PREP Podcaster - ”Success Favours The PREPared Mind”

To Renounce Or NOT To Renounce: The Problem is HOW To Make The Renunciation Decision

Broadcast on:
13 Dec 2023

December 13, 2023 - Participants include:

Vance - @MyLatinLife

John Richardson - @ExpatriationLaw




This is the "tail end" of a podcast that I did today with Vance @MyLatinLife AKA

It was a very interesting discussion about dual citizenship and the tremendous benefits of dual citizenship from birth (the potential avoidance of "covered expatriate" status) if one is considering renunciation of U.S. citizenship. The complete podcast will be released in January 2024 on the My Latin Life Youtube Channel.

There are many people who are tortured by the decision to renounce. Here are some of my thoughts on:

"How To Make The Renunciation Decision".

Additionally, we discussed whether other countries (including Canada) might adopt "citizenship taxation".

Although the future can never be predicted, I suspect that:

Canada will NOT follow the United States and adopt "citizenship taxation".