The Sonship Place Shorts

The Prayer

A prayer to encourage and direct the believer as we take on each day.
Beloved, We're excited to extend an invitation to grow together in Christ's love! 🎊 🤝 Join our vibrant community: 📖 Study the Word with us this year: Everyone is welcome in our fellowship! As you feel led by the Holy Spirit, please share these links with others who might be seeking a place of belonging and spiritual growth. 🙏 We eagerly anticipate welcoming new faces and reconnecting with familiar ones. Your presence enriches our community and reflects God's diverse family. Remember, you are deeply loved and valued. We can't wait to see you all and journey together in faith! We love you all to life! ♥️

Broadcast on:
12 Oct 2024
Audio Format:

come in the name of the Lord, and we choose to agree with his intention, decree his word, and declare his will towards us, as we say, our life, our eloquent testimonies of the love of God. Our thoughts are brought into captivity, too, obedience, too, and oneness with the thoughts of Christ. We have delight because we sit in the light. We have delight because we see delight. We sit in the sacred place of the Most High, and abide under the shadow of your almighty. We have eyes that know the truth. He is the only hear his voice, a heart that is born with his, and a body that quickly and only responds to his will. All our senses attune to the Lord, for the same his will, for the same his voice, and we descend his spirit, and we act accordingly. We walk and work under the leadership of the Holy Spirit. We walk and work in the time of God. We work and walk wisely, efficiently, faithfully, lovingly, audaciously, elegantly, excellently, and ingress. Our work and work are good because God enough makes them so. We follow through with everything the Lord has assigned to us. We work and work in God's image, likeness, will, time, and purpose. We finish all things and finish strong. We don't fizzle and focus. We are driven by the desires of God's heart, and empowered by his spirit in us. By the grace of the Holy Spirit, we are cause to will and to do all things for God's good pleasure. By the faith of Christ, we are kept from falling. By grace, through faith, our mind is renewed, our heart is ranging. We embrace, receive, and walk our saved sons and beloved sons of God today. We embrace, receive, and walk in the grace to be, and the discernment to do from the abundance of his being in us today. We embrace, receive, and walk in the grace, in the follow-through, and in discernment to walk in alignment, move in purpose, surpass, impose his will, and embody his rest in Jesus' name. In ease, we enjoy the full manifestation of every sign that follows our belief. In ease, we receive the workings of faith, embrace the bringings of grace, and embody the fullness of Christ. In ease, we receive the workings of faith, we embrace the bringings of grace, we enjoy divine favor, we enjoy angelic assistance, we are never stranded, we are bountifully provided for, and we are powerfully protected in the name of Jesus. We go daily in fellowship with the Holy Spirit in the pleasure of communion with him, in the joys of intimacy with him, in understanding his heart, in the revelation of his desire, and in attunement to his will. We go daily in the quality of fellowship with him, in his revelation of God's word, in his revelation of Christ, in his revelation of eternal life. We grow in the revelation and the fulfillment of worship that we are, in the prayer that we are, in the Son that we are, in the nature that we are, in the fruits we bear in the name of Jesus. We grow in oneness with him. Our life daily lets conform to the world, our mind transformed and renewed with the truth, our heart healed, constantly growing in contentment, continually increasing in appreciation, continuously rising in hope, and ever becoming even less offendable in the name of Jesus. By grace, we grow in believing in his love force, and understanding how to show the same love to him, constantly. By this same grace, we grow in the knowledge of Christ, in the revelation of his love, in the understanding of our identity in him, and in understanding of our authority through him, in Jesus name. We grow perpetually in the fragrance of his knowledge onto the Father, and onto the world. We grow continually in understanding his identity as Christ, his identity as Son, and how each identity and the union of both identities pertain to us in the name of Jesus. We continually grow in the revelation of understanding of our seat in Christ in heavenly places, and fulfilling his requirements of us from our seat daily. We consistently grow in the revelation and reception of all he has done for us. We continually learn to teach, and how to teach this reception and revelation to the world. We die daily, so he fully expresses his life, his love, and his light in us, and through us in the name of Jesus. We continuously grow in the experiential knowledge of the Father, with deepening the depth of Christ's revelation of him daily. We continuously deepen in our understanding of our residence in his sacred place, And I believe in His love in the name of Jesus. We grow in discerning, embracing, believing, decreeing, and walking in our posturing all things, giving to us a long with Christ in the name of Jesus. We grow in discerning, embracing, believing, decreeing, and walking in our position in Christ, our position in the beginning, in the world, in day, in the life, in the resurrection, in the truth, in the way, in the amen, in the wisdom of God, and in the power of God, always in the name of Jesus. We grow in discerning, embracing, believing, decreeing, and walking, filled to fullness with the fullness of God, revealed in the love of God, for us in Christ Jesus, amen. Father, we grow in eternal life. We grow incessantly in discerning, embracing, believing, and decreeing, and walking in the rest, and confident assurance in God. We continually grow in desiring what God desires, for the same reason He desires it, and doing what God does, for the same reason He wants it done. We fully represent and testify His grace, goodness, love, mercy, oneness, faithfulness. We are powerfully helped by God, the Lord of Host. We are to rest in the work of the Father, finished our creation. We are to rest in the work of the Son, established as salvation. We are to rest in the work of the Holy Spirit, established since salvation. In belief, we enjoy the fullness of God in rest. Therefore, all that concerns us, all ministries are aligned, for all that concerns us, all things moving properly, God's really superimpose. We are always spoken for. We are always the atmosphere of Christ. We are always an atmosphere of oneness around us. It is always an atmosphere of ease for us. It's always an atmosphere of belief around us. It is always an atmosphere of rest around us. We rest in God as the rest of God, embodying Son's God resting in the name of Jesus. We work in the manifest reality of the love of God as our testimony and the testimony of all who meet us, all who see us, all who encounter us in the name of Jesus. Rest is our reality. Rest is our testimony. We work in peace. We work in ease. We work in a revelation, our understanding of the love of God for us, Father. We are eloquent displays of this Your love in every space that we are in. Our thoughts are lined as one with you. We don't think, according to the world, we are confirmed to the reality of Christ in the name of Jesus. We work and we work on that the Holy Spirit's leadership in God's perfect timing. By grace through faith, our mind is renewed, our heart is transformed. We are growing in you. We are growing in the understanding of your heart. We are growing in oneness with you. The oneness of you, of us in you is now our testimony. We are one as you are one. We are one with Christ. We are one in Christ. The oneness we have received from God. We are oneness we have received in Christ the tangible reality for us in the name of Jesus. We embrace our position in Christ. We embrace our seat in Christ in heavenly places. And so we decree that this region begins to respond to the reality that Christ has set aside for us. We decree in manifest of our portion and all things along with Christ. We decree that the rest is our reality. Faith has worked it. Grace has brought it. We enter into all things with rest. Faith has worked it. Grace has brought it. We enter into all things with rest. We are no longer pursuing. We are no longer overtaking. We are no longer recovering. But you have pursued us in love. You have overtaking all things on the cross. And you have restored all things towards in salvation. We are enjoying the restorative testimony of Christ in our lives in the name of Jesus. Father, we are walking in the rest. We are walking in the rest. Nothing is disrupting our rest in the name of Jesus. The God of peace himself has granted us peace. Always, by all means, no matter what it will cost him. This is our reality. Peace in our homes. Peace in our workplaces. Peace in order that the Lord has put our hands to do. The land for your word has said, wherever the soul of our food shall set, there you shall give to us. So therefore, since we are on this land because the soul of our food has touched it, therefore you have given it to us. You have worked it. You have brought it and we receive it in rest. Nothing can stand against us or we are sons of God. Nothing can resist us or we are standing in Christ. Nothing can take our lives. For our lives are hidden in Christ and Christ in God. We have no lives. For the life we leave is the life of Christ. We are living in peace. We are living in grace. We are living in the abundance of the fullness of the Father in the name of Jesus. Our reality begins to respond to the reality of Christ. Everything around us, our homes, our families, our workplace begins to respond to the reality of Christ. We have not lost time. We are not out of time 'cause we are in the beginning himself. We are both time. We are both turned. We are both seasoned because we are in the beginning to all things are walking together for the good in the name of Jesus. We will decree the tangible manifest of angelic assistance of the help we need for all the things that God has called us to do. There shall be no division amongst us. There shall be no hindrance of the intention of God for us in the name of Jesus. We are moving forward. We are ever moving forward. Nothing can take our place. Nothing can take our space. Nothing can be a hindrance in the name of Jesus. Our eyes see clearly, our ears hear well, our heart is attuned, our life is aligned. We are moving in purpose. We are super important, but will. We are super important, both desire. We are desirable, but desire for the same reason it desires is that our life is established in the fullness of the Father, in the covenants of the Holy Spirit, and in the tensions of Christ in the name of Jesus. The law of the spirit of life is what we live by, not the law of flesh, not the law of sin, not the law of the world. So we are not subject to His laws. So the reality of the economy and testimony of heaven has not become manifest for us in the name of Jesus. The poor, down strongholds of thoughts, not in Shaheen Das, in the belief in what has been established in Christ, in the name of Jesus. We go forward in the fullness of the nature of the I am in us. Everything the I am has called us to be in the name of Jesus. The fire that the Holy Spirit has ignited in us by His presence, we are not dying out. We are not burning out. We are not fading away. We are not worn out. We are ignited. We are alive. We are believing. We are strengthened. We are encouraged. We are moving in the name of Jesus. Nothing is hindrinos. Nothing is burning us out. Nothing is pulling us back. Nothing. So if they gather, they do not gather in the name of Jesus. And so because they did not gather in His name, they flee seven names in seven ways in the name of Jesus. But we come in the name of the law. We come in the fullness of the I am. We come back by everything that makes God God. We come back by the fullness of all that the Lord of hosts is, therefore, by His backing. We enjoy the abundance of our portion in all things freely given along with Christ in the name of Jesus. We decree that everything the sacrifice of Christ has compared unto us. We will walk in the manifest and tangible reality in the name of Jesus. We are not out of time. We are not out of turn. We are not out of season. We are coming from our nature in the beginning. Father, we thank You for we are emerging songs. It is our year of emergence. It is our time of emergence. We are emerging. The previous years have been breaking in seasons. But now we are coming forth. Coming forth in Your will, coming forth in Your desire, coming forth in all You have set us aside to be and do in the name of Jesus. No song is lost. No song is missing. No song is out of time. No song can be taken from Your hand. But for them to take out of Your hand means they are more powerful than You. Nothing is taken from us. Nothing is stolen. Nothing is missing. Nothing is hidden in the name of Jesus. We are walking glory. We are walking power. We are walking wisdom. For Christ is the wisdom of God. Christ is the power of God. We are walking in the fullness of that wisdom. We are walking in the fullness of that power. Life has been opened to us because the life himself is enough in the name of Jesus. We are abundantly held by God. We are powerfully moved by God. We move in grace. We move from our seat in heavenly places. Far above principalities and powers. Principalities or powers are not a discussion that we're engaging. For from our seat in heavenly places, we decree an agreement with the Father that all things are lying. Our life enjoys the alignment of the Father. Our life enjoys the fulfillment, the manifest of the intention of the Father. Nothing is taken from us. Nothing is hidden from us. Nothing is set aside from us. In places that we don't stay or we don't know or we are not present, the Father represents us. We are always bountifully advocated for because we have an advocate in Christ. We don't need to know anybody because we know the Father and because we are favored by Him. We are favored before our men in the name of Jesus. Favor is our reality in the name of Jesus. Favor is our testimony in the name of Jesus. Favor is our reality. Favor is our testimony. We don't have to compromise. We don't have to lobby for He has favored us. And from His favor, we are favored before all men in the name of Jesus. Father, we thank You for favor. Favor on our side. Favor in our places. Favor in every space in the name of Jesus. From the reality of favor, we are working forward. We are moving forward. We are at rest. We don't have to beg. We don't have to borrow because we are bountifully helped by You. In the name of Jesus, You are sufficiency. You are sustenance. You are enough for us in the name of Jesus. We let loose the reality of Christ. In order of consensus, we let loose the testimony of Christ. In order pertains to us. Our family, our marriages, our workplaces, the reality and the testimony of Christ. It's a let loose in the name of Jesus. This is not our burden to bear. We cast the burden on You Christ. When You said Your hope is easy and the burden is light. So therefore, every burden, every worry, every sorrow, everything that makes our minds, we cast it on You. For You said that You, the God of peace, Himself, shall grant us Your peace. So we don't want our peace. We don't want the peace of the world. We want Your peace, the peace that You have promised us, that You grant us always, by all means, no matter what it costs You. So therefore, we decree the tangible reality, the tangible manifest of Your peace in the name of Jesus. We amplify the spittings of the blood of Jesus. We are not hearing our accuser. We are not hearing our flesh. We are not hearing our adapt. We are hearing what the blood of Jesus is saying for us. For the blood speaks better things than the blood of Abel in the name of Jesus. So from the spittings of the blood, we hear peace. We hear rest. We hear that we are worthy because God has gingles worthy. We hear that we can accomplish it because we are doing all these things. We are walking in the purpose of God through Christ who strengthens us. So we cannot fail. Fail here is not our identity in the name of Jesus because since He has not failed, we cannot fail. We have no name. We have no image. We have no power. So in His name, in His image, in His power, in His wisdom, in His authority, we have come. So therefore, everything that makes God God and successful is what makes us successful. We have no power. We have no wisdom. We have no strength. We have no authority. We come in His wisdom. We come in His power. We come in His strength. We come in His authority. Overcoming all things. Because He has conquered, we have more than conquering Him in the name of Jesus. We walk in the conquered reality that Christ has provided in the name of Jesus. We walk in the conquered testimony that Christ has handed over to us in the name of Jesus. We walk in the conquered testimony that we enjoy in Christ. For we overcame Him by the blood of the Lamb. And this blood is the word of our testimony. And since He has overcome, and He has granted us the blood as the testimony of His overcoming, we decree that in accordance with what Christ has overcome, we walk in the overcoming nature in the name of Jesus. Father, life be, light be, love be in the name of Jesus. Life be, light be, love be in the name of Jesus, the light of Christ be, the love of God be. In the name of Jesus, the word is working for us. The word that entrance of the word brings light. We are walking in light, but at entrance of the word. In the name of Jesus, we are not ostracized. We cannot be set aside. No one hides light on that table. So we have been put upon the table. We are shining to the world. Nothing can dull our light. Nothing can take our light. Nothing can hinder the light in the name of Jesus. We are walking in the light of Christ. We are walking in the life of Christ. We are walking in the love of God in the name of Jesus. We have been deemed worthy. We have been made worthy. We have been welcomed in. We have been accepted in. We are part of the beloved. We are part of the favored. We are part of the set aside. We are part of the chosen. We are part of the called. We are part of the predestined. We are part of the ones chosen by the Father. We walk in this reality. We walk in this testimony in the name of Jesus. There's oneness in our homes. There's oneness in our families. There's oneness in our city. There's oneness in our country. We will revoke the authority of division. But we have come in the fullness of authority that oneness and love is all that surrounds us in the name of Jesus. Thank you, Father, for our reality, your reality. Heaven in us is now, now is the heaven that surrounds us. You who is within us is tangibly manifest as you who surrounds us. We forever walk in your presence. We forever walk in your love. We forever walk in your peace. We forever walk in your ease in the name of Jesus. Our minds are settled. There is peace on all sides. Light be, there is no depression. Light be, for we have received the righteousness. Peace and joy, for this is the right of our kingdom and heritage by the gift of the Holy Spirit. We have joy, we have peace, we have grace. We have the fullness of the Father in the name of Jesus. Thank you, Father. Grace is multiplied unto us. We enjoy the love of God as we fellowship with the Holy Spirit. It's a month of testimony. It's a month of glory. It's a year of testimony. It's another day of the fullness of the Father. We are not lost out. We are not missing out. We enjoy the fullness of you. And our reality has become a testimony to the world in Jesus' name. Amen.