The Sonship Place Shorts

The Effectual Fervent Prayer: By Grace, Through Faith

This podcast delves deep into the concept of effectual prayer, challenging traditional notions and revealing how true prayer is rooted in God's grace rather than human effort. PO Square explore how effectual prayer is not about manipulating God or using specific techniques, but about aligning with God's will and allowing His power to work through us. They emphasize that prayer is a nature, not just an action, and that it's sustained by God's grace rather than our intensity. The discussion covers topics such as righteousness, faith, and the role of the Holy Spirit in prayer, providing listeners with a fresh perspective on communicating with God. Key Points : - Prayer as Alignment with God's Will: John 16:23-24, 1 John 5:14-15 Effectual prayer is not about imposing our will on God, but aligning with His purposes. It's rooted in our relationship with God through Christ, allowing us to approach Him confidently. - The Role of Grace in Prayer: Ephesians 1:3, Romans 8:32 God's grace, not human effort, produces spiritual results. Our prayers are effective because of God's grace working through us, not because of our intensity or techniques. - Righteousness and Prayer: 2 Corinthians 5:21, James 5:16 Believers are already made righteous in Christ, which gives us confidence in prayer. Our righteousness is not a result of our efforts but a gift from God. - The Holy Spirit's Role in Prayer: Romans 8:26-27, Philippians 4:6-7 The Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness, interceding for us according to God's will. He also provides the peace that surpasses understanding as we pray. - Faith as the Foundation of Prayer: Hebrews 11:6, 2 Corinthians 1:19-20 Effectual prayer is rooted in faith, which is essentially trusting in Christ and His finished work. All of God's promises are "Yes" in Christ, giving us confidence in prayer. Declarations: I am the prayer, constantly in communion with my Father. My prayers are effectual because of God's grace working through me. I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, confident before God. The Holy Spirit intercedes for me according to God's perfect will. I align my heart with God's purposes in every prayer. My prayers flow from my intimate relationship with God, not religious duty. I trust in Christ's finished work as the foundation of my prayers. God's power working in me accomplishes far more than I can ask or imagine. I pray from a place of rest, knowing God has already blessed me with every spiritual blessing. My prayers are empowered by the Holy Spirit, not limited by human weakness. I acknowledge my dependence on God in every prayer. I persevere in prayer, trusting in God's goodness, justice, timing, and wisdom.

Broadcast on:
05 Oct 2024
Audio Format:

I would like it for you to take it. Just because you fall asleep with me, did you? Ah, ah, no. Sorry, that was because of the recording. And I, you know, we had said at the recording, sorry. [INAUDIBLE] [INAUDIBLE] Well, so today we're talking about-- because of a son, we're talking about the son that needs the answers to some questions and direction, we're going to talk about what mixed prayer effective. The effective, fervent prayer of the righteous, of fillets, how much? Break it out. You're going to delve into that discussion. To properly delve into it, we are going to-- I'm going to be teaching from my notes. This is, again, I do not expect to teach you today's family meeting, but the Lord had his own plan. So I'm teaching from my notes with our father. That's some of the-- if they had checked, they would have been privy to. But he asked me to share my notes. So I'm teaching from my notes with our father, which every son, if you are fellow-shipping with your father, you should have notes. Test. [INAUDIBLE] They should be thanking you and your listening, because you are giving me to expo for the SIT. So let me start by-- let's go to Philippians chapter 2. That's 12 to 13. I mean, let me open up for you all. Philippians 2 to 13. I may not be able to see your faces, just let me give you a heads up, just around. What am I doing? OK. Are you also the strength? I'll need to hear it, because I can't see-- I can't see you also. Don't ask. Yes, we can. Yeah, we can see your screen. OK. So we've almost had two notes. OK. Wonderful. So to define this effective fervent prayer, we are going to start with Philippians chapter 2, from verse 12 to 13. Philippians chapter 2, from verse 12 to 13, because to define effectual, they're going to have to be effectual fervent prayer. I understand the meaning. They're going to define effectual. They're going to fervent, and they're going to righteous, and how that defines the prayer. We started earlier by saying, effectual prayer, effectual fervent prayer of the righteous, a valid much, which means the cause of prayer is fervent, which means, or already over and over again, does not mean it is effective. We also say that because you think it is effectual and fervent, it is when it is done by a righteous man, that is a valid much. So we went on every one from the first, righteous. What makes you righteous? What makes you right? Us. Right, us. Right with us. So the Godhead is asking you, what makes you right with us? The Bible now tells us, he who knew no sin became sin, that we should become the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. So every believer is already a righteous person. So now, righteousness is not what defines the effectiveness of your prayer. We will see in a second that what makes anything effectual is the nature, is the work of God in the matter. So effectual is not how well you can pray. Effectual is not your prayer techniques. Effectual is not your faith, because faith is not something you have, faith is someone you receive. A believer cannot have faith, a believer can receive faith. So to have faith is to have Christ. So as long as you have Christ, you have faith. Yeah. Because peace is the substance of things. Right. Peace is the evidence of things unseen. Right. Right. Then we obtain a good testimony. Right. So faith is a blessing, and it works, he has finished. Yeah. So if what makes something effectual is not faith, you have faith, because the faith we have is the faith of Christ. Not faith in Christ, it's the faith of Christ. Peace is crystal. We have all received the faith of Christ. So we are all coming in the name. What makes something effectual is the identity of the name. That's why Jesus said, whatever you ask the Father in my name, AKA representing all that I am. So we are coming in the fullness of the I am. What does that mean? To come in the fullness of the I am means does not mean that you are going to work. It means that someone's name is working for him. Come on. Mm. We talked earlier about luxury and buying designer things, that you work hard to get a name, so that the name can get you access to places. You buy-- some people will buy you a gold, expensive you have, so that when they see the Jew above, they will treat that setting with you. Some people will buy her mace, so that when they have her mace and they're working to a place, because they're wearing her mace, they will treat that differently. Some will buy a little of the tones. So by the time they carry a little bit on bad, he won't have tea. What is the tea one now? What do I say? Yes, it's the third batch. It's the third batch. No, you can't be calling the first group they have called it. It has been decreased to it. OK. There's a tea which seckled around it. People will call it a big bag that I see and say-- Hotel five. You also can't hotel find us in the group. [INAUDIBLE] [INAUDIBLE] Sorry. [INAUDIBLE] [INAUDIBLE] [INAUDIBLE] So people will buy this thing. So they suck up to buy the name, so that the name is that grant them access. When you see, we did not so far to buy the name. Christ was the one that paid the price for the name. He paid the price for the name that grants us access. So the work was done by him. Why do we think we have to still do work to enter with him? Oh, come on. So what makes anything effective or effectual is God doing it? Man can make nothing effective or effectual. That is spiritual. [INAUDIBLE] Jesus. Man. That's again can make nothing effective or effectual that is spiritual. It is always the work of God that makes this spiritual effectual. Yes. Because the goal of God dealing with the spiritual is to make it eternal. The goal of God dealing with the spiritual is to make it eternal. Excuse me. So that's against this. The goal of God dealing with the spiritual is to make it eternal. And since man has a temporal perspective, he cannot work the spiritual to make it eternal. However, the reality of a man in Christ, a person who has received eternal life. Yeah. So that is one man's goal in the person of Christ. Yes. Yes. Brings an eternal perspective to the reality of the decisions. That is why for those who are led, who allow themselves to be led, who allow themselves to be led by the Holy Spirit at all songs of God. Because the Holy Spirit, who has such the heart of the Father, causes us to agree on the eternal perspective in our temporal reality. So what makes Brea effective is that the eternal has come into the temporal to make it divine. Yeah. So the work of the Spirit there is people, because God is outside of time, right? So bringing the one who is outside of time to make things happen for the ones in time. Christian Goodson. Mm-hmm. I want to see if it's AMP or AMPC. That's it. Ah. For that, this internet has to work there. Amen. Mm-hmm. One question we're looking for. Yeah. Or you have a question. Please, can you help me repeat that line? So Brea becomes effective when the eternal comes into the temporal-- please let me just finish this. Making the temporal divine? Too many to take the right words. Yes, right. Thank you. That's it. Thank you. [INAUDIBLE] We agree. We agree. Uh-huh. So if sexual is AMPC, then go on. Well, let's really finish work for the matter. So if Philippia has chapter 2, verse 12 to 13, I start reading. So since please, because I don't know, I didn't prepare this for today, so I can't see you. So please, if you have questions, you have comments, you may have-- if you raise your hand, so I'll hear this on our comments. You want to make comments, just say it, I can hear you. So Philippia has chapter 2, verse 12. I'm reading an amplified class. If you can see, or you are there, say, uh-huh-huh-huh. Uh-huh-huh. Thank you very much. Appreciate you. Mm-hmm. Therefore, my day wants, as you have always obeyed my suggestions. So now, not only will you enthusiasm, you would show in my presence, but much more, because I am absent. Workout, say, work out. So work out, this is your work. Work out, cultivate, carry out the goal. And fully complete your own salvation, of course. If we had sense, uh-huh, if we had any sense, uh-huh, as Christians, uh-huh, if they say complete your own salvation, would they say, uh-huh, there is something wrong here. I cannot complete my salvation, because that would mean that what Christ did was not finished. Come on. But it's not a matter, I don't know that it's a matter of sense, because a lot of people are operating on that understanding that the work of Christ, that they still have to, they still have to add to it. So it is a revelation of knowing that the work of Christ is complete that makes you want to reveal or something. What you see, he said it is finished. Uh-huh. It is finished, it's my own part of the work is finished. What about your own? That's the key here. Uh-huh. Hmm. It's a valid, I think the point in the house is, like, that's a valid question. Just as I said, it is finished. Many of my own parts of the work is finished. So what about your own? So these are the things that's religion. That's what's religion, I mean, I know the truth, but I'm just saying that if somebody is reading this without the understanding of the revelation, that Christ finished work, through this finished work, that's the fact that it is finished, okay. It's like, somebody is running really, hey, he died. So he has finished his own geometry. So now he's giving you the relationship, he's finished running your own everything, giving you the dates, back then, so that you can run your own parameters. That's, that's what religion teaches. Hmm. Very interesting, that's, that's a very good point. Yeah. And I now observing you on the sidelines, like, oh my God. After I give you such a wonderful start, look at you faltering in the middle of the race. And just, because that is what, that's the picture, in the front of the Olympics, that's the religion, that's the picture religion thinks for any believer. Christ has given you a fantastic start, because that is the, that is the, the precept that you understand behind why your scenes, where, for giving up onto the points you believed. So that's the points where Christ handed you the bits, the bits in the box and whichever one. That brother is the wrong, it's a heck. So you now, oh, that's a road, I'm be running the race. So he's standing on the side and looking at you, like, wow. I did all this work, I see you kind of finish. That's the mentality that religion introduces. Before we get into this, let me, let me rewind back. Obviously, if you are rewinding, you are going back. That's the theology. Let me rewind, and to what I was saying, rewind the bits. Actually, no, let me step out and come back. John chapter six, verse 28. Jesus has finished during miracle of bread. Jesus has fed, he multiplied, and fed the people. Then I asked Jesus, John six, 28, then they asked him, what are we to do? So that we may habitually be doing the works of God. So if we are talking about effective work, this is what I'm looking for, how to do effective work. - Well, I habitually think this is the best thing. - Third thing, God bless you, baby. So habitual, which means, fantasy. I want we want to be fervent in the work. - Jesus answered, this is the work of God that you believe and help you trust in. We lie on and have faith in the one whom he ascends. So if everyone see that is required of us is belief. So each day you wake up and choose to believe. So the habit that you are supposed to cultivate is a habit of belief. The habit we are supposed to cultivate is a habit of belief. So we are supposed to get up and choose to believe. So if purpose is required of us is belief. Because a life will throw things at us. Each day, each moment in the difficult things, there are three things that they believe are most beliefs. John 2, 16, for God so loved, the belief that you are loved by God. That he gave is only begotten Son. Believe that Christ is a gift of God's love to you. That us who have believed that in him may not die but have eternal life. Believe that because of the sacrifice of Christ, you have not been reconciled to God, which is receiving eternal life that you may know. So if you don't believe those three things, you cannot wrap your mind around the concept of Christ because you don't know love. You cannot wrap your mind around the concept of life because you don't know love. You cannot believe you are reconciled because you can't see Christ. So believing those three things is the foundational tenent of our Christian one. Ha ha! Because when we believe, would this bring us to believing in the one that was sent? I believe in the one that was sent. Why was he sent because of love? And I believe in what he's sending has produced for me. That is reconciliation with my father, aka knowing him in my father, aka eternal life. Without the knowledge of that world, we'll look for all that works. Exactly. Without the knowledge of that work, we will look for all that works to please go. Having understood this, let us go back to Philippians 2, chapter 12, AMPC. Jennifer is good to see you. We always love and appreciate you, good to have you on. Hi, Jennifer. So Philippians 2, 12. Therefore, my dear ones, as you have always obeyed my suggestions, so now, not only would you enthusiasm, you would show in my presence, but much more because I am absent. Work out. Which work did we confirm? Work out, cultivate, carry out to the goal and fully complete your own salvation. What is your role in salvation? Belief. So your role in salvation is belief. So the only way to work out your salvation is believing in the work that was done for you to receive salvation. So working out your salvation is not by fasting. Working out your salvation is not by a long time of prayer. Working out your salvation because you only work you are called to do to cultivate, to enjoy what has been given to you is belief, because in belief you embrace what has been done for you in Christ Jesus. So work out your own salvation with reverence, all entremeling, self-distrust. So you're not even believing in yourself. Self-distrust, so you're not believing that you are capable. You are believed because a believer is not powerful, and a believer is empowered. You don't believe in your own power, you believe in his power because Christ is the wisdom of God. Christ is the power of God. So you are believing that the wisdom and power of God now reside in you. I'm just going everywhere, but it always means having me go somewhere. That is why Ephesians 3 now comes to Telos, let me show this stuff, we are coming back. Ephesians 3 now comes to Telos, now to him who is able to carry out his vocals and view super abundantly more than all we dare ask or think, infinitely beyond our greatest prayers, lips or dreams, according to his power that is at work within us. So it is not about you, it is not about your excellence, it's not about your wisdom, it's not about your power, but it is his power at work in you. To him be the glory in you, so his power at work in you, it's glory in you and in Christ. And Christ is the one that is in you, who is the wisdom and power of God. Christ, the Lord of glory is in you. So the glory, the power, the wisdom is at work. And it's in your God infinite, God beyond you, beyond you, your greatest prayer, your greatest hope, your greatest dream. So it is not about you, it's about him at work in you or his glory alive in you. - Okay, let me go back to that scripture real quick. - Yes. - Something I appreciate about the way amplified bricks this out is when it says, not to him who's able to carry out his purpose and do super abundantly more than all that we dare. - We dare. - That right there. - Dare. - All that we dare because we've heard visions, you know, especially with prayer ministries or in prayer programs, when people say things like, you have to ginger your feet, you have to come with full expectation, you have to this, you have to that, making it seem like there is a degree of expectation that is not enough to get results from God, whether it's a degree of anticipation that is not enough to get results from God. But scripture itself is telling us here that what he's able to do is super abundantly more, as an abundance is already a pretty big qualifier of what he's able to do. So now I have super, I will talk about the abundance, is that I have more, exactly. So it is like three superletives here. This is three superletives that Paul is using to, I mean, we'll just put it through Paul, he's using to qualify what's happening here. And the part of all that we dare. So, even to the, if you looked for, of course, the, that would be limitless. You wonder how to unlock his brain up until 99% before he capsized. Even for anybody who's put on, of course, brain, as you know, locked up to that point, you still cannot dare to think about. - You can't go back home. - Yes, back home. - Right, what's good? Like how he's going to do it, or how he's going to carry it out, his ability is still beyond the, like please let's understand that. And we're taking, we're taking the time to really explain this, because again, just like how faith has been used to abuse people. - Prayer. - Prayer has also been used to abuse people. Let me, let me say that again. Just like faith has been used to abuse people spiritually, prayer has also been used to abuse people spiritually. So it is important that all these things that have been talked about regarding prayer is put in proper perspective and the application of it is in line with God intended. It is for freedom that we have been set free. Let's know doctrine, let's know passing, let's know what is interpretation. Bring us back to a place of one beach. For those of us who are, okay, okay. So please, as we're speaking on prayer, again, lots of ministries have been born on the back of prayer, but it is vital that this prayer that is such a gift, that God has given us is not, that is not transformed into a tool used to enslave the children of God. That is why we're taking the time to really explain this. So it is not about the ones that are yelling and causing commotion on the ash treats. The ones that believe that it is through the, oh my, let me tell you all the funny story. So, and I'm saying this because again, these are places that we've come out of. I mean, for a lot of us to know that, okay, for me, I came out of MFM, CAC before that, but the certain amount of tellers, most of them are in MFM or CAC or CAC story. This is a story that happened. This is a story that happened at the church through West every night in the U.S. So we did this thing called shortins. - Oh. - Yes. So shortins are like you're spending extended state in the church. So like you enter the church, maybe on Thursday and you don't be able to like somebody. So kind of like companies are a church, right? - Right. - And you know, fellowship and all of that. So I remember on one of these shortins that we had, and these shortins were accompanied with fasting. So it's usually dry fasts. - You're like a staphone. - It is no food, no water, no sand. And I remember, like now, I think it was, I forget what day it was. You did it with it, you know, fasting. You know what the mother said? - Yeah, yeah. (laughs) - I was just, just, just this thing back. And I was just thanking God for delivering us because we were, oh God, like it was a bunch of us, right? The number of us, and this one particular lady, you know, from Thursday, oh, Sister Fluffin. - Yeah, don't tell us. - From Thursday to Sunday, like we lived physically. We saw her, we saw her reduce. Like her head got smaller. - A body to go smaller. - Over the 3D. - The election was a movement ghost. - No, it's funny now, but it wasn't for the day. But I remember that I think, like her legs, I guess you swelled. - Yeah. - It was, I, like. - Yeah, so I get to make her eat something. - At some point. - Or drink, I think I'd make her drink something. - Yeah, and it took you a while to even get to that point because people felt like you are sat there since Thursday, it's almost Sunday, just keep holding on, just keep holding on. So now thinking about like God did not require that office. - Mm-hmm. - Yeah, God did not require that office. Like I can't imagine what was going on in heaven on that day. Like why are these people, like why did they think? - And then we started, we started that journey so that we can't combat witchcraft in the church. - It was a stressful time. So I say this, like, so when we say these things were C, it's not because we did not imbibe all of that. No, we did, we did, it's only degree, whatever degree we think of, we did, we went, the extended fasting, the extended prayer, the midnight watches, the- - Yeah, midnight watch that, no service. - 72 hour preachings. - Good. - Literally, like people are praying for 72 hours, streets. (speaking in foreign language) - Yes. - I think Jennifer was also about the prayer chain. (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) (speaking in foreign language) I guess we are seeing grace. - Yeah. (speaking in foreign language) - Because sometimes I look back at those times and I look at the people that, and look back at their lives, I compare people that we have, the lot has had us teach in this season. The people that have not had us teach in those season. - It literally was very great. - For the same amount of years. - Yeah, the first period. - The associate place had been running for two, two hours. - No, no, almost two years. - And that time we did it for, we did it pretty fast. No, we had the fifth one, I mean. - We're sure. - First. - First. - It was a fixed one that's good food, the sales. - Yeah, so we had done that for five years. And a lot of those people who kept repeating it for almost five years, they had not changed. A lot of it. - They first of their main. - It's a percent of the people had not changed. We were looking forward to that time to resets. - Yeah. - But in the time that we did shorter time deaths, and I told you, Jennifer did it all. I remember Jennifer doing it. - Oh, sorry, sorry. - I remember Jennifer doing it. So, in the time that we did that. - Uh-huh. - I'm saying that if more fruits have come out from such a place we go faster than those things than that. - First that remains. - First that remains. - Yes. - So, it was not a temporal change. It was not behavioral modification. It was a lifestyle and a mentality change. - Nature. - Nature. Let's go back to where we went, where did we live from? - Yeah. Wait, I was just setting that stage. So, that's when I was saying these things, it's not because we're trying to be lazy, because this is recorded, and I don't know who's going to hear this. It's not a question of wanting to be lazy, but a question of understanding that's the glory. - Yeah, if you only agree with this take, because multiple who just think, oh, so in such a place telling us that we can't be vibing. - Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Which is why, uh-huh, we are taking the time to explain this. So, this is people who were, again, it feels like one Catholic, I was born in CSC, raised in MFM. So, all, whatever the different expressions we have in the body of Christ, we've probably gone through it. I don't know if we're able to have the Catholic, I was able to call this book. - Paris Mazzi. - Paris Mazzi. - Uh-huh. So, whatever the expression is, we have experienced it, and we are, with all of that, we are coming to see that one of those things, the joy, the peace, the rest, is not in any of that. Yes, whereas we answered, we saw things happen, but that was a function of the love of God, not a function of anything any of us ever did. The attempt, I remember, the attempt to want to be ready, or the attempt to want to keep the laws and all of that. I remember when I read out the recommendation of heaven or the revelation of hell, and I said to myself, I think I was, I must have been in just two other points in time, and I said to myself, that's hard. - It's great, that is it. - It's great for my non-angerience. And I said that, after I read in the book, I was so scared, and I thought to myself, that I will be singing Prince Worship until the day Jesus comes. So, that if I'm singing Prince Worship, I will not have time to make the teaching of the things of the world. Here are brothers and sisters, I don't think I last ever one hour. Now we are here. But my point is, these are these things, I knew the Supreme Court's own, I think, but it's just been opened, thinking back about some of those times, who will go to a place, a person's house that we know that it's haunted, and that things are happening in the person's house. We will cast out the things that are there, we'll throw it with this deed that comes back after some time, and everything that we chase out is gone, it's gone back, and we leave, we left so many words. And we'll call many less to another prayer, let one of that fast. Maybe, maybe you do not do this. Maybe you will, this, let me you will, and then maybe you are, that will be, ah. - Yeah, so the reality of bad doctrine, having lived the reality of bad doctrine. - And let's understand, it's not that we're trying to be weakened to those people. - No. - And genuinely we're coming in law. - No help. - But ignorance. - It's very costly. - My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. - Yep. - And not that word for lack of knowledge is what? Ignorance. - Yeah. - Ignorance is expensive. - Very. - And in ignorance, warmth now becomes your identity. Law now becomes your reality. And grace now becomes something, that is something that is offensive to you. - Yes. - So again, just wanting, again, because this is recorded, and we all know who's going to listen to this, but it is vital that people understand why we are where we are and how we got here. So if we're talking about putting prayer in the proper place that it needs to be within the body of Christ, it is because of a lot of these experiences. And again, the dangers, the bad doctrine, bad revelation, bad understanding, the day or inadequate, I should say, the dangers that it introduces into the body of Christ are the things that, I mean, some of the examples that we shared, are some of the things that we are talking about or, - Correcting. - One of these days, when a lot of these, I don't think it's time yet, deliverance as a ministry, the doctrine of deliverance, what it would do, yeah, even that. Well, let's deal with the effect of prayer to this. - Yeah, yes, of course. - Let's deal with effectual prayer to this. So where were we? We're talking about removed. It is God at work in you. You are not powerful, you are empowered. - Yes. - It is God at work in you efficiency 320. Jennifer, if we handle that matter, don't worry, one of these days, who would teach on deliverance, and correct that a thesis is an introduction of the word, not a beating of people and a pushing of people to Jesus never deliver a believer. The disciples never deliver believers. The apostles never deliver believers. So why do we try to deliver believers? - So what is interesting is how it was like the American Christianity exported prosperity gospel to Africa. - Yes. - Africa exported deliverance ministry to the West End Church is the exchange that happened. The people, I feel like the reason why there is a proliferation of these deliverance ministries is because people are not, again, proper biblical instruction. Establishing people on sound doctrinal basis, really the great exchange. And helping people navigate or understand what it means to come to a place of submission that allows the Holy Spirit to work out his fruits in people's lives. So there are so many bad behaviors that people have now associated. I mean, first of all, if the proper doctrine of belief that we have received, if it's not established, lots of people are not actually believers. - It's not the Bible that says, "And the grace of God has appeared before Omen, bringing with it salvation and deliverance." Yes, both with this. When we come, no, no, no, no, no, no, it's scripture. But the understanding of that grace, again, that's where we keep saying the work of this gospel is a lot of people are still on believers because if you don't believe in Christ and His finished work, then you want a belief is not just complete. So it is, again, it is when you receive the word of grace that this salvation and the deliverance comes in. So it's a lot. But anyway, let's, I know it's a scripture, no, it's scripture. But just to why there's a proliferation of deliverance ministries and for you, Jennifer, what we will come to it another time. It is not the people. - You did not do that. I just want to share this. This is you will pronounce it. For the grace of God is on melted favor and blessing as comfort appeared for the deliverance from sin and eternal salvation for all mankind. - I don't give you a proposal to that. Then we will then see. It only says deliverance from sin. It doesn't say deliverance from demons. - Aha, beautiful. What gives demons a rights and legal rights to the body of a person. - Aha. - Is it not sin? - Aha. - So if sin no longer has authority over you. - Exactly. - So therefore demons no longer have authority over you. Everything grace brought, completed everything that was required for the salvation of man. So since man has been saved, since man has been saved, there is no need anymore for any other home of sin. - So that's it. That's a complete gift to have. That is the complete black college teaching, aha. - So. - Since man has been saved. So now deliverance for whom the son says free. - Aha. - Free indeed. And when the son sets you free at salvation, yep, you were free indeed. What happens now? What protects the ritual of faith is bringing down strongholds. There is nowhere in the Bible that he says that. - There's no offense against the most. - He says, "For we will rescue not against flesh and blood, but against what?" Spiritual authority. - In where? In the heavenly places, right? Well, they said, "Let's be God. He has given us every authority in the evolites." All the authority in the evolites have been given unto us. So you don't rescue with someone that you have moved or have given an expression. Well, now talks about what we're not talking about, pulling down strongholds of thoughts. So it's no longer about dealing with principalities. It's pulling down strongholds of thoughts. Strong holes of thoughts. So what happens to people is that the enemy is as powerful as we are ignorant. The enemy is as powerful as we are ignorant. But once the entrance of the world comes and brings light, darkness cannot coexist, darkness cannot comprehend, darkness cannot absorb. So Grace did a perfect work by bringing deliverance. Grace did a perfect work by bringing deliverance because the word they deliverance, the word they deliverance, after this is a deliverance from sin, deliverance from sin, the nature of sin, because the legality of the enemy is in the authority of the signature. But that had to be entered here. Okay, it's part of effect, thank you for that. So the legality of the legality of Jesus morning is in the authority of sin. But we have been translated from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light. So nothing about your kingdom, but things to us. Nothing about your kingdom, but things to us who believe. We are in Christ or someone to be possessed because the Bible says we have been giving the Holy Spirit a sign that we are owned and protected by God. Some vessels have a sign that we are possessed by God. So are we now seeing that demons can possess what God possesses? Okay, let's leave that matter. Now the Bible says in Ephesians 3 that this spirit is in a man. Christ is dwelling in a heart through faith. So we, along with every believer, know they had to with an in depth of love of God. Understanding that we are filled to fullness. Let me be that in case someone was on a tobacco right here. We are filled to fullness. If something is filled to fullness, which means it is filled to overflow, there is no space. So that means nothing can dwell in you when you are filled to fullness. Are you now seeing that is that there is space for a demon and God to dwell in you? When he said, I will need to leave you, not forsake you. - Oh my God. - So you are filled to fullness is a constant reality of God in you. So nothing best can possess you. Second, nothing can enter you because there is no space. It cannot possess you because you cannot take ownership from God because he said, I, my father, I put you in my father's hand. Nothing can take you out of his hands or something to take you out of God's hand. It has to be stronger than God, unless we are now seeing demons are stronger than God. You cannot be possessed because for them to possess you, they have to take you out of God's hands. You cannot be possessed for them to enter you. You have your, there is no space. You are filled to fullness, to God fullness of God. So deliverance has now become an understanding for us in the gospel. So every time the enemy thrives in the things we do know about what we have received in Christ. So ignorance is His power. That is why the Bible now tells us pulling down strong goals, strong goals, imaginations, high things in our mind that exhort against the knowledge of God. So everything against the knowledge, so you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. So the knowledge we know is the freedom we're working. The knowledge we know is the freedom we're working. So the more we know, the more we are delivered from the power of the law because the effectiveness of the demonic is in the nature of the law. And for us who are in Christ, who are led by the spirit of us, of this, there is no law. So regardless of any law that the demonic can have, say they want to apply to us, we are not subject to the law. There is no law, they cannot bring a child because before the demonic can work, it means the authority of the divine. Before the demonic can work, it means the authority of the divine. Where will you get the authority? You need to bring a charge against us. The Bible says, don't come, bring a charge against us. For he who has really gave up his own son, really gives us all things along with Christ. Who can bring the charge against us? If God before us, who can be against us? Is it God, is it him? Is it Jesus that will charge us, who already died for us? Is it God that will charge us, who has already punished us? Is it the only spell that will charge us, who has already witnessed of holiness in us? Who can bring a charge against God and let? Because if nobody can bring a charge against us because of all the ones that are speaking for us, we have two advocates, the Holy Spirit advocates, Jesus advocates, we have the blood that also speaks about our things. So with all this gathering, who can bring a charge? That is why there is therefore, having no notice is now no condemnation. So for the demonic to operate, the most oppressed in condemnation. Come on. Now it's a different thing if you, with your own mouth, as speaking over your own life, giving them authority, because nothing can happen in reality unless a man is speaking. So, are you agreeing what God has said? What are you, or are you proclaiming to invite death to you? That's why we often say be careful what you say. So in us, it's almost, we'll sit down at least, and this thing is bad, this thing will not work, this thing will always still drop the claim over your life. And you now say the demons are afflicted. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, demons are not afflicted. You proclaim. You proclaim it with your authority as a song, and you spoke, and people are responding to what you spoke, and you say so on these domains in you. So, yeah, condemn the God. You are seated in Christ, in heavenly places. Fuck, look above, let me say you are above. They said you are far above. When something is far, it distance is very far, that means it takes efforts to get death. You are far above, principalities, powers, a name that can be named, because you have it, you have received the highest name in Christ. The highest name is what? Son, because to say you are son, it declared equality with the Father. So, how can the demonish? Comments, oppress a son who knows who they are, impossible. Stop answer to deliverance. One day we'll get into the deposit. Let's go back to where we are. Why are we here to be? Effective, prevent, prayer. Can I get any men? It should be given us joy, but it don't seem like, why I guess enjoy what you're having trouble for this reality. They will have to have this money. This is well, but it's open also. You also like your face, I love you to do online. (laughs) So, effective, prevent, prayer. In my workout, call to date, carry to the goal, and fully complete your own salvation. As we have learned, you cannot complete your own salvation. That should have been a red flag from the beginning to know that your own work in salvation, what is our work in salvation? Release with the reverence and all and tremble in self-destruct, not believing in yourself, believing in the finish of embracing what God has done for you in Christ. Embracing what God has done for you in Christ. With serious caution, tenderness of conscience, watchfulness against ambition, seemingly shrinking from whatever might offend God and discredit the name of Christ, 13. Not in your own strength. So, everything that was said, belief, everything that was, that they described, it is not in your own strength, but it is God. Who is all the wire is sexually at work? Which is all the wire is sexually at work? So, what makes any work effective? What makes any work effective is what? The effectual work for anything that has to do with salvation and the spiritual is done by God. The effectual work for anything that needs to be done in this spiritual, that needs to be done as salvation is done by God. It is not effective or effectual if it is done by you. So, it is God. Who is all the wire? Not sometimes. So, it's not, it's not in that change, maybe you do it sometimes or you do it sometimes. It is God who is all the wire to at every point in time, effectual work is not your effort, but it is God at work in you. It's energizing and creating in you the power and desire. Doesn't that match with where we just came from? Doesn't that match with where we just came from? Now, to win who is able to carry out his focus and do so for a burnout emote, then we dare ask or think infinitely beyond our greatest prayers, hopes or dreams, according to his power that is at work within us. At work within us what is power? So, not in your own strength, for it is God who is all the wire, effectually at work in you, energizing and creating in you the power and the desire to not just the power to do it, the desire to do it comes from God. So, your assignment is to believe he gives you the power, he gives you the desire for what to will and to work for his good pleasure. So, what makes everything pleasurable is not you, but this is him at work in you that makes you pleasurable and satisfactory to him. So, you are pleasurable, satisfactory and this delightful to God, not at the result of you, but him at work in you. You are pleasurable, delightful, satisfactory to God, not because he did something, but because he has done something in you. Maybe Rudy, not again. You are pleasurable, satisfactory, delightful to God, not because you did something, but because he has done something in you. So, his effectual work is what makes something effective, not you. And... So, this concept of effectual work challenges the idea that human efforts are what produce effective spiritual results in a believer's life. So, it is God that produces effective spiritual work, spiritual results in a believer's life, because even the fruits of these spirits, Galatians 5, these spirits, we are doing what we give, but all the scriptures. - Sorry about that. - No, no, no. - No, no, no, no. - This is the proof that Holy Spirit knows the truth. - And we never said that this was the knows the truth. - Is you? (laughs) - Is the truth that this truth is. - Mm-hmm. - We see the truth is truth. - Exactly, exactly. You see all the spirits ahead. That's why I was there. I don't know if it knows the truth. - No, no, no, no, no. - You only speak the truth. - Now, I'm gathering the truth. - Okay. - Galatians 5, 22. - Galatians 5, 22. But the Holy Spirit, but in the foot of the Holy Spirit, the rock cities, even fruit is not a result of your effort, but the foot of the Holy Spirit, the rock which is present within accomplishes. - Yeah. - Are you saying people? - Mm-hmm. - But the foot of the Holy Spirit, the rock which is present within, present within accomplishes. So it is always about his work. - And you submit to the rock. - You submit to the rock. - Yeah. - He's doing the work. It is him at work in you, causing you to will and to do. Producing fruits in you. - Yeah. - Making you satisfactory. - Yeah. - Making you delightable. - Yeah. - Making you pleasurable. It is him at work in you, not a result of your efforts. - What is important to call out here is that, because again, another common rebuttal through this grace message. When the message of God's grace is preached without giving equal emphasis on the role of the Holy Spirit. - Yes. - That right day is another pitfall of preaching this message. - Mm-hmm. - Because what's preaching the message without an understanding of the role of the Holy Spirit, or equal emphasis in the teaching of the role of the Holy Spirit, brings the believer into a place of arrogance, and softly reintroduce his works. So when the role of the Holy Spirit, the reason why the Holy Spirit was giving, when that is taught alongside with the finished work of Jesus, then you come to the proper posture that the believer ought to have when we're discussing the gospel. Because what that means, that means form of work that wants to show up, because the emphasis is back on, it is the Holy Spirit's doing the work. Your responsibility, believe in Christ, and submit to the work of the Spirit. So while the Holy Spirit is instructing you in how to go, submit to it, because thinking that you can live your life the way that you want, but in ourselves, grace is lessons to see, grace is the death, and this is the problem with grace. The problem with the development is what you know, you had to harden the people develop. It is the, again, submitting to that work of the Spirit, because that is the Spirit that now governs you, the believer, and brings about the change that causes our lives to reflect the Christ that we see, that we profess. So we are saying this so that we on that topic, as I said, I get messages, no balance. The reason why the message sounds all balanced is because the role of the Spirit is not presented alongside the work of Christ. It is not saying, because what happens is, if the people who only present the Spirit without Christ is where you now get all the uziness and the weightiness that comes with us, and that will, but the place to be is Christ finished the work. The Holy Spirit is here to help us debouse the work that was finished. Amen. - Amen. - Amen. - So we are tracking. - Amen. - Amen. - Amen. - It's vital. - Hey, nobody's going to use bread to take care of your food. This is where you? - Six. He says, "Efficient chapter two, one six." And he raised us up together with him. When we believe. - Yep. - And see that also with him in the heavenly places. Because we are in Christ. - Yep. - Jesus. And he did this so that in the ages to come, we might clearly show, he might clearly show the immeasurable and also pass riches of his grace. In his kindness towards us, in Christ Jesus, by providing for our redemption. If he provided, it's nothing we can do for any part of our redemption. - Amen. - Amen. - It is me, I'm coming to you. But it is by grace, God's remarkable compassion and favor, drawing you to Christ. So grace draws. - Amen. - I remember that. - You know what comes to the Father unless. - His spirit. That's how you know that grace. He's talking about the spirits here. - His spirit, so grace is not an arbitrary reality. - Whoa. - Grace is a person. Faith is a person, who are people, part of the Godhead. Faith is Christ and his finished work. Grace is a person, Holy Spirit, and he will establish this, the finished work in you. Faith is a person and his works. Grace is a person and the establishing of that work. Or it is grace, God's remarkable compassion and favor, drawing you to Christ, that you have been saved. But it's by grace you have been saved, naturally delivered from judgment and keeping the eternal life through faith. And this salvation is not of yourselves, not through your efforts. But it is the undeserved, gracious gift of God. Not as a result of your works, not attempts to keep the Lord, so that no one will be able to post it or take credit in any way for his salvation. It is called the gift of God. Why? If we don't understand the nature of faith and the nature of grace and the position of faith and grace, we will look for words in things that have to do with salvation. Faith is a person. Jesus. He is the substance of things from full. He is the evidence of things on sin. By Him, we are able to please the Lord. By Him, Abraham obtained a good testimony. By Him, it wasn't a rehab, it wasn't a rehab. Invited people. He read scalloped over her windows. She can find the blood. And that's why I go into the house and bring the woman. They don't call, I have a name changed. He's bringing the house house and bring out the woman, going to the house and bring out the woman. So grace change our identity. - When people come to that scripture that we were reading, so for it is by Holy Spirit that you have been saved through Jesus Christ. - Yes. - That the sense has to mix us. You don't lose the meaning. - This is definitely the sense but the following, the logic. So it is by Holy Spirit. God's remarkable compassion and thankful, drawing you to Christ that you have been saved. Again, remember, because you can't read these things in isolation. You have helped us, because I'm in the United States, rules of literature, for any literature students that's here, understand the rules of literature. You saw something somewhere. You have to connect and Holy Spirit not just connects all of those dots. You say, look at that scripture that says, nobody comes to the Father, except the Spirit draws. So we have established that it is the Spirit that draws people to Christ, right? That you have been saved, actually deliver from judgment and giving eternal life through Jesus Christ. So these same things do make sense and we have not lost the meaning. So no one says, because sometimes we're saying this, and this grace, that are you introducing new concepts? No. It is helping us draw the dots, connects the dots, that make this Christian life that we are called to be, that makes us enjoy the Christian life that we are called to live. All these things are not arbitrary. They are not. Yeah, and yeah, because a lot of times they are great, great, great, great, great, great. And even believe me, you're great. Give me all these things. Put no sense that we're saying. You have the same Holy Spirit for the same Spirit which raised Christ from the day. You are inside of you and quickens your motor press, which means quickens your mortality to work in Christ's divinity. Quickens your witnesses to work in the strength of God. Quickens your humanity to work in God's reality. That is the job is establishing what was finished. He's now regulating water. So now the law of the spirit of life, yeah, no longer after the law of sin, the law of the spirit of life, what is the law of the spirit of life, being led by the Holy Spirit is how you work in the lordship of Christ. That is why you work as a son. However, allowing themselves to be led by the Holy Spirit are called songs of God. So the law of the spirit of life is the law of the leadership of the Holy Spirit. And in that law has saved us from the law of sin and death, the law of sin and death for those. We talked about that earlier. The law of sin and death is the law that the demonic operates in. The law that sin operates in, the law that death operates in, we now have the law of life in Christ by the direction of the Holy Spirit. This is the drawing of the nature of grace. - Yeah. - You said a lot of deepness, let's go back. So it is God and at work in you. It is him energizing you. It is him directing you. It is him creating a new desire. So the effectual work involves God generating, what he will, and the ability in believers to live Godly lives. - Yep. - Effectual work comes from God at work in you. Effectual work is a result of God at work in you. It is not an effort reality. It is not an effort reality. It is a rest reality. God, who is all the while, effectual at work in you. Constancy, there are two kinds of work. It is that effectual or death. There are two kinds of work the believer will engage in. Your work is that effectual or death. Hebrews chapter six verse one. See, check this out. Therefore, let us go and get by the elementary state in teaching and doctrine of Christ. Advancing steadily to us completeness and perfection that belongs to spiritual maturity. Let us not again be laying the foundation of repentance and abandonment of dead works. What is dead works? Dead formalism. Dead works are what? Dead formalism. Dead works are what? Dead formalism. What does Amplify call it? I'm glad you understand it. I am newly been translation, I think. - That's the person who is. Okay, what? You see it here. - You live in translation of courses and... - Wait, what is the focus? - Evil deeds dead works, but let's go to... Let me see message, 'cause it's less than people I like to appreciate. The message, salvation by self-help. Salvation by self-help. And this calls it dead formalism. Message calls it salvation by self-help. So your work is either effectual or dead. That's talking about believers. Unbelievers can be evil, nonbelievers. Your work is that effectual work done by God, led by God. Or dead, salvation when you become dead, when it's salvation by self-help, salvation by self-help. Or dead formalism. Allowing the law. Allowing what? The law. Let's go to 914. Give me chapter 9, verse 14. How much more surely? How much more surely? Should a blood of Christ, who by virtue of his eternal spirit, his own preexisting divine personality, has offered himself as an object that he sacrificed to God. Purify our consciousness from dead works and life-less observances. So the dead works described here as life-less observances to serve the ever-living world. So what are dead works? Three meanings of dead works, dead formalities. Number one, dead formalities, number one, number two, self-help, self-help. Number three, life-less observances to serve the ever-living world. So dead works are dead formalities, self-help, salvation techniques, life-less observances to serve the ever-living world. So your work is that effectual or life-less. Your work is that effectual or a dead formality. Your work is that effectual or a self-help thing to serve the living world. So which one will you choose? Effectual or life-less? Which one will you choose? So dead works are self-reliant efforts and empty religious routines performed without true spiritual understanding. Performed without true spiritual understanding. So what makes something effectual is God's work. What makes something dead is your self-help, dead formality, or life-less observances. Please go. I will track it. Anything truly effective or effectual, that's what we are using. Anything truly effectual in a believer's life is a product of God's grace working through them. Anything truly effectual in a believer's life is a product of God's grace working through them, not a result of their own discipline or effort. It is beyond human ability. Anything effectual is typically beyond human ability. So that means even effectual prayer is not about how hard one brings, but about how do you, about the Holy Spirit's leadership in prayer. So even effectual prayer is not about how hard someone brings, but about the Holy Spirit's leadership in prayer. Effectual work is aligned with God's will and pleasure, rather than being driven by human ambition or religious obligation. So unlike effectual work is aligned with God's will and pleasure, rather than being driven by human ambition or religious obligation. So unlike, we started this conversation with the temporal, but so the eternal. Unlike human efforts, which may lead to temporary behavioral multiplication, human efforts, which lead to temporary behavioral modification. God's effectual work produces lasting spiritual growth and character development. God's effectual work produces lasting spiritual growth and character development. So in essence, what makes something truly effectual in the Christian life, in the life of the believer is not a human effort or religious practices, but rather the work of God himself through grace and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. The divine work is seen as the soft of genuine spiritual growth. And character development and God-lelevian. So now that we've discussed effectual, now let's address the concept of effectual fervent prayer. When do we see this? James, chapter 5, verse 16. James, chapter 5, verse 11. Give James chapter 5, consider the problem. Confess to one another, therefore your thoughts, your sleeps, your footsteps, your fences, your sins. And pray also for one another, that you may be healed and restored to spiritual eternal. The Enest, heartfelt, continued prayer of the righteous man, a tremendous power available, dynamicness, work. I love the purpose of this. Let me go to where he got it from. Let me not say amplified, the same amplified, he did not get it for him. That was a 16 right. The effective, no, I was thinking, it's KJVO, KJV. Yes, 16. Confess your thoughts to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of the righteous man, a billiv, much. Your revelation has mixed tremendous power, ability. If we could analyze this, I'll put your shit for KJV, if we could analyze this. KJV, you're KJV. You know, there are some audience that are people, that God might actually send you to. I cannot use another translation to talk to them, except in games. You know that. Yeah, that's why there are different kinds of songs. Did you make us be dead? Thou art knows not ye. I have all those songs. Let's just speak it in English. I know you're looking for your people knowing you, that's just continuing. So, another vision has, like we saw in M, I will come back to this vision. I just want to show something, Nuking James. Nuking James says, the effective fervent prayer of the righteous man avails much. That's Nuking James. Let me go back to AMPC. AMPC talks about mixed tremendous power available dynamic in his working. So I want to ask us a question. We talked about power being made available. We talked about effectual. So I see from everything that we have learned so far, from a Christian stream. How is the power made available? Is it by you? Is it you that makes the power available? What is said, it is His power at work in us. For Christ is the wisdom of God. This is crypto. Bible says that Christ is the wisdom of God. Christ is the power of God. So if Christ is the wisdom and the power of God, Christ cannot be made available. Christ cannot be made available by you. Christ cannot be made available by you. He cannot be made available by Christ. So what makes tremendous power available has to be a function of the person himself who is powerful. You are not powerful, you are empowered. To say that you can make tremendous power available means that you can move Christ. If you did not move Him to the cross, you cannot move Him in salvation. If you did not move Him to the cross, you cannot move Him in salvation. Only the person that moved Him to the cross can move Him in salvation. And for God so long that He gave. So only the God that moved Him to the cross is only the person that can move Him in salvation. So if sexual work is only the one that has the power to make power available, yes, to logic, you do not have the power to make power available. Your position and your duty in the equation is simply to exist. At best you are catalysts. At best you are catalysts. At worst you are just a reality that does not affect the equation. Available at least in 16 days. So we have dealt with effectual, let us keep moving. The effectual fervent prayer is not about how hard you pray. Effectual fervency, because fervency can be effective and ineffective. What makes fervency effectual is Spirit-led, not self-driven. The effectual fervent prayer is not how hard you pray. It is by the leadership of the Holy Spirit. Him walking out and leading you in the words of prayer. So it is not quantity I prayed for 20 hours. It's quality. By Romans 8, 26 to 27,000 have to explain to us. Romans 8, 26 to 27 comes into the matter to explain to us. I read. If you are seeing the screen or you are dancing, uh-huh-huh-huh. In the same room. Thank you very much. I had a voice, that's a new song. It is your pa, it is your pa, it is your pa, it is your pa, it is your pa, it is your pa. I was wondering if there is a degree here in the afternoon, where you are? Welcome. You don't see a degree here in the afternoon, is that correct? Thank you. It is your back of the lecture, this is English. Wow. Very interesting. Very interesting. When you find it, when you find it, when you receive an unexpected visitor. Do you say it is great here in the afternoon? Wow. We got a degree. In the same way, the Spirit comes to us and it helps us in our witness. We do not know what prayer to pray, what prayer to offer, or how to offer it as we should. But the Spirit Himself knows and needs at the right time. It has sit on our behalf with signs and groans to be forward. And He who searches the heart, knows what the mind of the Spirit is. And He who searches the heart, who searches the heart with you. Holy Spirit. The person who searches the heart is Christ. For the world, the shapadan, the divine, the divine, the bone and the marrow, the joint and the marrow, searching the deep things of the heart, the intentions of Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, speaks to the Christ in your heart, Christ who has such your heart. The Holy Spirit who has also sets the heart of the Father, combining that, speaking as one with the desire of the situation. So He knows your desire, He knows God's desire concerning the matter. So when prayer is happening, it's a matching great desire to what is required in the situation, knowing what is in the heart of the child, knowing what is in the heart of the Son. Everyone understand it? He who searches the heart, knows the mind of the Spirit, knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because the Spirit intercedes before God. On behalf of God's people, in our co-dance with God's will, so the Spirit has searched the heart of the Father. It's when they have searched the situation. It's when they have searched everything, set the mood. And now when it's having you speak, it is infectious because it is now a work of God done through your lips. You are speaking as one with God concerning a matter. Are we all trapped? Do you want to say something? Yes, I was just thinking about what you just said now. So it means from the place of hunger and the place of the acts of praying, it is the Holy Spirit who does all this, who carry out all these activities. He creates the hunger and then he, the atmosphere and then he deprades up. Everything is the Holy Spirit who does all this through you. Because he causes you to will and it causes you to do. For the desire to do it, the will to do it, the ability to execute it, what makes it satisfactory, what makes it pleasurable. The Holy Spirit. No, this is not. They are all fun. Let me see. These are some serious tables. So, you know, let me go back. Effecture of prayer. But now the second part of this prayer is, see, the effecture of the Ben Priya of a righteous man. So the second thing that comes into question is what righteousness? That your prayer is not answered because you are not righteous. Right? Second Corinthians chapter 5, verse 21. So, you have to come righteous. You have to come without sin so that you can, so that God can answer your prayers. Second Corinthians 5, verse 21. So that in Him, we will become the righteousness of God. Not we will receive. It is not that we will receive. He said we will become. People, listen. It is not that we will receive that we will receive the righteousness. So, something that we can get or not get. He said that we will become the nature of identity we will identify by. Oh, I just realized people are not seeing what I am. Maybe they are not seeing what I am showing. Let me show the tab. See. If you are concealer and you are concealer, please say, uh-huh-huh. Oh-huh-huh-huh. Thank you for your hands and our hearts. I repeat, he made Christ, who knew no sin to judicial legally by law, the sin on our behalf. So that in Him, we will become the righteousness of God. It is not that we will receive the righteousness of God. It is not that it is something that we will receive. He said that it is someone that we will become. And identity will become. We become the righteousness of God. So every time a believer exists, the believer is already the righteousness of God. The righteousness is not a discussion that a believer lacks in. Righteousness is not a reality, a believer is questioned. Righteousness is not a reality, thank you very much. That is not a reality that a believer is questioned of. So he who knew no sin became sin that would become the righteousness of God. We have become the righteousness of God. So righteousness is now a reality. So it is impossible for what you are praying for or your prayer to be ineffective as a result of righteousness. And again, even in this righteousness, it was not as a result of you. You see that? Even this righteousness itself is effectua. Are you all tracking? The people are silent. I don't know if you are here in the making sense. So the Greek word for "effectua" is ennegyu. The Greek word for effectua is ennegyu. Implies that Greek word ennegyu. I wish that the prayer was here, but I would have put down this quote that you can do to teach us. But since he is not here, let's keep on it. Ennegyu implies a prayer energized by God's power. So ennegyu implies energized by God's power. Capacity is capacitated. The word I have put down my own dictionary. It is given capacity by God's power. That word ennegyu. So what makes something effectua implies a prayer energized by God's power, not your effort. So this connects with the disciples' emphasis. A lot has been "effectually at work" and you show it is God. Effectually at work in you. So it is God ennegyu in you. It is God ennegyu in the prayer that makes it effectua. God ennegyu in the prayer that makes it effectua, not your effort. Not how hard you, not your head. Not your head, you get your head. Other, yes, oh, move. You are just doing neck walkouts. Because you don't kill me. He's so kill me. You're doing that, I should just do it. Oh, amenity, my dad. Hm, the Lord does our father. He got me the glory. It is well. I'm not. It is God. It is not your neck walkouts that makes the prayer effectua, or effective. But can I ask a question for you? Yes. Can I get to a point where you are praying and at that point you become sure, if I use the word, you become sure, yes, that that has shown that, like this is zeal. Everything put together. Now cost you to come to the point where you don't even know that you are even doing this thing that you just described now. Is it possible? Because it happens to me a lot when I get to a point where I lost my consciousness. I lost my consciousness in the natural, and it will be like something else is taking over. And I'm praying with that so much energy and that passion. And sometimes tears start coming out of my eyes. And it comes to that point. Is it possible to get to that point where you are praying, you know? There are two parts of that question and let me answer the two parts for you. That's one of that question. You said the zeal. Who is the zeal of God? This is not the only spirit. And the zeal of God will bring you to pass. And the zeal of God will bring you to pass. And the zeal of God will bring you to pass. And the zeal of God will bring you to pass. Who is the zeal of God? That's the same Holy Spirit. So the zeal that is driving you is a person. Is the only spirit. Number one. Number two. Your passion cannot be the formula. It is not wrong to have passion when you are praying. That's not why you are human, still praying. You can be passionate about things. But your passion is not the formula for solution. Your passion does not, is not what produces results. But it is effectively at work in you that produces results. The issue in here is in a lot of people think it is their passion and their efforts. That makes God answer faster. It is a functionality. If your amen is not as loud as turned out, you know, it's a result. You are praying silently. Your prayer is still hitting the roof. That is why you are because you are praying. You are not going to the roof. And that's the answer. So your prayer is not broken to the roof. Because you are not praying passionately. Pray. Let your immersion sound like turned out. People of God, it is not the "if" efforts. It is not the passion that provides solution. It is the effectual work. It is the effectual work. So what you are describing is that you are in the process. And this is how your humanity is responding to the process that you are in. The source being in corporate service. And people being instructed that if they don't do these things, their prayer will not be expected. That is the difference here. So in your own time of private prayer, as I believe as yourself, this is the Holy Spirit, your humanity is responding in this week. Like emotionally to the prayer, right? But when we are in corporate services, somebody is standing and then saying that because your prayer is not praying with enough passion. So that's why it's not breaking through the roof. That's why this is not happening. That you will shout like me. You will be saying that. Let me shout. Oh yes. In your bra, when you put those through. All right. That's the instruction. God help me. I say this in English already. From my brother to you. And that's not what that says. Hey. We are like lightning. We are like lightning. We are like lightning. Exactly. That's how you are supposed to be praying like this. If you've ever been in the CSCC this one, that's not what I'm talking about. Oh, some of this MFM church has to do. Yeah. So yes, that is what we got some of these things from. Okay. At that time, first of all, we used this thing on the altar in order to get people, you know, you know, most times the mind had to steer people off because the most times, people's mind. I don't know. I'm just, I'm not trying to speak for them because I know that a lot of people, the mind is too, can be very funny because once I went there, when the prayer is going on, some people just be looking around, some are not, you know, their mind is just still delitailing. Yeah. Exactly. They said that it's so that we can all focus on what we are doing here. You told them like the people, you're not invested in this. We are supposed to be doing this at once. We are supposed to stand as songs. We are speaking songs. You are sitting in Christ in heavenly places. What are you doing with your seats? You have a region that you are assigned to. The region is working for you to speak. You have a time. You have people waiting for you to agree. The earth is working for the manifestation of the songs of God. You are a son of our region. You are a son of our time. You are a son of our space. You are a son and you are a speaking son. You are supposed to agree on earth declaring that it's as spoken as that, it's spoken in heaven. So open your mouth, son, and speak. So what Peter just did is remind the congregation of the nature of who they are. Not using manipulative techniques to now say if you don't, if you're a boy. We are not ready. We are not going to stare at you. We are not staring at you. We are not staring at you because staring at you. You will be in services and you will be hearing that the first round that you created. It was for yourself. It was not for good. These are the things, these are the things that pastors have said to people in service. Oh, she sounds like staring at you. Yeah, the first one you did this for yourself is not for good because there was no passion. There was no aggression. There was no peace. There was no death. So the prayer is not going to work. That's what we are speaking of. But to remind people of their nature to cause them to gather themselves together. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's not for my, it's not for my good religion. So these are the things that we're speaking on. That's people then tied. So even does not shout in, huh? Yes. No, this king, she's looking at King James English. I said shout in. Does it not on song me? That's what she said in King James. So, songs do not need to shout because that is taking us to where we are going to the next one. Because she was looking at King James English. Oh, that is not the, those, those not shouting on song me. I know. I know. I know. Other parts of this is where they think that because when people think that they are engaging with it, the morning. So it's like this, the, you know, that sounds, travels for the blackness ahead. So that, so if you do now that you shout the deeper or the further your voice requires, so that all the demos that are 10,000 generations behind, can't hear what you are seeing because, you know, your voice is loud and it's traveling in the dark. There's also that mentality. You need to understand. Let me see something. No, I'll be happy for you. I understand. People that were here, that's not for the particular. Hey, okay. Now. Hey. Let me go to the next script. I'm saying it's not. So I'm not making this big. This is the reality. The reality that will go to the shots of the developer here is like, let me, let me, let me, let me, let me, let me. Let me go to the next way. Let me go to the next way. Let me go to the next way. Let me go to the next way. Let me go to the next way. 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I'm going to go to the next way. I'm going to go to the next way. I'm going to go to the next way. I'm going to go to the next way. I'm going to go to the next way. I'm going to go to the next way. I'm going to go to the next way. I'm going to go to the next way. I'm going to go to the next way. I'm going to go to the next way. I'm going to go to the next way. I'm going to go to the next way. I'm going to go to the next way. I'm going to go to the next way. I'm going to go to the next way. I'm going to go to the next way. I'm going to go to the next way. I'm going to go to the next way. I'm going to go to the next way. I'm going to go to the next way. God is not an unjust judge that you have to keep repeating the prayer so that they can answer you. We are songs, not distant or known people. God responds to songs. God responds to us as songs. He is also for His glory. God responds to us as songs. He is also for His glory. John 14, John 14, that's 12 to 14. John 14, that's 12 to 14. Are you all seen? You are there or you can see the screen. See you home, home, home. Thank you. I assure you, I'm most so lonely. I tell you, if anyone steps first, he believes in me. He himself will be able to do greater things. Do the things that I do, sorry. And he will do even greater things than this because I go to the Father. And I will do. I myself will grant whatever you ask in my name, representing all that I am so that the Father may be glorified and extolled in unto the Son. So for the sake of His glory, not because of your efforts, He answers the prayer. Jesus ensures, because we just read that the promises of God are assured and answered in Christ. So He goes to the Father, ensuring that His answer to our Father may be glorified in the Son. So the answer of the prayer is not even about your effort. It's so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. It is for His glory in you. It's for His glory in you as the Son, for His glory in the Son Christ. Also in you as the Son that He is answering the prayer. For the glory, He is glorified in the answering of the prayer. It's not about you. Hm. That's why you wanted to say something. You know, I'm just... Yes. That means, you know. Are we writing, checking a lot of tables, writing about doctrines? Because it's so, the death is serious, you know. So that the Father may be glorified. Not just for the sake of the Son, which is Christ, but also for me. And then I'm just trying to connect that back to how, you know, the why of God, and His love is... Yes. When we receive it, it's how He's most glorified. So love is still the reason for the glorification, even in His response. Mm-hmm. You know, that's what's going through my mind. Hm. Love will always be the why of God. Mm-hmm. Christ will always be the whom of God. Mm-hmm. Salvation will always be the what of God. If we know the who, the what, and the why, we cannot look anywhere else for whom? What and why? You cannot be the why. You cannot be the who. Then how can your works be the what? You cannot be the who. You cannot be the why. Your works cannot be the what. Yes, it was to bring you into the equation. But you were not part of the equation. You who rewards the why was to bring you into the equation. Mm-hmm. So you are not the who, Christ is it. Oh. You are not your works are not the why. So please, it is very important that we do not look for. We are not expect from. What has been delivered to? There is not an expecting prayer. Both we have received. My belief. I believe. Effecture prayer sustained by grace. Mm-hmm. It is God's grace, not human effort, that produces spiritual results. It is God's grace, not human efforts, that produces spiritual results. Let me see the go time. I don't think we had. You are, yes. It's like you have been a fishery, not a contributor. It's anything. The only contribution you have there is belief. It is God's grace, not human effort, that produces spiritual results. These blessings are free. Gracious gift of relationship, not a product of our efforts. Romans 8 and 32 tells us, "He who did not spare even, even, even his own son, but gave him up or us or, how will he not also, along with him, graciously, from grace, graciously, graciously, from grace, graciously, give us all things. Graciously, give us all things." We also came from Ephesians 1, 3. Blessed be God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Messiah who has blessed us in Christ, with every spiritual, given by the Holy Spirit, through grace. Blessed in the heavenly realm. So grace brings the blessing. Faith has walked it. Grace brings it. Grace has brought it. We receive it in rest. We receive it in edits. We receive it by belief. This applies to prayer as well. It is effective because God's grace, not our intensity, makes it effective. God's effective work or effectual work in us, through us, is beyond our hosts. Imagination is our prayer. Thoughts, effectual work in us, is beyond our hopes, is beyond our imaginations, is beyond our prayers. This is what we saw in Ephesians 3. Infinite, now to him, who by consequence of the action of his power, now to him, who by, in consequence of the action of his power, so it is not the consequence of you. The consequence of the action of his power, that is at work in us, is able to carry out his purpose, so you are not the one that defines his purpose. He carries out his purpose through you by his, the consequence of his power at work in you. So it is not your prayer that brings forth purpose. It is as a result of the consequence of the action of his power at work in you. It is possible to do super abode that we find abode, felt that we dare ask, all things, infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hosts or dreams. Prayer is beyond our capacity, effectual prayer, come back to us at the front. (Silence) Effectual prayer, back to where it is at the front. Effectual prayer are there as much, because having lent everything we said so far. Effectual prayer are there as much, because one, it is in harmony, with God's will and purposes. One is in harmony, with God's will and purposes. Two, it's empowered by the Holy Spirit, not limited by human weakness. It is empowered by the Holy Spirit, not limited by human weakness. Three, it is based on the finished work of Christ, giving us confidence before God. Three, it is based on the finished work of Christ, giving us confidence before God. Four, it is activated by faith in Christ, which is the key principle in God's Kingdom. It is activated by faith in Christ, which is the key principle in God's Kingdom. Five, it outlines the prayer, the one that is praying. The prayer, not the prayer, I think of it, the prayer. Prayer. The other, the blessing that is praying, football, if you play football, if you play, again, you play, yeah. If you are praying, pray, yeah. So, it is the prayer, yeah. It aligns the prayer, ah, with God's heart. That's why praying, ah, is a neutral, not an action. You are praying, you play something, you are a play, ah. You are a player, you are praying, you are the prayer, ah. Not the action, it's the nature. I'll be understanding that, go to the place. Well, understanding. Someone who plays is the player. You who are, who is praying, you are the prayer. It is not the words that live in your mouth, it is the nature that you observe, that's been observed in you. So, it aligns the prayer, the God's heart, often changing them in the process. So, it is the prayer, the nature is changing you, not causing God to answer you. It is very much, because it's changing you as is reconciling God's intention in this place. Six, it acknowledges dependence on God, which is the posture he responds to. He responds to your dependence on him, not your independence, not your effort. James 4, 67, amplified. Seven, it perseveres, demonstrating trust in God's good justice, timing and wisdom. So, we are not like the lady who is talking to one on just church. We have a just church, we don't have to maintain repetitions. It perseveres, it is eternal because God has made it effectual. This is why the effectual, relevant prayer of the righteous man, available at much. In conclusion, effectual prayer is not about human effort or religious techniques. What about yielding to the Holy Spirit? Trusting in Christ's righteousness and aligning with God's way. It adheres much, because it is essentially God working through us, not us trying to manipulate God. This understanding helps us walk in the emphasis on God's grace, and the Holy Spirit work as a true source of spiritual effectiveness. They believe us life. Did it make sense to everyone? Go ahead Yisra. It makes sense and, you know, I don't want anything to happen to my effect sensitivity for this question. Is it in the year that there's that it becomes, that it then becomes effective? Not in the, I'm looking for the word to use. The formula is effective. And that's my first question. The second one is, you know how we've been really well taught that prayer is in nature. Now, other parts of prayer talk into God about how I feel, asking him for direction, asking him for guidance, asking him to just help me. And in just talking to him all the different things, is that also prayer? Oh, and then, you know, when we go away to fellowship, is that also prayer? Yes, because it's your nature of communion with your father. It is your nature of communication. The nature of communion with your father is prayer. So the action of playing soccer. I am playing soccer, but I who is playing is the player. The action of praying, I who is in the, who is in the, who, the sexual is in communion and communication with my father. I am the prayer. It is my nature to be eternally in being communion with my father. That's how I pray without season. I am always talking with my father. I am always wanting. But I am just talking about something. But I am talking about something. But I am going forth in his commands. He is working in his world of our region. He is working in his world of our place. Whatever it is, we are in the spiritual communion and communication. So when I am not saying anything, the belly was still communion. So the internet has said this. "Color is an invocation or act that seeks to activate era force with an object of worship through deliberate communication." Yeah? "An invocation or act that seeks to activate era force with an object of worship through deliberate communication." I am not talking about that. That's what Wikipedia says prayer is. But we can take like a little month's attempt to explain what is happening. So let's take different aspects of this definition that we saw now. It says, so give me one second. I close this and then I have to reopen this. So it says, "Invocation or an act that seeks to activate era force. If I wanted to build rapport with you, I have to speak to you. I have to talk to you." Oh, that's right. I have to listen to you. I have to hear what you have to say, respond to you so that you are a knight that you know each other. This is where you knew that our question might cause your ethics certificate to be enjoyed by these because we already had rapport. For yourself, this is not a dupe idea. I was just using that to explain. Just something. So because we have spent time in communication, in fellowship, in understanding, you know, thank you so much, in understanding each other we have era force. It's like somebody tells you, "I want to talk to that person. I can't go. I don't have a rapport with that person." He's like, "I don't have a relationship with them." So in order to become good a relationship with somebody without spending time talking with them, then the other part is, so this one says it's an object of worship. Of course, we know that the one who receives all of our worship is God, the one who has given all of himself's words that we've embraced, and then he says through deliberate communication. So when we're talking about the consciousness, the rehearsing of the consciousness of who we are, right? That's why that's where our mostest begins in the place of knowing what is already delighted with you, what is already pleased with you, what is already one with you, right? That's the reason why we do take all the time to first go through all of that, because if you knew that if you came to me, I'll look at you all kinds. That will happen with no sleep, right? But if you know that if you are here, we will dance, we will jump, we will go back and forth, we will laugh, you make like you are free to develop the rapport with me. Same with why we take the time to emphasize nature in God and what we have received in Christ, because if you know that God is already pleased with you and what is at peace with you, and you already won with him, the inscription now says let us boldly come, right? And of course, you as a believer, once you have come, you are there, you are not leaving, you are not coming, you are always there, because you are dwelling in the secret place, and now that's building of rapport. I might as well know you. As you know me, I will show you who you are. That's that relationship. My daddy, I want to know you. As my son, I will show you who you are. As you know me, because who you are is inside of me. So as you know me, you see yourself more. So that's when Pio says that, let me, what did he say now? He said, he aligns the prayer with God's heart. Our food changing them in the process, that's what Pio is speaking on. So as I am speaking to my daddy, you said this, what did you mean? This story, David, let me give you this, let me tell you what I was trying to see here. As you are understanding that, you are understanding the heart of your father. And because nothing was created outside of him, you bear his DNA. You are a part of him. So when you understand the intention behind that, this story that we saw now, this journey of the Israelites, I told you what I was trying to tell you in there. No, you are not understanding that. Okay, if I'm going to do the analysis, it doesn't mean that you are angry with me. It's because you are trying to show me this and cause me to come to a place of worship. Hey, my daughter, I do understand. Now you'll see more about yourself. So when life happens, you are not going to help us. And scattering, because you are not like, okay, daddy taught me this. So if my daddy is missing this thing, have fun, right? Okay, this is, so you start to see things the way that God sees them because you are in that relationship. Like there are things, again, we've shared a lot of stories. Like even with, for example, this morning, trash collection was happening this morning. Right, I don't know if you all noticed at some point, when people say, thank you, because he forgot to take out the trash. And we don't see. I just left it by the door. Right, so he left it by the door. So when I came out, I said that the trash was still there and like, ah, he must have forgotten. Not that he intentionally did not want to take out trash. Does that make sense? So he's not thinking that he's not, that this has not happened. He's not because he's, you know, somebody just like, Oh God, not again. I don't think I need to do, you know, demolish us into a visit, okay, he must have forgotten. And you know, already in seven, so let me take it out before I join. So that allows like that, because again, we have no reach out. I know this has me and our house. So not that he intentionally see something going bad and just be like, oh, you know, what it is, he's actively participating in the life. That's got his beauty through the both of us. That makes sense. I come from the communication and understanding that I will kill. If he, if he could speak another word again, all of his actions have shown me that he knows me. And if he couldn't make do anything again, all of his words will tell me and have told me that he loves me. And both of those things are always aligned at every point in time. So the congruence. So that is the, so this is a man and woman, obviously, in a corporate relationship of mine. So bad, you lack of words, but we are, thank you for that. In as much as God is our father, we are beneficiaries of the relation of the covenant that exists between father and son, and also not forgetting that his son is also our husband. So a head. So when scripture says that, you present to yourself a bird without sports and ring food, washing off the water of his word, he is also doing that. And that's also happening in this rapport that we are building. So when he's telling you do like this, do like that, the nature, because again, he is presenting himself so that they will be seeking face to face. We look like him. So he sees his walk to ensure that that nature comes alive in us. So it is in that place of constant communication. And this person did this to me, we are doing to calm down, because if you talk now, these notes, you are not going to show fruits that show that you and I are to get out to don't talk. If you're okay, I will not talk. I've had you because I know that you will fight for me. Your word says that as you hold my peace and I will see you in action. Okay. Hey, I won't see anything. That is you allowing your, that is your you deadness. But if you now hear, don't talk, calm down. And they're like, no. If I don't talk, they will think they have cheated me. If I don't talk, they think they know better than me. You have not you did. So the next time that situation happens, it might not become too far. To know, okay, what is your, hey, but he had of God and the love of God is always there calling us because we have just made our own journey. So the person that's told you won, are you now told for when the family is pregnant, tells you, oh, yeah, one. Tell him about me. Where do you want to start from? Before you continue, I think that's a good question. Oh, no, I finished it. I didn't even notice. Okay. So these are the, so that's the thing. But the more you spend, the more, the more you spend in that act of building deliverance rapport and the communication, the clearer his voice is to you, the more confidence and assurance you have. He, he thinks that he has said about you. So it's not until you, you know, when we shout or when corporate gatherings or when those types of things, it's like when we gather our work here is to remind ourselves. Of who he is and what he has done through us. Even when the, so when the disciples, oh, sorry, when Paul, I forget in one of the letters, I forget to which church now, where he was saying, encourage yourselves in spiritual in names and sounds and spiritual songs. I don't actually recollect us. The prayer was a part of that, or even in the act, too, for the church, he says, the fellowship, they broke bread, and they devoted themselves continually to the doctrine of the apostles. I don't also recollect if they are was part of it. Again, why not minimizing the place of prayer. They broke bread and prayer, prayer, prayer, prayer. Again, on teaching people the truth of what's that. Your root, the foundation of it was communal and the word. Yes, ahead. But not in the way that we have now turned it into every morning laundry group of requests. That's the one that we are not talking, that's one that we're talking about now. What are the ones that we have going into one day money or every morning and don't do list of requests, or that we have turned this into if you go into these things will go south for you. No.