Jesse Kelly Show

CDC director Mandy Cohen and many other government people must be in prison due to Covid

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06 Mar 2024
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You need to see everyone get an updated flu shot and an updated COVID vaccine. We also shared on Friday these people. This is why I said, and I'm not naive. I know we're probably never gonna get this. This is why I was so loud about us having a reckoning after COVID, a reckoning where government people are arrested and put on trial and sent to prison in ways that will make you very uncomfortable that would make Americans uncomfortable and people thought I was an unhinged barbarian when I said that. But as I explained many, many, many times, we cannot possibly fix what is broken in this government without government people going to prison, lots and lots and lots of them. I don't mean some Patsy who has to take the fall for everyone. Government people must be imprisoned. They must be imprisoned and they have to be imprisoned for what they did to us during COVID. Now, I know this won't happen. Why won't it happen? Because Republicans have as much guilt as Democrats do when it comes to COVID because idiot loser Republicans went all in on the COVID stuff to 15 days of so the spread get your vaccine. Oh, look, I'm vaccinated. I'm so proud of my mask. They were just as bad as Democrats for just a shorter amount of time. And so they don't want to have that reckoning either because they, their hands are not clean either. So I know the reckoning is not going to come, but Michael, get it ready. If you don't mind, Mandy Cohen, before she became CDC director. She was talking, well, I'll play the audio. You've heard it before. This human being for this statement alone, this human being should have been arrested and put on trial and if you had a country that wanted to be free, that would have happened. So I would call probably the person I called most was the secretary of health and human services in Massachusetts. She worked for a Republican governor just to, but you know, when she was like, are you, are you going to let them have professional football and I was like, nope. And she's like, okay, neither are we, neither are we. Oh, look how funny, look how funny it was. I'm in my official government position and I was just shutting down things. People love and shutting down private businesses and destroying lives. We had so much fun. Me and my girlfriend, we were just joking about all the stuff we're going to shut down. Ha, ha, ha. Isn't that funny? I don't find it funny. You filthy dirty tyrant. I find you to be evil, evil. And she should have left there in handcuffs and her, the rest of her life should be in a female federal prison for using your official position to abuse the American people and to take away their freedom. She must be arrested and tried and sent to prison, but she wasn't, she wasn't arrested and tried and sent to prison because now she's actually the CDC director trying to push that 10th booster shot of poison into the arms of Americans. How could she possibly be that bold because no one arrested her the last time without a reckoning without these people feeling fear. We cannot save the country. It's not possible. You've heard me say it a million times. We will have government people arrested or America cannot be saved. And I don't mean one guy. I don't mean one dork to this Pentagon leaker, Jack TX area or wherever his name is. It's just the kid, the kid who decided to start giving out classified information online. And so now he's going to prison for 16 years and that's fine. Good. Go to prison. That's what should happen to you. You give out classified information, but don't think that's what I mean by government people going to prison. I want CDC directors going to prison, IRS directors going to prison, FBI directors going to prison, FBI agents going to prison, politicians, Democrat, and Republican arrested public trials so everyone can see going to prison. It's the only way you can save this place because otherwise here's the reason. It's not because of revenge without that. They don't have any incentive to change, to change how they think, to change how they operated. Listen, Michael, get that cut one more time. I just want to play it one more time, just the very beginning like that we just played before. I just want you to understand that in a free country, we're going to set aside her dirty communist values or anything like that. Maybe a Mandy Cohen's the anti-Christ that doesn't matter. But if you lived in a free country, if we lived in a country where the American people still valued freedom, Mandy Cohen would be afraid to say things like this. So I would call -- probably the person I called most was the Secretary of Health and Human Services in Massachusetts. She worked for a Republican governor just to -- but when she was like, "Are you going to let them have professional football?" And I was really like, "Nope." And she's like, "Okay, neither are we, neither are we." "Is this joking about it?" "No, no. You should have been afraid to make that decision and you should have been doubly afraid to say it publicly." We cannot remain free until the tyrants are held to account. We cannot live and let live our way out of communism. We cannot fix this until government people start filling up the prisons. It's just the truth. Honestly, you know what it's done to me? It's made me in different ways, kind of weird ways. It's made me less of a law and order guy than I used to be. You know what? We'll read some articles. I love mafia stuff. You know, we'll read some article about some wise guy going to prison, and it's not that I'm on the side of the wise guy. It's not that I'm sitting there thinking, "Oh, why can't you just let him extort people and shoot a couple people in the face?" That's not what I'm saying. But I think to myself, the criminals in government are so much worse than that guy. They really are taking your position of power and authority and just abusing it, abusing the people, and then laughing about it. Like you're just having fun with your girlfriends. We're not going to let them do anything. Isn't that fun? I don't think it's fun. Look, you should be afraid to write an article like this headline, "Could alternating arms for multi-dose vaccines boost your immunity?" They're now at the point where they're discussing out in the open whether or not you should just switch arms to try to get that COVID vaccine to work the next time. My word. Frightening place to be. Frightening place to be. All right. We're moving on. We'll get to some stuff about illegals and other things in a moment. I'm going to get to some emails first, Jesse. It should be a priority to propose legislation, I think is what he's trying to say, to assure that a world power as the USA never again has a senile leader as a double agent, Joe, whose brain no longer functions. He cannot lead his way into the bathroom. He says, "I didn't say I can do the same, so I won't." Yeah, but we don't need legislation. I know what you're saying. I'm not disagreeing with you, but we don't need legislation. We need the American people to care enough to stop it, and they didn't last time. What we need, we need our institutions back. Again, we need an American media. You never have a Joe Biden without the FBI interfering in direction in elections. Remember the FBI had the Hunter Biden Facebook story blocked without the FBI interfering. You don't have Joe Biden without the media covering for Joe Biden and Hunter Biden. You don't have President Joe Biden. The cultural institutions all locked shields on behalf of Joe Biden to rig the election for Joe Biden. That's why we have Joe Biden. We don't need a law to change that, although there obviously should be. There should be obvious upper-end age limits for president. Joe Biden has really brought that one home, but you shouldn't need a law. You should have a people who instinctively reject that. You should have a federal law enforcement agency that stays the heck out of it. You should have a central intelligence agency that stays out of it. You should have a free media, not a completely state-owned and state-run media. You should have a free media who covers endlessly the mental disability of the man who was trying to be president, but we didn't get any of that. They took over the institutions, and now the system simply works hand in hand with every part of it to push the same message at all times. All right, we'll get to some more emails in just a moment. Looks like somebody did some good today on a primary day before we get to that. You heard of Chad Mode, told you about it before, but you already know my thoughts on chalk, all the natural herbal supplements at chalk. I've made it pretty clear what I feel about our traditional medical institutions now as a country. It's not that they're all gone. There's still so many wonderful doctors and nurses out there, but they're going fast. I have chosen a more natural route for myself and my family. That's what chalk is to me. Well, pre-workout, that's a thing that people take, it's a thing I take sometimes. Before workout, take a little something. It's usually full of caffeine and whatnot to get yourself revved up. The problem with most pre-workouts is it has all kinds of additives and horrible things in there for you. So of course, chalk decided there has to be a better natural way, right? And they came up with Chad Mode, all natural caffeine's as always, all natural from chalk. Highly, highly recommend it. And plus everything, male vitality stacks and chocolate powder, female vitality stacks, go to promo code Jesse. promo code Jesse, we'll be back. Missed out, catch up. Is the Jesse Kelly show on a Tuesday? Don't forget, you can email the show love, hey, death threats, ask Dr. Jesse questions for Friday. Email all that into Jesse at, yes, I know super Tuesday going on right now. All the results are coming in breaking news, Trump won it all. I know it's not a critically important super Tuesday because we always, we all know Trump is going to win every state easily, but make sure you go vote. Remember, there's more at stake in your primary than just the Republican nomination, which has already been decided. I went and voted in my Texas primary. There were all kinds of critical things on their constitution or amendments, so many other things, and remember to tell your friends and neighbors to go vote. I was actually proud of myself the other day. I was voting early in our primary here in Texas and got a wild here to call my buddy. One of my, one of my neighbor buddies said, oh, he likes to talk to me about politics. And I called him on the way that I was, I was pulling into the voting area where you voted. We voted in some, it doesn't matter, some church around here. We pulled in and as I'm pulling into the parking lot, I called him and I said, Hey, just a reminder to you, you need to go vote. Go vote today. There's no line. Go vote early in the primary. Oh, okay. I guess I can do that. Do I have time? I'm telling him. We got plenty of time. Okay. Who do I vote for? Little sample ballot. Gave him a little sample ballot. This is what I did. Boom. Him and his wife out there voting. I get this email from you. I'm freaking proud of you. Keep doing this stuff. This is the kind of way. This is how we save the country, not from Washington, D.C. This is how we save the country. Hey, Burger Meister, I wanted to say that your advice paid off today. I voted in my local primary for the first time. I'm a little embarrassed to say that, but I never realized how truly important it is. I then went to work and reminded my coworker to vote. Most did not even know today was election day. Six of my teammates are literally, I don't know, let that go, going to vote because I brought it up. Thanks for keeping us informed, says I can say his name, his name is Kevin, Kevin, you are the man. Okay. It was your first primary. You finally got involved, freaking awesome. And you dragged other people with you, freaking awesome. That's how we save the country. You want to take, you want to get rid of the low T GOP, you want to reform the GOP, get involved in the primary, drag your friends to the primary. You want to save the country? We're not going to save it from the White House. Yes, that would help, but that ain't how we save America. We get involved in our local elections, showing up and we drag a friend, a coworker, drag them with you. Most people don't know. You don't realize how hyper informed you are. And honestly, that was me being nice. The more accurate way to put it is you don't realize how uninformed your idiot neighbor is. They just don't know. They don't know anything. They don't know how politics work. They don't know when elections are. They don't really care that much. I guess if they stumble on one, although we're on, they'll show up every four years to vote for the Republican in the general. And then they think they're politically involved. That is not political involvement. No, it is not. You know what political involvement is. You know the issues. You know all this stuff. I'm proud of you. Keep dragging people to the Dagon polls. Jesse, I think you are using a combo muffin and fluffy for your pretend dog Muffy. And let me say the wordsmithing from a world famous author is impressive. Rather than rush your dad and Michael Barry, who did you look up to when building your values in your career? Okay. First of all, I guess I do use Muffy and it probably is a combo of muffin and fluffy. Maybe it is. But hey, it doesn't matter. Muffy, fluffy, fluffy, fluffin, give your dog rough greens. Your dog needs nutrition the same way you need nutrition. We're always talking about natural supplements and making sure our levels are good and vitamins and minerals and all these things. And then we give our dogs dog food. Why do you think dog food's all brown? You see nature. What things are brown in nature, dead things, the dog food is all brown because they kill everything in it. It's dead. They kill everything in it at the factory. So it lasts longer on the shelf. Good for them. Bad for your dog. Poor rough greens on your dog's food created by naturopathic Dr. Dennis Black. You will see physical differences in your dog. Go to for a free jumpstart trial bag or you can call them 83333mydog. All right. All right. That is a question. Who did I look up to when building values in a career? You know, moms are underrated. You know, I have a really wonderful mom. I'll tell you, she's a lot better person than I ever will be. But we always talk about dads and I talk about my dad a lot. Obviously, some of the dude, my dad's awesome and that's the way it goes. He's had a big influence on my life. But moms, moms are so critical for young men too, more critical than people realize. You know, there's a lot of talk now on the right and I'm glad there is about the importance of fatherhood and being a dad and obviously that's really, really important. The greatest thing in the world. Mom matters too. You know, God made men and women for a reason to be parents. Men and women. Mom, certainly a lot there, certainly a lot. I don't know if that is what you're looking for about building values in a career. Listen, I was never, I never knew I was going to be doing this. I had no idea that I would be doing this for a living. I have lived a very normal life for pretty much all of my life. I had nothing to do with media. I decided to run for office just because I was mad and this is 10, 12 years ago. I was just mad about Obama, so I ran for office. I didn't have grand plans that that would, you know, one day in a very roundabout way, turned into this big radio show and TV show. I had no idea. So look, when it comes to a media career, I can't believe it worked. I don't have another way to put it. I can't believe you like this. I can't believe the show is still growing. I can't believe we haven't been kicked off the air. I find it ought to be quite frankly very difficult to believe. I find it difficult to believe that these people were running the immigration system. First of all, let me say that we don't use the term illegal immigrants. I actually issued a policy in the Department of Homeland Security. We use the term non-citizen to respect the dignity of every individual as a preliminary matter. Yeah, yeah. The dignity of people who take a steaming dump on our immigration laws headline, California dream for all, build to grant illegals, state backed, interest free, first time homeowner loans. I'll pair that with this headline, Gen Z and millennials are becoming forever renters. Here's what this means for the real estate market. So while Americans can no longer afford a home in California, they're going to give out interest free home loans to illegals. These people are taking our country away from us and it sucks. All right. We'll get to electric vehicles and more next, Jesse Kelly show on a Tuesday, put a smile on your face. It's a great day. It's a great night. Let's do something really quickly here before we get on to other stuff. Remember something, the climate communists. It's only about destroying everything. That's really what climate communism is about. That's what will really allow them to destroy everything because climate communism puts them in to everything, absolutely into everything. But remember, the essence behind it is human beings are poison. Human beings are bad. Human life is damaging the planet and therefore human beings have to die. Lots of them. You cannot be a climate change activist without turning yourself into an anti human because at its base level, climate communism believes all this climate change nonsense believes man is bad. Man is poison. Again, they, these people claim carbon, what you're breathing out right now. They claim it is poison, but you are made of it. Therefore you are poison. They're getting more and more honest about it. Apparently seven million people are dying around the world every year because of pollution, because of the bad air quality. That's greenhouse gas pollution, folks. We know what we have to do. It's the burning of fossil fuel and not capturing it, the emissions that is the problem. So we don't need a new algorithm defined. We don't need a rocket scientist to define what's the problem. We know what the problem is. It's simple. It's us. The choices we make about it. It's us just want to again remind everybody that the quote, burning of fossil fuel that he just talked about, I'm about coal, oil, natural gas, things like that. It's what lifted the world out of the dark ages. The reason that you have, you know what you have in your house? Guarantee it. Whether your house, your apartment, wherever you live, you have a spice cupboard. Don't you? Chris, you got a spice cupboard. Don't you? In your house. Would you say, Chris, just a guest, just so it doesn't have to be accurate, how many different spices would you say are in your spice cupboard of your home? 20, young married couple, 20 spices in their home. The kings who had thrones and palaces who lived in the past did not have access to 20 spices. You do. You have access to paved roads, hospitals, everywhere. Deep affordable energy is what lifted the world from darkness. And any attack on cheap abundant energy is an attempt to send the world back into darkness. That's all it is. It's about destroying man. It's about destroying life. It's about wiping out all the progress man has made. Climate change activism is the most damaging. Violent, genocidal belief system in the history of mankind, nothing else comes close. Pick your evil ideology, pick your evil religion. And you probably can't find one that says 90% of the people on earth need to die. But climate change activism does. And look, that's why you waste your breath like with articles like this. Electric vehicles release more toxic emissions and are worse for the environment than gas powered cars. Yeah, electric vehicles in the push for electric vehicles was never about the environment. Climate change activism is not about the environment. That's just the cloak they use to hide their demonic agenda. It's about destruction. It's about destroying everything. It's why you'll get people on the right who they'll try to again meet the communist halfway and try to reason with the animals, try to reason with the religious jihadists. And they'll do this when it comes to climate change activism by saying, well, why don't you like nuclear power? They think it's the ultimate gotcha on the right. Well, if you guys really cared about emissions, then then then you'd like nuclear power, which I admit is a good point. But by bringing that up, you are missing the point. They don't care about emissions. They don't care about the planet. They care about killing everyone and burning everything down. That's what it's really about. And that's why they operate the way they do. So you make a good point about nuclear plants, but the truth is they're not anti-emissions. They're anti energy. They're anti prosperity. They're anti you. They're anti humans. They can't help it. You've heard him. The problem is always us currently seven million people are dying around. Around the world every year because of pollution, because of bad air quality. That's greenhouse gas pollution, folks. We know what we have to do. It's the burning of fossil fuel and not capturing it, the emissions that is the problem. So we don't need a new algorithm defined. We don't need a rocket scientist to define what's the problem. We know what the problem is. It's simple. It's gross. And they work tirelessly to ensure that every part of the system is promoting their sick genocidal religion. Here's a headline for you. Climate chain or movies can now be graded by climate reality check test. I guess three Oscar nominated films managed to pass the test. Essentially, these activists, they will review your movie. If it's climate change friendly, are you pushing their genocidal religion out there? Then you can pass the test. If you don't, then you don't. And I'm going to play something for you. This is an organization called Sweet Baby Inc. Don't worry about what they do. It's some sick activist group. Kim Belair is her name. You want to know why your corporation ends up pushing this climate change, filth, pushing the LGBTQ stuff all the time. Why do these corporations to come? Because these communist activist groups know how to press the right buttons. If you're a creative working in AAA, which I did for many, many years, put this stuff up to your higher ups. And if they don't see the value and what you're asking for, when you ask for consultants, when you ask for research, go have a coffee with your marketing team. And just terrify them with the possibility of what's going to happen if they don't give you what you want. Look, thinking from her, not me, it's how the communist operates. Hey, you won't do the things I want. You're not being, you're not gay enough. Why are we not pushing more climate change stuff? Hey, I'd hate for the left wing cancel mob to come for you. That would be too bad. That'd be a shame if anything happened to this place around here. That's how the communist operates. That's how he thinks. All right. Now, I just have to touch on this really, really briefly. This was Marco Rubio on the news talking about Ukraine on the other side of it. We have the reality of it is that Ukraine is small compared to Russia in terms of size and its ability to bring scale, its ability to force, can script people. So neither, neither kind. This is, I'm just being honest and I've, you know, in the past, I have tried not to talk about this publicly because I thought it undermined the, the leverage that Ukraine had. In fact, the reality, neither side is going to be able to achieve victory as defined in the most idealistic terms. So then the question becomes, even fact, there's going to be a negotiated summit. Who's going to have the leverage here? Is it going to be Putin or is it going to be Ukraine, huh? You just said that I always knew that this was going to have to end in some sort of negotiated piece. That's essentially what he just said. I always knew that it was going to end this way. Well, then can someone please explain to me why we're completely out of 155 artillery rounds in this country? We've sent them all to Ukraine. We've sent them all to Israel. We have no more and we can't make more. Can someone explain that to me for a war that you always knew? You just said, I always knew it was going to end this way. Well, were you going to inform us of that before or after we started sending them all of our artillery rounds? Yeah. All right, talk about this VA thing, couple emails headlines I didn't get to next. He doesn't care if you believe it is the Jesse Kelly show final segment of the Jesse Kelly show. Don't forget to email me, Jesse at Jesse Kelly will touch on this VA thing really quickly before I get to some emails and then and then headlines I didn't get to. So you've probably heard if you haven't, the VA veterans affairs. They passed around an internal memo, came from a Mr. Mrs. Rima Ann Nelson. I should say Ms. There's no way this woman's a Mrs by looks of things. And she said, quote, you know, you know, first of all, you know the picture is an infamous picture. You don't even have to look it up. I know you know it. World War II victory was declared. There's a Navy sailor sitting there and he's got some woman he's making out with some woman on the pier. One of the more iconic pictures everyone has seen the picture. Everyone knows what I'm talking about. Well, they wanted it banned. This Rima Ann Nelson actually circulated a well, here's what it said to foster a more trauma informed environment that promotes the psychological safety of our employees and veterans. We serve photographs depicting the VJ day and time squares should be removed from all veterans health administration facilities. The photograph, which depicts a non consensual act is inconsistent with the VA's no tolerance policy towards sexual harassment and assault. Since that time, there has been such a horrible outrage that they have reversed the decision and the photo was going to remain, but that's not the point of all this. The point of this is it's going to take serious commitment to root these dirty commies out of our government. How many different levels of power do we have a filthy communist like this liberal white woman here? There's a lot of them. There's a lot of them. And remember the reason they ruined Disney movies, the reason they ruined the VA cub scouts, the NFL is the communist is religious. This woman doesn't sit down at her position at the VA and think about how to care for veterans. This woman sits down at her position at the VA. She wakes up every day and she thinks about how to make more communism happen. How do I destroy more? What can I gut like a fish? How much of this country? How much of the values, how much of the culture can I set fire to? That's how she approaches every single day on her job. That's how committed the communist is to his credit. He is a devout believer in what he believes and we have to be equally as committed equally as devout in stopping him and defeating him. All right. Let's get to some emails here. Hey, Jesse. Can you dunk? You said you played basketball for years. Uh, I could dunk at one point in time. I'm six, eight. I, I, I definitely don't want to oversell that and act like they were some sort of 360 windmill dunk things. I cannot jump really over a piece of paper, but I could dunk. You would recognize it as a dunk. I don't know if I still could. Maybe maybe I miss probably, I probably is physically strong as I was, but not near as athletic. I'm, look, you're, you're not the same at 42 as you are at 22, right? That I don't, I don't, I wouldn't bank on me for the day that way. Jesse Trump should pick a major, uh, leader in the libertarian party for his VP. There are some good people in the party would also give the libertarian party a spotlight, perhaps make them a real contender in the future. What say you? Well, look, Trump is not going to, I would have no problem with that. Right. I, I, you would probably classify me as being more libertarian because I want to slash and burn 99% of the government and make it all go away forever. But I don't see how adding a libertarian to the ticket helps Trump build a bigger coalition. Remember, that's what the VP spot has to be about. Donald Trump cannot just campaign to you or me and win the presidency. I don't care what the polls look like. That's not how it works. His VP pick has to be a VP pick that expands his tent, that expands his coalition. As I've warned before, it probably should be someone you hate. There probably should be someone I hate now. I have my limits. Chris just said, yeah, Nikki would help. Nikki's a bridge too far for me and probably a bridge too far for many Trump voters. So when I said probably should be someone we hate, it doesn't have to be the actual antichrist. So I don't know that we have to go that far, but it, it should be someone you don't like. See, Chris thinks it should be an ethnic woman and there's not a, there's, I'm not saying Chris is insane because identity politics works. The truth is I despise it. I hate it. It does work. However, I don't think it works near as well for the right as it does for the left and every time I've seen the right try to adopt those tactics, it has not worked for them. It has failed for them over and over and over again and the GOP has tried to play this game many, many times. Remember when McCain picked Sarah Palin and I'm not anti-Sarah Palin, right? I'm not, I'm not, I don't really know her, no, no, or if you picked her because she's a woman, how'd that work out? Remember President McCain? Oh, you don't do you? It just, again, we try to do these identity politics things. I had a guy email and I think I read it earlier. He wanted the VP pick to be Jewish, I had to help us with Jewish people, had another guy said, Hey, the VP pick needs to be black, it'll help, it'll bring in more black people. Look, I don't like that kind of politics. I don't. It makes me feel disgusting and it would bother me if somebody pander to me in that way. Hey, Jesse, I'm white, want to vote for another white guy? That just would not, that doesn't inspire me at all. Tell me how much communism you're going to destroy. That's what inspires me. But I'm not saying Chris is wrong, I'm not saying you're wrong. Maybe that is the smart call. I just have seen the right fail at that many, many, many times. How many just get someone up there who wants freedom? About that. That'd be something. And now. Here's a headline. Go. You know the thing. Headlines, we didn't get to you. Headlines is selling $1 burgers after dynamic pricing madness. Apparently they're messed up and said they were going to be charging people more rather than less. And now they're offering $1 burgers. All I'm going to say is in this day and age of inflation, as much as I love spending money, not to sound like or saving money, not to sound like Chris or anything, I don't know that I would eat a $1 burger. It was hard to find a $1 burger when I was a kid today. You're eating a rat burger. Also, I delayed too much. And only a time for one headline, so we're going to have to do this again tomorrow, okay? This has been a podcast from WOR.