Kingdom Community TV Podcast

Why So Much Turmoil in Israel? - Part 10

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11 Oct 2024
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We are continuing our in-depth exploration of God's sovereign plans for Israel as revealed through Scripture. Throughout the ages, the nation of Israel has been a focal point in God's redemptive work, and as we study the Word, we are faced with an essential question: *Is God truly in control, even in the midst of hardships faced by His chosen nation?* 

The Bible provides us with profound insight into this question, portraying God as the sovereign ruler over all events—whether moments of blessing or times of trial. The struggles faced by Israel, including exile, persecution, and national suffering, are often viewed not merely as accidents of history but as intricately woven into God's greater plan for redemption. These hardships serve as both discipline and preparation, pointing to a future restoration and fulfillment of His promises. In fact, the Scriptures are replete with evidence that, in His sovereignty, God uses these very trials to refine and purify His people, revealing His ultimate purpose for Israel and, by extension, the world.

As we continue to study, we seek to better understand how God’s hand is not only present in moments of triumph but also in the valleys of hardship and suffering. Together, we will delve deeper into the prophetic promises concerning Israel and God's unwavering faithfulness to His covenant people. Through this lens, we gain greater clarity on the nature of God's control and His unshakable plans for His Holy Nation, even amidst the most challenging of circumstances."

[ Music ] >> Hello, and welcome back to Freedom by Faith Ministries. Today, we're going to talk about Israel. Again, this is the last video on why there's so much turmoil in Israel. Why is Israel always under attack? Why does every nation care about what's going on in Israel? There's attacks all over the world. But everybody in the world is looking at Israel, right? Why is that? Because the Bible is also looking at Israel. It's not a coincidence that every nation in the world has Israel in the news. Every nation, basically. But there's someone on African nations, a lot of war going on over the world. But we have a special interest in that little tiny nation because God has a special interest in that tiny little nation, a nation also. So we're going to look at that nation. So to the last video, we're going to talk about glasspoint for Israel, his sovereignty. And God really incontrual everything that goes on in Israel. And obviously, we know the interest, yes, he's in control of everything that happens there in every nation, actually. So John 14, verse 27, "Anyone who doesn't love me will not obey me. And remember my words are not my own. What I am telling you is from the Father who sent me," right? So we are a people of God, and Israel, they are the people of God, children of God. And we have been Christians. I mean, Gentile Christians have been grafted into the family of God. And so when God is speaking to his children, he's talking to the Jews and Gentiles, right? Because we're both born into or adopted children of God. We have access to the same inheritance. So he said, "Anyone who doesn't love me will not obey me." So if you're saying you're a child of God, but you don't obey God, you don't love him, right? So God is looking for a nation of people who love and obey him. You cannot love God in that obey, and you can only obey God if you love him, right? If you hate God, you're not going to obey God and hate him, obviously, right? But if you love God, you can't love God unless you obey. And so we have these little quizzes that people are taking, like I've never done that before, which I don't have a problem with, I just am not interested. People take these marriage quizzes, you know, like the, what was it called? Trying to figure out each other's love languages, that's the one. That's a popular one, but there's a lot of quizzes out there for couples trying to figure out, you know, how to please each other, which I don't think is wrong. I just don't have time for stuff like that. But even even God told me one time that his love language is obedience, right? So we like to go to church and sing all these beautiful songs. We get all teary-eyed and all we feel that, you know, that love for God and we call that love. And that's fine. It's all flesh for God. God doesn't care or fleshly emotions toward him, you know, nothing to him actually, right? So we demonstrate love for God Monday through Sunday. That Sunday morning when you worshiping and the tears are flowing and you feel it in your system and everybody's all joyful. And then you go home and you curse your husband and you're yelling and screaming at your children and you won't be a boss, you're bad-mouthing your coworkers on Monday morning. Do you love God? Did you love God Sunday morning? You snick you love God, right? So God is teaching and training us as his children, as he's doing Israel to love him in a way, right? To have a relationship with a father requires love. And if we think of ourselves as the bride of God, right, how can a bride demonstrate love to a husband, right? So we're taking quizzes to figure out how to show the person you're with, how to love them. Like what satisfies that person. That's what these quizzes are basically, is to learn what demonstrates love to that person because it's different for everyone, right? So I don't know exactly what the terms are, but one of them I think is active service, touch. I don't know what the other ones are, affirmation or something like that. Everybody has a different way that they feel loved. And so the purpose of these marriage quizzes is to learn, what can I do to demonstrate love to the present marriage to? And that's what we do with God, right? So if we think of ourselves as the bride of Christ, right, how do we demonstrate love? And he's saying here, anyone who does not love me will not obey me. So you can't say you love God, go to church every Sunday, sing with beautiful songs and cry every Sunday, but you're not obeying him. You don't love him. You just feel like you love God by doing those things, but he's saying you don't. You don't love me, right? So that's what God is dealing with Israel is how do you showcase, because they're the people of God and they love God, apparently, right? They have all these rituals and all that, but it's like, are you obeying God, right? So when Israel disobeys God, God allows enemies to come against Israel. Unfortunately, that's just the way God is, to discipline, to show them this is how you obey me. And when you don't do that, this is the consequence, unfortunately. Okay. Matthew 6, 10, "may your kingdom come soon, may your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven." So interestingly, you know, we forget that the world is going to end at some point, right? Like, this is not it. So Jesus, the kingdom is coming to be established on earth and I don't have time to go into that. We're going to talk about, hopefully maybe I'll do a talk about that at some point. When the world ends, right, so Jesus is going to establish his kingdom on earth, right? And so the Bible says, let your kingdom come. And so our prayer is that the kingdom of God can be established on earth to end all the suffering that's going on, right? So all the wars and the famine and the violence against people, you know, all the suffering that we see in the world, we pray for that to end, but we know how the story is going to happen in the Bible, right? So we already know that at the very end, Satan is going to be put into the pit, right? The bottom of his pit and he's going to stay there for a thousand years, right? Jesus wants to set up his kingdom in Jerusalem and rule nations for a thousand years. That's the millennial years. So during the millennium, we will see peace on earth, but when the prince of peace sets up his kingdom on earth, so we're praying for peace, God, stop all the wars, this and that. But we know the outcome of the end is Satan has to meet in the bottom of his pit first a thousand years and then he'll be let out, nations will come against Israel and then God's fire will fall down and destroy them, then the earth will be thrown into the lake of fire, the heavens will be thrown into the lake of fire, and then we're going to have a new heaven, new earth, new jewels on. So we know the sequence of events that are going to happen and God is saying, let your kingdom come because that's when we're going to see peace, right? So we're praying for peace for Israel, stop all the wars and all this, but God is, but what we're going to, I think we read this earlier, that Jesus is saying to the disciples that there will be rumors of war, there will be wars and rumors of war. So God is saying, right? And these are signs that Jesus is coming, that the end is coming, these are signs, but you can't tell God to stop the signs, stop the wars, stop this, stop that. You know, so we're praying and praying and we're going to see wars because that's what God said, right? So it's important to understand God's timeline and things. So God is allowing wars and famine and all this, he's the one who's behind all of it and some people will not agree with anything I'm saying, even though we're literally reading it in the Bible, right? You don't see Satan mentioned any of these verses I'm talking about, right? Guys, I'm, I'm sending war, I'm sending enemies against you, I'm sending famine, suffering all this, God is talking, right? Most Christians will listen to this message and they will not agree with me because you will never see these verses in church and people only see verses at church. People will not read their Bible and that's why Christians don't fear God because we think everything that happens in my life, that's wrong. It's Satan. Totally Satan, right? Satan's been defeated. Why is Satan controlling what goes on in the world when he's been defeated? We already know that. God, Jesus died and defeated the devil on the cross. So he now has no power over a believer who has submitted their lives to Jesus, right? So Satan is not the one who's sovereign overall, I think it's still God. It's not Satan, right? But in church, you're going to, you're going to hear when you suffer, it's the enemy. That's how it is the enemy. But why does God allow the enemy to come against you? But he doesn't come against me. There's a reason. Even if it is Satan, it's still God. Why is God allowed with the devil to destroy you, right? Why is God allowed with destruction? It's in Israel and we've already established, it's sin. It's sin, right? So we have all this explanation and it's sin, okay? So we want God kingdom to be established on earth and then we'll see peace in the world. Maybe then we'll see peace in the world. Hello, thank you for watching this video. If you enjoyed this video and would like to be notified every time I put out similar content in the future, please remember to hit the like, subscribe and hit the bell notification button so that every time I put out a new video, you'll be sure to be notified by YouTube and make sure to share with all of your friends and family members. Let's go on to Revelation 21, 1-7. Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth for the old heaven and the old earth had disappeared and the sea was also gone and I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem coming down from God out of heaven like a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. I heard a loud shout from the throne saying, "Look, God's home is now among his people. He will live with them and they will be his people. God himself will be with them. He will wipe every tear from their eyes and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever." And the one sitting on the throne said, "Look, I'm making everything new." And then he said to me, "Write this down for I tell you is for what I tell you is trustworthy and true." And he also said, "It is finished. I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, to all who are thirsty I will give freely from the springs of the water of life. All who are victorious will inherit all these blessings and I will be their God and they will be my children." Right? So we're praying for peace and all the wars, God, all the famine, all the destruction. But God is saying it's going to happen at the very end. It's not going to happen now. I'm not saying that to pray for that. Right? So people are going to pray for world peace for a very long time. You will not see world peace when Satan is warming around looking for someone to kill, steal and destroy, right? Looking for people to devour, that's not going to happen. And you have a world that has rejected the Son of God, the Prince of Peace, correct? So two things are going on. So Satan, so the demonic princes who govern the air, the princes of the air who are influencing people to do evil is out large, right? And that's true for the people of the world who do not know God and have not surrendered. Right? So you are saved from that when you have surrendered your life to the cross, correct? So the people of the world who are under the influence of Satan and the Bible says Satan deceives the whole world. So the whole world who have not submitted the cross are under satanic deception and they're being influenced by the devil to do evil and we're praying for peace in the middle of that, which makes no sense. Right? I'm not saying that to pray for world peace. I'm just saying it's not going to happen, but you can pray for it. That's fine. Right? People for ages have been praying for world peace and we're not going to see world peace because it's in scripture that there will be wars and rumors of war. So how can God will against himself to answer your prayer when we're praying against what God is saying? Right? And not only that, now we have a war that is under satanic deception and are being influenced by Satan to do evil in their hearts, right? You have a generation of people who have rejected Christ who is the only peace that exists, the only peace. You cannot have peace without Christ. It's impossible. The Bible said, my peace I gave you, not like the world. We cannot get peace from the world where Satan is the one who's roaming around destroying lives and using people's destroy lives. And we're waiting for the world to be at peace when the world has rejected the Son of God who is the Prince of Peace. No sense. Right? One Satan is in the bottomless pit and the new, and God says, says of his kingdom, right? One nations are destroyed and then the new Jerusalem comes down. We have new heavens, new earth. Now we have peace, right? So God has at that point destroyed all the nations that have come against his son, right? Satan at this point, the false prophet and the anti-Christ are now already in the lake of fire. Now we have peace. And then he's saying that you will never thirst anymore. Let's look at it again. It says, I'm making everything new in verse five. And then he said, write this down for what I tell you is trustworthy and true. And he said, it is finished. It's finished. It's done. It's over. Right? He says, to all who are thirsty, I will give you freely from the spring of the water of life and all who are victorious will inherit all these blessings. And I will be their God and they will be my children. So that's what it ends. Right? So pray for God's kingdom to be established. That is a prayer that makes sense to God because that's in accordance with his will. Right? So you cannot have peace right now when Jesus's kingdom has not been established. He's the prince of peace established on earth and Satan is gone. The false prophet is gone. The anti-Christ is gone. All the nations that will come against Israel at the end in Armageddon at the end, all that God will throw fire down and destroy them all. Now we have peace. Right? So the first step is Jesus is second coming to establish himself as king over all things, over all nations in Israel. That's the first step to the end of all this chaos going on in the world. Right? So the Bible says to pray that thy kingdom come. Not let's leave Jesus in heaven, but we're going to have peace on earth to pray about it. There's no verse for that person who prays like that. We have to pray according to the will of God. We pray that the kingdom of God will come down and be established on earth and Satan is gone. Right? So we pray for that day to come soon that that's what we're praying for. For peace requires that God himself establishes himself as king and that's going to happen at the very end and we're praying for that end to be here soon. Okay? But we don't pray like God, please stop everything. Stop the war. Stop the famine. Stop the suffering. Even though we've rejected you, we don't, we don't worship you, we worship witchcraft. We're worshiping idols, but please make us feel better and feel good. No, no, it doesn't work that way. Okay? I think we're going to stop there. So Heavenly Father, we thank you again for teaching us Lord. We're thankful, God, for your sovereignty, your word, we thank you Lord that when the whole world is confused, we have given us your word, the Bible, the scripture, Jesus himself, who is the word of God is a profound revelation that we have in Christ, who is the truth, that we can walk boldly and confidently knowing who we are, who we are and you, who we are in Christ Jesus, that we don't have to fear, we don't have to be afraid of Satan, we don't have to be afraid of humans who work for Satan because he's been defeated. They are defeated people of this world, are defeated by a defeated king, Satan, who's the king of this world, but we belong to a higher kingdom. We think we belong to a higher way, a higher, infinitely higher kingdom, and we sit in heavenly places with the king who's above all kings, so we thank you, God, for your sovereignty, thank you, God, for your word, thank you, God, for all the blessing that we can enjoy in our obedience to you Lord, help us to demonstrate love for you by obeying and hobbling yourself before you. We thank you, God, for today and we ask these prayers in your precious Son's name, Jesus. So for those of you who have watched all the series of the, you know, why there's so much turmoil in Israel, I thank you for being patient with me, it's been a long series, didn't think it was going to be this long, but it was, but I think it was an interesting topic to look at God's sovereignty over a nation, which basically includes every nation. But I encourage you to continue to follow God and just do what he says. It's really not that hard, honestly. When you worship God and do what he says and you experience the blessings and the rewards for following him, you almost feel like, why was I even living in sin to begin with? There's no benefit in doing that, right? So I encourage you to read the scriptures and to obey God as faithfully as you can and enjoy all the blessings that he has for you, right? We love to pray blessings over people. I pray that God will bless you with this and bless you with that. That's fine. But if you don't obey God, those are worthless prayers, right? The Bible says, I do not listen to the first of the ungodly. I do not listen to the prayer of the wicked. I do not listen to the prayers of sinners. It's all over the Bible, right? The requirement for God listening to our prayers requires obedience. It's really not simple, read the Bible and obey it. God did not write a Bible because he was bored, right? He wrote the Bible with the expectation that we would read it and live according to it. So God bless you and I hope to see you again next time. We pray blessings upon blessings, upon blessings. To the God of Wakeful, powerful Wakeful, miraculous Wakeful, at the name of Jesus by the blood of Jesus and the power of Jesus. Are you ready to step into your calling and destroy fear, worry, doubt, and anxiety? In our Victory God's Glory, author Pamela Noel describes the stop and do nothing else principle that was used by some of the most powerful people in Scripture, including David, Moses, Peter, and Daniel. This You Can't Help Yourself book reveals that success in every area of your life lies in one name. Our Victory God's Glory was written to support Haiti's elite medical team, a Haitian American owned, not-for-profit organization that provides health care services to the poor in Haiti. Proceeds from the sale of this book will help support our efforts. The ultimate goal is to build a hospital and provide much needed medical care services currently unavailable to those with limited access to quality health care. Available at Amazon, your local bookstore, or at