Jesse Kelly Show

Communism; Democrat/Republican Views; Ask Dr. Jesse Friday

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09 Mar 2024
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Lucky Land Casino asking people what's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky lucky in line at the deli I guess I'm in my dentist's office more than once actually do I have to say yes you do in the car before my kids PTA meeting really yes Excuse me. What's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky? I never win and tell well there you have it You can get lucky anywhere playing at lucky land slots calm play for free right now. Are you feeling lucky? No purchase necessary for everybody by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply What's everything else it is the Jesse Kelly show another hour of the Jesse Kelly show on an ass doctor Jesse Friday Yes, there's obviously gonna be more state of the Union talking rebuttal talking all kinds of other things going on this hour That's the this guy won't taste Jesse. It's funny that Biden says again about how he lost the child himself When told to say like and Riley yes, I heard him bring that up last night as well talking about her death Talking about illegal immigration and of course he brings up his dead son I I'm let's have a conversation here as one we've had before but this is a little background that a lot of people don't know norm Definitely doesn't know this the Biden family Was always a political family this goes back actually to his parents Joe Biden was raised and essentially groaned by his parents To be a politician to go after power and Joe has been doing that for a very long time I'm gonna go somewhere with this just stay with me Joe's been a politician for a very very very long time and as a politician He has a record going back a very long ways of doing some of the most despicable things ever to just hamfist his way to politic his way to more and more power I Will again bring up the picture of Joe Getting sworn into the United States Senate go look it up yourself if you'd like it's available online You go look at it right now When Joe Biden was originally sworn into the United States Senate the picture you'll see is probably a black and white one I don't think I've ever seen a color one so I think it's just in black and white and What you will see is Joe Biden It's really weird looking picture because he's there He's got his hand on the Bible and his right hands up and he's swearing in but you see It looks like he's in a hospital room because he is in a hospital room and you will see there is a child there The child has his arm kind of he's the child's laying there the child's in this full suit But he's laying there and his arm is kind of held awkwardly above his head. You're looking at the picture now Aren't you crazy see what I'm talking about? Well, you know what that was Joe Biden had just had a terrible car wreck with his family His son is laying there Broken absolutely broken body broken. I forget all the injuries, but it was bad broken bones in the works And it was time Joe Biden had just been elected to the Senate and it was time for him to be sworn in So he didn't even need this to win his election. I want to stress this It wasn't even and not that that would make it better, but at least there was a legitimate reason Joe Biden could have been sworn in in fact They offered to swear Joe Biden in anywhere he wanted including in the hallway of the hospital Hey, we know you want to be here with your family Let's do it in the hallway that way you don't have to come down to Capitol Hill Joe Biden refused and insisted instead That they stage a photo op and do the swearing in in the room where his broken little boy Was laying in a hospital bed And so having just had this horrific tragic accident For a photo op that he thought would make himself look good He had his boy dressed in a full suit and then made them take a picture You're watching the you're looking at the picture now. Aren't you if you're not driving? I hope you are He made them take that picture with his broken son Because he thought it would simply help him in the public's eye Joe Biden has been a sociopath for Joe Biden's entire adult life and People like that Even their family members simply become Transactional when we look at these politicians we think to ourselves Well, at least they have to probably at least he probably loves his son like I do right? You would die for your daughter your son. I mean, I'm not saying he loves or doesn't love I can't say to that but it's not like you do When his son Bo Biden died He died in Walter Reed Hospital If it's horrible sad awful. I don't know what emotions Joe Biden felt. I don't know I'm sure at least I should say I would hope they were genuine There was genuine sorrow there and genuine tears. I'm sure of that But it did not take long you can go back and look at the public record It did not take long for Joe Biden To very clearly view his son's death as being a political benefit to him and he began Year decades ago. He began years ago using Bo Biden's death to politic and Now he's at the point in his life where his mind obviously isn't working. Well, and now look This is something he did when his mind did work well But it's simply in Joe Biden when Joe Biden is dealing with any kind of tragedy or wants to deflect any kind of anger that might be aimed towards him Joe Biden brings up his dead son Remember Chris. We was the gold star parent. I can't remember was a mother or a father They were they were they were given testimony or talking on the news one of the parents One of the gold star parents of one of the 13 warriors who died in Afghanistan Was talking about How Joe Biden met them and when he met them? This is it's like again It's not just what he does for camera when he met them after they just lost their son or daughter I remember which one it was who died Immediately Joe Biden begins talking about his son President Biden he's often called the consolar in chief. He he does no not that one not that one Chris That was the one for me I said it doesn't matter what it is everyone will remember what I'm talking about one of the parents was just talking about He met me and he started talking about his son Bo who died Why does he do this? For sociopaths like this They don't feel the way you feel if God forbid you lost someone close to you like that a son a daughter a Parent a wife a husband it would hurt in some way forever and maybe you have and it still hurts and it would never occur to you To use that as an opportunity, you know use that at work or something like that Well, I mean I know you're mad at me about the TPS support stop boss But you know my daughter died a few years ago you would never it would never occur to you to say something like that It's so gross and so awful, but these people it would never occur to them not to use it These people were broken man. They're really really broken sick people. They are they They can't help themselves good doctor You say you would not be a senator or cabinet member, etc If the next administration whomever that is where to make you the deportations are with literally all the resources necessary to deport every illegal alien possible within the next four years would you take the appointment absolutely yes but that would never happen and I need to I need to say something now and I'm not being a Debbie downer. I'm really not so I'm just gonna say it really quickly and I'm going to move on We are not going to deport millions of people ever No one is going to deport millions of people Because the political pressure the media pressure that would come down on anyone who attempted that would make that human being fold and fold quickly even Normy Republicans out there who think they want millions of people deported I and I am one of those people but even normy Republicans out there who think they want illegal is deported would back off of that stance the second the millisecond a Video comes out of an illegal child crying crying for his mommy mommy don't go come back It would be over in this country the American people are too soft To take care of the illegal immigration problem the biggest lie the American people are telling themselves right now Is that they want to solve the problem? No, you don't You want a bunch of thing? Well, this doesn't probably apply to you But the American people want a bunch of things that sound nice But when it comes down to it, they don't actually want to solve the problem. Yeah, Jesse. I want to deport illegals Okay You find with throwing a family of eight in the back of a patty wagon in the middle of the night I'm talking father mother six kids. You okay with that kids will be crying. You all right still sure You want to solve the illegal immigration problem? Are you ready to turn people away at the border at gunpoint? Including even women Are you ready for that? Look if if the answers know it's okay But if the answers know then you're not ready to solve the illegal immigration problem To stop any legal invasion into your country. It's going to involve tears arrests Turning people away at gunpoint people will die in the desert Because of the policies that we would have to enact. Are you okay with that? If not, then you don't care enough about your country to solve illegal immigration. I know that's harsh. That's life All right, let's talk a little bit more about them creating the problems someone wants heavy deed around again in 2028 all kinds of things Let's discuss the problem that we all face pain Comes for all of us at some point in time. Hey if you're 15 and you don't have any right now Don't worry. It'll get there look. It's and it's not all bad and I realize I'm 42 I'm not 62 yet, so I can't speak to all the problems, but Look things start to ache your joints start to hurt more you wake up. You can't move your neck sometimes. It's it happens So what do we do to deal with it? Well, sadly we do unhealthy things The normal thing the normal Kelly way I've always dealt with it is I grab ibuprofen I'll go grab three four pop them good to go takes away that inflammation, but that's terrible for you Isn't there a natural way to fight inflammation a natural way to help your body do this there is it's called relief factor It's drug free all natural ingredients drug free You take it every single day and it helps your body's natural response to fight inflammation you can get rid of the aches and pains and joints and muscles without destroying your liver They sell three-week quick start kids for 1995 Call 1-800 the number four relief or go to relief We'll be back Feeling a little stocky follow like and subscribe on social at Jesse Kelly DC Len Berman and Michael Riedel in the morning 6 till 10 Monday on 7 10 w o r I Keep hearing that a lot of people are still on the fence about owning gold and silver Have we already forgotten about the bank closures inflation global instability world war three that sadly may be coming look precious metals You need them for various reasons you want tangible currency on hand a portfolio diversification strategy It's a hedge against inflation. 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This show what Michael that's how you use it. That's how they would just use it What did I'd say that was wrong this this is this thing is lit this next question is what Chris what? Your fit is on fleek. What does that mean? What's your fit? Is it ten years old is lit old? Oh, no, what's fleek mean? Who's fleek? I Don't understand any of this and these guys don't explain anything to me I'm going moving on chassis the communists are busy creating problems so they can claim to be the solution and thereby gain power is the right actually doing the same thing are they similarly creating problems by not standing up to the commies and Then they will claim to be the solution the GOP Does not actually want to win. Let me allow me to explain. Let me explain They want to hold power Right, so they do want to hold power But there's a huge huge difference between holding power and winning Allow me to explain allow me to explain. I want you to picture your local high school football team And let's say the local high school football team is garbage hot steaming garbage They lose 10 games a year garbage that can never feel to good team But high school football still really big in your town and the high school football coach Hey, it's good to be the high school football coach You don't got to wait for reservations on a Friday night. Hang on coach. We'll get you a table right there Oh, hey coach. You need some new tires. Hey, you know what this sets on me. Good luck this year coach written for you Okay, so you get the idea you're in a town the football team's garbage the coach Is a pretty good life now He gets bounced They finally get rid of him for whatever reason he gets old and he dies There are two types of people who would want that job There's the type of guy who wants to be the head football coach because he wants The perks that come with being the head football coach the respect the no dinner reservations the free tires And then there's a second type of guy He wants to be the head football coach because he wants to turn this team of losers into a team of winners Now here's the difference between the two the first guy just wants the benny's the second guy Actually wants to put in the work The second guy Benny's or no benny's he wants to be there sweating with the players during two days in the summer time He wants to be there staying up late at night. Once I go home see his wife. She made spaghetti tonight But he's spending another hour doing film trying to figure out how to turn this team into a stud team There is a million miles in between the in between those two head coaches I just described and what we currently have in the gop is the first kind of coach They want to be called senator. They want to be called congressman. They want to be called president They want all the perks that come. I'm a state senator. I'm a this I'm a that look. I got my fancy lapel pin got some pretty girls. I'm a staff over here How about that state dinner? Life is good, but what they don't actually want to do is lead us and defeat the communists That is the difference the communists. They don't elect people like that When they elect democrats Elected democrats view themselves as being the vanguard of communism in this country They intend to win. It's why they sell out for every cause at any turn Because they are out there trying to win when they have power. They will use power endlessly Executive orders illegal this illegal that you have to basically throw chains on those people And tie them down to stop them. They're not bound by laws constitution decorum It doesn't matter. They intend to win and that's when they have power, but when they're out of power They're just as committed when it's uh president trump with a gop house and gop senate Do you remember how they conducted themselves on top of all the ridiculous investigations and everything? It was street anarchy. It was protests. It was this it was that they intend to win no matter what The gop does not The gop wants to exist Oh, they want to be the old ball coach Yeah, man. I want to be the coach. I want people to call me coach. I want people to call me senator I want people to say mr. President I want that I want that lapel pin showing me to be a congressman, but hold on you want to you want me to You want me to do things that'll make me unpopular Do you do you really expect me to do things that'll get myself that'll get me screamed at when i'm trying to walk to the car I don't want to get screamed at when i'm trying to walk to the car What I want is my daughter to get into harvard and if I just don't make any waves here in dc Don't get too loud. I could still be a senator I'm not going to get any wins for the country, but my daughter will get into harvard and i'll kind of be you know one of club That's the difference in the parties. That's why you don't see the things you don't see. All right. We have a lot more Let's talk about basic preparations basic preparations you didn't You didn't hear the president say once during a 68 minute state of the union speech last night He didn't say one thing about his intention to save the economic situation in the country Nobody does. No, i'm not even indicting biden on this republicans don't really talk about it either Everyone is just kind of accepted apparently that we are going to financially collapse I can't believe that that's where we are, but that's where we are So start planning for that Start making preparations. You don't have to go crazy You don't have to start your own farm. Although that would be sweet if you did Make sure you have emergency food My patriot supplied a partner with the show that we've been partners for a long time They've helped millions of americans make preparations There's a reason everyone loves them. They have four-week emergency food kits right now $60 off at prepare with Prepare with get a four-week non-perishable emergency food kit go now. We'll be back It is the jesse kelly show on an ass doctor jesse friday I'm going to pick the pace up on these questions. What else are we going to learn from this state of the union address? Anyway, joe biden attacking the supreme court. What a shock you already knew why? I stay some leading international effort to get more humanitarian assistance to gossip Tonight, right? That's the wrong one at all. This is the right one. I do that a lot. Chris. You're stupid with all due respect Chris put in the wrong buttons. That's what happened with all due respect justices women are not without electoral electoral power excuse me electoral or political power You're about to realize just how much you What does that mean well American democrats are going to continue to make these kind of vague weird threats to the supreme court Just like shurimer did biden just did it during the state of the union And they're going to do this because These kinds of harassment campaigns are effective on human beings and the people on the supreme court are human beings Eventually you get tired of protesters in front of your house Assassins coming to kill you you get tired of all the nonsense and you retire no way or For the democrats. I mean, how sad do you think they would have been if Brett kavanagh's assassin had been successful They wouldn't have even really spent a day pretending to be sad. Oh, man. That's too bad. Anyway, let's get a replacement out there Either way, it's a win for you. Just keep threatening them. All right, dear leather loving linguist Four weeks ago. My mom was diagnosed with stage four stomach cancer She has refused treatment as it would be extremely costly and wouldn't buy that much time She has less than six months to live according to the doctors I decided to move her into my home so she could spend her last days here with us my wife and children in hospice I love that man. That's awesome. The doctor and two nurses have been assigned to my mother or some of the most wonderful Caring people i've ever met but I am torn They are also extremely liberal liberal. You can see it just by looking at them facebook helps as well Unlike commies that know they are commies. These people are not evil, but they are also misguided Is it possible for liberal norms and normas do exist? Do they believe democrat or they are democrats and liberals and just don't realize their party's been taken over by communists Can we wake them up as well? God bless you in what you do, please don't use my name and of course I will not But please say a prayer for this gentleman and their family as their mother goes through this I think it's wonderful. You're taking your mother in and her final days will be with you. I think that's freaking wonderful Okay, is it possible for these norm and norma democrats to exist? Oh my gosh. It's so possible They're everywhere How many times have you heard me on this show speak to older democrats? Oh, especially older democrats People don't understand in the average democrat really truly does not understand How subhuman and evil their party has become Older democrats have no idea if you grew up voting for guys like bill clinton and no, I don't like bill clinton But he was nothing like these guys today All their democrats can't accept What has happened to their party now? Maybe you're saying to yourself with these were younger people. Well, listen If you're not an overtly political person And so you don't take the time to dig into these things and what works and what does it work and things like that But you just exist in the system today If you wanted to be okay, let's do this up. We'll make it this way Let's say a child is born today And this child's parents Are not political at all and I don't mean not right or not left They're just nothing The news is never really on in their house, but if it is it's not cnn or it's not uh the first tv It's you know nbc or something like that something that would be considered Normal, I know nbc's not normal just stay with me, but a child is born today And I already described the parents in this home and this child its parents It they teach their kids, you know the abc's and things like that But let's say the parents don't spend a bunch of time being Purposeful with their child the way you probably are or will be if you have kids. I'm talking about right wrong What you what would you do in this situation? They're just kind of there. They're gonna work They're there Their child Well, probably sit down when mom turns on nbc news while she's cooking at night. Okay That child also goes to a government school a government a public school, I mean a government school and mom dad They don't ever interrogate their child about the things they're learning in school They do the mom dad thing. I hope I help you get good grades, honey, but other than that. No, I mean get good grades Okay, so your social studies teacher in the third grade is a is a tranny and wants you to use his her pronouns Well, I mean I that's a little weird son, but okay. Go ahead. I got that's fine I did that's fine and then your normie parents eventually get you graduated from high school And of course, what are your normie parents gonna tell you? Well, you got to go to college You got to go to college you got to go to college and you You end up going to let's say the state university Uh, you're in Texas. You go to university of Texas in Austin, Texas All right. Good. Whoo. Hey my boy got into Austin. I'm so I'm so proud of him good for him. Whoo-hoo you tea, baby And you send your son off again. You've raised him to be normally Normal you've sent him off to the university of Texas Well, what I just described is not by by the way I described it in overtly left-wing upbringing. Is it? However, because our entire culture has now shifted left those parents Unbeknownst to them Have been indoctrinating their child in left-wing causes since the time their child was born When my mom would let me watch sesame street when I was a child I would learn about ABCs and why shoplifting was bad The normy parent who puts their child in front of sesame street today Will learn about how evil white people are how racist america is how shrinkflation isn't joe biden's fault and that's just sesame street Your child will then go to school today again this normal child and so what i'm saying is your child will live this existence in a complete left wing despicable commie culture And then this child will be a 24-year-old nurse one day caring for your mother And this child doesn't they don't know that they're a practitioner of mow I actually wrote about this in the anti-communist manifesto 90 percent of american democrats have no idea their communists none They don't know anything about mow. I heard he was a bad guy or Stalin They don't understand how their sick cultural marxist worldview is simply a carbon copy of communism Translated for american values. They don't know they don't have any idea most of them don't know That's really the heart of where are you voted for this campaign is You know, we love saying that to urban democrats and gop primary voters you voted for this you voted for this you voted for this But we don't say that that's the the the purpose of that campaign is not to rub it in That's just the fun side benefit The purpose of that you voted for this campaign is to wake these people up It's your fault It's your fault The urban democrat. I vote democrat every time. Oh my gosh. I can't believe we had to bring in the national guard to keep people from getting stabbed in the Subway. How did this happen? You're how it happened It's your fault We have disconnected and these people They managed to stay disconnected because of the lies of the system because of the language of the system as we talked about so often The language they use keeps these people complacent and lost Of course, there are so many wonderful little wonderful people out there who are mindless followers of the commies They don't know And we hope they wake up one day, right? That's the goal you voted for this and and you talk into these people you sending your democrat father Little video clips of all the crazy training on sense. 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You'll save a fortune on your bill There's no reason not to switch and I know that's a double negative dial pound 250 and say jessie kelly switch now It is the jessie kelly show on a friday and ask dr jessie friday You can email us whatever you want jessie at jessie kelly Don't forget you can download a podcast of the show. It's all free just like freedom freedom is not free I heart google spotify itunes. That's where the podcast is dear oracle I was disappointed that heavy d didn't get more votes in the primaries But I was thinking do you think people saw him as trump's successor and just decided to reelect trump now and to santis in 2028 No, no, uh, no voters don't You hear something that you the hyper informed have to understand about voters the masses really They don't think Strategically and i'm not saying they're stupid, but they don't do things hyper strategically like you might here's an example That's set set aside that ronda santis stuff for a moment When I talk about moving and you know, I always encourage you to move to red states move to red states move to red states And i've given you all the reasons to that But I will inevitably get people who will email in and they'll say jesse. This is wrong. This is stupid You need to tell people to move to purple states Not red states then we can flip a purple state red And then that will be a smarter move. Well here Here's why that's a really stupid thing to say And it's not honestly the strategy behind it is correct. You're correct if you've ever said that to me you're correct But why it's a stupid thing to say is people won't do it When you tell people to move to red states They're already moving to red states life is better in red states. It's cheaper in red states It's more free in red states So they're already even non political people who kind of lean right are moving to red states People are not going to en masse Think strategically when they move so encouraging encouraging them to do so is completely pointless The same kind of thing happened with the primary and this is hard especially if you're a hardcore ronda santis supporter It's hard to accept this but i'm telling you you need to accept this ha The gop primary voter wanted something different than ronda santis And that hurts Look, i've lost two elections. I know what it's like The voters of southern arizona twice now i won the primaries, but the voters of southern arizona twice Twice no debates went to the polls and they wanted something different than me And that hurts And look i can and do still think they made the wrong decision of course I'm not telling you if you're a ronda santis supporter to say wow the these people must have made the right decision I was wrong all along. No, maybe you are right nevertheless the decision Has been made And it wasn't made Strategically for thinking 2028 the decision to nominate donald trump was made for a laundry list of reasons Some reasons you may love some reasons you may hate donald trump is a political phenom He's hugely charismatic that helps him become a symbol for people He also speaks differently about trade and foreign policy than many of our politicians have and that was appealing for people He uh is very rude at a time where we value that We want someone who's rude. We're tired of the mit romneys that benefited donald trump He's being legally persecuted that was huge for getting him the nomination He might have won it anyway But I think the polls were something like ten or eleven points separated him and ronda santis Before the first indictment came down after that one. I don't think they were ever within 30 I mean that was it And that's an understandable reason for people to choose that way the the reasons are long But none of them feel good to hear if you're a ronda santis supporter And you think the primary voters screwed up and you want to do over is that It's over This election cycle, it's over Donald trump is the nominee. You can love that or hate that. I don't give a crap Donald trump is a nominee. That's simply the way it's going to be. All right Now look If you're a big ronda santis fan, let me talk you off the ledge with this One He's still down there kicking button taking names in florida two He's in his 40s Dude's like 44 45. I think he's 44 years old Yeah, he's about to be turned out as governor of florida But ronda santis is going to be around in some capacity For a long time 45 christen. He's 45 because he's 45 ronda santis is going to be around for a while Just because he lost a primary against a juggernaut like trump don't mean that's it for poor ron We'll never see him again. He didn't die. He lost the primaries. All right, that'd be fine. Jesse first I've been meaning to congratulate christen his wife on their new baby. I hope all is well and healthy Yes, congratulations christ and all is well and healthy. So everyone knows christ wife baby. All this is all this is good Second oh this guy's bad at trump. Uh, he said well no, he's not he said not to bash trump He said I believe he's on being unfairly targeted by the democrats commies but it It is true that much of their ammunition ammunition against him is created by him His words and actions make it easier for them to twist the law against him Is it ethical for him to be used campaign money for his personal legal defense shouldn't that come out of his own pocket? So on and so forth. Okay, and he said his name is harry. Okay. So let's let's let's address this part here Does donald trump? Make it easier for the communists to come after him Yes, there's no question he does but i'm going to defend him here And you know i've been perfectly willing in the past and i'm still willing to criticize him In fact, i'm going to criticize him for this ridiculous vaccine statement he put out last night, but Remember we have a corrupt system Government media all these people working together. We have a corrupt rotted system in our country Therefore we're going to have system disruptors who rise up Why do they rise up because the people want one? There are enough people who want someone to stop this corrupt system And so with enough people wanting one System disruptors will rise as they have in many many many many many nations before The first system disruptor what we're going through in this country is not unique The first system disruptor the first guy who rises who the people choose to take on a corrupt system in any nation The first one is always always always the weakest and the dumbest That's not because he's a weak dumb person He's the weakest and the dumbest because he's the one by the fact he put that he put himself out there He's the one who truly reveals how sick and evil and corrupt the system is We know a lot about how sick and corrupt an evil or system is because of Donald Trump But he's also not look in the next guy won't be either they're not equipped to take it on yet That's what i've warned about several times the next system disruptor will be smarter in meaner And then the next one after him will be smarter in meaner And then the next one after him will be smarter in meaner until eventually this is the big risk You get one who's a little too mean That's how it works. 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