Jesse Kelly Show

State Of the Union predictions tonight, and Joe Biden's Plans for the economy and the border.

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08 Mar 2024
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Every day, we rise, challenging ourselves to work for what we believe in. At U.S. Border Patrol, protecting our borders is more than a job; it's a calling. Agents answer the call, working together to keep our country and community safe. If you are ready for a new mission, join U.S. Border Patrol and go beyond. Learn more at This is a podcast from WOR. In the Jesse Kelly Show, let's have some fun New York on 8th Thursday and I know what you know about three hours from now, the State of the Union is coming up right when the show ends. The State of the Union begins and that will be brutal and they're already giving you a little preview of what that's going to entail, so we'll cover that here shortly. I'd say 10 minutes from now, we'll get into some of the State of the Union stuff. We're going to talk about our institution, specifically the FBI. More information revealed about the kidnapping plot. We'll talk about that. Building a port in Gaza, we'll talk about that. Charles Barkley is angry at Democrats. The Lake and Riley act in a connection from the show. All that, so much more coming up tonight. Other world famous Jesse Kelly Show and remember tomorrow is an ask Dr. Jesse Friday. All three hours, your questions, ask me anything, whatever you email in to Now, I was going to, I was going to go a bunch of different ways tonight to open the show because your state of the union night is already a bunch of radical stuff that everyone's previewing. There's the story out of the FBI's bad, but I decided I'm going to go a different round. I'm not even going to mock the open naked corruption of Democrats, especially New Jersey Democrats. Here's Chuck Schumer trying to explain why Bob Menendez is still on any committee. You know, I think that there's a duality to the nature of democracy. That's 100% the wrong button I just pressed. Here it is. Look, the bottom line as I've said. Chuck sounded a lot more feminine in that first one. Look, the bottom line as I've said, the Senate has certain standards. You know, he is kind of feminine anyway though. If we're be all right, stop. All right, I'm focused. Look, the bottom line as I've said, the Senate has certain standards that we must live up to. I am very disappointed that Senator Menendez has not lived up to those standards. Why are you okay with him serving in your caucus, sitting on committees, attending classes by briefings where he's been charged with bribery, conspiracy, obstruction of justice? As I've said, Senate has standards. We should all be living up to those standards. I'm deeply disappointed that Senator Menendez has. I'm deeply disappointed, but no, I'm not going to take away my voting power. Only sucker Republicans do that. All right. All right. But I don't want to begin any of these places. I want to begin here with an email. Actually, there's a couple different versions of this tonight, but I'll start here. Dear Sombrero Oracle. He says a couple different things about liking the show and whatnot. And he says, I've never emailed because it's not my style, but I'm really struggling right now. I'm a 27 year old blue collar worker in rural Nebraska. And to be honest, I have little hope left. I'm depressed. I agree with your worldview. The card commies are in charge of the institutions. Economically, things are going downhill. And I don't even have hope for homeownership, homeownership anymore. The only things that keep my hope alive are good salt to the earth. People that surround me, my amazing girlfriend and my family. And I think there are many out there like me. Thank you for bringing entertainment and some hope. So on and so forth. And his name is Josh. Okay. So. I saw this email right when I got here. And I've had a few emails, especially over the past couple of weeks like this. I saw the headline from today. Layoffs surged in February to the highest level since 2009. I saw it sucks bad. It's really bad that job market is slowly but surely shriveling. That's what's happening. It's shriveling up. I saw this story. This is from a local news station in Georgia. But this is the same story that can be repeated whether you're in Georgia or New York. This is the story. Stunning new details tonight on Georgia's housing crisis. A GSU study says 19,000 homes, not apartments. Homes in the Metro are owned by three companies. That's nearly one in every nine houses up for rent and some entire suburban neighborhoods where corporations own it all. 19,000 houses owned by one of three companies. All right. So this is the only reason I wanted to bring this up because I hear these things a lot. I'm down. I'm down. I'm down. Uh, let's pause on that for a minute. It is state of the union night so we should stay on topic. So let's talk a little bit about Hannibal in history. Let's just stay with me. Just come back to today and what we're all going through right now in one way or another in the country. Just stay with me. So I'm not going to do a long history thing. Sorry on Hannibal Barca. But Hannibal Barca, as you probably know, was the incredible Carthaginian general who fought the Romans. He fought the Romans in the second Punic War. There were the Punic Wars. There were three of them between Rome and Carthage. It doesn't matter. But Hannibal was the one who made Rome afraid. And here's the point of my story. Hannibal grew up as a military boy. His father was a general. He grew up in military camps. All right. So at some point in Hannibal's life, he's a kid in Spain watching his father fight learning about milk. Okay. So that's one phase of his life that eventually Hannibal finds himself in charge of his own army. And he's leading an invasion into Rome. No one does that. He's leading an invasion into Rome over the Swiss Alps, watching his elephants freeze to death as he fights the natives off cliffs in the Swiss Alps. All right. So that's what what crazy, right? Just stay with me. This is going to come back. And then multiple times he finds himself as a commanding general standing across the field from a gigantic Roman army, legions of Romans who will undoubtedly crucify him in public if he loses that day. He wins that day or he dies and he dies ugly. And then he becomes a war hero. And eventually Hannibal gets old and the Carthaginian Empire starts to weaken. And Hannibal finds himself after all those victories, after all that life standing there, having a discussion with Scipio africanus, the Roman general, and Hannibal pretty much knows he's going to lose that day. And he does. And then Hannibal ends his life that that was Hannibal's life, right? He eventually went and became an advisor for the king of the Seleucid Empire, but Hannibal ends his life on the run. One of the great, maybe the greatest generals of all, all-time military kid war, hero lion legend crossing the Swiss Alps. Hannibal Barca ended his life pretty much hiding out in somebody's attic or living room with Roman assassins kicking in the door to come kill him, drinking poison and laying down alone dirty and poor in a bed in a dumpy house, drinking poison to end his life. Now this is, just stay with me here. Life comes in different phases for all of us. That was obviously a very, very extreme example. And no, I don't think you're going to end your days. I certainly hope you don't end your days drinking boys. I understand the United States of America is changing, especially for younger people. You're watching opportunities your parents had and their parents had opportunities like home ownership. You're watching those opportunities disappear in front of you value of the dollar. Big corporations are gobbling up every single home and then renting them out, which drives up the cost interest rates are going up. I understand that you are watching life change and these changes, many of them, most of them, let's be honest, are not good changes. You want to buy your first home at 25 with your wife or your husband, like your parents did a tiny home somewhere. That's what he wants. What people want. It's a natural want. I am already discussing things with my sons. Just like talks about it, but we've already had these discussions, talks with the wife about it, that we are going to have to accept in this late stage Republic of ours with all the chaos around us, that we're going to, we're going to watch some things we've become accustomed to be taken away from us because they're going away. What we can't do is allow our happiness to go with it. We can't put all our contentment in the way our parents used to live and the hope that we were going to live that way and then get more and more depressed as these people destroy it, right? And I'm not sitting. This is me. I'm not telling you. They're not destroying it. I tell you, they destroy it. You know, I know, it's obvious what they're doing. I mean, look, just to give it away, we'll get into this a little while, Joe Biden is going to propose an increase in the defense budget tonight, an increase with the financial systems teetering on the blank. These people are trying to spend more. So I'm not trying to put a smiling face on where we are financially or culturally. I'm really not. But what I am saying is I have, I've been honest about this from time to time. I'll allow myself for a moment to get down because of all that crap going on. But that's not right. I am not owed the same America my parents have. And neither are you. We will fight and preserve as much of it as we possibly can. And we will suck it up and keep a smile on our faces while we do it. Your life, if you're a younger person, will not look like the life your grandparents had. It simply will not. That's not the way it works anymore. The life my sons will have won't look like my life and it will look radically different than my parents lives. That's the way it goes. All right. So we're just going to have to buck up Buttercup. And for you, young man, the one who would send the email, you got a dime girlfriend and a family family you love. Heck, you're already, you're pulling up aces already. That's, that's more than many have right now. So put a ring on that young lady's finger and go make some babies and enjoy your life. All right. All right. Now, speaker, the speaker, the state of the union address tonight coming for Joe Biden. What can we expect there? What can we expect from the GOP? What should we expect from the GOP tonight? Let's talk about that next. The Jesse Kelly. It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Thursday. Put a smile on your face. All right. Yes, things are changing and these people are wrecking us. That sucks. But still, what else are we going to do? We got to laugh. Now, let's do a little preview thing on what we're going to see tonight. Remember, when it comes to elections, this is just the norm of how it works. When you're in a Republican primary, you run hard, hard, hard to the right if you have to this primary, like our presidential primary was never close enough for Trump to have to run to the right. He always had so much of the primary vote that he never had to do that. So our primary this time was kind of an exception, but in the normally, whether it's Congress Senate president, wherever it is, you run hard to the right in the primary. Ah, look at me, fire breathing anti-communist. And then when the general comes up, it's not that you change, but you soften a little and you try to, you try to make sure your hard right base knows you're still with them. Well, at the same time, convincing the nerds in the middle who don't know what they believe that you're not the anti-Christ, right? And the same thing for the Democrats, when they're in a primary of any kind, they have to make sure they're appealing themselves to their despicable street communist scum base who hate themselves and want to burn everything down. So that's what you'll hear the most of when you're in a Democrat primary. You know, we've been playing you cuts of the California Senate primary. It's just been one person trying to outmow the other person, right? But then in the general election, they run to the middle. And a lot of people forget this, especially on the right, a lot of people forget this about Obama. But I was, I was working construction at the time when Obama was running. And then when he became president. And so I was spent, I was working out of town. So I was spending all this time in the car, just listening, listening, listening. And one of the things that hit me so hard back then was how Obama, when he was in a general, would campaign like the most moderate dude. He sounded, if you go back and listen to his general election speeches, we remember, you remember, I remember Obama is this far left radical America hitting president. And he was. But man, when he was in a general election, he sounded so kind of middle of the road. No big deal. Hey, man, I love my free markets too. Yeah, just that's how it works, right? So you run to one of the sides really harden to primary. You kind of soften that a bit and appeal to the middle and the general, right? So where are we now? Well, I think tonight we're going to see something different than we would have seen at other periods of time in America from Joe Biden tonight. He is the Democrat nominee. And I realize it's not official yet. And they could still change at the convention, which I believe they will. But as of right now, let's go. That's, that's bad on what's likely Joe Biden's the nominee. There's not a serious Democrat challenger. He's the nominee. Donald Trump is the nominee. I mean, it's practically official already. They've all dropped out Donald Trump's the nominee. Okay. So we know who the nominees are. What that should result in. What that normally would result in is both candidates. I don't want to say moving to the middle. Sometimes they move to the middle. Sometimes they just soften their image. But what that it should result in that a softening, if you will. And in fact, Trump, I saw him give a speech a couple days ago. I'm not gonna play it for our purposes here. It doesn't matter. Gave a speech a couple days ago. And yeah, there was still plenty of red meat at a rally for his base. But it was also a lot of kind of catch all things. Don't you miss the America where you were prosperous and taxes were low. It was, you could tell team Trump had smartly made an adjustment. Hey, let's, let's adjust a little, right? I do not think you will hear a ton of that out of Joe Biden tonight. And from what we're hearing already, the little leaks that we're hearing already, what my suspicions are, I bet you they're going to turn out to be true. Now let me explain first of all the leaks. This happens every time there's a big presidential speech scheduled. What happens is people in the administration who know the speech they're going to give. What they want is all the apparatics in the media to start carrying the water for the speech before he gives the speech. So if I'm President Jesse Kelly, all right. And Jewish producer Chris is my chief of staff and Michael works for the New York Times. And as President Jesse Kelly, I'm going to propose everyone gets a free puppy tonight. And I'll give that speech to Chris. Chris will probably upright it, part of my staff. And Chris will love that part of the speech and he'll want, he'll want the media already going out there, telling the public, Jesse's, can I offer us a free puppy? So he's going to go leak that part of the speech to producer Michael, who will then print a New York Times article headline in the New York Times, President Kelly to give a free puppy. So that's why you get all these previews during the day. That's how that works from the administration. So let's dig into what some of these previews have shown today. And let's look at what he said in the past. And let's, we're going to try tonight not to focus on how old he is. And you imagine how many aches and pains Joe Biden has? Well, look, we know he's not going to have many aches and pains tonight because he's going to have a pharmaceutical cocktail inside of him that would put Keith Richards down. But you should stay away from that stuff. The drugs, you should, you should stick with all natural. When you have pains, when you have aches, well, relief factors should be where we turn release, relief factor you take every day. And what it does is it gives your body the natural ingredients it needs to fight inflammation. So that that joint you have that hurts all the time, it doesn't have to the muscles the back the neck relief factor is drug free. You take it daily and you watch the pain that's been eaten at you go away. They sell three week quick start kits for 1995. Call 1 800 the number four relief 1 800 the number four relief or relief that don't have to live with pain. All right, so whatever one of these previews been of tonight's state of the union. We'll talk about them next is the Jesse Kelly show on a Thursday. Put a smile on your face and do not forget tomorrow is an ask Dr Jesse Friday. You need to get your questions emailed in right now to Jesse at Jesse Kelly Now let us begin with what's on tap for tonight. First, let's remember Biden is mean. And I'm not saying that just because I dislike him. Honestly, a lot of mean people I prefer. I prefer mean people over nice people most of the time, because I'm really mean. So it's not as if I hold that against him. If I see a crotchety old man or an old woman screaming at the kids and swat number the broom or something, I'll probably laugh who I am. So I don't mind that Joe Biden's mean. But I'm trying to explain it this way. Joe Biden has always been a nasty cuss. Always has been that way. You don't need me to play for you the audio that's 30 years old. This is from the 70s. Wait, that's like 50 years old. Oh my gosh, I'm getting old. All right. But it's very, very, very old of Joe Biden being nasty to somebody. He has a reputation in and around DC of being a nasty human being who will dog cuss you on a dime. He's always been that way. The media was trying to after telling you Donald Trump is this big meanie McMean face for a few years. They were just rebranding Biden for him. The nice old Joe Biden guy Joe Biden's a jerk. And so Joe Biden is naturally a divisive person. Remember what I told you about this? Remember, remember this one? This better making the wealthy pay their fair share some Republicans, some Republicans want Medicare and Social Security sunset. I'm not saying it's a majority. Isn't just a nasty dude. Stuff that's not that common, at least prior to Obama, that stuff wasn't that common. But that's Joe Biden. And well, do you remember who always tossed these ones out? Maggie Republicans don't just threaten our personal rights and economic security. They're a threat to our very democracy. They refuse to accept the will of the people. And remember what I told you about that speech? That speech, everyone likes to say that Joe Biden is just some kind of sock puppet and his staffers are holding him up and he's not getting control of everything. That speech was not only Joe Biden's idea. His staff knew it was a bad idea and talked him out of it for something like two months until Joe Biden himself finally put his foot down and said, no, I want to talk to the whole country. And I want to call the other side a threat to democracy. He got his way. So remember, Joe Biden's mean. So you're going to get a lot, a lot of nasty stuff aimed at the right tonight. Because remember how we were just talking about primaries in general? So how Joe Biden ideally should be running towards the middle tonight. You've you're the nominee, right? You don't have a serious challenger. Remember, they have huge domestic problems. Democrats do holding together the domestic coalition has not worked so far for Democrats. What that means is Joe Biden can't run to the middle tonight. Tonight is going to be for the base. Tonight is going to make you very angry if you let it in. You shouldn't let it. You should understand that it's coming. You should understand how radical it's going to be. Understand they're already running to the media leaking things like this. You know, there are a couple of events in history that, you know, transcend politics and are piercing. I think 9/11 is one of those issues that people remember. And I think January 6th is one of those issues. And I think, you know, Donald, comparing the towers going down to January 6th, every time they've ever pulled this, you've yelled, you've screamed, you've talked how insane that comparison is. And of course it is, but get ready for a mouthful. I should say an earful of that tonight. I don't know why you'd have a mouthful that would make any sense. Anyway, get ready for an earful of that. It is going to be a speech that is uniquely aimed at the Democrat primary voter instead of the independent voter. That's why they're already leaking out little parts of it to their friends in the media. And it's just a bunch of commie wealth divided. He's the bad guy garbage headline Biden to attack billionaires like Musk and Bezos and float raising corporate taxes during the state of the union. The president of the United States of America, while the economy is just draining people inflation, making people angry. Again, layoffs, the highest since 2009. He's not going to stand up there and discuss all the prosperity he's brought or how great things are. Although my probably probably attempt to do a little of that. He's going to tell everybody, you know who you have to blame for your problems? Those guys, it's going to be an hour or 45 minutes or however long they can keep him upright of Joe Biden pointing his finger at the other side. And Joe Biden doing various outreach items for his domestic coalition. He's going to have one of the survivors from the U of all these shooting there. We already had that leaked out. What is he doing there? Why would you bring that person in? Well, at the state of the union speech, Joe Biden is going to gun grab. That is not a position that is popular with the average American. It's very popular with Democrats because Democrats are all communists who want to murder their political opponents. But the average American does not like gun laws. Joe Biden is going to go after guns tonight because it's for the red meat base. He's going to have a bunch of black activists there because Joe Biden is in well, he's worried. I shouldn't say in trouble. He's very, very, very worried about how angry the urban black Democrat voter currently is as they fill up the United States of American cities with illegals. The Democrats need to try to throw those people some red meat. It's going to be tranny stuff tonight. I guarantee you, you will have a speech, a portion of this speech with this custom game. And you know why? Because Joe Biden and the American Democrats are having a very difficult time holding together their domestic voting coalition. So tonight is going to be further to the left than any election year speech a president has given in ages, maybe ever. I don't know. I haven't listened to every single one of them. And I'm not going to go back and read them all. But for an election year, this speech ain't going to be no attempt at the middle. This speech is going to be aimed at the California liberal wine mom who just trans the her fourth son after aborting the 10 before him. Now, speaking of trying to hold together the domestic coalition, I, you know, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes you can get panicky. You ever get panicky when you look at our political situation, you shouldn't, right? You don't allow yourself to get panicky. But every now and then, you can have a brief moment where you say to yourself, oh my gosh, we're so screwed. And, and the people who are leading us are leading us into a disaster. And it doesn't have to be this way. But it is this way because these people are idiots. And so this is what I mean. Look, the Israel Hamas war. This is not something the average, the normal American obsesses about, especially now. It's so far past October 7th, the nuclear news cycle being what it is. But be honest, it's not in your top five concerns. Me bringing it up now is probably the first time you've thought about it today. It's just not in most people's concerns. And I understand and I'm not telling you to give a crap. But we all do have to keep in mind that there are potential global implications of this whole thing, depending on which way everything goes, how fast it goes there, which other nation states choose to take advantage of the situation and get involved. This is a volatile situation. And Biden's going to announce something else tonight. Oh gosh, we'll talk about it in a moment. It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Thursday. If you miss any part of the show, you can download the whole thing on I heart Google Spotify iTunes. All right, let's just get to this really quickly. So I want to get, I'm going to touch on this National Guard of the subway story here again. But Joe Biden is going to announce tonight. They've already leaked this part. Joe Biden is going to announce that we are building a port on the Gaza coast to boost aid. And I just before we get into the specifics of that, I hope everyone understands how international this thing could get very, very quickly. How deeply countries like Iran are involved in this whole thing. Israel's still holding off Hezbollah in the north. They're a significant problem. We have Red Sea issues. The Houthi rebels are still attacking shipping, altering the shipping of the world. What is what is in the future here? I don't know. I don't know. I'm not talking about Israel, Hamas specifically, specifically because the Israelis are kicking the crap out of them. But I'm talking about this region of what it means for the world. What is in the future here? I don't know. But I do know this. I do know the potential for this thing to get ugly in some kind of awful way. It's real. There is a very real potential that this thing goes bad. We are dealing with a dangerous situation here. It is a dangerous situation. Remember that time I told you about the time in Iraq where we had to go clean up the bunker where they had all these artillery shells and all this different black powder, basically for lack of better put it, all these explosives laying around. And these idiots went in there one night, not our guys was a bunch of terrorist pieces of trash. Don't worry about them, but they went in there one night and we're pretty sure afterwards that one of them was smoking cigarettes in there and something went wrong. And boom, the biggest explosion you've ever seen. So we had to go clean up the mess the next day. Well, this whole situation over there, I want you to think of it like we're walking around this big ammo bunker with black powder piles on the floor and we're burning a heater. This is a dangerous situation here. We need to be careful. And tonight the Biden administration is announcing that, well, we're of course supporting it. It's going to do this thing where Chris, go ahead and write this one down. We of course support our greatest ally Israel and we're going to give them whatever we need. But also we're going to build a port in Gaza and give them whatever they need. This is all the Biden administration attempting to hold together their domestic coalitions of Jewish American Democrats and Muslim American Democrats. But these people are playing a dangerous game so they can win an election. Is that not maddening to anyone else? Because that's the only reason they're doing any of this. It's all just about the election. They don't give a crap about Israel. They don't give a crap about Gaza. They don't care about crap about any of these places. They care about power and money and they care about domestic things. They're going to mess around and get us in a terrible situation to win an election. And I know what you're probably thinking, especially the salty old dogs. Yeah, what else is new? And that's a very fair point. What else is new? I just, and we're going to have what? We're going to have what? CB's over there? You're not bringing the CB's or civilian contractors? And you'll have to have Marines because you're going to have to have the US Navy there. So we're going to float the United States Navy in there and have the Marines guard an area while the CB's build a port. And we're going to do this with a terrorist organization that we have designated a terrorist organization. Do I have that right? We're going to set up shop and just park our guys right by the terrorists. Does anyone remember the USS Cole? Does anyone remember Afghanistan? Wasn't that long ago? These people want to dot me and you know what? I'll let it go. I'll let it go. Let's talk about something different here for a moment before we get to the GOP response. I'm talking about the ones who are sitting there and what what should we want? What do I want? What do you want? Before we get to that, let's talk about your phone company real quick. Obviously the culture war stuff goes well beyond who we vote for. It goes beyond our schools. It goes beyond our entertainment. Now it's in the corporate world. You remember I read that article yesterday about that company that you get a discount if you pass your DEI course and learn how racist you are. Where we spend our money and don't spend our money matters. You shouldn't be going to Verizon or AT&T or T-Mobile for your phone service. Not when we have the option of PureTalk. PureTalk, the patriotic cell phone company. They hire American. They're giving out free Samsung 5G smartphones right now. They're CEO fought for this country and they don't give the plan parenthood. Pick up your phone and switch. You'll save money too. Pound 250 is what you dial and you just say Jesse Kelly. Pound 250 say Jesse Kelly. All right. I'm I'm not going to spend long on this. I want to get back to some state of the union stuff and emails and others. But there's obviously a headline today that we all knew that we're going to do this. Politico runs a headline and says big blue cities are embracing conservative anti crime measures. Conservative. It's conservative to arrest criminals. Anyway, what are they talking about? Well, let's talk about the National Guard in New York City subway. I've already complained that the poor National Guard gets called up every single time there's any need anywhere as if these guys are just trained in everything. It's just crazy what we ask of our National Guard. And yeah, I know plenty of National Guardsmen are trained in military stuff. It's just wild to me that they would dial up the National Guard when the NYPD has more people in it than many countries standing army. That is one, two. We all know what the deal is here. And it's kind of frightening to think about, isn't it? They purposely opened up the jails as we've talked about many times. It's what communists do. They open the jails up. They turned all the murders and rapists free. Now you can't ride the subway anymore without getting raped or stabbed. And so what do you do? Well, hey, got to bring in the military to restore law and order. It's gotten wild out here. Hey, New Yorker, I'm with the National Guard. Let me see your purse. What's in your bag? Bad, isn't it? Crazy. But this is where we are. The largest, most well-trained police force, completely neutered by the politicians, completely neutered by the communists, neutered by the left, neutered by Alvin Bragg. The jails opened up, bail free. The criminals went out pillaged like they always did and the government turned to the people and said, Hey, how about some protection? Would you like some protection? I'll bring in these troops here, keep you nice and safe. All right. Now, let's have a talk. You've seen the heckling at the State of the Union address. Of course, you've seen it. You've seen it from the communists. You've seen it from the right. Obama will get up there and say something mean and the Republicans will yell. And then, you know, Donald Trump will get up there and say something mean and the street animals there, yell that Trump, you're the worst and so on and so on and so on. Now, is that good? Is it bad? What should we want? An interesting discussion. This has been a podcast from WOR.