PREP Podcaster - ”Success Favours The PREPared Mind”

Coach Coutts - Leave The Purpose To US!

Broadcast on:
23 Nov 2023

November 3, 2023 - Participants Include:


David (Coach) Coutts - @RealCoachCoutts


John Richardson - @Expatriationlaw


One of the most extraordinary books I have ever read is Viktor Frankl's "Man's Search For Meaning". A summary of the message in the book included:

"Some see life as a never-ending quest for pleasure. Others believe life is about the accumulation of power and money. Frankl sees life as primarily a quest for meaning.

As humans we often look to the margins, those extreme situations that test the fiber of human character. Viktor Frankl survived at the ultimate margin. He concludes that the ultimate test for all of us is to find meaning in our lives. And it is within the power of everyone to find meaning, regardless of your health, wealth or circumstances – no matter how miserable or dire."


In a world where fewer and fewer people read, it's important to distill important messages and books into smaller digestible chunks. In this episode, Coach Coutts describes who the general message can be made more focussed, practical and helpful in the lives of everyday people.