PREP Podcaster - ”Success Favours The PREPared Mind”

Renouncing US Citizenship Doesn’t Mean You Lose Your Identity As A Citizen: You Just Become A ”Retired Citizen”

Broadcast on:
17 Mar 2023

March 17, 2023 - Participants include:


Anthony Parent - @IRS_Medic

Keith Redmond - @Keith__Redmond

John Richardson - @Expatriationlaw



For those renouncing U.S. citizenship a perceived "loss of identity" is a factor. 


But, those renouncing U.S. citizenship need NOT lose their identity as Americans.

They simply become:

"Retired American Citizens" - They remain Americans but they lose all the obligations!!

Those who cannot imagine themselves as retired should listen to the Dodge Stratus podcast:

"You aren't losing a sports car! You are gaining two doors!!"

For those who renounce:

"You are not losing your identity as an American. You are simply gaining your freedom from the regulatory regime!!"

For those who missed the Dodge Stratus podcast: