The Epstein Chronicles

The Downfall Of Diddy: A Trial Date For Diddy Is Set By The Judge And A Gag Order Is Proposed (10/11/24)

At Sean "Diddy" Combs' October 10, 2024 hearing, he appeared in Manhattan federal court before Judge Arun Subramanian. The session mainly involved setting deadlines for both the defense and prosecution to file their legal arguments in preparation for the upcoming trial, which is expected to take place in May of 2025.

Diddy remains in custody at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn. His defense continues to push for his release on bail, which has been denied multiple times due to concerns about witness tampering and flight risk. His legal team had previously offered a $50 million bail package, which included home detention and electronic monitoring, but it was rejected as the court considered him a potential danger to the community.

During Sean "Diddy" Combs' October 10, 2024, hearing, his legal team addressed concerns about potential media leaks related to evidence in his case. His attorneys requested that the court impose a gag order to prevent further leaks from law enforcement, which they claim have already influenced public perception and could affect the fairness of the trial. Diddy's team alleges that government agents leaked sensitive material, including a 2016 surveillance video, to the media, compromising his right to a fair trial. The judge has asked the sides to draw up acceptable language for the order.

The charges against Diddy include sex trafficking and racketeering, with allegations dating back to 2008. Prosecutors claim that he ran a criminal enterprise, coercing women with the help of his associates and using violence, blackmail, and other forms of intimidation to silence victims. The court appearance also allowed for both sides to discuss procedural aspects, such as evidence handling, and outline the next steps leading up to the high-profile trial. Diddy has pleaded not guilty to all charges

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May trial date set for Diddy to face sex trafficking charges | AP News

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11 Oct 2024
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Hey Amazon Prime members! Why pay more for groceries when you can save big on thousands of items at Amazon Fresh? Shop Prime exclusive deals and save up to 50% on weekly grocery favorites. Plus save 10% on Amazon brands like our new brand Amazon Saver. 365 by Whole Foods Market, a plenty and more. Come back for new deals rotating every week. Don't miss out on savings. Shop Prime exclusive deals at Amazon Fresh. Select varieties. A message paid for by veterans for all voters. Listen to this message from Ted Delacath, former army infantrymen and Ranger qualified platoon leader active in the army reserves. When I enlisted in the army, I swore an oath to this country, not any political party. That's why I'm interested in citizens ballot measures around the country to reduce the power of political parties. Colorado votes on one too. Right now, election rules allow political insiders to hand-pick party nominees. It's the reason we're usually stuck voting for the lesser of two evils. Colorado's plan creates an open primary where all candidates appear on one primary ballot. Every voter has the freedom to vote for any candidate, no matter which party. The Colorado plan advances four candidates to the general election, not two. That means more choices for voters in the primary and general election. Get the facts. Elections belong to the voters, not political parties. Paid for by veterans for all voters, Anthony Haas registered agent. The use of military rank and job titles does not imply endorsement by the Department of the Army or the Department of Defense of this ballot measure. What's up everyone and welcome to another episode of the Diddy Diaries. Yesterday we were talking a little bit about Diddy and the court appearance that he made. And today we're going to talk a little bit more about that court appearance and what went down as Diddy made his first appearance in front of the new judge. So let's just dive right into the article and let's see what went down. This article was published by AP and the headline, "Shaun Diddy Combe Sex Trafficking Trial Set for May." This article was authored by Larry Neumeister and Michael R. Sisak. A May 5th trial date was said Thursday in Shaun Diddy Combe sex trafficking case. And the prosecutor argued that the jailed hip-hop moguls lawyers were trying to exclude a damning piece of evidence by claiming it was leaked by the government. And for those of you who have been following along, you know that I call this the loopholes and the technicality strategy. And this is what you do when the evidence is strong against you and you have no other way of defending your client, right? You have to attack the process. You have to attack the way the evidence was collected. So it's not that they're going to challenge the evidence per se here. They're going to challenge the way that the government has won about their business. And they're going to hope that there was some prosecutorial misconduct along the way. That way that the judge decides that he's going to throw some of this evidence out. But in order for them to do that, they have to show that the government was up to no good. That the government wasn't acting in good faith. And I don't think they've been able to show that so far anyway. But they're certainly setting the groundwork for that. And that's what this blueprint's all about. Are they going to be successful? We'll have to see, but usually when a team is using the loopholes and technicality strategy, it means that they know that they're up against it and they don't have the evidence to back up the narrative that they're trying to pitch. And that's certainly the angle that we're seeing here. Assistant U.S. Attorney Emily Johnson struck back against the defense's claims during Combs' first appearance before Manhattan Federal Court Judge Aaron Subramanian, who will preside over this trial. Combs' mother flew in from Florida for the proceeding, sitting behind him with his children and other family members in the courtroom gallery. Well that's certainly good for Combs. When you have your family backing you in a situation like this, certainly goes as a checkmark in the favorable column, much better than nobody showing up for you. Now is it going to have an impact one way or the other? Of course not. But the optics are better than nobody sitting in that, you know, witness box for you or support box for you. So his mom and his family being there certainly let's the court know that his people are supporting him. And obviously that can't be a bad thing as he's looking to get this bail situation squared away. Now is it going to work out? I highly doubt it, but that's what he's looking to do. But let's remember the second court of appeals, they've seen cases like this before. And in the majority of those cases, they do not grant bail. And that's because there's a lot here as far as the charges go that would necessitate holding the person who has been charged with such serious crimes. There's a lot of precedent for that. And I don't see that changing just because it's Diddy Johnson took issue with the defense lawyers argument in a submission late Wednesday that the US Department of Homeland Security leaked a video to the media of Combs punching and kicking his former protege and girlfriend, the R&B singer Cassie in a Los Angeles hotel hallway in 2016. And look, there's no doubt that his team doesn't want that video to be introduced as evidence. And if it was leaked, then it's not going to be. So that's what this process is about right now. Those previous episodes we had on the evidentiary hearing, that's what they're trying to figure out. This is one of the issues that is in front of the judge now. And he's going to have to make a ruling one way or the other as far as if this was a leak by the government or if this was a leak by a different source. Remember, the government has said that they weren't even in possession of that tape. So what we have here is two conflicting narratives between the government and the defense. And it's going to come down to what the judge rules and what the evidence shows us. But let's say that it's not admitted as evidence and the defense gets their way and they're able to keep this video out. Well, that's certainly a win for the defense, right? But here's the kicker. What happens when the government decides to call Cassie Ventura to the stand? Remember, Diddy's NDA means nothing the second that criminal proceedings are initiated. That NDA is not going to protect you or Diddy. If you get subpoenaed by the government, you're going to have to come and tell your story. Of course, you can plead the fifth if you want, but I don't think that's a good idea. And I highly doubt that Cassie Ventura at this point is going to plead the fifth. I think Diddy has used up all of his good will. I think Diddy has used up all of his extra lives, if you will. And now it's time to face the music. Combs lawyers said the video aired by CNN in May and other alleged government leaks have led to damaging, highly prejudicial, pretrial publicity that can only taint the jury pool and deprive Mr. Combs of his right to a fair trial. And I told you folks that a gag order was coming, I told you that one was imminent, and here we are. They're working on the language for a gag order as we speak, and once that occurs, the only way to really follow a long remember is going to be those court documents. So people who aren't even diving into those court documents and just talking the salacious bullshit, they're not going to know what's going on. Because nobody who is in a position to have information is going to be providing that information to the press, instead people are going to have to do the legwork on their own, dive into those court documents and put two and two together. The good news is we're way ahead of the game when it comes to that. So we're just going to continue doing what we always do. And once this gag order is in place, we'll just continue to navigate this the same way we've navigated all these other cases that have been gagged. And the best and only way to do that at that point is to follow along with those court documents. So that's what we're going to continue to do. And that might mean we have to go over some of these amended complaints two or three times. Like for instance, we have two of the raw Jones complaints already added to the catalog, but there's a third raw Jones complaint that adds even more pages. So the second amended complaint ended up with 98 pages. Well, the other complaint, the last complaint that's been filed, it has 114 pages. So we have to dive into that one at some point and get that added to the catalog as well. And of course, it's a bit redundant, right? I get it, but it does add some new issues. It does add some new complaints and it takes some other ones out. So it's important to stay on top of it. And this is one of those cases where it's not the kind of case where you can read a couple of articles and know exactly what's going on. It's complex. There's a lot of people involved. And there's a lot of Warrens and chambers that have to be explored. And you can't do that with, you know, five minute TikTok videos. It has to be long form. And thankfully, we have the ability to do that here on the podcast. So that's what we're going to continue to do. And as far as that third raw Jones complaint, I plan on diving into that one relatively soon, depending on how much of this other new paperwork we get through. But Johnson urged the judge to see through the defense claims, calling them baseless and simply a means to try and exclude a damning piece of evidence from the trial. And keep in mind, that's the defense team's job. It's like with Karen Reed. I can't believe how many people were pissed off at her defense team. Their job is to be as vigorous as possible in her defense. And if they can come up with some sort of narrative that pushes the ball forward, so much the better. If you want to be mad at anybody, be mad at the piss poor prosecution that took place. And there's no doubt that people are going to be attacking Diddy's lawyers to 1000%. But I would urge everybody to keep in mind that Diddy, as well as Glen Maxwell or anybody else, everybody deserves a vigorous defense. And as long as the federal rules of criminal procedure are followed, and nothing is untoward, and they're not crass, they're not exposing anonymous victims, stuff like that, then they're going to be able to do what they have to do. And they're going to be able to pursue the defense that they see fit. And personally, I like when I see that, because it means that later on down the road after a conviction comes in, we don't have to hear any nonsense when it comes to the appeal. Should be a very quick process in, out, over and done with not a single one of those alleged leaks are from members of the prosecution team Johnson said still sub Moranian told defense lawyer Mark Agnafilo to write a proposed order that he would sign instructing lawyers on both sides to comply with the rules, prohibiting them from publicly disclosing information that contained the jury. And I had zero doubt that this was going to be a gagged case. With all the publicity here, all of the allegations being thrown around by both sides, this had gag order written all over it. And you know what else is on the way? Make no mistake about it folks. A superseded indictment, there is zero doubt that a superseded indictment is on the way for Diddy and the prosecutors even hinted as much yesterday at the proceeding. So this trial date that they have set here for May 5th. Okay, I guess, but I call it tentative, if anything, there are so many twists and turns in a complex case like this. And if the indictment is superseded, that means that more crimes are added or alleged crimes I should say are added to the indictment and then Diddy's team is going to have to reevaluate what their defense is going to be. So I know they're pushing for a quick trial, but I have my suspicions that they're going to pump the brakes on that. As soon as this superseded indictment gets dropped on his ass. The prospective order would also restrict what both sides can say publicly about the case, something Johnson said was necessary after Agnafilo characterized Combs indictment in a TMZ interview last month as a takedown of a successful black man. So what's really going to happen is they're going to create fertile ground for there to be all kinds of crazy ass conspiracy theories popping up, just like they did with Brian Kohberger. And then the kicker will be they'll complain that it's all conspiracy theory. It's all conjecture. And there's no real truth out there. Well, you gag the case stupid. What do you expect everybody to dive into the court documents? Very few people are going to put in that work. And so what you're going to have is a case filled with all kinds of speculation and a bunch of numb nuts running around telling you about Bigfoot riding on a Chupacabra who is hanging out over at Diddy's house. You know, the same people that tell you that the weather was being conditioned and moved by insert mad scientist here or the same people that have been promising you list when it comes to Jeffrey Epstein. All those same grifters are added again. And it always cracks me up. No matter the disaster, no matter the situation, anything that they feel like they can make a few bucks on these moron show up for a few months, talk about a bunch of nonsense that never occurs, talk about a bunch of evidence that nobody ever sees. They make a bunch of money and then they move on to the next grift. And it's straight up bananas to me that people continue to follow these people after they bullshitted them for so long. But we all know that salaciousness sells. People want that tea. And a lot of times people don't want to dive into the weeds and know how we got there. They just want to know that the sausage tastes good. They don't care how it's made. Me? I'm as curious as the day is long. I need to know the whole process. I want context. I need meat on the bone. How do we get here? I need to know the whole last route that we took. So while I understand the whole idea behind the gag order to try and give Diddy a fair trial, I think what it's going to do is cause an explosion of moron showing up and selling you people a bunch of wolf tickets out there. So my advice is be very, very cautious, especially now with the gag order. Previously, you could go and listen to what the people involved had to say, lawyers, whatever. But now with that gag order, it's going to be a lot more difficult to parse through the bullshit and get to the clarity. Combs 54 has pleaded not guilty to racketeering conspiracy and sex trafficking charges alleging he coerced and abused women for years with help from a network of associates and employees while silencing victims through blackmail and violence, including kidnapping, arson and physical beatings. Johnson reasserted that the indictment could be updated to add charges or defendants. Oh, there's no doubt. I'm telling you just as sure as I was about the gag order, I'm sure that this is going to be superseded. Now, I don't have any inside information. You know, nobody's whispering in my ear telling me that's going to happen. I'm just basing that off of my experience of covering these cases previously and not only covering these cases, I know several people who have dealt with Rico cases in their real lives and more times than not, a superseded indictment is on the way because the government is still investigating, right? They don't just stop once they arrest you. They're still building their case. They're bringing more people in, more witnesses are coming forward and things are getting a lot more hairy for you. And that's certainly the spot did he's in, especially considering all the people that have come forward and said that he's abused them? Now, like I've said before, not all of those people are telling the truth. But there's going to be a good majority of them who do have evidence, who do have some proof to back up what they're saying. And those are the people that really have Diddy lose in sleep. Hey Amazon Prime members, why pay more for groceries when you can save big on thousands of items at Amazon Fresh? Shop prime exclusive deals and save up to 50% on weekly grocery favorites. Plus save 10% on Amazon brands, like our new brand Amazon Saver, 365 by Whole Foods Market, a plenty and more. Come back for new deals rotating every week. Don't miss out on savings. Shop prime exclusive deals at Amazon Fresh. Select varieties. A message paid for by veterans for all voters. Listen to this message from Ted Delacath, former Army infantryman and Ranger qualified platoon leader active in the Army reserves. When I enlist in the Army, I swore an oath to this country, not any political party. That's why I'm interested in citizens ballot measures around the country to reduce the power of political parties. Colorado votes on one too. Right now, election rules allow political insiders to hand-pick party nominees. It's the reason we're usually stuck voting for the lesser of two evils. Colorado's plan creates an open primary where all candidates appear on one primary ballot. Every voter has the freedom to vote for any candidate, no matter which party. The Colorado plan advances four candidates to the general election, not two. That means more choices for voters in the primary and general election. Get the facts. Elections belong to the voters, not political parties. Paid for by veterans for all voters, Anthony Haas registered agent. The use of military rank and job titles does not implant endorsement by the Department of the Army or the Department of Defense of this ballot measure. Feeling overwhelmed, struggling with mental health shouldn't be the norm. At Mindful Therapy Group, we specialize in connecting you with compassionate therapists that can support you through stress, anxiety, ADHD, and so much more. Within-person and telehealth appointments available, we can get you seen in as little as 48 hours to make things easier. Mindful Therapy Group accepts most health insurances, including Medicare, allowing you to focus on you and not your wallet. Visit Mindful Therapy Group dot com to start your mental health journey today. Combs wearing a beige jail jumpsuit was more engaged and animated during Thursday's hearing than he had been at two earlier court appearances. When he entered the courtroom, he gave a hearty hug to each of his lawyers and smiled as he spoke with him. During the proceeding, he turned to attorney Anthony Rico and whispered in his ear as Johnson spoke about electronic material seized from his residence and from him during his arrest. Rico said outside the courthouse afterwards that Combs is making the best of a difficult situation. "Dr. King called it the law of unintended consequences," he said, referring to civil rights leader Martin Luther King, "sometimes the more you push a person down, the stronger they get." Well, yeah, that's true. Just ask the people that Diddy allegedly victimized. They sure are stronger now, aren't they? And when they come together, they form like Voltron and now Diddy's in a whole-ass world of shit. She said 96 electronic devices were seized in raids in March on Combs' residences in Miami and Los Angeles and at an unspecified private airport in Florida. She said another four devices were seized when Combs was arrested last month. She said eight devices seized in Miami contained over 90 terabytes of information, which she labeled as extraordinary, as she explained delays in extracting some information for technological reasons. And a lot of times they'll run into that, they can't break the encryption or they can't get into whatever file they're looking to get into, so it becomes a whole thing. And that's where they're at now. Forensically, they're trying to go through all of his devices to figure out what's what and what's going to be discoverable evidence. The judge said Combs can return to court in December unless lawyers agree that the hearing is unnecessary. Much of the hearing featured arguments by lawyers about what is needed to protect an eventual jury from bias, highlighted by Johnson's claims about the hotel video. After the video was broadcast, Combs posted a social media video apologizing, saying, "I was disgusted when I did it and I'm disgusted now." Responding Wednesday night in a court filing, the defense claims that the federal government had leaked the video to CNN, prosecutors told the judge that the government was not in possession of the video before it was aired to CNN. After the video aired, Combs apologized, saying, "I was disgusted when I did it, his lawyers have described the episode as a lover's quarrel. A lover's quarrel, huh?" You beat the ever-living shit out of your girl in the hallway over a lover's quarrel? Okay, I guess. But if that's how you roll, then you are a threat to society, you are a threat to the community, and you're exactly where you belong. When Combs indictment, prosecutors allege, he tried to bribe a hotel security staffer to stay mum about the video. Combs lawyers have been trying, unsuccessfully to get the Bad Boy Records founder, Friedan Bell. He's been held at a federal jail in Brooklyn since his September 16 arrest. Two judges have concluded that Combs would be a danger to the community if he is released from the Metropolitan Detention Center, a facility that's been plagued by violence and dysfunction for years. At a bail hearing three weeks ago, a judge rejected a $50 million bill package, including home detention and electronic monitoring, after concluding that Combs was a threat to tamper with witnesses and obstruct a continuing investigation. And there's no doubt that the appeals court is going to feel the same way, and I say that because Diddy's team hasn't presented anything new. What exactly did they present to the appeals court that hasn't been presented before? In the meantime, Magnafilo said, where making a go of the MDC, the MDC has been very responsive for us. In an appeal of the bell ruling to the second US Circuit Court of Appeals, lawyers for Combs on Tuesday asked a panel of judges to reverse the bell findings, saying the proposed bell package would plainly stop them from posing a danger to anyone or contacting any witnesses. They urged the appeal court to reject the findings of a lower court judge, who they said had endorsed the government's exaggerated rhetoric and ordered Mr. Combs detained. Well, he embraced the rhetoric because the rhetoric was backed up by evidence. And I think the appeals court is going to feel the same way. But I think one of the most important takeaways here is the fact that we're getting a gag order. And make no mistake, the nonsense is gonna ratchet up as soon as that gag order is in place. This is a grifter's dream, folks. And transparency? Well, so much for that. The only way to get down now is gonna be diving into them court documents. So that's what we're gonna continue to do. And we're gonna continue to look for that clarity as we all swim through this disgusting pond. Alright, folks, that's gonna do it for this one. All of the information that goes with this episode can be found in the description box. 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