FocusED: An educational leadership podcast that uncovers what is working in our schools.

Season 4, Episode 4 of the FocusED School Leadership Podcast with David Geurin

David Geurin Joins FocusED to Discuss What It Means to Be Future Driven…and More

This is Season 4, Episode 4 of FocusED, and it features our guest, David Geurin. It was originally recorded live for a studio audience in Delaware, provided as a professional development experience in collaboration with the Delaware Department of Education, the Delaware Academy for School Leadership, and The School House 302. Don’t miss what David says about being a Future Driven educator…and so much more.

David Geurin Brings Tons of Experience to FocusED Listeners Dr. David Geurin is serving in his first year as superintendent of schools for the Fair Play R-II school district. Previously, he was principal at Bolivar High School for 14 wonderful years. Under his leadership, BHS developed many innovative programs and the school was honored as a National Blue Ribbon School and Missouri Gold Star School.

Dr. Geurin is the author of Future Driven: Will Your Students Thrive in An Unpredictable World? He’s passionate about developing leadership, school culture, and authentic learning experiences. Most of all, he’s devoted to creating better future stories for all students.

In 2017, Dr. Geurin was named Digital Principal of the Year by the National Association of Secondary School Principals. He has shared his keynotes and workshops from China to the Bahamas and across the U.S.

FocusED Show Notes with David Geurin

David talked about being future driven and not just “polishing the past,” which he defined as doing what we’ve always done just a little better. The future should be altogether different.

Joe asks an important question about balancing the standards while being innovative and meeting students where they are!

David talked about shifting students' mindsets from getting through school to what they can get from school.

It was awesome to hear David bring up work-based learning. That was a treat for both Joe and T.J. in terms of pathways and vocational/technical programming.

Dr. Geurin talked about his 14 years as principal and the transition to superintendent. His excitement about leading a district is contagious.

David talked about using Twitter to connect as well as his state and national associations. Get involved, get active!

David reads more literature from outside of education than he does within the field.

David talked about John Maxwell, Todd Whitaker, Carol Dweck, Simon Sinek, Adam Grant.

He talked about Culture Code by Dan Coyle as a very influential book.

David talked about the need for more support and resources for rural educators.

Don’t miss what he says that he learned from George Couros and AJ Bianco.

David wants to see more science opportunities and more outdoor experiences for students.

We end with a discussion of intentional practices for inclusion in schools.

David Geurin Quotes From FocusED

We’re not just preparing students for jobs that don’t exist yet, but we have to consider that we’re preparing them to be neighbors and friends of the future as well. ~ David Geurin

We have to encourage an entrepreneurial mindset in the students. ~ David Geurin

I don’t want to be the same today in my thinking as I was in the past. ~ David Geurin

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Broadcast on:
02 Dec 2022