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The Floor season 2 Episode 3 recap with Angie - Reality Check with Heidi and Brad

Broadcast on:
11 Oct 2024
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On this week's "The Floor" season 2 episode 3 recap Brad, Heidi and Claire are joined by Angie from season 2 to talk about all things Floor. Angie starts by holding Brad accountable for all he has said about her on previous episodes. They get to know Angie more as they talk about every duel from the current episode. If you love "The Floor" then you don't want to miss this episode.

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(upbeat music) - Hello, everyone. My name is Ashley, our post-time back, and I am thrilled to announce my new podcast on the Hopecast Network, Locks of Laughs, where I will be chatting with comedians, restaurant tours, and everyone in the entertainment industry about comedy, duh, pop culture, and of course, a little bit of food. You can follow lots of Laughs on Instagram, @locksoflaughspodcast, and Locks of Laughs will be available on Spotify, iTunes, anywhere you listen to podcasts. So like, follow, subscribe, and I cannot wait to nosh with you. (upbeat music) This is the Hopecast Network. Stories and shows you actually want to listen to. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Well, this is reality check, or Heidi, as I like to call it now, the floor, wiping the floor recap. Those look at that. We're sweeping the floor right now. We don't know if we're sitting with a winner. I don't care, man. Our guest and I is pretty incredible, but we are also joined by Claire, and Claire is our resident floor expert. She's a part of the network, Hopecast Network, and Claire, how you doing? - Well, fabulous. Brad, I'm excited to chat with our lovely guests tonight. - Me too, but Heidi, I just skipped over you. Like, you're just shopping with her. I went straight to the club like Claire, how you doing? Heidi, how are you doing? I'm just totally throwing off my game tonight. - Listen, it's totally okay. I'm excited with what we have today. I cannot wait to dig into it, 'cause it's gonna be a good one. - Oh my gosh, Claire, who is our guest today? - Oh my goodness. I am so thrilled to have Angie, our resident English-lit teacher. - Right? - From the floor, season two on with us tonight. So Angie, thank you for joining us. - Thank you. - Take your reality check, I'm super thrilled to be here. Thanks for having me. - Izzy is low key, my favorite. One of my favorite characters, but Angie, you just said before you came on, you binged both of our episodes, and I do believe in the first one I said, Angie's gonna be gone, and you're gonna be gone. I think I did say that. You probably hate me at this point. - No, I was gonna hold you accountable to that. I had a couple of things, a couple of corrections. Very quickly, one, Andrew and I are not dating. Andrew's 19. I believe you like floating that rumor in the universe. So I'm splashing that one. Two, I think you did also say that my duel with him was maybe one of the worst you had seen. I do believe you said something along those lines, and that you predicted I would be gone episode two, which is totally fine. You know, you see what you see, it's all good. Also, just quickly, when I said that teaser reel, what did somebody not do? It was, what is somebody not do on episode one, not season one. So I did not throw season one under the bots, Claire. And I never would, because if it weren't for you guys setting the standard and bringing it, they would have never invited a whole new group of people to Ireland. So thank you for doing awesome work. - Angie just roasted us. - I did, and I think we're my name. I mean, I just wanna set the tone that says, look, I paid attention. - I love it. - And, you know, it's all forgiven. I have a very, like, I don't have time in my life to hold bridges, you are all lovely humans and my new best friends. So let's just-- - I just do that a lot. - Heidi, Claire, I did do, imagine the scenario for listeners that Angie was dating him. That was a funny scenario. Give it to me Angie, that would be a funny scenario. Please tell me, I remind you of somebody in your family. I just now-- - So that was the running joke. - Oh, I'm gonna say these things. - First of all, I have four nephews. They don't all look like one person. I have four, and believe it or not, if I had pictures I could throw up here, you would say, oh my gosh, is he looked like Lucas? Andrew looks like Joe. Like, no joke, my sister has four boys. And they were all, it's like everywhere I looked, it was family, I was like, killing off my family, like, Game of Thrones. It was like, I was just letting everybody out. And I was like, that's who I am, I love these people. I really do like them, but the running joke became, do I look like somebody in your family? Do I look like your sister? Do I look like your foreign exchange student? Like, they were making up scenarios because they were afraid that, you know, it was pretty plenty, but it was totally true. - Yeah, I think I said that too. Like, all your nephews must all look the same. They must have the most common face of all time. (indistinct) - Yeah, Angie keeps receipts. - Player, I didn't know you were bringing a receipt keeper onto the podcast. (indistinct) - I didn't either, which I have to say, Angie, when we filmed the first episode, it was immediately after the first episode came out. So like, as soon as it was done, we started recording. Now I'm able to like, go back, fast forward, kind of go through, and I looked back and you did say season, or episode one, not season one. And I was like, dang, this wouldn't have been a great time to have been able to rewind that before we hopped on. - It's fine, I just didn't want my season one friends to think that I was like fronting or something. Like, you guys didn't do something and we're cooler than you or something stupid like that. So I came out just correcting that from the jump, but now we're all good. The sleigh of the white plane. - There is stuff that y'all did. You good? (indistinct) - It's a dumb fly, it's always around me. I'm sick of these stupid flies. Keep going, keep going. If I slap a fly, just ignore me, Angie. - I'm okay, I believe. - I'm choking out. - We have to bring Angie back at the end of the season, as she can tell us, she can fact check all of us. - Yes, you sent this right, I said it wrong. - That is your new job. You didn't know you're coming to get a job. - I don't even love it. It goes that way. - That's how the broadcast network works. You come on it and then you get a job. That's what happened. - It's like the mob, right? Like, what you're in, you'll never get it out. - No, you can't leave. - I'm in, sign me up, sign me up. This is a good sign, I'm loving it. - Next season, floor season three, Angie. I don't even need to be on this. You and Claire and Heidi can recap floors. - I don't like that. I'll just produce. - I will pitch it for anybody anytime. I think this is an awesome format and I am just riding the wave, man. This is really a good time to get to meet new people like this and have fun. So thank you. - Well, we bring someone to like Keith's receipts, but then brags about our show, Claire and Heidi. That's a good thing, right? - It's cool, yeah. - Her background is dismissed. - She does, man, and I did not know we were gonna have someone fact-checking me, so I kind of like that. 'Cause she has a lot of tangents. - English-lint major, you know, you gotta cite your sources. - Yes, you do. It's right, no, absolutely cite your sources. Pay attention to detail. You know, I'm a professional editor on, you know, I can't help but pay attention to the little stuff. It can be annoying, but you know, hopefully I'm doing some good in the universe. I don't know. - Are you an English-lint teacher? Is that correct? - Yeah, so yeah, I'm a full-time English professor. I also run a company. It's called Compass Academics. It's a college consulting business. I've been doing that for eight years. I'm a single mom to a high school senior and she is keeping me on my toes. - Oh, great. - She's a senior now, so she's 12, okay. - Oh, she's a senior now. - Okay, I got it. - So she's keeping me busy. I do all kinds of stuff. I just, I keep myself pretty busy. But yeah, no, that's true. I am a professor. That wasn't like a fake job. I didn't like, you know, I didn't go in there with any fakery on my raid. I was just like, I am, I am what you get, except for the makeup and stuff, but that wasn't my choice. And so I think I hope that what you saw and what America sees is me, you know, tears and goofiness and just all of it. It's like my humanity on display itself. - I actually had a question about that. And Brad, I kind of stole your thunder there. You were gonna say something. But Angie, I wanted to ask you because when you were going for the first duel, right, you had this moment and we all loved that moment 'cause they showed us a little bit of, they broke the wall a little bit from season one. So what did you feel about that moment and was it all accurate? I wanna hear your opinion about it. - Okay, as Claire knows, they told us the mics are always on and the cameras are always on. And they encourage us to talk often because they're borrowing those clips and bits and post-production to kind of put this narrative together. And so I knew that and I was aware, you know, I'm not out there picking my nose or dropping the F bomb. You know, I was being very like polite and, you know, not thinking or doing anything that would embarrass me to my family or whoever would view it. When that moment happened, I felt I'm going home or one of my friends is going home and I didn't want the fun to end. It honestly for me, you know, Brad said, we could be, you know, hanging out with a winner. I did win. I won hearts and minds and 99 new friends plus if you're counting the production staff at Ardmore Studios who were lovely people. I really believe that was winning for me, especially at my age. I wasn't gunning for the money. I am competitive, but I went there thinking, look, I know what I know. I'm not gonna cram. I'm not gonna study. I'm gonna get to know people. That's my thing 'cause how cool and uncommon of an experience to meet so many different people from different, like that phrase walks of life. I hate it 'cause it's so overused, but in this case, it's absolutely the truth. And I was like, I love these people. I didn't need to say goodbye to them. And the way it works is once you're eliminated, you just unceremoniously leap. Like goodbye, it's like you're just dead to them. You don't see them again. You don't have five, you don't say goodbye, nothing. And for somebody like me who's just sentimental, like I'm just a sucker. And I just really like people and the thought that I couldn't even have closure to say goodbye. All of that hit it once, tidy. It was all there. And so it was part panic, part trying, then trying to recover. So like I keep releasing Rob Lowe or whatever sound bit they took, which was true, I like that. And feeling bad because makeup had worked so hard. John Paul had worked so hard on my face. I needed, worked so hard on my wardrobe. And here I am trying on it. And now I'm worried about everybody else who's gonna have to do more work to get me ready to get up there. So it was all the feelings all at once. And then I couldn't catch my. So I was essentially kind of hyperventilating and that's kind of what you saw when they were saying, you're okay, you're okay. They were just trying to get me to slow my breath. So yeah. - Yeah. - It was 100% accurate. - One comment just, and Brian I'll pass it to you, but one quick comment and maybe feedback Angie. It actually humanizes you, right? And it makes you, it makes the viewers like you even more because I feel like, okay, there's a little connection there and it makes you real. It's like, yes, I mean not, it's not like you go up there and you're just flying with it. There's emotions behind the way people are, you know, nothing up there. - Yeah. - So just, just as a feedback, I thought it was a great moment for you, so. - Well, I appreciate it. And I didn't, I was surprised they showed it because they didn't do that in the first season. - Right. - But I wasn't upset and I wasn't saddened. I was just like confused, kind of like, that's odd. Like, what's that? And actually I'm thrilled because the producers, some of them Instagram me and they're like, oh my gosh, my family finally got to see what I do for a job. Like, they finally got to see me take care of my talent. You know, some of the production stuff was really happy that they were able to get a little bit of a moment and that's awesome to give them that kind of credit. - So, go ahead, Brian, I kind of kept cutting you off. - No, I was thinking like, one, Angie, if I was on the floor with you, I think you and I would be fast friends. You like to talk, I like to talk. So I think we'd probably talk a lot together. - Yeah. - Where do you live at? - I'm at St. Louis right now. I'm originally from the Midwest. My army brat grew up in the DC area and moved around went to grad school in Iowa at the University of Iowa. Go Hawkeyes, it's gonna give them a shot. And then I moved down to St. Louis in '07 for a teaching gig. So I'm here for now. This is where I am. You're welcome. - No. - Never been, come see me. - Are you a teacher? Oh, I definitely are. Are you a teacher that people want to have or are you one of those teachers where it's like, crap, I got Angie, I'm getting the water? - You can go on and look at me, I don't know what, I don't look at that. My mom does, occasionally she'll say, you got another review. You must have been really hard last semester and I'm like, mom, oh my gosh, I'm talking that. It's starving. I can bet, anyway, I have been told that I am a firm but fair and that I'm kind but that I don't take any SHIT. So I'm just gonna say that I believe that I am good at my job because I believe students don't rise to lowered expectations. And I hold them to a standard because it's my responsibility that when they leave me, they know their stuff. And I don't wanna set them up to fail at the next level. So I don't give people, I'm not easy, but I'm kind, if that makes sense. So I think people like me, I don't know. I don't know. - We need to start a website, Heidi, where it's called Rate Our Guest. And we go in there and if you suck, we give you like one star and we say Claire blamed you. Claire was terrible with you, like Claire did it. - Our screen name can be Claire and they're really good. I would be Brad, of course. I know they're a great guest. Angie was awesome five stars. Let me give you five stars, Angie. - You got five stars. - You got five stars. - Sorry, Claire. - No. - You can just say that I would get one star. No, I get five stars. What are you talking about? - Well, I'm not technically a guest, am I? - You have been a guest. You've been a guest on the pot. You're part of the family. You're already now. - You're now in the family. - You're already now. - I just love that you came on to talk to Claire and our Heidi and I and now you're officially official. So I mean, that's pretty cool. - I am officially official. - Well, I am super excited to dive in to like each duel. I thought, I will say, I feel like this episode took a little bit of like a dip in terms of like energy. (vocalizing) - I think it's because the strategy starts changing after like the second episode where people start really thinking, okay, do I wanna be a big whale and win the 20K or am I sliding under the radar here? - Yeah. - And how am I gonna get to it? - Claire, I agree with you. First, Angie, how much territory do you have right now on the show after episode three? - I have four. - Four squares. I have my original category. And at this point in the game, I have my time boost. I'm the only one with it. - Exactly. - I'm still, okay, I'm confused. You heard us talk about the time boost last week. I need explanation on that 'cause Claire's probably right on the time boost like where that's heading. But yeah, I gotta be perfectly frank with you, Angie, 'cause you said you're a straight shooter. I'm a straight shooter. - This episode was the suckiest for episode. I think I've ever watched. - Well, I wasn't on the podium. - I never saw you, I never saw you. - That's the most ego thing I will say in this entire, I guess, but you just opened the door. I'm like, well, I wasn't, you know, I'm challenging, but when you like how I went with it, right? I'm like, yeah, I wanted to see you up there. You're entertaining television, which is good. You're not where those fakers, sorry, you're probably friends with them where they do the, like, we did last week, Claire, though. - The faces. - I'm gonna question you saying a few comments at the worst of the beginning. - Yeah, I thought constantly because I'm chatty and they told me I could talk. And so me and my floor neighbors, we had like these contests who could come up with the funniest things and wondering if the floor would use them. So when I said, oh, look at their outfits. It's like Gouda and Cetta up there. And then like after I said something like, I think at one point I go, that was a Gouda duel. But honestly, that was being cheesy on purpose and not because I expected that I would have some kind of meme. You know, I think people are looking for like a meme face or a, is it a gift for a Jeff? I'm dumb, what does it say? - I don't know, what is it, Claire? You're the youngest one on the show. It's a gift, okay. - Like a gift, right, without the tea. - Mm-hmm, I don't know. - I think people, I think people, understandably, especially some of the younger folks, you know, they're in media, they're influencers or they're wanting to grow their audience. So they go for those moments. - I was just having, I was like, camp. I was just being silly because I'm like, wow. I can't believe this is happening, so. - You were having the best time though. - Yes, yes, I think. - I think what made this episode so brutal for me is if you were watching the people on the left were terrible every time. Like they were not bringing it. Like if you were on the left side, the right side, I feel like Claire, it couldn't be if I'm wrong. There was one time where the girl might've answered three questions, instead of 40 seconds left. - Yes. - And you just watched the girl keep going. - Pass. - Yeah. - Pass. - That was Emma. - Pass, I mean, I was like, oh my god, this is not riveting television night, is it? - Right, if you watched the season one finale, you also saw someone you know pass and then pass and then pass and her name is Claire. - Yeah, but I don't hold that against you Claire 'cause you're my friend, so I'm not. - You know, it's so tough. And like what I think people don't realize is being the challenger you are in, who is on the left on our screen, being the challenger already comes with a disadvantage. Normally it's not your category. I mean, it actually, it's never your category. So like it's something you're always hoping that you know more than. - You start first. So you automatically start losing time first. So honestly, like when you're looking at the screen and your clock is there, you forget that the person in front of you probably has at least two or three seconds more than you, more than likely. So you have to hope that the person you've challenged the person at least once to the clock. Yeah, I get that. - Yeah, they have to. Jacob, my friend Jacob, he's a host on another podcast movie, Torture, on this network. Said to me tonight, he wanted me to bring this up. He said he loves our podcast, but he said, I don't understand why, if you do not know the answer, why don't you pass immediately? Because some people hold for three seconds or then they go pass. Well, that's gonna cause you three more seconds. He said, if you see the question, you should pass immediately. - If you don't know. - 'Cause you're gonna lose three to four seconds total. But you never see anyone do that. Is it a prothing, Angie? Is it a, I think I can figure this out? Is it because, yeah, I'm like Daryl Hannah. You know, the girl looks like Daryl Hannah. Claire doesn't know. But she, she, she said, if I have to go wrestling, I know nothing. Like, I would be like that on some of this category. - That was Julianne. - And Julianne is with that gal. I think, also, I remember you asked me about the time boost before we can come back to that. But I think in this case, a couple of things are involved. My personal philosophy was, I studied, I prepped. I also just knew what I knew. And if it came up, I'd take my best guess. And if that was not right, I would pass. I wouldn't have and I wouldn't have. Because I had made peace with the idea that even if I could recall it in five, 10 or 15 seconds, because let's be honest, most of us, given all the time in the world, could identify every image. And I felt like if I, I didn't wanna feel bad about that. I just said, yeah, I know this, I'll know it later. I'll kick myself later, but right now, I know that I don't know it, I need to move on. But I think some people didn't have the same mentality. And some people, out of a sense, maybe a little, a little stubbornness on their own, like I'm not giving up. You know, I'm not, I'm not quitting on this. I know this, or I've got to reveal this, or my friends will make fun of me for passing it. I think people had their own narratives playing out. So I can't speak for others and why they waited. Also lights sound, it's important everybody knows that that is not added post-production, that is live. You are feeling it, you are hearing it, you are seeing it. And that's overstimulation. It can undo the best possible strategy that you have going up there to begin with. - And you have to remember that every single game is different. So like whether it's words, fill in the blank, pictures. So it takes time, especially that first one, to like process really how the game is going to be played. - Yeah, absolutely. - Yeah, I will be able to advocate on the strategy, maybe on that, 'cause I know how my brain works, knowing more than one language. Sometimes your wires get crossed, and it takes you an extra couple seconds to process the word in that language, or the name of something. So I could see me maybe knowing things quickly if I'm on point, but there's moments where it's like, wait, what's the name of that, or what is it? And it takes a quick extra second, then someone who may speak just one language and doesn't have to process all of that. So I'm just saying-- - Absolutely, absolutely. And this season, they've introduced a new category, Sounds. So there's an audible, there will be audible duels as well. And one of the things people ask me friends and families, why did you challenge Andrew and Stocks? And I said, well, one, I know Stocks, I do. And I felt really confident. And do I know nursery rhymes better than Stocks? Absolutely, of course, I'm a mom, I have a little kid. But I didn't know how they were gonna play nursery rhymes, and to me, they were only gonna play Stocks one way. It was gonna be ticker cymbals period. Nursery rhymes could've been audible, could've been pictograms, it could've been fill-in-the-blank, it could've been a bunch of things, and to have your brain turn like that was difficult, especially when I was already feeling under pressure, like pick something now. I was like, I'm going for the thing I think I can win at that moment. - Yeah, all right, so let me-- Let me bring up-- - How much time do they give you to choose? - Very little, really very little. It's funny to me, that is pretty real in the production when they show you, what do you wanna challenge? You do talk through each person just a little bit, like, well, I'm not gonna go for Las Vegas, I've never been, you know, what happens in Vegas days in Vegas, and since I've never been there, how am I gonna know? I'm being silly as that we talked through, and then they pick which one of those sound bites they wanna say, but you don't get a lot of time, you pick. The one thing I find interesting is that when we're up on the stage, when Rob goes, let's do it. And then he does, he's like, March off. We're probably up there in silence for about a solid minute, minute 30. - Yeah, and-- - And it's uncomfortable. It's uncomfortable, and you have to decide, are you gonna stare them down, or are you gonna make chit chat? Are you gonna start crying again, like me? I was like, I kept saying, Andrew, don't look at me, don't look at me, don't look at me, don't look at me. But that's why-- - That's why-- That's why somebody before talking, 'cause Claire is like, I don't know, I don't know if they should be talking or whatever, but if there's a long period, I could see, like, being quiet, it's also awkward. - And then crying, you guys should be friends, right? Like, if Heidi and I are across the podium, I'm not gonna just stare you down, or ignore you, I'll be like, you got this? All right, good luck. - Wow, Andrew, you and I could not be more different. I went against my friends, and I was like, yeah, at this point, I've known you for a couple of days. Like, I'm going down on the honey, honey, and then after, we will be friends. - But I used to like-- - I was-- - I looked at-- - I was crying. - Well, and I had to figure out, 'cause they keep your little clock in a corner, and I'm really lucky that I was shorter than everyone I competed against, because I, like, made sure that the person I was, like, competing against their head was covering the clock. So I was just staring at my screen, which I hope no one thinks I was being mean, but in that moment, I just-- I was like, ta-tah. - Well, that's definitely gonna be friends. I mean, you just approached it in that way that I am a little envious of, because I wish I could turn off a part of me and just go for it like that. I just, I couldn't, like that other part of me just kept winning the whole, the whole time. (laughing) - All right, I'm gonna bring this all back, because-- - Well, hold on, honey, before you think it's back, I got one more thing. - You got it. - Claire, I need to ask you, Angie, I joke all the time about how I want to face off against Heidi on the floor. - Oh boy. - Do you think Heidi and I could not speak to each other if we were standing there? What do y'all think? If you think we could just stare to the down in, or do you think we would break? - I think y'all would giggle. - Yeah, we would. - I would. - What kind of podcast can we make from this door? - Oh my gosh. - Rob, you're on the Hope Cats Network now. - Do you know if it would happen? - So Brad will be saying funny stuff, right? That will probably be laughing, but I will be more like, oh Brad, you're going down. I can see that like-- - You won't be like that, yes. I would say stuff like Heidi, I gotta take a dump, just to see what you would say. And you'd be like-- - Oh, you're going down. Brad, you mentioned the number two, like all the time. That may be why there's flies in your studio, because there's a-- - Probably. I actually just took a dump right now, Angie. I just see here, this is a toilet for me. I don't think I'm doing right now. You're gonna always eat top up. - You should say (indistinct) - Anyway, Heidi. - So, so let's talk about this, 'cause this is a recap, and I feel like we probably talked a half hour, almost a half hour, no recap. So we do nine duels, and we talk about how the energy wasn't quite there, so maybe we'll go quickly through that, but I'm still gonna go from number one. And I'm gonna mention the names Angie. You can correct me if I'm butchering their names, but the first one was Neil and Chelsea, and their category was at the mall. - Comments about it. - Okay, first of all, Chelsea were cowgirl boots on day one. I looked at her and I went, oh girl, if you last long, you aren't gonna last long, 'cause our feet were killing. - Oh, I bet. - I think we're mad props for wearing heels, and I think Claire, no, I think you got sneakers on, didn't you, but you were like super hungry. - I think we're dressy as sneakers. - She's definitely like-- - Well, you worked my girl boots. - Yeah, and the category was shoes, right, Claire? - Yeah. - Right, that's it, it was. - That's your category. - So I just wanna give Chelsea a shout out if she listens to this. I think it went really well. I'd kneel one of the things that didn't make the cut as he said, you know what, my wife and I, we go like power walking at the mall all the time, we go shopping, no problem. I felt mall was a little tricky, there were a couple, I think, more regional-- - Drink here. - Yeah, the Hello Kitty one was a sommelier, I don't know how to pronounce them. I went out and met, you know, there were a few things like that, American girl stores not in malls anymore, they don't, you know, so there were some like past and present. But overall I thought it was a pretty fair category on both sides, I think they did well. I think kneel froze on Hollister. I think he knew it and I think he forgot it was his turn for a moment. - I thought it was Abercrombie. - I thought it was Abercrombie. - Fuck me. - I think Abercrombie. - I wouldn't think it was a good deal. I think kneel was upsetting to get to play his, his whole end about the currency later, but you know, I think it was an interesting strategy to try. - Yeah, what was you gonna say, Claire? - I would have absolutely dominated that category which my husband would be like, yeah, of course you would. I love to shop, I love shoes, I love stores. I have a build a bear on my bed right now. Yes, I still sleep with stuffed animals. I know it's a little unsafe, but I have to just comment on Neil's demeanor. That guy thought he was gonna win the 250K for sure. He was so like confident. - Very, yeah, very confident. - I didn't say cookie. - But were we thinking it? - I was, guilty. - I know you work. I actually liked when he was like, I knew nothing about this. That was the guy who said that at the beginning, right? - Yeah, he was an author, wasn't he an author? - Yes, he was an author. Yeah, he-- - I thought he was gonna be like, y'all can buy my book on Amazon at, I thought that's what he was gonna do as he walked off. - Yeah, like, no. - But I feel like that softened him, it softened him a little bit at the end where he was like, oh guys, I knew nothing. It makes you realize that he was just game, right? Game mode. - Yeah. - So I initially appreciate that 'cause I feel like I will be game on, you know? - Yeah, well, I'm on to see him leave. - You were sad to see him leave? - No, she was not. - Oh, I wasn't either clear. I'm on that same train. I was like, hit the road, dude. - Sorry, Agey, I know it's all your bestie. (laughing) - You got the guy from Santa Claus? You gotta, yeah, I'm with you. - Pull in your stocking, my friend. - You need Angie, and we need Angie in the gap with Santa Claus to show up on the plot. - Oh, that sucks. - Okay, what was the next one, Heidi? - All right, Emily and Charday, they had cheese. - Yes, Angie was saying it in common. - Yes, poor Emily Sopkin, the gal in the power yellow suit, she was so delightful. And she's lactose intolerant, as she mentioned on the show, and she said, "You wouldn't think that means I can do cheese." She was, "But that means I know how to avoid cheese." Which means I know how to recognize the things to avoid. And I thought that was a really clever way of twisting up Charday, and maybe making Charday feel just a little less confident for a second. But as you said, Charday don't play. So it was like a battle. It was fun. - Well, we saw the cheese putt her. - I thought she was going to go the route that I do and say, like, "I'm lactose intolerant, but I still love cheese." Because that's me. - Same. - And everyone's a little lactose. - Yeah, if we're a bale. - Yeah, eat all of cheese, I'll be good. - Charday, I love her. But she had a really great strategy. Like, I don't know if it was her that said Charday don't play. Or if it was someone else on the floor around her. But it reminds me of in season one, when people started saying Jean the machine, and they started getting nervous about him. And it just started messing with people for that long. - Yeah. - And so like, I think that's what's going to happen for her. And they both were, Jean was wearing orange. - Yeah. - Charday was wearing orange. - Yeah. - And they were like, "Power color." - Yeah. - Right? - But it's better than "Power" for the season apparently. - Yeah. - Right, she's like, "They look good too." - They did. - They look good. All right, I'm going to number three. So we have six more after that. Caitlin and James, and they had smoothies. - That's it. - And I actually can tell me about that one, because I thought it was really easy, easy, easy. And then they got a DNA site. And I told them to think of a site. I was like-- - Oh, yeah. - I was like, "That varies." I said everything when I was watching. And it was not a site. What do you all think about that one? - Well, so did Caitlin. If you heard her, she rattled off every berry possible. She even came up with her parents, which I was like, "Good on you, girl." - They thought it was fun too. - I think a site varies. I think, you know, that's tricky the way that the images were presented. It was ambiguous. It was difficult. I think, you know, you get something like ice, and you're like, "Really?" Ice. - Oh, that may be bad, Angie. You have to be a moron if you don't know what ice is. - Yeah. But it is, you know, that's the way the game is. It kind of starts off. They've got about, we figured 50 to 60 slides at the ready, because if people are on their game, like we saw in season one, right? When you had Lindsey and Matthew, I think they went for states. And they were just super-tapped. - Yeah. - They came down to it. So, you know, you're gonna run out of smoothie ingredients pretty quickly. And I'm surprising to people like Sterelina and Micah and, you know, other things up there that you wouldn't even notice. - Yeah. - So I thought it was tricky, but they both handled it well. - They did. - Kaitlyn got a shout out to her dog named Stella and Rob's a secure for dog. So they had a cute moment together. - They should, they should instead of showing ice cubes, they should show ice agents. And then you're like, "Oh, that's ice." - At least the perfect with one more difficult. I like A&G to do the labinars. - And that's one more than that's why. - Yes, exactly. - So ice agents, like ice that goes in smoothies, man. - They're like vanilla ice, like dropping the rhymes or something. - Oh, yeah, vanilla ice. - I like that too. I like where you're thinking, A&G. I like that. - Vanilla ice in an ice jacket. Like, let's do it like- - Over the table, over the table. - Time to bring necklace, like that ice, you know. - Oh, yeah, yeah, like with the red one. - Oh, how many of us make? - Yeah, I think you're writing. - All right, next one was Emily and Maureen and they had John adult novels. - And maybe I feel like you would have been good at that being an English professor, but that was a tough one to watch 'cause I think Emily had a hard time with that one. - All right, God bless her, she's 20. And honestly, when she was finishing high school, it was probably the COVID years. I don't know how much work they got done. I don't know how many of those classic novels are still being taught in high school. - I feel a few of them were shows though. So I was like, even if you don't know them, by the books, you wouldn't know the shows. - Well, they didn't have the fault in our stars. Like all of those have been on Netflix on some form. - Yeah, movie search shows. - Yeah, movie search shows. - Girl, they're all movies. - I don't read books. - Okay, I know I just interrupted a great conversation. My name is Brad and you may be listening to me or any of the other talent we have on this network at HopeCast. We want to thank you for listening, but also we want you to like and subscribe to the show you're listening to. So when you're done listening, go on the iTunes or the Spotify and leave a great review if you like it and follow the show on Instagram and any other platforms that it's on. I think we're on TikTok. So follow us on TikTok. But make sure you leave us a review. We love good reviews here at the HopeCast network. Now, I guess I'll let you get back to your show. - I hate to interrupt what you're doing now, but something very important I need to let you know about. When you purchase serious coffee beans, we want you to try to enjoy each brew for two reasons. Number one, because you're a part of something bigger, making a positive impact around the world. And number two, 'cause we did not compromise on the quality of coffee, you're drinking some of the best coffee in the world. 100% of profits are donated to non-profits that are fighting injustice facing humans around the world, Wallace, that's powerful. Generous is best known for especially coffee, but the heartbeat of generous is their hope to use for profit business for good. And 2024, generous is hoping to provide coffee to churches around the U.S. to spread a message within congregations that churches care about people even down to the coffee they are serving and the people they enjoy. I apologize for that extremely long run on sentence. If you have interest in hearing more about generous coffee, please reach out to their founder, Ben Higgins, at Thank you and back to our scheduled podcast. (gentle music) - Angie, but I knew those, I knew those. Like, I was like, they are like flowers for Algernon. That is Charlie, right? - Yes, that was, yeah, but that's a much older book in my opinion, I don't know anybody who wrote that anymore. There were some people-- - We read that in school. I read that in school, I'm about your age, Angie. So I read that in school. - So yeah, but Diary of an Anne Frank, you should know that one. - Yeah, Diary of a Young Girl. And I think she just got stuck on Anne Frank and got a little diary out. But you know what, she had difficulty passing quickly. And then I think she just passed on everything. I think Maureen answered like maybe three or four correctly. Maureen's super bright, but then Emily just passed for the rest of the game, so. - You can tell Maureen is super bright when they were saying, "Oh, you got Gen Z." And she's like, "Who's that?" And it's like, "Oh, she's good, that was really good." - Clever, I love that. - And I will say, I was super upset. I even made a bet when my husband and I were watching it. I was like, "Twilight's gonna be on here." - And then what's it? - It wasn't, maybe later, it would've been-- - How was it not? - I don't know. - I think they only got through maybe 12 titles and I guarantee it was in the mix. It's just such a slow battle. - It really was. I think that's why. - Adi, is that the one where she had 40 seconds still left at the end? - Yeah, pretty much. I think Maureen had like 30 seconds left, yeah. - Oh, okay. - I haven't watched it closely enough yet. I just, I saw it with friends at a watch party and I caught like pieces. I'm gonna watch on Hulu this weekend, like everybody else and really take it in, yeah. - So then, Maureen actually stuck there on the floor. Well, like I just said, on the podium and she went against Robert and she had, they had pop culture items. And I must say, Brad, I'm coming to you 'cause that's when they got Tom Brady and he's like, "Hey, it's me." - What? (laughing) - We know. - I'm gonna talk. - You know what was interesting to me? You know, the reason you know the floor season one was so popular is because it made it into an SNL skin, right? I mean, that was like the iconic moment of reaching like the status. And this skit was all about how white people don't know black people, right? I mean, let's just be black. And that's what made it funny because it's true, but it was so funny that that duel in reverse is that you had somebody like Robert, pass on Tom Brady, pass on John Stewart. And I'm watching it and I'm like, okay, if SNL doesn't do like another riff and just like flip the script, racially. I mean, it was another example of racial blindness just going the other direction. I thought it was really a little funny and it was kind of cheesy to see that. - Yeah, I agree. I was so thrilled and I could not agree more that he had it through pop culture icon. I was like, whoop, whoop, whoop, whoop, whoop, whoop. - I love me. - Whoop, whoop, whoop, whoop, whoop, whoop, whoop, whoop. My husband was like, you do love whoop, whoop, whoop, whoop. - That's what I do. - I mean, it's just, he's literally, drag race is just the best, like talk about a fabulous show. - You know, our audition for Lingo, that's the show. My sister and I made it to the final auditions for Lingo last year and we weren't big. Which is great. - What's Lingo? What's Lingo? - Lingo's a word game. It's a dual, you pair off two people against two people and you identify words in five letters or seven letter groupings with random letters being revealed at different times. And it's a- - Is it? - Is it? - It's not quite. - Is it Game Show Network? Is it Game Show Network? - Yes. And it's filmed in Manchester, England, actually. - Who hosted? - RuPaul. - RuPaul. - Oh, RuPaul, okay. - That's right. That's when she made the connection there. - Ah, okay. Well, okay. Heidi, talk to me. - All right, moving on to the sixth one. Maureen and Haley and they got play, play bills. And I love that one 'cause at home we're like, my husband would've killed it. He knew every single one of them. So that was a good one. Any thoughts on that one? - You can finish all that. - I love it. - Hey, Haley's a powerhouse. Powerhouse. In fact, Maureen and Molly, another castmate, flew to Cincinnati on Wednesday to join Haley for a watch party. So Maureen and Haley, there's a bunch of pictures of them on social media watching the show together. Haley doesn't look like a theater geek, right? I mean, she's a weight lifter, power lifter. She's amazing and fun, but her brother, her older brother, Carl, I think, Carl. I feel bad, I can't remember. I think it's Carl. Anyway, he's an actor, a Broadway actor. And so if you live in New York with him, they go to, they wouldn't show us all the time. She's a tourist, you're nuts. But I think that was a great example kind of like Nina we saw, right? In episode two, where it doesn't look like a Swiftie, but she knows her stuff. So I think Haley also might've been underestimated and she brought it. Man, they both brought it. It was really a good duel. That was probably the best duel of the night in my opinion. Yeah, when I was watching that, all I could think of is Heidi has to be enjoying this right now. I was like, this is Heidi's element, right? Yeah, I didn't know the Rock of Ages. So I would have either had to pass or that one that was the only one out with the, we were like, what the heck is that? So that was the very last one. But the other ones were in my eyes, there were Sarah and Eve. I didn't know Avenue Q. I think I thought Miss Saigon or something. I had an issue with that one. And I'm not a big theater buff, but I did, of course, study play bills for the show, but they were like perfect. They were good. Amazing. Yeah, I thought those were great. All right, seventh, Haley and Jessica, and they had recess. You know, I thought recess was actually a pretty good duel. I might be the best one. So like, the one day, I thought about this, I don't know if you heard me say this, E&G on another episode, but like after you guys passed, it showed you what it was. Like it. Yeah, the answer appeared at the bottom. Yeah, yeah. And so we didn't have that. I remember you said that. Honestly, I think it's such a benefit because at least if you don't know what it is and you see that it's XYZ, you're not gonna be used that as a guess later down the road. And like for jungle gym, they, and she said monkey bars. Yeah, I thought it was monkey bars. And then later it was able to use monkey bars because you knew it wasn't jungle gym. Right. Right. I was like, man, that's actually a good benefit. Yeah. Yeah. And I think it helps you, it helps you stop obsessing. You know, you know what it is, you can kind of have that closure in your brain. You're not still thinking of the last image wondering what it was. Yep. And then I think you'll wait on it. I think you're right. That's a really good distinction. All right. Moving on. So Chris with the kilt. Oh my gosh. I love it. And Julia's fan. So they had disco. Actually, I was terrible at that one. I would have asked 20 times. Me too. No. Okay. Angie, I did this clear, Heidi. I looked at my wife because she'd come in at this time and I said, disco, they're going to do state. They're going to do Saturday night fever. What? Disco ball. Yes. Um. Bill bottoms. But those are the shoes. And I was riding all those. I think I'm going to crush disco. But did you get all the bands? I did all the band. I knew the village people. I knew the summer. I knew a Gloria Gaynor. I knew Donna Summer. I knew Diane Ross. I mean, I grew up a lot of those. And I mean, I was born in the 70s. I didn't live through disco, but they're iconic images. The Bee Gees. Abba. I mean. Oh, I knew Bee Gees and Abba. Yeah. I was terrible. I'm with you. I'm with you. But I think generally, I think if you're of a certain generation or your parents were in that generation, you probably would have would have done better than someone under 30. Yeah. I mean, I like to think that I'm under 30, but I'm not. I think they're under 32, Heidi. Um. I don't know. I don't know. I believe that if you are, I just, I would say maybe Claire was like 30ish something. I don't know. I don't know. You don't have to tell us. Yeah. I mean, you look. You look like. I'm going to be five. I'm going to be five, Angie. I'm younger. I'm younger than Brad. By month. Yeah. Month. She was in the way when I was born. So she was there. She was ready to come out. I am sad that I didn't. I would not get to see Chris defend wrestling. I really. I may do any such a personality that I really think I wish he had stayed on a bit longer. Yeah. Kind of sad. Which I will say, like for if I looked at your board, right, the categories I would be the most scared of are wrestlers. I would be two. And there's another like sports one because could you study? Yeah. The past like two years worth of like winners, influential players, et cetera. Yes. But there's so many and these people like say wrestlers have been, I mean wrestling started. Obviously, it's just history. I said that on my episode, but like years, decades, a century, it would have gone back probably to the eighties when you had the glam, the glam era. So you would add up like Bruce, the barber beef cake, right? And and, you know, I'm flair. Right. Flare. I'm fearless. Rich flair. Right. And rowdy, rowdy piper. Jugger dog, Jake. This way. You have the trading cards. I had the trading cards. I had the totally. Yeah. Don't hold Steve Austin. And you've got the rock and people who are newer. I think hockey. And I agree with you on that one, Claire. First of all, I couldn't pronounce names of hockey players. These hockey players are in masks. Most of them don't have like they all look alike. That one was like, whoa, I sure hope it's mostly equipment. I guess we're going to find out. I really don't know. Same with British invasion. They're in front of me. I'm like, yeah, there's his white boys with bad haircuts. I mean, if you looked at all the pictures of the bands from the 50s, I couldn't tell them apart. Like, there's some of those categories where visually I'm like, where's the distinction? I would have had a hard time. And you just don't know what the game is going to be. No, you don't. You decided. So it's so tough. So I felt so bad for him because I love, first of all, his entire outfit was the mullet. I mean, I'm into a person that can rock a mullet. And the kill. That was great. The mic drop moment. And I felt bad because I immediately looked lower. But was when Rob Lowe said, this is reflective floor. Like, yeah, we all did, or like. Andy, Andy, do you think the Franken beans were covered? No. Absolutely. Oh, he was good. He was free balls. The Franken beans were out to be good. He's 100% authentic in his aesthetic. Oh, my gosh. Man, look at the man. Does that man look like he wouldn't go like full moncy under that kill? I mean, he is. I had a mullet back in my elementary school days. I rocked the mullet. And it was pretty powerful. Late '80s mullet. We need pictures. Yeah. I'll see if you can get one. Can I have any pictures? But I don't know if I want the air coming up the skirt as a man on the stage. Well, I know. So I'm just convinced that he probably wanted to, you know, show it off. Oh, wow. Okay. I'll leave it in clear. But there's no way that an even her team would let that happen. Let's, we need Chris in this podcast. Listen, I, what happens on the floor seat, now I'm kidding. I don't, I never saw evidence, but I know that Chris is a 100% authentic human. I can't imagine he would wear a kilt without being authentic about it. And let's be honest. I mean, was he going to do a cartwheel? I mean, it's not going to come up. I mean, it was leather too. That sucker was heavy. I mean, it was. Leather. It was. Big leather kill. I don't see that flying up in any Maryland Monroe S kind of fantasy. I don't see it. Yeah. But I'm going to, I'm going to pull out a Seinfeld, Seinfeld line here and say, the only thing separating from me and your boys is a little piece of leather, like, I need some other cotton in there. I mean, it's a wardrobe never checked our, our, our, our, our under things. People, they didn't work or didn't do that. They just, they just made sure you didn't spill on yourself during meal time. I mean, who knows how people were wearing underneath everything. Oh my God. I can't. I can't. I can't. They check your underwear. Season one. No. Clay. I had to say it in my show, they do check your underwear because you take everything off. So we do get everything up for within and do that for us. I mean, and we changed and tried it. Yeah. Well, I'm welcome to conversations with Brad. This is what you get to look forward to. Can you figure that out for us, Angie? Yeah. We need to know. Oh, we need to ask you if he was wearing it or not. Yes. Yes. I'll find out. I'll let you know. I love it. We need to know, Angie. We need to know. I got to work done. I got to. I, you know, I understand that that's a little TMI and, you know, a little invasive, but it's time to start asking the questions that the people want to know. You know. What? Heidi. Is that not what I want to ask? What I want to know is, I'm glad you're pushing. You want to ask questions that, I mean, that's the, I want to know that stuff, right? I mean, you're calling me out to check your job is to check the reality, like, let's keep it real. Exactly. And I keep it real. You've got to ask the probing questions about the beans and, and the, and the weenies. So I will take one for the food or we need, we need, we're, we're, yeah, we're. I think probably you said we have to ask the probing questions that just, that was a no. Really fitting. But also, can I ask one more question? I'm sorry, Heidi. I know you're going to wrap us up soon, but I have to ask really what I want to know. At this point in the season, has anyone hooked up with each other yet? Oh, go. Besides Angie and her boy toy. You can't, I'm just filming. It was just ropes, but I have to just throw that out because it's so gross. Um, I love it too, man. Hey, tell you there was a, this was a weird season, right? There are twins on this season, Trenton and Trevor, they're twins. And we were like, how do you have twins? And then they gave us a speech about collusion, but they're two of the nicest guys. And I didn't see them colluding, but I thought that seems odd. Like, how could you not somehow have an advantage? Especially like twin minds, right? Are they think the same? So that was interesting. That's not a love story, but that was an interesting twist. There was a couple. That would have been a real twist if you said they got together. And then we, apparently there was an undercover couple. And then there was a couple that wasn't undercover. But to my knowledge, nobody on the show hooked up while they were on the show or fell in love, like, you know, Liz and Tom from your season. I have not heard of that. And about 80 of us are pretty active in the WhatsApp. We really are like keeping on with each other. And people have already traveled to meet each other and hang out. Like, I would think that it would be out there if it's happened yet. It's not to say it might not be a virgin, but I don't think something happened in like real time, right? Like people may be connecting post performance, but I didn't see anything. Refreshing my memory in this. So people apply, like, how do you get on the show again? And people came on in different ways. Some people are in the industry and their casting agents made a con to it. Other people knew people from season one. Other people from season one recruited people. I was, I basically a friend of mine, Muffy Morocco. She's one of the masterminds on Masterminds on Game Show Network. I don't know if you know her. She's the history person. She knew I was trying to get on a game show and she also knew the kind of show I would be interested in. It was too physical, nothing too like no offense to some shows, but just kind of dumb. Like I just wasn't out to just go on any show. I really wanted an experience, if that makes sense. And so I just kind of been waiting for the right time. And my time was ticking because I, you know, I was going to be 51 this summer and I was like, I got to do this before my 50th year passed. So she sent me like a casting, I think casting collective or one of those groups had like, do you love trivia? Do you want a blah, blah? And I was like, yes. And application went through a gauntlet of Zoom auditions and interviews and was eventually selected. But I think everybody had a different pathway, at least that's what I've heard. I don't think it was the same for everyone. That's great. Thank you for sharing. Yeah. Okay. Are we ready for the very last one? Yes. And that was Andrew and I'm going to butcher her name, Tootie. Tootie. Like. Yes. So. That's my life message. My life, man. Yeah. Well, school, Tootie board games. And I actually, I love that category because that is right up my alley. So any thoughts on the very last one? Andrew was running. Andrew and Neil were floor mates. They were next to each other. They also both went to the University of Iowa. Like I did. So all three of us were right and little trifecta of Hawkeyes. So we bonded a bit over that. Andrew Neil both went in with these strategies. Andrew was fronting, telling some fibs, trying to be like, you know, making people afraid. And then he revealed, as you noticed, before his duel with Tootie, that he never did work at a board game cafe. And it was all alone. And I was like, well, that's odd. Why would you tell somebody right before your duel? But I'm sure he has his reasons. And he dominated. I mean, he did study, he's very bright. He's, I think, very good under pressure. Tootie, I think, was shocked a little bit like me that she was picked at the end. I think she had some really cute reaction shots, though, when Rob's like, oh, well, what are you going to pick? But ancient Egypt, or whatever, I don't remember, constellations and Star Wars. And he's like, do you like Star Wars? And her face was great. She was like, she was like, oh, I stole her, she's talking about it. Yeah, it was beautiful. She had a really nice moment and she looked lovely in her purple. She was really a fun gal. I wish she'd stayed a little bit longer. But Andrew really did. He was faster. You know, she pulled out some good ones, but I think it took her longer. And I think ultimately the clock ate her up. Yeah. I was a good one. And just before that, when they selected that last one, Julianne just got the 20 grand again. Yeah. So she's touching 20 and 20. Yeah. Elton dollars. That girl. I think I have no money. It's important to know that. I'm just watching it all go down. I'm just like, Ryan, is he taking the money? Julie has taken the money, but I'm making and honestly, that is really true, but it was kind of funny. And like all the money, sorry, I don't know if I can say that. Totally fine. All the good rules. All the money's on that side of the floor, like it was really consolidated. Ryan and Julie, they were like, you know, team, like they were together and like, that's where the money was. And so I think what we may see, and I honestly, I'm sure Claire can attest to this, it really went like I'm reliving it all over again with you guys. I really forgot a lot until I'm seeing it, but you know, that's where the money is. The money's on that side of the floor. So it'll just be interesting, who's deciding to kind of keep a low profile and who's gunning for the big chunks? I think we're going to see some fun things happen. I will say this, I do think we may be pushed back next week and the week after because the NCLS playoff games and the World Series are coming up and we were told by production that depending on how those games go, the show might be pushed. I do think the finale is supposed to be December 18th, and it's a loting for those schedule changes, but I'm letting you folks know for next week that night or to another day to another day or another week, like it makes it off and then push to the next week. We have not gotten confirmation, but it's in flux based on how far the baseball season carries through. If they have to go to like a game six to get to the playoffs, then it'll be preempted because that'll be on Fox. Fox is doing the big baseball. So I'm just letting you folks know that that air and I appreciate that because I would be ready to tune in. If I get real info, I'll send it to Claire because I have her number in my WhatsApp and Claire if I find out, like for sure, you can pass it on to our friends. Thank you so much. I want to say one thing about Daryl Hannah. What's her name? Evelyn? Is it Evelyn? Julie Anne. Julie Anne. I just keep thinking of her like in a mermaid tail now from splash, but okay. She's just so Daryl. I feel like she's a really nice lady, but she seems lucky on here because like, yeah, I feel like Angie way better at a game, like she just falls into cash like she just sat there the whole show and then fell into twinning her in. I don't make me mad. I don't think she would disagree. I don't think she would disagree. I think, but you know, that's the part of this game. I think there are going to be moments of incandruity, right? Whether it's with the judging with the clock or with somebody's draw of easier or harder slides or it's just that's part of it. It is what it is, you know, and it's like, you know, I'm not hating on her for making the money. I do wish they spread it around more. I know on the last season you were talking about, I think Claire mentioned you got to make things worth more money to incentivize people. I honestly think I really don't know why they don't pay per duel. I think if you pay like a thousand bucks per duel when people would stay up there longer, you don't have to increase your budget. I think it would make for a little bit more fun and the stakes would be a little higher every time. Yeah. I had a voice. I would say to do that. I also Claire, I'm pitching along with others that they do like a floor favorite reunion show because I think there are so many folks who have won or whether they won floor pieces or they won the hearts of others or whatever. I think they're people people like and it'd be fun to bring them all back and do it again. Like people like Jean and you, and I think that would be a fun thing. And Claire. You know, I would do four all stars. So yeah. That'd be great. Yeah. I mean, I would enjoy that Claire. It would be awesome. You need to have like, you need to have like five season, five season though. You need to have your favorites. Yeah. I think there's a third one coming. They filmed it right after ours. So their third season's coming out in February and I would not be surprised if they, if they ordered it up again. I mean, as long as it's popular with with viewers and it is. I mean, it's the most popular format in the world right now. I think there's 13 countries that purchased the format for this show. So I think we're going to see it for a while. And I'm hoping we do because I do think and all stars would be a fantastic idea. And I would love to see see something like that happen. Claire, when you go on the all star show, will you wear a work advice for me with Brad and Claire shirt the whole time just to promote it? It's just, wow. What you say? Unfortunately, it's just not allowed. Yeah. Yeah. If you have anything with words. Yeah. It won't fly. Just a logo. How about that? It was a logo on her nails. Like we saw with the more nails, you put the logo on there real quick aging before we wrap up. You explain the time to us because that was a discussion that we had last week, Claire. We can wrap it up with that. Yeah. We need to know that you were going to, you're going to share that with your time boost. You want a clarity on that? Yes. I'm talking about. Okay. So the rule about the time boost is that you have to win three consecutive duels that you've initiated. So if somebody challenges you and you win, that doesn't count. You have to have gone after somebody three times in a row. You can't return to the floor and then do it later. That's how you get it. When you get it, you can pocket it. You can use it at any time in the show. You cannot double up or stack a time boost. So you can't file it and end up with more. When you want to use it, you have to declare that you're using it when you're at the podium after you and your cast mate arrive and Rob will say, do you want to use your time boost for this duel? And he asks you before he explains the particulars of that duel. So at that moment, you have to say, yes or no, I'm going to keep and bank it for another time. Awesome. Yes. You can be like, Ed Bob's egg is Ed Bob's egg is right. Was I helped? I think. Yes. Yes. You totally cleared up. So once you use it and it's gone, can you try again to get a life? Yes. You can get another time boost, but that win. So let's say I used a time boost in a duel and I won that duel. That does not start my three over. I have to win three more minutes that and collect another time boost. Makes sense. Okay. Thank you. Thank you. I just remember all the terms and conditions. I'm like that. I have a little bit of a memory for something we can expect on this season. What can you expect? No. Is that something we can... Don't give us spoilers. Yeah. At this point, all I can say is at least one contestant has a time boost. And she's on it. I love it. And she's reality check right now. And I'm here. What are you guys? She's our new friend. Yeah. I love this. I hope you, I hope you would consider having me back because, you know, I'm having the time of my life with this. It's really, it's really such a good time to meet people and talk about something that is just, you know what? Pure fun. And I think in age when we are just inundated with drama and natural disaster and political strife and turmoil around the globe to have something people can shout at their TV with their family in the middle of a week and just forget all the garbage in our lives. I love being a part of that. So thank you for continuing to keep that going with this podcast. I'm thrilled that you're doing it and you're doing a great job. So thanks again for having me. Thank you, thank you, Angie, you said you've never been to Vegas, right? No, sir. Never have been very, no, I've never been to California either or New York City. I'm working on working on it. Angie is a clear Heidi. We should do a hope cast meetup in Vegas with our families to go out there. Angie, you come. We all hang out. We've already liked rock stars. I would love to. At least. Still not a block at night. Who's picking up the tab though? I got a button on that. That's probably. We don't even have a new stream, so we got to get some advertisers. You want me to work that in for you? I don't know. Yeah, please do. Please do, Katie. I don't know if we find out that you win a $20,000 chunk or $250,000, we revisit this conversation. Yeah. I like that. Then we know who's picking up the challenge. Yeah. Nice. Nice. This week, I was like, oh, do you have a reunion at the end? Maybe we'll make it there and do a little life thing there with you, Angie, and everyone else from your show. You know what? I would love it. I'm standing up. I want to go back to Ireland next summer to hang out with some of the friends I made there. I've basically... I've got these little buckets. I'm filling. It's like, here's my Ireland trip bucket. Now I've got a Las Vegas trip bucket. I just got to get some more jobs. I have a lot of jobs. Angie, I'm just going to throw this out here right now, Claire. We haven't talked about this nor Heidi. I want to have you back on this season. No. Let's make it official. It's official. You're coming back on. You cannot say no. So I'd love to. Like Heidi's idea at the end, everyone that came on this season with us, let's have them all together. Like a big thing. Like a big thing. We could come in and chat for an hour with them and they can talk. Who do you want me to get for next week? Oh, Claire. You said I had a job. Who do you want? Who? I just think there's a conflict and somebody can't. I would still love to talk to Mina. You want Mina? Yeah, because she just went like, you know, we could go, so it's still fresh. Yeah. And I feel bad saying this, but this week, I didn't fall in love with anyone yet. Chris, we want Chris. You don't want Frank and beans? Okay. Yeah, if we can get Chris, come into that and then if I won't ask, we can get two of them and we can have two guests next week because this is only there for one goal. He seemed to me to be more reserved and a quiet fellow. Yeah, I remember how much talking he would do. Yeah, but he might be willing to make an appearance to answer the question. Mina, though, she's a bubbly, fun sort and weird buddies and she and Holly actually, whose college mascots, they're planning a trip to St. Louis soon, so they're going to hang out with me for a weekend. Aw, that's so true. I'll get Mina hooked up. Age, you're our official booker, okay. You bet, Jack. Can I send in? Can you play her then? Can I put her in contact with you? Yes. Okay, cool. Yeah. Claire will contact us to let us know. I love it. You guys are awesome. Thanks. Thanks for being part of this story in my life. I mean, my category is based on the true story and I'm like living it. This is, like, so fun. I love it. Before we wrap it up, I'm going to get into your DMs in Instagram because now I know you have Instagram. Yeah. I want to know what else you want to do for your 50th because that's how I got in the show that I was part of because for my 40th, I was like, I'm making a 4440. So I had a huge bucket list. I got to pick your brain for the 50. So I'll get an idea. Same. I did the same. I'll write them off real quick. I was 40, I made a 50 before 50 bucket list and included things like learn to make sushi, learn to play the guitar, learn to play the drums, learn Norwegian, get the tattoos. I've always wanted to travel a little bit more, like just things, you know, some small, some big, whatever. I did it mostly for myself, but also for my kid. I just kind of wanted to give her, like, I wanted to be proud of me and see me do things outside of my comfort zone. It's pretty important to me. You know, I'm doing Monday, I'm, okay, first of all, I'm doing these reels on Instagram that are showcasing St. Louis based on the categories on the floor. And I don't know, so much fun and I'm getting to know my city better too. But on Monday, I'm going power aerogliding and I'm going to connect that to Tim's extreme sports category, which will be coming up soon. I've never done anything like this. I hang glided once off of Jackie's Ridge and in the Outer Banks North Carolina with the sand dunes. But this is basically the guy wears a backpack with a propeller on the back and then you go tandem with him because I'm not certified to do it alone. And it's like paragliding on the ocean. Only you're doing it on land and you're being powered, not pulled. So you're being powered. I don't know what's going to happen if you don't hear from me after Monday, you'll know what happened. No, it's going to happen. I am so excited. I'm getting my friends are coming there taking video, I'm going to put on Instagram. So that's on there going to Vegas is on there going to LA because Megan's there and she's invited me out like with her and made a party and I'm so excited to see those people and New York and I want to travel. You know, I'm not retired yet, though, so I got to kind of feed this out. But being a professional rate because I get summers off to really check some cool things off my list. So I will tell our audience where do they follow you on Instagram. I am at Ang underscore Warfield. It's like battlefield with war W A R like it. It's not super creative or funny, but it's just my first and last name at Angie underscore Warfield. I love it. If you follow me, give me ideas of, you know, things you'd like to. Yes. I just followed you Angie. I just followed you. Brad, I have a father. All right, Brad, back to you. I mean, because I can talk to, I'm going to hit you up because I want to talk about that. And I'm sure we're going to talk for hours. So I'd love to you. You guys are great. I know I'm chatting to you. But in my mouth and let you, let me close it up here. Hey, thank you, Angie, for coming on for Angie season. I'm going to say this every week. I hope you win this thing. I hope you win it. Like I'm rooting for you. I really am. You're a great, but I totally feel like I could just hang out with you and have a fun time. I do. I do. I like someone who can talk for Claire, Claire, thank you for coming on Heidi. My name is Brad. We will see you next week. If there's no face talk. Exactly. On the floor recap. Thank you, everybody. [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC]