Jesse Kelly Show

Jesse talks about the Supreme Court's 9-0 decision that states cannot keep Trump off ballots

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05 Mar 2024
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Where will Dubai take you now? Where will Dubai take you now? To see where Dubai takes you now, visit divide presents dot com. This is a podcast from WOR. It is the Jesse Kelly show. Let's have some fun New York on a Monday. And it is, of course, a medal of honor Monday. Put a smile on your face. It was a good day. Kind of. We'll talk about that here to open up Supreme Court gave us an attaboy. We'll discuss it. Has all that ESG stuff gotten gone away? We'll talk about that. Hey, Washington Post reporter coming out as pro shoplifting. That's predictable. How they're torturing our own people in this country emails so much more coming up than I'd on the world, famous Jesse Kelly show. I want to actually begin here and it's going to take me a little bit to get there. So just stay with me. This is about the Supreme Court decision from today. And I should note that Josh Hammer, our legal expert is going to join us in like 30 minutes to give a lot more specifics that I'm going to give you. So I'm not going to break down all the legal jargon. Does this mean all the attempts to remove Trump's name off the ballot? Are they all gone? Or that we'll get into that with Josh? So let's just begin with this with this. Let's start out right here. What happened today? The Supreme Court ruling nine to zero in favor of us in favor of the country. The Supreme Court ruling nine to nothing. No Colorado. In fact, they're talking to all the states, no individual states. No, you cannot remove Donald Trump's name off the ballot. That's a good thing. What it means is this. There are still some fail safes in place, not a ton, but there are still some fail safes in place holding this thing together, okay? That's good smile about it. Very rare. Do we wake up and we see a headline anymore and we say, nice, woo, you don't have endless reasons to celebrate what happened at the Supreme Court is good. All right. Now let's dig into it a little bit deeper, though, as you can imagine. And in fact, I have an email here. I'm going to read it'll sound unrelated, but it's not. Just stay with me. Oracle. After reading the anti-communist manifesto available at, thanks for throwing that in there. But I have to say it's changed how I read the news. A number of folks on our news aisle are having a good laugh at the James O'Keefe Equinox Jim cancellation video. It's fun to poke fun at this commie who canceled his membership, but we are falling far short. As she raises her commie flag to show the community how they handle business, we've poked fun. If this was the left that Jim would be facing civil lawsuits for harassment, the feds would have several simultaneous investigations into their banning practices. In short, the commies wouldn't stop until the owners slash business was bankrupt and someone was facing charges. We need to do good. We need to do better. How do we get there? It's from Kevin and Sharon. Okay. So we're obviously not talking about a gym. We're talking about a Supreme Court. We're talking about a decision today of them coming out and saying Trump's name can remain on the ballot. Let's set all that aside and let's talk about where we are and what kind of a win is this. So let's say you remember we've done this situation. This scenario before was kind of one of those stupid childish things off the many childish things we do on this. Where we did the, hey, what would you do if you had a billion dollars? Essentially, if you had endless money, what's something cool and fun you would do? Remember, we did that one time and remember what my answer was? I would rent this gigantic yacht, huge yacht out, and I would bring so many friends and family on it. And maybe we'd all go together. It's a big Jesse Shelley, Jesse Kelly show team and we'd have doctors and the best chefs and everything. What we would do is we would take this huge yacht across the Pacific and we would land at the various islands where the Marines and the Army fought World War II and the Pacific and we get personalized tours of the Pacific Islands. Remember that was mine? Trust me. I'm going somewhere with this. Stay with me. Okay. So I want you to picture this. It happens for us. I was playing Powerball or something. I wasn't about a billion dollars. And then I just decide I'm going to take a two, three month vacation, no more radio, Pacific time baby. You staying with me? See with me? And we do a contest because we'd probably wouldn't be enough room on the ship, but a hundred listeners and my family, we are going on tour, Pacific wartime tour. Would you want to go? Of course, we don't want to go. We'd be freaking awesome. Right? Just go lay on the beach. Ready to be great. And so you win the contest, you, your family, you joined me on the yacht. We take off from, I don't know, San Diego or something, who doesn't love San Diego. And we get about halfway across the Pacific Ocean. And one night you wake up, we're in the middle of the Pacific and you wake up to a bunch of alarms going off on the ship. Oh my gosh. What's going on? We're all scrambling out of our beds, rubbing our eyes. Jesus. We're all probably blamed Chris. Chris, what did you do? You don't understand it. But it turns out what had happened was some people on the ship, while we were asleep, they went down into the engine room and they tried to rig up the engines. So there would be a massive explosion and the ship would sink in the middle of the Pacific Ocean and we would all die. All right. You with me? All right. The ship's computer system caught it in time, stopped it and set off a bunch of alarms. So we knew what was going on. Now let me ask you something. Is it good that the ship's alarm system kicked in to save our lives? Well, yes, of course. That's good. I'm alive. You're alive. We're not floating in the middle of the Pacific. Burning to death as we drown. That's a good thing, right? But it's the next morning. Are we in a good spot out there in the middle of the Pacific? We didn't catch the people by the way. We didn't catch them in time, but we understand in the middle of the Pacific that we are sharing a boat with somebody who's trying to blow it up. Are we in a good place? Are we going to sleep well that night? You may be going to be a little bit apprehensive about what your future looks like knowing you share a boat with people who want to sink it. What happened today in the Supreme Court is a great thing. Put a smile on your face. They can't remove Trump's name off the ballot. It's good. It's good. It's good. It's good. It's good. It's good. However, as we've discussed many, many, many times when it comes to many different subjects we discuss, this shouldn't be a conversation we have to have. They just tried to remove from the ballot the name of their political opponent. And when I say they, I don't mean some dirty, calming, hippie on the street corner. I'm talking about the Colorado Supreme Court decided that Donald Trump's name could not be on the ballot. This is Colorado's secretary of state in response to this. And I want to stress again, not the sociology professor died at the local community college, not some dork at Berkeley law. This is the secretary of state of Colorado. My larger reaction is disappointment. I do believe that states should be able under our constitution to bar oath-breaking insurrectionists. And ultimately this decision leads open or leaves open the door for Congress to act to pass authorizing legislation. But we know that Congress is a nearly non-functioning body. So ultimately it will be up to the American voters to save our democracy in November. That's the secretary of state. This case got to the Supreme Court because Colorado's Supreme Court had already ruled against Donald Trump. I want to make sure I emphasize again, because I'm really not trying to be Debbie Downer on a day where we woke up to good news. I'm really not, but I'm trying to make sure the right understands what a win looks like versus we avoided disaster. What that looks like. Yes, the ship, it caught the engine problems before it could blow up. That's a good thing. We avoided disaster. We are still in the middle of the Pacific Ocean surrounded by people who want to kill us. That is a problem. It is a problem that we share a nation with these people that they've achieved as much power as they've achieved. Back to the guy's email, he wrote about the gym or whatever. It doesn't even matter if you understand exactly what he's talking about. The right has lost for so long. The culture has shifted left and left and left and left and left for so long. The right doesn't understand what a win actually looks like. We will narrowly avoid disaster in the middle of the Pacific and then celebrate, "Woo hoo! We got 'em, guys!" You and I interpret that totally differently. Let's talk a little bit more about that. What are they going to do now? These communists, are they just going to give it all up, table this whole, remove the name from the ballot thing? Let's talk about how they operate next before we do that. Let's do this. Let's get your phone switched over, shall we? Because we have to be better about where we spend and don't spend our money. We do. We all do. Myself included. We had, I didn't even realize it, I'm embarrassed to say, but we had one of those TV subscriptions to one of the TV channel things. I knew we had the subscription. I didn't know this particular channel was owned by Disney until last week my wife found on Jesus said, "Did you know? I was mortified." So I do this all the time too. I still fund my enemies. It's obviously, we canceled it, but switch your cell phone to pure talk Verizon hates you, AT&T hates you, Timo will hate you. They hate the country. They hate your values. Pure talk loves you. They even hire Americans at Pure talk. They're giving away free Samsung 5G smartphones right now too. Pick up your phone dial pound two five zero and say Jesse Kelly and switch to pure talk. Get your free phone. One two five zero say Jesse Kelly, feeling a little stocky, follow, like and subscribe. It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Monday reminding you you can email the show Jesse at Jesse at obviously celebrating what happened on the Supreme Court today. Trump's name gets to remain on the ballot. However, making sure we take a step back and see the problems. It's a problem that we share a country with people who wanted to do this thing. And let's let's talk about something in a different way. The communists, are they going to stop or they're going to slow down? Are they going to drop this whole evil, remove his name off the ballot stuff? Is this the last time we're ever going to hear of this kind of a thing? I don't know. Here's Jamie Raskin. A number of my colleagues, including Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Eric Swalwell, to revive legislation that we had to set up a process by which we could determine that someone who committed insurrection is disqualified by section three, the 14th amendment. And the House of Representatives already impeached Donald Trump for participating in insurrection by inciting it. So the House is already pronounced upon that. Okay, so I played that because I actually wanted to do something a little different. I'm not going to dump on that dirty communist Jamie Raskin, but I am going to say this. I'm going to say something positive about our enemy and it's going to hurt, all right? That's a correct mentality to have. That's the right mentality to have. What mentality is that? Well, Democrats woke up today and they're mortified. They received a horrible blow. They were trying to make sure they could legally prevent Donald Trump from ever being president again. And the Supreme Court ruled nine to nothing. You can't do it by removing his name off the ballot. That was something they were trying, then they got slapped down today. But did they quit? Did they say, Oh, this, you know what? It's wrong. We'll try something different. No, they didn't. They didn't slow down. They didn't quit. They didn't act like they had lost. They understand that this is a war, not a battle. They are still 1000% focused on their goals. Now all their goals are horrific, right? It's all power and destruction and misery and that it's all bad, but they don't miss a beat because they understand what winning looks like. They understand that destroying the Supreme Court or threatening the Supreme Court, intimidating the Supreme Court, or maybe getting people physically hurt, which they've already attempted on the Supreme Court. They understand that that is a war, not a battle. They understand it's a long term effort to break the Supreme Court down. So it will stop them from stopping you from destroying the country and they understand that what happened today is a bump in the road. It didn't go their way. Nevertheless, you keep going forward. You keep pressing offense. You attack. You attack. You attack. You attack at all times until your enemy is defeated. The right doesn't even know what that looks like. You want to know a great example? I saw this today. She's not saying Amy Coney Barrett's one of the right wingers on the Supreme Court. She was talking about, she was giving her response, her written response to all this. I saw this and just, dang, this is part of her quote. Writings on the court should turn the national temperature down, not up. Turn the temperature down. Listen, lady, this is not rainbow bright. This is not the movies. This is real life and peace is only found on the other side of war. There's not going to be a turning down of the temperature and you are not the nation's mother where you get to pat everyone on the head and say, Oh, good. I hope we all calm down now. We are dealing with committed communists and they're not going to slow down. They're not going to calm down. They're not going to turn the temperature down. We must turn it up until one of us is the feed hard to understand the decision will accept that it is likely some of the justices simply want to assist Donald Trump in delaying the resolution of this case in the hope of pushing his trial off past the election. The Supreme Court, it's not your job to turn anything down. It's our job to win. Listen to this dork, this is a pastor Russell Moore out of Colorado. And this actually isn't breaking of norms. This is the court looking at a constitutional question that is contested and making a ruling. And if what the court rules is this isn't what the 14th amendment is addressing, talking about those who led insurrection against the United States with the. Have you taken your chop? Do you want to have T levels like Russell Moore's? Look, right now, there's a mega March discount at chop and obviously it's for the month of March. And now is the time to avoid becoming Russell Moore, gentlemen. If your T levels drop down to that of a woman, you will start to talk like Russell Moore. You don't want to talk like Russell Moore. You want to sound like you. How about a 20% increase in your testosterone in 90 days? Male vitality stack for the fellas, female vitality stack for the ladies, Chad mode pre workout. You name it, chalk has it, don't be Russell Moore, go get your T levels up. Gosh, there was an interaction against the country. These friggin dorks,, C H O Q dot com promo code, Jesse, turn the temperature down. The legitimacy of the new nerds. And I do need to say something else. Speaking of nerds, I understand that there I've received already some complaints that I'm maybe being a little too negative after the Supreme Court thing today that it should just be all, you know, rainbows and sunshine and whatnot. Well, I once again want to remind everybody, this is not mommy's show. This is daddy's show. There's a million mommies in this country who want to powder your butt for you and tell you everything's okay. They arrested a journalist on camera last week for doing journalism. Everything's not okay. Not by a mile is anything okay. I am Michael head and be this Thomas soul quote. When you want to help people, you tell them the truth. When you want to help yourself, you tell them what they want to hear. You're not getting that for me on this show. What happened today was good. Supreme Court ruling is good. Be happy. Be proud. Whoo hoo. It's not a win. It's a minor thing. Not a win. All right. That's more. Thank you. It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Monday. Don't worry. We have Medal of Honor Monday coming up about a half hour from now. We don't have time for any of that. We'll get back to other things. We need to talk to Josh now because a bunch of Supreme Court legal stuff happened a day and there's a lot of Latin words out there that I don't understand habeas corpus or whatever. And what Chris joining me now, my friend, Josh Hammer, he has the podcast that will get you boned up in like 15 minutes. Every day, he does his podcast, America on trial. You want to know what all this crap's about? Josh Hammer will help you out with it. Josh. Okay. So Supreme Court ruled today nine to nothing. None of that's particularly surprising because you came on my show and predicted it earlier. But did you hear anything in the opinions that concerns you? Jesse, really not so much. I mean, the fact that it was unanimous is amazing. I mean, it is a resounding victory for we the people as the Constitution's preamble speaks. It is a resounding victory for lower tastes of our Republican self governance for democracy itself. Now, there was this separate, concurring opinion by the three liberal justices. It's not entirely clear to me what exactly they are so worked up about. They thought that the unanimous nine zero opinion went a little too far in deciding certain issues that it didn't have to. Jesse, I read the full opinion. It's not very long. I'm really not sure what they're talking about. So that's a little odd, but it's not necessarily concerning. I would have been a lot more concerned if they had actually dissented, if they had not agreed with their six colleagues that Colorado and for that matter, Maine, Illinois or any other state cannot actually do this. So at the end of the day, no need to make it more complicated than it is as you rightly point out this stuff is complicated enough. There's so many lawsuits and litigation involving Donald Trump right now. This was an easy one. It was a slam dunk case. So credit to the Supreme Court for getting it right and credit as well to an old friend of mine, the former Solicitor General of Texas, the guy by the name of Jonathan Mitchell, one of the conservative movement's most brilliant legal mind to was Trump's lawyer at the Supreme Court when this was heard, the argument a few weeks ago, so he has a nine zero opinion, no small thing there, no small accomplishment. Josh, okay, let's move past the Supreme Court. Actually, let me put a bow on this really quickly. So another state can't try this, right? Is that how that works? Josh, we don't ever have to deal with this again because it was struck down and struck down in its entirety and this problem's never going to arise again? The short answer is no, but the longer answer, you know, Jesse, we lawyers always like to make things a little more complicated, but I just said, right? So the short answer is no. The longer answer is that if you really want to play this game, then technically technically speaking, any judgment in a federal case or controversy in federal court technically only binds the parties that are named to that lawsuit. So in this case, that would be Trump and then on the other side, Andrew Sigg, who's representing Colorado, but no one's going to do it because it was quite literally just be a waste of time because this is binding to Supreme Court precedent and any lower court would just dismiss it. So you might have a radical lawyer who would do it just to generate some headlines, but it would be immediately swatted away within minutes being filed problems. Speaking with Josh Hammer, host of the America on trial podcast, okay, Josh, let's move on past that to a couple of things that have already happened or and are happening. Let's first deal with the Fannie Willis, Nathan Wade debacle in Fulton County, Georgia. Obviously she's caught up in a scandal. There's no question about it. Chances are she could get herself removed, but let's say the whole Fannie Willis's career that it blows up and Nathan Wade, all that stuff, it blows up. Does it make all those Fulton County problems for Trump? Does it make them go away? Does her scandal get him out of that mess? Yes and no. So look, we have two weeks now, so we heard the final closing arguments for this evidentiary hearing on Friday, and the judge there Scott McAfee has said that he's going to let us know within two weeks as to whether Fannie and Nathan Wade are disqualified. So let's say the best case scenario for Trump, which is that Fannie and Nathan are disqualified. You could do one of two things from there. You could, on the one hand, in theory, keep it within Fulton County. You could keep it within the Fulton County District Attorney's Office and just say that Fannie and Nathan themselves can't touch this thing with a 10 or a 1,000-foot pole for that matter. But I personally think that's ridiculous. I don't think it's going to happen for the very simple reason that Fannie is the boss. I mean, you may hate her. I think that she comes across as a frankly very unintelligent and uninformed person, but she's the boss there. I mean, she's the head honcho. So you really can't keep it in there if it's compromised at the top. I mean, the fish rocks from the head down after all. So at that point, what would happen is it will be kicked to a regulatory body in the state of Georgia that basically oversees all local prosecutors. If the regulatory body run by state administrators who oversee all the district attorneys and all the counties there. At that point, and there was a quote to this effect over the weekend that I saw in an article, they said that they or they heavily implied that they would move it out of Fulton County, but quote, not very far, which I think is their way of saying that it probably would stay in the metropolitan Atlanta area. But Fulton County itself is the ability to be stressed. I mean, that's where Atlanta is. That's a county that went roughly 83, 17 or Biden over Trump in 2020. So even if you move it to the Atlanta suburbs, which unfortunately are increasingly blue, even if you move it there, it's still going to be a heck of a lot better for Trump in terms of the jury pool. And then the cherry on top, the cherry on top, is that the delays of this nature and then having to find a new home for it, a new venue and then having to get the pretrial motions back in order, all this is going to have the effect of delaying this thing further and further. And it was actually already not exposed to start until August. This is, this is always going to be the latest of the four prosecutions to start. So even if they can get it to a different venue, it's probably not going to start until after the November election. So the Georgia case, from my perspective, if they disqualified Bonnie and Nathan is probably all but dead for Trump, it might be dead already. Honestly. Okay, that's outstanding. Now let's shift to the one that is bad because already we've had judgments handed down New York. Let's deal with the fine situation there, Josh, some staggering numbers, 350 million, 460 million, depending on which way you want to calculate all this, it's hundreds of millions of dollars in fines Donald Trump is facing now, he does not have hundreds of millions of dollars sitting in a bank account. That's not how billionaires operate. He probably can't even produce three, four hundred million dollars in the timeframe. He needs to, what's happening with all this now? So he tried, just as we Trump and the Trump organization, they tried to essentially petition an appeals judge, so the appellate judge who sits ahead of Arthur and Goron in the New York state system, they petitioned them to basically say, "Look, I know that this crazy nut job said that we owe 365, which is actually 454, including fact-dated, interest payments, but will you let us get away with just depositing 100 million dollars for now?" Probably, Jesse, like just 100 million dollars, I mean, no big deal there. So the court said no, the court said no, but here's the silver lining, it's a pretty big silver lining for Trump. They overturned and Goron's ridiculous overreach where he said that Trump and the Trump organization cannot take any loans from New York banks or that Trump and Don Jr and Eric Trump can't actually serve as officers in New York corporations. So Trump and the Trump organization are now allowed to take out loans from New York banks. The very banks that were not actually defrauded in this so-called fraud case, I mean, Deutsche Bank, which was a major lender, actually so enjoyed his business with the Trump organization that it wanted to do more, so query how he got here in the first place, but he's going to have to pony up the money, he's going to have to pony up some money there, it's going to be a big IOU, a big loan that he's going to have to take out. I have no reason for believing that he's not going to be able to do it. I mean, the Trump organization has taken out a lot of massive loans over the years. I think there's a small chance that in terms of collateral for a loan, he might have to divest the Mac that maybe sell a golf course or a smaller building here or there, but if I were betting on this, I think that they're probably going to get a fairly clean loan, and then he's obviously going to be able to appeal the actual judgment itself. And I have a very hard time believing that that number is not going to ultimately wind down because in New York State, the trial course tend to be a little more insane than the appeals course. There's still a lot of Fortune 500 business activity in New York State, and a lot of these appeals courts really do not want to go down the winding road with precedent of this nature that would clearly, clearly chill business activity. Okay, Josh, we've only got about 30 seconds left, is Trump in the legal clear for his election? I'm only asking about for the election. Is he in the legal clear now? Do you think? So he's in the clear for now, but the Supreme Court's going to hear the community case. I mean, this immunity case is an extraordinarily important question there, and the resolution of that question is going to have a major impact on whether Jack Smith's prosecution in Washington, D.C., can proceed. If there's any case, Jesse, that could actually end up thinking Trump. I don't think it will, but if there's any case, it would be that case in D.C., and right now we have to hear what the court says when it comes to presidential immunity first. Josh Hammer, everyone, America on trial. Josh, I appreciate you very much, my friend. All right. I appreciate Josh almost as much as I appreciate relief factor. You know, once once you start living with pain, it's not that you get used to it. In fact, it gets more and more annoying I've found over time freaking knees and necks and muscles. And you just don't get used to it, but you kind of get to a place where you accept that it's there. And it's always awful. You just accept it. We live with too much pain. Start taking relief factor every day. It is a drug free all natural solution, a way to help your body fight inflammation naturally. I know what you do when your hands hurt, your neck hurts, your back hurts, your legs hurt. You go grab the ibuprofen bottle. Let's focus on nature more than we ever have before. Take care of our bodies naturally the way we should call 1-800 the number four relief. Three week quick start kids are just 1995. Just try it. Three weeks. That's it. Three weeks. Or go to relief All right. We have more. Yes. He doesn't care if you believe him. It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Monday. Remember if you miss any part of the show, you can catch the whole thing on. I are Google Spotify iTunes on iTunes. Don't forget to leave a five star rating in a review talking about how handsome I am. It's talking to Josh Hammer there about all the Trump stuff and the legal stuff and remember how we were talking a little bit earlier about how it's mommy shows, not mommy show. It's daddy show. I got this email. He says, I don't have many guests on, right? But when I do, just like we just finished with Hammer, when we're done, we hang up and you should know that when it comes to a guest, Chris is the one who answers the phone talk to him and he's the one who hangs up, but I have told him when I say goodbye, you hang up the phone. Period. Yeah, I got this email. Jesse, please allow time for your guests to thank you. It seems rude that you cut the final comments. But again, lay off the chalk. Your tea levels high enough. Now, listen, I need to explain though, because I've had emails like that before. Why do you cut off your guests? Why do you cut off your guests? It's rude to cut off your guests before they can thank you. Okay, I need to explain. I'm just going to give you a little, you want a little behind the scenes, a little inside baseball. Here it is. One, I have to make a decision when I'm doing this radio show, and it's not like I have an important job, but when I do a radio show, I'm trying to make your day better. It's my only job. I'm trying to make your drive home better. You're making dinner for the family. I'm trying to make it better. You're driving to kids to school. You're mowing the lawn. I'm trying to make your day a little better, all right? I have an obligation, first and foremost, to you, to you. Because I have an obligation to you, I will do things that I acknowledge are rude to guests and callers. And I do that not because I'm rude, although I am. I do that because I care about you and I value your time. When someone calls in, forget about guests for a second. I'll come back to that because I'm going to explain to this in more detail. When someone calls in, I'm not allowing phone calls anymore or not tonight and whatnot. It's very rare. But when we do, what do I tell you? No small talk. No. Hi. How are you? Every day. Why do I not allow that? That's a very polite thing to do, isn't it? Very polite. Why do I not allow that? Because it's horrible for everybody listening. It's awful. I've always hated it. If I'm a listener, I'm listening to the Jesse Kelly show on the way home and I've had a long day of trying to kill 15 minutes, maybe laugh once get caught up on the news. I don't want to hear hi. How are you? I love this show. It's freaking awful. Just get to the point. So am I rude? Is that rude to the callers? 100%. I'm trying to be polite to you. Again, you are priority number one. Now let's talk about guests. I used to not do that. You long time listeners will remember, right? I used to not because most of my guests I have on almost all of them are friends. Josh Hammer is a personal friend, someone I've had dinner with. My wife and I, with him and his dime, he's a personal friend. So why would I be, quote, rude to a personal friend? Why would I cut him off before he can say goodbye? Why would I do that? Well, I've had many guests on TV. I have a lot of guests on my TV show. Remember I have a TV show every night on the first TV, every night, 9 p.m. Eastern. I don't do many guests on radio. TV has to, it works differently. So I have guests on every night. And here's what would happen a lot when I would add guests on. And there was one man who I will not name, but he's the one, he's the reason my guests never get to say goodbye, not on TV or radio again. Many of the guests would do this thing. I would, if they're, if they're trying to sell a book or promote their podcast, that's fine. I don't mind that. You're coming on a national TV show, national radio show, promote yourself. I've no problem with that. I respect the hustle. But when I would say goodbye to them, instead of just saying, Hey, thank you, Jesse. I appreciate it, or maybe even doing a, Hey, go, bro, purchase the book at or something like that. They would launch after I said goodbye into 30 seconds, a minute long sales pitch. And I just want to remind everybody, the book goes on sale on Friday and it's 35% off. If you go to Jesse Kelly book, that's a, that's a, okay, now, now in my opinion, you're being rude to the viewer. You're being rude to the listener. And there was one man and he's a man you would know and I'm not going to go into the details of it because it's a private matter. There was one man who took the minute or two minutes and he turned it into three or four minutes of an infomercial. And that man has since been banned from my show. He will never, you will never hear his voice on another one of my shows. You don't know who it is and you won't figure it out. He's been banned from my show. And that day I instructed my TV producer and Chris and Michael both know for radio. When I say goodbye, the phone gets hung up period end of story. It's about you. I know. And again, I know it sounds rude. I understand that it is rude. One, Josh Hammer knows I'm rude anyway. He's not going to be surprised by that, but two, my duty is to you first. It's not two, Josh Hammer. It's not two, this guy or that senator or this or that. My duty is to you. So that's why I do what I do. This has been a podcast from W.O.R.