Jesse Kelly Show

James T. Harris in for Jesse: Use of the Word Illegal Regarding Illegal Immigrants...State of the Union...Republican Rebuttal

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12 Mar 2024
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(upbeat music) - Okay, round two. Name something that's not boring. - A laundry? Ooh, a book club. Computer Solitaire, huh? (buzzer) - Ah, sorry, we were looking for Chumba Casino. ♪ Chumba Chumba Chumba ♪ - That's right, Chumba has over 100 casino style games. Join today and play for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. ♪ Chumba Chumba Chumba Chumba ♪ Chumba - Don't forget to subscribe. My law, A.D. Plus, turns the conditions apply. See website for details. - This is a podcast from W.O.R. - You are listening to the Jesse Kelly show. My name is James C. Harris. I am a talk show host out of Phoenix, Arizona, the Valley. So happy to be with you today. I guess Jesse Kelly has what everybody else is having is going around. I'm fighting to get myself. So was Jesse Kelly's producer. We're not trying to go out like that. So we will do our very best to keep it hot for you this afternoon. And you know what? We're not going to really have to drive very hard. Because we are still living with the residue of what happened after the State of the Union speech, which was a debacle. - You know, the president, he was hyped up on some type of drug mixture 'cause he started out strong and he was very, very forceful, almost like that old man yelling in the front yard, but there was a moment. A moment when Marjorie Taylor Greene started to echo Joe Biden and that threw him off his game and he went off prompter and when he did, he made a terrible, terrible mistake. What was that? Well, he called in a migrant. He called a newcomer in a legal. And just to show you how upside down our world is, almost immediately, we had the media go into clean up mode. It was clean up control. - Clean up how far? - They had to clean this up. And they sent in the big guns. And over at MSNBC, they brought in the very effeminate Jonathan Capehart 'cause he could handle the situation, you know, with the right amount of softness, but then the right amount of force. What's incredible is that the Democrats are so caught up in themselves. There is such a bubble that they don't think that this type of behavior is unbecoming. They don't think that this type of behavior is actually upsetting the American people greatly. They can't see it. The president, for just a moment, when he was off to script, was somewhat authentic. It was kind of amazing because he totally, totally said illegals. And I'll be honest with you, I sat straight up, wait, what? What did he just say? "Elegals," and I knew immediately that this was going to have life, that this was going to have legs. And it did. It was hilarious because you had Jonathan Capehart on MSNBC, he sat down with the president and his job was to get the president to admit that he used the wrong word. Just Jonathan, get him to say he did the wrong thing and then get out. I noticed it may take you some time 'cause we're dealing with a man whose mind is at all, but that is your job if you choose to accept it. - I noticed the look of surprise on your face when you walked into the chamber and you saw Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene. It was priceless, you faced shock at seeing her, but during your response to her heckling of you, you used the word illegal when talking about the man will allegedly kill-- - Allegedly killed. - Undocumented person. And I shouldn't have usually, I shouldn't have undocumented. - I know you heard it by now, but we just got it. We have to keep playing this. We have to keep letting, you know, just contemplating the fact that they're apologizing for calling an illegal killer illegal. It should have been undocumented. And of course, the new term that has also been introduced to us is newcomer. We're moving away from migrant undocumented. Yeah, you know, and we got to get into this, you know, a little bit later, but yeah, boy, to call somebody illegal. Whoa, whoof, that is so immoral. In the meantime, you have what looks like the administration, you have the pundits, you have Democrats apologizing to a killer. I'm sorry, we use the wrong pronouns. We've described you the wrong way. I'm so sorry. Meanwhile, meanwhile, we have Lake and Riley who is dead. Not just Lake and Riley, we have a lot of Americans who are dead and the killing is picking up pace. Now the media, they can't report this, can they? I mean, this runs contrary to what they've been saying. They can't report this. John's the Cape heart, you know. Oh, yes, that you really want to use the word illegal and after, you know, they cleaned that up, then you have President Biden, he had to go ahead and go forward and make it about Trump as much as he could. And even in doing that, I think he blundered. - Ben, look, when I spoke about the different teaching Trump on me, one of the things I talked about in the border was that is the way he talks about vermin, the way he talks about these people polluting the blood. I don't know what I'm not gonna do, what I won't do. I'm not gonna treat any of these people with disrespect. - Disrespect. - To build the country. The reason our economy is growing, we have to control the border and more orderly slow, but I don't share his view at all. - So you were great using that word. - Yes. (laughs) - And after seeing all of that, you know, Capehart had one job to get him to regret, to say he regrets. So after all that, the vermin and all, he's saying this, and I don't wanna be like Trump, you know, these illegals, they actually helped build the country. I'm not gonna disperse or diminish them in any way. In Capehart. So what you really try to say is, you know, you regret using the word illegal. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's incredible. What we're watching is incredible. And what we're watching is a group of people who think that they own the language. We are watching a group of people who think that they own the narrative. We're watching a group of people that do not understand that with every step of the way on this issue, they're actually making things worse for them. I'm sorry, you may not believe it over there on MSNBC. You may not believe it on the view, but immigration is the number one problem in this country. I'm sorry, not immigration. Illegal immigration, illegal. Swarming across the border is the number one issue in this country. Dividing administration has turned every town, every city into a border town and a border city. The Democrats that are working in those cities, they're not working to stop it. They're making excuses to try to get more money out of you, the taxpayer, to pay for the replacement. And they're doing it in the most insulting way, taking your kids out of the government run schools, taking your kids out of the community centers and putting the illegals in. They're putting illegals in apartment buildings. They're putting a legal, I mean, new apartments. You're being replaced and you're supposed to support this. You're supposed to like this. And they're doing the replacement on the backs of people who have been killed by the community that they're bringing in. President Trump also weighed in on Lake and Riley over the weekend. In some brave, a bold person put together a compare in contrast of the how the two men of power spoke of the slain college student. - It's the word illegal when talking about the man who allegedly killed Lake and Riley. - An undocumented person. And I shouldn't have used the legal as undocumented. - I say he was an illegal alien. He was an illegal immigrant. He was an illegal migrant. And he shouldn't have been in our country and he never would have been under the Trump policy. - Is there anybody that can argue with that because that is absolutely true? We're going to have some more conversation about this issue and how the media is totally trying to control the language. And I think exposing themselves, that's going to come up next on the Jesse Kelly show. I am a talk show host out of the valley, the valley of the sun, Phoenix, Arizona. You can hear us on 550K of YI in Phoenix and 790K in STN Tucson. And we are talking about the weekend. Rarely do you get a state of the union address that was just so, so good that it spilled over into everything, dominated a lot of the conversation on the Sunday shows. And here we are on Monday still talking about it. Why? That's how big the gap was. I mean, let me ask you, what's more upsetting? Saying illegal calling someone a legal alien or a violent murder. What do you think would upset the average person more? Is somebody being mispronounced or mislabeled or somebody being murdered? Imagine if you're part of the family of Lake and Riley. If you're part of her friend group and you turn on the TV set and you hear pundits talking about the fact that, oh, they called the killer instead of calling him a newcomer, they called him illegal and that is absolutely horrible. That's just bad. And that's exactly what happened over the weekend. Journalists think the term illegal is more upsetting than a violent murder of a young woman. The president is walking back a controversial term he used during his state of the union remarks Biden used the word, quote, illegal. He used the term illegal. He used the word illegal. He used the word illegal. He used the word illegals to describe people. He did use a word that did bother people. Immigration advocates don't want to hear him use the word illegal. You can regret using the word illegal to describe immigrants last night, sir. I kind of jumped as well when I heard that word. We normally don't use that word because people are not illegal to be clear. No human being is illegal. Congressman Chewie Garcia saying he was extremely disappointed to hear the president use that word illegal. Joaquin Castro has said like that's using that word and illegal dehumanizing is problematic. What did you make of that problem? Well, that's probably true. He probably should have used a different word. You know, this is really incredible. We are playing a montage of all of these pundits. All of these reporters who are just, you can't say these words. There are advocates out there that just, you know, you that have really banned this word. You can't use this word. Look at the control that the left has over language. Language is power. There isn't any free speech here. There isn't any free speech here. You know, the president of the United States wasn't free to talk about it illegal coming into the country illegally and then doing some illegal actions. I mean, how much more illegal can you get? This is like double illegal. He stole his way into the country and then he killed somebody. But the media, oh, they are hung up on the fact that they use the term president Biden, use the term illegal. As ad libs in the past, this one kind of got him in some trouble, particularly with Democrats who don't use the word illegal, called undocumented workers. Saying to the broad democratic base, you know, I hear you, I hear your concern and I shouldn't use that word as a smart thing to do. No, wait, hold on a second. I hear you. I heard you learn that you use that term and that's not a smart thing. I hear you, but what about the family of Lake and Riley? What about the family of the Americans who are getting, you know, members of their family kill because of illegal criminals? Well, do you hear them? I mean, what the hell is going on? Is this where it is? Yes, politics is now trumping life. These lefties, they're upset because Biden said illegals, they're not upset because Lake and Riley was slaughtered. What was, breathe, breathe the James, breathe. - Directify this by apologizing for using that word to describe an undocumented immigrant. - You used the word illegal. You were great using that word. - Yes. - He understands, understood the damage that he caused. And he was very eager to make a man. - You may be wondering, why does this matter? - Yeah, why? Yeah, honey, why does it matter? - Well, these language matters. The words we used to describe-- - Oh, wait a minute. I think I may have misgendered this woman. I don't know if this is a woman. She kind of looks like a woman, but she kind of looks like, you know, she won't. I should stop, I should stop. I'll tell me why it's wrong, honey. Ooh, ooh, I did it again. - It matters. And unlike Trump, Biden understands that words can shoot for reality and that words can have real world and dangerous consequences. - Okay, no, actually, actually, Biden doesn't understand anything. Okay, Biden would have been just fine if he would have stayed on the teleprompter, but he got off and then he started speaking the way he really thinks. And he really thinks that in this issue, like most of America's, these people are illegals and they don't like, they shouldn't be here. He said that later too, ha, ha, ha, ha, when the drugs were completely wore off. But boy, they have got the fixes. You hear this? You have, you have liberals, like working overtime to fix this problem. - Ah, clean up on her, how fuck? - And that's what this lady is trying to do, this pundit, she's trying to explain why this matters. And I don't think it does. It really doesn't matter. Or what I should say is the fact that they're concentrating on this issue. Instead of on the fact that you have a young woman who is dead and I keep harping on this young woman, but listen, it's been, it's been, I mean, this is more than a flashpoint. This has been like about two weeks of these illegals. Just killing people, on a personal note. I mean, I work on Sunday mornings. There's a group that works in downtown Phoenix in a zone. The zone is an area where the homeless people, drug addicts, people who have mental issues, this is where they hang out. We've been down there for a couple of years. I discovered them on accident and I have been down there every Sunday since, you know, helping, you know, introduce people to Jesus, trying to get them clothes, trying to get them food, trying to get them off the street. For the last three weeks, I have seen more and more illegals in line to get food, illegals to get clothing. They're pretty well dressed already. But when they started cutting the line, that's when I had to kind of, you know, step up and say, "No, no, we're not doing this." You ain't gonna break into the country and then break into the line. James C. Harris is setting it for the Jesse Kelly show. To the Jesse Kelly show. My name is James T. Harris. I am a talk show host out of Phoenix, Arizona. I could be heard on 550K FYI in Phoenix and 790K in ST in Tucson, Arizona, from six to 10, Monday through Friday. Thank you very much. And we are talking about how just unbelievable it is, how the media is absolutely carrying the water from the administration, but you know what? The administration, the Biden administration, Democrats, they didn't always feel this way. They didn't always, you know, support open borders. Now, they've always walked in lockstep, but what we're watching right now, I do believe as part of a design is being done to us on purpose. There's nobody out there that voted for open borders, maybe a handful of screwballs with nobody. This is being done to us. And the reason why you can know this is because just a few years ago, little over 10 years ago, you had Democrats that were popping off talking about illegal immigration. Oh, they were doing it with compassion. But I mean, listen to Barack Obama in 2009. This is the first year of the chocolate Jesus, being president of the United States, Coco Haysos, was talking about immigration. It was, yes, you're gonna be a free ride. - Okay. - It's not gonna be some instant amnesty. - Oh, what's gonna happen is you are gonna pay a significant fine, you are going to learn English, and you are going to, you are gonna go to the back of the line so that you don't get ahead of somebody who is in Mexico to be applying illegally. - Oh! - But-- - You see, I gotta, here's why I disagree with you, Mr. Obama. I mean, those, what, the illegals that were down there in the zone Sunday morning, you know, in Phoenix, Arizona, they weren't going to the back of the line. They were not, they were jumping in front of the homeless people. They were jumping in front of the infirm, and they had attitude. And I had to understand what they were saying, 'cause they were not speaking English. Thank you very much. Listen to this man. Listen to this man. This pie in the sky, this tree. Oh, they're gonna come. You gotta get to the in the back of the line, Barack Hussein Obama. The chocolate Jesus. Coco Jesus. - Of somebody who was in Mexico City applying illegally. (audience cheering) But after you've done these things over a certain period of time, you can earn your citizenship. - Oh. - So then it's not something that is guaranteed or automatic, you've gotta earn it. But over time, you give people an opportunity. Now, it only works though if you do all the pieces. - Right. - I think the American people, they appreciate and believe in immigration. - Yes, we do. - But they can't have a situation where you just have half a million people pouring over the border without any kind of mechanism to control it. So we've got to do with it. - Hold on a second. Then he's saying, you can't have half a million people coming up at that border without the mechanism to control them. How about seven million? God, these people help me Jesus. Help me Jesus. Did he just say we can't have half a million people? Half a million people coming over the border. Oh boy, that's a good seven million conservatively. Seven million. - Pouring over the border without any kind of mechanism to control it. So we've got to deal with that at the same time as we deal in a humane fashion with folks who have put down roots here have become our neighbors, have become our friends. They may have children who are US citizens. That's the kind of comprehensive approach that we have to take. - Comprehensive approach we have to take. Boy, doesn't that sound so naive. That was back in 2008. That was before the Obama administration launched the unaccompanied minor brigade. Remember that? I just happened to be in the right place the right time to see how that whole thing came about. We happened to talk to a caterer who gave us a heads up. They had some type of conference in Alaska like a year or two before where they said they needed all these industrial kitchens down on the border. Why? 'Cause it's gonna be an army of childrens that's coming across. Well, how do you know? (laughs) Well, because we orchestrated it. This is a Barack Obama, give me a little warm up speech. Oh, we're gonna act like we're against this, but they were setting it up. How did we know that? Well, here you have just a few years later, what is this? This is nine years ago. That would have make it what? 2020, 2013, here is Chuck Schumer. Chuck E. Cheese, Schumer, all hardcore on the border. And unrationalizing our system of legal immigration. It's plain and simple and unavoidable. When we use phrases like undocumented workers, we convey a message to the American people that their government is not serious about combating illegal immigration. Ooh! Which the American people overwhelmingly oppose. Okay, Chuck E. Cheese. Did you hear what it just said? Undocumented, you're seeing a clear message to the American people that the government is not serious. You are right, sir. You are so right. They were right back then. What happened? What happened to the Democrats? I think it's illegal, you're not going to say it. I think it is illegal and wrong. Ooh! And we have to change it. Ooh! Above all else, the American people want their government to be serious about protecting the public, enforcing the rule of law, and creating a rational system of legal immigration that will proactively fit our needs rather than reactively respond-- I just don't understand. I just don't understand what we're listening to here. Well, actually I do. I do. And this is how quickly things change. I mean, a year later is when we were now-- we were well under way. A year later, the invasion was on. We went from having children's coming across the border to adults, and at first they tried to say they were families. And by the time President Trump got into office, remember, he was accused of ripping the children out of the arms of their mothers. Evast it. You're taking the children and you're putting them in the cages. Remember how ALC was beside herself, guys? This man is a monster. Now, we don't have families coming across the border. We've got military-aged men. And they're not coming from South America. They're not coming from Mexico. They're coming from all over the free-king world. And now, oh, we're just not talking about having a better life. These people are coming for a better life. No, it sounds like when President Trump said they're not giving us their best, he knew exactly what he was talking about. And now, we're in a situation where we just have so many people coming through, we're not able to keep track of them. And of course, those of us who've been aware was happening. They're saying, hey, well, you know, look, this is going to be the problem. We can't keep track of these people. But they were like, who was this? My orchestra, Alejandro, my orchestra. We have a comprehensive system in which we are able to track. No, no, Alejandro. No. And Christopher Ray, and now the FBI director, he said, you know what, we see a whole lot of dangerous folks coming across the border. From an FBI perspective, we are seeing a wide array of very dangerous threats that emanate from the border. There is a particular network that has where some of the overseas facilitators of the smuggling network have ISIS ties that we're very concerned about. And then we've been spending an enormous amount of effort with our partners investigating. So now they're admitting that we have a wide array of very dangerous people coming across the border, dangerous threats that emanate from the border. Well, wow, isn't that interesting? Actually, no, no, it's not. It's not interesting at all. Actually, that's the kind of stuff that makes me upset. But I'm grateful that I could be in a position where I can give you a heads up on what's going on. I think many of you have caught on. I think many of you are no longer being fooled by your government. I think that many of you understand that this whole replacement theory is not a conspiracy theory. It's actually happening. And if we had an administration that was serious about protecting the border, they would protect the border, but they're not. So we have the FBI confirming what we already know. Coming up, the culture, the mainstream media, I should say, our entertainment division. They're doing the hard work too. I'm telling you, this is an all hands on deck situation. Will they be successful in changing the mind of Americans? James C. Harris, sitting in for the Jesse Kelly show, March is officially here. And while most people have already given up on their New Year's resolutions to get healthier and stronger, the American Patriots at chalk, C-H-O-Q, want you to know that now is the time to choose strength and vitality over weakness and complacency. The problem is, men's testosterone levels are off a cliff historically and all time low. And that's exactly what the liberal elites want, a week in docile underclass. Look, Jesse's been taking chalk for over two years now and the results have been incredible. Boost your testosterone, mood, energy, and focus in 2024 by subscribing to chalk's male vitality stack. The male vitality stack contains chalk daily, it contains tonicat 100, and somewhere did I can't pronounce right now for the ultimate daily boost for your American men. For this month only, chalk is offering a mega-march discount on any subscription for life. It's exclusive to the Jesse Kelly show listeners. Visit and use cold Jesse to unlock this exclusive mega-march sale that cold jessie. cold jessie. You are listening to the Jesse Kelly show, my name is James and T. Harris. Good afternoon, good evening to you. Thank you so much for joining the Jesse Kelly show. I am a talk show host out of Phoenix, Arizona. I can be heard by conservative circus Monday through Friday, 6 a.m. till 10 a.m. on 550K FYI out of Phoenix or 790K NST out of Tucson. I know Jesse Kelly probably talked about the, about the state of the union and he also talked about the response. And the response by Senator Katie Britz, I believe of Alabama is very controversial. I think Senator Britz is a very lovely woman. I do, quite attractive. I can understand why Britz, why they had her delivered the response. You know, Joe Biden is an old goat that's sort of losing his mind. Is he really, we'll talk about that a little bit more in the Jesse Kelly show a little later. So they wanted to counter with someone who was young, someone who was vibrant. And of course, we should play the gender game as well. So they brought in a woman. I listened to the speech. And I have to tell you, I found segments of it cringe worthy. And I did share that on my show. My producer and I went back and forth and we heard from the audience. I mean, we heard through our, our talk back Mike, through we heard from more people than we have heard from in a very long time and it was a very mixed bag. We were sort of chastised for, for talking about a Senator Britz, Brita, her performance being, you know, kind of step for wifey ish. We were told that there was some straight injury behind this whole thing. That this was aimed at suburban women. This was aimed at suburban housewives and single women folk and young folks from the gym, late gen Z, wait a minute, wait a minute. We're late millennial early gen Z. That's what we were told. Now, when I say that that's the case, I don't have a problem because there's nothing Trump could do to drive me away. There's nothing to me they could do to put a wedge between me and my vote for President Trump. So if this is going to attract some younger folks or some of the people who felt like that they were, you know, disconnected or pushed away from President Trump because all the mean tweets that he was putting out there and we can have a softly spoken but intense kind of creepy presentation, you know, at the rebuttal to the state of the union address, okay. Okay. But the left, oh, did they ever seize on this? Yeah, you know, you had Miss Bates. Oh, I'm sorry, Brits. Katie Brit. Katie Brit was part of the Saturday light code open. I'm not going to play for you because it was just, you know, it's mockery that used her words but they had Scarlett Johansson, whoever over there and she was acting like her and she did a very good job 'cause she's a wonderful actress. She played the creepy eerie, she played the sensual, and I'm like, oh man, this is crazy. And then on the Oscars last night, you even had Jimmy Kimmel. Jimmy Kimmel made fun of the state of the union rebuttal. - Emma Stone is an Oscar nominee for fifth time, right? The fifth time this is, and she is, Emily, you are, you're so unbelievably great and poor things. Emma played an adult woman with the brain of a child like the lady who gave the rebuttal to the state of the union on Thursday night. (laughing) Oh my God, that is so great, that is so funny. That's so funny. Okay. Yeah. That's where we are, right? (laughing) But that is where we are. Jimmy Kimmel's soul on funny. You know, he's wasting the, well, you could tell your jokes but what stands out is, absolutely no one. And I mean no one, none of our comedians had anything to say about that ridiculous campaigns, or campaigns speech, yes. Campaign speech, that was the state of the union. There were absolutely no jokes about how decorum was completely lost, and when it was, you had the president go off the rails and say stupid stuff that people are talking about. There were no jokes about how president Biden is more concerned about using the right pronouns that people were being killed because of his policies, and that's what really stands out. So, Senator, Senator Katie Britt, you stand tall. You did what you were asked. You kind of backfired. May have hurt your career, but you took one for the team. Just go ahead and you'll get back into the game and start talking strong strength. If you do that, you will be just fine. - This has been a podcast from WOR. - With Lucky Landslots, you can get lucky just about anywhere. - Daily Beloved, we're gathered here today. Has anyone seen the bride and groom? - Sorry, sorry, we're here. - We were getting lucky in the limo when we lost track of time. - No, Lucky Lane Casino, with cash prizes that add up quicker than a guest registry. In that case, I pronounce you lucky. - Play for free at Lucky Daily bonuses are waiting. 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