Daily Motivations


Broadcast on:
11 Oct 2024
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Again, again, again, again, type it in the chat, again, again, again, again, again, again, again, again, if it's life giving, if it's serving your purpose, if it's going to transform you into something you never thought you could be, then do it again. Do it again. Type it in the chat, drop it in the comments man, again, again, again, again, this thing served me, this thing helped me, it hurt, but it's helping me, and it's building a bridge to the future and the destiny that I've been called to fulfill. Period. Every time you go back, you're building muscle, you're building mentality, you're building endurance, you're establishing faith. It takes faith to get out of this, to crawl yourself out of a messy history and leave a legacy. It is the man that refuses to quit, it is the man that refuses to put down his gloves that separates winners from one of these. It is diligence and dedication and determination that separates the all time greats from the one he wonders. Do you want to do this thing one time or do you want to be notorious for winning over and over and over again? I just want to know is anybody listening that wants to do it again? I don't want to win one time, I don't want to be noticed one time, I don't want to make history one time, I want to do it over and over and over again. Do it again no matter how hard it was, no matter how much you cried and you sweat and you play do it again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. Again. And publicly to the call that's on your mic, you think about it day and night, whatever the matter, the status quo to much through target is your time, is your turn. You've doubted yourself a moment of people have left you, overlooked you, undervalued, you underpaid you is your time to connect is your time to get paid is your time to sign the deal is your time. If you quit, go back, dust yourself off and try. One more time. Show me your habits and I will show you your future. It is what we do habitually, it is what we do every single day. Forging ahead together drives Colorado's pioneering spirit at Chevron. We donate funding and volunteer thousands of hours in support of the community's we call home. We also employ our neighbors to deliver the energy needed as the state's largest oil and natural gas producer, all to help improve lives in our shared backyard. That's energy and progress. Visit colorado dot chevron dot com. That determines the measure of significance that we can deliver this life. Everybody wants to drive something, live somewhere, be connected. There are protocols that must be a place, there are actions that must be taken. Not just thoughts that you must think, but words that you must speak and actions that must be taken and coordinates to where it is that you are going. You are going somewhere, you are either going back or you're going forward. Everybody wants a comeback, but nobody wants a setback. You can't have a comeback without a setback. You are going to experience loss, you are going to have seasons in your life where you're not going to understand why and how you got where you are. Many of you have been the villain in your own story and it's time to become the hero. The drama and the chaos, the narratives about the change, the story is about to clear up. This is not a conversation about going back to everything that you left. There are some things, there are some people, there are some places. And once we leave, we don't ever need to go back because we were tormented and we were often and we were abused and we were talked about and we were overlooked and undervalued and underpaid. The reason why you didn't win is because you gave up too soon. You took the exit too quickly, you are on the freeway to freedom, you are en route, you are following the instructions, you are following the coaching, you are listening to the video, somebody drop it in the comments, I'm listening, I'm listening, I'm listening, I'm staying the course, I'm focused, I'm dying, it's the man that stays on the freeway in the middle of a traffic jam and doesn't exit, that reaches the point of destiny. Will you put in the work, will you stay the course, will you try it again, are you willing to change perspective to see this thing differently, to get to the place of optimal performance and significance and fulfillment where every day you are looking for life, you have an expectation, you have a zeal, you're excited, you're ecstatic, you've got a bold anticipation for the future. Forging ahead together drives Colorado's pioneering spirit at Chevron, we donate funding and volunteer thousands of hours in support of the community's we call home, we also employ our neighbors to deliver the energy needed as the state's largest oil and natural gas producer, all to help improve lives in our shared backyard, that's energy and progress, is at You may be in a courtroom, you may be in a cage, you may be on the basketball court, you may be on the football field, you may be down by 40 at halftime. It is the man that comes back round after round, that may have taken a beating physically, but he is not broken mentally, that comes back round after round after round after round and he goes back into the dark room and he puts the work and he comes back out into the light and he puts on a show, put on a show. I'm talking to every builder, every athlete, every professional, every stay at home mom, every father that puts in the work day and night to provide for his family. I don't know what your dream is, I don't see your vision but if you write it down and you put the work in and you beat on your craft and you give it everything you have and you give yourself to your work as support, everything's going to begin to shift and change because you refuse to quit, this isn't just a conversation about trying again, this is a conversation about winning again, when we try something again and again and again, eventually, when we set a target and we begin to run towards them and how many times we are beaten out, eventually, we run through the target and so trying again becomes win again and I just came to tell somebody today that's listening to me that eventually, forging a head together drives Colorado's pioneering spirit at Chevron. We donate funding and volunteer thousands of hours in support of the communities we call home. We also employ our neighbors to deliver the energy needed as the state's largest oil and natural gas producer, all to help improve lives in our shared backyard. With energy and progress, visit Colorado dot Chevron dot com. You're not going to be the man or the woman, the boy, the girl that tries again, eventually. There is a warrior inside of you that will emerge. There is a person that refuses to lose that will be burned out of a setback and you are no longer the person who is known for coming back from a loss, but you are known for the person that wins again and again and again, no matter how many times I've faced this giant, I am surrounded by walls a hundred times taller than me, they got to fall down because I have made winning a habit. When again, punch through again, you got to get this trying and tell me I'm going to try. I will, I will break out of the, I'm going to try, I'll try to smile, I'll try to be happy, I'll try to make it a good day, I will smile, I will make it a good day, I will win again, I will bring my A game again, I will give it everything I have again. This mentality, this approach to living is what builds the bridges to the future. This is how we see them in our legacy. He is a man, she is a woman that was born to shock the world. (eerie music)