Jesse Kelly Show

James T. Harris in for Jesse: Gender Issues...Muslim Ban

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12 Mar 2024
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Hey guys, it is Ryan. I'm not sure if you know this about me, but I'm a bit of a fun, fanatic when I can. I like to work, but I like fun, too. It's a thing. And now the truth is out there. I can tell you about my favorite place to have fun. Shumbah Casino. They have hundreds of social casino style games to choose from with new games released each week. You can play for free anytime, anywhere. And each day brings a new chance to collect daily bonuses. So join me in the fun. Sign up now at chumbah casino dot com. Don't forget to subscribe to my channel. This is a podcast from WOR. You are listening to the Jesse Kelly show. My name is James T. Harris. I'm sitting in for Jesse Kelly. I hail from the Valley of the Sun. Phoenix, Arizona. I can be heard on 550K FYI in Phoenix at 790 K. S. T. In the Tucson of my show, the conservative circus Monday through Friday, six to 10. And Jesse Kelly, it's a little bit under the weather. Hoping he'll be back tomorrow, but you know, when you have kids, kids are in school, they bring home naysicknesses, spread it to the adults, the hard working adults. But Jesse has backup. May is happy to be here with you. You know, you've heard a lot about saving babies on the Jesse Kelly show. That's because it's important to Jesse and to a lot of people. And you know, let's be frank, we need to save these babies. That is why the Jesse Kelly show partnered with preborn nations leader introducing mothers with unplanned pregnancies to their babies. And once mom hears that heartbeat and sees the precious life growing a cider, she is twice as likely to choose life. No, that's a miracle. But quite honestly, if we don't save them, who will preborn receives no government funding. And that's a good thing. So their work is completely dependent, dependent on us. That's a good thing too. Preborn has rescued over 280,000 babies and they don't stop there. They provide love, support and counseling for up to two years for free saving lives and saving souls. One ultrasound is just $28 or 140 helps to rescue five babies. Keeps them alive. Abortion doesn't stop so we can't together. Jesse Kelly, you I can save lives. Just call pound two five zero on your cell and say keyword baby. That's 250 baby or go to slash Jesse. That's slash Jesse. And of course, it's sponsored by preborn. We got a whole generation of people who have just become so deranged, twisted upside down. Up is down. Left is right, right is left. And most of this craziness, I will admit, it's coming from the left sided aisle. Not that we don't get caught up in some of our own shenanigans, but we are watching like mass psychosis, the whole world. James, are you the saying that you're only one of the same folks out there? No, I'm saying that we are good listeners to the Jesse Kelly show. If you are a conservative, chances are, you know what? You've got things on street. If you are a conservative, chances are that you do see right from wrong. If you are a conservative, you probably believe in law and order. Hold up. If you are a conservative, I think the odds are greater that you believe in God and in Jesus, the Christ. I'm just saying that could be part of the reason. But we've got a really screwy generation and these younger kids out there, you know, the ones that are, you know, part of the late millennials and generation Z and, and they're just, you know, got the nose ring thing and I don't mean any. I'm not trying to pick on anybody, but I'm just sorry. You got all the tats and stuff on it and you want to get a job. I guess folks are forced to hiring them, but that's what we're seeing. Some of these folks are wonderful influencers, social media influencers, and I have noticed something. There is an influencer that has gone viral. I mean super nova. She is against Donald Trump. She lives in fear of Donald J. Trump. She says that if Trump is reelected, it is going to be the end of democracy, which quite frankly, I don't have a problem with because we don't live in a democracy. We live in a republic. Why do people keep saying democracy? I know why, because they want you to get into the mindset of the majority rules. That's why they always are talking about the popular vote democracy. Even folks in our site talk about democracy, even though I reject that we live in a constitutional republic that changes things, doesn't it? But I digress. This tiktoker, what is she? I think she's a generation Z. She's living in fear. And fear is the great mind killer. So she wanted to let you know that there is a list out there. A list that President Trump has got is put together. And this list shows you how he wants to destroy democracy. This is the list of the terrifying things that President Trump wants to do if he wins. Brace yourself. It's crazy. First, he promises that he will carry out the largest domestic deportation operation in history. We'll also ask for the death sentence for anyone convicted of human trafficking. Okay, he will close the Department of Education and return all education standards to the states to decide. He will put prayer back into school and he will criminalize any race based advantage programs. Okay, hold on, hold on. So far. Wow. Put prayer back in the school. Wait a minute. Death sentence for for people who illegally traffic. I mean, that's I mean, if you're into sex trafficking, you're trafficking children. I don't have a problem with the death penalty. Huh, what else is on the list? You will end the Affordable Care Act. Oh, he will ban gender affirming care for adults and children. And he will ban any federal dollars from going towards gender affirming care, which means anyone with government provided health care will no longer be able to access gender affirming care, except for Viagra and Cialis. Those will still be available. Okay. Okay. Producer Chris, can you please help me out here? Can you please tell me what Viagra and that other thing there? Well, what that has to do with gender affirming care? I think she just made that up. Okay. What does, you know, these melon has, well, what does that have to do with gender affirming care? Child. So far, how are we doing? So far, my response to the first part of this list that she has put together is from your Gen Z lips to God's ear, sister, but she was not finished. No, there's more that we have to fear. He will propose a constitutional amendment that gives a term limit to Congress. He will deploy the Department of Justice to investigate the Biden crime family and any of his adversaries or political rivals. Okay. He will immediately pardon all of the January 6th and he will create a task force to investigate anyone who arrested, charged or imprisoned a January 6th. Wow, increase the penalties for underage criminal offenders, strengthen immunity for police officers and deploy the National Guard to patrol woke cities. I didn't, uh, didn't the governor of Hokel over there in New York? Didn't she employ the National Guard to kind of, you know, try to protect what was going on in the, uh, the subway is there because people got completely out of hand. Was that Hokel? No, we're, we're letting, uh, immigrants come in right into the, into the country. Don't check anything, but we're checking citizens random check. Well, I, so fine. I got to tell you this woman, they, we need to get her to come to the R and C to the convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. We need to have her on is somebody needs to turn this into an ad. I think that this could be part quite possibly one of the most powerful ads of the year. Generation Z freaking out. These are all of the things that the president is going to do if he is back in power. Day one, he will reassess our participation in NATO and says that every European country needs to pay the United States for protection. Yes. We'll also restore the wonderful travel ban for Muslims coming to America. Oh, come on, girl. Come on. Muslim bad. Oh, you put up a ban for people who are coming from terrorist countries. You the one that threw Muslim up on there, but that's how you want to roll. Okay. Are you listening to this? This is what the left fears? Come on. Are you sure this is not Babylon B? Is this a spoof? No, this is real. And she still has a lot to go on the list. We're going to go through all of this because be quite honest with you. It gives me hope for the future generation. I know they think these things are bad, but this is actually very good. James T Harris sitting in for the Jesse Kelly show that you are listening to the Jesse Kelly show. My name is James T Harris. I am out of Phoenix, Arizona. You can hear my show on 550 K f y i and Phoenix 790. Canis T in Tucson, the conservative circus. My pillows Mike Lindell is passionate about helping America get a great night's sleep. This started with the original my pillow. After the pillow, he focused on betting and created the now famous Giza Dream Shades, which you have heard just just to tell you rave about. Now the time is to upgrade your betting and give these Giza Dream Sheets try for a limited time. You can purchase a queen size set for 5998 or a king size set for just $10 more with promo code Jesse. These are deeply discounted. Mike and my pillow employees continue to be canceled by big box stores and attacked by the media. They appreciate all your support during these times and want to thank you by giving you free shipping on your entire order today. Just go to my and click on the radio list or special square to check out the sale on the Giza Dream Sheets. Now when you click on Jesse Kelly Square, you will find other deals such as 60% off the original My Slippers, Inter promo code Jesse or call 800-854-0544 for free shipping on these limited time specials. My pillow. We were talking about a young influencer who put together a list, a list of things that will happen if Donald Trump is reelected into office and this influencer is terrified. She thinks that if this comes to pass, it's going to be the end of democracy that if this comes to pass, that our future is going to be living in a totalitarianism state. We are going to live under a dictator. So she's trying to warn people on social media and this social media post has gone viral, has gone supernova, fast and safety belts. I'm going to reintroduce some of the things that she said that we need to be afraid of. Then we'll make our way to the rest of the list, but you must be prepared. On day one, he will reassess our participation in NATO and says that every European country needs to pay the United States for protection. He will also restore the wonderful travel ban for Muslims coming to America. He will build freedom cities. This is 10 new cities built on federal land. He will award them to areas with the best development proposals, and he will prioritize moving young families to these freedom cities. Wow, young families are going to go to freedom cities. Can I go? I mean, my family is older. My kids are growing their out of the house. That sounds weird to say, but it's true. But still, can I be there as a support person in these freedom cities? I mean, that's better than what the administration is doing right now and moving illegals into already occupied places, you know, just cleaning them out in order to put the illegals in or putting illegals in brand new apartment buildings. Or wait a minute, giving you know, illegals, favorable loans, housing loans, so they can get started on the American Dream. Girl, please. But she's serious. She wants you to know that this is what you you you make of people. If you put President Trump back in office, this could very well happen. He will kill all e vehicles and e vehicle legislation seeking to replace that with the development of a flying car, believe that we create a car that vertically takes off. Okay, then already have all of the limits on American natural gas exports. Oh, baby drill for oil domestically. You will impose a tariff of up to 60% on Chinese imports. He will extend the 2017 tax cuts and drop the corporate tax rate from 21% to 15%. Oh, I love you. Hold on. Oh, I'm starting to get bothered in here. I'm starting to get around the way I got to. I got to find myself. It's thin tax cut. Get rid of the even man things. Whoo. Oh, I don't know if I can take any more. I got to get a cigarette. Hold on. Here we go. Here we go. Should I play that one for the topic? Because I think I just kind of erased. I see I did because I was just getting too excited. I was getting too excited. This is the the Tik Tok around there telling us what we can expect to happen if Donald Trump is back in office. He will demand that Europe pay back all the money we gave Ukraine. And then he will use all of that money to recruit for the American military. Well, he will take billions and billions of dollars from private university endowments by taxing, finding and suing the universities. He specifically names Harvard in this one. Absolutely. And we'll use that money to create the American Academy. Oh, it is a free online college that will be free of wokeness. Okay. That he will force employers to recognize as a bachelor's degree equivalent. Wow. That's agenda 47. I thought you would be happy free college. Y'all talking about free college all over the place. Now the president is going to, you know, provide you with the opportunity to go to college for free. And you met somehow that's the apocalypse. The president wants to get rid of EV cars and he wants to drill baby drill and invest in natural gas. You know, also win solar and everything else, but natural gas and an oil. Wait, he wants to be energy independent. Is this less serious? Are you really afraid of this? You know what? Jesse Kelly's producer, Chris, you know, he's one of these young families that would probably have an opportunity to live to go live in freedom city away from all of the crime and all of the ways of all of the troubles and, you know, and he would have a chance of, you know, to grow, to raise his family with his beautiful new daughter, they could raise their family, you know, in a, in a country that is booming. Jesse Kelly's producer Chris, was there anything on that list that you found troublesome? He said, yeah, he said nothing particularly egregious. So, so do we really have the young folks? Are they that twisted that they believe that this is something you're supposed to fear? Are you telling me that we want people who have more government control that can absolutely remove you from what you're doing? Control the job market so you can't be a part of the American Dream. Do you want it all of that handed to you as if you think it would be if you gave them control? Yes. Yes. This is how far our education system has started. Look what the government's done in the last four years. Oh, we're going to shut down the school for two years for a virus that really has a negligible impact on young people. But we're going to shut it down for two years. We're going to disrupt your education. And now we're facing a problem in some cities where 60% of the students are chronically absent. That's that you want that? That's somehow going to to enhance democracy. Oh, yes. Well, I'll tell you, if this is the problem, if this is what this young person thinks, I really believe we need to get behind her. We do. We need to have her out there at the Republican Convention. We need to get out. Well, I'll pay the way if the RNC will put her on stage. I'll do that. What we need to do in the commercial, making a commercial. This, her rent needs to be that a commercial payer for the rights. See what that would do. Because she has, she has put together the perfect template that's going to motivate, what did I say, motivate Americans to get involved. I want to talk to you about another campaign commercial that came out that is absolutely devastating. James T. Harris, sitting in for the Jesse Kelly show. You are listening to the conservative, not this is the conservative circus. You know, I've been doing a sitting in for Jesse Kelly for a while. How long now in this first time I did that? You are listening to the Jesse Kelly show. That's what you're listening to. My name is James T. Harris. I am the ring master of the conservative circus that can be heard in Phoenix and Tucson, Arizona. 550K FYI and 790K in ST. The free I Hark Radio app. Just so happy to be sitting again for Jesse Kelly this evening. For over a year now, Jesse's been telling you about his friends at done for you real estate. The guys actually sat down and they broke bread together. They've seen their work and he's seen their hearts. They're the real deal says Jesse. Well, today Jesse got something huge for you. They put together this incredible book. Micro wins to millions. Not just a book, my friends. It's a lifeline for the average American who's been left behind by Wall Street and self-interested financial institutions. It's a game changer for your financial future and a micro wins to millions. They reveal their entire formula for real estate success that the big guys don't want you to know. It's about small, consistent wins, not those risky big moves. These guys have been helping people like us for 15 years and now they're ready to help you too. Don't take Jesse's word for it. Head over to and trust me, this book is what every freedom loving American needs to achieve real economic independence. Visit to check it out. We are living in a period of time in which I do believe we're watching our Republic dissolve. Some people say it's already gone. How can you have a Republic with an open border? Hey, do you know how the Roman Empire for those of you guys who are are history buffs? Do you know what brought the Roman Empire down as a high school teacher? I used to list the 26, we will put 26 things up on the board, 26 reasons on the board. We've had the kids, had the books and they would pick it out, come up and write it on the board. After years of doing this, about 26 will we come up with? These students will sit down and look at this and they'd be like, "Whoa, Mr. Harris." More than half of that list is what we are going through now, today. That was back in the 90s. If I make that list right now, I believe we're experiencing all of it, but oh my goodness, what was it that really caused the Empire to cave in on itself? What the hell? It's the fact that we got our military, our strongest military in the world. Well, we ended up letting illegals, these people coming from other countries, let's just say the Romans, let the viscos and these other folks come in and be a part of the military. They didn't have any love for Rome. They had no patriotic spirit for Rome. Eventually, they're not going to kill these people or kill those people on behalf of Rome. And you saw Roman strength dwindle. The same thing is happening right now. We actually got a senator or a Republican out there, now Republican, a Democrat, congressman talking about, "I want to put forward a bill that lends the illegals, you know, serving the military because if you're willing to fight and die for your country, you're going to shut up. That's stupid. Do you not read history? What the? This invasion that we are experiencing right now, this is going to hasten the end of the Republic. But there's things that have been happening that are giving me, giving me pause. I mean, I do believe that, you know, God willing, we can keep our Republic, but it's going to take a fight and it's going to take people waking up. And you know what? You've got outlets like CNN, they don't want people to wake up. That's against their interest. They have to carry out the interest of the regime. There was a commercial that an organization tried to run on CNN and CNN said, "Niac, no." No. Why? Because the timing of this commercial, this ad, it was put out by building America's future. This is devastating. There's no embellishment. You've got the music behind it. But everything that they talk about in this ad is actually real, actually happened. And there's no American that supports this, even though it is the Biden agenda. Lake and Riley should have been able to go on a run in broad daylight without being murdered by an illegal immigrant. But Joe Biden promised not to deport illegal immigrants. Should that person be deported? That person should not be the focus of deportations. Biden vowed not to detain illegal immigrants who crossed the border. No one, no one, would be put in jail while waiting for their hearing. So when Jose Ibar crossed into America illegally, he was not deported. He was not put in jail. Biden also supported sanctuary cities. Should undocumented immigrants arrested by local police, he turned over to immigration officials. So when Jose Ibar was arrested in New York City for a day during a child, he was freed a second time. Ibar went to Georgia where he beat Lake and Riley to death. How many more killers has Biden set free building America's teachers responsible for the content of this advertising? What a powerful, powerful, powerful ad. And how come that was not allowed to be played? What a powerful ad. What, what, what, what, what lies were told. What embellishments were made? Absolutely not. And now we know, we know, oh, and we've known this, but it's becoming more stark. You have the outlets for the regime. All of so-called news and half of Fox News are more than bought and paid for their operatives for the uni party, their operatives for the deep state, their operatives for the donor class that's running this country. The donor class is the one that wants open borders. The donor class doesn't care anything about the republic. They care about power and resources. And they're replacing the American people that are starting to wise up and wake up to what's going on. And they're bringing them over with a bunch of people who will be grateful for the next two generations because Biden let them in the country. Meanwhile, American citizens are paying the brunt of this. How? Well, we're watching our citizens be treated like second-class citizens. This is not America first with the Biden administration. It's America that lasts in Americans last. President Biden couldn't even give the Riley family a call to offer his condolences. That's probably why he didn't know how to pronounce a young lady's name when he used her to advance his agenda last Thursday night. First to that sort of interesting flip flop on the use of the word illegal. I mean, there's no bigger platform on which to say it than the state of the union. Certainly he must have had it in his teleprompter. Now all of a sudden, he's backpedaling. Why? Yeah, and it's quite telling that Biden to my knowledge has not apologized to Lake and Riley's family for mispronouncing her name. And yet he's apologizing to Lake and Riley's killer for correctly describing him as an illegal immigrant. This just proves that Biden cares more about her killer than the victim and her in the victim's family. It's really remarkable. Yeah. And somebody got to him because he. Well, yeah, because he gets out here trying to reverse over the weekend. But it is really remarkable. And it's very telling. And people ought to accept the message. They don't like you. They hate America and they're trying to replace America's. That's a fundamental transformation. President Joe Biden, this is not going to be a big stretch. He really threw a monkey wrench into the whole Israel Hamas conflict by insulting Benjamin Netanyahu. I will tell you what he said. Coming up next James T. Harris, sitting in for the Jesse Kelly show. I'm out of Phoenix, Arizona, and Tucson. You can hear my show on 550 KFI I 790 K and ST in the free I hard radio app. Happy to be sitting in for Jesse Kelly today. I'm not a shame of saying for Jesse Kelly that he loves his dog. I got a dog out of you like it too. But Jesse loves his dog and definitely wants him to be as healthy as possible. And that's why he gets so excited about rough greens. You know the real the real appreciation for rough greens, the passion that rough greens creator, a natural path that Dr. Dennis Black has for dogs and for the good health is why this is an amazing product. Dr. Black knows that nutrition is critical for dogs. That's why he created rough greens with all the needed vitamins, minerals, probiotics, omega oils, digestive enzymes, and antioxidants. Bad doggy breath, older, poor digestion, icky joints, low energy can all be dealt with with the dog that when he gets his nutrition right, these nutrients that he needs. Right now, Dr. Black and his dog are offering a free jumpstart trial bag. So your dog can try it. You don't need to change your dog's food. Just add a scoop of rough greens to it. A free jumpstart trial bag can be at your door in just a few business days. Go to or call 83333mydog as President Trump has been making it around. Oh yeah. He wants you to know that he is vibrant, that he is sharp as a tack. Especially after the state of the union address, he was out and he was about, he was making promises. The type of promises that the American people want. No, we don't want anything to do with closed borders. No, we don't want anything to do with the economy. No, we don't want any of that. What we want is abortion, right? That's what he's talking about. It's absolutely incredible. He wants abortion. Pennsylvania, I have a message for you. Send me to Congress so I can support this right. I promise you we take back Congress. We will restore Roe v. Wade as the law of the land. Okay, I got a question. I got a question. Did he say if we take back Congress, did Joe Biden confuse himself? Does he think that he's running for Congress or that we need to take back Congress to order to get you abortion? Let me just make sure I got this straight in here because that was the one Pennsylvania. I have a message for you. Send me to Congress so I can just write this right. No, I promise you we take back Congress. We will restore Roe v. Wade as the law of the land. He said, send me to Congress. Send me back to Congress. There's so much wrong with this. First of all, sir, you're not going to be able to restore Roe v. Wade as the law of the land. Maybe if you codify it, I guess that's your main pass along cited into law and you're a bill cited into law. I guess that would be possible. But still, here's a big story over the weekend. You know, we've got this conflict in going on right now. We got this conflict over in, well, two places. We've got it going on in Ukraine. And we also have the problem going on in Israel. But the administration's responsible things is crazy. We're demanding cease fire in Israel. We want Israel to stop their fighting. And in Ukraine, we demand that you send your money to Ukraine. We have to defeat Vladimir Putin. We have to, no, we may have to go over there and fight him ourselves. Really? That's should be causing cognitive dissonance for a lot of Americans. On a hot mic, President Biden got caught saying that he needed to, you know, have a, well, a come to Jesus moment with Benjamin Netanyahu. You hear about that? A come to Jesus moment. Well, I wouldn't be opposed to having to come to Jesus moment. You know, if, if I really believe that Joe Biden knew Jesus and, you know, if, if, you know, see, if Netanyahu was open to it, but see Netanyahu is Jewish. So how are you going to have a come to Jesus moment? And I knew what you meant. You don't have to try to explain it. Joe Biden, I knew what you meant. It was as a night. You were caught on a hot mic after your, say, the union address, talking to Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken and Senator Michael Bennett, saying, quote, I told him BB, and don't repeat this, but you and I are going to have a come to Jesus meeting. What do you mean by that? Well, I mean, that was just an expression used in the southern part of my state, and it serves me. And it was, I've known BB for 50 years, and he knew what I meant by it. What does he mean by it? What's the come to Jesus part? What's what love do you, are you going to give to? Well, what is the come to Jesus part? What is it? What does it come to Jesus part? What did you really mean by that? Benjamin Netanyahu, he knows what I mean by that. It's, you know, it's a term that is used in the southern part of my state. Come on. Have you ever, have you heard of Jesse Kelly's producer, Chris? Have you ever heard the term come to Jesus? Yeah, well, what does it mean? Is this something that it was? Do you live out there and where does, where does Biden live? Are you in the southern part of this home state? Is that the only place where come to Jesus mean something? All you in Texas, what do you, you in the Bible belt? You certainly know what a come to Jesus moment means. This is kind of crazy. They want that ceasefire. He wants that ceasefire really bad. Why? Because he needs for the people in Dearborn, Michigan to see that he stopped this whole thing. He stopped what they consider to be, you know, just, you know, mass murder. What's happening is he has a right to defend Israel, a right to continue to pursue Hamas, but he must, he must, he must pay more attention to the innocent lives being lost as a consequence of the actions he's taken. He's hurting, I in my view, he's hurting Israel more than helping Israel by making the rest of the world as contrary to what Israel stands for. And I think it's a big mistake. Yeah, I do too. I think it's that we're not necessarily what Benjamin not used to do in war as hell. And I hate to see so many people losing their lives. But I mean, let's take the same logic and appear, you know, apply it to the southern border, Mr. President. Nobody wants to open border. And look at the harm is causing. Look at the people who are being killed, people being murdered. Look at the fit. No, that's coming across the border. Look at the control that the cartels have on the border. Where are you? Don't tell. Why are you talking about Netanyahu and in Israel? Netanyahu could take care of his own business. Why are you trying to get up in his business when your business is just completely undone unfinished and creating so much harm? That's another thing that the American people are getting absolutely sick of. Well, why are they? How are we sending billions of dollars to Ukraine to help out with their infrastructure and, you know, the pension for their firefighters and all that kind of stuff? Where you have people literally in the streets here, you're bringing in illegal aliens and you're putting them in the very places you could have been putting the homeless and the firm, the veterans. Don't nobody want to hear about a come to Jesus moment between you and Netanyahu? What you need to fear is a come to Jesus moment between you and the American people, sir. This has been a podcast from WOR. It is Ryan here and I have a question for you. What do you do when you win? Like, are you a fist-pumper? A woohoo, a hand clap or a high-fiver? I kind of like the high-fiver, but if you want to hone in on those winning moves, check out Chumba Casino at Chumba Choose from hundreds of social casino style games for your chance to redeem serious cash prizes. There are new game releases weekly plus free daily bonuses. So don't wait. Start having the most fun ever at Chumba No purchase necessary. P.W. report prohibited by law. C-terms and conditions. 18 plus.