Jesse Kelly Show

Jesse dives into your opinions and thoughts on the current migrant crisis, economy, crime, and also your personal well-being.

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08 Mar 2024
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At Independent Financial, we know you work hard for your business. That's why we work hard for you. Our local bankers are ready to jump in and support your next vision or venture. And we have the resources to make it happen. Ready to get down to business? Let's talk. Learn more at Independent Financial, banking for business, banking for life. Member FDIC. This is a podcast from W.O.R. It is the Jesse Kelly Show final hour of the Jesse Kelly Show on a Thursday. We'll talk a little bit more legal immigration talk here. I know we're like an hour from the state of the union. I'll be out of here by the time that starts. If you're looking for a state of the union reaction, I'm doing a show on it after the state of the union. It'll be on the first TV. If you want to watch me, I'll get some guests. I'll be so witty and awesome and just, it'll be an incredible show. We'll do that. But coming up this hour, let's talk a little bit about the government being against us. This illegal immigration talk, send me emails, some other stuff. First, a lot of this story is kind of repeatable because you've been paying attention and norm hasn't. But you remember the governor's kidnapping plot out of Michigan, right? You do remember that. And it's very hard to keep all these things in mind. Don't feel bad if you don't because there are so many stories and scandals and the government's screwing us so bad at all times that it can be hard to keep track of all these things. So let me just recap, I'll recap it for you briefly. It was an election year, right? This was the first election. Donald Trump's reelection Joe Biden. It's the one where Joe Biden ended up beating him, right? So this was the election year and the government had raged against Trump and the media had raged against Trump and the impeachments and everything. Okay. Okay. But so you remember that how desperate they were trying to get rid of Trump. And part of what they were doing was repeatedly calling you a threat to democracy, a threat to democracy, a threat to the country. People think that began, it could be easy to forget when things begin. People thought it began after January 6th that they started calling you a domestic terrorist. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. That began long before that. The FBI, all this really began under Obama where the FBI started to focus more exclusively on right wing domestic terror. We all know why they want to arrest their political opponents. That's why it's not more complicated than that. They want to arrest their political opponents. And they were really rampant up that rhetoric in the first Biden, Donald Trump election. And then we got all these headlines. This story comes out one day that there was a plot by right wingers, you know, MAGA hats in the works. There was a plot by right wingers to kidnap and then assassinate Gretchen Whitmer, the governor of Michigan. Gretchen Whitmer was a horrible lockdown tyrant during COVID and all that. She's just a horrible commie hag. And we got all these headlines that there had been arrests. They busted this kidnapping and assassination team. And wow, it was eye-popping, right? Well, again, there's the story. And then there's the real story. You know about a lot of this because Julie Kelly has done incredible reporting on it. But if you would like one thing to read that's the newest thing that's been written, Julie Kelly did better reporting than this, but the everything consolidated in one article. If you would like to read it, I'm not going to read it for you on the show. That's too boring. But the intercept, the intercept is a publication out there and they have an article right now titled the informant at the heart of the Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping plot was a liability. So federal agents shut him up. This is one part of what is a tale that is too complicated to try to go into in depth on the radio. So I'll just make sure I lay it out for you here in a couple sentences in the simplest form possible. There was no plot to kidnap and assassinate the governor of Michigan until the FBI came up with the plot to kidnap and assassinate the governor of Michigan. Then having planned and coordinated the plot, the FBI went looking for people who were dumb enough to sign up for something like this, found a couple dudes with an IQ of five. One of them is living in the basement apartment that he rents underneath the vacuum repair shop. I'm not making that up. That's one of the lead assassins who was going to take out Gretchen Whitmer. The FBI found these poor schlubs, planned it with them, coordinated it with them. In one case, they gave the guy the explosives and then turned around and arrested him for the possession of explosives that they just gave him. And you read the article and here's the thing, here's really what it comes down to. This is the only part of it I'm going to read for you who's been warning you about this for the longest time. The Whitmer kidnapping case followed a pattern familiar from hundreds of previous FBI counterterrorism stings that have targeted Muslims in the post 9/11 era. Let me explain what I've explained many times and then I'll play this clip from Dan Goldman that really brings it home. Governments, the only thing governments do really well is kill people and hurt people and break things. That's what government is good at. Governments are good at making war. They are and the American government has traditionally made war very well. And when we focus on something on an entity of any kind, when our government focuses on it and chooses to make war on it, we prevail. Think about what we did to the Nazis and the Japanese in World War II. Think about all the death and destruction we have brought to places, even wars we didn't ultimately win, like Vietnam. Do you have any idea how many more Vietnamese we killed than they killed of us, how much we bombed that country to rubble and think about as we've discussed before, after 9/11, think about how America's system, not just the military, America's law enforcement and intelligence apparatus took all those guns that it had used so many times, so effectively before, and they aimed all those guns and all those laws and all those everything at radical Islamic terrorism in the wake of 9/11. Okay, you understand all that. Well now understand this. All those guns are now aimed at you. The national security apparatus that was really built and coordinated in the wake of 9/11 is no longer out there scouring the internet for the next ISIS guy who's going to set off a bomb in a school somewhere. That national security apparatus is now dedicated to the destruction of the American right wing. And I know that's a lot. Look, here's a headline. Your employer is spying on you for the FBI and DHS via DSAC. Now I'm not going to get into all this DSAC stuff. It stands for Domestic Security Alliance Council. It doesn't matter what it is. The long story short, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and DHS. We now have confirmation today courtesy of whistleblowers once again that they very much were creating databases of you. You very well may have a database depending on how much shopping at Bass Pro Shop you've done. Yes, that's part of it. How is your online social media? Do you have social media online? That funny Biden meme? Do you, did you say something on Instagram or Facebook against all, I don't know, the COVID-19 vaccine, these are all things that might very well get a file started on you by the national security apparatus that has declared war on you. This is how these people think now. It's not just representative Dan Goldman. This is your FBI. This committee has been trying to do for the last year and a half is to chill the federal government from monitoring what is going on on social media and otherwise out there. He goes on to discuss the First Amendment and how no amendment is absolute. It's one of the Democrats favorite lines now. No amendment is absolute. I'm telling you right now, as I have said many times before the most dangerous thing happening on the planet today is Western governments turning their guns against their own citizens. There's nothing else that even comes close. That is the story on the planet. It's not just us. If it makes you feel better, it's Canada, those poor freaking Canadians up there going through it. The UK. They're going through it. Germany, France, the Western civilized world, the governments got poisoned and corrupted by a bunch of dirty commie filth. And now the dirty commie filth is trying to get rid of the last thing that's keeping him from total power. And that's the quote right of whatever nation we happen to be talking about. Why do you again? Why do you think they're purging the military headline? This is from a Tom Klingenstein want to make sure I give him credit. It's great reporting, although it's stuff we know. Air Force memo reveals racial quota system. Why do you think it is they were so anxious to have a vaccine mandate for the military before they even had an approved vaccine? Why do you think that is? Why do you think they're enjoying the racial quota system? Why do you think they haven't backed off on that? Why do you think the FBI is recruiting at pride events out there? Because they're not only turning the guns against us, they're recruiting new ones. Keep it in mind. All right, we are going to even though he's not here, we're going to let Brandon Darby spike the football a little bit on an illegal immigration issue here in the country. Remember, like in Riley, remember the stuff you heard from Darby? There's a direct connection there, a name that will be familiar to you that your normie neighbors never heard of before will play that for you in a moment before we play that for you. You know what does my heart good? We take so much time with the people who are potential advertisers for the show. We take time before we ever agree to let anyone do it because I love the emails. I love the phone calls. We get saying, Hey, this, this, this product is awesome. Hey, these people blessed me and we get these all the time and we get these as much for done for you real estate as anyone else. This organization is simply full of people who are here to help you help you do what? Help the normal person begin to acquire real estate, slowly, small. This isn't for the billionaires. It's for you. They will walk you through all of it, the financing that they handle the rental process. They handle it all, but they can't handle squat unless you call them. Just call, find out what they can do. Go to done for you, and get all the information you need right there. Done for you. We'll be back. Fighting for your freedom every day, Jesse Kelly show on a Thursday reminding you that tomorrow. Hold on a second. I think I have to sneeze. I did. I sneezed. I just pressed the cough button so you couldn't hear it. No one could hear that, Chris. Don't worry. Anyway, tomorrow's an Ask Dr. Jesse Friday, and you need to email your questions. Ask me anything into All right, first let's cover this from the beginning. Why are all these illegals flooding into the United States of America? Well, you've heard me rant about that a million times. Don't take it from me. Take it from one of the illegals. You came to the United States to work, and I came to vacation. Look at the difference. She is the one that maintains me. That is why I don't work because the government gives her what belongs to her, to my daughter, for being an American citizen. Capiche, I have no need to work because, well, guys like few of you, this little princess, for being American already receives a lot of money. Capiche. Pretty aggravating, obviously. That was illegal through a translator. Talking about the great life he has here, doesn't even have to work. Well, now we have a bunch of gangs here. Remember a big reason why we have these gangs here? It's not accidental countries who want to get rid of their criminal element, and that's most countries when they find out America has an open border. They will take entire gangs and they will ship them here. Now, many of you like it when Brandon Darby comes on, he's kind of our border cartel expert, and you remember, do you remember Brandon Darby? This is a little long. I'm going to let him play. I'm going to let him talk. I'm going to let him talk. I'm going to let it play. You remember when he came on and he discussed a very specific Venezuelan gang who's coming here? And mass. He has all these criminal groups and memorials around Caracas and every other city in Venezuela. And when Hugo Chavez got power, one of the ways that he controlled the community and made sure that there was no dissent and that the enemies were taken care of, he deputized all of those criminals to be part of his government apparatus, kind of a malicious sort. So you have this massive growth in these criminal organizations, and now you have like how many hundreds of thousands of young men coming from Venezuela in these communities. A lot of them are part of a gang called Train de Aragua, right? They're part of, that's one of the largest gangs in Venezuela, and they're coming into our city. They're coming in. We can't differentiate between the guys who are coming here to work and have a better life and the people who are coming here who are members of these gangs. So as they come here and as they're in our communities, whether it's in the border communities, whether it leads to wherever, they begin to replicate and utilize the pre-existing criminal structures to do illegal things, which brings violence and a massive threat, not only to the American population, but also to that small segment of the American population who are our law enforcement, right? So it's just a natural outcome of having, you know, millions of young fighting-age males from crime-ridden areas show up at our border and get released into our country. What was the name of the gang? Do you heard him? You have already heard you knew this weeks ago, we already found out this gang was coming here in mass. Here's the headline from today. Lake and Riley's suspected killer linked to bloodthirsty Venezuelan gang behind the terror in New York City, according to the court documents, and what's the name of the gang they're affiliated with, Tren de Aragua? We knew these things were coming. The point of all this is actually not even to give, you know, Darby credit, even though he deserves credit for informing us about this stuff. What's so maddening about all this is that our leaders know these things. You know, I know he has incredible sources, but if Brandon Darby knows these things, the people who run the country know these things, they know for a fact that there are murderous gangs pouring into the country and they don't care. How? How do we deal with that? I mean, how do we, how do you and I exist in a country being led by people like this? Last question, Chair Powell, do you believe that the impacts of climate change pose a risk? Have you been talking about that more? Uh, I, I certainly believe that. And then listen to his answer, like, like a hostage reciting some lines has been given. Climate change is real and poses risks over the longer term, sure. So there have been some that say, you know, higher interest rates, um, it actually makes it more difficult to build out the renewable energy projects and other investments required to prevent climate impacts. Do you believe that to be true? Uh, you know, it's, it's not our, I believe that we need to do our job that you've been assigned us, which is maximum employment and price stability and we do it through interest rates. I, it's not our job to consider the effect on climate change of that. And I think any, any effect on climate change of that would be kind of minuscule. How do we live under this? I don't know. All right. I don't know. Let's, let's talk a little bit about the layoffs Americans getting a, a different view of foreign policy. Why that is Democrats trying to cheat in elections again and all that and more is still to come. Let's first talk about something incredible. You see the state of the union is tonight and it will finish late and my after show will finish late and I'm going to need to get right to bed. But what in the world will I use to go right to sleep or going to bed at 10 30? What am I 20? Well, it's okay because my pillow is waiting for me. I'm walking into my pillow heaven when I walk into my bedroom because I have the my pillow 2.0 with the temperature regulating thread so I don't get sweaty ear. We have the Giza dream sheets on our bed right now. It's starting to get a little warmer down here. So the Giza dream sheets go on there. By the way, those are on sale right now king size 69 98 king size set queen sizes 59 98. I have my my slippers either way long story short when the state of the union is over tonight. I'm going to wrap myself in America because my pillows made in America and I'm going to sleep like a little bitty tiny baby. Give them a call or just go to the website my pillow dot com. Click on the radio listener special square use the promo code Jesse or call 808450544. We'll be back. It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Thursday, only a half hour away until president mumbles gets up there and gives the state of the union and you know, it's just going to be the nastiest, most divisive thing in the world. It's going to be all kinds of these people are terror. You know, there are a couple of events and in history that you know, transcend politics and are piercing. I think 9 11 is is one of those issues that people remember and I think January 6th is one of those issues and I think, okay, and get ready for a heaping helping of race divisions tonight, just prepare your blood pressure now, prepare your mind for it now. And then don't sit in stress about it. Don't sit and rage at the TV. I was looking at this chart. Michael print this off for me. It was they, they charted the four biggest publications in America, newspapers, New York Times, LA Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal. Okay. So the biggest ones in the country and what they did was they went back all the way back to 1970 and they started the use of war of the these three words racist, racist, Chris. That's plural for racist and racism. All right. That's what they did. Racist, racist, racism. And you see right about the 2010, 2011 mark, I mean, there are many spikes throughout this line, but over all the lines, fairly flat right about that point right around the 2010 park. Boom. It looks like you went from the valley to the top of Mount Everest. I want to remind, especially young people who are listening that no, there's never been racial harmony here or anywhere, nor will there be cultures or different people or different cultures clash with each other. That's the way it goes. There's always some sort of racial strife or religious strife or something in every society. But I want to remind, especially if you're, let's say 20 or younger, that when I was growing up in the 80s and 90s, it was like there was never any race talk, but it just wasn't ever something you saw discussed. It wasn't something, at least in my family or anywhere I lived, it wasn't something we ever dwelled on. If we discussed it, yeah, you make an inappropriate joke with your buddies that would definitely get you canceled today, but it was always, you know, a youthful snicker thing. It was never really serious. It just wasn't a thing that was out there the way it is now. But really about that time, surprise, surprise, under Barack Obama, the American communists figured that is a word they had better ramp way up to keep people hating each other and get people hating each other. And that word, you'll hear it used more now, even than they had before, because here's something that these people fear. The Joe Biden's of the world, the honestly, look, I'll throw the Mitch McConnell's of the world in there too. But the Joe Biden's of the world, the Bill Gates, the world economic forum types, you know what they really, really fear. They fear normal people figuring out that they're against all of us, all of us. They're terrified that might happen. And so the as they as they carpet bomb urban black neighborhoods in America with all the illegals they're letting into the country, what they're going to do is try to keep that voting block home, try the best they can to keep all them voting Democrat at least through 2024 until they can totally fill up the neighborhoods and replace them all. At least Charles seems like he's filling it out. The reason I think figuring it out, the reason I think the Democratic Party and Mr Biden, President Biden is losing black bosses. They only care about black people every four years. They come into our neighborhoods and say, we're going to make stuff better. We're going to do this, do this, do this. And then finally, us black people are like, you know, man, other than my ability to dunk a basketball, all my neighborhoods are still the same, our schools are still the same. And that's why I think black people are leaving, disappointed in the Democratic Party because I ain't going to lie. I voted Democratic every time just because I thought it was going to help black people and poor people, because black people and poor white people, they're in the same boat. And like, I didn't care who the president was, I'm not going to lie. But I voted, I only voted Republican one time in my life, and that was for John Kasich. And I didn't even know he couldn't win. But then I'm starting to look like, man, I understand why black people are leaving, I want to vote for somebody else because every four years they come into our neighborhoods and say, man, we're going to make things better for you. Mm. Mm. Mm. Because of that, and I promise you, the White House heard those comments when they were made in many comments like them, that's not just being played on the Jesse Kelly show, the amount of racial animus that's going to be in tonight's speech is going to make you crazy if you let it. So don't let it just let it go in one ear and out the other. Biden is already despicable in that way. Anyway, remember, this is the guy who stood in front of a room full of black people and told them Mitt Romney was going to, and I quote, put you all back in chains. That's what he actually said those words. So this is already a human being who's more than willing to say the most ridiculous outlandish things possible in an election year where they're concerned about the black vote, where they're hearing these comments. It's going to be a whole lot of whitey sucks tonight. So get ready for it. All right. All right. Now, there's all kinds of ugly stuff we talk about all the time, of course. But remember, there are, there are, there are positive things happening. They just don't happen quite as fast as we want them to happen. The primary day, the other day, super Tuesday was a great example. There were so many races that should have gone a different way. We should have bounced these rhinos in the primary. We should have gotten this and gotten that and, but we failed here and failed there and failed here, but we only failed. We failed to get everything we wanted, but we didn't fail. We won all kinds of primaries, took out a bunch of rhinos in the Texas state legislature, school board races across the country, primarying this guy. Did we get everything you wanted? No. Everything I wanted? No. Of course, not even close. But we inched the ball further the direction we need to go, right? Well, remember, nationally, that's happening as well in some ways and I'm not going to try to just blow sunshine up your, well, does, I'm not going to try to put a smiley face on this thing for you. We are in trouble. And I don't know if enough people are going to wake up in time, but I do know that there are big things happening, things that are bad for the evil people, things that are bad for the system. Here's a headline from the Boston Herald. Few Americans want more US involved or want the US more involved in current wars in Ukraine and Gaza. The American people have lost so much trust, trust in the foreign policy idiots who run this country. The American people have lost so much trust in how this government has conducted wars of the past that they're done with this stuff slowly. They're getting over it slowly. They're getting done with it. And that is a mentality in this country. We have not had since pre World War two pre World War two, even while Hitler was marching through Europe, the American people held the same foreign policy that they'd held since the beginning of the country, not my fault, not my problem. We trade with everyone. America doesn't get involved in other people's wars. That was the founding foreign policy of this nation. Then we allowed these people to rip us up and change that. And then after watching how these people have abused our trust, abused our troops, abused our money over all these decades, the American people are slowly but surely coming around to where they should be. And that's a good thing. Again, does it happen as fast as you want? Of course not, but it's happening and it's good. All right, one more segment and then it's state of the union time before we do that segment. Let me tell you about something that I think might help your day a little bit. Every single day, I pour chocolate powder into some form of liquid and I chug it. It's the first thing I do when I wake up, be a chalk, you know, all natural herbal supplements. They have this powder called chocolate powder. It's packed full of all the vitamins and minerals just packed full of this stuff. So with a wife will either be making us a smoothie and she'll pour that in it or I'll just get a glass, a whole milk and I'll pour that in it and I chug it to start off my day. You cannot imagine the difference when instead of waking up and grabbing whatever else, whatever unhealthy thing I normally would grab, boom, I put that in my body right off the bat. Try it. Go to They're having a mega March sale on everything right now, promo code Jesse gets you a big discount on everything, promo code Jesse. Try some chocolate powder. Try the male vitality stack. Try the female vitality stack. Try to stick around because we have one segment left. Hang on. It is the Jesse Kelly show. I have one more thing I would actually want to play for you before we get into a couple of these headlines and a couple more emails and something like that because we've had, you know, we've had a bunch of those tonight and in recent weeks and maybe you've been feeling a bit down and it's all lost and whatnot. So I want to remind you of something. I want to remind you that we are fighting against evil and that children, whether you have them or not, children need us to win. There are real things at stake here. It doesn't matter how down we get, doesn't matter how angry we get about this law or that speech or how mad Joe Biden makes us next to our when he gets up and gives his state of the union. None of that matters at all. We have to fight against evil all the days of our lives. I'm going to play something for you. This woman is a first grade teacher, a first grade teacher that's six and seven year olds. This is what we're up against quitting is never enough. She her pronouns and I've been a first grade teacher for 16 years. I'm here in support of this bill to make rainbow flag bands prohibited. It is a rainbow flag me into my students, my classroom, here are some words for my first grade babies. It means my teacher will stand up for me. It looks like the flags at my house, so I feel home. It means we all are here together. My students feel the importance of windows and mirrors. I want every child, family and staff member to have a clear visual of inclusion and safety in the community I build. We know students, families and staff members need to feel safe in order to learn, thrive and continue to share their talents with us. My rainbow flag stands for welcoming spaces, trust, resilience, compassion, joy, collaboration and community. Why are you gay? That's a child predator. I know she just looks like a standard normal liberal white woman. That woman is in the teaching profession to prey on your child. That's why she's there. She wakes up every single day with a mission on her mind, and she goes to bed at night with a mission on her mind. We don't get to quit. All right. It doesn't matter. Doesn't matter what happens. We do not get to quit. We are the good guys, and so we will continue on. All right. All right. And again, if it makes you feel better, are our people, the people we're up against, they really are dumb. I just, I keep coming back to how bad Joe looks physically. And then you look over at dome, and you think, you know, I know she's technically the vice president, but they're not, they're not really going to let her be president if something happens to Joe, right? Yeah. I think that there's a duality to the nature of democracy. But it's intact, oh, it's so strong in terms of what it does to uphold and protect individual rights and freedoms. So strong in its nature, and it's very fragile. It will only be as strong as our willingness to fight for it. I'm so uncomfortable. I'm so uncomfortable. Jesse, why can't you pronounce gold? It's not gold. It's not God. It's gold. There's an L. Can you make an L? It's so obnoxious. You can't say a simple four letter word correctly. Chris, do I say gold, weird? No, I don't gold. I just, I just said gold, Michael. Do I say gold? Weird? No, I don't. Gold. What? It's the, I say the L. I can hear the L. I'm saying, I am. I'm saying the L. I'm white trash. Okay. I don't say every letter in the word gold, gold, gold, I'm saying the L. Guys are stupid. It's like groceries, groceries. No one says groceries. People say groceries as if it's an SH in there. And then these language snives, I'll email the show, Jesse, it's not groceries. It's groceries. Well, you know what? I went to community college. For me, it's gross, it's groceries. And for me, it's gold. Oxford gold group. Have you gotten ahold of them, by the way? Yeah. Case you're, case you're wondering how things are going down at the Fed. Do I need to remind you of this? This, remember 833995 gold. Do you think maybe you should call? Last question, Chair Powell, do you believe that the impacts of climate change pose a risk? Have you been talking about that more? I, I certainly believe that climate change is real and poses. We are in so much trouble. Get some gold delivered to your house. Get it in your retirement account. Let Oxford gold make it easy for you. That's the best part of Oxford gold. They just make it easy because I don't understand how to do these things. What do I do? How do I get gold? Are you going to send me gold bars or something? They're not going to do any of that. Nothing crazy. Everything insured. Everything anonymous. But let Oxford gold send you gold or silver. Let them get it in your IRA 401k. Joe Biden's also going to request tonight a 1% increase in the defense budget. These people are destroying the money on purpose. So take some precautions. Okay. 833995 gold. Time to take precautions. And now. Here's a headline. Gold. You know the thing. Headlines we didn't get to you. Dem's bill would give the DOJ veto power over state election law. Man, remember all those people on the right who looked, who looked down on you and lectured you that Democrats don't cheat in elections and Democrats don't cheat in elections. Democrats sure seem to want to get super involved in elections, including vetoing your voter ID law. I wonder why that is layoffs surged in February to the highest level since 2009. That's pretty much the worst news ever. We are in a period of high interest rates high inflation and now people are getting freaking laid off. Gosh, I hate that so much South Carolina becomes the 29th constitutional carry state. Again, I want to remind people who get too down that we have still like three fifths of the country moving in our direction. People are moving there. We are not some tiny, powerless minority. We are the majority of the country. If we would just find our guts, the SEC approves a rule requiring some companies to report greenhouse gas emissions, legal challenges, loom. I always knew that was the worst football conference. A man deliberately got 217 COVID shots. Here's what happened. My work, buddy. 217 shots of his, if his heart is still beating at this point in time, they need to turn him in for science. DC passes sweeping public safety bill, reversing some reforms. These cities now are so desperate that they're trying to do things like get the drugs off the streets and it will be highly entertaining slash pathetic watching cities like DC and New York and others try to do just enough to try to curb the crime, but not do anything significant to curb the crime. So nothing will work. And then they'll just be, they'll just be exasperated out there. But don't worry. Kathy Hocho sent in the national car looking to do harm or spread fear on our subways. You will be caught plain and simple. There will be consequences. This has to end. Yeah. Senator John Barrasso to run for whip passing on a bid to replace McConnell. Okay, so that's another one we could probably do without leadership in the Senate's looking worse and worse by the day. This has been a podcast from WOR. Get ahead of the postage rate increases this year with It's like your own personal post office. Sign up with promo code program for a four week trial plus free postage and free digital scale. No long term commitments or contracts that's code program.