Jesse Kelly Show

Jesse explains how to talk to a Communist

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07 Mar 2024
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Hey guys, it is Ryan. I'm not sure if you know this about me, but I'm a bit of a fun, fanatic when I can. I like to work, but I like fun, too. It's a thing. And now the truth is out there. I can tell you about my favorite place to have fun. Shumbah Casino. They have hundreds of social casino style games to choose from with new games released each week. You can play for free anytime, anywhere. And each day brings a new chance to collect daily bonuses. So join me in the fun. Sign up now at chumbah casino dot com. No purchase necessary. But by loss, in terms of conditions 18 plus this is a podcast from WOR the Jesse Kelly show on a Wednesday final hour of the Jesse Kelly show. All right. Let's dig into something here. We're going to talk a little bit about the world make believe looks like they're sending law enforcement after their political opponents again, more war culture war stuff in the corporate America realm. But I'm going to continue on something I was talking about at the end of last hour in case you're just not joining us. Some guy had emailed in and he said, did you see Mayor Pete Rear Admiral Pete Buttig on TV? He was getting pressed on immigration and he started shouting and speaking loudly and changing the subject. And and I was talking about how the communist is a robot. He doesn't have any depth. That's why liberal and Peggy. She will either call you names or she will lie or she will change the subject when you start trying to press her on things because she doesn't have any depth. And she doesn't want any depth. She wants to be told what to believe, what to think. That's what she wants. So I was talking about this party. I was at last weekend. It was just the neighborhood party and some guy's father-in-law, some commie from California from Canada was there. And this guy, like I said, I'd never met him before but he was very famous for being loud about his dirtball comedy politics. I happen to be there that night. Everyone got really excited because they thought they were going to witness Thunderdome when the guy walked in. And of course the guy couldn't help himself. He had to give me a shot. He had to come try. And it was of course about guns and I was all smiles. I didn't care. And he sits down and right off the bat, right off the bat, he says, explain to me, explain to me why you need an AR 15. Explain it to me. And I could have gone obviously a million different routes with that. I could have talked about the rights. I could have talked about the truth, which was, well, it's in case the American people have to rise up and fight the government. That's why the second amendment's there. But I didn't I didn't go any of those routes. And I said, listen, oh my God, his name. This is not his real name. Bob, call him Bob for the purpose for our conversation. I said, Bob, just last week, Venezuelan gang, four dudes kicked in the door at midnight of a home, two miles from my house, tied everybody up, knifed the husband, stole all the valuables and left. Do you think an AR 15 would be pretty handy if a Venezuelan gang kicks in my home tonight to harm my wife? And I pointed to excuse at the party. I said, do you think of a Venezuelan gang kicks in the door tonight? Do you think I should have an AR 15 to defender? And you know what he said in response to that? I don't want to start hearing this talk about illegal immigration. You know, illegals don't even commit crimes to the same level that American citizens do and that this is this is what you can't let LeBron Peggy do. Do you hear do you hear what he just did? Didn't you just change the subject? I said, no, no, no, no, Bob, no, no, no, no. There's a what what I said, Bob, you're not going to change the subject. Let's stay focused. You just asked me why I need an AR 15. I explained it to you and you tried to change the subject to make it about illegal immigration and crime statistics and stuff like that. You just tried to change a subject. So let's stay focused. Well, I mean, it's just that the right loves to talk about illegals. I said, Bob, you're still doing it. You're still doing it. You asked me the question. And this may be difficult. I should pause on this conversation for a moment. This will be difficult for people who are a little less, more shy in person, less assertive. I'm naturally rude anyway. So this comes natural for me. But you can do this very politely. And this went on and on and on for about five minutes. We tried to go round and round. And eventually, eventually, this is what I got out of Bob eventually. I got, well, look, I don't care if you have one. There's just too many of them out there. Of course, he ended up breaking down. Why did he break down? Because I didn't allow him to call me names, shout, change the subject or lie. You cannot allow liberal Aunt Peggy to call you names, change the subject or lie. And if she does any of those three things with you, stay calm and drag her back to the original point because this is how I want you to think about the original point. I want you to think about it like a flame for her. The flame of truth. What Chris, that's, that sounds like a fantasy novel or something from a movie. In fact, I think I'm the first one to ever say that. And I want you to think about it like a flame, right? You're trying to drag liberal Aunt Peggy into the flame so you can burn all the lies off of her. You're trying to introduce her to truth. She is going to react to that exactly like a human being being dragged into a fire. She's going to do everything she can possibly do to avoid being confronted with the truth. To avoid having to hear the truth because remember, liberal Aunt Peggy doesn't want to be free. That's the part you must get through your head. She doesn't want what you want. You want to be free. You want to be prosperous. You want to be left alone. You want to make your own decisions in life. You want liberal Aunt Peggy doesn't want any of those things. Liberal Aunt Peggy wants to be told what to think, what to wear, where to go. She just wants to be a slave. That's what she wants. Drag her into the flame of truth. Do not let her run away. Do not let her pull back. Change the subject. Not see. Nope. Nope. Nope. Peggy. We're not talking about that. You asked me about AR 15 and we're going to sit here right now and you're going to discuss AR 15. Don't let them get away with it. All right. That's why they do what they do. It's a tactic and you should understand it's a tactic that they've learned over the years and it's a tactic they've learned because it's been effective on people on the right. It's part of the reason they do these things is they, again, they learn how to use your values against you in this way. I want you to imagine you and I are having a conversation. We're having an argument about something. Who knows? It's about nachos. Who makes the best nachos? You and me, you could see us arguing about that. So we're arguing about who to have the best nachos, who had the best nachos. And at some point in time, maybe I'm losing the conversation, which of course is the menu whisper. I would not. I would win. But let's say I was losing that conversation. What if I just out of the blue and said to you, hey, you know what? I feel like you're a pedophile. You know what? Do you like do you touch kids? Are you a pedophile? Let me ask you, whatever happened from there, whether you walked away, punched me in the face through a drink on me, whatever it may be, would you want to continue having the debate about nachos or would you feel that I think we're going to shift and talk about this pedophile thing you just accused me of? You would want to change the subject, wouldn't you? You would want to change the subject from a debate where you're winning. That's why they call you Nazi. That's why it's all Nazi white supremacists, Nazi white supremacists, Nazi white supremacists. It's a tactic. It's something they've studied. It's something they've learned over the years when you start getting pressed on something. You learn this as a dirtball commie early on. When you start getting pressed on something, you lob an accusation at the person who's pressing you an accusation they will feel obligated to address. So if I'm sitting there debating gun rights with the dirty commie, and at some point in time, he says, yeah, that figures. That's what a Nazi like you would say. It would be my instinct because I'm not a Nazi to change the subject and begin addressing that. What Nazi? I would try to go into the right loves to do this all the time. We go into some lame explanation. Well, I can't be a Nazi. My uncle's Jewish or something. It would be something lame and pathetic. As soon as you start addressing the accusation he just lobbed at you, you've lost the argument and he won. When he calls you a Nazi, when you choose to make that the point of discussion instead of the debate you were just winning, you lost. And he knows that. He has used these tactics, these techniques because they work on your value system. It's the same reason they get loud. When you press liberal and Peggy at Thanksgiving, and you're having a family discussion and maybe you're even having a quiet discussion about what illegal immigration, that's always in the news. Now, maybe you're having a discussion with her about it. And you start maybe pressing her on it, bringing up facts, something like that. There's a reason you go from having a discussion like this to, oh my gosh, you're right way or something. And you're a Thanksgiving and you're sitting there thinking to yourself, Oh my gosh, why is she shouting? I'm uncomfortable. You're disrupting dinner. Okay, now I wish I hadn't brought this up. My niece is listening. Oh, this is getting uncomfortable. That's why she does it. That's another tactic they use. Get really loud, get really inappropriate. So you will stop arguing with her. You'll stop winning the debate. And you will instead just want all the noise to stop. It's a tactic they use. Don't allow them to do that. Don't let liberal and Peggy get away with that. All right. All right. Let's get to some emails. Budget, shortfalls, men feeling pressure to act manlies, so many other things. You know, it's not manly complaining about all the little aches and pains you get. That's not manly at all. Now, did I say you have to just live with aches and pains? No, of course you don't. Why don't you just take relief factor? Then you'll look more manly because you complain less, but you're actually complaining less not because you got tougher because the pain's gone. That's what relief factor does for you. Your neck hurts your back hurts all my hands and my feet on my muscles, but you don't have to live with pain. Help your body fight the inflammation inside of it naturally with a drug free solution. That's what relief factor is. Drug free help your body fight that inflammation naturally, and they have a three week quick start kit. So you don't have to take my word for it. For 1995, you can go by a three week quick start kit and experience being pain free for yourself. Call 1 800 the number four relief 1 800 the number four relief or go to relief All right. Emails and men feeling pressured to act manly next. I see Kelly show that reminds me, remember that Air Force guy who said himself on fire last week? That was wild. I know I had forgotten it. You know, how what does it say about the news cycle of this country that some dude dumped fuel all over himself in front of the Israeli embassy in Washington DC in full Air Force uniform and lit himself on fire. And I forgot like 24 hours later. I'm like, oh man, that seems like ancient history. That's terrible. All right. That's terrible. That John Kerry speaks publicly. Gosh, this stuff is so embarrassing. Russia has the ability to be able to make enormous changes if it really wanted to. I mean, if Russia has the ability to wage a war illegally and invade another country, they ought to be able to find the effort to be responsible in the climate issue. Unfortunately, because of the actions that Russia took in an unprovoked illegal war against another nation, we have not been engaged in discussions with Russia. Sadly, 500,000 young men have died. They've been blown up shot that's been unbelievably terrible for Ukraine mostly, but for young Russian soldiers to dying in droves. And John Kerry looks at all that death and all that carnage. And he's just upset that Vladimir Putin doesn't want to cut his emissions. These people are nut jobs, man. Total. You know, speaking of nut jobs and the world of make believe these people live in. I again want to remind everyone as I play this, this is CNN's van Jones just talking crazy talk. The reason your liberal aunt Peggy believes the most insane things is because she watches television and she listens when these people talk. And that's why these people intentionally build a world of lies. Listen to van Jones warning what's going to happen if Trump takes power and van, what does President Biden need to do at this point to earn those Nikki Haley supporters bring them into the fold. We saw the Biden campaign putting out a statement from President Biden almost immediately after Nikki Haley walked off that stage in South Carolina. What do you think? I think he needs to talk to her donors and her supporters and say if you want to a year from now, watch Russian tanks rolling through Europe, then you know, endorse Donald Trump and get on that bandwagon. But understand you're going to wake up one morning and you're going to see horror across Europe. You're going to have American soldiers sailors having to go over there and do something that we could have done with dollars. We have to do with blood. None of that is even close to true. Russia can't even with their huge Russian army. Russia can't even take Ukraine. They've took portions of it that they want. But Russia ended up getting stalemated after they took what they wanted in Ukraine. Russia's not going to invade Europe nor do they even have the ability to and every Republican and Democrat many Republicans have said this as well has lied directly to your face when they've told you that. It is an idiotic ridiculous thing that again, Russia doesn't even have the desire or the ability to invade Europe. And yet your liberal Aunt Peggy will repeat that lie. And in her mind, he's telling the truth. And her mind voting against Donald Trump is her saving the world. And that's why these people speak like that. That's why these people build the world of make believe for liberal Aunt Peggy. And they're going to lean into that this year. Tomorrow night is Joe Biden's state of the union and he's going to do that heavily. I mean, there's a little bit of his last set of making the wealthy pay their fair share of some Republicans, some Republicans want Medicare and Social Security sunset. I'm not saying it's a majority. He's going to be so vicious and nasty describing Republicans tomorrow. Why is he doing that? Well, one, because Joe Biden has always been vicious and nasty, the kind old nice, nice old Uncle Joe was always a myth that the media created. But two, he's going to be so nasty. And he's going to lie so much about Republicans tomorrow night because he wants liberal Aunt Peggy not thinking about the open border, not thinking about the fact she can barely afford her Xanax prescription anymore. He wants liberal Aunt Peggy only thinking about how evil Republicans are and how dire the situation's going to be. If she doesn't crawl across a mile of broken glass to vote against them, you're going to hear that's going to be 90% of the Biden campaign because they don't have anything to campaign on. That's why they talked about this last night. That's why they talk all the time about stupid, tiny things that people don't care about junk fees. He's been addressing junk fees for the longest time. But why are you addressing junk fees? Because you can't address any of the big things. So you try to focus on a little thing like junk fees. They're going to try to turn the eyes of every Democrat in America over the next over the coming months. They're going to try to turn all those eyes on the Republicans on MAGA on Trump. And they're simply going to attempt to scare them into staying in the Democrat tent for the election. Now the question always is, will it work? Will that work? And my answer is, I don't know, time will tell. Look, let's be honest. Often times it does work. Getting your side who might not love you to vote against the other side is a tactic that has worked for both sides many, many, many, many, many, many times. Hey, I know you're mad at me and I kind of suck. But that guy over there is the devil. Will it work? Maybe, maybe not. It's all a matter of numbers, right? Remember, these elections are closed. All right, some emails, let's talk about the budget shortfall and the man thing. Hang on. The Jesse Kelly show on a Wednesday. Don't forget you can email the show Jesse at Jesse Kelly We'll talk about the budget shortfalls and men feeling pressure to ask manly producer Michael asked me during the break. We were talking a little bit about Russia, Ukraine and stuff like that about Russian tanks because of course, Van Jones warns that have you not support Joe Biden, Russian tanks will invade you. And Van, what does President Biden need to do at this point to earn those Nikki Haley supporters, bring them into the fold. We saw the Biden campaign putting out a statement from President Biden almost immediately after Nikki Haley walked off that stage in South Carolina. What do you think? I think I think he needs to talk to her donors and her supporters and say if you want to a year from now, watch Russian tanks rolling through Europe, then you know, endorse Donald Trump. Okay. All right. So Michael was asking me about the usefulness of tanks. And I need to, I need to disclose something before I get into this. I, I know some things about military matters mainly from books I've read. And yeah, I did four years as a very average Marine, a four year infantry grunt. So I have some hands on experience with it. But I read a lot of books and I don't, I'm not unknowledgeable of it. But there are going to be things we're about to discuss that I can't see because I can't actually see the future. Then I'll explain. We'll come back to tanks. Just hang on with me. Before World War II, the aircraft carrier wasn't a thing for obvious reasons. People weren't really flying until World War I, they started figuring out we can use air power, but the aircraft carrier wasn't a thing. So what was a big thing? What was the scariest thing on the seas back then? A battleship. And is there anything freaking cooler than a battleship? Just a gigantic floating murder box full of big guns and stuff. Isn't a battleship sick? And I forget the name, I forget the name of it. I want to, I want to say the name of it is the Prince of Wales, the HMS Prince of Wales. But there's a, there's a famous story. There are many famous stories like this where the British had these advanced ships. Obviously the Britain, Britain's always had the best name in the world. And they found themselves under attack in the Pacific from Japanese air power, not Japanese ships. And what they discovered, what the world really began to discover was, Hey, you know that battleship? And this is not at all an accurate number. All right, so don't, don't, don't take this as an accurate number. But hey, you know that battleship that cost you a hundred million dollars? Yeah, we just sent it to the bottom of the ocean with about five million dollars worth of planes. So why are you still building battleships? Uh, there are, there are a million military stories like that. And I used World War II, but honestly, we could go on and on and on with endless examples of military technology eventually, even the most advanced military technology eventually becomes not just obsolete. It becomes dangerous to use once an effective countermeasure is in place. So that battleship, if you had, let's say you had three of them, right? Three battleships in the year 1920. Brother, you can storm into any port in the world and mess up anybody in the world. And you best not mess with me. I've got three battleships. Fast forward to the year 1942. And you bring your three battleships into my port. If you don't have air power supporting you, it's not that you, it's not that it's not that you just can't defeat me. I'm going to kill you. I'll send all three of them to the bottom of the ocean, all three of them with some planes. I will. I'll send in torpedo bombers and dive bombers and various other things. And I'm going to send your ships to the bottom of the ocean. They don't just become obsolete. They become dangerous to use. And so that brings me to it. It was a really good question from Michael. What do we even use tanks for? Well, I'm not going to sit here and say tanks are obsolete. Again, there are more military, there are more advanced military minds listening right now. There are, I'm not going to say they're obsolete. But as this drone warfare stuff, as it ramps up, there are going to be many, many, many, many, many traditional things we have used that will become obsolete. And tanks, in fact, armored vehicles at all, any kind of armor might be going that way. And a lot of it just becomes, you know, about cost. If I'm going to spend, and this is again, not an accurate number, I'm just throwing out random numbers to make it easy to understand. If I'm going to spend 50 million dollars building an Abrams tank, and that Abrams tank can be defeated with $50.50 worth of materials, the drone I bought from Best Buy and attached some HE to it, you know, HE that can penetrate, maybe some kind of thermite over for the Abrams tank. Then what I've done is not only did I make the Abrams tank way too expensive to make, I'm taking up time. I'm taking up resources. I shouldn't even bother because it can be taken out with it with a countermeasure really easily. I've not only made it too expensive to make an obsolete. Honestly, I'm cheating the troops I will put in it. And we don't, we don't like to think like that because we like to think time stands still in what's super advanced and awesome today. Well, of course, I mean, it'll be improved upon, but it'll have some relevance tomorrow. No, we might very well be going into an era of warfare. Again, I don't know this. I'm really not an oracle and I'm not a military experts know a little bit about a little bit. We might be going into an era where all armor is really obsolete unless it comes with a more effective drone negating technology than exists right now. That's not something that exists right now. We can't take our whole fleet of armor and put you know, a magic little box in it and drones will just bounce off this force field as they come in that does it. It's not a thing that exists yet in smaller ways. I'm not going to go into the details of it in smaller ways kind of, but it doesn't exist that way for our armor. So we might be going into an era of warfare where the next major war is just going to kind of be a drone war. It might be. And look, that won't last forever either. There will eventually be such effective countermeasures for that that it will negate that. But look, to this day, battleships haven't really ever made a comeback. It's not that there aren't battleships. There are. But why are you spending the money using the materials on something of that size when you can send a jet after it or you would send a more than one hypersonic missile planted in the right spot. Battleship goes by by with one missile. I had a guy tell me, he was a well, it doesn't matter. He was he's high brass for the military, but I had a guy tell me that he said, Jesse, I'll tell you something. And it breaks my heart. He was a navy guy. He's a navy guy. And you know, as much as I love to give him crap, I love the Navy. It's really the essential branch for a country like ours. You probably could secure the United States of America with only a powerful Navy as long as you had, you know, a marine element and infantry element to it. And so he's a navy guy. And he said, Jesse, I'll tell you something. It's going to sound insane. And you're going to tell me I'm nuts. But I believe it. And I can see a future where this is the case. And I said, okay, what, what is this? Because it's really even keel guy. And he told me he said, Jesse, I'm telling you right now, we are entering an era. We're going to enter an era where all navies become virtually obsolete because of the missile countermeasures for them. And remember these like our Navy ships have this incredible technology. I'm not going to go into where we can slap down these missiles and they have these defense systems. And so I, of course, brought that up. And he said, Jesse, do you really believe that they're not developing any technology to defeat that? He said, eventually, it's just going to be why bother putting a ship out there when I can just press a button, missile gone. Your ship's gone and all the sailors on it. He said, Navy's themselves may become obsolete in the future. It's amazing, isn't it? And I'm not predicting that. I'm just telling you, military technology, countermeasures, that's the way that goes. Wow. That's pretty interesting, isn't it? Interesting bit of business there. You have a military guy in your life, call him or text him about it. Ask him what he has to say about it with an open mind. Make sure you're calling on your pure talk phone, though, because you don't want to patronize dirtball, commie companies. You see this at a North Face North Face, that company that makes all the winter gear. Customers have to pass a DEI course where you can learn how evil and racist you are. If you complete their DEI course, they'll give you a 20% discount. That's how, that's how much this evil has infected the corporate world. Do you think that's bad? Go look at Verizon. Go look at T-Mobile, AT&T. When you pay your cell phone bill every month to those companies, that's what you fund. On pure talk with pure talk, you don't fund any of that garbage. They love you. CEO is a veteran, fought for this country. Customer service all based in America. Keep your phone, keep your number, or get a brand new Samsung 5G smartphone free. All you have to do is pick up your phone. Dial pound 250 and say Jesse Kelly, pound 250 say Jesse Kelly, switch to pure talk. It is the Jesse Kelly show, final segment of the Jesse Kelly show, but we will be back tomorrow. Don't worry. Yes, I know tomorrow is Joe Biden's state of the union, and that'll be extremely riveting. Remember, I'll be covering that on the first TV as soon as the show ends, the state of the union begins. We'll play it on the first TV, and then I'll do an hour long show, a TV show after that kind of recapping it, all that stuff. You want to email me, you can, Hey, Oracle, with looming budget shortfalls, how long till they come for our retirement money? I've had this question before. Are they going to come for my retirement? Are they going to come for my retirement? Man, I don't think I want to say that. Now, don't be wrong, I can see these evil people doing it. I don't, I don't think we're at the point you need to be yanking all your money out of your retirement and socking it away somewhere, bearing your money and cash in a managed jar. Don't don't don't do that. I'm not telling you these people don't want to. I mean, these are the worst people in the world. These people want to. I don't know that they're going to just again, you don't have to stress or I shouldn't say you don't have to stress. You don't do any good stressing yourself to death about all these various things. Make little adjustments, little preparations, making sure you can get by for when the, when the bumps come and then let it go and forget about it. You worried about your retirement? I already told you, get some gold in there. All right. Just remember, the best thing you can do to make preparations right now, the best thing beyond the gold and the ammo and everything else, the best thing you can do is keep your mind healthy, your family healthy, your body healthy. Look, we need to get in shape. All of us better shape. I do too. Better shape. That's part of it too. Look, I tell you about chalk too. That's part of it too. Are your levels ready? Are they where they need to be? When's the last time you got your T levels check fellas? It was bad, wasn't it? If you have you even done it? Are you down a lot? Running out of, running out of gas a little earlier in the day? Maybe some natural herbal supplements are exactly what the doctor ordered, except your doctor won't. So get a hold of chalk. C H O Q dot com. Start digging in a natural herbal supplements on top of the water, on top of the workouts, promo code Jesse goes perfectly with this article. Half of men feel pressured to act manly. Well, yes, that's a good thing. Why do people act like pressure is a bad thing? If you're a dude, you should feel pressured to act manly. And that's why you need to get on a male vitality stack. Seriously, listen, fellas, everyone has a different upbringing. Everyone has a different background. And I understand that in America today, a not none, but a lower percentage of men were raised with strong fathers in the home. And a lot of dudes now, they grew up without that. And they're craving that like every dude wants to be a man's man. And I'm certainly not some ultimate man's man to be scolding you on it. But every dude wants to be a man's man. There's nothing wrong with wanting that and figuring out a way to make that happen. So if your background wasn't what you want it to be, maybe you're a little softer than you'd like to be. Don't worry. Don't worry. The desire for more the desire to be better is a good thing. So smile about that. All right. Also smile about this. These liberal white women spend so much time talking only to each other that they're getting to the point. They really don't hide their disdain for normal Americans very well. This was MSNBC last night, Jen Sucky, Rachel Maddow, the work they're voting on race. They're voting on this idea of an invasion of brown people over the border. The idea that they can't get whatever job they want a black person got it. Therefore, drive all the blacks out of the colleges, get rid of DEI. That is what they're voting on. They're just voting specifically on racial animus at this stage. It isn't about economic. No, which is why Trump killed the immigration bill. Correct. That's why. And because otherwise, he can't run against the other and brown people and people who don't look like him, like his supporters, his base of supporters, coming across the border and scaring people and killing people or whatever he's threatening out there. And every, you know, every election cycle when there's this particularly, when there's a Democratic incumbent, we get reminded about the borders and the borders become a thing again. And then if there's a Republican in office, we don't think about them anymore. It's the deficit and the border. Like you, you make these things an issue, you make them into boogie men, you make them into something that grabs you from under the bed at night, which shouldn't you wake up as long as there's a Democratic incumbent to blame on it. I'm not sure the Democrats understand how badly immigration is for them. The topic of illegal immigration, it's it might be their doom in 2024. And these liberal white women get on these shows what plus Joanne Reed, and they just laugh about it. Oh, it's so stupid. What a boogie man. Ah, like sometimes being trapped in that bubble was a dangerous thing. And now headlines, we didn't get to you. LA district attorney George Gascon sent cops to the home of a whistleblower. Oh, who does he think he is? Merrick Garland bail fail. Study shows that repeat crime increased in New York because of justice reforms. I love how they put increased in capital letters. That's the New York post. Oh, really? You mean crime went up? When you started letting criminals out of jail? No, why knock me over with a feather campaign funds Biden in the DNC have 80 million Trump in the RNC have 39 million. This is that unsexy thing that we've talked about before on the show. That might be a problem. Are we have a money problem right now in the GOP? Our money, we don't have as much of it. Our money is going to other things that don't involve campaigning. And I am I do have money concerns. I hope we don't have to do an after action report after November and discuss how bad our money situation was. Cyber attack paralyzes the largest US health care payment system. Oh, good. Little things like that. I I try not to think about all the cyber attacks and all the things that are out there that are connected to the internet and how much damage these people can do by hooking up to those things and attacking those things. I don't worry about it. It's just the hospital system. Katie Porker will be out of Congress as Schiff and Garvey face off and California's UF Senate race. That's too bad about Katie Porker. And I'll tell you this. Adam Schiff's going to be a senator. Oh, isn't that the worst? But listen, we were yelled and screamed about Adam Schiff and why we see why he's such a lion dirtball and why is he always on TV lying about Trump and attacking and impeachment? Well, why? Well, say hello to Senator Adam Schiff. That's why you want to talk about paying your system membership dues. Adam Schiff paid his dues and he's going to be rewarded with a seat in the United States Senate. Senator Bob Menendez hit with new conspiracy and obstruction of justice charges. I don't have anything else to say except the story continues to make me laugh. Gold bars under the bed. What a New Jersey story. This has been a podcast from WOR. Hello, it is Ryan and I was on a flight the other day playing one of my favorite social spin slot games on Chumbah I looked over the person sitting next to me and you know what they were doing. They were also playing Chumbah Casino. Go incidents? I think not. Everybody's loving having fun with it. Chumbah Casino's home to hundreds of casino style games that you can play for free anytime, anywhere, even at 30,000 feet. So sign up now at Chumbah to claim your free welcome bonus. That's Chumbah and live the Chumbalife. No purchase necessary, the E.T.W. reviewed by law in terms of conditions 18 plus.