Out Now With Aaron and Abe

Out Now Horror Special 2024: Misleading Horror

Broadcast on:
12 Oct 2024
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Hello, this is Guillermo Del Toro, and you're listening to Out Now Podcasts. Hello. We are now recording, and this is Out Now with Aaron and Abe. I am Aaron and as always, this is... Hey, hello, Aaron. How are you? Good. Ah, ah, ah. How are you doing? Well, I am fantastic. How are you? I can't keep him this day. We went over that. Hey, the count is just trying to be nice, okay? The count's forgetting what he asks. Apologies. I'm doing well, thank you for asking. I'm excited for the topic at hand. Good. Well, that's exactly where to get into in a few seconds here. Oh, as a film podcaster, Abe, discuss new movies weekly, however, it's October, which means we have our special bonus horror themed episodes throughout the month. And oh boy, do we have some fun ideas to go through throughout the month? We just released our One Hit Wonders episode, which was super fun to record. And now we have our latest entry here, misleading horror promotion. I'm going to get into what exactly that means in a bit, but before that, let's introduce our guest for the evening we have from the Brandon Peters show. From Killer Tomato, it's Brandon Peters. Hello, hello, happy to be here as always. I love these horror specials. Also, joining us from the Forgotten Filmcast, arriving out of Nowhere via a Thog Cloud. It's Todd Ebenau. Thanks for having me. I'm glad to be here. My experience is already stellar because I got to hear Abe's count impersonation. It brought back memories for me when my kids were little. Anytime there was counting or math involved with anything, we always had to go, after we said the number of things because we love all things Muppets and Sesame Street in this household. Oh, really? Yeah. It's not a secret. It's not a secret. It's not a secret. No. You know what, Clay? I always loved the count on Sesame Street, obviously. But we went and took my son when he was real little in preschool, the Sesame Street live. And I was really saddened to see the count had been relegated to backup dancer. Oh, that's a crime. I was like, what? How dare they? Oh, sadness. Maybe it's the greatest. The greatest end credits, you know, in movie history for me is for Sesame Street presents, follow that bird where the count shows up to read the end credits and count the credits, you know, one assistant director. Really helps out. Very charming. That's very fun. But we're not here to talk about Muppets. Although Mike, maybe you'll come up. I don't know what's going to happen. But we, but I am glad to have you both here. Abe and I are very excited to continue this horror special thing going and we have a, we got to, I think, I think a pretty cool topic in mind tonight. So as I mentioned, we're going through misleading or promotion. By that, I mean, when Abe and I were young, just, just, just, just small, tiny children, irresponsibly walking through video stories. We've talked about this on the podcast many times. You'd see VHS covers that would have certain kinds of imagery, scary imagery or evocative imagery that would stick with us. Were we to have seen these movies? We'd reveal what was actually going on in said film that might be different from said cover, but the covers stuck with us regardless. I feel like it'd be fun to talk about horror films that gave us a certain impression based on said covers or other posters in general or ads. Any number of things that might have set up a certain kind of expectation. But then by the time we actually saw the movie went to completely different direction. That's the, that's the general premise for this, this horror special. And so we've all assembled a number of films that in some way reference this, this, this idea. And we're, that's what we're going to do. That's what we're going to spend the rest of the time doing. So with all that said, Todd, I'll start with you. What's your first pick here? Oh, okay. The first one I have is evil dead too. For a couple of reasons. I list you, Todd. Not as good as that poster. I agree. I mean, the, the poster is the small part of things because yeah, I mean, the poster has nothing to do with the movie. There are no, you know, like sight glancing skeleton in, in the movie at all. But I just have a memory of back at the time the movie came out. And, you know, back then I was not into horror movies at all. I was terrified of them. I wouldn't have been watching evil dead two or evil dead one for that matter when this came out. And the moment they're just taking Manhattan. So I mean. Exactly. But, you know, with evil dead to the trailer and such, you know, always just. They lean into the, the more grotesque, the horror aspect of the film, which is totally valid because I mean, that's, that's, you know, a big part of the movie. But it wasn't till many years later. And I think when the movie started to get more attention and be elevated as a cult film and that, that you start to realize, Oh, well, this is just as much a comedy as it is. A horror movie. And that just was never really something that I caught on to. I mean, maybe even before, you know, started hearing discussions about it in high fidelity, you know, so. So yeah, I guess I had always had the impression as a teenager that evil dead two was a straight horror film. And it is many things more than that. Mm hmm. All right. Brandon. It's good to you. What's your first pick? All right. I will put a note out for people that another genre notorious for this, especially in the VHS era is the sword and sandal or sword and sorcerer. Oh, yes. A lot of those don't live up to that. I'm just running for those people wanting to extend their joy of this topic after this thing. So I'm going to start with one. Um, interesting one. It's always fascinated me. Um, scream. Uh, really, I had it on my list too. So mid release. They put out a second poster and this is the poster that became the, the, the floating heads for floating heads saying poster. Skeet Olrich has a goatee on it. I love it. He didn't have facial hair in the movie. And this made a big impression on you. It did. I like it. It was like, it was weird because, and, and so, um, it's simply that it's like, did you guys not watch the movie? What is it from touch? Is this like an extra like photograph from that? Like, where are we getting this photo of ski or is this like from the cast after party? What are we doing here? So, um, fun story too. I, uh, my, my senior year in high school. I was in Hello, Dolly. And I was a senior as Barnaby Tucker. Okay. Uh, so they, they, uh, they put for the seniors, they put these like profile photos and everything, like big photos as you walked in. So I decided I had a goatee for mine because I wanted to pay tribute to Skeet Olrich because I couldn't, I had to be. Younger than the Cornelius guy looked visibly older than the guy playing Cornelius Hackle, but did make myself look as young as I could. I had to shave. So I, I want to, I grew out intentionally just to shave it when the show started. So my picture outside would have me with facial hair. But when you saw me in there, not facial hair, just like Skeet Olrich and scream. Um, but yeah, that one always fascinated me like, dude, like, could anyone, I, I guess, but it's just funny, such a little mistake or maybe not a mistake. I don't know. But yeah, it's not, it's not a mistake. It's certainly, it's a, it's a, it's a product of, I think, Weinstein's trying to maximize something, something they see as far as how can we drive up to this thing along with just laziness about taking more headshots. Because they do it in a lot of their posters like Chris Rock from Dogua is the Chris Rock on the J and Simon Bob Strike back poster. Right. It's like, there, there's a, they have a, they know what they know what they have a certain star is they know like this person on this poster means whatever, like they have whatever their logic was back in the day that they very much wanted to rely on, but scream obviously kick the, and we've talked about this. We had our wonderful horror movie posters episode, where we certainly talked about the 90s dimension era. And I'm not sure many of you guys have any other films on the, on your list concerning these films, but I mean, you have scream and phantoms. And I know what you did last summer, and any number of all these other ones, the fat, the faculties, a big one. I mean, they are, they're all doing the same thing. And I imagine if you're a hip young star at the time, you've probably taken tons of head shots from Miramax. Right. And it's like, if you're, if you're one of the ones that they deem marketable, they're going to put you on the posters like go to the library, get the one we got here. Get all rich on here. Does it matter that he has a good tea? No, Brad, did you just watch Pulp Fiction, Sam Jackson in the marketing does not have a Jerry curl at any of those posters. True. They have their way of doing things. I thought you were going to say something totally different with the scream. Yeah, because with, you know, I don't want to steal a turn here, but I had it down for scream was the, the Drew Barrymore factor, because there, there are a number of posters. And one of them is just like a large face big eyes with a hand over the mouth type of thing. And I don't know that it's really Drew Barrymore but I think you're supposed to think that's Drew Barrymore. And the trailer certainly focuses on Drew Barrymore quite a bit. There is a version of the poster. I think it's what they used for the VHS box where it's got those smaller figures of the various cast members and Drew Barrymore is still the biggest one on their size wise. I mean, Nick Campbell is like half the size of Drew Barrymore on that, on that poster image. So, you know, they, and this is a case where I think the misdirection was good, because, you know, it's good that they make you think Drew Barrymore is the lead of this movie and then it turns out she's not after the first why, why, what happens to her time. Okay, she graduates high school moves on like the college, the college, then then she goes back to high school and never been kissed. Yeah, I got it. Yeah, it's two weeks there. For the record, it is Drew Barrymore that's in the, that's the face on that poster. That's like the big face fake with the game. It is her visage. Yeah, yeah. Obviously, they wash it out and everything. So it's, but it's her. People, a lot of people think it's Dev Campbell and it's like, look at her eyes. You're not wrong. That's a good way to look at it too, as far as that's a movie that marketed the fact Drew Barrymore is in this movie and he's going to be terrified by something. You don't necessarily think that's the opening. She's dead. And now we're going to spend time with party of five. Like that's not necessarily what everybody anticipated. I mean, it was intention to have the Janet Lee effect. That's what they wanted. I mean, sure. Yeah. That's how she was convinced to take the role and yeah, a lot of stuff. All right. Hey, what's your perspective? Well, very similar to Todd. I also had you led to because you would not catch me in a video rental store piggy up anything with the skull on it. And or anything with like a doll face on it. It's where there's something coming up. But I had never seen this movie itself. Maybe college. And I was like, oh, this movie is fucking hilarious. And, you know, I've seen a lot of Sam Raimi movies since it still has a lot of Sam Raimi characteristics, camera movements and dolly zooms and all this other fun horror splash. But I would never have guessed that this movie would have been as fun. Perhaps when I was like nine years old walking through blockbuster Hollywood video. Um, again, never would have paid it. My uncle had a, he took over a video rental store, never watched other horror section. Like, you know, just can like openly like picking things up with reading the back cover. Because if I was interested, but even that too. What a great pick. Let's go get it. Like side. Look at me. That's not right. Exactly. It's following me with its eyes. Um, who left the eyeballs in the skeleton. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. This is not anatomically correct. Why the position that way. They were trying to mimic the Susie and a half side. I look from the walk like an Egyptian. Exactly that. Yeah. Yeah. All right. My first pick is the Frightners. Um, oh, this is this poster. I was incredibly intrigued. I was 96. I'm 10 years old. I saw this poster everywhere leading up to its release when it made all that money, which was not very much because of you. Um, but in theaters in theaters, it had a kickass 3D poster. So you look at it and you have this like demon face. That's kind of like, that's like the haunted mansion that Disney led. It's it, you know, it moves around when you look at just like just like our evil dead face. Well, it's always staring at for real, but for real this time. Yes. It was a kickass poster. Um, I didn't see the movie in theaters. I had seen in the trip. Like even the trailer, I can't recall. I think the later trailers give more of like a vibe of what it is, which is more, you know, obviously the horror comedy that it works as. I feel like the teasers that could be mistaken, because I just haven't watched them in a long time. I feel like the teachers didn't play up the idea that it's, you know, a haunting new film from executive producer, Robert Samek is like, you didn't want to necessarily throw in like a supernatural comedy with Michael J Fox. It wanted to lead more of the idea that there's ghosts and, you know, there's a reaper and it's scary. Um, how could this phone Bob? It's Peter Jackson. Um, so yeah, like that the poster itself I was just completely sold on as far as being like, I don't want to know part of this. Things chase me around the theater every time I walk around. I don't want to deal with that. Uh, it wasn't until way late when I finally rented the movie for whatever reason. No, I don't. No, I think I rented it. I don't think I just watched it on TV. I think I rented the movie. Um, where it still had like the cover was still like, the thing was, no, even the, the, um, the VHS and the DVD, they still had the, the linticular. Yeah, going on. So you can still have the thing. So it's still had the effect. They kept that going for quite a while. Um, so, and you know, seeing the movie, obviously, it's a Peter Jackson horror comedy. Like, it's very fun. It's got, you know, it's like he was. Got some tense moments. It does. And he was, he was initially Amy for PG-13. So it's not like the hardest of ours, you know, and there's some scenes inserted because by the time they knew they were getting on, they're like, all right, we'll throw in a head, get blown off and stuff like that. But regardless, it is a very fun movie. And the imagery that's on the poster, like that's kind of there, although not specifically that demon face that there's like, there's other stuff that's like popping through walls, but not that specifically. But you know, I still, I'm a big fan of the movie, but yes, it was compared to my expectation based on like what this ghoulish imagery is. It was certainly a different experience by the time I saw it. Yeah, the freighters get picked. Todd, back to you. What's your next pick on the list here? Um, well, this one, I don't know that it's so much misdirection on the part of the marketing, but it's just kind of, I think my preconceived notions of what it was going to be. Entirely good. Yeah. You know, and so I'll talk about the 1988 remake of the blob. Okay, which I think going into it, we were all kind of like, I mean, it's a remake of the blob. How serious am I supposed to take this? And it's got Kevin Dylan. I mean, come on. And, you know, I was rewatching earlier today, the trailer, and you know, the trailer, I think tries to maybe make you feel like it's going to be more serious. But again, you're sitting there going, it's a blob. I'm serious. And you know, I'm not somebody that looks at the original movie and like thinks loftily of it. You know, I think it's fun to watch because it's a cheesy, cheesy monster movie, but it's not a good movie. So I was totally blown away when the blob 1988 is a good movie. It is. It's a lot of fun. And just really one of the more creative and unique horror films of the late 80s. So, you know, I went into it thinking, Oh, this is just going to be cheesy. They're just playing off the name of this old 50s horror movie. You know, how good can this be? But it's, it's very good. I have a lot of fun with the blob remake. Yeah. No, that blob remake is awesome. It's a Chuck Russell doing stuff and it goes. It goes well with that. It's a little trifecta from the 80s of the thing, the fly and the blob. Yeah. All those remix hit and take the idea into a modernized new way. And that one, it has, it has just enough mean in it. It doesn't, it's not super mean spirit, but it's got just enough. And it's a, it's a nice. to cool effects of Stravaganza as well. Yeah. How about wrote the screen play? Right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It was the Elm Street reunion there for those two across the line. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The poster. I think that with the original posters, just like the silhouette and the pink and then like the VHS covers this horrific image of the guy stuck in the blob. Like faces in the. Yeah. Yeah. Right. Yeah. How much? I just don't know what the atmosphere was like at that point, but with the fly and the thing coming and obviously the pod is just mentioned, which are just so, you know, graphic in what they're doing, especially compared to their, you know, 50s counterparts. Were people aware of this? Like were people walking into the fly being like Cronenberg, that guy will see what app like we were thinking like, I don't know, they're going to swap heads around is like. I mean, I think with the fly, I don't really have a memory of people being like shocked that it was, you know, not doing what the Vincent Price movie does, you know, because I think people going in, we're going, okay, it's Cronenberg. We know this is a few films under his bed at that point. So, yes. Yeah. Yeah. Well, the mentality is different back then, too. Like when they're remaking these old, cheapy horror films, they, people are like, oh, they're updated. They're like updating them, modernizing them. And that was okay back then, because a lot of people look back at those films and call them cheesy, rather than watching them with an appreciation of how things were back then. Like, so a lot of, a lot of stuff got dusted off is the old version was just cheesy. And then there's this new version. It was a lot more embraced, but it wasn't like the, I mean, a lot of remakes were coming off things that either didn't work the first time, or were like considered dated. So that's why they got remade, not just like, hey, this is an A title. Let's remake it. That kind of was the difference in the remake mentality. The logic is in that front is sound. I'm just curious more of like what the and like, yes, and that's what 80s Twitter was kind of taking it is. Sure. But like the flag understand because yes, you have a certain director that has a bit of notoriety at that point. Carpenter, I mean, he obviously has Halloween, but like, even the fog, but those aren't necessarily gore fest. The thing does feel like something new at the time as far as how far it's willing to go. And I would be curious, like what audiences were kind of expecting to get into beforehand. All that. Nobody was paying attention to this thing. Yeah, nobody saw it. What other movie came out on the same day? Another one. Another one nobody went to. Two of the best visual effects movies ever that came out the same day, and everybody was still going to goddamn ET. Damn it. No, which was also great. Two very more straight raises are at again. That you're very more. Frank Derabont wrote the fly to by the way, also just to put them. I. Hey, I. I like to is good. I'm just saying that's the case. I'm not going to say the fly to is good. I think the fly to is very entertaining. And fun with that one. Get some moments. Alright, Brandon, what's your next pick? I'm going to take us back a bit. I'm going to go back to one of hammers films. And I'm talking the brides of Dracula. Oh, the theatrical posters for this. While Christopher Lee as Dracula and the character of Dracula do not appear in this film. Many of the posters include a figure that would suggest he's in the film despite, you know, Lee's name's on it. And then when you say, hey, that figure might be referring to the other character. That is a male vampire in this film. Well, they have posters that clearly look like that dude. So I feel. They're trying to lead people to believe this tall, dark figure, Dracula. Dracula is in this movie, maybe, maybe, maybe he's not. Van Helsing, Cushing, he's back. But Peter is not. Yeah, Peter Cushing. Yeah. But yeah, so that that one. Yeah, there's a there is a very Dracula figure in many of the multiple different iterations of the poster art carried over while the other guy, the little blondie. Clearly him in some of the posters as well. So, including one that has both of them. So that's where that's where I'm going with this next. I dig it. I'm looking at them now. It's fun. Yeah. Hammer has awesome. I have a coffee table book full of hammer. I love this. It's great. Yeah. This, like, I got that one too. Yes. It's great. You're telling me that guy who's big in the middle is not in the movie crazy. Oh, how dare they miss guy. Be like this. Represent me like this. Right. I do like that tagline. The most evil blood-lessing Dracula of the ball. Exactly. All right. Abe, what's your next pick? I moved to net to 91s of people under the stairs. And this is a movie that we talked about like pretty recently aired on a special with Professor Mike Dillon. And it is, again, video store. I knew who West Craven was because I knew about Nightmare on Elm Street and I'd seen TV edited versions of it growing up. But I never would have picked this one up either. And then watching it, I was like, Aaron was like, this is a gateway horror. Abe, it's like, it's pretty, it's pretty easy to watch. I was like, what are you talking about? And then I watched it. I was like, yeah, he's right. It's actually like pretty tame and pretty harmless and pretty good protagonist. And they get out at the end. It's actually pretty fun. Not what I was expecting from West Craven because I would have, I think the moniker for him was like the master of horror, like, even back in like the 80s and 90s. So, you know, anything with West Craven, I would not never have picked up. But yeah, this one's actually fun. It's a fun watch. Pretty good. Again, characters in there for you to go root for. So people in the stairs, young Abe is a fool for not lodging this early. It is one of those R ratings where it's less about the content and more about the, it's like in a Lorraine from Twin Peaks, but those actors, they're just too weird. Like, it's like, there's like a sad masochistic thing going on in there, but at the same time, it's just like, they're not really doing a whole lot, but it's more the vibe of them is like. Or, like, at which. But no, I mean, with a giant skull on the poster. There's another skull, yeah, exactly. Giant skull on the poster. What scares kids skulls skulls. Not scary enough, but a skull on it. Teenagers would love it though. It is like right in that 80s, 90s era of like, we can actually get artists to like provide an interpretation. That's not entirely accurate. That's what large of the purpose of this episode, but it is like, it's an evocative poster, but it's like, it doesn't really say anything about the film. Even the tag lines, like three lines of dialogue because it's like, we need to like describe this in some ways. It's like, yeah, it's less neighborhoods. Like, it's like, escape house, the movie. It's reaching to try to like give you anything to grasp onto because like the title's cool. The people under the stairs were like, what does that mean exactly? Yeah. And if you're thinking like, you know, S&M couple missing kids and gentrification. Bingo. I guess you got it. It's all here, folks. Well, this was really at a time too, where they were really banking on West Craven's name and things like every movie was like, like you were saying, West Craven's new vision of horror. Like, I remember when the other one, shocker came out and it was all about like, this is West Craven's new Freddy Krueger, you know, that type of thing. Yeah. I have enough pics. Or I'm going to just leave shocker off the board at this point, because I had to consider it. But since we're talking about West Craven already, I mean, it's a similar thing. And certainly one where when you're walking through the video store and you see. A bitch for ledgy, an actor whose name we all knew at that time. Like my, my thought was always. So is the movie after this, or are we leading up to this point? Like, I never like. What's the deal exactly going on going to happen here? Like it's, but because it's a great, it's a great poster. It's very visceral. It's like in your face. Like this guy's. It's called shocker. That's what this guy's getting shocked and I'm like, yeah, okay. So then what happens? Like what? And if you were to assume rock and roll electro demon. I mean, again, bingo, you nailed it. I guess that's what it is. But again, that's not my pick. That's a great title for a movie right there. Rock and roll electro demon. I'd go see that move. I thought that was going to be the original sequel to Phantom of the Paradise. You know, they scrap those ideas. I guess my actual pick is going to be cabin in the woods. Oh, now this one's a bit tricky because the obviously the film was delayed for years. And that had to do a lot with MGM having money troubles. Weird. I know MGM money troubles. But the movie itself. I specifically avoided the posters because that was the movie where even then I knew like. From people that have seen test screenings with the what not there. Just like going blind. This movie has like a lot of surprise. Look at the poster. Don't. And I definitely I saw posters, but even the posters still like. I don't know what this is going to be. The movie is literally called cabin in the woods is written by Joss Whedon and directed by Drew Goddard. So like there's obviously going to be some kind of subversion of some kind. But I wasn't. I didn't know what that was going to be. So by the time I finally got to see this movie with the tall can front of the show. It surprised me as far as I didn't know what it was because I just do cabin in the woods. And this guy that played Thor was in it. But so seeing like where it was going, it's like. Okay, so it's a cabin in the woods, but there's this other thing. Okay, so what's this going to lead to? And then it just kind of keeps building on itself and revealing more and more. And I and I really appreciated like how it laid out. The trailer does like give away a lot of stuff, but not entirely like. For a movie that's bound to bomb just by nature of what it is. I do think the marketing is limited as it was. Did their best with what they could without like giving away the entire game. But regardless, I didn't see the marketing because I was avoiding it. So just going based on there's a poster with like a Rubik's cube of a cabin. I don't know what that means. And it's like a screed of sorts on like horror films of like. Certain kinds of results or whatnot to please. It's, you know, it's got a lot, you know, we all've seen cow in the woods. It has a lot of layers. No, I haven't. And I very much. I very much liked what the result was. I liked. I liked having just nothing to go off of and being presented with this thing that I found to be better than just good, but very, very good. Yeah. One of the best title sequence scares in my life. A jump scare title sequence. Yes. It works really well. That was your weekend. All right. Todd, back to you. What's your next big here? So this is one that I remember seeing on the video store shelves forever. When I was a teenager, never got to see it till a few years ago. This is prophecy from 1979. Oh, okay. Not the prophecy with Christopher Walken. This is prophecy John Frankenheimer movie, which look up the poster right now. Look at that. Look at that. Look at it. What is the poster? So this thing, I would see this on the on the video store shelf. And I was like, okay, this is like an alien movie because it looks like some kind of a weird alien beast thing in an egg. It looks like an embryo or something like that is an egg. And so I was like, okay, this is some alien monster horror movie thing. I finally get around to watching this about five, six years ago. And so I am surprised to find that this is actually an animals attack movie. That thing is a bear. So this is this is a movie about like, you know, there's a evil corporation and they're doing things that are messing up the environment and the Native Americans are angry and apparently the bears are mutating and attacking people. And it's actually a fun movie. I enjoy this one quite a bit. It's got a really memorable kill that involves a sleeping bag and a tree and I won't say anything more than that. But just looking at this thing, I mean, for 30, 40, almost years, I thought, this is an alien movie and it's not, it's about bears. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, but who's a tally of Shire in there and Rocky's wife. Yeah. Yes. Yeah. Michael Corleone sister. Oh, sorry. Armando Sante right he's in there also. Caesars, Caesars mom. Caesars mom. Trans brother. Seltzer guy who wrote the Omen. Yeah, yeah. That new relation to Alka. Yeah. That's helped a lot of evil. Two points. Right. Prophecy. Thank you for that. Good pick. Brandon, what's next? Okay. This is the pick number three. This is where we fact check the happy birthday to me poster. Oh, yeah. This is the poster famous with the Shish kebab kill on the front of it, which doesn't quite happen like this in the movie. And there's like maybe a piece of meat on the Shish kebab when it kills the person. But the top it clearly says John will never eat Shish kebab again. Well, there are zero characters in this movie named John. The character kill spoilers with the Shish kebab is Steven. It then says Steven will never write a motorcycle again. Obviously I just told you he was killed with the Shish kebab. A teen is the character killed on the motorcycle, not Steven. Greg, they got that one right. He'll never lift weights again. But yeah, that there's got some mistakes on here. I will say they got it right though. Six of the most bizarre murders you will ever see. There are six. I'd say how bizarre they are is up to you. But this movie contains one of the most bat shit crazy twists to reveal into its climax that you'll ever see in a slasher. So maybe the murders aren't bizarre, but why what's happening and who's doing them. That'll that'll do it for you. Happy birthday to me. I love it. I like the movie. It's a bit long. It's a solid. It's a solid feature. Some of your favorite Canadian slasher horror stars in it as well. But it's it's a it's a solid one, but this poster. No fact checking done beforehand. So. Here we are. I remember this one too from the video store era seeing it on the shelf. And I mean, I didn't know what the heck a shish kebab was. I'm some kid from the suburbs, you know, nuggets. I don't know what a shish kebab is. So look at that poster image. I was like, is he like puking? What is that? I can't tell what's going on at that image. You know, and yeah, but I did get to see this one again. Fairly recent watch for me a couple of years ago and everything bread and saying there is accurate. It's it's enjoyable. It's directed by J. Lee Thompson, which is wild to me. Yeah. I mean, that wild is the word I think of whenever I think of J. Lee Thompson, because this is the guy that, you know, did. He goes so far back. Yeah. But I mean, he was he was kind of the go-to guy for Bronson in the canon years and there's a lot of bonkers stuff that that show up in some of those J. Lee Thompson movies. So I am always thrilled to see his name on there because you just know you're going to get something crazy when he's involved. Yeah. It also has Lisa Langla, who is in a bunch of little horror movies, but she was also notable because Linda Hamilton got injured during during a right before Terminator and she was actually brought in to replace her and the camera decided I'm going to wait. No, she could have been Sarah Connor. She was for a moment, but she could have been had they not waited on Linda Hamilton. She would have been Sarah Connor. They can bring her back now at one of these leg with, you know, these alternate university. There you go. If the no, Aaron, they have too much respect for the product of Terminator to do that. No, sure. Okay. If we ever see the doctor from Genesis, you know, if he has his way, I like to, when you pronounce it, Genesis. Hey, what's next? 2011's your next. This is a movie that I was watching. I think that Aaron, again, Aaron has led me to like a lot of horror because Aaron's like that kind of guy, where he's just like, hey, it's going to be safe. Like you're going to be, you're going to like this one. And I was like, okay, I believe you, except for when we have to watch the fire three coming up. I don't lie to you. I don't lead you astray. This is true. Yeah. Your next, the poster is, you know, it's the animal mass poster. But what this movie, when you're watching it, it actually turns into like this kickass, like almost like counter revenge type movie. And it actually becomes like this action horror movie. There are still kills. There are still dead bodies. There are still very like strange images. But it is a, to me, like some sort of subversion of, well, you know, the final girl isn't the one that's like running and scared. She actually kind of goes on the hunt at some point too, because she's like this badass woman who's been raised in the Australian outback. But your next is a movie that I would have probably never picked up on. Had somebody not Aaron in this case been like, hey, it's actually this pre dope movie. You should check it out. So yeah, 2011 is your next. You know, it's funny. We had mentioned cabin in the woods with that. And do you remember with the summer, your next came out and everybody was like, it's going to be the next cabin in the woods. It's going to, it's going to do Kevin the woods. I don't remember that. There was some, like, because like, Kevin Woods came out, well, August, the year it came out. I believe it's her. I think it's a March movie. If I'm not mistaken. Oh, it wasn't a March. I remember your next came around like a year later around the same spot and everybody thought it was going to be. Kevin the woods is April. Your next was August. August. I just remember there being a thing like people thinking it was going to do. The cabin of the woods type business or be appreciated. So like none, like no business. Like that's what they're thinking. I don't know. Just count on the woods. Famously did nothing. Which or was it the reverse? I can't remember. There was, I don't know. There was like hype behind your next and it just did not pan out. In terms of like a like a reception because they're both like geek friendly and like, you know, like, yeah, like internet favorites. That goes. But I can get that because yes, it has your next sort of because of like a you're mentioning the subversion. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, that whole element of it that certainly puts it in the same realm as a film like cabin in the woods where it's doing more than just being a traditional slasher. That said, no, that's a that's a that is a fun pick because yes, you're you're getting something. You have an idea of what you're going for based on like people in mass. So they have knives. Right. Yeah, with big access. And the movie does open up all that way, you know, very traditional home invasion. Oh, no. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. And then again, women on the run, can I think and what's happening? And then all of a sudden you're just like, this is really fun. It's a cool launch. It also is quite funny when it wants to be as well. Something Adam Wingard knows how to, especially his horror films knows how to do. Winnie. Yes. My pal Adam Wingard. All right, that's on me. What's next? What do I have on my list here? Oh, of course, chopping mall. Yeah, this was an easy pick. Chopping mall. It took me a long time to finally see chopping mall. Actually, when the Vestron special edition Blueray came out. That's that's when I finally cut open. That's when I debuted. Now, the poster of chopping mall is like chopping mall, big letters and blood. There's a severed hand and it's holding a bag and in the bag. There's like a, there's like a face in it. What not. I never looked too closely at the chopping mall poster because I figured, I get it. There's a hand and it's holding the bag. So I never realized, Oh, it's a robotic hand. Now, even with that in mind, that still doesn't entirely give you like what the film is. So from my perspective, chopping mall, I just figured it's a mall slasher movie, right? Well, kids are staying at the mall after hours or something and like somebody's going after them. That was my assumption of what chopping mall is. But you know what happens when you make assumptions, you make an asset of you an option. So with that in mind, finally saying chopping mall, I was not prepared for the high tech wizardry that would be involved in the horror taking place in this film, because it is not in fact about some slasher and a ball. But in fact about a robot cold from the era of 80s robots goes a bit berserk goes a bit berserk and causes all kinds of mayhem and what have you. This would be rocks. I was such a big fan of watching it like that, you know, finally seeing and everything. But I, but it rocked it away. I was just not expecting. I just figured, all right, there's some people I recognize this. Let's see where this goes. It's like, oh, it's not like a full on robot for movies. So, no, the, yeah, the impression of chopping mall I got versus what what it actually is just just wildly different sides of the coin. And I was very happy to. Well, it's a separate like robot hand. That's what I'm saying. Again, I never looked closely at the poster. I just figured there's, you know, from a distance looking at a VHS box, you're like, hand hold good. I'm so eyeball in the bag. I'm all into that. Like, I know what this is. No reason for close to it closely inspect this. I'm good. You know, I can move on. Move on to the next scary VHS box that I'm not going to read. Why doesn't the poster have a Kelly Moroni barber cramped and chopping mall. Why isn't it that. Yeah, that is what you would say. But here you. I'm just glad somebody used that title at some point. I mean, you know, that is a good title. It's a great title, which is also misleading. There's no shopping. It's better than Phantom of the Mall, Eric's revenge. Yeah. Most movies are better than Phantom of the Mall Eric's revenge. Yeah. So I will say another mall. Yeah. Talking about mall based horror movies. I do have a soft spot for the initiation. Yeah. Somewhat misleading title wise because you don't think it has anything to do with the mall, but it mostly takes place in a mall. And it's fun featuring the fly to his Daphne is an eager. Or underappreciated horror princess Daphne is the good. Yeah. What's next up. Well, I guess since we have been talking about severed hands. Let's go to house from. Which year is that? What's 1985? The the one with it, which has the wonderful poster with a floating zombie hand pushing the doorbell of the before mentioned house, which of ours. This does not. Happen in the movie. You know, you get William cat and George went and Richard mall, but you don't get floating hands. Zombie hands ringing the doorbell, but still. I think house is is fun. I enjoy that movie and the sequel house to the second story. One of my favorite time. My favorite. Wonderful. That one has a similar poster and I actually have that poster. I was that kid that went to the video stores on the way home from school every day and said which posters will you sell me for a few bucks and that one I've still got tucked away. That's what they fingers a key right in that one. Yeah, I think it's turning a key in that one. Yeah. Yeah, they're still patting themselves on the back for that subting. That's. I just like the idea that you never see the house and the first one. So they could reveal others. A second story. That'd be a fun way to go. And which one is George Wentz in one of those, right? The first George George. George Wentz in the first one. Yeah. Cheers cast members. That'll. And then it always threw me to because like all of a sudden one day at the video store, they're popped up house for. And I was like, wait a second. What happened to house three and house three is that movie called the horror show, which has a similar premise to shocker if I remember correctly where I is killed in the election. Killed in the electric chair and then comes back to the rock and roll electric demons. What's house for the repossession. These titles, man. These are good. These are fun. I like this. The house crew does what they're doing apparently. Repossession. Well, and then, of course, there's that other house, the house. Which, you know, you'll just think it's a happy cat movie unless you know any better. I'd actually say that how I think it comes as advertised to get a big cat going. And you're like, yeah, that's my face when I'm watching us. It's great. A very good house. Brandon, what's your next pick? All right, this is my, this one's my tribute to my slasher gods here. So it's going to be a, like a multi part thing, but they go here. So, probably the 13th. Part five. New beginning to VHS cover as this like bland, like the, like somebody at the grocery store doesn't know what Jason's mask looks like. Here it is. It's got no markings on it. Nothing. Just like, what is this mask? They have funnily enough. There is a Nikka, Nikka action figure, or any figure that comes with a head option on this one to change Jason's head to this bland VHS cover mask, which he's never worn in any of the movies. But of note, when, when the Friday the 13th series was coming, they were having a DVD release from Paramount and their menus. I want to know here that the mask they use in them is the Roy Burns mask from part five. So it's got the double blue markings here, and they use that across the board. So you'll find it on the part three, four, five, six up to Manhattan. Wrong person. That's not Jason. It's Roy Burns. Uh, when you wear that, but that is all over the TV and Blu ray releases of, uh, Friday the 13th of note Halloween for the return of Michael Myers and Halloween five, the revenge of Michael Myers. The mask does not look like what it is on the poster at all for both of those. Um, yeah, for specifically because for so distinct looking. So when you have the poster, you're like, wait a minute. Hold on. Yeah, that's not the same. And then lastly, one of my favorite posters of all time, which I still, I just right over here. I rock it over here is Nightmare in Elm Street three dream warriors. Uh, the picture depictions of the dream warriors and a couple of the weapons on there a bit inaccurate, but I'll let it go. This is a sick poster, but they're not quite accurate. But that's my slasher gods section of their mistake. Love it. It's good to bring those up because I don't want to, I don't have the month. They're like in this giant list that I have. So I don't want to like them and full. But yeah, dream nightmare in Elm Street in general. But like the first one also similarly has great art, but it certainly doesn't reflect like Freddy Krueger necessarily. It looks like some kind of dream demon, perhaps as a woman in bed and there's some kind of thing clawing at her. But in such a, it's a neat drawing, but it's like, but what is this? Part two. Part two. Part two similar. Part two similar. It's Jesse looking in the mirror and he's got the glove, but it's like a skull. Give with them skulls on there as well, which is the Elm Street posters of the slasher people. I think they have the best art. They have cool. Yeah, cool. We're going on for sure. Yeah. At least two is like thematically correct. Right. It's doing the job. But they totally walked away from that for the VHS box on. Because the VHS is just an image of Freddy. He's like he's like, he's like cutting through. He's pulling through the box. Yeah. Fire behind it. Yeah. Right. This is how I get revenge. Speaking of fire behind him. Friday, the third or not Friday, two days. Jason goes to hell the final Friday. That was also one that I was looking into because that one is what I saw in video stores for sure. This is prime 93 Aaron right here walking in the mom and pop video store before that closed down because of those fucking blockbusters. You guys are all nostalgic. You have membership to a preferred Hollywood video. I did. Yeah. I preferred a video because once it was the only option available, I still preferred a video. Yeah. They also had a better selection than blockbuster. There was a mom and pop store like a less than a mile from where I am right now. Now it's a little Caesar's, but it was like it was just an old fashioned video store. But they had a giant poster for Jason goes to hell, which is, of course, shiny silver man. Shiny silver metal mask with the weird like warm demon thing like crawling through my sockets. It's insane. I did not see Jason goes to hell in full finally until the shout factory DVD, Blu-ray box that came out at the final experience with this movie is all about. But I certainly had that imagery in my mind forever. Boy, is that not in the movie? What's I think that's not a thing at all. The mask is not shiny. There there is a weird bug thing, but that's hardly like the crux of the film. Let alone, it doesn't look nearly as medicine. This fucking thing doesn't look here right now. Like this thing looks insane. It's such a, like my, my seven year old brain could not hate. Like, nothing could match what my head was thinking at that point in time. We could get this poster in like a giant like canvas. It's like sitting on the floor being like, look now available in VHS. But regardless, that's that movie. Hey, what's your next thing? Well, while you're on the subject of the inaccuracies and the false marketing of the Friday, the 13th series. I mean, Jason takes Manhattan that subtitle alone is kind of misleading because the more accurate title for that movie would be Jason takes a boat. There's not a whole lot of Manhattan in that movie is bright. It's probably true. Anyway, it's bright of Frankenstein. Oh, yeah. I mean, that shows up in the last like that. Yeah. Jason, Jason takes an East Coast cruise. I get it. I mean, it's a lake. Yeah, we're just saying that, you know, the, the fairies are free. So everybody knows that everybody knows the camp crystal lake has a small itsness that leads out into the, into the, into the bay. It leads right out to the bay over there. And you see, all right, New York to die, right into the big apple. That's how it works. This is why Mrs. War he's chosen. Yeah. That is exactly. Yeah. The water access. The water access. Exactly. Yeah. Gee, there'll be saltwater fish that would filter in so she have more, more biology class. Congratulations. Get out for the future. Secret word ismous into the. This is a good one. Don't tell everybody. Many years. Hey, what's your next pick? My next one is 1986 is dolls. This is a movie. I saw it as a child and I was like, this is the fucking scariest thing I've ever seen in my life. And then as an adult, I watched him like, this is pretty lame. It's just a bunch of dolls that are like, they just am a charming style dolls. And I had, I also had not seen what was the one we're like, they're all like German, but probably masters. Yeah. Yeah. And I'd seen like a one of those much later too. But I remember watching this as a kid through like really closed eyes, dolls, 1986 dolls. And I just remember thinking to myself, okay, cool, I'm a child too. And they don't hurt the child in this movie. So I'm good. But then again, watching as an adult, you're just like, a lot of like stop motion animation stuff. A lot of like situations where an adult can easily just be like, man, fuck this doll and kick it and just like push it out of the way. But these things do not happen to the adults in this movie, especially like the people that tried to break in and still some stuff. But yeah, 86 dolls used to scare me wildly. I would never look at the poster because the poster is like a doll holding its eyes at the side. But again, watching it with full sensibilities of an adult, you're just like, yeah, it's suitable, I guess, for fun scare, but not really all that fun either. All right. Yeah. I haven't seen dolls. So I don't know. I have seen the poster. That's a super Gordon movie. Yeah, it is. Yeah, I will not hear this heresy. This is a great raise my it on my cue here. Stuart, I didn't realize. Yes. I have also, I've never actually seen a puppet master movie. However, and that's why I don't have it on my list. You haven't seen any of the like 13 puppet master movies. You're missing out. I don't have it on my list because of that because I have, I don't, I can't see what I'm missing out on, apparently. But I will say those posters did do the job because there's like that, I spent when you're a child, because there's that one that's like got the silver hair and the black hat I assume his name's like blade. He's got like nine hands and stuff. He seems like he's in like all of them, or at least a majority of them. I feel like he's the guy, one of the fan favorites of the puppet master things. He has a drill head guy, drill head guy who I say was James is probably drill. But actually it's a Chester. Okay. Fair enough kills in some of those puppet master movies, though. But I mean, the posters did the job as far as being a child and being like, there's one, then like a yearly is like, there's another one is still there. You know, it has that kind of effect on me. I didn't see that I haven't seen them because both. I know that there's nothing but mostly terrible and the whole, they're Nazi dolls thing. It's like, I don't necessarily need another Nazi thing in my life right now. So, the drill head guy is a. All right. So, there's a big guy, and he's like a huge hands. He's pinhead. And the drill head guy is a torch torch, not a name I would have thought of. Yeah, he did do it. I do. Yeah. What's my actual master PDF, I guess. Yeah, the wiki, the wiki page on pap master. They definitely probably. Okay, there's two drill head guys. One is tunneler and the others torch. Sorry. I haven't seen these in a long time because they're not really have the rewatch. I just counted like 15 of these. Just pop a master versus demonic toys, which that's kind of misleading because it's like ends up being one on one battle between one of them and one of them. So, it's, it's their Captain America Civil War. Hey, whoever wins he lose. It applies to most movies. It's the best tag life because it's universal. Yeah, it is really good. Yeah, Cinderella, whoever wins. The next film I have is pretty much my whole inspiration for doing this episode. It's another Peter Jackson film. It is, of course, brain dead, aka dead alive. Yeah, but this poster would have never left my mind when I was a child poster the VHS box, which is, of course, a woman holding her mouth open and there's like a little skeleton skeletons. I guess that's where we're at with these things. And my mind has always been, what could this possibly be like this? And it's goofy enough where, as opposed to, of course, these puppet master posts, terrifying. This one's goofy enough where I'm like, is this scary? Is it, is this weird? Is there actually a person inside of her? Like, what's the, what's that Jerry side? But what's the deal? What's the deal? I did not know. And I would not find out until I think when the Lord of the Rings movies were coming out. And I was like, I should really catch up on this Peter Jackson character, because I certainly like that friend. Did you watch Bad Taste? Um, I still haven't seen it. Here's where I meet the people's. Here's where I've seen meet the people's. Here's what happened. Here's what happened with Bad Taste. Bad Taste is a movie where I, I've had opportunities to watch it's not a theater, like a screening or anything, but like at home. And I'm like, Peter Jackson, so devoted to restoring his stuff. I'm just going to wait out like a Blu-ray, which is still not like really, there's no Blu-ray for bad taste, right, isn't it? Uh, no, I have a like a DVD set of like a cheapy, like 10 domes in it. So yeah. Yeah. So I've been holding out on that and meet the people to solve the wild. Like I have, like, barely any memory has been so long at this point. So I'm just sitting here waiting for like a good copy of those movies because I can, so like I watch it for real, basically. I watch it like in a, you know, not some very. It's like a lot of Italian horror. Like I used to not care for it, but now I've seen the proper cuts and restorations. I'm like, I love these. But back in the day on VHS now. It's like when I was holding out foolishly to be like, kill Bill, it's going to get that whole bloody affair edition. Why? Why should I buy these DVD? I'm not a sucker. I held out for the Sin City Deluxe edition and that came out. Why would kill Bill not come out? And it's 21 years later and there still is not a whole bunch of special edition, except for the one on eBay that I do have. So there's that. So then alive, a movie that also doesn't have a fancy, it has a Blu-ray, but not like a fancy special edition, even though Peter Jackson's promises. But I did finally see this movie and it's a delight. It's the pre shot of the dead, rom-zom-com that I certainly really love. It's so enjoyable. Like, like, compared to the Frightners, this is such an R-rated movie as far as the amount of, like, it out itself as being like the glorious film of all time at that point. Like, it has so much buckets and buckets of things. There's a pretty infamous chain, lawn mower sequence that we're just everything's everywhere. But the tone is so light. It's like, I can't say, bring the kids, but it is a movie where like your son, Brandon, could probably handle dead alive at this point. I just possibly. Yeah. It's so, it's so over the top and also the sensibility. So geared more towards Lionel has to, you know, stand up to his mother and get pakita to be his girlfriend. I love that there's pakita. That's the best. It's like, it's very easy to rub her up head. So all of this to say, compared to the poster, which again, is a woman stretching her mouth open so little head pops out. This movie is a delight. It is, it's like the negative with a guest. It's like the pattington of horror zombie comedy. It's so sweet. It's so sweet. Oh, it's so sweet nature to one. It's still like with one exception. There is a crazy baby zombie creature that is insane. If you thought like the, the one, one of the few redeeming things in Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, get away from me. Beetlejuice is that baby, baby Beetlejuice. This is better. This, this baby rules, this movie, this baby does all kinds of stuff and it's real. It's no big bit of anybody's imagination. I was made for merch purposes. The other was not. Exactly. So let's, let's, let's write that wrong. Let's get the dead alive 4K out here and then get the merch tie-ed. We'll get the pakita action figures of the Lydal with a lawn mower and this fucking baby that you like, punch around like a little football as it bites you. I need this in my life. It makes, you squeeze it, it makes noises. Wow. I so, like, I, I so want Peter Jackson to like do this again in the same way that like Raimi was like, you know what? Maybe I should take a break from $200 million spider man movies and make drag me to hell. I want Peter Jackson so desperately to be like, let me make one of these again. Let's still be just, let's just go down to what a, let's have a weekend in the backyard and just make something silly. Hey, I really want that to happen. I have to go see this movie. Now you really sold dead alive rules. Oh my god. It's so fun. It can be yours on Blu Ray for $137. So it's out of print. Okay. Oh, it's been notoriously out of print forever. Wow. And Jackson's been like, Oh, I'm restoring. I'm restoring. He's been sorry. And then he gets into like Beatles. All the Beatles never see dead alive. Exactly. One day Abrams restored Phantasm while working on force awakens. You can do this Jackson. Geez. What even is movie? At least Guillermo like has results for all the stuff that's on his list. Did Jackson's like, come on, where's tinted already? Where's our tinted seat. What's going on? Guillermo used to be like a fabulous project. Oh yeah. But he's at least delivering on them. Like, now he's like, yeah. But he used to be like, yeah, I've got this. I'm like, what? But now he's. He's straight. He did. He didn't want to do those things. That's more like they wouldn't give him the money. He's not. He's not sitting there being like, I'm lazy today. I'm not going to do it. He's more like, he's desperately negotiating. They have that Thunder Mountain pitch for the Lovecraft movie with Cameron there and Tom Cruise. That's what I assume that that photo is. It's all of them negotiating this deal. I don't know. We need like a movie about doing that pitch. That would be great. Someone listening. Make it. Meanwhile, Jackson, come on. Let's get this to go. All right. Are we on? What are we on? Are we on our final ones? Our last one? All right, Tom. What's your final pick? Um, we'll end with a pretty bad movie here. The notorious Silent Night Deadly Night. Oh, okay. We're outside of the door. 1984's Killer Santa Claus movie, which I mean, first of all, part of why I think this this would fits the poster is inaccurate for one thing because it's, you know, there's chimney with the arm holding the axe Santa Claus come down Santa Claus never comes down the chimney in this. Uh, in fact, you know, I was just like, okay, that's Phoebe Kate's dad in this image. That's why he's just dead. That's the reason he died. That's exact. But I am part of my whole thinking of this movie when it comes to like misleading stuff is because I remember when this came out and all the controversy that there was, and you know, there were these groups that were protesting and Siskel who got on their high horses and were like shaming the filmmakers on their show. You know, it usually be a shame to yourselves and all this stuff. And, you know, just created this image in my mind. You know, I was a teenager at the time. I'm like, Oh, this has got to be like one of the most grotesque movies ever made. You know, and plus there was the playground chatter, you know, like people would talk about. Oh, yeah, I heard there's this scene where, like, I remember one of my friends saying, Oh, yeah, there's a scene in it where Santa Claus kills a baby gift wrap set and put it on to the tree. And I was like, that sounds horrible with these people too. Obviously, none of that stuff happens in this movie. This is, this is a pretty run of the mill slasher movie that is not all that interesting. It definitely does not live up to all of its hype that people gave. I mean, it's definitely one of those cases where people probably would have ignored this movie had people not put up such a fuss about it. I mean, it's not even the first movie of 1984 that had a killer Santa Claus. There was a movie called they're playing with fire which I mean talk about misleading that one. If you look at the posters and stuff, you think, Oh, this is a, you know, a teenage guy gets involved with an older woman comedy type of thing. It then turns into a bit of a slasher movie and one of the kills involves a guy dressed up as Santa Claus. It's like, it happened earlier in the year and you can have a problem with it. But suddenly when this movie came out, people were all up in arms and probably did way more business than it would have had people just kept quiet. Well, certainly because there's there's five of these fucking movies. Well, including one with Mickey Rudy, who was all like hating this movie. So, like, this, what's funny is, this is how dumb the people can be about things. So, they, this movie came out and they opened the same weekend as a nightmare in Elm Street, it top nightmare in Elm Street at the box office. And then it made it for two weeks and then they pulled it after two weeks, and all the people were like, ha, we did it. And it's like, no, they made their money back and then some and then some and then some and then they pulled it out. And then they re-released it again, I think, in like spring of '85 and makes more money. Yeah. And also 1980. So, there's also Christmas Eve, all that had a killer Santa. And then David Hess, one of his only directorial films, maybe his only feature film, was To All A Good Night, which had a killer in a Santa outfit as well. This wasn't the first time, they just chose anger. He has the poster, I think, is effective. It's good poster work. And remember, this one had the big VHS box when it came out. Oh, yeah. It was one of those chunky boxes. I remember Supergirl. Oh, yeah, I remember this. A lot of styrofoam inside of it. But yeah, so, like, that's the funny thing about this one. And Nightmare in Elm Street probably can thank it for bowing out of the box office for allowing it to be the only game in town with a horror movie back in '19 as a horror movie back in '19. As a horror movie back in '84. Silent Night, Deadly Night 2, like, that's the way to watch this one, because about three quarters of that movie is this one again, but in shorter chunks. And then you get a great so bad, it's good type movie to go with it. So, yeah, yeah, Silent Night, Deadly Night, and yeah, there are five, six of these things, since they did a remake with Malcolm McDowell. I do like that, um, Gremlins will come along like a year later and it'd be, you know, also horror. It's the same year. It's 84. Okay, so it's coming along and it's doing the same, it's doing the same thing as far as kind of treating Christmas badly, but it's got Spielberg's name on it, right? And it's a it's wholesome by comparison, right? So it's fine. Well, and that one is, you know, a lot of people say Gremlins and in Temple of Doom were what caused the PG-13 to come along. And the thing about Gremlins, I mean, with Temple of Doom, it was like, oh, yeah, the heart ripping. Oh, you know, kids don't need to see that. With Gremlins, they weren't as upset about, you know, like Gremlins melting in the microwave and things like that. It was the Phoebe Kate story about Santa Claus, and the parents were like, oh, no, we didn't sign up for this, you know. Yeah. We didn't sign up for this part randomly. We weren't here to guide as a parental. Our guidance was not needed. They can only cover ear eyes. It can't cover ears. There's a kind of my child was 13. What can I do? They understand that parents will do this for the kids. There's a percent and just die in the chimney. There's a path I can see where a parent brings their child to a movie called Gremlins because Spielberg's name's attached to it and it looks kind of fun. And then you get to the movie and Phoebe Kate's has a very long monologue about how there is no Santa Claus, regardless of how the story plays out. I can see the logic that would bring someone to, like, have a complaint to say. They're just thinking they're lucky stars. The original script got made more family. Uh huh. I'm going to go find this original script. Oh, hey. Yeah. Way darker. Okay. Gizmo is striped in that one and the mom's head comes rolling down the stairs. No, Billy comes home. Not Billy's mom. I was so nice. I was watching unrelated. I was watching Alber Brooks's real life last week because it came out on criteria. I didn't realize that the Charles grodon's wife. That's the same wife that mom and in Gremlins. And is the grandma from Back to the Future? Back to the Future. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, she had a lot of a lot of more wholesome rules. Anyway. So we're going to head to Euro trash territory now. Two. Now there's a lot you can go through, but I'm going to specifically pull on the heartstrings of their. The wall less activity in making sequels of things that were not sequels to things. And we're going to focus on two of them. Granted, evil dead got throughout these. There's a because in. In Europe. I think in Italy, evil that was called La Casa. And they made like nine La Casas. Yeah. Including like evil dead being like La Casa three or four or evil that to be in that. So I'm focusing on two of the most notorious ones. Jaws five. Which is known as cruel jaws. And Terminator two, which is shocking dark. Oh, actually, let's throw a third one in there because there's also alien to on earth. So cruel jaws. This one is. So I whenever if you want to own it, buy it whenever someone announces or selling it because they could there's chance they could be sued or asked to remove it because the film itself. I got it with a slipcover that has the Jaws five poster that they would have over there, which they said, we'll sell these slip covers until we're given a cease and desist letter. And then there's footage from other Jaws movies and other shark movies in cruel jaws that they don't have the right to use. And this movie is fun. There's a guy who looks like a birthday party Hulk Hogan in it. And kind of Hulk Hogan. Yes. It's a goofy little piece of trash, shocking dark, which is Terminator two, not as a music is cruel Jaws. And it's original. They don't use Terminator footage, but it's. It's an interesting watch. And then they're alien to on earth, which is. You know, this is before aliens was ever released and it's tries to. It's boring as shit. That's just. Yeah, for them, but. Yeah, just fascinated by these Euro knock offs. Which at one point I did own all the La Casa movies, but most of them weren't that great. There's one called like. Oh, that was the problem. They weren't that great. Yeah, there's one called ghost house. It was solid. And then there's one with. One with Linda Blair and David Hasselhoff called witchery. And basically it's an excuse to be like, so Linda Blair, can you act all possessed and crazy at the end of this. But yeah, that the Euro knock off stuff in full swing, even more so because it might, they made a lot of road warrior and escape from New York and Conan knock offs back of the day, but like. Doing straight up calling your thing that. Yeah, kind of misleading. If you ask me. Girl jies and that's what I'm going to call it from now on. Cool job. Yeah, just five. Cool, which might be more entertaining than just three, to be honest with you. It probably moves. Sometimes that's a plus right there. La Casa four is witchery. La Casa four is witchy. Yeah, yeah. So, yeah, there's like, yeah, the La Casa saga is a good one. All right, Abe, what's your final pick? My final pick here is Halloween three season of the witch. I only watched the Halloween movies growing up, Halloween one growing up. It was edited for TV version. It would play every Halloween, which is why I enjoy watching it during Halloween. And I was always afraid of Michael Myers. I probably still am. And I remember I watched a lot of things out of order. So I'd seen H2O before, so they'll be like 98, 99. Well, it's fine. The other ones don't count anyway. No, exactly. Yeah, yeah. But I'm watching it on the witch like much later, and I was like, well, you know, let's finally do this, Abe. Like, let's be. Let's be good watching. Yeah, let me step up here to the plate and watch this movie. And I was like, wait a minute, Michael Myers is not in this movie at all. And I'm kind of confused as to like, who this guy who's cheating on his wife is and why they're the story of the spoken, why the book is in the story. They're separated. They're separated. I might be divorced. I'm not sure. But on its own merit, it's actually really fun, like the concept of this anthology series for Halloween, but also these masks that kind of take over. And, you know, I wrote, I was reminded of a royal signs. I did mask when I was watching this. But yeah, it is. It's a good poster too, because it's got that weird scary face. And it depends on which version you might see, but there's all the three masks from the silver or something. Shamrock. Silver Shamrock. Shamrock. Yeah. Silver Shamrock Factory that are on the poster. But it's, it's not a bad movie at all. And I kind of kind of dig the idea of a Halloween anthology series if they had gone that way. But obviously, Michael Myers has really just become its own, its own beast and has grown beyond the initial films, the couple of films. So, yeah, Halloween, he's in the witch. Check it out. How are they advertising that movie back when it came out, guys, you know? They didn't. I mean, there's, there's Caesar's stuff, but they were advertising the tagline was the night no one comes home, which goes in, you know, because the first one was the night he came home, the second one was more of the night he came home. And then this is the night no one comes home. And then they didn't, I mean, they weren't like, hey, just not appear in this movie, but the trailers showed something else. And, you know, I mean, even the movie itself was so confusing. Roger Ebert thought Michael Myers was in the movie, which he's not wrong. Dick Warlock who played Michael Myers in Halloween too is in the movie, but he thought the robot guys at the beginning were Michael Myers. But Michael Myers technically is in this movie on a TV screen. I mean, I imagine Ebert is like Halloween three, huh, after he's just gone through like a bunch of other slashes he also did here for. I feel like he's like, I think I'll just sit in the back and close my eyes for. Let's see what's the other side. Right. What I would give to see Ty even come back to review the terrifier films, by the way, I just desperately want to know what he thinks. We probably like him. He might go back to 80 self and try to put David Leon's phone number on the screen and stuff. Right. Yeah, no, it was funny. Halloween three, my daughter's seen it. And then I recently showed her the remake of Invasion of the Body Snatchers. And she during while watching and she nudged me, she was like, it kind of reminds me of Halloween three. I'm like, okay, reverse Halloween three was ripping this movie off, but yeah. So kind of funny. All right. I have one more. I'm going to go pretty modern on this one. The empty man. Okay. Yeah. So this movie basically dumped by Fox because of the whole fox is switching over to to Disney, all this stuff. This left this movie to limbo for a long time. It eventually like came out in a very small release. Made no money, but it's like quickly gained a cult following. Now I've seen the empty man. I think it's fine, but in terms of the impression that you would get if you just saw the empty man coming to theaters versus like what the movie actually is. There's a giant golf there, which is why I'm picking it. This easily could have been just like a, you know, a routine like random urban legend type story about something called the empty man. That's not unlike the bye bye man or any number of these kind of throw away haunted movie. You know, any number of these things that are just like, Oh, there's a thing we heard about. Let's just write a quick script and whatever. Director, writer David Pryor has taken. I get he's adapted a book and he's made this 137 minute cosmic horror film that is like wild. There's a like a good, I think like 25 minute, like beginning to this movie that sets up like almost like basically a different movie. That's really effective and gets you on board right away before it gets it to like the main story, which takes up another, you know, two hours involving James badge Dale. Oh, cool. Again, it like. It seems like it's going down a certain path as far as, okay, somebody died and now we got to figure out why is it some weird myth or something. But like it has all these different things going on as far as weird cult conspiracies and what have you. Have you seen the brand? I have not seen it. It was on because it was on Hulu for a while before it left. It was on like Hulu and Max and then finally left. I think it's back somewhere now. I forget. I don't think it's got it hasn't gotten the physical release yet. But like between the because it got released during Kobe got released in October to 2020. It came out did nothing. Critics were like mostly negative. There was some that like saw what it was doing and kind of appreciated it more but mostly got nowhere. But it's so quickly figured like people just kind of started to flock into this thing because of how weird it is. Now it's an investment because again, it's two hours and 17 minutes like it's a long movie and it doesn't need to be that long. And I'm not even saying it's great but I certainly get the vibe it's going for. But compare that to like posters which is just like empty man written in the fonts. Sure. Like I think one has like the skeleton thing that you just kind of see I think once in the movie. It sets up like just some very generic kind of film. But the film itself is like far more researched in like urban legends lore and again cosmic horror type stuff. And has of especially by once you kind of figure out where it's going. It's like it's got a lot going on that you would not expect. So yeah, that's the one that also sent out to me for the purpose of this podcast. Interesting. Very cool. I like it feels because just watch says it is. Okay, good. So people can catch more people can check out the empty man because it's Hulu because it's Disney at this point. I can't imagine there'll be like some kind of special release of it anytime soon. But it certainly feels like a movie that if it wasn't a part of that studio, it could easily get some big like fancy release because I'm sure the director has plenty he'd like to say about this thing because it's weird as fuck. So. But yeah, it's a it's a worthwhile thing. Okay. All right. Well, God throw this here. I certainly still have several others. I didn't mention you guys have any others that you want to throw in here quickly. Hit it. Um, I, I had a paranormal activity three, the poster features a scene not in the movie. Yeah. Yeah. The mirror. Right. The girls. Yeah. I believe that was it. That's one of these. That's just in general feels like a good topic because those are so much. We filmed a ton of shit and we even our teaser trailers have like some of that in there. Yes. And then the final product's like 80 minutes of whatever made sense in the edit. It's our thing. Whatever makes sense in the edit. I'm looking at the poster now. I had one on my list that I, that I wish went the opposite direction where they did mislead us a bit more and that was from dusk till dawn. I wish that the trailers had actually hidden the fact that it was a vampire movie. Uh, they totally could have made a trailer just making it, making us think it's about these two criminals and they abduct a family and such and completely hidden the vampire stuff and made it all a surprise. The benefit of time is that people don't watch those trailers now. And if there's one thing I, if there's one joy I get in life, it's watching from dusk till dawn with people for the first time because it is the best thing you can do to somebody watching a movie. And it helps that it's not like crazy scary. It's just like, this is not the movie. It was now, you know, a minute ago. It is something different now. It is. I've done that. Believe me. I've done that many times with various friends, friends and roommates. I have watched a industrial time not letting them know what the movie is going to be. It's a ride. I remember it was so crazy. I bought it on VHS back in the day. My especially ordered widescreen VHS from Suncoast. And I sat down to watch it. I sat down to watch it. I'm like, my dad, besides sit down with me and watch it. And then like, he lost his fucking mind when it turned to vampires. And I'm like, you didn't know about that. I said, this is in the 90s when this movie would have been, had advertisements. Also, he just totally missed the bus. I'm friend. He loved it. He was like, oh my gosh, I could, like, it was just such a wild turn that he wasn't expecting. He thought that was crazy. I didn't know. It's like, okay. I mean, that was the self pitch for it. But okay. I watched it with my mom. I can't remember. She had seen it in theaters already or if she just rented it because she knew. But she knew it was a vampire movie. I didn't know. But she, like, she loves the design. She loved the design of vampire. Like, you know, the different kinds of empires you'd get. So by the time they finally get to sell my high transforming into a vampire, I always remember exactly what she said. She's like, well, it's like an alien vampire because it's such a weird, like, daily dislike. It's like it's such a different back. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. Todd. It's like a snake like big. So it's just, that was a real initial reaction. Like, oh, it's like a alien vampire. That was the way of going. Meanwhile, I'm being there like, oh, so this is what we're doing. Yeah. This is a choice. I'm sitting here again as like a 10 year old watching this being like, this quick and Tarantino scary as an actor in this movie. Like he's freaking me out. And then it's like, and now we're a vampire. Toms me. He's got a crotch. Good. And it's great. Like it's nonsense. Sex machine. Sex machine. That's right. Yeah. In my box. She definitely pointed out Fred Williams. He's like, that's a hammer. Yeah. I got a few here just to check off. The tremors poster makes the thing look way more vicious than it like. I mean, it's vicious in the movie, but it's like, it's all teeth. It's like all. It's my poster and like speaking of. Yeah. Go ahead. I have another one. The tremors poster like, you know, it's a, it's a, it's the grave. Right. It has all these tentacles that do the job and then it kind of sucks you in. The posters like this giant teeth monster. And you're like, that's not exactly. It's like a Jaws riff. That's what the idea of the posters. Yeah. Aiming for, but it's a jazz. It's a, it's still a. Tremors is kind of cool. Jaws. It's mean. It's just stays there. Right here. I have. Tremors shrieker Island, which is the one with John heater. Nothing like that. It happens in the movie. There's no shrieking in the island. There. I'd be looking at the poster and like, okay, that's that. That doesn't. Nothing like that happened. Not even close. Oh, I see. Yeah. And it takes place up the peninsula. Yeah. There you go. Yeah. He doesn't wield. He doesn't wield a chainsaw. Yeah. No. Well, I like, I saw it once. I don't remember, but like, I remember, yeah, that poster is like wildly inaccurate. Michael Gross still in that. Oh, he's all of them. Oh, yeah. You can't. Oh, yeah. Yeah. He's the franchise. Yeah. He's the face. The franchise. Yeah. Yeah. There's a corpsman one called Forbidden World that is nothing like the poster. It's a whole lot of dark room sets and corridors. Like there's no creature is in the movie, but it does not look like that. And there's no woman chained in a cave waiting to be fed it. So that's a, that's what I had on here. Popcorn. I think it's such a fun poster. I think a big theme with the posters. I was not bad as I was going through this, by the way, skeletons. Skeletons everywhere. Skeletons. It's a big selling point for a lot of these. They sell a lot of horror movies. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Popcorn is a fun poster at night of the comet because if you just say night of the comet and you look at that poster and they're like, Oh, must be a comet. Like, you don't expect it to be like, Oh, it's like a valley girl satire. Like it's not like that's not what you're necessarily expecting. Watching that. Valley girl and zombies. Yeah. Yeah. They're going for an ambling feel with that. Yeah. Yeah. Night of the comet. Night of the comet. Okay. That's a big, big favorite between us. Jimmy O is a big, big huge fan of the comet. The Tommy knockers. The only because the title is just in big green letters. I'm always like, what's this movie or TV series thing? It's bad. It's just really bad. That's what it is. I have to answer that question. I can answer it. There's a, there's some VHS covers and DVD covers for Dario or Gentos. Phantom of the Opera, which include the Phantom of the Opera mask, which does not appear in his iteration of the story. So that's one. Hell razor implies that pinheads going to be a major character in that first movie. And he's, he's, he's not really there. He still hadn't seen it. You would never guess that he's in all of them, I guess maybe. But one of the more fun things about this exercise, as I was going through, was like, I clearly have not seen any of these movies because I've been too scared to watch them as a child. And I still haven't revisited them as an adult. So it was actually really fun to be like, Oh, yeah, I remember that movie. And I'll never see it even now. The, the, the other West Crava movie that we didn't mention as the serpent in the rainbow, which I don't think it's too misleading because I think the tagline cut, because the poster is like, it's Bill Pullman in a coffin with like, makeup on his face because he's like, you can barely tell us Bill Pullman. You would be able to know it's Bill Pullman, but regardless of that, like, it's just like, there's this guy screaming in a coffin, but the tagline is, don't bury me. I'm not dead, which is funny. That's a funny text. That's a really, that just makes me smile when I read this. Don't think dirt on me. I'm alive. Yeah. The movie itself. I read, I told you that like the movie, the serpent, which I really like, it feels like if like Bruce Campbell played it straight in an evil dead movie, like it's, it plays like an evil dead except it has far more stakes and serious circumstances going on. It's, it's like this. There's a running thing theme with West Craven movies where he can make three quarters of a movie be pretty creepy and tree-ing all this. And then it ends up with some goofy frickin fight thing at the end. Uh huh. I mean, uh, you know, like last house on the left. Um, even Nightmare in Elm Street turns into like a straw doggy. People call it now home alone type type ending with booby traps and say, I love it, but this one ends up being a big showdown goofy thing as well. Uh, when it, when it gets down to it. And a lot of his movies wind up in that, that theme. Yep. Yeah. Um, let's see. What else? Uh, saws a misnomer. It's a big hand on the poster. Nobody's hand gets cut off and saw. That's the lead to a straight hand. The hand is the Janet Lee of the poster. There you go. Yeah. And we're back. Um, I think the, the new mutants, the, the famed new mutants movie. Uh huh. That has a cool poster as far as all the kids heads are going through the wall. Like it's a nightmare in Elm Street and that was, that was an initial shelter style. And that was the initial sales pitch. It's like, what if a nightmare in Elm Street, but an X-Men movie? Like that's a cool idea in that movie. And it, that's the thing too. New mutants is not terrible. It's not good, but it's not like an disaster. It's just pretty bland and doesn't capitalize on what I assume is a different cut of the movie where it is more horror focused and has more of that imagery going on to like a vocal. It could have been. Yeah. It's so weird. Cause I see promise in it when I'm watching it, but it's not good. It's like, yeah, it's, it's a weird feeling watching new mutants. Cause you're like, this isn't good, but it could be. Yeah. It feels like there's another edit that works somewhere. It feels like there must be, but even then it's probably not great, which is why they, you know, would edit to begin with, but like the result wasn't any better. Um, what else? What else out here? Uh, screamers. Uh, that Peter Weller movie. Um, the trailer for that used to used to scare me when I was young, because I just thought it was about like weird mechanical things that would like shoot out at you in the desert. And I'm like, I don't want any part of that at all. And the movie itself is like, oh, it's just like a dystopian thing. And there's like little machines and they're not that bad. If you just avoid them, like it's fine. It's all right. Um, let's see, April Fool's day for reasons that we can't really get into. But it's a, it's a solid poster that a kind of does the movie. And I was like, Oh, I like her, her, her hair is tied into a new son. Yeah, it's a, it's a fun poster for sure. And just because I got an F cinema score, it comes at night. Uh, a movie that I love that I think is fantastic. And as a super great poster of this dog, just just looking into the darkness, looking in the dark. Yeah, it's, it's a great evocative poster and it set audiences up for something really creepy. And I'd argue it is really creepy except audiences did not like it. They were bored and they gave it enough, but they're wrong and they're stupid. So they're so that's a, that's a good way to handle the audio. Yeah. Um, so yeah, that's just a handful of other ones I was considering doing my research here. Um, great. All right. Very cool. This has been fun misleading horror. Uh, once again, I did note all of the movies that we mentioned. I'll be sure to have that in the show notes for anybody to pick up. Yeah. I can't wait to go watch the shish kebab movie that Brandon was talking about and find out that none of these people. Are the ones that get killed in that order. I'll be be a way to go. Um, I keep forgetting to mention this. We should have a contest, which I also didn't think of what it should actually be mainly because I have a fresh brand new copy of late night with the devil that I want to give away. We should really come up with what that contest should be. So I'm just going to say right now to the next week when we come up with what that contest is and to be able to possibly win a fresh new copy of late night with the devil on Blu ray. So yeah, with all that in mind though, let's wrap up here. Um, Todd, leave it on. Where can people find more of you online? Well, uh, my podcast is the forgotten film cast. You can find that all the places that you find your podcasts. Uh, my blog is that forgotten filmcast at And I'm on X at forgotten films. It's films with a Z. Great. Brandon Peters. All right. Since I'm on here every week for these horror things and I plug myself, you'll hear it next week. I wanted since we were doing a kind of a video store thing this week. I wanted to plug a scarecrow video in Seattle, Washington. Uh, one of the last remaining historic video stores and they are having an SOS, which is save our scarecrow thing going on this year, uh, where they in order to continue to operate, they need $1.8 million. And they've been doing fundraisers, things like that to it. It's a great place. I've been there twice. Um, really fun, good people. It's, it's amazing just to be in, in, and they had, they, they had a thing back in like 2014, like 10 years ago. Um, where they were able to take control of it. I think they kind of made a historical monument, but operating costs and things have changed in that time and they need more money. And I think they've only raised about a quarter of their goals so far. But if you can go to the look up scarecrow video, um, just Google it or something like that and go there. And if you want to help donate, it's a worthy cause. And it's a place that I hope is still standing because it is impressive and I'd hate to wonder what would happen to their inventory if they went under. So, um, great place. Look it up. Go visit it in, if you're ever in Seattle or nearby or you live in Seattle. I know people in Seattle, I haven't even heard of it before. Um, but it's a very good thing and that's a good cause and you should help out scarecrow video. I will put that in the show notes as well. Thank you for that, Brandon. Chain them out right now. They've got some cool stuff going on in the website. Yep. Awesome place. Yeah. Um, yeah, you could, everything I do, you can find various places and all that. I'd say this all the time. Um, we're on all the souls with everything. Uh, you can find this podcast everywhere. You can buy podcasts. And, um, next week for our next or special, it's the, it's this year is the 10th anniversary of the Babadook. And we'll be discussing that film as a part of our, uh, Monster Palooza collaboration with Professor Mike Dillon. And, uh, Brandon's going to join us back for that one as well. So, yeah, that's going to do it. Todd, Brandon, thank you for joining us this evening. Thank you both. Thank you. Thanks for having me. This is a lot of fun. Thanks for listening. Stay tuned for next week. We'll, we'll all wear our hats and coats of course. Uh, but yeah, that's good over that show. Until next time. So long. And goodbye. Very well. Oh, my life. I'm looking for the magic. I'm looking for magic. I'm a sausage. I'm a sexy killer. I'm trying to get away. I'm looking for the magic. In my eyes. The key. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Now has to keep it high. In my eyes. Baby, in my eyes. (upbeat music)