The Missing Link

Int 891 with David Parker an Electrical Engineering, author and researcher

David Parker is an Electrical Engineering, author and researcher with special interests in natural health, the nature of reality and the origin of civilisation.

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The discipline of electrical engineering requires an aptitude for logic, which proved extremely useful for the investigation that has involved more than ten years continuous research to find answers to the question: what really makes people ill?, resulting the the book I co-authored called “What Really Makes You Ill? Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease Is Wrong”.

A popular saying, which is often attributed to Albert Einstein, claims that problems cannot be solved by using the same way of thinking that created them. The concept underlying this saying can be extrapolated to indicate that a problem can often be better understood by people outside of the discipline in which it occurs because they are not bound by any dogma or biases inherent within that discipline
The authors’ investigation of why people become ill was conducted from a different perspective from that of the medical establishment; it was therefore free from the dogma and biases inherent within ‘medical science’. This unbiased and logical approach enabled them to follow the evidence with open minds and led them to discover the flaws within the information about illness and disease that is promulgated by the medical establishment.

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Broadcast on:
10 Oct 2024
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David Parker is an Electrical Engineering, author and researcher with special interests in natural health, the nature of reality and the origin of civilisation.

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The discipline of electrical engineering requires an aptitude for logic, which proved extremely useful for the investigation that has involved more than ten years continuous research to find answers to the question: what really makes people ill?, resulting the the book I co-authored called “What Really Makes You Ill? Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease Is Wrong”.

A popular saying, which is often attributed to Albert Einstein, claims that problems cannot be solved by using the same way of thinking that created them. The concept underlying this saying can be extrapolated to indicate that a problem can often be better understood by people outside of the discipline in which it occurs because they are not bound by any dogma or biases inherent within that discipline
The authors’ investigation of why people become ill was conducted from a different perspective from that of the medical establishment; it was therefore free from the dogma and biases inherent within ‘medical science’. This unbiased and logical approach enabled them to follow the evidence with open minds and led them to discover the flaws within the information about illness and disease that is promulgated by the medical establishment.

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(dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music) - Everyone has something to share, an eye of their wisdom, story, or logic. And it's clearly amazing to hear all the different missing links discovered by people, unique to their own journeys. And then how they have come to discover them. Together we can help to build a bigger picture for a better future for a brighter tomorrow. Let's stand united, let's remove the veils, and let's create a new world together. Are you that missing link? Join Jesse Hale on the Missing Link talk show, as he helps to unveil the mystery through the unique wisdom and story of others. (dramatic music) (dramatic music) - Welcome, welcome, welcome. Welcome everybody here back to the Missing Link. Today we're excited to talk with an electrical engineering author and researcher with special interests in natural health, the nature of reality, and the origin of civilization. Welcome to the Missing Link, David Parker. How are you doing today, brother? - I'm doing very well, thank you, Jesse, and thank you very much for inviting me on your show. I'm looking forward to having a chat. - Yeah, we're looking forward to that as well. You seem like a brilliant mind. So why don't you start off with telling us about yourself and your journey, a little bit about your background, your education, what part of the world you grew up in, what part of the world you're in now, if you like disclosing that information, anything about your journey, what got you into electrical engineering and author, and how you got to know about the origin of civilization, anything that you wanted to share about your story with our audience here today, especially if they may be hearing you here for the first time. - Sure, I will be brief, 'cause obviously I've been around quite a long time, so it would take a long time to discuss all of it. - Okay, well, probably the important bits really. I mean, I've been an electrical engineer in heavy industry. All my work in life, I'm obviously retired now, I've been some years. And since retiring, I've obviously been able to devote more time to research, so that's some of which you can see at the back here. Got a complete library goes all around the office, but that's another story. Well, I guess really, one of the main things that I've always been interested in ever since I was a young teenager was really the nature of reality in one way or another. I was brought up in the church, Church of England, actually. And, but I'd always had an inquiry in mind and wanted to know, you know, is there a purpose to life? The big questions, really, why we're here, is there a purpose? What happens to us when we die? All of those sorts of things. And I couldn't really get what I thought were satisfactory answers within the Church of England. And so eventually I started to study comparative religions, all the main religions, all of which you've got little gems, little nuggets of knowledge in them, but nothing that completed the circuit for me, if you like. So I still had more questions. So I looked at science, I studied quantum physics, and I guess I was brought up in a scientific environment, rarely as an electrical engineer. So I thought maybe quantum physics, that was the, still is supposedly the cutting edge of science. So I thought maybe they'll have some answers, and they do, but again, not complete. So I continued my journey and research for the last over 60 years. I'm 75 next month, actually, but. So I spent a long time looking at it, and gathered a few things along the way, which maybe we'll get chance to share a few of those things today. If your audience hopefully is interested in it, it can get very heavy. So if we do get into that, I'll keep it as light and as brief as I can. But many people, maybe your audience might know me better for the work, and this is the book at the back here, I'll hold it this way up, it's probably easier, which I co-authored with Dawn Lester, who many people may be aware of. And this is probably the one, because it's quite a tome, as you can see. Many people may be more familiar with us for that, and that's the book called What Really Makes You Will, Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease Is Wrong. And it's been very successful around the world, because when we released it, it was at Christmas 2019. And we all know what happened in 2020, literally just a few weeks later, the whole COVID phenomenon begins hit the world. I don't know whether we can go into too much detail on that. Normally, if I talk in any depth, people lose their platform, particularly if it's on YouTube, it just gets banned straight away. And they don't like you talking about radical things. - Well, I let people talk freely, and if you mention things, then I just put it on private on YouTube afterwards. We've had six YouTube channels deleted already, so I know kind of how the algorithms work, and I rather just people speak freely than restrictive, and then I just deal with the consequences or the questions of it. - Sure, well, that makes that easier for me, and I'll let you do the hard work of sorting it out afterwards. So the book is obviously nearly 800 pages. I mean, we covered, it took 10 years of research for doing it myself to put that book together. So it's very detailed, and really goes through everything, really pulls the rug out from under the hold of the medical and pharmaceutical establishment, and shows that there is no such thing as a pathogenic germ, whether it be a virus or a bacteria, and shows the real reasons why people get ill. So hence, they subtitle why everything you thought you knew about disease is wrong, because we're all brought up, and that includes me, to believe that germs were what made you ill, and that vaccinations were safe and effective and could give you immunity to these various germs. And in our research, Don and I realized that none of that was true. And so, but I'm sort of jumping ahead of myself a little bit, because before we got to writing that book, because as I mentioned earlier, my main interest was the nature of reality. And I used to do talks on the nature of reality in one of the local towns, near where I live. I live in the UK, by the way. I'm English if people have not already gathered that from my accent. So I was born in England, I still live in England, although I've traveled all over the world, including America, which I loved, I spent quite a lot of time in America, but I digress slightly. So I started out, because I was doing these talks, every once a week for quite some time, and that's where I first met Dawn. It's used to come along to the talks, I didn't know before that. And what I was saying resonated with her, and we talked sort of after the meetings. And because I'd been asked many times by people to write a book about the nature of reality, but had never got around to it, so got a long story short. Dawn and I actually did get together to write the first little book, which is this one. They can see it, called The Nature of Reality. But as you can see, we had to write under a pen name, N-O-R, not too imaginative standing for the nature of reality, but that was the first book. Now, the reason we wrote under a pen name is because at that time I was employed by a large international company. I won't mention any names, and they wouldn't have taken very kindly to some of the revelations I was making. We were making in the book. But at that time, I mean, I'm going back, as I say, 20 years when I first met Dawn, and we started writing probably about 17 years ago. And at that time, 17 years ago, both Dawn and I believed all the standard things about health. We believed that viruses were real things, pathogenic, and could cause disease, and the same for bacteria. And as I said, vaccinations we believed were good for you, and gave you immunity. So, while we were writing the book about the nature of reality, there was a chapter in it where we had to talk about health, just a little bit. And in particular, we had to talk about viruses. Well, at that time, 17 years ago, Dawn and I realized we didn't know particularly a great deal about viruses, so we decided we needed to do some research. And that was the proverbial tin of worms, if you like, as we started to dig into it, we realized that everything we thought we knew about disease was wrong, hence the subtitle, why everything you thought you knew about disease is wrong, 'cause that's where we were 17 years ago. And that's why it took then 10 years of, because neither Dawn nor I were formally medically trained. So we knew that to write a book, we were going to go up against the whole of the medical system, and so we knew that we had to be accurate and correct with everything we said, and our research couldn't have any flaws in it, otherwise we knew we were gonna get jumped on from a great height by pharmaceutical companies and the medical establishment generally. So we had written the Nature Reality book and now we were so shocked by what we were finding out about health that we thought we needed to get something out there, and so we wrote another little book, which is this one, still under our pen name, called "Why germs don't make you ill, and drugs can't cure you." So the title says it all really, and it's only a little book, both of these are little books, as you can see. Both are still available on Amazon, they've done quite well. So people can have a look at those if they like, but we wanted to get something out there, because we were horrified with what was happening to the general public in their ignorance, believing that germs made the mill, and they were going to the doctors and getting all sorts of medications and vaccines that were actually causing them harm. So we got that out there, but realized that we'd got a big job to do to write a third book, which as I say is the one behind me here, what really makes you ill, but that, as we didn't realize at the time, it was going to take 10 years of research. But because there are no such things as coincidences, as I realized a long time ago, we, it just happened to be that the book was ready and was published and was released, as I say, at Christmas 2019. Just before this whole nonsense of a COVID pandemic, suppose it, which I think a lot of people, probably a lot of your viewers will know that there was a complete nonsense. There was no actual real disease. And, but our book, of course, was very popular because it showed people quite clearly that, what the real causes of illnesses were, there could be no such thing as COVID, that the whole, suppose it's science and virology was extremely flawed. Their tests to try and prove what they thought was a pathogen, a complete nonsense. And many people have, many doctors have now actually written about that. People like Dr. Andy Kaufmann, Dr. Sam Bailey, Dr. Mark Bailey, Dr. Stephen Lanker, I mean, was someone that we, in the very early days, were in communication with because he was a trained virologist and he was very helpful in showing that there is definitely no such thing as a pathogenic virus. And he actually did take the medical establishment to court, I think in about 2015, and ask them to prove that a virus caused measles and there were two court cases. The first one, which is the only one that the media ever advertised because he lost that case. But he appealed against it because he was in the lower court in Germany. So he appealed against it because the only evidence that the medical establishment had given was that basically, well, everyone knows viruses caused disease, so that was their case, which is of course, blue rubbish. So he took it to the Supreme Court in Germany, the highest court, and demanded that, because he was offering 100,000 euros, if they could prove that any virus, but in this case, particularly the supposedly measles virus, he was offering 100,000 euros if they could prove it. So they were quite keen to do this, of course, and obviously, and to shame Dr. Stephen Lanker. Well, they couldn't do it, and they produced six supposedly scientific papers to prove their case, none of which did, and the Supreme Court found against the medical establishment and in favour of Dr. Stephen Lanker. So he won his case and kept his money. But you would have thought that would have made headlines around the world, wouldn't you, that it's been proved that there is no such thing as a measles virus. But no, it was the mainstream media was particularly mute on that, and we can all guess why now, 'cause they're a controlled media, it's not free press at all. And what was even more shocking is only about 12 months after Dr. Lanker had proved that there was no such thing as a measles virus. The German government mandated that all school children should be vaccinated against the measles virus, which you just think, well, that was really started to make people think there is something rather crooked going on when, you know, you're particularly in Germany, their own Supreme Court had proved there was no such thing, and then the government mandated that the school children should be vaccinated against it. So that's just to give people a flavour. So our book became very popular, it's counted English, it's translated into four languages, so English, French, Dutch and Japanese, we can believe. So I do have them on the shelf, although I can't reach Japanese, but interesting to see it in Japanese. So that was really the start of it all, and we got invited onto many channels around the world to talk about the book, and that went on for approximately the last five years. Things have settled down a little bit, although the media and the medical establishment are still trying to scare everyone with new pandemics of various sorts, they've tried things like monkeypox, and they're trying to bring COVID back, and HIV and all of these things, all of which are discussed in the book and shown to be not caused by Jones talk. So if they wish, if they go to the website, which you've kindly put up, what really makes you, they can see quite a lot of our interviews, there's probably about 100 interviews on there, so they can see some of the stuff that we've talked about, or better still, they can buy the book, (laughs) and they've got all the details they want. There is a Kindle version of it, so if they don't want to spend, I think it's 20 odd pounds, $25, something like that, they can buy the Kindle version, which is only about $10, it's got all the same information, but is a lot cheaper. So those are the books, and that brings us really up to how Don and I got together and how we started writing, produced the three books. We've decided at the moment we're not planning on writing any more books, but we've sort of taken a break from the whole of the medical thing, we thought after all of that of nearly five years, and over a hundred interviews about it, we've probably done enough. And now, of course, there are many more people that have written some books and are also talking about it. So it gave us a breathing space, Don's sort of moved off to do other stuff, and so have I. I've probably become more reclusive because I've engaged myself in a lot of more research, you've mentioned it earlier, about not only the nature of reality, but the origins of civilization, which again has been a very much an eye opener for me, and will probably be quite surprising to many of your listeners. I might start, if you wish. I might just mention one of the most interesting books that I came across about the origin of civilization was surprisingly a book written in the late 1800s by a writer called Ignatius Donnelly. Now, he used to be a congressman in America, but a very clever guy, and he wrote a book called, I've got it on my desk here, Atlantis, the anti-diluvian world. And I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to go into it because he took him many years to write, and his research is very thorough. So now, whatever people might think about Atlantis, and this include me, we thought it could be just a legend, somewhere mythical that never actually existed, but it quite clearly did. And Ignatius Donnelly can give lots of evidence to show that it did exist. So it's not just the story that came down to us from Plato, the Greek philosopher of about two and a half thousand years ago when he was around. And to start with, it was only his stories about the existence of Atlantis that the world knew about, and not only until people like Ignatius Donnelly did some really serious research from that we have a lot more facts. So I can in a long story short, because again, it's quite a big book, but I do recommend it to people if they really want to know. But really what he's telling us is one is, there was this landmass in the Atlantic. I know people are out of try to place Atlantis in all sorts of different places in the world, not realizing the clue is really in the name Atlantis and the Atlantic. So you need look no further, really. And there's geological surveys of the sea floor in the Atlantic which can see where the landmass of Atlantis used to be. And interesting to me because I live in the British Isles, the British Isles were actually connected to that landmass. There was land bridges there. So the British Isles are actually remnants of the very ancient Atlantis. Okay, I mean, we're going back. Atlantis existed and was a thriving high civilization at least 10,000 years ago, probably more. I mean, the records were lost because there was a major world disaster about roughly three and a half thousand years ago which when the last parts of Atlantis sank all over the Atlantic Ocean, which caused catastrophes all around the world and that comes down to us as the great flood, Noah's flood in the Bible, okay? Which I'm sure everyone's familiar with. And that's really where that has come down to us from. Now, as regards to the British Isles, particularly the western side of the British Isles and particularly Scotland and the western side of Scotland were the worst hit as regards to British Isles. So although the British Isles survived, large parts of Scotland were inundated. And if anyone looks at a map of the west coast of Scotland, they'll see that there's lots and lots of little islands. And to the north of Scotland, as well, the Orchids and the outer Hebrides. But they were all connected. They weren't all little islands. They were all connected prior to three and a half thousand years ago. So, but of course, that devastation went all over Europe and caused great devastation. And it was what people liked to call a reset of will civilization. So a high civilization that existed in Atlantis was largely lost. But there was remnants of it survived in the British Isles, particularly in Scotland and Ireland. And that knowledge, a lot of that knowledge, existed with people may have heard of the Druids. And we're talking about the Druids of some few thousand years ago, not the Druids of today, which are nothing like, nothing like the Druids of Antiquity. But they actually held on to some of that knowledge. And of course, that's in later years. And that's why the Romans and the church, the Roman church, tried to destroy the Druids because they knew that they had all this ancient knowledge, which didn't suit the Catholic church's purposes. Or indeed the Roman empires, but we might get into that. So that's where the story of Atlantis comes from. It was a real place. The British Isles, which is quite nice to think, that I live on an island that was once part of Atlantis. So we have a lot of history. And there is, in some of the ancient stories, we can tell they make much more sense when you realize that the British Isles are remnants of Atlantis. Okay, but I do recommend Domini's book and others. Another one, which I'd recommend, if people really want to know about it, it starts to get even more shocking about the ancient history. And that's one by classical scholar. He's dead now. Well, as indeed his signature's done away. And his name was Comins Beaumont. And he wrote several books about the ancient history of England and in particularly Scotland, because in the ancient world, and we're going back a few thousand years, pre-Christian, it was a very different place. And the Scottish people, as they are now, have really got no idea of their very prestigious and ancient history. And the research that Comins Beaumont tells us about, and his research is very thorough. It goes over three volumes. Is the origin of Christianity was actually in the British Isles. Okay, and he explains how that is. So the names of things like Jerusalem and Damascus and Babylon were actually ancient place names within the British Isles. And I can't explain all the details now, but just to give you a wet people's appetites, because it was a shock to me, but Comins Beaumont has been very thorough in his research. And as he was a classical scholar, I mean, he's looked at the Bible and he's looked at ancient history, he's looked at the origins of the Roman Empire. And what he did, which no one has ever thought to do, is he investigated the descriptions of such places as Jerusalem, and realized that how it's described in the Bible, the actual landscape doesn't match where Jerusalem is today, in the Middle East. But it matches perfectly with what is now Edinburgh in Scotland. Now that's very surprising, isn't it? And he went on to look at places like Babylon, which actually, in the ancient times, was what is now York in England, and Damascus, which in ancient times, was the name of what is now London. Now people may ask, "Well, how on earth could that all have come to be?" Well, we have to take into account the Roman Empire, and we have to go back to roughly around 320 A.D., roughly, 'cause I can't remember the exact date, when the Emperor Constantine was in charge of things, okay? And basically, the Roman Empire and him was in charge of the Roman Empire, which was all of the known world, which included, what we think of as the British Isles. But it was an inconvenience to him to have, because Christianity had already started and was gaining a lot of ground, and it was inconvenient to him for it to be in some massive, thought of it, to some far-flung Little Islands, up in the North Atlantic, because the whole of the Roman Empire was all over to the East, and in particular, he made his new capital, Constantinople, which is now known as Istanbul, which is in Turkey, of course, and that was his center of the Roman Empire, which was much more convenient to him, because it was central to the whole of the Roman Empire. But he had a problem. He had a problem with the fact that, because he'd made himself head of the Christian church, as it was then, it was a problem to him that it was actually all seated in the British Isles. So because very few people could read and write, then, there was very few books, you couldn't go down to a local library and read about anything. So it's very easy, because he controlled everything to literally rewrite history, okay? And he wanted it to be in a much more convenient place, and he decided, obviously, he wanted it to be close to his new capital in Constantinople, and his mother, Constantine's mother, had become a devout Christian, and so he packed her off to the Middle East to discover, in inverted commas, Jerusalem, and the cross of Jesus Christ, that was where he was crucified, and he sent her off with a few of his senior ecclesiastical people to go who could guide her, where to find Jerusalem, of course, and all the other paraphernalia that went with it. And that's the Jerusalem we know today, that was all discovered by Constantine's mother, but with no actual historical basis whatsoever, but he suited Constantine, because that's where he wanted it to be. Because in a very long and detailed story short, as I'm sure you gathered, and that's why I do recommend, I mean, I've spent a lot of time looking at this, and many hours of reading, but it's a fascinating story, not only from the origins of civilization, but also the origins of Christianity, and how everything we know about modern day Christianity is really Roman propaganda. It's not the historical facts. I'm not saying that there wasn't a man, Jesus, but what I'm saying is that it suited the Romans aristocracy to, because anyone who looks at the history of Christianity and the history of Judaism over the last couple of thousand years, will realize that the Jews would not put up with the Romans, they would not pay their taxes. They thought it was a complete anathema to them to pay taxes or homage at all to Gentiles, which of course the Roman Empire was. And there was constant wars between the Roman Empire and the Jews, and tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of people died in those wars, and they're all well recorded. So Constantine wanted to try and put a stop to that, because obviously it cost lots of money, lots of life. So he knew that the Jewish people had prophesied that there was going to be a messiah, and so they set about making one up. Okay, so although the work profits discussing Christianity, because he was already there, and that's why Constantine made himself ahead of it, but what has come down to us is Roman propaganda, because they wanted to try to fool the Jews that this new messiah was there and who he was, and he had different ideas, and you'll notice that some of the things that Jesus was supposed to have said was like, "Give unto Caesar, what is due to Caesar?" Those sorts of things, and to turn the other cheek. What they were trying to do, the Romans, that is, was put this new character off that they'd invented to try and get them to realize that they should bow down if you like, to the Roman Empire. Give unto Caesar, what's due to Caesar? Give unto God, what is due to God? These are things that he was supposed to have said, but the majority of the Jewish people were not taken in by it, and they weren't having any of that. But that's how this story of Jesus that has come down to us was not about the real people. It was, that's largely Roman propaganda. And, again, there's a couple of classical scholars that have written about that, and they've written a book, I think I've got it on the shelf there, and it's called Creating Christ. So it's, again, another worthwhile read, and they've, again, I think they spent about 10 years or more researching it, they were classical, oh, they're still around, classical scholars, they were worth a read for people to see just how the Romans set about putting this propaganda forward, and how Constantine has fooled everyone into thinking the Jerusalem of today was the Jerusalem of old, because it isn't. Okay, so the next bit of all of that, because I'm going to go back now to the great devastation, the flood of Noah, which did happen, and there's lots of evidence for that all around the world, and the majority of civilization and humanity, indeed, were wiped out in that. So the remaining people, the ancient druids, which still had retained the knowledge, the sciences of astronomy and mathematics, literally decided they were going to go out to re-educate the world. And that's why we see in many ancient people's records, particularly in South America, of white men with beards arriving across the sea and bringing education in the form of mathematics and astronomy, and these are very common all around the world. And people, and I was one of them wondering, what's all this about white men with beards coming and often with red hair? Well, again, people may know that quite a lot of Irish people and Scottish people have got so-called red hair, ginger hair, it's a characteristic, certainly was in those days. So it all starts to make sense, and they did this. This was their mission to re-educate the world. And in most ancient and primitive civilizations of those times, we can find records of these white men with beards coming to bring civilization and education to them. So again, I'm giving quite a put in version of all of this, but I do recommend people look into it because it's extremely interesting. So I don't think I'll say much more about the origins of civilization just now. I mean, it's obviously a lot more to it than that, but hopefully I've wetted people's appetites to have a look. It's well worth it. It's very surprising, very interesting, and very well documented. And it's not only, it's not just a small group of academics that have dug up this stuff. I mean, it's quite surprised me that there are many high-ranking clerics within the church who are well aware of this information, the true origins of Christianity and how it all came about and how Constantine decided what was gonna be in what we think of the New Testament, the books of the New Testament. It's not what we've been led to believe, put it that way. Okay. Back to the nature of reality. Okay. Now, I might, if we need to, I don't know how much time we've got. I think we've got, did we say we've got about an hour until about an hour. We have two hours total, so still about an hour and 23 minutes. Okay. I've got longer than I thought. Okay. In which case, at some stage, if I may, I may want to share my screen and I can show a few slides, which may help as we talk through the nature of reality. Okay, if that's okay with you. A few percent. I think you'll have to give me permission, do you? I can't see anything on. No, at the bottom is this, there's a little square with a plus and like a monitor, it says present. Oh, yes, I see that. So if you click that one and then you click share screen or you've clicked video file or slides depending on what you want. Okay. Okay. I've got share screen come up. Okay. So let me see if this works. I don't do this very often. So if I completely mess it up, hopefully forgive me. I'm going to see. Right. Can you see that? No, you'll have to, you still have to click and there's probably have some clicks you have to do because I haven't added it to the stage yet. So once you click share screen and then you'll have to click on to which one and then you'll have to click a blue button share. And if there's audio, you want to make sure the share tab audio is clicked. Okay. So, I'm going to click entire screen. Okay. Then there will be a button where it's at the bottom where it says share screen. One reason that's not lit up, but now I know it has. So let me click on that and see what happens. Okay. Climb is saying Chrome has lost permission to capture your screen. It looks like it's going to system preferences and all sorts of nonsense. So I have to bear with me and see if I can get it to do that. Normally it's much easier, but no, I don't think that's going to work. I'll let you know if something does pop up here. But, so it would be present share screen and then you would click a tab which you would want to share if it's entire screen. Oh, you have to click on the monitor. Like, okay, when you put entire screen, you'll have to click on to the square of the entire screen and then the share button will lights up. All right, let me try that again then. So I've got a little box comes up. Select tab to share. I'm going to click on entire screen. Okay, so if you're in the clock, you click on entire screen. Then go to the actual box of that screen, click on it. And then if there's audio, there's a share system audio, you'll have to click and then there's a share button where you have to click that which it adds it to the stage. Okay, I've sort of clicked on that and let's see if I'm asking me to do share again. It keeps coming back to this, it keeps coming back, wanting me to go into, okay. Well, may have to, I'm sorry, I'm not afraid with this particular system and it's just not giving me what I want to do. So I'll just give it one more try and see if, see if this works. We had a question earlier from McDonald Dawn from our rumble channel says, "Has David ever read the nature of reality by Seth as channeled through Jane Roberts?" I have, yes. I have the entire collection, again, very interesting. If I, one of the things that I used to talk to people about in the early days was the whole of the Seth material. Yeah, I do apologize. I can't seem to get this to work and I can get my, I can get it up on my screen but I can't seem to find a way to get it to you, which is rather annoying. No matter what I do at this end, I'll go through all the rigmarole. Is it possibly on a Chrome tab? Like, is it like on a, like a web page or are you trying to click something from your computer? Yeah, I'm trying. I've got a, it's done in keynote, it's a keynote slideshow. Normally, we can try one more thing. Okay, press present. Yeah, I've done that. And then go into like a slide, like instead of clicking share screen, you could click on to the slides. All right, let me just go back and have a look at that one and then go do it that way 'cause I saw that slides, yeah, okay. And then maybe your computer. Right, it's just, it then just comes up and says, you have no slides. Well, it doesn't seem to work that way. Oh, let's see if this one does anything. Yeah, now it's wanting to do Google Slides PowerPoint. No, it's okay. Okay, I'll try and do it a different way. Unfortunately, yeah, if I bring it up, you can't see anything. Can you still see me? Yeah, we still, we see you, we hear you just fine. So maybe you could just read it out and you're still up on our screen. Okay, I'll talk us through it. I apologize for not being techy enough. I've never, I've only ever used the stream yard a couple of times. So I've never tried to share a screen on it before. It's normally always zoom, which I've used. Okay, so I'll do a sort of a potted version of the nature of reality and see how far we get. What I hope to be able to do with it is at least again, where people's appetite to want to look at it into it further. I guess it's, as I often say, the nature of reality is not only stranger than you imagine, it's stranger than you can imagine, okay? Now, people might think, well, why not do I want to know about the nature of reality? What possible use is it? Is it just a lot of sciencey stuff and have no practical value? Well, okay, let's just give a bit of an explanation on that. Supposing you could learn of a system that actually gave you complete control over every aspect of your life, okay? Everything that you're presented with. Now, that might be pretty interesting. I mean, imagine that as we're born into this life and maybe we ask the questions I asked, like, is there a purpose to this life, you know? How does it work? Who actually am I and what happens to me when I die? Is there an afterlife? You know, again, these may be really interesting things that people want to know. So let's imagine that we're born into this life and it's a bit like being presented with a game. Let's imagine we're presented with a game like Monopoly 'cause I think probably most people have heard of that game, board game call Monopoly. But no one gives you the handbook. So no one tells you what the rules are and you look at all the bits and pieces and you think, how can I make sense of this? Well, it's quite obvious you're not gonna have much fun with it and you're not gonna get very far. But then one or two people come along and say, oh yeah, I think I know something about this and they give you rules that they think are the rules to Monopoly. But again, they've never had the handbook either. So the stuff they give you, as you find out, as you still then try to play the game with the rules that various people have told you and you find out that they don't work either. And so you then start on a quest to try and find what is the actual rule book to this game? Well, life's pretty much like that and we're born into it and we aren't given a handbook, are we? We're not given a handbook to life to answer the sort of questions I was asking. So we all want to know the truth, at least we say we do, but as I've found and I'm sure many of your audience have found, people say they want to know the truth, but-- You can't handle the truth, is a good line, I think you're meaning to relate here. I know, you're absolutely right because I only want to know the truth, providing it fits in with what I already believe. In my box? Which doesn't get very far, but of course the obstacle that we have to get over is our formal education, you know? And so I like to call it rather than our education, it's our indoctrination. We really talked about the world from the first day at school and we told what sort of a world we live on, we talked about geography and history, but we don't realize at the time that all of those things might not actually be true. They might just be other people's ideas about how the world is and what life is all about, but like these people who don't have the handbook to the monopoly. And there's an interesting quote that I've got, which you can't see, so I'll read it out by Mark Twain, and he said, "I was educated once, and it took me years to get over it." And that's very true. We, once we've been through our formal education system, particularly if we've been onto higher education and university, we become without realizing it, more and more indoctrinated into seeing the world in a particular way. And it doesn't end there because for anyone who watches the television or watches the news in particular and it doesn't matter which country this is in, we don't realize that they're actually the news media, whether it's television, radio, magazines, newspapers, is actually all owned by the same very small group of people. And we have been fed propaganda every time we look at any of that stuff. And that propaganda again keeps us blindfolded, if you like, into the true nature of reality, the true nature of what we are. And we continue to be lied to without us realizing it about many things. Now, I know since the whole COVID nonsense, people have realized the seriousness and depth of some of these lies, the whole COVID thing itself, vaccinations, the lack of efficacy of the pharmaceutical companies, they're realizing that all of their products don't, none of them cure anything. They're all made from petrochemical things. There's an unholy alliance between the pharmaceutical companies and the oil industry, as I'm sure people know. We're talking about Rockefeller here, of course, another story in itself. So we're propagandized, we're told lies, we're misled and we never get to know what we are and we never get to know what our real power is because as they all saying goes, those who know the least obey the best and the governments of the world know this full well. And so they keep people in the dark because we saw it all with COVID, didn't we? How people believed what the news media was telling them, they believed what the medical establishment was telling them and they were kept in fear that there was this invisible virus that could strike them down and they needed to wear masks, they needed to stay at home, they needed to stay away from their loved ones. And as people are now realizing and that even though there were many scientific papers put out to show that wearing a mask was not only no good, even if there was such a thing as a virus, the virus is so small, it would have gone straight through the mask anyway if it did exist, so the masks were completely useless and actually caused harm because they restrict your breathing and because part of your detoxing system is to be able to breathe out contaminants from your lungs while wearing a mask just collects all those contaminants in the mask which you then inhaling back in again and this caused many respiratory problems for people. - But it's not a mask though, so an actual mask you'll have like an industrial mask, they'll have an air in, air out, you'll have a Halloween mask, you'll have the little holes for them to be able to breathe, that's why I don't call these masks, I call them breathing inhibitors because they're not an actual mask because a mask will actually have an air in and out to be able to breathe in and out with the definition I guess of the mask. - Yeah, you're quite right, you're quite right. But people were fooled into thinking that those bits of paper stuff that they could put over the face was going to protect them from this deadly virus which of course it never could even if the virus exists, even if there was such a thing. So again a complete con, but it was from papers that have come out certainly in the British Isles, the government knew it was a con and it was really an exercise to find out how much control they had over the population and it surprised them from papers that we've seen, it surprised them just how people complied, how the majority of people were frightened enough to comply, there's even papers that have come out to show in the early stages of the whole COVID nonsense that government departments were at a high level were saying we need to scare the public more, we need to scare them more because there are still a lot of people who are not complying and so they stepped it up and so it was a fear campaign. Certainly in the British Isles, they employed at least half a dozen psychologists to help them produce paperwork and bulletins that they could put out on the news that would have the desired effect to scare people. And even sort of emotional blackmail to try and tell people that if they didn't obey and if they didn't stay in the house and they visited relatives, they could be responsible for killing their favorite grandma or something and even use this on children. I mean, it's quite a disgraceful campaign, but I'm sure many of you listeners know this. - And it was also an intelligence test because on that box of paper that they were handing out it actually said this does not protect you from a virus. Like it actually said that on the box of the people that are handing them out like candy in all the places, if you actually look, it says that on the box. - Yeah, yeah, and you're quite right. And the same as when the vaccinations came along which everyone was scrambling, well, not everyone, but to the majority of people unfortunately, we're all scrambling to get. You had the same thing then. If people actually looked at the inserts or that for the so-called side effects that people like Pfizer were putting out, but no one reads the inserts or in many cases doesn't even get access to them, but out of the, they did publish it on the internet, it's probably not there now, but I did find it and read it. - But the inserts that they did give with them were actually blank. It was actually completely blank. We've had people, some journalists go in there, talk to them, ask them, grab them, and they're actually blank. So how could they in full good conscience be giving something to someone that comes with a blank side effects insert and there's no documentation that goes along with what they're injecting into people. So it's pretty insane. - It and I'm criminal, to be honest, but Pfizer did put something on their website and that's probably the only place. And if you read through it, which I did at the time, I mean, there was dozens of so-called side effects. I mean, they're not side effects, they're direct effects, let's give it the correct, but they call them side effects. And many of them are very serious, but the one that attracted my attention the most, which was on their website as one of the side effects could be death. Now, you think, well, that's all I need to know, really. You're telling me that if I take this particular vaccination, that a possible side effect is that it will kill me. I think that's, if everyone knew that, I think there'd be a lot less people who were lining up to roll up their sleeves and have some of those vaccinations. And of course, that is actually what was happening, did transpire, obviously not all the vaccines are without going into too much detail, not all the vaccines were the same, obviously because they couldn't have everyone that was vaccinated dropping down dead. I mean, that would have been all too obvious. So it was spread out somewhat. Okay, so there was a massive fear campaign, which to some extent is still going on. They're still trying to resurrect, you know, only the other day I heard several people saying, oh, you know, COVID's coming back. And I'm thinking, blimey, you know, there's been enough information put out there. I start to wonder if people live under a rock, you know, because it makes you wonder how they can not have come across any information that says you can look into this. - It's a spell, it's their under a spell. And that's the whole thing is that, you know, these are dark magicians, black magicians, and they've cast these spells upon humanity. Even scriptures talked about pharmacia, the pharmaceutical industry, being pharmacia to warn us kind of about that. And I think that's what it is, because you can give these people the information. You can tell them all about it. And it's, you know, it's like they don't, it doesn't even register into them. - Correct, correct. I mean, and there's not only our book that's out there with these 800 pages. I mean, there's been a number of doctors who've written books and information out there's been a plethora of information put out there and still, as you quite rightly say, Jesse, it makes no difference to the people. They've made up their mind based on no scientific evidence whatsoever, but they've made up their mind that there is a virus out there and vaccinations will protect them from it. Even though there's been lots of reports about the amount increasing deaths and injury from these vaccines coming from official to, you know, I mean, we have it in the UK with the yellow card system, which is filled in by doctors who have to fill in when any of their patients have been maimed or killed as a direct result of a vaccination. And the Harvard study says that, and this was before COVID, there was a Harvard study saying that all injuries coming from vaccinations, it's only recounts to one to 10% of them all because a lot of times the doctors won't admit it, they won't record it. They will not tell you that it's not the vaccine and they'll send them off. So all the stuff that's actually registered is potentially only one to 10% of the people that have been injured and or killed. - Correct. And that's the same all over the world. We've seen that in the UK because we know that only 2 or 3% of doctors actually fill the cards in. And still, even though it's that small percentage of doctors, it still amounts to thousands of people just in this small island of England, thousands of people that have died as a direct result of the vaccine. Now, if people just thought about that for a little while, before the whole COVID nonsense, if a drug was on the market and only one or two people had been killed by it, it was immediately withdrawn from the market. Now, you've got the government's own figures showing that thousands of people have died from this drug and still they're encouraging people to have it. - Giving it to children, putting it on the class schedule for children to be injected with this, that is killing people. - Yes. And if that's not criminal, criminal activity, I don't know what is. So I'm sure, again, many of your audience are well aware of this, but it's always worth repeating, you never know, it may get out to some people that are not aware of it all and they may want to look into it a little more. Okay, so anyway, really what this all boil down to is lack of knowledge, those who know the least obey the best and that's really been the trick. So what we're intending to do and the books that Dawn and I have written so far were to try and get some of this information out there. And what I'm doing today, really, is trying to get a little bit more information out there, but in a different format to try and tell people really what they are, what this reality is about, how they can take charge of it and have a better life. So what I want to come back to is to ask ourselves how we actually perceive this reality. How do we perceive our day-to-day reality? Well, if we think about it without dwelling on it too much, we just perceive it through our five senses, which is hearing, smell, taste, touch and vision. Okay, but if we examine those five senses a little more to say, well, what exactly are they? We soon start to realize that there are vast limitations to those senses. You know, if we take just eyesight for a start, the visible spectrum, unfortunately, I can't show you the slide, the visible spectrum in that within the electromagnetic spectrum, the actual visible spectrum of the seven colors that we see, is tiny right in the middle. And off to the right, you've got ultraviolet x-rays, gamma rays, off to the left of it, you've got infrared microwaves and radio waves, none of which we are aware of, but they exist. But some animals and insects even are aware of those things. They're aware of those frequencies. It's all coming down to frequencies. And that's really what our sense organs are. They're just interpreting frequencies. Okay. - Why do you think we were created with these limited abilities to be able to see or feel these frequencies? Or do you think there was potential gene manipulation at one point for us to dumb us down, to be more able to be controlled by not seeing the total spectrum of what's happening around us? - No, it's not really that. The fact is that, as we'll get onto, is we are the creators of our reality. There is God, if we want to call it that, or all that is, a supreme being, a supreme creator. And we have created our bodies. We are not, as you'll say now, we are not our bodies. These are something that we have created, our true nature, our true essences. Spirit will use that word for the time being. And so our bodies are created with a purpose, and the senses and their limitations are created with a purpose to experience this reality, and it's not the only one, but to experience this reality, our three-dimensional reality, in a particular way. So if we had different senses, we'd be experiencing different things. For instance, I mean, if I talk about the sound spectrum, when you look on the sound spectrum, you'll see that what we can hear as human beings is right at the bottom, just about everything else, dogs, cats, mice, bats, can hear much higher frequency rounds ranges than we can. So again, they would have a very different sense of what reality is. In the same way with a co-spectrum, they know that insects, certain insects, can see into the infrared and ultraviolet, and I suspect many more animals do too. So again, our sense apparatus is confinces, but there is a reason for it, which we'll come on for. It's not because we've been dumbed down. We have done this ourselves with a purpose. But when you hear about stories like the Anunnaki, where they did some genetic manipulation, so now would you think that this was just introduced as a lie to get people off the actual trail of who we are? Do you think that this potentially did happen? Because apparently we may have lived to seven, eight, nine hundred, a thousand years before, and if you're living a thousand years, you're a lot less likely to be manipulated and controlled because you're gonna learn a lot more about your self and about the world in a thousand years than you do in a short time of a hundred. And that's why I'm wondering about that potential gene manipulation, did they do things to us so that way we could continue being the slaves for them opposed to us being these free divine beings that come into our true essence of what we're supposed to be here. - Well, it's an interesting concept, and I have come across this. I mean, much of that comes from, again, another writer called Zechariah Sitchin, and he wrote a lot. He was famous for a, been a translator, supposedly on the Sumerian play text, which he said in his book, so he wrote about 12 books and things, explaining about the Ananakai. Supposedly came to earth about, I think, 350,000 years ago, reportedly or purportedly, to mine for gold, which is something they needed for their planet. And, but, again, could have long story short, according to Zechin, they sort of got but it fed up with doing all the mining work themselves, and they were very primitive human beings, shall we say, around who they decided to do genetic modifications are, to make them much more suitable for working and controlling to do the mining for them. So that's a potted version of the story. Whether that is true or not is debatable. Now, I have a personally from the research that I've done a much more optimistic view of humanity. I believe we are what we are, because that's what we wanted. That was purposeful, you know, in us manifesting the bodies that we did with the senses that we have in a reality that we experience on a day-to-day basis, which is what I want to try and explain a little more now, because this is where it starts to get, for me anyway, particularly interesting, because one of the things that we told, that we remember our time at school, we told that everything is made up of atoms, aren't we? Which includes us and the chairs, we sat on the computers that we're looking at. Everything is made up of atoms. And an atom basically has a nucleus with a set number of orbiting electrons. This is what we told, and that they're in constant motion, although our sense organs don't give us any idea of that at all. And when we press science, as I have, and being an electrical engineer, we're taught electron theory at college. And of course, we have the whole system of electronics, which we're using to talk to one another right now, which is all about the flow of electrons. Now, I know there's a lot of people say, "Oh, electrons don't exist." Well, obviously something does, because the model that we're taught as electrical engineers works perfectly, is reproducible, and we see an example as we're talking to one another now. So the model does work, even though, if you press to say, "Well, okay then." So what's an electron made of? What's the nucleus of an atom made of? Again, because a long story short, not without going through neutrons and protons and all the rest of it, we soon find that no one actually knows, and it just boils down to something called energy. And no one really knows what that is either. So what we're left with is this mysterious thing called energy, which no one knows what it is, but everything's made of it. Everything, whether it's animals, people, computers, trees, everything is made of this mysterious substance called energy, okay. Now, we may remember, again from school, Einstein's famous theory, E equals MC squared, where E equals energy, M is mass, and C is the speed of light squared. So that could come out as an enormous number. E would end up as an enormous number. Now, didn't make much sense to people in its raw form like that, but until another physicist came along, Harold Puto, I think he's still around, where he stands for university in America. And he reinterpreted that formula, E equals MC squared, as what it actually means is the amount of energy that's required to give the appearance of matter. And that's quite important to give the appearance of matter. Okay. So we started to realize that this thing that we thought was solid and made of matter. - Is it more holographic? - Well, we'll get into that a little bit. I'm sort of easing as into it because it starts to get very, very mind-bending. So what we're starting to look at is that everything that we thought of as a solid thing, we've been told actually isn't. It's made of energy, and that's not solid at all. So it all starts to get a little weird. And it was when I came across another quantum physicist called Professor Amit Goswami. And he said that we'll never understand this reality until we understand that energy, matter, and consciousness are the same thing. I'll repeat that. Energy, matter, and consciousness are the same thing. Now, that actually opens a doorway for us into some insights into what this reality actually is, and consequently, what we actually are. So it requires a little bit more explanation. If we think of energy, matter, consciousness, the same thing, let's talk about consciousness 'cause it will get us into it a little clearer. If we think of consciousness as our clay, in the same way as a potter who, on his wheel, has got his lump of clay, which is shapeless, formless, until he starts to work on it. And he can then make it into whatever he wants. A plate, a cup, a jug, a jar. And we do the same with consciousness. We use consciousness to form energy, stroke, matter, into different things, into the reality that we experience on a day-to-day basis. Now, let me explain that a little more. I like to give an allergist 'cause it's hard to get your head around otherwise. Let's just talk about dreams for a moment. Let's just think about a dream. What do we do when we're dreaming? Well, when we're in the dream, and while we're in the dream, if it's a good dream, and we're fully immersed in it, we're not aware that we're dreaming. And it seems real. It's real, of course, it is real to the dreamer, and it is real, but importantly, what is it we're actually doing? We create a reality, don't we? We create a reality, which has time and space. It's three-dimensional. We have a body in it. We see other people with bodies. We can walk about in it. We can experience emotions in it. And if you have a nightmare, a scary dream, it's very scary and can end up waking you up and forcing you out of the dream. But what have we done there? It's actually a state of consciousness, which is the dreaming state of consciousness. And it's all formed by us. We formed a reality, a three-dimensional reality, and we've externalized it as if it's solid and separate to us. And then we've interacted with that reality in the dream, as if it is solid and separate to us. And it's perfectly real and it can be really scary or it can be really nice. We can have all sorts of pleasant experiences or we can have some rather unpleasant ones. So the dream state of consciousness is a big clue. I would recommend people to contemplate what they're doing in a dream. And then imagine what if the waking state of consciousness is just that, a waking state of consciousness. So it's really just another state of consciousness while we're in it and focused in it, it is perfectly real. And we form experiences, we form a reality for the most part without realizing it. In the same way as we do in a dream, we're forming a reality which we project as solid and separate to us without us realizing it until we wake up. And we interact with it as if it's solid and separate to us. Now interestingly, going back to quantum physics and coming back to the everyday state of consciousness, which we call everyday reality, quantum physicists are quite happy to say that try as they may, they cannot prove there's an out there, out there, and that's their words. They cannot prove there's an out there, out there. Now that really takes some thinking about doesn't it? So we're starting to see a little more into the puzzle that if we just spend disbelief for a little bit and sort of contemplate the similarities between the dream state of consciousness and the waking state of consciousness and the fact that quantum physicists say they cannot prove there's an out there out there. So what if it's, we are in a state of consciousness and while we're focused in it, it is perfectly real. Of course it's real and we interact with it that way. But because energy matter and consciousness are the same thing, that would suggest that like the potter with his clay, we can manipulate energy. So we're manipulating matter, we're manipulating our reality. This is where the real power starts to come in as we start to realize this. In the same way as getting back slightly to the medical establishment, everyone I think is probably familiar with the placebo effect and its opposite, the no-sibo effect. Now even the medical establishment, I say, even the medical establishment because they're pretty dumb about those things. But they recognize the placebo effect, which is just the mind. Well, I say just the mind, the mind is very powerful. And your beliefs about your body can affect your body. Your beliefs about your health can affect your health. Your fears and beliefs are very, very important. And one of the things we have to do is try and think about our life and try and think about what are actual facts within our life and what are just beliefs because there is a difference. But if most people would probably find that they're running their life based on beliefs, not actual facts, okay? But because their reality is formed by their consciousness, formed by their conscious beliefs, then they can produce events within their life on an unconscious basis, which they would rather not have done. But because they are fed propaganda, they are fed fear for the most part. I mean, try and think about the last time anything in the media was really nice and happy and jolly and life fulfilling, very rare, if at all I can't remember, but then I don't listen to the news anymore for those very reasons. - So, - Exactly, opposite. And with what you were saying, and that's why I think it should be illegal for doctors to ever give anybody a death sentence. You have three months to live, you have six months to live, you have nine months to live because more often than not, the doctors are right. Are they just that prophetic or does that belief that you're gonna die in three months enable that to happen in your body because you manifest or will it to happen? - Yeah, and I have personal experiences of that with my father, who was obviously before I knew the things I know now, but that's exactly what happened to him. And he had cancer and the doctor quite unprovoked, 'cause I had a big row with the doctor about it, told him that he got about a month to live, and sure enough, that's when he died. And I was furious with the doctor. I said, "Why on earth did you feel the need to tell him?" He said, "Well, it's his right to know." I said, "What was he going to do?" He was bedridden, he couldn't get out of bed, he couldn't go anywhere, he couldn't think, "Oh, I've got a month to live, I'll get in my car, "I'll go on holiday, I'll go and do all the things." I've never, he couldn't do anything apart from lie there. And think and tick the days off. But doctors, I'm going back quite a few years, they less so now perhaps, but they thought they were God and could do anything they liked. So I have a personal example of that happening with my father, so yes, I agree with you, they should not be allowed to do that sort of thing, and any decent doctor would not do that. Okay, so I came across, unfortunately, I can't show you, but I came across a meme which I've put up on my Facebook page, which is somewhere people can contact me, I've not got to disguise name, it's under David Parker, so people can go and have a look, there's quite a bit of stuff on there. But I've put a meme up there which says, "We don't see things as they are, "we see things as we are." And that's really important because we need to examine our beliefs about the world that we think we live in, and see what we believe about it, what do we believe about it, and what do we actually know our facts about it, because I'd better pound to a penny to use English terminology. Most of what you believe about the world, and what's going on in the world, is beliefs that have been given to you by someone else, you don't have a direct experience of it, but that's why I was trying to warn people against the propaganda from the media, because that can have you form a reality which you then live physically, which you don't need to, and for anyone who goes to my website, they'll see a pictorial example of that. That we don't see things as they are, we see things as we are, so it's entirely based on our beliefs, what we experience in our lives, our personal lives, I'm not talking about anyone else's, we're only in charge of our personal reality, not someone else's, and our personal reality is totally under our control, and what we experience is based on what we believe can be true or not true, what we believe is possible or not possible. So it's very important to examine our beliefs about reality. - We are the ones that can set our own limitations, we set those limitations for ourselves, if we don't have those limitations, then essentially anything is possible. - Pretty much, pretty much within this reality, pretty much. To give a bit of another example just to help, because I, as I say, it's a great shame, I'm not able to show you the pictures, but I would ask people to just think for a moment, most people are probably familiar with the Mario game, the computer game called Mario, and the little Mario figure. Well, we'll use that as an analogy to try and help clarify some of the, these quite difficult things to get your head around, particularly if you come to this for the first time. Well, imagine that the Mario figure, imagine yourself as the programmer, so you're the architect of the Mario game, and you create the figure, your avatar is Mario, and the computer game is very complex. It has lots and lots of different scenarios, and lots of lots of different problems for Mario to solve. Okay, but Mario is not aware of all those. He's only aware of what's in front of him, and depending on his decisions with the problems that he's given will depend on what next opens up to him within the program. So even though there's thousands and thousands of different probabilities within the computer program, Mario's only aware of the one affecting him, which is based on his decisions, whether he goes left or right or jumps over something or steals a chocolate egg or whatever it is. It's, I've never played the game, so if all that sounds nonsense, I apologize. But the scenario is the computer game. Well, our life is like that. There are ultimate, there are limitless possibilities and probabilities, and the instead of the Mario figure, we have created what we call our body, but we are not the body in the same way as the game player is not Mario, but Mario is doing a task. Well, our body is doing a task, and we present our body with various scenarios, and depending on what decisions we make, different scenarios will open up for us, and then we make, so this is where free will comes in, and then we make decisions about that too, okay, in the same way that Mario does. Without knowing or being able to see from our limited perspective of our five senses, we're not aware of all the other possibilities that we could choose from. So we just make a decision based on our beliefs, our fears, our hopes, and that's why it's important to examine them and to free ourselves up from, as you said, you see, the restrictions that we place upon ourselves thinking, we can't do this, we can't do that, or if I do this, that's gonna happen. These things can only happen if we believe they can, if we take action to actually guide us down a particular path when we could have chosen another one. Okay. So essentially people become their own worst enemy, like there are obviously some dark forces out there that are trying to guide this reality in sometimes not a nice way, but ultimately you are your own biggest enemy because you're the one who is basically controlling the ship that you're driving in. Yes, and in fact, you're the one that decides if there are such things as evil entities, let's call them that, whether it's a voucher or someone else, a government, a police state, whatever. That's all, if that's your personal reality, you can decide whether those sorts of scenarios are going to come into your life, whether you're going to be affected by some bully of a policeman or somebody within the government or the FBI or whatever it is in talking in America now, we don't have an FBI here, but we have different things. But you're in control and this is where it starts to really get weird when you realize that your personal reality is relative only to you. You only see your personal reality. It looks like we're seeing everyone else's. It looks like, and this is the trap that many people fall into, and they talk in terms of a shared reality, okay? They talk of people being co-creators, and that's a mistake. Within this reality, your personal reality, that's why I keep saying your personal reality, you are in complete control of what happens in your personal reality, okay? Now, I'm going to, I've got a couple of quotes here which you can't see, so I'll read them to you, by some, well, this first one is by Suri. There's a Godata Maharaj, he's probably quite well known to some people, he's not with us anymore, but this quote is from him. And I think it's well worth contemplating. It's actually both of these quotes that I'm going to read out are in the little book, The Nature of Reality, so you don't need to memorize them. You may, actually, if you go onto my Facebook page, you'd probably see both of them on there anyway, so you can go and have a look. But what he said was, you have made this world, and you can change it. The world, of which you are the only source and ground, is fully within your power to change. What is created can always be dissolved and recreated, all will happen as you want it. Provided you really want it, you have created the world's sorrows out of your own desires and fears. You deal with them. All is due to your having forgotten your own being, having given reality to the picture on the screen. You love its people and suffer for them and seek to save them, it is just not so. You must begin with yourself. There is no other way. Now, I think that's a beautiful quote, and everything is in it, or what we've been talking about, about where he said you've made this world. You can change it. The world of which you are the only source and ground, is fully within your power to change. Realizing the fore-meaning of that starts to give you tremendous power. Okay? Now, the second quote will help a little further. Now, this one's by Bhagavan Suri Ramana Maharshi, people may know him as Ramana, and have come across him very famous sage. And he said, the Noah, which is us, the Noah is ever greater than the known, and the seer is greater than the seen. That which is known is contained within the Noah, and that which is seen is in the seer. The vast expanse of the sky is in the mind, not outside, because the mind is everywhere, and there is no outside to it. Very profound. And with just those two quotes, if people were to, and I recommend contemplating them, the fore-meaning of those quotes, it will give them a lot of power, and will change their entire life as the way they see life. And once they start to realize just how what immense power they have, that they are the creators, as I've sometimes said to people, we are the one manifested as the many. That's where we all come together in the vastness of all that is. And I sometimes remind people of the Christian mystic Clement of Alexandria, where he used to teach his pupils to practice being God. And people may think that's a blasphemous thing to say, but he knew better. He knew that that is our true nature. We are, we cannot be separate from God. Of course we can't. How can we be separate from the creation and from the creator, which is an impossible thing to do, not the word one to. So we give a lot of power to we are created in God's image. - Exactly. And that's really what that little phrase is telling us. We are created in God's image, but it doesn't mean that we physically look like him. It means that our mind, mind, we are the mind of God, we are God. We are the one manifested as the many, because the mystery is, and people say, well, what is God doing? Why is he doing this or him, her, it? I don't know, personalize it. Well, imagine, imagine God, imagine all that is the creator, the source of all being, knowing everything, okay? It knows everything because, but it wants to experience everything. It wants to experience itself in its entirety, but because it's infinite, it can never do that, because there are no boundaries to it. And to experience why it would in people, so well, why would you want to experience some of the things that go off? Well, because it wants to experience itself in its entirety. And think about it for a moment. Let's think about what experiencing something is. I sometimes use the analogy of swimming, if you'd never swan before, and what you wanted to know all about it. So you could learn technically all about swimming, you could learn all the different strokes, how to breathe, what to do. And you could know everything there is to know about swimming, but until you actually get in the water and swim, you will never have the complete experience of knowing and experiencing. And that's a little analogy of all that is, knowing everything but wanting to experience everything. It's not an exact analogy, of course, because from our ego minds, our limitations, we cannot understand God, if you like, the infinite. But of course, because we are not limited to the five senses in our altered states of consciousness, which people achieve through meditation and contemplation. And we can bypass the limitations of the five senses, and people have done this many, many times. And experience more of what we truly are, more of the mind of God, if you like, more of the mind of all that is. But it's something because it's not three dimensional, it has no limitations in the way we have in ego consciousness. It's not something you can explain and through three dimensional time and space, because all that is is not limited by time and space, obviously. So that's why many of the mystics who have gone into deep meditation and experienced their true nature and what they truly are, can not then explain it when they come back out of meditation, because how do you explain something that's not confined in time and space? How do you explain it in terms of time and space? I mean, it's an impossibility, isn't it? You know, it's like trying to get a pint of water into a half pint glass. No matter how careful you are, you can never do it. So finally, I'd like to. - Unless you're the restaurant industry, because have you seen that where they have the three different sizes of cups and they pour the liquid into the one and it pours into the smaller one and it pours into the smaller one. It's the state of illusion. You're buying the large, but it's the same size as the small. So I'm not sure if you've ever seen that, but that's just no matter what that reminded me of. - I've not seen it, but yes. I mean, I've come across that sort of thing in the past in engineering and it's a bit of a con and an optically illusion. But really, I'm much aware of the time. So what I like to just leave a couple of thoughts with people. Going back to Plato, we mentioned Plato with his talk about the existence of Atlantis. And he said, "Reality is created by the mind. We can change our reality by changing our mind." And that sounds very simple, doesn't it? But what I recommend to people is that they start doing that, realizing that they are all-powerful, they are immortal, they are timeless, they are a manifestation of God. And their personal reality, not someone else's reality, their personal reality is totally under their control. And the thing to do is to start knowing that and then taking control of your reality. And it's a bit like, you know, if you wanted to build your muscles up and you want to go to the gym and build your muscles up, you don't go into the gym for the first time and try and pick the heaviest weight up you can find. You know, you start with some small weights and your building muscles up until you can pick the biggest weight up. Well, creating your own reality, your personal reality is a bit the same. To give yourself confidence, start taking control and creating the reality that you want, the circumstances that you want. And you will see, if you start with small things, so you can build your confidence up and then you can move on to bigger things until you're totally in control of your day-to-day reality. And do bear in mind, it's your personal reality. Do not be led astray by thinking you're seeing what's going on in the world in some flunk corner. You know, you're not. Unless you believe you are, unless you involve yourself in it. So one last thing I'd like to just give people a thought, a thought for the day. And it's another quote that I like to give. - Before you get to that, Angelina's a quick question. What are some ways that you personally do that? - What are some ways that I personally do it? Well, I know that I am in total control of my reality. So I don't allow myself to be swayed by doing what I call doom and gloom merchants. You know, you can find it. If you decide you're not gonna listen to the news, that's one thing, or read the papers, it's another thing 'cause that's just feeding you doom and gloom. But the so-called truth community has been infiltrated by many doom and gloom merchants selling themselves off as various things. You know, they may be telling you all the banks are going to collapse, so you gotta get all your money out of the bank and buy bitcoins. Or, you know, all the food's going to be unavailable and we'll all starve to death. Or, you know, there's gonna be a third world war, Putin's going to tach America or vice versa. And various things. And I'm sure anyone who wants to have a look, they can find any doom and gloom thing they like. Or we're going to be invaded by aliens or a shapeshifting lizards are already here and are controlling everything. Well, all of those realities can be real to you if you want to believe in them and you will create them. But if you realize that they are just fictions that you do not have to have in your reality, your personal reality is totally under your control. And once you really get that, then you don't have horrible things in your life. I mean, my daughters often tell me, they often say to me, "Dad, you have a really lovely life." And I do. And because I've learned enough to control it, to not be swayed by fictions that are coming, if I allow them to from all sorts of different quarters. Okay, I like that. So I just wanted to say that people have a hard time with me saying, well, I don't believe in these aliens or these like reptiles, these drakels, all these different entities that are controlling. It's hard to think that humans could be doing what they're doing to us that, you know, but for me, I've never seen it. I've never experienced it. It's not in my reality. I hear the stories. I interviewed the people, but for me, I still don't believe it to be real because it's never been real in my reality for me. So I just, I can listen to people. I can see where they're coming from, but it's still not my reality. And people have a hard time with me saying that I don't particularly believe in these aliens or these other things. There are dark entities where they, what they are, where they're coming from, what's powering them, I don't know. But, you know, until I actually experienced something myself in that way, then, you know, to me, I don't have that in my reality. - That's quite correct. But as I say, the important thing is to know that they don't exist outside of your reality. They can't, none of that scary stuff can come into your reality unless you believe it can. - Like looting. - So you're quite right, Jesse. You know, people can have whatever reality they want. And if it wants to be some horrible thing with shapes you have to an aliens or it wants to be, you know, a total collapse of the banks or, you know, another fauci or whatever, they can have all these bogeymen in their reality if they want, but you don't have to. And that's not, and that's really one of the things that we are learning in this reality. We're learning how powerful we are. As you said earlier, Jesse, we are, that's the secret when it says in the Bible that we're created in God's image. We are, we are the same stuff, and that's our true nature. And we have created this, like in the Mario game, we've created an avatar to experience things and to learn just how powerful we are, okay? It's God experiencing all of these different things because we are the same thing. We, I know it's hard to hear when I say we are God. We are the one manifested as the many. That is our true nature, okay? And just contemplating that is quite mind bending, I know. - Would scripture then be probably one of the biggest perpetrators of that doom and gloom? And why it keeps people into that fear of stain? And if enough people believe that it's supposed to, these dark entities, you're not gonna have food. There's gonna be war and pestilence. If enough people believe that in the reality, then it makes more that reality come to fruition. - For them, you know, only for the believers in it. If that's what you believe, that's what you experience. If you don't, like you were saying, Jesse, if you don't believe it and nothing can touch you, we are perfectly safe within our reality. As long as we know we're in charge of it and we're perfectly safe, nothing can touch us. You know, we are immortal, we are divine. That is our true nature. And we have only, it's only the restrictions, as you said, very early on in this conversation. It's only the restrictions that we put on ourselves believing where, because we taught this way, we taught to be something inferior. I mean, even at school, we taught evolution. We taught that millions of years ago, we've all evolved from some pond scum, eventually something came out of this primeval soup and came onto land and some sort of aquatic thing. And then eventually over millions of years, it evolved into giraffes and elephants and eventually human beings. Well, there's absolutely no scientific proof for that whatsoever, but it has this, it gives us this idea that we're often told, that we're probably just a biological accident and that if we weren't here, it would make no difference to the universe. In fact, it'd probably be better off if we weren't here. All of these sorts of things come down to us. Absolute nonsense, you know, we are very special. We are divine, we have a purpose. And I'm going to, where we are at the moment, I'm just going to read something which will give you an idea and your listeners as to what that purpose is. And I think this again is a beautiful quote, it says, "Do you really think and believe that millions of evolved souls would say yes to come to earth just to die in a totalitarian new world order? Absolutely not. We came to flip this world upside down, back to its original state and more. We came here for the new earth, for world peace, for the immortal golden age, for a new Eden. We came here for nothing less than to send a wave of light and love across the universe, signaling the birth of a new order of divine justice, peace, compassion and love. That's why we're here. - I love it. - That's what we're doing. - Wow, that's powerful and that's a great thing to hold dear in the heart. - Yes, yes. So I just want people to take that on board. We are here for a reason. This is a very special time and that's what we're doing. And the more we're aware of what we're doing, the more we can bring it to fruition, you know? Okay, so I'd like to leave people with that thought and maybe I'll publish that one on my Facebook page so people can see it, copy it and send it around the internet if they wish. Okay. - I've always been very optimistic and I've always seen this place as it should be, not as it is. And I feel that we're gonna get to that place. Do you feel optimistic about the next few years? - Oh, absolutely, yeah. And it's very important that people do have that and realize as I've just read out, why are we here? You know, we've not come, as it said, to die in a totalitarian new world order. That's not what we've come to do, absolutely not, you know? And that's not gonna happen. Some people's reality might have that but it doesn't have to be yours, you know, because we are the creators of our reality and that's our purpose, what I've just read out. And it's a beautiful thought. And I'm full of optimism because I've spent so many decades looking into this. And I'm not the only one, I don't refuse to be the only one. This knowledge has been around and known for thousands of years. I do mean thousands of years. And some of it comes to us from the East in like the two quotes that I read out earlier. But there's real purpose to us. We are special and, you know, people should welcome that and not be trodden down and know that they have full control of their personal reality. I keep stressing personal reality. That's the only thing you need to concentrate on. What is in your reality? And what do you want in your reality? And then work on that and that only. Okay. I love that. Thank you so much for coming and sharing your wisdom here with us. What keeps you motivated? - I'm going to just see if I can get back on the screen by, there we go. I can only see my thing. What keeps me motivated? Well, it's that optimism, it's that knowing, you know, in my heart, I know it, you know, and nothing can shape that. And that's really the important thing for people. To know their true nature, they are divine, they are immortal and they truly are in the image of God. You know, not so many with a beard in a cloud, they're far more sophisticated than that. And that's what keeps me going. And that's why I do things like this. And thank you for inviting me out on your show. I like to talk to people, but, you know, I don't charge money for it. I mean, yes, if people want to buy any of the books, that's great, it plays the bills. But I do it because I want to do it. And because I feel it's important to let people know, because it sets them free, as they all saying says, the truth will set you free. And the truth certainly does set you free and lets you know just how amazing you are as individuals, absolutely amazing, all powerful. So that's what keeps me going. And it's life is wonderful. And I want everyone to know that. It is wonderful. - When it comes to history, his story, you know, you mentioned, you know, the Constantine, they changed history. They teach in the Freemason indoctrination camps. They call schools that the victor constantly burns the books and rewrites history. When do you think fiction originated when they started telling these tall tale stories to convince the people of these certain things? And do you think that some of what people think is actual history might have been just some of these tall tales that were, you know, said at that time, but because there's historical reference to some of these tall tales, people actually think that that may have been reality at one point. - Yeah, it is. I mean, it really, as I said earlier, the flood of Noah, you know, was a real event and there's geological evidence to show that. And that occurred about three and a half thousand years ago as near as I can find out. And that's when almost everything was destroyed. So all the records were destroyed and civilization and knowledge was destroyed. So it started again. It had to start again. And there were small pockets of people which had the knowledge and they tried to reintroduce that, but there was a constant battle because there were other people that say that didn't want that to happen. But we can cut through all of that in the way that I've said is to have the reality that we want. We can not tie ourselves to what we think might have been history. It doesn't matter, really. It's to know that as I've sometimes said to people, the point of power that we all have, the point of power is the present moment. Always, the present moment is your point of power and you can go wherever you want from the present moment. And that's the only reality. Decide what you want in the present moment and then go for it, go after it. And not just, it's really getting your mind in order not to think, oh, well, it would be nice if, no, believe it, know it, absolutely 100%. Not, don't think it's just some figment of your imagination or just some fancy, 'cause you'll fail if you do that. Know your power, know how powerful you are, know that you are divine. You know, you have all the power you need. You know, you are not separate to God. You know, you're not separate. So you have all that power to create what you want in your personal reality. So you have everything you need. So yeah, forget about the doom and gloom merchants. Forget about whatever history might tell us. Forget about everything and just decide what you want in your day-to-day reality and go after that, okay? - Time travel, what's your thoughts on it? People going into the future, people coming from the future, people going into past. I'm not talking about Akashic Records where you could just mentally put yourself in past. You think people can physically hop into a time space machine and back to the future or forward? Like, do you think that that's possibility in this reality? - Well, we can do it and we do do it without us realizing it. And this is where I think people will be familiar with the Mandela effect, okay? And I think we've all probably, and also the phenomena of Deja Vu with the French for already seen. I'll deal with that first. Because in quantum physics, accept this, past, present and future exist simultaneously. To quantum physics, there is no time's arrow. It's only because of we with our limited senses, we construct it, we think there's, we have a past and a present and the future is yet to be. In actual fact, they all exist simultaneously. And we get little glimpses of it with, as I say, with Deja Vu and it's quite a magical thing when it happens, I've had it happen many times in my life. You're in a situation and suddenly you think, I've already seen this, hence the French Deja Vu, already seen. And you know it, just a little moment. And because what you've done, you've stepped outside of your five senses, just for a brief moment, and you've seen what from your point of view, you think is the future, but of course it all exists. Everything exists. And you see that little bit, but it comes into your limited five senses and you think, oh, this is weird. I've already seen this, I knew this. I've been here before, whatever it is. Well, that's a little glimpse of the future, which you can be in at any time. And you get the same with the Mandela effect, which is you thought something was in a certain way. And then you meet people who go, oh no, no, it wasn't like that. And one of the famous ones is, I think the red scarf with, I forgot his name now. Sticking out of his pocket on his elbow and sleeve, okay. Bruce Springsteen. And people are going, oh, it was a red handkerchief sticking out of his pocket on the elbow and sleeve. And the other people are saying, no, it was a red hat. And they'll swear a blind. And but they don't realize they can both be right, because those timelines all exist. So there is a timeline in the so-called past where it was a red hat, and a timeline where it was a red handkerchief. And they both exist. And we flip and we do it all the time without realizing we flip timelines. There's multiple timelines. And because all past and present and future exists simultaneously, sometimes without knowing it, we flip in between these timelines. There is an exercise which I, we haven't got time to talk about in there. - Yeah, yeah, we still got a few minutes if you like to share. - Okay, we can spend a little time on it because the, because we don't have each of us does not have a fixed past, okay? We think we do, we don't have a fixed past. There is no such thing. It all exists as a fluid thing. And so we can change the past, all right? So imagine, imagine for a moment that in your perceived past, because you think you only have one past, imagine that there was an incident in your perceived past, which was a painful experience. You know, something that you would have, rather have done something differently, and you may regret it. And it may be causing you emotional upset in what you think of as your present. Okay, well, because you have multiple pasts, those timelines all exist where there were different outcomes around that event that you only remember the one, but there are different outcomes where it was much more favourable than the one you remember. Now, when you realise that, you can know that there is a much more preferable outcome to that painful experience. And once you put the energy into it and know that that's just as real, just as real as the one that you were imagining was the most painful one, you'll find it will have implications on your present, what you think of as your present, because you've flipped into another timeline where that outcome was very different, and so your present actually changes in alignment with the new timeline. Let's see, is this guess mentioned here, a therapist? (laughs) Probably bugs, I don't know. Anyway, interesting question. I'm assuming this area. So, I mean, I'm giving you a thumbnail sketch of that, but that's, this is the power that starts to become available to you when you know the things, really know the things that I'm talking about, just the fact that there is no such thing as past, present, and future. It's all now, there is only the now, and there's people who have written about this, the power of now, Eckhart Tolley, I think, wrote about it. So, rather than getting ourselves entangled in what we think might be a future or a past, is to concentrate on the now and put your energy into that. Forget about what you think might have been. Put your energy into where you are now, that's why I said the present moment is the point of power, where you can go wherever you want from that. And don't tie yourself to what you think might have been, okay? And create the reality you want. There's real power in that. And it's much simpler than getting yourself involved in all sorts of mental gymnastics, okay? - Now, would that be part of healing would be to take that traumatic part of your past and then remember it as a favorable outcome or would that be doing a disservice to yourself then remembering it correctly and then being able to deal with how it was correctly or would it just be to the experiencer, it'd be different for each and every situation and scenario whatever works best for that person. - Well, because all of those other alternative, other alternative paths, we'll call them that just for sake of argument because they all exist. They're all yours, they're all just as real. You're quite at limited to choose a much better one. And it's not wishful thinking, these are real things. And it's when you can put the energy into the more favorable outcome, you can heal your present from it because that trauma, if it was a trauma-based thing, no longer exists in your present because you've come down a different timeline, it no longer exists, it no longer has any effect on your present. And it's a much simpler way and less painful way than spending months or years in therapy going over some trauma to try and make it seem better in some way. It's better to eliminate it altogether and realize that that was only just one possible past. It's not your only past. There's real power in that, okay? - Last question. So what is really making you ill? Is it you? - Well, in many cases, yes. People might believe themselves to be infected by a virus. But once you realize there are such things as then you can get rid of that belief or they may think it's the bacteria that make themselves ill or that they're going to get the office cold because someone sneezed on them and they make themselves ill. So in many cases, yes, it's the placebo effect and people make themselves ill. But having said that, of course, people can come into contact with poisonous materials and they may be in the form of going to the doctor because they believe in doctors and believe in the medication the doctor gives them which turns out to be something toxic and they can poison their system, okay? Or they allow the doctor to stick an needle in them and inject poisonous material. I mean, we explain all this in the book and show there's several things. One is the ingredients of vaccinations or toxic and we were really surprised when to find that most doctors have no idea what the contents of vaccines are. And I highlighted it that in a doctor's surgery, if the doctor's got the hypodermic and he accidentally drops it on the floor and it breaks, they have to immediately go into toxic material disposal mode with special regulations to clean it up and dispose of it. Now, before to ask themselves, well, you were just about to inject that into my bloodstream and now you've got to go into toxic material mode and with special regulations to get rid of it. Well, surely that has no business being injected into my blood or a child's blood. If it's so serious, that's what you have to do. And that sort of concentrates the mind but doctors are completely, well, I know that a lot to doctors, I was listening to an English doctor, literally only a couple of days ago, who's had to resign from the medical establishment because he saw through it all and he'd been a GP general practitioner for 11 years and believed in all the stuff he was taught at medical school until in practice, he could see that it was, like we did, absolute nonsense. You know, you're harming people as a doctor, you're not helping them. And if you start injecting poisonous materials into their bodies, you can kill people. And as this doctor said, he had to realize that that has probably happened and I remember Dr. Andy Kaufman saying the same thing. And when he came out of the medical establishment, he realized that what he'd been doing and trained to do would actually, of course, people's lives. And that's a terrible thing, can you imagine? That's a terrible thing to try and come to terms with. That's why the suicide rate of doctors keeps increasing because they start to realize this and they can't live with it and you can understand why, a terrible, terrible thing. - And I think that's what keep the spell going is the ego, be that they don't want to admit that they're actually injuring and/or harming so they rather live that comfortable life than face the true reality that they potentially have harmed injured and/or killed people and children. - Yeah, I mean, we met at one of our, when we were doing a tour around England and doing talks around England. And after we'd done the talk about what really makes you ill, a lady came up to us and said that she was a retired GP and that she'd read our book, when I thought, oh dear, she's gonna get quite cross about this. And she said, no, she thought it was wonderful. She said, thank you very much for writing it. And she said, when I read it through, she said, it took me a year, a year before I could talk to anyone. And I said, why? She said, because I was so ashamed. She said, because I realized that what I'd been doing for 40 years as a GP was, as we just said, causing harm and death. And she said, I was so ashamed that I couldn't talk to anyone about it. But now she said, it's taken me a year to be able to actually talk about it. So, you know, that's quite an amazing thing, isn't it? And she's not the only one, of course, but at least she was honest enough to be able to say that to us. But some doctors just take their own lives instead because the burden is too great. - Awesome. Well, thank you so much for spending this time here with us. This was amazing. You're definitely very interesting to talk to and you've got some great perspectives on things. So, I know a lot of people in the audience here definitely enjoyed you and, you know, the enlightenment that you've brought us here today on the Missing Link Live. So, thank you so much, you know, David. - Thank you, Jesse. Thank you for having me on. And I really enjoyed talking. Sorry I couldn't get the slideshow going. I don't know quite what was going off there. Just a lack of technical ability with Streamio. I've not done it before, but anyway, that's another thing. We seem to get there anyway. And I think we've probably got the message across. So, I hope everyone enjoyed it regardless of not having the pictures to look at. - Okay, we did. So, thank you everybody for being here. We've got a couple hundred people here live with us right now. So, thanks everybody for, you know, sticking around and, you know, gaining on the wisdom that came from this interview. This is the last interview we have for this week. It is Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada. We do have an interview on the Thanksgiving Monday at noon Easter Standard Time with Honey Bee Me. Tuesday we have Chris O'Connor and Michael Jackson. Not the Michael Jackson, a different Michael Jackson than Targeted on Wednesday. We've got Jesse Beltran on Thursday. We've got George Webb on Friday. We've got David Steven and Mark who does some co-op farming. And then on Saturday we got Dr. John Scott Perez. So, a busy week next week. But you all have a wonderful weekend. Thanks for being a part of this Missing Link Live. Thanks again, David Parker for being, you know, it's a man that speaks out, you know, for what he feels. And, you know, I think that you're really helping people to see things in a different light. And I think that that's really important because of the programming that's really been put on people, anybody that can share anything outside of the box is definitely something that, you know, makes me, you know, happy to be able to share that with, you know, everybody here on the Missing Link Live. Okay. Okay, knowledge is power. The more knowledge we all have collectively, the less power they have over us for one love, one heart, one life. Namaste everyone. And if they ever ask you to put on a breathing inhibitor again, David, you know what to say. No masking. You say no masking. Absolutely. Bye everyone. Thank you, Jesse. Bye everyone. [ Silence ]