Jesse Kelly Show

James T. Harris in for Jesse: Sexual Charges Against Trump...Attorney General Letitia James

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12 Mar 2024
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The Foundation gave him a mortgage-free specially adapted smart home. The home not only enabled Donaldson to live a more independent life, it allowed him to be a better, better father. Since 9/11, tunnel for Towers has been committed to supporting America's heroes and their families all while making sure the America keeps its promise to never forget 9/11 or the service members who sacrificed their lives and bodies for our country. Help families like the Donaldson donate 11 dollars a month to tunnels for Towers at T2T dot org. That's T the number two T dot org. 95 cents of every dollar you give goes directly to their programs. Join the Foundation on its mission to do good. Speaking of doing good, I would be remiss if I did not talk about some of the Republicans who went into the belly of the beast to push back against the radical left and their demands that we call the legal newcomers or migrants or whatever. We did have some Republicans that went into the into the belly of the beast to centering. Well, that centering is a circus. That's me. But you know, the belly of the beast on TV, you know, Sunday morning, these talk shows. We also had a Republican that went into the deli of the beast and shouldn't have, but we'll talk about her a little bit later. You never have to say that she did okay. What am I talking about? Well, I'm talking about what was going on over there on C and N. You had C and N's liberals. What was his Kate Betlingfield and Ashley Allison. They both were formerly with the Biden your Biden campaign officials. I love how all these people on TV we do it to. They go from the administration right into the media. So they can both do the propaganda and carry the water for, you know, for the parties, for the individuals. You know, I would probably be very good on TV. Well, maybe take that back. I was very good when I was doing the punditry on TV. This is back in the day. I was the first live walk off of CNN swore that I'd never go back and have not. I also had a little stint on various Fox News shows that did very well, exceptionally well. But the reason why is because I wasn't carrying anybody's water. I was just, you know, saying what I thought. And at the time, this is before government censorship and all that kind of stuff. It was refreshing to a lot of people just like it's refreshing to many of you right now, hearing my voice for various reasons. But I digress. Things got interesting Sunday when you had these two Republicans that went down into the base to take these, you know, these these these these folks on. And in doing so, I mean, sparks really did start to fly. But but that's okay. Again, that is okay. Because we are now in a place where we're going to have to fight back. We're going to have to have people who can go in and take this type of a heat and be able to return it. How many of you ever cringe when you see a Republican go onto like MSNBC and they're not prepared or they go on to CNN and they're not repaired and they get roasted? Absolutely exposed. Hey, you're like, oh, it's like, so please don't do it. Don't do it. You got to have your eyes done and your teeth crossed if you're going to go into the belly of the beast. You got to know what you're talking about. And on Sunday, things got interesting after Allison bloviated about how Democrats get up and try to show a story of how they can move the country forward while Republicans are busy being disingenuous. I'm surprised to hear you say that it's wrong to mislead the American people and not have much to say about Joe Biden's state of the union. I mean, people are more worried about Katie Brits thing than some of the things Joe Biden said, including yesterday on NBC. I'm not as worried about SNL as I'm worried about what Biden told NBC when he apologized for calling the murderer of Lake and Riley illegal. He had it right in the speech and then he got bullied by his left flank into changing it. Well, it's undocumented and then even more outrageous. He said, I'm not going to insult people like that because they built the country. But I'll come to you in a second. Let's let's put up the video. Put it up there. Jake, Jake Tapper. You don't. Oh, Lord, I have it. He did say he cracked himself to say. He did not apologize. I mean, that is just a that is ludicrous framing. He did not apologize to the. Why does he insist on speaking? The White House is putting out the White House is putting out press releases calling illegal aliens newcomers. Now he's saying, well, I shouldn't have said illegal. It's he's really documented. You know why? Because he is documented to have murdered someone, to have broken our laws, to have been in this country. He's very documented because language matters. Language matters. And Joe Biden is trying to build a coalition of people to get elected pre reelected president of the United States. He's trying to bring in a community of people who care about that kind of language. And within Donald Trump, you have somebody who uses language to divide to so hate to make people feel unwelcome. Yes, this our country is a melting pot. And a big piece of why our economy is is humming, which it is, by the way, you know, let me just say this woman is lying. She's she's clearly lying. And she this is what they have to do. They have to lie in order to prop up their failed presidential candidate, Biden. This country is not humming. President Trump didn't, you know, divide the country, the media divided the country over their hatred for president Trump. But they're just been allowed to go ahead and, you know, try to, you know, prop these things up. But now they got a little bit of opposition is going to get a little tougher. Is my because no, across the world. And that is what these individuals are doing. They are coming to this country fleeing persecution, seeking safety. It's been fall the laws, fall the laws, but you have to have the actual prop, but you have to pass laws, pass laws, you have plenty of laws at least right now, just do it like this. And I was there. So then one another, I was there and this is not, it's not working in this administration. It's the number one issue. And it's completely ignoring it. Yeah. No, there's more than one stuff is a thing going on here. Girl. That's a news busters that that story. I love it. They, they're, they're going to try to continue to talk over you. They're going to try to continue to bully you just like they bullied the president. They're trying to get control of the narrative. This is what they do. So when you go into those situations, you have to be absolutely prepared. You can't be sandbagged. You have to understand what the issue are. You also have to kind of gain plan for it. Why? Because if you don't, you're going to get got. And speaking of getting got, we had a representative Nancy Mase. She went on with George Stephanopoulos. And I am quite sure she did not expect the line to question that she got. Now you could say James, you know, George Stephanopoulos, ABC. That is not it'll CNN or MSNBC. Oh, yes, it is. I was on with George Stephanopoulos. You see that after my infamous walkoff on CNN, that was in 2008. I gave CBS a chance because at the time, the station manager said, you got to do this. I'm like, a lot of people don't watch, you know, they don't watch George Stephanopoulos. Hey, Chris, who's the dude? The American American to sit. They got the gap tooth that's on on ABC with the George Stephanopoulos, you know, people. No, no, no, no. Oh, no, Michael Shrayan, Michael Shrayan. Isn't he on with him? He got the gap tooth, right? He was with Gayo King and all that. Yeah. Anyway, before this, this may be, may have been before we had three hands on the show. Or maybe I'm gonna go back and look over the commercial. But I was on that show. I went into the belly of the bees and I didn't know it at the time. No, they were putting they had the lights in the camera, the hall set up. And then all of a sudden I heard the background, I said, that's George Stephanopoulos. Am I about to be on the air with George Stephanopoulos? Yes, I was. And I want to tell you, my friends, they came after me, but it didn't go well. It didn't go well for them. The only problem is, nobody from my team heard it because we don't watch. You know, those morning shows on the big three, I'll tell you what happened. And also, I'm going to tell you what happened to Nancy Mace. When she went on, which George Stephanopoulos, that is coming up next. My name is James T. Harris, sitting in for the Jesse Kelly show. This may be Jesse Kelly show. My name is James T. Harris. I am out of Phoenix, Arizona, all of the Valley of the Sun. So happy to be sitting in this weekend. Earn should say this weekend. This, this, this Monday, Jesse Kelly is down for account. You got a little bit of issue going on with the, you know, cold, you know, the kids go to school and they bring home all day sickness. Next thing, you know, you sick. That's what's going on with Jesse right now. Pray for him. He'll be all right though. We're talking about CBS back in 2016. I was invited to go on CBS with the their morning show. You had George Stephanopoulos there. They came into the studio, they had to set up the big time. I mean, all this expensive equipment. They had these people, you know, that would run around for the, for the station, you know, their own container, but they're in different parts of the country. It's quite an incredible thing to watch them set up for like about what a 15, 20 second hit. But I was on. Yes, I was on television sitting there and George Stephanopoulos was asking me questions and then store for George Stephanopoulos said, James see, Harris, what do you think about the lies that the president told about being spied upon? I said, well, Georgia, it seems to me like president Trump just threw a grenade right in the living room of the media. Because I don't think it was a lie. He was spied on. And George Stephanopoulos went to somebody else real quick and they were supposed to come back to me. I started talking. He called real loud over me and then they went to commercial. Look at the guy. That was really good. You stood up to it. You answered that question very, very well. I mean, what was I supposed to do? You know, a lot of people won't do that. Well, you know, the president, he should be more careful. What he says, you know, that was just conspiracy. No, he was, they spied on him. It was caught up, you know, crossfire hurricane. We didn't know it at the time. But that's what it was going on. That and more. We didn't know if the still dossier came from Hillary Clinton and was spread around by the FBI and the CIA. We didn't know that. But you know what? I believed President Trump and I believed it because of other things that I had seen in the past. And here you are. They don't want to hear that. Oh no. So they went to commercial. So like what happened with Don Lemon when I, you know, enough about me. You had Nancy Mase, Republican. She went into the belly of the beast. Nancy Mase, Republican South Carolina. And then going on with George Stephanopoulos, is she helped prove the extent to which the media rather than reporting facts and allowing informed viewers to decide for themselves have devolved into partisan, Maoist, communist, just been pushing, crushing the scent. But with George Stephanopoulos, there was a special kind of nasty. He brought on Nancy Mase and they were trying to have, we're going to have a conversation about President Trump. Now I want you to listen to this. I want you to listen to what the nasty little Stephanopoulos, when he tried to drag Nancy Mase into, and you've endorsed Donald Trump for President, judges in two separate juries have found him liable for rape and for defaming the victim of that rape. How do you square your endorsement of Donald Trump with the testimony we just saw? Well, I will tell you, I was raped at the age of 16. And any rape victim will tell you, I've lived for 30 years with an incredible amount of shame over being raped. It didn't come forward because of that judgment and shame that I felt. And it's a shame that you will never feel George. And I'm not going to sit here on your show and be asked a question meant to shame me about another potential rape victim. I'm not going to do that. I'm not going to do that, George. But think about this, George brought her on because this was her name again, Carol. She said that she was raped by President Trump. And it was found that they could not prove that he had raped her. So they, she took him to civil court. And while in civil court, what did they find? Well, they found in favor of Eugene Carol and they were what was it? $83 million that the president is supposed to come up with not for the rape because that didn't happen. Not for the sexual assault because that didn't happen because he talked about it. Got him on defamation. So now you got George Stephanopoulos, you know, bringing Nancy Mason trying to use her to advance the agenda, trying to use her willing to put her through, you know, you were raped. This woman was raped. How can you support a rapist? That was his line of questioning. It's actually not about shaming you. It's a question about no, you are shaming you. You've endorsed Donald Trump for president. Donald Trump has been found liable for rape by a jury. Donald Trump has been found liable for defaming the victim of that rape by a jury. It's been affirmed by a judge. It was not a criminal court case. Number one, number two, I live with shame. And you're asking me a question about my political choices, trying to shame me as a rape victim. And I find it disgusting. Now, Nancy maced to her to her credit. I mean, she did not give into that. She resisted Stephanopoulos multiple attempts, you know, the shamelessness of of Stephanopoulos. They'll stop it. They will use anything. She didn't care. My baby, he was mistaken, right? Maybe he was mistaken. And maybe he got this whole thing wrong. Then he would be up. Oh, you know what? I am so sorry, Nancy. I that was not my intention. But he never said that he just kept going at it. He wasn't even creative enough to, you know, phrase the question in a different way. He just accused her of not, you know, you're wrong. I am not accusing you and then went ahead and asked the same question all over again. And quite frankly, Eugene Carroll's comments when she did get the judgment joking about what she was going to buy, it doesn't, it makes it harder for women to come forward when they make a mockery out of rape. When they joke about it, it makes it harder when other women joke about it. And she's joked about it. I find it offensive. And I also find it offensive that you're trying to shame me with this question. I'm not trying to shame you are. Yeah, you are. And he kept going. And it was a very, very bad look. But what does this tell us? What does this tell us? Well, I'll tell you what I think is going on and how Republicans should prepare themselves, especially if they're going to, you know, go on to these shows, which I wouldn't advise. And we'll do that coming up next. March is officially here. 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You can hear my show on five 50 give away. You can hear my show in Tucson, my adopted hometown on 790 K N S T. And we are talking about Republicans going into the belly of the beast. The latest one to experience that the acid reflux of a George Stephanopoulos on ABC was representative Nancy Mays, Republican South Carolina. I don't think she expected to get a rape question. Oh, you were raped and President Trump raped this woman. Why are you supporting President Trump for the presidency? What he's been convicted of rape? First of all, he hasn't been convicted of rape. Don't see this is how you know. Former Clinton staffer George Stephanopoulos talking about how can you the Nancy Mays that you has been raped support somebody who was raped a woman? Okay, George, George. What was funny is why I need a broad trick. Remember why I need a broad trick? Yes. Why neither broad trick? She was a woman that accused Bill Clinton of raping her after the the assault happened. He was he said to why need a broad trick? Oh, your lip, because you better lip. You should put some ice on that. We've got Kathleen Willy who he groped up in the right off the, you know, the room in the White House. The same day that I think her husband died, committed suicide or something. What? We've got, you know, Paula Jones. Oh, well, we can just sit here and name off all kinds of things. As a matter of fact, my friends, George Stephanopoulos was part of the bimbo eruption team. What he was a staffer for Bill Clinton. What was the bimbo eruption? You know, you had all these women popping up. Yeah, I slept with Bill Clinton. Yeah, I slept with Bill Clinton. Yeah, I had sexual relations with Bill Clinton and it was George Stephanopoulos job along with Hillary Clinton to destroy any woman that claimed that they had relations with Bill Clinton. George Stephanopoulos left the Clinton White House and went to work at ABC News. And now, you know, as a gatekeeper. So, I mean, you, you've got Nancy, she goes on to the show Nancy Mace, you know, but that was so many years ago. Now, George Stephanopoulos, he's a true journalist, right? No, no, people need to be aware. Now, I was naive. I know I wasn't, I wasn't as naive at 2015, 2016 as I was in 2008 when I went on CNN. But now you're going to be a Republican. You got to be Republican now when, when Trump is supposed to be dead and gone, he's supposed to have been buried, but he's still alive. He's not a zombie. He is, he is very, very active and people are like, whoa, so now you have the left freaking out. So what has to happen? I think that Nancy Mace held her own that she stuck to her guns. She wasn't going to give into that. She wasn't given into that line of questioning. And George Stephanopoulos, he didn't alter at all. He kept hammering away, making himself look like a buffoon, like making himself look like what a misogynist. But there's a meaning to think anymore. Why? Because this is the left trying to, to put people in their place. If you don't carry water for us, you come on our shows, we're going to destroy you. It didn't work. So now they got to employ someone else. They can't employ another man, because that's just, you know, that would the one that kill his heel for Stephanopoulos. How are you going to tell a woman how she's supposed to think? How are you going to tell a rape victim? Who they're supposed to support support and not support George? Who you're supposed to listen to the woman. That's what the left says. We can't have you out there doing that. So what are we going to do? We're going to bring in Mika Brzezinski. Oh, yeah. Mika Brzezinski went after Nancy Mace for screaming at George Stephanopoulos. And she also had the help of her husband, Joe Scarborough, who also has some questionable treatment of women in his background. Allegedly. Here they are going off on Nancy Mace. You've, I just showed you the fact that you know better. You show that you're very comfortable with on. And what she thought is offensive to women who've been raped. What you've done this morning is offensive. Well, we'll let the viewers decide about that. Well, now it's just not offensive. And she's not ashamed because she's incapable of being. Well, well, every Trump continually tried to shame Eugene Carroll. And again, it's, I guess, just as a woman who was literally jeering Hunter Biden as he walked into the conference room, when he tried to show up to testify in public. And then ultimately their private testimony went very badly. But oh, oh, I forgot about that. That's right. Hunter Biden stormed the, you know, the, the conference. It caught everybody off guard. But I disagree with Mika Brzezinski's, you know, retelling of it. Nancy Mace was actually did pretty good. Nancy Mace shifted gears. Unlike Marjorie Taylor Greene, who was ready for it. I don't know Marjorie Taylor Greene. She's a beast. She had naked pictures of Hunter Biden. Once they turned the microphone over to Marjorie Taylor Greene, Hunter Biden and crew got up and ran out like the little sissies they are. Come on, Mika. You can't, you can't retell that one. That just happened just a little while ago. I forgot about it. But now that you mentioned that, let's say that straight issue, she was acting like an eighth grader. I just I just wonder shaming how stupid Jonathan O'Mear she thinks people are. Okay. How stupid. And that's the thing again, whether it's bad acting, whether it's lying about a story that happened when George Bush was president and trying to attach it all these years later to bring another story on TV and lying about it. I just maybe after a while, Republicans could figure out why they lost in 2017. Oh my goodness. He lost in 2019. Come on. In 2020. Right. I'll tell you why they lost all those years because the Democrats cheated. James, you're. No, stop it. Come on now. Stop it. I'll tell you that's. I'm here in Arizona. I saw when this all began, how can that be possible? Well, they were doing dry runs all over the place. 2020. Oh my goodness. This man is so far ahead. We got to be. We need to order more mail in ballots. We got to stop counting. Yes, we gonna stop counting for the night and go to sleep and start all over again in the morning. Oh, look. So while we were sleeping, magically Biden took the lead and all of the battlegrounds take shut up. Stop it. You're the ones that's trying to insult our intelligence. Joe Scarborough. How did the Republicans lose in 2017? 2018? 2019? 2020? Because the Democrats got control of the mail in ballot and the Democrats got control of the apparatus and you know what they're operating it. They don't give a hot bloody damn what the American people think. They don't give a damn that the American people don't want open borders. They don't give a damn about the American people not wanting for Biden to bollocks up. The, you know, the, uh, the withdrawal of Afghanistan, they never asked for all this money to be thrown at COVID causing inflation. How did the Republicans lose in 2020? How did they lose in 2022? We're not fools. You think we're fools, sir, but we're not fools. We're wide awake so much so that you have to put all hands on deck to stop what's coming your way. The Trump train brawling through all of your law fair, the Trump train, sir. That's what we're watching and we just need to be careful as Republicans not to put ourselves in the cross here of this because this just gives them fuel, but it's not going to be enough. Things are happening right now. Their narrative is unraveling. That doesn't mean that we can't still bring ideals to the party, but I'm telling you the biggest, the best idea out there right now is America first or whichever state you're living in first. Texas first. Arizona first, Wisconsin first. Every Republicans are not talking about their state first. Well, you got a problem. You got to get them on board. My name is James T. Harris. Sitting in for the Jesse Kelly show. You're listening to the. You are listening to the Jesse Kelly show. My name is James T. Harris. I am your, your talk shows out about Phoenix, Arizona out of the Valley. My friends, my show to conservative circus. We get heard Monday through Friday, six through 10 on K.F.Y.I. out of Phoenix and K and ST out of Tucson. Pure talk believes in American values and that free should be exactly that free. Switch to pure talk today and get a free Samsung 5G smartphone. No four line requirement. No activation fee. Just a sump Samsung that's built to last with a rugged screen quick charging battery and top tier data security. Qualifying plans started just 35 bucks a month for unlimited talk, text, 15 gigs of data and mobile hotspot. Pure talk will connect you to the most dependable 5G network in America for half the price of Verizon AT&T or T mobile. The average family saves almost $1,000 a year. Pure talk, let your talk, you know, their expert, the US customer service team help you make the switch today. Just dial pound 250 and say keyword Jesse Kelly and claim your eligibility for your free brand new Samsung 5G smartphone and start saving on wireless today. Again from your phone dial pound 250 or 250 and say keyword Jesse Kelly to switch to my cell phone company, his cell phone company. Pure talk. We are talking about living in a place that is bizarre, not America. It's not America. Last week I was actually laughing out loud when LaTisha James. LaTisha James went to address some New York firefighters. LaTisha James is New York's attorney general and of course she ran on a political platform valuing to destroy President Trump. She said it out loud. She tried to keep that promise and so far she for now she's been somewhat successful with this lawsuit that was pretty much made out of whole cloth that was made about a lot of law fair that ends up costing President Trump 350 million plus, you know, even more in penalties. We'll see what happens with that. But over the weekend or she said last week LaTisha James, she walked on to the podium at the Christian Cultural Center's Brooklyn campus and members of the crowd were not having it. Oh, come on. We're in a house of God. First, um, simmer down. I want to thank Commissioner Kavanaugh and Chief Hodgens for Wow. Oh, simmer down. We're in the house of the Lord. They're booing. They are booing. Then as she tries to talk to continue her speech, the booze swiftly turned into chance for Trump. Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump. You can't make this up. Oh, she's the queen of New York. Yeah, they showed her, but they showed her how much that they appreciate her. Oh, settle down. Come on. Come on. Yeah. House of God. House of the Lord. First, um, simmer down. I want to thank Commissioner Kavanaugh and Hodgens for that recognition. Yeah, the boings one thing, but the vows for Trump. Well, that sent the fire department into full North Korea mode because they didn't know who they were messing with. They didn't know that New York's attorney general LaTisha James is really Darth Vader. And yes, the empire is striking back in New York City. Oh, man. Oh, this is serious. If you were booing LaTisha James, they're coming after you. Those who booed must turn themselves in for punishment and reeducation or be hunted down. You shall not resist the force. This announcement came via the FDNY, the commissioner, Laura Kavanaugh is hunting down the smoke eaters and other staffers who mercilessly booed New York attorney general LaTisha James and cheered it's a port of Trump. At the NY chief department, John Hodges fired off an email to other agency honchos warning a reckoning led by the department's Bureau of Investigation and trials, trials were coming over the course of a booze and chance of Trump. That is unacceptable. The chief said, I recommend they come forward. I, I've been told that it will be better for them if they come forward and we don't have to hunt them down. Is this America? Is this America? I mean, in a healthy free society, the commissioner might, you know, send around a memo reminding the firefighters, hey, you know what, y'all need to behave, you know, show some grace. This is the promotion ceremony. We all up in the church. Y'all just, can I get you to do that? But they didn't do that knowing the sentiments of the rank and file. This is crazy. Now you have the Supreme Leader, the DA, LaTisha James, just welding power, you know, her first, you know, kill almost not was Donald Trump. Then she went after the meat industry because she said the meat industry producing and the eating of meat is hurting, you know, the climate, but, but, you know, with the climate change, is that what they're calling it these days? It's not, is the climate change still or or is it something else? I know it was the Green New Deal, global warming global. Yeah, whatever the lefty thing is, the LaTisha James is attacking, attacking big meat. And now she's going after the rank and file. She's going after the union. Anybody who does not support her, she's talking about advocating re-education camp. Wow. No, this is not America anymore. But don't fret, my friends. The young, the youth, Generation Z, the woke, they're going to be the salvation of this country. I'll tell you why coming up next James here is sitting again for the Jesse Kelly show. This has been a podcast from WOR. Lucky Land Casino asking people what's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky? Lucky? In line at the deli, I guess? 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