Jesse Kelly Show

Republican Leaders...Spending Bill

Broadcast on:
07 Mar 2024
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Lucky Land Casino asking people what's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky lucky in line at the deli I guess I'm in my dentist's office more than once actually do I have to say yes you do in the car before my kids PTA meeting really yes Excuse me. What's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky? I never win and tell well there you have it You can get lucky anywhere playing at lucky land slots calm play for free right now. Are you feeling lucky? No purchase necessary for everybody by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply What's everything else this is a podcast from WOR Another hour of the Jesse Kelly show on a Wednesday and yes, I understand that the state of the union is tomorrow night Yeah, we'll be covering it as much as humanly possible. He's not gonna give the speech while we're on the air for radio We all be covering it live for the first TV afterwards. So look what do you expect him is gonna be mean and nasty and divisive? This hour on the radio. We're gonna get to spending illegal immigration stuff we're gonna get to a bunch of emails men feel pressured to act manly and So many other things. I'm gonna do something really quickly first. There's a headline. I didn't write it That's why I didn't you can tell I didn't read it. I don't use these words migrant who came into the county illegally kills a Washington state trooper His name is Christopher Gadd state trooper in Washington. I Want to just give a shout out out there one Respect for that guy prayers for his family to a lot of state troopers. Listen to the show It's one of those it's one of those cop jobs that people don't think about Frankly until you see the flash and lights be high on the interstate. You never think about state trooper but for so many reasons it can be such a very dangerous job often times you're far away from help Often times look you're parked on the side of the road and cars are driving 80 miles an hour by you It doesn't take a bad mistake by someone else to get you killed Those guys they pull someone over in the dark and they don't have any idea whether it's me sitting in the front seat Yes, sir. No, ma'am with both my hands on the steering wheel or some guy who just escaped prison and he'll die before he goes back They don't know what they're walking into They just don't get a ton of love That people don't discuss them very much. So Shout out to all the state troopers out there the state trooper community and again prayers for that young man that young man's family, okay I get I don't want to I don't want to beat this point up over and over and over again And the reason I don't want to beat this up And I'm talking about to talk about the debt in this spending meal and stuff like that The reason why I'm gonna try to back off screaming about the debt as much. I'll still do it But I'm gonna try to back it off more because it doesn't do you or me any good And it should do us some good us getting angry about it should do us some good It should get these people to stop spending us into a disaster But very clearly they don't care. So I'm just once again going to say we are now at about 35 trillion in debt just about there 35 trillion We are adding a trillion dollars in debt every three months and the timeline of that Accelerates from here. It's not like we had a bad year and we're doing that for a variety of reasons That will get faster. It won't be long and we will be adding a trillion dollars a month to the national debt I Know that what I'm when I talk like this I know it can be hard to understand it could be hard to believe me is really what I'm saying Because you've been hearing these warnings about spending and debt your whole life, and we've never run into that problem But we are gonna run into that problem There is nothing that can stop it now Because these people aren't even trying to stop it That's our fiscal situation and as we speak well, here's a here's a headline Congress debates spending bill with hundred and five pages of earmarks six hundred and five pages Republican and Democrat The list of things that have been earmarked about 850 grand for a bus stop in South Carolina That's courtesy of Ralph Norman some GOP dork down there 1.8 million to expand an LGBTQ community center a million in New York courtesy of Chuck Schumer For a new environmental justice center. Oh, you thought all that was bad Well, possibly the next GOP leader in the Senate is a man named John Thune You've heard of him before is the South Dakota Senator a world-class brown noser and fundraiser He's one of the low T GOP types who screws us every chance he gets yet He gets to remain there because red states South Dakota doesn't ever bounce him out. He's got a hundred in 16 million dollars penciled in for himself his state so he can buy More elections. That's all this stuff is look at all the money I'm bringing back to South Dakota So the GOP primary voter will keep sending me back to the Senate like the idiot. He is we really are In the looting the treasury phase. This is why this drives me mad And it makes my blood pressure rise because there are so many things we talk about you and I when we're discussing issues Cultural issues and other things there are things we can debate right in obviously as you know I'm definitely not a real oracle. I just happen to get a bunch of predictions right from time to time But I've got a real oracle. You're not a real oracle. We can debate How certain things are going to pan out we can't with you and me? We can differ Totally on hey, how's abortion gonna end in the country is the industry itself gonna collapse or is it just gonna get Firmly ingrained everywhere that you and me we could go back and forth for hours on that and those Your position whatever it is in my position. Whatever it is. They'd all be legitimate arguments to make And we can do that with a variety of things we can foreign policies a great example What is the correct foreign policy? What is it? Well, I don't know You don't know I have things that I like I have things that I prefer I have I have things that I've seen that I believe would work best for my country so Yours may be similar to mine It may be polar opposite of mine, but you and me We could sit down and with you cranes a great example of this You and me we could sit down and we could have a great argument Over what we should be sending. Should we be heavily involved not involved at all? And you know what as long as you and me as long as we've done some research on it I bet you could make a great argument for whatever your position is and it might be the correct one In me I could make a great argument for whatever my position is it might be the correct one. Okay, so there's a bunch of issues We can debate. We don't really know how it's gonna turn out if we do this or if we do that There is no debate on the national debt in the financial disaster that is coming it is Coming you can not under any circumstances Pile up debt to this point to get to the point where you can no longer afford The interest on the debt that will be the tipping point because once we can't afford the interest on the debt What that means is we will tell our creditors our international and domestic We will tell our international creditors that we are no longer a Safe place to loan money to that the United States of America You can't just shell a bunch of money out to them Because they might not pay you back and pay you back in a timely manner the second We began defaulting on international payments for our national debt you and I will witness in our lifetime This is in the coming years here. We will witness a slow steady degradation of our standard of living We will have a lower standard of living than our parents and their parents before them We will because of the debt crisis. It's coming. It's coming. It's coming. It's coming. It's coming It does not matter if there's no argument you can make there's no argument. I could make it is math It is coming. It's all interest rates and all the stuff compounds and it's coming and These people don't give a crap They don't give a crap about you About me about the country. They're sitting there Six hundred and five Pages of earmarks not six hundred and five earmarks six hundred and five pages of them the math I just laid out again I want to stress is math and they all know it from Chuck Schumer to John through They all know the math They know the crisis. It's coming. They know it and they know it's coming soon These people are hyperinform. They have the congressional budget off They know it they talk to the fetch federal reserve chairman all the time They know the crisis is coming and still They just sit there in the bottom of the treasury, which they've already basically emptied and the few gold coins that are left Out at the bottom. They're just grabbing as many as humanly possible and jamming the coins in their pocket Before they walk out and leave you and me and more importantly our children and their children Leaving them with the bill for the whole thing. I cannot stand it. I can't stand watching this car crash come for us and Knowing the people driving aren't even hovering their foot over the brake It's just It is what it is man. All right Hey Like Johnson did something good At least said something good Let's give some credit where it's due before we get to emails and in other things before we do that Let's do this. I realized that's a It's difficult to sleep sometimes when when you're faced with this kind of crisis financial crisis. It's coming well You may be having a difficult time sleeping, but I'm not and it's not cuz I don't get stressed about this stuff It's because I have my pillow. I Sleep draped in my pillow stuff. I have my pillow Giza dream sheets I have a my pillow mattress stopper. I have a my pillow 2.0 pillow I have probably five pairs of my pillow slippers around the house the my slippers Did you know that by the way, you know the my slippers are 60% off right now the originals? 60% off indoor alto. They're the greatest things ever actual support for house slippers My pillow calm click on the radio listener special square and use the promo code Jesse Giza dream sheets on sale My slippers on sale my pillow comm promo code Jesse or call 80845 0 5 4 4 The Jesse Kelly is the Jesse Kelly show Chris. I don't like that version of that song He was playing country roads by John Denver, you know, I don't look so befuddled. That's a great word I'm gonna use that word here in a second You know, I don't like that word Chris or I don't like that version It sounds like the live version and he doesn't sing it the way he normally sings it and I just ran into this You want to know what where the spirit is is coming from? I just ran into this the other night with Hank Williams, Jr I told you I took listen Chris now. Hold on. I told you I took the wife to the Hank Williams junior concert here at the Houston rodeo It was awesome, and we I love Hank Williams junior, right? So I'm a fan, but it was it was an awesome concert And I realized he's 74 and you can do whatever you want But this is what these people do at concerts all the time He adjusts the lyrics and adjusts how we normally sings the song Because he's bored because he's played a million concerts in a million countries And he's bored with it, and he wants to specially edit it for the crowd So he's making all these huge adjustments to it. Well, we're out there trying to sing along Hank I don't need you to improvise pal. I need you to bring me the hits Chris I don't want any more live music on this show. There's live music needs to be banned from this show at least live Audios that it's not that I don't like concerts I do, but this is the problem This is why you never get the live version of whatever song you happen to download On what is that music place you guys told me about spotify? That's a this is why you never get the live version ever and as soon as you do it sounds like crap what Chris Okay, Johnny Cash doing one great show from Folsom Prison does not that's not a that's the hey, it's exactly It's the exception that proves the rule All right, sorry, I just had to get that off my chest Let's talk about something really quickly here Haiti in America's immigration cuz here's the headline catastrophic you a catastrophic US worries Haiti crisis could exacerbate migration Well, what are they saying? Well Haiti? I've I've always believed this is the case. I believe Haiti is cursed I I will I will always believe Haiti is cursed and I'm not gonna go into a bunch of the background on it and nor am I a Haiti expert by any stretch of the imagination, but it was a French colony for a very very very long time and It had some of the most Horrific shadow slavery in the Western world because it was a sugar cane place and sugar was money Forever it was how you made your money sugar so To harvest sugar cane before you got more modern equipment. It was a brutally labor intensive process and What happened over the years was they kept bringing in all these slaves these black slaves from Africa and they're there were It was awful like the conditions were awful the torture the murder the rape It was awful and it went on for so long that there eventually became this huge Divisions in society there were the black slaves and then there were kind of the mix because there were all kinds of free black people there too Milados and but a lot of this stuff is just I highly recommend you download a podcast on and to do some reading on It's a very fascinating situation and then you had the white slave owners well Eventually, this is one of the only successful slave rebellions in history there have not been very many of them But the slaves eventually rose up and they fought this it wasn't 15 minutes It was this long Brutal protracted essentially a civil war a slave rebellion. They're sending in reinforcements. They're burying people alive It was bad bad bad bad bad it would during that slave rebellion Haiti would have been like the last place in the world you wanted to be it was really really bad and in the end French France loses as they always do stop if the end France loses Okay, so I guess on a macro level. That's a good thing, right? The slaves had this uprising and they rebelled only I Don't know if it was and I say that because The poor people of Haiti have had to live in hell Ever since that day - it's not as if they got their freedom from the French and everything was all hunky-dory Sunshine and rainbows. It has been murder death disease and poverty Endlessly down there one dictator after another dictator one gang after another gang that it is just a Violet horrifically violent disease ridden place that can't figure out basic infrastructure Haiti I swear if you believe in such things. I believe the location itself is cursed. I do I think it is a cursed place Of course, there's unrest there But I do have to laugh at the headline that we're worried about the Haiti crisis You know one of the most beautiful things about securing your own border is you don't have to sit and stress about another third world dump sending criminals to you why because you don't allow them in your country But here in the United States of America now that the dirty commies have opened up the border on purpose Well now anytime there's unrest we can just let me might as well put it on your calendar We'll have a lot more Haitians here in America. I'm sure that'll work out well for us Before we move on We're gonna talk a little bit more about illegal immigration and how the right talks about it and things like that. Let's Let's talk about making preparations We talk all the time people email me all the time. How do you make preparations? What do you do? What do you do? I do not get fancy. I don't get crazy and I don't spend a bunch of money Look we're on we're not made of money right none of us are I do the basics food water ammunition medical supplies basics You know my patriot supply is the place to go for emergency food They have partnered with the show. They've been partners with the show for a long time. I love these guys Millions of American families have already used them. It is the trusted place to go They have four week emergency food kits on sale right now for $60 off plus free shipping. You don't have to go crazy You don't have to build a nuclear bunker, but you do need some emergency food to get you by just in case Prepare with Jesse calm Prepare with Jesse calm is where you go to get your four-week emergency food kit $60 off do the basics prepare with Jesse calm, all right It's more illegal immigration talk and now we shouldn't talk next It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Wednesday reminding you You can email the show and you should love hate death threats asked dr. Jesse questions for Friday Email Jesse at Jesse Kelly show calm. All right, so I want to get into something just for a few minutes about illegal immigration But it's not really specifically about that. It's more about something we've talked about before about language language leads to mindset mindset leads to performance language leads to mindset mindset leads to performance What do I mean by that? Let's let's a great way to describe that. Okay, so let's say I'm sitting in the house with one of my sons just us two at home it's dark out back and My son says he's gonna go get the mail You're gonna go get the mail. It's dark outside. I mean he's gonna go get the mail and I go poke my head outside and standing in the driveway where he would walk to go get the mail is Some deranged looking axe wielding lunatic with a couple hatchets in his hands waving them around and screaming at people Is it appropriate for me to go back and tell my son hey son, I know you're going to get the mail But I just want to let you know It might get dangerous out there. So just be careful. Okay. Is that an appropriate way to talk about that? I didn't lie to him But is that is that using the right language to put him in the right mindset or? Am I cheating my son by not properly preparing him for what he would face if I sent him out to get the mail? By using language That is too soft that is frankly inaccurate. It's so soft We are failing to prepare the right to do the things necessary to take back the country We are guaranteeing the American right sits on their hands still remains complacent Doesn't get involved doesn't vote in primaries doesn't become activists the language we use on the right drives me insane You want to hear an example? Larry Cudlow is somebody I do not know and I'll be honest. I have no animosity towards at all You might be a great guy might be a demon. I don't know. I don't know him personally So when I play him, I don't want you to take this as a personal shot at Larry Cudlow cuz I don't know him Well enough to take that personal shot But I know this kind of language This is me cheating my son and I want to make a point. There are me We've done the research on this. There are several congressional laws Signed by prior presidents going back to Bill Clinton that gives any president the authority to stop people at the border and To deport criminals back to wherever they came from and the fact that President Biden has been unable to do this He has been unable to take any actions in the light of what has happened to this beautiful woman And on many others also Unable President Biden has been Unable that is what he said Chris. I didn't make that up right unable Seriously this is why such a large portion of the American right is uninformed Uninspired and sits at home on primary night because our language is Dangerously weak Joe Biden is unable What Of course he's able He got into office and signed over 90 executive orders guaranteeing that the border remains open and yet still Yet still we use language Trying to make it Sound like Joe Biden just kind of screwed up here. Hey, I just wish he had the ability to do something guys That's how we talk about there guys. How do they talk about our guys? Take it away James Clyburn I have been talking about this now for a long time That I did not believe that Donald Trump was planning to leave the White House People criticized me saying I didn't know what I was talking about Well, I think everybody now sees what I was talking about when I say it I consider Trump to be a Mussolini and putting a hit look and I still hold to that Unable I just I'm gonna play it again. I can't I can't get over how weak our our language is And I cannot stress enough how important it is For us to get more harsh With our language and when I say harsh, I just mean more honest We have got to stop describing Communist policies that are intentionally destructive We have got to scott stop discussing them as if they're accidents as if they're whoopsies I don't know how this one got by joe biden. What did he slip and fall? How could he make such a mistake? I just wish he was able I want to make a point there. I mean we've done the research on this There are several congressional laws Signed by prior presidents going back to bill clinton That gives any president the authority to stop people at the border And to deport criminals back to wherever they came from and the fact that president biden has been unable to do this He has been unable to take any actions in the light of what has happened to this beautiful woman and a mini Unable you've got to be kidding. All right enough of that. I promised you something good out of speaker johnson Probably should have opened with that. But as you know, I like focus But what my focus is Just staying focused. So here's speaker johnson from today. Is it great? No, it's awful Spending bill already passed the house but This is an appropriate way to talk and maybe we're starting to move these people slowly Towards the right position on the issue we have advanced and we also advanced as you've seen the summary Uh cuts to some of the agencies that we believe are really overreaching and and have been turned in some ways against the american people Um, we we're going to cut uh three percent from doj seven percent from the atf six percent from the fbi And ten percent from the epa and that's just a start Is that everything we want? Of course not of course it's not But listen It's better than nothing. It's better than what we had yesterday. I know what you're sitting there thinking atf How let's start with a hundred percent. Look, I'm with you. I I know I I get it. I'm with you It's a step slowly in the right direction When is the last time you heard a republican speaker of the house? Talk about cutting funding for the fbi. You've never heard it in your life and neither have I at least it was something All right, I love it. We never get that out of leadership. I and i'll tell you Uh rick scott i'm gonna have rick scott on my tv show tonight on the first tv I'm having rick scott on because as we discussed a little bit earlier. He's running to be in leadership and He's the best chance we have at a decent senate leader at having a decent senate leader Do I need to remind you That john kornin. It's not just john thune john kornin that useless barnacle from texas He's trying to be leader too. He wants to be the next gop leader minority or majority whatever it is Let's check in member member john kornin. He's out there trying to tell you who's going to lead you I also want to thank the bipartisan group of senators who works so hard to get this done Especially senate stop. I guess I should set it up this that president poopy pants is talking about there This is gun control the gun control law they passed after you've all I also want to thank the bipartisan group of senators who work so hard to get this done especially senators murphy cinema kornin and tillus Hope you don't get your control mention your name Yeah But you did bud. All right, let's get to some emails before we get to More cultural rot in the corporate world. It looks like The communists are using guns again against their political opponents men feeling pressure to add Manly but we're gonna do emails before we do that before we do any of that One more word about the spending bill Just another reminder. We're about 34 trillion in debt and they didn't cut a dime not a dime Do you have preparations Do you have gold or silver? That's what i'm asking. Do you have precious metals? Are you prepared for a dollar? That doesn't look anything like it looks today, and I know it's bad today too You cannot spend at this level without crisis you can't So all people like you and me can do is make preparations The preparations nation states are making they're buying precious metals the preparations finance giants are making They're buying precious metals, but you don't have to be a nation state and you don't have to be CEO of a finance giant to do this Oxford gold group is for normal people call oxford gold group and get some form of precious metals in your hand Don't care what it is gold silver doesn't matter to me But call them let them get it in your retirement account as well Call 833 995 gold all right 833 995 gold do not get caught with your pants down and we're not talking about hunter 833 995 gold. We'll be back Is the jazzy kelly show on a Wednesday? I can't stop laughing about this. Look. We've I think we've talked about this very very briefly I'm not going to spend a lot of time on it tonight But have you heard about what's going on in dolton illinois dolton illinois It's one of the great Most hilarious stories. I remember in politics Uh, no, it's not that great if you live in dolton illinois, but you probably voted for so if you live there and voted for I don't care, but they have this mayor Tiffany hanard is her name And you know how we talk about politicians How they want to become politicians so they can have access to the things rich people have without actually accomplishing anything Essentially they love getting there and getting access to all of your money They view your taxpayer money the money they steal from you is being theirs to spend on what they want This woman has taken that To such an extreme level That it's making me laugh. I don't know why it's just she's so bracing about it She's making rap videos with taxpayer funds Jesus caught all in and now Obviously there was an investigator. There was a resolution To investigate her for what is clear corruption. I didn't she's put it all instagram It's not as if she's doing this behind the scenes, right? Well, she retold the resolution night the dolton mayor vdota resolution passed by the board to investigate her spending Last month the board passed a resolution that required hanard to turn in the village's financial records and called for an investigation by the fbi The mayor took issue with what she called attacks on her as you can see our village our community I we are in the attack. It's a shame that people can come to meetings and Just tell you one side of stories and not get the entire side of both I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't laugh, but that's somebody's mayor That woman got elected mayor. Look is a shame Gosh, I can't put this in emails. Hi jesse Your wife is not long suffering to be married to you Your wife is a blessing from god because he knows she is the only woman to put up with you That's not very nice. That's not very nice again. I want to just reiterate. I think she's a lucky woman. Dear chip crusher I saw peat get his butt handed to him on the border. I mean probably enjoyed that on the clip on cnbc I noticed for several years now every time a democrat gets asked or put on the spot with any subject There are only defenses to talk louder over the interviewer and run out the clock on the segment. Let's say you Uh Well, we've talked about this before let's talk about it again Remember and I'll get back to the to this specific thing here in a moment, but the communist Is not like you in many different ways and one of the ways we find hard to accept is The communist doesn't want to think We on the right have naively believed something for the longest time Because we love freedom and having the freedom of thought And freedom to succeed or fail and freedom of movement. We these are things we value on the right But we have taken those values And we've projected them on to the other side Many many many many many many people throughout history have not wanted to be free Slaves Have not wanted to be free Many times throughout history you can count how many one of the famous examples I love to use is pompy magnus when he finally gets assassinated by the Egyptians on the beach He had this slave who was his slave not some paid employee his slave for years Wept over the body couldn't leave him my master people Many people Want to be told what to think what to eat How to work where to go what they can do what they can't do because life is simple and easy that way people many people you share a country with want to be slaves and so When you think of the communist as i've said before You need to think about him as if he's a robot Why does your liberal amp peggy? Why does she shout louder than you When you start arguing with her, why does she call you a nazi or change the subject or something along those lines Because she's just a robot She hasn't thought through any of the issues any of the stances she's taken She hasn't thought through a single one of them and here's where you'll get things wrong She doesn't want to you think she just needs to dig into it further. She doesn't want to know more She wants to go up to the hive mind plug in her cord Get a software update with the latest talking points about what to say what to think what to do That and then she wants to take those talking points out into the world And what that does is it gives it look she has a simple life an easy life She doesn't have any depth of knowledge That's why she will immediately just call you a nazi or change the subject or something along those lines But she's never going to get into any conversation with you in depth actually this happened to me the other night Oh, so this last speaking of the weekend before the weekend before I was over to neighbor's house And there were all these couples over there the kids were over there and everyone was hanging out and one of the guys His father in law was in from Canada. He actually wasn't an american But he was one of these dirty commie scumbags from Canada Canada has those two So he shows up And he's famous for being not only a commie scumbag allowed one when he walks into a party Of course you have to hear all about it Now I had never met this gentleman before but the other people at the party most of them had And as soon as he walked in, they kind of all immediately loudly started saying, "Oh Jazzy, this is going to be good This is going to be good." Now remember, I don't like to talk politics. I don't need to do that It's generally not something I dive into especially recreationally It's just not something I do. I do it for a living. I enjoy it, but when I'm off, I'm off But I'm perfectly willing to if you choose if you want to roll that way we can roll that way And he gets himself all peped up talking to all these people in the party He gets himself all peped up and fired up And he's going to come sit down with me And he's going to square me away on guns in the second amendment And he walks right on over and he plops down and he launches into some anti-gun tirade Now I didn't freak out. I didn't get mad But I was very firm with him and I completely destroyed him. Why? Because every time he would bring up a point I would shoot the point down very easily. It's nothing special. I did you could do all this easily And then he would quickly as I'm destroying the point he just made He would very quickly try to change the subject into something different I'll describe in a little bit more detail what he did because you probably run into this in your life This has been a podcast from WOR With the lucky land sluts, you can get lucky just about anywhere This is your captain speaking. You know, we've got clear runway and the weather's fine But we're just going to circle up here a while and get lucky No, no, nothing like that. It's just these cash prizes add up quick So I suggest you sit back keep your tray table upright and start getting lucky Site for free at Are you feeling lucky? No purchase necessary void. We're prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply. See website for details