The Sonship Place Shorts

The Fasted Life III : God’s Standard

In this podcast, we explore the concept of the "fasted life" from a biblical perspective, challenging traditional views on fasting and unveiling its true spiritual significance. PO delves deep into Scripture to reveal how Jesus Christ has fulfilled God's standard of fasting, transforming it from a religious ritual into a lifestyle of embodying Christ's character and mission. This paradigm-shifting teaching encourages believers to rest in the finished work of Christ and live out their faith in practical ways. Key Points: - The Nature of Biblical Fasting: Fasting in the Old Testament was a method of personal affliction and mourning. Leviticus 16:29-34, Judges 20:26, 1 Samuel 7:6 - Christ's Fulfillment of Fasting: Jesus fulfilled every aspect of God's requirements for fasting. Isaiah 58:6-12, Luke 4:18-21, Colossians 2:13-15 - The New Covenant Perspective: Believers are called to live in the freedom and rest that Christ provides. Galatians 5:1-4, Matthew 11:28-30, John 8:31-36 - The True Fasted Life: Living the fasted life means embodying Christ's character and continuing His mission. Galatians 2:20-21, 2 Corinthians 5:21, Philippians 2:5-8 - Practical Implications: The fasted life is expressed through sharing the gospel and representing Christ in the world. Matthew 5:14-16, John 7:37-38, Ephesians 2:20-22 Declaration: In Christ, I have complete satisfaction; Jesus is my bread of life. I declare that Christ in me is my hope of glory and victory. I have entered God's rest, free from religious observances. I present myself as holy and acceptable to God through Christ's work. In Christ, I am already at one with God, as close as I can possibly be. I recognize Jesus as my Lord and my true Sabbath rest. I rest in the completed work of Christ, my perfect High Priest. My body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, led by His wisdom and discernment. I am no longer bound by legalistic practices but walk in the freedom of Christ. The fruit of the Spirit is the natural outflow of my life in Christ. I am continually transformed by the renewing of my mind in Christ. My identity as a child of God is the foundation for all growth and change in my life.


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Broadcast on:
08 Oct 2024
Audio Format:

You know, Father, become in the name of the Son, become rather than the authority of the Son, that unto him shall this gathering be, now Holy Spirit we yield, that everything that you set this time aside to be, be so in the name of Jesus, for they created all ministries aligned, but all things moving in purpose, will supine pose your will for this call, will revoke every destruction and every intention of the enemy, and will decree that what God has set this time aside to be, it shall be so. Father, it is not me speaking but your words, it is not my eloquence for your intelligence, it is not my strength or the fullness of you, Father will not live here the same, who will live here understanding your standard of the fasted life, who will live here understanding everything that has been fulfilled in Christ, who will live here resting deeply in the responsibility of Christ in the name of Jesus, Father will decree that in accordance with your word, you are in the eyes of our understanding by you Holy Spirit, you are bringing us to all truth, all strongholds of thoughts, every lie of the enemy, every law we have walked in, shall be pulled down, that we walk in the freedom, the rest and the reality that we have received in Christ, Father, empower these words that everyone that shall hear it, will grow, will be instituted in the revelation of the body of Christ, Father, this are your words, shall never be mine, may we all be transformed, may we all be informed, may we all become fun to the fullness of the image of the Son in Jesus' name, Amen. Amen. Today, we are continuing part three on the fasted life, we introduced the concept of a fasted life, talking about the law, we went on to the next part of the fasted life, talking about the Holy Spirit's duty, how we miss looking for and fasting the discipline that the Holy Spirit establishes, today we are entering into God's standard of fasting, please let's all declare as we start, you are able to come of me, come of me, let us declare together one, two, three, go, in Christ as well as spiritual longer, we declare that Christ is our first place, we proclaim that Jesus is our perfect and turning center of the fasted life. In Christ, we have the end of God's >> [INAUDIBLE] >> [INAUDIBLE] >> [INAUDIBLE] >> [INAUDIBLE] >> [INAUDIBLE] >> [INAUDIBLE] >> [INAUDIBLE] >> [INAUDIBLE] >> Amen, amen. Let's go back to where we started all this front, in Leviticus. 16, from verse 29 to 34, the verses 16, 29 to 34, amplified. If you are there, say, well, we are glad to see you, welcome. Glory of God, thank you, thank you for that. But let me come on camera to do it. So, let me call 16, 29 to 34, amplified. If you are there, you're looking at the screen, say, uh-huh, uh-huh. >> Uh-huh, uh-huh. >> So, this is where fasting as a law came to be. Let us point out that the word fasting, the word that would typically come to be used for fasting in scriptural, is not directly expressed here. For fasting, we can infer it as a law, from this scriptural. And it became inferred as a law, throughout the whole testament. And well, that we carried on into the New Testament. You see that this script is being referred to for fasting as a law in many other scriptures of the Bible. So, while the word fasting is not directly said, fasting is inferred here as a doctrine of the law in the scripture. So, let's do this. The Vedicos have got 15, that's 29 to 34. The Vedicos, 16, 29. If you are there, say, uh-huh, uh-huh. >> Uh-huh, uh-huh. >> Okay, thank you. I read. A permanent statue for you in the seventh month, nearly October, on the tenth day of the month, you shall humble yourselves by fasting. And not do any work, whether native-born or the stranger who lives temporarily among you. Let me pause. Today, we are treating it like you have never had anything that we discussed the past two days. Because some people might see, and fasting was fulfilled at the law. But what does God have to say about him after? Let's imagine that the past two days that we have discussed with everyone, it makes no sense to be. So that today, let God himself speak about fasting. And let's see if Christ fulfilled what God required for fasting. We're still going through the first review. It's a bit of review, so we can get into what we're talking about today. 30. For it is on this day that atonement shall be made for you to cleanse you. You'll be cleansed from all your sins before the Lord. So, part of the requirements of the cleansing of atonement is that you humble yourselves by fasting and not do any work. The fact that you're not doing any work, which is interesting, is why if fasting is expressed as part of the Sabbath. You'll track it. Let's go. 31. It is a Sabbath of solemn rest for you and you shall humble yourselves. It is a permanent statue. 32. So the priest who is anointed and ordained to serve and minister as priest in his father's list shall make atonement so it's part of the requirement of priests who are to make atonement. They shall fast. The priests shall fast. The people shall fast. The native born and the same strangers shall fast so that they can humble themselves and make atonement to God. It will make atonement. 33. For the holy sanctuary, make atonement for the tent of meeting, atonement for the altar of the burnt offering of the court and shall make atonement for the priest and all the people of the assembly. 34. This shall be a permanent statue for you, which means fasting has become a law. For something to be a statue means it is a law. 34. Statue of limitations, statue of consideration, statue of agreement, so laws of agreement, laws of limitations, laws of liberty. So anything that is a statue is a law. This shall be a permanent statue for you so that atonement may be made for the children of Israel for all their sins once a year. So he did all he did just as a law had commanded Moses. So what does that mean? Fasting was a law. Part of the practices of the law to partake in the atonement and atonement at one minute with God. You see that now fasting becomes an official religious law here. Fasting was integral to atonement rituals and Sabbath observance. We are still reviewing. Fasting was an annual right to purify sacred spaces, objects, clergy and community. I repeat, fasting was an annual right to purify sacred spaces, objects, clergy and community. That's what fasting was for. Galatians 5, 1 to 4, N.L.T. Galatians, chapter 5, verse 1 to 4, N.L.T. now comes on to say. So Christ has truly set us free. So we cannot, we are not in the bondage of the law anymore. Christ has truly set us free. Now make sure that you stay free and do not and don't get tied up again in slavery to the law. If fasting is part of the experiment or experiences of slavery to the law. Listen, I will tell you this. If you are counting on circumcision, an example of the law, to make you right with God, what is right at one with God, at one with God. Then Christ will be of no benefit to you. So if you are going along with circumcision and other parts of the law, like fasting, Christ will be of no benefit to you. I will say it again. If you are trying to find favor with God by being circumcised, you can interject or you can add here by fasting. Or by touching any other forms of the law added here. You must obey every regulation in the law of Moses. Which means if you are fasting, you must be tightening. If you are tightening with the swimming pass fruits, if you are swimming pass fruits, you cannot wear two different materials. If you wear two different materials, you cannot wear, you cannot eat catfish, you cannot eat prongs, you cannot eat what is wrong on the hand. Shrim, you must follow all the laws if you are going to follow one. Because to miss out on one is to miss out on all the laws. And that's not the only problem with following the laws. Galicians after five past four tells us. For if you are trying to make yourselves right with God by keeping the law, you have been caught off from Christ. You have fallen away from God's grace. Which means to practice the law of fasting and order laws, you fall from grace and you are caught off from Christ. You are going to follow the law with fasting, you are going to follow the law with titan, you are going to follow the law with best fruits. You are going to follow all these laws, follow all of it. That means you cannot eat catfish, that means you cannot eat shrimp, that means you cannot eat a lot of distance. So you cannot wear different materials. You cannot for men, you cannot shave your beard, you cannot be side of your beard, no sideburns, no shape up, you cannot do shape up. Because you are technically caught in the side of your beard. So follow all the laws. I will understand it. Fasting became a prescribed practice of seeking atonement. Evolving into a religious law or a commandment, so fasting evolved into a religious law of commandment because it was a statue. God did not freely give us grace for us to still practice the law. God did not freely give us grace for us to do. I am happy to say Father, give me grace for fasting. I need grace to fast. I need grace to go for 40 days. Father, as you give that one grace, give me grace for 40 days. I want the grace to go for 20 days. I want the grace to go for 40 days. You are asking for grace for stomach ulcer. You are asking for grace for stomach problems. No, God will never give you grace to practice the law. Because if you enter the law, you fall out of grace. Fasting is part of the law. Levitical 16. Do not look for in the law what you have fully received in Christ. To say that you are looking and using the law to get anything or work in any part of God is a lie and you are insulting the function of grace. To keep the law is to fall out of grace. You don't fall out of grace by sin. You fall out of grace by keeping the law. You know, growing out of the law, you did this because you made a mistake. Because you have done this, you are falling out of grace. Growing up, they will tell you, you did this. You said this. You are falling out of grace. And because you said this, you are falling out of grace. Because you committed this sin, you are falling out of grace. Galatians 5.1 to 4 tells us that the only way to fall out of grace is to add law to grace. Whatever law it is you are adding to help grace function causes you to fall out of grace. Because to fall out of grace is to insult the finished work of Christ that grace establishes. So anything you do that makes a mockery takes out of context. The finished work of Christ that has been established of grace establishes causes you to fall out of grace. And that has no discussion with sin. You are tracking. Pastor. Yes, sir. God bless you. Hm. First thing was, tell me I am okay. Grace is working for you. I am hanging in there. Grace is working for you. First thing was established as a statue of atonement, making it a law. To keep the law is to fall out of grace. Discipline and character development are direct products of grace. Discipline and character development are direct products of grace. God himself works in us through our submission to the Holy Spirit to develop discipline and character. Let me say it again for those at the back that did not heal. To keep the law to fall out of grace. Discipline and character development are direct products of grace. God himself, not your efforts. God himself, not your wisdom. God himself, not your love practices. God himself, not your abstinence. God himself works in us through our submission to the Holy Spirit to develop discipline and character. Which means that discipline and character development are not products of us. We are living by the assumed privilege. Produced by our efforts in fasting. Denies the privilege we have received through Christ. Some will tell you, I fasted for 40 days. So I have a new realm with God. I fasted for 20 days. I am a rock one character I had with God. Let me tell you, if you want to work like me, fast like me. No, if you want to be Christ, submit to him. And his spirit causes you to will and to do. Don't be like a person that did something. Rest in Christ, who has done it all for you. No one be like a person that did something. Rest in the person that has done something. That is why Hebrews, three and Hebrews four. Especially Hebrews four tells us believers have entered into rest. Rest in the finished work of God. Let me break it down. The father finished his work in creation. The son finished his work in salvation. The spirit establishes the finished work of both the father and son in salvation in the believer. So the believer's assignment is to rest. Not to work like someone worked. You are not a workaholic. You will become a workaholic if you are working to be like what someone did. Because you will receive what they received in the limitation of their reception. But Christ is unlimited. Christ has fulfilled it all. And you are unlimited to what you can receive in Christ. By resting in this finished work received from the cross, established by the Holy Spirit in me. Please, my brother, my sister, rest. Living by rest, rest, rest, rest. Rest will soon get to this fasting matter. Living by the assumed privilege produced by our efforts. So you are saying you are no longer saved by grace to fit. You can boast in your fasting. Amen. Are we understanding? Living by the assumed privilege produced by our efforts in fasting now says you are no longer saved by grace. By grace through faith that no one can boast. You are saved by grace through faith. Lost fasting so that you can boast. It is no longer a gift from God. It is no longer the gift of God. It is now the gift of God plus your fasting. Any plus to the doctrine of Christ has now become another gospel, which is not the gospel. Are we tracking? Please do. Stomacosa problems went in Jesus name. Amen. Hanga strike. Stomacosa will bind them in Jesus name. So. Living by the assumed privilege produced by our efforts in fasting denies the privilege you have received through Christ to God. Skip going. In Christ we have approached God. It is not through fasting that allows us to approach Him. In Christ we have approached God. You don't need to be fasting to approach Him. I want to approach my father. By the time I come, there is too much noise in my life. So I want to fast forward, I can't approach my father. What he died once, four sins, four times, four men. And he came before the father. And he came. And he came seated on the right hand of the father. So in Him what we are seated in Christ in heavenly places. So you already approached God along with Christ at salvation. Why do you still need to approach Him by fasting? So are you saying the approach of Christ was not enough? You need your own addition to the approach. Approach plus approach makes a proper approach. Is that what you are saying? Maybe you want to impress upon Christ in pressure so that you can change the best in pressure. Is that what you are saying? No, help me understand. I can't, I don't understand it. So help me understand it. See, in Christ we have approached God. It is not fasting that allows us to approach Him. And repeat it again. In Christ we have approached God. It is not fasting that allows us to approach Him. We understand Him, we track Him. Okay. Yes sir. Thank you. As seen, because we are still reviewing what we did last week. As seen in 2 Corinthians chapter 1 verse 19 to 21 and I'm played by a classic. You want to go read on your time, read it. As seen in 2 Corinthians chapter 1 verse 19 to 21 in AMPC. Jesus is the Amen of God. Which means it says all the prayers of God. All the promises of God are yes and amen in Christ. So which means, that is why we say in Jesus' name, amen. Because all the promises of God have been answered in Christ. It would not get that properly. Jesus God now said in Ephesians 1. Again, this scripture in a different way. Blessed be God, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realm in Christ Jesus through the Holy Spirit. Which means there is no spiritual blessing. There is no promise that you can't get from fasting, that you have not already received in Christ. It is not fasting that brings you promises. It is not fasting that brings you blessings. Because one, blessed be God, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms in Christ through the Holy Spirit. So all spiritual blessings we have received in Christ. In case blessing was not enough. He also said all the promises of God are yes and amen in Christ. So Christ is the yes, Christ is the amen. So whether it is promised you are looking for, whether it is blessing you are looking for, whether it is spiritual gift you are looking for, or something in the heavenly realm you are looking for. You have all received it in Christ, not by fasting. People still tracking. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. All God's promises find the answer in Jesus. Fasting is not required to receive them. God himself establishes us in fellowship. Fasting is not necessary for fellowship. God has anointed us and endowed us with the Holy Spirit's gift. Fasting is not how you receive the Holy Spirit's gifts. God himself anoint us. Fasting is not how you are anointed. Fasting is not needed to be anointed or walk in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Depressing that gave you the gift can now say you have to walk to work to walk in it. God is not a wicked father that will make you work to enjoy the gift he gave you. Even in the gift of Christ, which is the greatest gift, our only work is to believe. So now, he cannot then say to change his character, add a prose that we must now work to walk in the gifts. God himself anoints us. God himself endows us. God himself calls us of the will and the will. The Holy Spirit now works in us so that we are product of the fruit of his nature. Everything that is a gift of God, God works it out in us. We don't have to work to walk in it. It is well. It is the responsibility of the Holy Spirit in us. Let me put it. Maybe I'm not speaking loudly enough. Let me say it again. Take a deep breath and listen. It is the responsibility of the Holy Spirit in us. Not fasting to deal with the urges of our fleshly nature. It is the responsibility of the Holy Spirit in us. Not fasting to deal with the urges of our fleshly nature. It is the work of the presence of the Holy Spirit in us that overcomes the doings of the flesh. That is why it is him that combats the nature of sin. Galatians 5 to all the nature of sin is dealt with by the nature of the Holy Spirit. He works in us so that he works in us, not fasting. He works in us. So you cannot look for in fasting what you have received as the product of the work of the Holy Spirit. Fasting does not produce fruits of God's nature, Holy Spirit does. Because with fasting you will keep on having to work on that same fast to get more of that nature. So now you have added a formula of works to enjoy grace. No, that is not how your Alpha works. He will not send you on a hunger strike to receive from him. He will not send you on a hunger strike to work in him. He will not send you on a hunger strike so that you can receive from him. That is not the kind of path that we have. He is not wicked, he is lost. Our responsibility is to submit to the work of the Holy Spirit as we are led in each moment. We said it before, let us say it again. God himself through the Holy Spirit and not fasting works in us to conform, transform and consecrate us. God through his word and not through fasting renews our mind. God to work in us produces spiritual maturity over behavior modification. Spiritual maturity over behavior modification. We will get an amino address because in God's standard would deal with behavior modification. It produces progressive change over temporary development. The Holy Spirit in you produces progressive change over temporary development. These are not achieved so fast. God through submission to the work of the Holy Spirit and not through fasting, aligns with his broken will focusing on Godly values and ethical attitudes. God, see, he said it's work out your salvation with you and Trembly. All of those who want to walk it out by fasting, walk it out by long hours of starvation. Read the next verse, read the next verse. Potencies, God, I'll walk in you causing you to will and to do for his good pleasure. So it is not fasting, it's not your working out. You cannot work it out because that work is not effectual. We learned that time because the word effectual is energy, capacity, the ability. So effectual, what gives capacity, what gives energy is the presence of the Holy Spirit. It is him that causes you to will and to do. He is the zeal of God in the believer. It is the zeal of God in the believer, causing you to will and to do for God's good pleasure. The Holy Spirit is the zeal of God in the scripture and the zeal of God to bring it to pass and the zeal of God to bring it to pass. The Holy Spirit is that zeal of God, causing you to will and to do for God's good pleasure. Don't punish yourself. Yeah. People of God, we have now entered to this part. Everything was just a preamble to what we are starting to do. But that was a review. Let's declare again. In case you forgot what we said, please let's say it again. One, two, three, go. 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