Gwynn & Chris On Demand

10.10.24 Gwynn & Chris Hour 1: Padres Manager Mike Shildt joins us!

The guys broke down what happened in Game 4 and had Mike Shildt on the show!

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10 Oct 2024
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Hey everybody welcome into going in Chris Why do I sound so happy? I mean after that game last night is pretty difficult. I gotta tell you Scrabie That was one of the worst parties. I've ever been to and it was a long night for the faithful But alas, there will be a game five and the Padres can certainly win it But today it is the day off With the series now tied it to between the Dodgers and the Padres Chris Ello and Matt Scrabie together in our Odyssey Palace studios here in San Diego Tony Gwen, Jr. at Dodger Stadium where game five will take place tomorrow night and Tony I think It would be appropriate if Scrabie played the sound of a flushing toilet right now because Padres need to just flush that one last night and get on with business Yeah, I mean listen me personally. I this is where I thought this was series was going the whole time. Yeah, I thought it would go five here we are and You know, it's you know the ships fall where they may at this point and The Padres, you know when you look at the four games that we've seen The those are special ingredients Padres have really only gotten that One game yet. They've been able to win two now. I think the the miniature concern and I I put the miniature part in quotations Is you know the offense haven't scored what 14 and 15 innings something or longer you're going 15? Yeah, 15 innings. So that's a miniature concern, but I Just have to imagine in a game five that that's gonna go out the window And I think you know use on the mound. I'm assuming it'll be you I don't know if they've announced it yet, but I'm assuming it'll beat you All hands-on deck and listen man. This is a for the guys on the field man This is like literally the things they they dreamt dreamt up before then some of them have been through an elimination game some of them haven't but This is this is where this series was destined to go. I feel like yeah It was it would have been lovely to win three straight, you know or even you know Do what the Padres did two years ago and sweep the two at home and take it down in four But again, we kept we kept saying it and the Dodgers are you know all that and then it's a proud franchise It's one that has not had the kind of success that it would like to have in the postseason But I and we knew they weren't gonna roll over last night. They did not and Dave Roberts I think you know managed a terrific game as it turned out You know he pushed all the right buttons But the reason he pushed all the right buttons is because in every time the Padres threatened You know they weren't able to come up with a big hit and it just that's how it turned out last night I don't know what Dave Roberts is gonna do for game five I'm sure there's been no announcement and Dave Roberts will keep it secret as long as he can But I got to believe they're gonna do the same thing in game five I really do I I would be surprised if Yamamoto is allowed to start that game I think the Dodgers honestly will start Ryan Brazier. I think they'll go with the same plan and I think this time it's gonna burn him I don't know that you can win back-to-back games doing this as John Smoltz has said throughout these playoffs If you do a bullpen game Then eight guys have to all be on their game and as it turned out last night all eight guys for the Dodgers were pretty much On their game, but I got to believe the Padres are gonna get him if they do it again I still feel the utmost confidence in this Padres team I think it's understandable to be You know concerned and worried and you know a little negative I mean you just lost eight to nothing after all But I really have a lot of faith I think this team is one of the best the Padres have ever put together and Maybe for that reason Tony. There's more at stake tomorrow night than maybe there's ever been Yeah, I Don't think they'll go with you don't Brazier to start. I think they're gonna go with Yamamoto Huh or fly off or flarity for that matter or both and Still have those arms to that they can go to I I don't think they could they could run out the same exact group and Expect the same type of success considering that you know these guys are especially brazier He's been out there quite a bit and they say I think he's picked and all but one of the the games in the end of the four And so I don't know we'll see I think you listen you're paying Yamamoto quite a bit of money I would I would guess he is going to be your guy At least to start to game and that doesn't mean he's gonna have a long leash I mean he certainly they will pull the plug and I think that goes for both sides. Honestly Yeah, if if if the starter doesn't get out the gate well, he won't be in there long and so You know I think and that's why it makes this game so intriguing because I agree with Smolte like you you could pull it off One game can you pull it off to though? I mean without getting a bulk guy because that was what was I thought was impressive about Yes, they didn't really have a bolt guy everybody went nobody went more than an inning and two thirds in that game last night So you know that's you know, that's I ran out of spots for the pitchers I had to create one on my list be to to fit to fit land and neck in there at the end, but Yeah, you tip your cat as you said, I think you said it perfectly Chris. That's a proud franchise They got embarrassed two years ago. They got embarrassed last year And I think that that was on their mind and they they punched the Padres in the face that being said I still think the Padres are in a better spot going into a game five than the Dodgers Well, we're gonna have Mike Shilt on the program here in about a half an hour So we'll get a chance to talk with the Padres skipper stick around for that We're on for two and a half hours today ahead of Thursday night football It is the the quasi 49er pregame show today Tony 49ers. See Hawks are Thursday night Oh, see Hox. Yeah, come on see Hox. I'm wearing my 49er shoes today. You're forty Niners shoes All right, you're not you're not what you get you got a new hoodie there buddy. I did. Yes. Thank you I see Tony on the camera now. There you got a new hoodie there buddy. Yes, I Decided to step up my my clothes game a little bit. Isn't it amazing that? He can just take one look at you in the camera and it's pretty amazing and and and be able to understand that you have a new piece of clothing It's not this is really where three t-shirts the rest of the time So, you know, I do have a uniform I had an ex-girlfriend that asked me if I could not wear my uniform to the dinner her birthday dinner Which is jeans in a black t-shirt. I've never seen any other color on you unless the 49ers jersey Here are my 49er shoes right here You got a new hoodie, but you got some new kicks, too. I like it. He's ready to go. Yes You know, there's been a lot of you know, I want to say negativity today But it's understandable, you know doubt about the Padres right now But I want to bring up something that is you know on the positive side and I think something hopefully you pardry fans can lean on going into game 5 this is going to be the fourth winner take all game in the history of the Padres franchise and They won each of the previous three So, you know, let's hope that that continues 1984 they took it to a deciding game of the NLCS Your dad Tony had what proved to be the game-winning hit and a rally they came from three nothing down that day beat the Cubs six to three to get to the World Series you had the winner take all game in front of no fans and That was against Mike Schilt and the Cardinals and interestingly the Padres used a bullpen day that day Craig Stanman started that game right and they shut out the Cardinals four to nothing and then the other winner take all game is of course the famous Joe Musgrove victory over the Mets six to nothing a couple of years ago, so, you know, the Padres have done this before Not this team, but, you know, we've had success and I think by the time it starts tomorrow I think everybody's gonna be in a lot better frame of mind than they are right now because right now everybody's understandably pretty down and out Yeah, I don't know what to say about everybody being down and out In the perfect world yeah, the Padres would have swept the Dodgers and we'd be on cheering waiting for this series and start against the Mets But come on. I mean listen the Dodgers finished with the best record in baseball like This this this we got a we got to keep things in perspective and as good as the Padres are playing This is still a really good team across from them and Unfortunately, one of their best players has started to heat up in the line I think that's made a huge difference in their lineup, right? I mean You could although the Padres really have it intentionally walked Otoni I think they've done it once in this series or twice in this series Something along those lines. There was that you can make the argument through the first what three games It was like okay. Well, we could do that. We could our first two games at least We can we can we can move past Otoni and deal with bets because he's not swinging the bat Well, that's not really an option right now And I thought it was it was impressive what they did is they did that without Freddy Freeman in their lineup I mean they did they just and so if I say that to say this is a good team that the Padres are playing against and so You know despite all the warts that we read about and heard about during the course of the season that they have It's still a really good team and so you know we get to you get to tomorrow. I just I like our chances man I really do I think this team more than any team. I've observed this team when I mean to send me the Padres Can flush a game and act like nothing ever happened the following day like as well as anyone and so I'm putting my faith in that as they roll out there tomorrow My I like I said, I like this team's chances in a game five I think something to keep an eye on doesn't necessarily mean it'll come to pass but if he I was thinking about the way runs have been scored in this series Tony and The home run ball has been such a big part of it now the Dodgers have scored 22 runs This series all but eight of them have come in on home runs Padres have scored 21 runs all but eight of theirs have come in on home runs You know it may come down to one swing somewhere or a couple of swings somewhere Especially in a game five with the pitching the way it's been in this series So, you know obviously the Dodgers have a little edge in a home run hitting But the Padres have a you know all throughout this lineup We've seen these guys come up big all year long and it was interesting on the round table this morning Ben asked us Who do we think is going to be our pick to click? For the Padres in game five who's going to come through and you start thinking about it It could be Fernando. It could be Manny. It could be Merrill. It could be Croninworth it could be Hagashyoka the way he's hitting the pro season it could easily be pro far with another magical moment Potters have a lot of guys and it's just going to take one or two of them to come through. I think tomorrow night I said that's a great. Yeah, it's like that's a great way to look at it I think obviously Todd. He's going to be the easy pick to click because yeah He's the hottest dude on the planet, but they could easily be Manny, you know It could easily be Luis it could be all those guys that you named But what's going to have to happen is you know the poverty frankly didn't play well yesterday, you know There they they made some uncharacteristic decisions and mistakes and that in a game five though It has you got to at least play clean right that if you don't play clean now You're depending on the other team not playing clean as well Because in these type of games Those mistakes are magnified to the like 10th power and and so you know I think yesterday was the first game in the playoffs were the Padres. I thought like didn't play well You know they did some uncharacteristic things First time in what six seven games. I don't know. That's a ground ball that Bogart's gonna get 99 out of a hundred times Fernando in it up to cost and it was three runs I mean it was five nothing and by the time that inning was over or the game was over Fernando had an characteristic mistake in right field where you kind of tried to pick up the ball and then he kicked it into the corner I mean it didn't have cost and I mean that would but but those but to your point those are the Thankfully it didn't cost him on that one if that would have been bets or somebody who actually could run that would have turned into Three at that point and so you know and that's this I said that that was a I will say that place was I mean at the beginning game dog It was crazy electric like they played that Travis Scott fiend song when they ran out there Dude, I might the hair on my arm was standing up And you know and it just goes to show you we witnessed it here in the first couple of games You can but one quick run for the visiting team all of a sudden like changed it all Yeah, and if you keep adding to that they don't even get a chance to get into the game And that's how it was at Peko last night, right? Frickin mookie Homer's to the left the buzz Immediately is killed and then because we don't counter like we did the first night They never really got back into that game, you know And we did the Padres never really got a chance to get them back into the game and so You know and each of the games that we've seen Early runs have been scored and in in at least the the first two occasions Crowd really wasn't able to get into it now in game one Dodgers came back Never got a chance to get back in the game in game two game three Mookie Homer's Padres counter-podry fans kind of got back in it yesterday They never got into it after that that the after everybody got to the field. It was pretty much One of the more quieter crowds That was nothing that wasn't there for all it was just they never got the chance to cheer about blaming me Yeah, I'm blaming what I say. No, no, you're just there You were just at the game was I not at the game on Tuesday night and not for the whole thing I don't think brother They start scoring around what you left ridiculous ridiculous I say the other thing that you know a lot of people have been kicking around today And I think it's mostly revisionist Thinking and Monday morning quarterbacking but you know the decision to start Dylan Cease and that didn't work out I mean there's no argument about that, but we'll discuss You know what might shilt options might have been and some other things game five is tomorrow night I don't think I know what Tony's gonna say. It doesn't matter anymore. It's only matter what happens tomorrow night But we'll continue to discuss we got some time to feel so yes, we do We'll talk about a little bit Mike shilt will be on the show Coming up at 240. So he's about 25 minutes away stick around for that Tony's in Dodger Stadium Padres will be there tomorrow night for game five. We got going in Chris right now on 97 3 the fan 222 See Gwen Chris Ello Matthew Scrading Padres licking their wounds a little bit after Getting whooped last night at home losing out on the chance to clinch But they have a chance to have it be so much sweeter in Dodger Stadium perhaps having a chance to celebrate two times in the same year On this field. We'll find out to we'll find out Tony. Yeah, good recollection Yeah, you're already you're in the clubhouse for a champagne thing down there. So sure was I wasn't ready that day But I'll be ready tomorrow if that is indeed the case. Yes, Padres 508 tomorrow here on Chavez ravine Dodger Stadium I Think it's gonna be a great one. I really do it. So at this point It's the only series that has gone five Of course, we could find out tonight if two more will go five into the end is a guardians taking on the Wood garden Tiger Tigers right tigers ahead to one in that series and then the Yankees Taking on the Royals Yankees ahead to one in that series So we'll find out if the Padres will be the only game five Certainly those those American League games will be on Saturday if they do reach a game five. Yes, they will both play tonight We should also mention because I'm thinking You know and believe in the Padres are gonna win So let's give you just just an idea of when the NLCS is gonna start They've announced the start times for the first two games here in San Diego Sunday would be a five oh five starter five oh eight Monday get this Tony Monday for game two would be one o'clock in the afternoon So something to just put scribble in the in your calendar somewhere And when the Padres win tomorrow night, then you'll be set for the start of the NLCS Sunday one o'clock Monday. I feel like and I could be wrong. I could I feel like That is That might be because you listen because you got the Mets are gonna be on the Nash League side for sure Let's let's fast-forward say it's the Padres Facing the Mets, then you'll have possibly Yankees and whoever right and they're gonna want to put the Yankees in prime time On the Yankees are gonna get the prime time spot But in some ways though it works better for Major League Baseball to have a West Coast and East Coast Game because now you can fit two games into the prime time area, right? The Padres will be at four o'clock Eastern right on the East Coast time and that Yankee game will start eight o'clock So you'll be able to for Major League Baseball It works best when they get in LCS is a LCS is on Opposite sides of the coast because now you can fit both games in prime time area and get the most bang for your buck No doubt. I am of the belief on the Dylan Sees starting the game last night Look all of the and I'm gonna say analytics. I'm not it. You know, I'm not a fan, but the analytics have borne out over the History of the wild card round 1995 it started. So we're looking at 30 years of data Teams that use a starter on three days rest have a record of 61 and 90 It's now 61 and 91 So, you know that was part of it Dylan sees also never pitched on three days rest before but and it did backfired It didn't work and you know did it cost them the game. I'm not so sure they didn't score. So it may not have mattered who pitched but I'm with the belief Tony that Mike Schultz started Dylan Sees Because if he used anything else whether it be Martin Perez or a bullpen dare whatever he wanted to use last night He would have then had to go with Dylan season game 5. I don't think you could have told Dylan Sees Hey, we're skipping you in game 5 So this way by using cease he gets the guy he wanted on the mount for game 5 Which is you Darvish? He said it out of his own mouth in the presser. He you know, you know I actually took a recording of this on my nice new little app called otter. All right kind of yes the other the whole conversation in it in a trance puts in a transcript he actually said That and I'll find the exact quote, but he said at the end of the day. I get Darvish in game 5 Yeah, I'll take that. Yeah, so I think you're right. I think he wanted to have I mean if worse came to worse He felt better. I think about Darv going in game 5 and I don't think he would say that out loud But he was comfortable. I should say with Darvish going in game 5 especially the way He looked here in LA and I and I said this last night the thing that came to mind Instantly as the Dodgers started to kind of swing the bats In this series they have done really well Against the Padres more firmer throwers guys who throw the fastball more They got Dylan in game one. They got Michael in game three although Michael settled in nicely and was able to give them You know get through five innings They didn't get that from Darvish Darvish who you know shape shifts and changes, you know all kinds of different breaking balls They struggled mightily against Darvish whereas sees in King at least they seem to be hunting the fastball a little bit more Than I think we're used to seeing the Dodgers do often times almost seem like they're they're guessing a hundred percent correct at times They struggle with Darvish a lot more unpredictable than than a lot of than the other two guys, so I Just think that this is I like Darv in this game 5 matchup. I really do Absolutely and you know again, it's gonna be all hands on deck But I think Darvish is gonna be outstanding and you know Dodgers also take a lot of pitches Tony And I think for a guy like Dylan Sees even Michael King They need some chase from the opposition Dodgers just don't chase and you've got to be in the strike zone Pretty sure Darvish will be in the strike zone. Yeah, I don't think the Dodgers will be able to wait him out the same way They did the other two guys that was part of the game plan a day Oscar and end has said that also before the the game in that press Or he said obviously him on three days rest. We want to get his pitch count up as much as we possibly can now Yeah, it's not as though they were up there taking pitches I mean they were they were taking some wax and but they weren't chasing outside the zone very much and so That already on short days where you could see how that can bend up a little bit problematic And you know I think for from Dylan standpoint He just he didn't have his fastball command and I think for for those of watch those of us who watch them all year when he Doesn't have the command is when he can Have an outing where you know it looks uneven not as not as crisp as we've seen him And that was I think the case last night and the potters did not take our suggestion and place a pro far and Merrill In the second row behind the stands for the top of the first inning Because I mean what it works. I know it wouldn't work So look you best can hit a homerun in the first inning of every game. It's gonna be pretty annoying I haven't my people in my DMS that know that I think this way sometimes, but I Feel like maybe Mookie was embarrassed by jerks in on whatever night That was where jerks and robbed it from the crowd and brought it back and Mookie was trying to do his home run Try and so then he was like I'm just gonna hit home runs in the first inning of the rest of these games So that I don't feel embarrassed anymore because jerks and Did kind of throw everyone for a loop not gonna say I hated it, but Mookie best of all we all loved it It was great. It was great theater. It was but I think Mookie was more embarrassed by the 0 for 22 Yeah, I'm sure that was prior to that Homer So I'm pretty sure that was it and I also said before game three that I don't think he bets because he's sure good He's just too good. He's not gonna continue that and He hasn't so it look this is great I think these are the I you know I don't think it's out of the out of the realm to say before we get to a quick break and Mike shilt on the other side That these might not be the best two teams left in the entire playoffs. I know the Yankees would argue that The Mets are on a roll, but I think these are the two best teams. It doesn't mean whoever wins tomorrow automatically You know wins at all, but it's just a great showdown and I love being part of it and You know, it's gonna be nerve-wracking. It's gonna be tight You're gonna have to use every trick in the book as a fan to get through it and You know if you got a lucky sofa you sit on you're gonna do it. You wear lucky socks You're gonna wear them, but this is what sports is about if you ask me Whatever lucky piece of clothing if you believe in it all needs to be on tomorrow. I didn't wear My padre shoes yesterday because I didn't go to the game. Well, you need to have them on tomorrow, buddy I won't be sitting in front of the TV. No, I won't have them on. I'm like that I am like eat all the folks who believe in superstitions and just fall just embrace all of it tomorrow tomorrow night is the night Mike shilt is next. I'll go ahead. I'm sorry. Tell me let's get to break as my steam partner Just said Mike shilt is next we're going to Chris I was the back to winning Chris 238 at a time I'm gonna be joined shortly by padre's skipper Mike shilt off day and then tomorrow It's all on the line game five the national league division series padre's and Dodgers. We're assuming you Darvish will pitch for The Padres Tony's assuming Yamamoto will pitch for the Dodgers makes sense. He pitched in game one, but will Dave Roberts Go bullpen day again. Who knows? We'll all find out tomorrow. The game will be shortly after five o'clock here on 97 3 the fan tonight. It's the American League Division series Detroit looking to close out Cleveland at home and The Yankees will be looking to close out Kansas City On the road. All right manager Mike shilt joins us. So I appreciate the time Mike the manager's report with Mike shilt is brought to you By a San Diego County credit union. It's not big bank banking It's better and mike as soon as the game was over last night. Yeah, you said, you know, this is what it's about can't wait for game five let's go And your team has been great at putting you know losses behind them this year. How do you go about doing it this time? Same way, you know, I feel good. We're just gonna go play. I mean there's no I mean, I can appreciate the question, but um, you know, we've done it all year. We're not going to stop now Mike obviously, you know in the pressure yesterday you seemed you said that you were pretty comfortable Uh if things got to this point having a guy like you darvish Uh for game five What is it? What is the advantage to having a guy like you darvish for a moment like this? Yeah, I'm really comfortable in a lot of levels. I mean clearly it's going to be a challenge. I mean, yeah, you got a good club, but you know starting with darvish You just You just i'm confident he's not going to make the situations bigger than it is Um He's going to go. He's going to pitch We've got a lot of pitches clearly It's been in big moments before So and you know elimination games, you know, you want a bunch of guys that are just going to go And uh not make the experience anything bigger than it is just go play baseball Because that's what this thing's going to come down to is it just always will whether it's, you know, april may Game five game six game seven. Um, you know any kind of game that you know allows you to move on or Or win the whole thing You know, it's it's always about just going out and being able to Go play baseball and execute and do what the game calls for as cloudy would say And i'm comfortable confident in you that you can you can give us the best you have to do that Mike shelters with us Dodgers padreas can't wait tomorrow night Mike, what are you happiest about with your ball club through the first four games of this series and What are you may maybe uh least happy about if there's anything through the first four games? Um, I mean listen, you know, i'm pleased about a lot of things then they um sort of kind of a classic series already for a lot of the good reasons and a lot of you know, really You know, dramatic reasons that are unnecessary quite candidly, but uh I just continue to be impressed proud of how our guys compete and how our guys carry themselves. Um, it's a it's a really really um Special group that has a lot of special people that Takes a lot of shots, which you're going to take shot to this level. Um found it unfounded and Um, but they're just showing up and getting after it. Um, you know, I mean I'm not sure how to answer the other question. Um, you know, I'm As far as displays. I mean, yeah, we like doesn't already want it and even on clearly that would be nice Um But I think sometimes we forget, you know, the other starts trying to yeah, um And it's just interesting to me. Oh, we're not doing this. Oh, he's not doing that. Uh, I I wish we could play perfect Um And I wish every every decision worked out You know 100 percent Um, that'd be awesome. The good news is A high high percentage of what we've done our guys have done It's been pretty darn good. Um And it's just it's just you know, it's this hard game and uh We play it very well and we we go about it exceptionally well And i'm looking forward to tomorrow night Mike shill joins us here manager of the san diego potteries and and mike You guys had the second best road record in all of baseball This season and my my question is what goes into? You know having uh so much success on the road and and certainly in a moment like this You're on a road hostile environment. Uh, how does that come into a play for a game like this? I think we I don't think I know we'll draw from the experience of that. That's important It is a big part of the success of this club That's been built. Um Around just taking taking advantage of every opportunity you get Regardless of circumstance I know that sounds cliche Um But that is something that's way harder to actually do until you know this um easier easier said than done in this group Um They bring it and it doesn't matter home road hostile environment cold hot day game night game tough loss big win gonna show up the next day and and get after it and And then do it, you know be prepared and look to execute and play the game the right way and do it together Um, and when you do that really the environment or the situation Um become secondary. It's just about taking care of business Mike is there a thought to you know, maybe tweak anything for game three Uh, you know, whether it's a lineup or anything Uh, or are you gonna be are you of the type that is more likely to stick with what's got us here? I'll let you answer that question. Okay I think you're gonna tweak everything and I think you're gonna put the names in a hat and pick a lineup out There you go. You nailed it I'm just now finishing up Squares and You know, I've got I've got I'm bringing Brian Estesito in here to to bring the hat and we'll just start drawing them There you go. That's what I'm I said fully. Yeah. I mean look we got here, man I don't I don't know what to what today, you know, yeah, we ride with who who got us here And I don't know what what the suggestion would be Um, you know, we scored 10 runs we scored six runs Um We get shut out, but pretty really darn good bullpen and made a lot of pitches that make a lot of mistakes Um, you know, I don't I don't see anything dramatically changing Mike you you've you've managed for for quite a long time you've been in this game for quite a long time I'm not sure how many of these elimination games you've been involved. I know you've been in at least one it came against Uh, the team you're managing now How is there is there any difference in managing in a in an elimination game? Versus a game one two or three like it can is there a is there? Obviously a X and O's difference and is there do you feel a difference when you're when you're down in that dugout? Uh, you know, there's the one elimination games definitely are different. I've been in A fair amount of them. Um, you know had a good force to be in on A three championship clubs in the model leagues that I managed and being a part organization at one and being a part of You know seeing what that looked like from a staff perspective and and being you know in my organization. So You know good experience and doing it talking people that have done it Um one of them that you know one three world series and Was just in san diego. Johnny rooosa. You know text with him last night That's the game just going back and forth about stuff. Um answer question. Yeah, it's different It's clearly different than trying to win the last game of the series or the last game before day off But the reason i bring those things up is because there's you know when you have freedom You know to um Handle your bullpen Then that that that allows you to do more things the thing about the elimination game that you know is um Is wonderful Is You know you want to be able to score or at least you want to try to get that lead you want to put pressure on them Um And then you know you want to make sure you you continue to see what it looks like and and trust your your You know starter and harvest tomorrow and Let's evaluate what it looks like and we'll let the game dictate You know the moves like we've done all year and me and you talked about this donia You know managed fairly aggressively to you know, especially when we have these type of opportunities to look to win games And and we've been able to do that and You know, nothing's going to ultimately change. We just know this is a game that we you know have to win and we're Much like every game we've played this year. We'll take it as it comes and get it and go get after it and know that you know We win we move on and so we'll uh, we'll get after the best we can and trust our guys to compete the next few Mike we wish you the best of luck. I don't want to keep uh mr Esposito waiting any longer with the hat to pick out the lineup so Uh, please uh best of luck. I mean, you know, I'm wishing you that from all of san diego And uh, we'll see you back here on sunday. Hopefully for game one of the nlc s Thank you, mike. Yeah, no, we'll be there. We're excited looking forward to it Thank you, sir. The manager's report with mike shilt brought to you by san diego county credit union It's not big bank banking It's better and uh, there he goes the skip of the pod rays Um, yeah, I didn't think he was going to give me any changes in the lineup But I was maybe hoping you slipped somewhere and yeah, and I knew he wasn't but I had to try it You know, yeah, he's not changing the line. That does basically would it just out of the way. It's just nine. It will be the same Uh, he did announce a starting pitcher Uh, at least yet, but I I mean he kind of conceded that he was coming comfortable. I mean you darvis is doing media today. So pretty sure he's going to start Yeah, so so darva is the guy the one thing I was going to ask him Um, does the calculus change and You know, obviously the first couple games. It was pretty obvious mookey bets. Was it Mookie bets yet Does the calculus change and how you're pitching Otani with a hot bets behind him? Although I will say they've held otani down pretty well I mean, they've made him look human at at this point. He's not hitting over 300 Which is you know for him. It seems like the craziness, but um They've done a good job against otani probably it's otani than anybody else this year Uh, but you know now with mookey swinging the bat. Well, does I was wondering does that change the calculus and how you pitch them? Probably not they're having success against otani. You want to keep been relatively quiet outside of game one So, you know, just keep doing what you're doing, but you know, there's nothing surprising there for mike I think we kind of figured They had moved on beyond yesterday. That's that's tip. That's probably why they're so good at playing So well after a clunker, right because they literally forget about it Immediately when the game is is over with they try to learn from it, but they're on to the next and they'll need to do that here Uh against his dr ball club. Yeah, no question. And you asked otani about otani tooth dart mentioned it You know, he's three for three In this series when he comes up with two runners on base And so I think they the the big thing, you know, and everybody said this has been to keep these guys off base before him And uh, you know that has worked for them And let's hope it keeps working. I think that's the I think those are the only hits he has in this series outside of the one he got last night with uh Or was that what you guys on that was with two guys on? Yeah, one with two guys on and game three also the loaded the bases and then he had his three run homer What I just had to make sure that he knew that show. Hey, was gonna be batting later later on. Did you put that up again? Did he do that? A couple people told me it was really funny that I can't flash me it up there So maybe I forgot I say, you know, I'm really meant to tell you this but he is currently Uh 26 hours and 12 minutes away from batting. Yeah, officially, you know This has become and I really do feel you're so tired of that aren't you? I really do feel that fox heard the complaints because they toned it back Okay, joe davis and john smoltz last night were the most down the middle. They have been this entire series down the middle Yes, they do you see joe davis is like soul leave his body when you had to interview for nando on the field The other night he was like, you know doing the smile thing like yes I'm so happy that you did well He he can think he can thank ken rosenthal for that That's also true and apparently ken rosenthal was not to Allow back in the good graces of the padre's last night because we didn't see him anywhere again He had say stuff about people who was definitely there But he was not going to do the interview should the padre's have won that game yesterday. I know that How do you like that? How do you like that information? That's a little insight for you. Yeah, well, I wouldn't let him do the interviews tomorrow night either I'm sorry Don't be surprised if he's not I'm just saying like it at this point. I think uh, you know when you call a man of peacock and You call the other one uh, you know for for pulling fire alarms and then saying what's what what went wrong There's gonna be some pushback and he's getting a ton of it right now jerks and pro far is your best friend until you're his enemy and then you're really For real. You're dead to him after that. I saw him in I saw him in the clubhouse after they were celebrating After the braves and some he was on face time and someone I don't know who it was poured beer in his head And he was so angry that he got beer poured on his head and he was just like I saw that side of jerks I'm like that's the side of jerks that I love right there. Yeah, man You know, yes, we didn't even talk about the the article did we I don't think we had a chance But what do you think? I mean It was it was uncalled for is what I think And he wasn't though. Yes. Oh, we talked about it. Uh, when we were Which I think you guys went. No, we talked with you on wednesday about it I'm pretty sure because I remember reading it to you when we were sitting at bar. Yes. Oh, that's right Here's the part of the conversation you didn't talk about because I said that I think that fox may have Should have taken him off the broadcast just because he was Not being but he was not being unbiased with his article Was that too dramatic of a thought I think little little dramatic. I think I mean they can't he can't interview padre's players That would be the problem not because he was unbiased I mean once the the padre's make the decision that we ain't talking to to my man Uh, you know Then the the the station has a choice to make They had they had a backup Should the padre's have one yesterday that was going to conduct the interview And it wasn't his name was not kin rose and thought so they better get some more backups for the next I imagine there's going to be another one here today and that which is also why joe dave is probably had that Crazy smile on his face because he was like, no, I don't usually do these interviews after the game I know that uh, this is quite awkward because uh, my teammate is the reason why i'm doing this interview right now So did you guys see the george brat interview yesterday during the yankees and the the royals he sloshed? No But they did it for like a whole inning and it was like, okay, we're you know We're done with this whole thing. We're done with the george brat interview You know how sometimes those innings go on forever and you run out of things to talk about with someone Yes, that's the that's the tough part about doing those you get a long inning Guess what you can't just get off you gotta stay on there. So that's true coming back