PREP Podcaster - ”Success Favours The PREPared Mind”

Coach Coutts - Leave The Democracy To US!

Broadcast on:
14 Feb 2024

February 14, 2024 - Participants Include:


David (Coach) Coutts - @RealCoachCoutts


John Richardson - @Expatriationlaw


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In this riveting podcast episode, host John Richardson and Coach David Coutts frame an insightful dialogue for listeners, dissecting various lifestyle and societal topics all the way from Toronto, Canada. The focal points of their discussion encompass aspects of health, fitness, longevity, aging and a peek into David's perspectives on the political landscape in Canada.

Diving into the significance of fitness and longevity, David shares his vision of a thriving, active lifestyle even at a hundred, emphasizing the crucial role of setting meaningful, health-centered goals. One noteworthy topic broached is the concept of retirement and its misconceptions around the loss of purpose in life, touching upon the dangers of indulgence due to lack of significant activities.

Another intriguing segment of this episode delves into the perception of age within political leadership, especially in the context of ongoing debates around the age of U.S Presidential nominees. Highlighting age discrimination, David brings light to the importance of cognitive health over numerical age and the richness of accumulated experience over time.

This engaging conversation also addresses the dynamics of political tenureship, patience, legislative decision-making, and brings the democratic process under the lens. Various influential political phenomena including the dichotomy of political parties, voting disillusionment, party dominance over public representation, and critical developments in American politics are discussed.

Moreover, a sharper focus is directed towards the prevalent misunderstanding and confusion surrounding political party affiliations showcased through the recent Canadian general election. The conversation unveils the current state of Trudeau Liberals and speculates on their future prospects.

The wider disconnect between retail politicians and voters spotlights serious concerns for democracies in terms of their relevance and functionality. Despite the expressions of disenchantment, emerges a longing for a bipartisan political figure who can truly represent the people's interests.

The episode concludes by signifying the essential role of citizens in shaping the democracies, highlighting the importance of a healthier lifestyle promoting overall wellbeing. Engage with us for more captivating discussions and fresh perspectives on critical issues.