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Embarrassing: Pretrib Missed Again 10/11/2024 - Video

Another ministry recently shared the rapture will occur on October 9, 2024. Today Pastor Stan shares with us the devastating effect these false teachings can have on a Christian. Whether you believe in a Pre-tribulation rapture or not, don’t quit on Jesus!

00:00 – Intro 01:34 – Email 03:33 – Questions 07:18 – The Problem 11:39 – Don’t Quit Jesus 27:20 – Our Sponsors

Broadcast on:
11 Oct 2024
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(upbeat music) Welcome to the Prophecy Club. Today's most difficult topic is embarrassing. We're gonna be talking about pre-trib and how it has missed again. And I'm gonna start by saying, brothers and sisters, I'm not trying to offend you. If you believe, if you have been taught that there is a pre-trib rapture, I'm not trying to offend you. As a matter of fact, I'm about to read an email and I'm about to give an apology. Okay, first of all, this website, which I'm not revealing the website 'cause I don't want to embarrass them, but they have said that October the 9th of 2024 is going to be the rapture. So this is another one that has missed it. And here's the problem. If you look down at the bottom right corner in red, this site has got 4.5 million views in the last three weeks. 4.5 million people that were lied to. 4.5 million people that have egg on their face, once again, that were told there's gonna be a pre-trib rapture, they were looking up into heaven, waiting for it, and it didn't. And I'm trying to keep the sneaker off my face. But I've got to explain it, all right? So here's the email I got. Dear Stan, I understand you've been heavily opposed the pre-trib rapture, rapture view. But on the program yesterday, you seem to mock pre-tribulation believers. I apologize. Please forgive me. In relation to the disasters that happening due to the end times weather, if a Bible teacher, your goal is to win over Christians who will have an A, pre-tribulation view, I would stay away from the mocking tone, again, my apologies. It's counterproductive to the point you're trying to make and it's overall disrespectful to the fellow believer. Remember, your point of view is in the minority, I agree, when compared to the most evangelical Christians that believe the Bible intersides. So, trying to win them over by disrespecting there's not going to work, thanks for your time. And I received that. And that's what I said on the email time. If pre-tribbers were to not shun me so much and accept me, then it would be much easier to stop with the mocking. Yes, I have to work at mocking them and I apologize because they have so much more mocked, criticized and rejected me, which I believe I carry the truth, but I can explain that. If I were not a pre-trib, if I am not a pre-tribber, I do not exist. In other words, they won't have anything to do with you. They won't talk to me, they'll invite me to speak. The pastors have nothing to do with me coming into their churches, why? Primarily because I don't believe there's a pre-trib rapture. I'm not about to speak, I'm rejected and they will have nothing to do with me. So yes, it is difficult not to mock them when they constantly miss it. But I will keep your comments in mind and apologize. By the way, I doubt I will ever win them over until an event. So devastating arrives that it finally opens their eyes. It is easier to deceive a person than to convince them that have been deceived. Now let's talk about it. First of all, as I said, I'm not trying to mock pre-tribbers. I'm actually trying to save their soul. Wait, wait, wait, wait, stand. Are you saying that a pre-tribber is going to help? No. But what I am saying is it increases the likelihood that when all of a sudden I find themselves in a world of hurt and there's no Jesus coming to protect them and save them, that could walk away. Revelation 3, 18, and I'm coming at this at direction. So if you've heard me talk about this for you, I'm gonna give you most of it you've never heard before. I think that God showed me a different way to explain it to you today. Revelation 3, 18. I counseled the Tababi-gold child in the fire. Now, this is Jesus talking. Why did he say, and this is specifically talking to the church of Laodicea, which is the seventh church, or the seventh church age, or this church age. So he's now talking to Christians live on the earth in the last days, that's us. I counseled the Tababi-gold child in the fire. What's he saying? What fire? He's talking about this fire. When he blows his glory down, the morning a star. When it burns the tears. So he's saying, I counseled the Tababi-gold child in the fire that now may be rich in white ramen. Now, wait a minute, if there's a pre-trib rapture, why would he have to say this to anybody? Well, if there's a pre-trib rapture, he wouldn't have to say this. He wouldn't have to worry about it because they're gonna be rich in the white ramen, and they'd be clothed, and the shame of their nakedness would not appear, and in one time I was asked that I said that they may have seen, in other words, they're gone. They're not tested, they're not tried. Then you go to Revelation 16, 15. Behold, it comes with the thief. Blessed is he that watches and keepeth his garments. Okay, this is the day before Armageddon. Jesus is warning him that he comes as a thief, and if you don't watch, you can lose your garments. Now, who has garments? That would be us. And what are the garments? The garments are the ones that we wear when you go to the married septal lamb. He's saying you can lose your salvation. That's the garments. He's saying that if you're not watching him, you can fall away. Could it be that there's gonna be pre-tribburs fall away? I think so. Let's go on. It is easier to deceive a person then to convince them they are deceived, a couple of more little points. A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still. I can show a pre-tribburs versus until they're coming up their ears. But if they don't want to see it, if they don't open their eyes, they don't open their heart, you'll never convince them. In other words, my mind's made up. Don't confuse me with facts. You're wasting your time. And that's the way, sad to say most of them feel, but if you'll open pre-tribburs, if you'll open your heart. And hopefully one of your friends has sent you this DVD. And if you'll just stick with me, keep your options open, okay? Keep your mind open, 'cause a mind like a parachute only works when it's open, okay? You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. My dad used to always say it. But I'm gonna change it, say you can show up person the truth, but you can't make them accept it or what we're talking about as pre-tribb or post-tribburs. Now, a post-tribburs or pre-rath, they don't get angry if you just agree with them. They still want to be friends. And it does not bother them that you believe in pre-tribb except they don't wanna see you become disillusioned, walk away, take the mark. Now, here's the problem with pre-tribb. The Holy Spirit knows all truth. John 16, 13, "Howbeit when the spirit of truth has come, he will guide you into all truth." That includes the rapture. For he shall not speak of himself, but whatsoever he shall hear it. That shall he speak and he will show you things to come. So, we agree, the Holy Spirit knows whether it's pre-made, post, pre-rath. He knows when the rapture is gonna take place. The Holy Spirit has tried to tell us when we have misunderstood. And hopefully, we have recognized his voice that's still a small voice or maybe even a dream or vision. Now, I know what you're gonna say. Wait a minute, Stan, there's lots of people who have dreams and visions right now about a pre-tribb rapture go up on YouTube and just top it in so you can find lots of them, yes? But in the last days, they'll come scoffers, saying, "Where's the promise if he's coming?" For since the Father's fell asleep, all things remain the same, meaning. There's gonna be a lot of people that are gonna be looking for Jesus to come at a pre-tribb rapture. And when they don't, the non-Christians that won't have anything to do with Christianity, because those Christians believe they're gonna get sucked in the air and they won't have to see any trouble. I don't believe that and they'll have nothing to do with Christianity because of a pre-tribb rapture. So the Holy Spirit knows the truth and it knows in our heart that we're believing a lie. Could it be that the Holy Spirit keeps speaking to us, know you're wrong in that, know you're wrong in that? So if we continue to ignore the still small voice and the voice continues to warn us, could it be we get angry? Hence, pre-tribb gets angry at those who disagree. It gets angry at those that refuse to fellowship with them, refuse to consider another point of view. You must believe us I do in order to be my friend. And that's the reason a lot of pastors will have absolutely nothing to do with me or prophecy club. Nothing to do with it. For one, we don't believe in pre-tribb. Two, we believe in that stuff that America's gonna fall. You know, like Demetri Deuter was told, it's trash all that stuff that I would never put up with. I'd never have that behind my pulpit. So the church continues to sleep on. Remember there was five virgins still asleep when Jesus returned. Stan, this is me talking. I was talking to Michael Baldea. I think the pre-tribbers will walk away from the church and call Jesus in the Bible names, perhaps burn their churches. Michael Baldea said, "Well, if that's all that happens, "the pastors will have got off light." Now, which is better? Being pre-tribb, happy-go-lucky, enjoying life, until the moment you find out you're wrong, not prepared to endure. Or believe in pre-rath or post-tribb or something like that, be prepared to endure it to the end, which is better. So here are the dangers of pre-tribb. One, I don't need to worry. How many times have I heard this? Many, I don't need to know more. None of that end-time stuff. I'm going in the rapture. I mean, if you just believe in the rapture, you're gonna go in the rapture, right? I've heard that, lots of times. You see, we don't need to learn a study about the end-times, all that end-time, that negative, where are we? We're not gonna be here for that. Well, that's nice if it's true, what if it's not? If all the Christians are going to avoid the tribulation, then why do God give us all of these end-time prophecies? Why even have the book of Revelation? Why not just let the centers get hit, slapped right in smack dab in the face with the tribulation? Why do they need to be warned? If all the Christians would be taken out, as some people would say, centers would be damned, let them go. Well, it was because they aren't taken out. So here's the dangers of pre-trib. They say, well, I can just play and be happy. I can forget about the Bible and just have a good time. It's called cognitive dissonance when they don't believe. Now, I'm gonna show you some scriptures you've probably never seen before, and I have not, I've seen them. But I haven't brought them forth before because I think, well, probably most of the people that believe in pre-trib have not studied their Bibles well enough. And if I try to cover these verses to someone that is not familiar with the Bible, that will not understand them. But I'm gonna go ahead and cover them anyway. So I'll tell you right up front, if you don't know your Bible, you're gonna say, huh, what? What does that mean? Well, I'm sorry, you should have read your Bible. Okay, so this is for the more advanced Bible study people. Romans 5-3 says it. Let me first of all give you the definition of patience. And I learned this when I memorized the book of Revelation. Yes, I memorized the whole book back in 2017. I wrote four books as a result of it anyway. The Bible does not say directly in the last days the word patience means don't quit. I'll show you the verse that comes pretty close to it if you understand Revelation. So anyway, Romans 5-3. Not only so, but we glory in tribulations. What? The Bible says we glory in trib... Well, no, that's not talking about the tribulation. No, it's not. It's talking about simply troubles that Christians go through. But what it is saying is Christians do go through trouble. Look and see. Not only so, but we glory in tribulations. Also, knowing that tribulation worth gets patience. In other words, the difficulties of life causes us to be stronger, more resilient. Second Corinthians 6-4. But in all things approving yourselves as the Minister of God, in much patience there it is again, don't quit. And afflictions, necessities, distresses... Wait, wait, wait. Stand. Christians don't have to go through none of that stuff. If we believe in a pre-trib rapture, we're not going to see none of that stuff. I don't accept that. That's garbage. Click. Turn the channel. Click. Go to something else. Because they will not endure a sound doctrine. Patience afflictions, necessities, distresses, stripes and prisms to mulch, labors, in watchings and in fast things. Do most pre-tribbers fast often? My guess is most pre-tribbers not only don't fast often. They don't read their Bible often. They don't have a prayer closet. They don't spend a lot of time in their face praising and worshiping God. Well, wait a minute. I know some good pre-tribbers that are really, really close to me. Well, I know a whole bunch of real good pre-tribbers that are not good, not very close to God too. Second Thessalonians 1-4. So that we ourselves glory in you and the churches of God for your patience and faith and all your persecution. No, no, we don't have persecutions and tribulations. We are pre-tribb. If you believe in pre-tribb, you get to go with the pre-tribb. I've heard it often. Patience and faith through all your persecutions and tribulations that you endure. No, that's not even in the Bible. That's only in the King James version. I don't know. It's probably in the other versions too. James 1-3. Knowing this, that the trying of your faith, there's no trying of our faith. We get pulled out of here. The trying of your faith worth the work of patience. But let patience have a perfect work. That you may be perfect and entire wanting nothing. See, my opinion, now what I was about to say would be offensive. So I'm trying to come up with a better way to say it. A lot of times the reason the flesh wants to grab onto a pre-tribb is because they don't want to be put through difficulty. It's fine that Jesus died on the cross for them, but they wouldn't do the same for him. It's fine that Jesus got whipped for them, but they wouldn't do the same for him. It's fine that he died for them, but they won't die for him. Perfect and entire wanting nothing because when you have been tried and the flesh has been whipped off of you, and what I'm saying, all of a sudden you want nothing in this world, but just Jesus. James 5, 10, take my brethren the prophets who have spoken in the name of the Lord for an example of what? Suffering, affliction, and patience. You see right there that gets pretty close to giving you the definition of patience. It means don't quit. So the prophets were beaten. They suffered affliction and it built patience. In other words, it taught them not to quit. But you see a pre-tripper, I started to say they're quitters. No, they're not quitters. They hadn't had the opportunity yet. But given the opportunity, many of them will. No, no they won't because they're hearing this and they're going to shore up. They're going to crack those leaves. Okay, let's go on to the next verse. "The hold that we count them happy which endure." No, no, no, we count those as post-tribbers or pre-rath believers, and because they don't believe in a pre-trib rapture, they don't get to go in a pre-trib rapture. They say that. "The hold we count them happy which endure." You have heard of the patience of Job and have seen the end of the Lord that the Lord is a very pitiful and a kinder mercy. Suffering, affliction, patience. Endure, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah. We don't have to go through that. Revelation 2, 3, it has born, it has patience. There's that word again. And for my namesake has labored and has not fainted. See, patience once again there, I should have underlined it. The definition has kind of given it to you is one that has not fainted. One that has not quit Jesus and walked away. Revelation 3, 10, "Because thou has kept the word of my patience," in other words you didn't quit, "I will also keep thee from the hour of temptation." We should come upon all the world to try them that dwell upon the earth. There it is. See, stand? There it is. That's the verse right there. It says, "If we keep his word, then we don't have to go through the tribulation." That's what it says. Okay, wait a minute. Is that what it's really saying? Because let's go to the next verse. Okay, so now we go to verse 11. "Behold, I come quickly. Hold that fast, which thou hast, that no man takes thy crown." Oh, wait a minute. It's not saying that if we keep the word of God, that we don't have to go through their seven-year tribulation. Next verse. "And he did overcome it." Now, what's an overcomer? Now, here's another verse. The Bible does not say the definition of an overcomer. Try it again. The definition of an overcomer is one that sees the beast. Here's the beast that does not take the mark of the beast. But I can show you so many words in Revelation, that's what it is saying. "He did overcome the beast." Well, in order to overcome the beast, you've got to see the beast. You've got to hear the beast. You have to have the opportunity to take the mark of the beast and not receive it. That's the overcomer. So let's back up and let's look at this. So he has kept the word of my patience. Him will also keep it from the hour of temptation. And that makes him an overcomer because he didn't take the mark of the beast. So that verse is not saying, you're not going to go through the tribulation. Hold that fast with thou hasta. No man takes that crown. Don't lose your garments. Don't walk away. Don't quit. On to the next one. Revelation 13-10. This is the verse that I don't like in the Bible. Because what it's saying is, if you have a shoot in arm, you should not pick it up and try to kill those people coming after you because you have not taken the mark of the beast. Now I'll show you. He that lead authentic captivity shall go into captivity. He that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here's the patience and faith in the saints. Meaning if you turn people over to the new world order, you're going to get turned over to the new world order. If you kill someone that's coming after you because you don't have the mark of the beast, then you're going to be killed. In other words, wait a minute. Here's the patience and faith in the saints. He's saying saints, I know this. I know you're not going to like this. But if they're coming after you because you do not have the mark of the beast, don't kill them. It is my sovereign desire and my plan that you give your life for me so that you can have the highest resurrection. And I saw in the altar the souls of those that are for a kill for the witness of Jesus for the testimony. And they cried with a loud voice saying, "How long, O Lord, holy and true, does not I judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?" In other words, people coming after us the mark of the beast. And avenge our blood. White robes are given to every one of them. And it's said to them that they should rest yet for a little season until their fellow servants also in their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled. Meaning some of us have been slated in the book of life to give our life for Jesus. That is unless you believe in pre-trip. I know. I'm kind of walking pre-trip a little bit again. I'm sorry. A man convinced against his will of the same opinion still. I can't make you, I can lead the horse to water, but I can't make him drink. I can show you the truth, but I can't make you believe. It's not until you feel that peace in here. And the reason you get angry at people that don't believe in a pre-trip rapture is because the Holy Spirit is telling you in your heart, you're not right. You're incorrect. You've misunderstood. You've been taught wrong. You know, it's okay to misunderstand as long as you're willing to walk away from that misunderstanding. Well, based upon the information up to this point, I see pre-trip stand. Okay, fine. But now I'm giving you new information so you can now make a new decision. And that new decision is, no, there's not going to be a pre-trip rapture. There's more. Now let's go to Revelation 14. This is in the middle of the scripture we just read. Now, I'm going to read these first three verses pretty quick. And the third angel followed them the same with a loud voice. If any man worshiped the beast in his image and received his mark in his forehead to enter his hand, the same to drink of the wild of the wrath of God that is poured out with that mixture into the cup of his indignation. That means he's going to be tormented. And he should be tormented with a fire and brimstone of the presence of the Holy Angels and the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment ascended up forever and ever and they have no rest day or night who worshiped the beast, his image, and his swear receive at the mark of his name. Means you take that mark to the beast, you don't get sold death. You are tormented. What is torment? It's like you're being burned all over. Total, total 100% pain excruciating. You can't stand it. But, torment is when you can't stop it. For all eternity, whatever you do, don't take that mark. I wrote a book on it. Missed the mark. Good book. Then it says, here's the patience in faith, here's the patience of the saints, here they keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. In other words, it's going to look like the world is taking the mark of the beast. Everybody around you is taking the mark of the beast. And it's going to be very, very difficult not to take the mark of the beast. But if you take the mark of the beast, here's what's going to happen. Total, 100% torment for all eternity. And I heard a voice from heaven saying to me right. "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth ye sayeth the Spirit, that they may rest from the labors and their works do follow them." Why do you say that? It's because what it's saying is there's a lot of people that don't get to go and either a pretrib or a mid-trib or don't even go to the marriage up of the land which I believe takes place about four months before Jesus and our Armageddon. But, they weren't quite ready so they didn't get to go. But they also had wet ingarments and so they get to rest from the labors. They'll probably give their life for Jesus. But their works still follow them. Okay? If you're none of those things which thou shalt suffer, okay? How do you read that and believe that there's a pretrib rapture? Behold the devil shall cast some of you in prison that you may be tried and you shall have tribulation ten days. Be thou faithful into death and I'll give thee a crown of life. If you're not talking about the seven-year tribulation there, you're simply talking about trouble. But if he is talking about trouble, that brings him to a life and death decision. And he shall have tribulation ten days, be thou faithful into death. That part fits us all. So, I'll say this. If you must believe in a pretrib rapture, at least make the decision that no matter what happens, you'll never deny Jesus. You'll never take that mark because there's a day coming when you're going to have to throw that pretrib rapture doctrine out the window. He grabbed my hand and squeezed until I could feel goodness and virtue coming into my body. Who said that? The angel that spoke to Dana Coverstone. Then the angel went on to say and he said, "Be faithful into death and I'll give thee a crown of life." I think it's interesting here is Dana Coverstone, I think he's a good servant of the Lord, a good friend of mine. I love the brother. I love to work with him again. But he's a pretribber. You know, that doesn't bother me. And by the way, it doesn't bother him that I'm not a pretribber. And that's why it ought to be, okay? But why did the angel tell Dana Coverstone, "Be thou faithful into death and I'll give thee a crown of life?" Why would he say that? Why would he say that if Dana Coverstone, a full-time pastor of the Lord, good, holy servant, in my opinion, if there's a pretrib rapture, he wouldn't have said that to him. He said that to him because a day is going to arrive when Dana Coverstone to those people that listen to him, that includes me, it's going to have to make a decision. You either take the mark or you lose your head. I'm going to end it there. I can go on for another hour with information like this. If I covered this, so I'm going to go on. Let me just end by saying this. I hope I didn't offend you. And if I did, please forgive me. And I hope that the Holy Spirit will open your eyes that you can see that there's not going to be a pretrib. There's not going to be a mid-trib, not going to happen. It's not until about four months before Jesus returns and by the most Christians are dead anyway. And also, prophecy club is in a bit of a jam, financially. So God has blessed you and you like what we do here, we would appreciate your support. God bless. If you don't want to lose your life's savings, if you have an IRA or a 401(k), then the thing to do is call 800-200-GOLD. 800-200-GOLD, these folks are Christians and they specialize in helping people not lose their life's savings in the event of a stop market crash and things like that. Look, most of the 401(k)s, most of the IRAs are in paper, backed by paper. And as Lindsey Williams says, if it's in paper, it's worth the paper. It's written on, you can lose it all. 1-800-200-GOLD, 800-200-GOLD. Hey, give them a call. It doesn't hurt, it doesn't cost you anything. See if they can give you some good advice. We've got a new sponsor. It's, I'm amazed at what this company offers. They got satellite phones. They've got Wi-Fi hotspots where you could have internet anyplace. So suitcase nooks go off in your city. If you don't have to worry about that, you still have electricity. 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