in that game as far as the officials Georgia runs a play right at the first down chain it I mean it was looked a little short to me yeah it was right at the chain yeah the official goes in there and spots the ball and points first down and Georgia's getting ready to run a play without even a measurement or anything but and coach freeze wouldn't have challenged it they would have just gone on that's right and the other play was at the goal line of course where the the official uh on the on the sideline signals touchdown and you watch the replay and the guys on tv and us and everybody else is saying you know how would you call a touchdown if you can't see it yeah that's the place you got me was was you know the guy on the far side said he's down the guy on the on the in this that's that's what we've got to look at in in college football or football in general is is the part the problem is what we what they call in the field is is is the problem and because now you got to have indisputable evidence video evidence to overturn that and there was absolutely no evidence number one that he got in the end zone number two you couldn't overturn it because you couldn't see anything um from either side from any angle over the top the uh the pylon camera down the line you couldn't see anything so this this part of um calling on the field i say we just say we don't know let's go to video review and that's how we'll call it yeah but i don't i don't know they'll do that yeah and we talked brian and i talked a little bit about that last night coach what do you think it can we we need to get to that point with a replay where we're not uh pre-judging the play by the call on the field right and that's that that doesn't sound like a bad solution uh you know the the spots spots are so they are so fast i've taught i mean you know i mean you've got all these eyes on it trying to figure out in this massive humanity where the ball actually was i mean that's so tough the the the targeting stuff probably irritates me more than targeting should not be an ejection i mean if you come back and call it they'll you should call it spearing right you know call it spearing call it a 15-yard penalty with throwing these kids out of the game for playing football under the guise of you're throwing them out of the game to protect them from themselves right i mean come on man i mean we got a little scared to death uh uh a couple of years ago and we've gone overboard and now we have unintended consequences uh kids you know you're not getting to play in games that they spend their whole life working to get to play so i think you know so you don't see anybody get thrown out of the game for targeting in the NFL and then most violent violent game on the plant yeah and uh there's no reason we can't follow their lead and and and keep guys on the field keep kids playing yeah and i always think uh as far as spotting the football i always think of uh you know the technology we have now with digital you know we could have a digital line across the field we could have something like they have in tennis where you can see the ball hit the line afterward i mean you know but we're still we're still pulling chains down the field put it yeah we can put it you can go ahead or you can put a chip in the football i was going to say you could put an apple ear tag on the football i i can find my last phone right now but uh but uh you know we're gonna find the football we'll talk more about modern technology and how to find your phone when we come back all the horizon financial halftime report stay with us here on Tiger Talk Overtime on a Thursday night glad you're here and we'll be back with coach Fred Riley and Brian Princefield for a few more minutes right after this welcome back to tiger talk overtime presented by will to number one in quality and safe work for industry to be a part of the show called the Morgan Bradley alpha insurance tiger line now three four three zero one oh six now back to dog houlton all right welcome back to the show every one time now for the horizon financial halftime report brought to you by horizon financial come with us and experience the horizon difference we want to talk some more with coach Fred Riley and Brian Princefield for just a minute appreciate both of you guys being with us and the Auburn Tigers as we mentioned in an off week they come back with Missouri and Kentucky on the road and then an interesting ball game now as Vanderbilt comes to Auburn to play the first weekend in November and it was quite an exciting weekend for the Commodores this past weekend as they pulled the upset in Nashville and coach I know that was an exciting ball game in your household and and you were telling me earlier in the week about of course we're all familiar with a quarterback that that Vanderbilt now has that was at New Mexico State a year ago and and also some of the coaching staff that has transferred or switched jobs from New Mexico State to Vanderbilt and they were very successful Saturday night you know Jerry Kill who there's the sort of the assistant head coach in charge of offense at Vanderbilt Jerry Kill is a tremendous football coach you know and he retired at New Mexico State because it helped the issues he put issues with seizures his whole lack he was the coach at Northern Illinois Southern Illinois Northern Illinois that hired that signed Jimmy Ward out of Davidson and so we had you know we have known him off and on for for a year so you know and and Tim Beck who Tim Beck went to Vanderbilt brought coach Kill with him and they brought in their option system of football those guys are old-school option guys from back at Pittsburgh State back in the year back in the day they've never really wandered away from their belief system they run in the same place we used to run in the wishbone they just looked different you know it's all the same stuff they run a lot they run a lot of pistol eye stuff that we ran it Davis and that part of it is so fun to watch them play you know Barry Switzer had a great tweet he's a it's an army's 5-0 Navy's 5-0 they're running the wishbone Vanderbilt just beat Alabama basically running the wishbone he said this I've told my players over the years in football humility is only seven days away and there is a lot of truth to that especially when you're playing option teams yeah and and Alabama you know one thing they did not do which was interesting and a lot of teams get caught in this in this uh-oh deal defense when they're defending the option is they brought hardly any pressure at all they let Vanderbilt operate without duress and just read their way through things the entire game when you still you can't just say we can't blitz an option team you've got them correct some pressure and go attack them some and see how they handle themselves under duress with people in their faces and they really never did it to them and and let the quarterback operate uh uh you know read his way through everything plus that kid's pretty good I mean he's just a special guy you know we talk about awful alpha air some some people have it I mean that kid has it I mean he just has that and he makes everybody around he better and and every now and then you get the coach a guy like that and he's going on yeah amazing uh throw there for the first down late in the ball game I thought and it just played a terrific game and as did the whole Vandy team but uh Brian talk a little bit about the doors and you're close to him up there you saw the the celebration with a goal post and all that kind of thing are they a team to to reckon with now the coach yeah that goal that goal post was heavy carrying it down Broadway uh late Saturday Saturday night some early Sunday morning I didn't get into about 4 a.m. I'm just kidding um but no it was it was it is fun to watch and coach is right from a defensive from a defensive perspective trying to scheme um any kind of option is it's tough because it's assignment football and if you don't if you don't have a guy for dive you don't have a guy for pitch you don't have a guy for quarterback if you make a mistake you're gonna it's gonna beat you it's gonna hurt you we just sit in the in the defensive room you know when we had um we would scheme up teams and go gosh if in offense nowadays would run the spread but have four or five plays where they just were proficient with the option they would kill people um and you know so it was fun to watch um Alabama I think just man they just I think it was the rat poison stuff I think they just got um they thought it was Vanderbilt they thought they were gonna go up there and win and uh and Vanderbilt wanted it more but you saw you saw seven of the top 12 um I'm sorry seven of the top 25 teams lose on last Saturday and and there were only 17 of them that played so 45 percent or 41 percent lost on Saturday um I'm nervous I don't remember a time in college football that's ever happened that that many of the top 25 and now we've got what one SEC school that's undefeated now and maybe one only one in the in the country yeah yes and we were talking about uh how in the world do you pick a champion in the SEC and how would you like to be on the committee to pick 12 teams to be in the college football playoff this year but uh we talked a little bit about Arkansas big win over Tennessee maybe a signature win for um coach Pittman there and I thought interesting again Travis Williams the defensive coordinator for Arkansas who of course of course played at Auburn uh did a great job against the balls last weekend and he is uh he's becoming a factor there for Arkansas this year but he's a good football coach I mean you know and and he's a he's a football coach that is uh you know he cut his teeth as a defensive coordinator own option football I think the best defensive coordinators out there are guys who cut their teeth defending the option because they're always going to be gaps out and then they get then they go to all their other stuff uh guys that did not uh uh rope uh uh defending that stuff defending those systems uh struggle when they have to deal with it but they really don't struggle with anything else I mean they may trouble a person they always as far as getting lined up getting fit being gap sound uh those guys are are really good and he's got a very very bright future yeah and Brian uh a couple other games last weekend that certainly caught your attention Texas A&M with a big win over mazoo which is of course a future opponent for the Auburn Tigers uh how will they bounce back old miss uh beat South Carolina pretty soundly Florida gets a win over Gus Malzahn and UCF last weekend and I did catch a little bit of that Miami comeback against Cal late Saturday night Cam Ward a guy that uh Auburn maybe thought about 35 for 53 437 yards and two touchdowns it was just a crazy day in college football last Saturday and but a fun day if you're a college football fan a fun day it wasn't a day that like week zero or week two that you're going to see all these blowouts and it was just a fun day to watch college football you didn't know what you were going to get and and now it really sets up the second half of the season because you don't know what you're going to get when you go to Vanderbilt you don't know what you're going to get when you go to mazoo um or somebody goes to Texas A&M my Calco has them on you know playing well um so it's it's a really fun I think it's a really fun time in college football yeah Brian give us your uh one two three for the off week for the Auburn Tigers if you had to zero in on three things to work on what would you do good gosh um or can you narrow it that far I don't know uh I guess the biggest thing is run the play that's called run the play that's called um you know our defense is playing really well turnovers have gotten better coach said that we played a good ball game but but again it's it's run the plays it's that's called I'm struggling with with two and three coach I'll let you handle that you know they they again uh I thought when when when Payton knows where to throw the ball nothing near the the he's pretty good at it he throws the ball in some tight spots does a good job I think that we go continuing to get better at running the football forcing a loaded box still got to run the ball into a loaded box good running teams run the ball into extra guys they you know don't always get forced out of it in a throwing ball but creating one on one step outside we're gonna get better wide receipt in terms of catching a five-yard ball and running off with I mean creating an explosive play off of something that's just an easy execution play and uh and which makes every you know you know we've all coached teams that we run a 80-yard touchdown they block the song everybody feels real good about themselves till you look at it on the thing as far as the game that won't want a great play and we've got to make some of those type of explosive plays by continuing to get better at wide receiver and then from the defensive side of the ball again creating turnovers I mean a turnover battles team and you know the team that wins a turnover battle usually wins the game can we create some turnovers get you know create some positive side of field possessions from creating turnovers and help the offense out a little bit that manner and you know hopefully your field goal kicker comes back not that the you kids not doing a good job but the but the we all know the other one is one of the best in the country and and getting him back makes a difference yeah go ahead well I think you brought up the wide receivers and I think that's a great great point because coach freeze even talked about it in his post game and he said guys we were covered well we've got it we've got it we've got to get out of coverage and whether that's sitting down in his zone whether that's running different different um different form uh different route trees and and different route um combinations um but we can't just say hey our guys are covered and that's going to be a maturity with some of these young receivers that they've got to they've got to figure out how to get open so I think you're right on that new very very very good point all right Brian Brentsfield and coach Fred Riley with us on the show tonight and we appreciate their thoughts uh as always we'll be back to visit with student Donald and just admitted on the horizon financial halftime report stay with us you're listening to Tiger Talk over time right here on Teppen Talk 106-5 welcome back to tiger talk over time presented by will to number one in quality and safe work for industry to be a part of the show call the Morgan Bradley alpha insurance tiger line now 3 4 3 0 1 0 6 now back to Don Colton all right welcome back to the show every one stew Donald is with us from the sip and chew with Mike and stew show and time to talk a little more Auburn football and uh we'll get into some tail gating a little bit later on stew I know you got a big event uh going this weekend but the Tigers uh they had their chances last weekend we got an off week this weekend so I guess there are certainly things uh holes to patch and uh and things to do but uh what do you think what do you what are you thinking for the outlook for the rest of the way uh the same uncertainty I had for the first six games yeah I can say this though since 1892 Auburn is undefeated in bi-weeks is that right yeah never lost a single bi-week that's a long time yeah you know I think it's a little curious uh I mean SEC scheduling has always been a bone of contention unless your name is Alabama or Georgia yeah and it just seems odd to me that with two bi-weeks in the 12 season 12 game season that we don't get our first bi-week until the seventh week of the season there's no reason for that other than it's intentional it's to make it harder on certain teams yeah but you know what um I agree with you but geez we had a couple of bi-weeks there when we played football so yeah that should have given us an advantage the fifth week the sixth week yeah I mean the the first week obviously and then the new mexico game wasn't much as we uh got ready for SEC play and then we didn't make it pay off but um but hey two of those losses are looking a whole lot better now than they did a few weeks ago yeah I was gonna bring that up and and also before we talk about that I guess um we've seen plenty of of video of the fourth and one by now and pictures of the the hole for the dive to the left that were looked like it was wide open so that was uh again a pretty big play in the ball game a pretty big decision by our quarterback yeah and uh decision he apparently he wasn't supposed to be making right I think it was mike g of the war report posted at the end of third quarter that jarquoise hunter had 11 carries for 91 yards and he finished the game with 13 carries two carries in the fourth quarter averaging almost eight yards uh uh a pop yeah well I guess we got behind a little further there in the uh in the final stanza is that right not right you always run a draw yeah yeah definitely should have run some more because we had success there and and with with certain things on Saturday and uh I thought Georgia was was beatable you know after the first half of play but hey we had them on the ropes until SEC officiating decided to change things I mean the fourth in one call that Georgia went for they didn't even go forward not even an inch but and it was ruled turn over on downs and then a an official from 50 yards away with no line of sight for the play overruled it and he was the same official who overruled the fourth and goal touchdown that Georgia had or the goal line touchdown they had and the same official who ruled that an incomplete pass on that drive was complete and wouldn't let him review it yeah I thought those were interesting and the one the other call that stuck out to me was and I can't remember exactly where I was in the game but Georgia ran a play and they they gained a few yards and they were right at the first down marker it was very close it didn't look quite like a first down to me but the ref went in there and marked the ball no measurement and just call the first down until Hugh Freeze challenged the call yeah that that was the officiating crew that usually is bailing Alabama out but since they were in Athens there was nobody to bail Alabama out this year this week yeah I gotta tell you man I spent most of the 90s living in Nashville yeah I've been to a lot of Vanderbilt games never went to a game like that and this you know they've come close to upsetting Alabama before in Tennessee from time to time and you know they were just snakebit yeah this team was not only not snakebit they were better than Alabama this wasn't a flute game if they played this 10 nine more times Vanderbilt wins most of them because they're a better team than Alabama right now I know you got a big event coming up this weekend as far as tailgating and and cookouts that people might want to um go to Friday Saturday yeah instead of uh uh you know sitting in front of the TV set this is a good Saturday because October is the best month of the year for weather in this area and rather than Koopa watching other people's games head down to Grand Bay for the smoke on the farm barbecue and steak cook off it is at mason hill farms if you haven't had any other steaks they're unbelievable in fact I did a little video short on sipping chew recently where I said that the brisket I had from there that Joey mason cooked for me was better than any brisket I've had in Texas and that's because the cow was born in Mobile County raised in Mobile County dispatched in Mobile County and cooked in Mobile County yeah which is how they do it in Texas I mean they're not Texas beef is not them bringing in you know brisket from Argentina or Mexico or Australia yeah it's all raised it right there in Texas right well um Joey mason started this farm down in Grand Bay three years ago mason hills farm and he's doing just that the cattle is raised right there on his his ranch and uh you got a chance to go down there check it out helping out what it is is a uh a Christ-based program to provide medical coverage for adults with no medical insurance uh and which you know being in the restaurant industry none of us have insurance there's a lot of that right part of the restaurant industry restaurants don't offer it yeah and uh so it's it's needed it's a good organization and then uh there's a golden ticket for the world food championships at stake for the stake cook-off which is the world large world's largest food sport event I was lucky enough to compete in it in 2017 and 2018 taking on chefs from all 50 states 14 different countries went up against 450 chefs uh-huh and it's just incredible this year it's going to be in Indianapolis it was in Orange Beach for a few years Dallas for a while Orlando for a while Las Vegas for a while they move every few years and that's a new event in Grand Bay yeah this is a qualifier for it the uh state competition is gotcha and uh the winner of this gets to go compete in Indianapolis in a couple of months for a chance at ten thousand dollars for their category and a hundred thousand dollars if they win the whole thing wow some big money and uh looks like some great weather this weekend so check them out in Grand Bay this weekend and Stu Donald thanks for being with us on the show tonight and always good to have you with us to talk some Auburn football that's about all the time we have for tonight again an off week for the Auburn Tigers we'll be back next week to talk about Missouri and Kentucky and Vanderbilt and on down the road as the Auburn Tigers try to salvage 2024 we'll see what happens thanks for joining us tonight on the show Tiger Talk Overtime here on FM Talk 10065 and don't forget to join us during the week on our x-page at tv underscore war eagle for the very latest on Auburn football and Auburn athletes until next week i'm Doug Alton war eagle everybody will see you soon