The Sonship Place Shorts

Emotional Maturity In Christ

This powerful discussion explores the journey of emotional maturity through the lens of grace and Christ-like living. PO Square delve into personal experiences and scriptural wisdom to address how believers can cultivate softness, extend grace, and reflect Christ's love in their daily interactions, especially with those closest to them. The discussion challenges cultural norms of hardness and emphasizes the importance of allowing the Holy Spirit to guide our responses and relationships. Key Points: - The Journey from Hardness to Softness: Ephesians 4:32 - "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." Po Square discuss the cultural and personal backgrounds that often lead to hardness, and the need to embrace softness as a reflection of Christ's nature. - Grace Begins at Home: 1 Peter 4:8 - "Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins." Emphasizes the importance of showing more grace to those closest to us, starting with family and extending to colleagues and friends. - Emotional Maturity and the Holy Spirit's Guidance: Galatians 5:22-23 - "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control." Discusses how emotional maturity is an effectual work of the Holy Spirit, not just human effort or analysis. - Reflecting Christ in Our Responses: Colossians 3:12 - "Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience." Encourages listeners to let their responses be guided by Christ's nature rather than reflecting the actions of others. - The Power of Words and Self-Talk: Proverbs 18:21 - "The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit." Highlights the importance of speaking life-giving words to ourselves and others, aligning our self-talk with our identity in Christ. Declarations: I am the fullness of the manifestation of every fruit the Holy Spirit has produced in me. My character matches the character of the Spirit of God. I move in peace, speak in love, and radiate grace. From the abundance of my Father's nature, I overflow with peace and joy. Christ in me is the hope of glory in every place I step. I am the atmosphere of God's love and the eloquence of His Word. To encounter me is to encounter the fullness of the Father. I am led by the Spirit, moved by His breath, not by others' actions. My response is my responsibility, guided by Christ's nature within me. I am growing in emotional maturity, allowing the Holy Spirit to guide my reactions. Grace begins with me; I extend it first to those closest to me. I speak life, love, and truth to myself and others, reflecting the heart of my Father.

Broadcast on:
05 Oct 2024
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this prayer topic is something that I'm here at the moment. It's currently weighing on my mind in the journey. One thing I noticed because I'm still on the journey of learning not to be too hard on myself. I think that in the way I'm working with those that God has brought to me for him to express his love to them through me. I don't know when I'm being too hard or not, but I get to know afterwards maybe if I allow myself to hear from God after what I have done. Let me put it down. I don't know. I just sense that you're still hard, you're still a bit too hard because I, oh wow, I was raised and even now I was trained in my first job. Everything was hard, hard, hard. He was all hard all around. He was just a lot of hard. You know, so God is helping me not to be too hard on myself, but when I'm now corrected or when he's trying to help me not to be too hard, I get upset with myself. I'm very angry with myself and when I get there, I don't want to pray. I just, I don't want to pray in those moments and I don't know what I, actually say I don't want to pray because I mean, I'm the prayer whether I'm praying or not, so I don't want to talk to God at that time, but I'm updating myself. So I don't know. It's something I'm struggling with to be honest. Let me put it that way. Okay, let's start from the back. Even when you are not speaking, you ask to say something. You are not actually talking to your father because your posture, your position, is communicating with your families. Remember, I mean, of course, being a mom, you look hard, because that you correct your child, your child has not said anything because in the squeezing of face, this pumping of feet or what not, that child is telling you something. And it's the same with you, I'm good. So it was, it wouldn't be, I'm not, I don't talk to God, your posture and the way that you are is already saying something to him. Now, I know I think like I said this a bunch of times on like different calls is one of the ways that we are miracles in the spaces that we're in is when we can remain soft, even in a hard place. I think I probably if you've heard, I've said this a couple of times. I want to say again, the context of the culture that we've come out of, we come from a very hard place, any Nigerian, I don't mean the Africans that I that are on the school, people in general, we've come from a very hard place and that hardness shows up in lots of different ways. Just thinking about, you know, our culture and our families and the kinds of things that have been passed down, those of us that were born on the continent, there's a legacy of emcolonialism and the things that our grandparents lived through, right? And the way that people were made to feel like second class citizens and all those types of things and with and because that's, you know, our current governments and the corruption and what that means for our daily day-to-day life as a people. For those that were else that came out of the continent in the Caribbean or the African Americans and all of that, now you get the legacy of slavery there and the hardness that comes from that and all of the different helping mechanisms that families and people and communities have had to learn in order to be able to survive. So that's hard, that's hardness that a lot of us work around with is a product of needing to learn how to survive in a wealth that has been largely unfair to our lives, you know. And then you now look at the intersection of what it now needs to be a human in the midst of all of this, right? So again, I'm not trying to, this is not like a work or anything of that source but this is just, you know, the facts of things that people have had to face and what that means for how they show up every single day. So going from places where it is, you know, education was the way out or the success in your workplace was your way out and all of those types of things. So with Utah, you know, all of this is that if you, if you don't, if the people, like your parents, with discipline, I say, you think you are doing me, you are not doing me, you are doing yourself, you know. After I shout one or two times, don't kill me. After a while, it becomes going through yourself. These are the things that have, they are poor. I feel like if you're a Black person, I'm speaking from a Yoruba person's perspective now. These are things that are poor to how we wear wrists. And I can imagine other cultures, like their similarities and other cultures. So that form of hardness is what we're familiar with. And that leads us more to pursuing perfectionism. That's us enjoying the journey that we are on, because nobody cares about the journeys, what a lot of people have said, what they care about is the result. So if you have to kill yourself, if you have to mortgage yourself, if you have to, and you know, it doesn't matter, what people can see, it doesn't matter what you have to do. You know, that's when you hear stories that won't take kilometers, bare feet, use it, like those are the kinds of things that we're familiar with. So when somebody now comes and they're now giving you a soft life, a big girl, he's so sorry that that right there is one of the hardest, I want to say, resistance that people have against this great message. Like, what we really really can be this simple, what we actually is this simple. But because they have been, well, examples, there have been no frames of references, it sounds like, it sounds like somebody's hiding something. And that's not what it is. So part of that renewal of mind is understanding that you know what God's voice is not my daddy's angry voice. God's voice is not that pastor that's always yelling condemnations voice. God's voice is not any religious voice that I have been familiar with. Word of God, the Baritoneum of the Frima's voice, that's what it accepts, I can accept. But everything else that you know, we have heard and the condemnation and you know, the voice like Tonda and the this and he does, like the woman and all of that, forgetting that he's first a father. Even in his Godhood. His fatherhood even defines his God. Exactly. That key there. And again, a lot of people have not had great examples of fathers. So even when we say his fatherhood defines his Godhood, he's like, I thought that was weird. Oh, God is not God is not God is not. So it's so when we see that in the officials, we're talking about, you know, more than we can be a thing of a trauma, like, that's part of what he's talking about. So it's not that you that there's at every point in time that, okay, well, this is as you are renewing my mind and renewing my ears or renewing my heart. So I do need to what my father's voice sounds like is not the angry government official, because see, all the speaking from an Nigerian perspective now, all the symbols of authority, I like, I'm sure that these examples are not too fast for even anyone that is not in the Nigerian context, all the symbols of authority that we have ever seen or known, at least for those of us that are ridiculous, have always been symbols of oppression. So like, which is again, in our state, Jesus Christ is your Lord and your Savior. That's term Lord, that is it, even if he's not in our own, and even if we didn't, we might not have experience exactly, we might not have experienced it, but again, on healed trauma, right, that's how do they describe it? That is different for lack of these lineages that have not been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb. Like there is something within that person's psyche that recognizes that trauma. So that's why this walk of renewing our minds is very important, so that this cycle ends with us. And we don't pass its own to generations coming, right? So that's angry voice, that's you know, police officer, that that women Jew, that government official, that did this, and that's you know, STEM school principal that was on fact to you, that house matron, that this, that all of that, and these people that disabuse their positions of authority over you, his God is not going to handle you in that way, because we know in his nature that scripture tells us that we would always deal with those out of the tenderness, tender, we're talking to be tender, if you have a few food, you're talking meat, and your meat is not tender, it has no question to the place where it is done, not the, it's not okay for an injury, and I'm so sorry that I'm, I'm living more into my injury, and it's to be, the reason why we like book our food, is, it's like you want the annual book, a street food, street food, the reason we like tough meat, I can't help you, I can't help you with Becky, but for those of us that are no more children, we won't meet, I don't know where you are, it's in at Mala with Becky, we won't need that, it's soft, or you like tough meat which you are Mala too, Miss Becky, yeah, something that you know you just like, yeah, like a stroke you eat, like there's nothing like, this has nothing that I work, I've met that person who needs it, wow, wow, wow, please, please just lift up Miss Becky and Priya at this junk shop, because I know that's something they give, for all jokes I say, because we're dealing with a series of big hair, that's coming into what it means to be soft, and if you, if you don't, if you haven't embraced, or if you, if you're not understood, you see the name brace what it means to be soft, you cannot dish out softness, and I say this because, oh my, okay, one of my sisters is still here, I think eight years ago, my sisters and I did not have a good relationship, and we did not have a good relationship because as a first daughter that was deputized as an assistant's parents, without my permission, I felt like the hardness that I was dealt with is the hardness, I felt like I needed to feel that they would not go astray, because I had heard things like, as opposed to them, when I spoke to them, it was astray, okay, they were focused, it is a decision, it's the decisions that they see me make, what the things that I do, that they will do, at that point in time, my sisters thought I was very judgmental, I was different with them, no, I was not, and again, because hardness was also all I knew, and it was like, we felt all the time, right, but as I will embrace, that is been a journey, as I've embraced this love of God, as I want us to did some more, as softness has now become something that is, that's, and I still am on that journey, because I feel like the latest place that always brings you to me was with my husband, right, even though the parents part, you know, the sisters, the work, all of that, the last frontier is with my husband, usually funny thing at work, okay, I'll come back to my sisters too, but let me tell you something about work, so something happened last week with my team, and no, actually yesterday with my team, and like, we were finishing the meeting, and you know, people were going to condemnation, like, you know, I don't like meeting me just other nights, I don't like doing like that, and at the end of me, the meeting just happened to me, say, look, we did the best with what we knew, our execs were not aligned, what have been better prepared than you are now, so this was not your fault, and you could literally see, like, the faces of just, the two of them just been like, thank you so much for seeing that, in the past, that will not have been me, because me said all that in panicking, but I was like, you know what, my longevity in this job is, is up to good, is not to any of you, so you would know how to see, so that's it, I'm sorry, I'm making way, so that's it, but one of the, to tell her how that happens, I'll help, okay, so like, so that's, well, I finished the story about like, being soft at work, the question is easier, so like, somebody says that, how mental health is strengthening, I'm asking, because I was asking, if you don't remember your whole, that's not your old man, no, because I'm still on my journey of softness, don't talk about you, I'll talk about you, no, I'm trying to understand what that, how I entered in my job, no, but I'm on my journey of softness, okay, so my journey of softness with you, that way, that's showing me about the last few more, because I'm not scared of you for the first time, that's what I, what do you mean, so the journey of softness with my sisters, right, was they thought I was super judgmental, did you hear, Tom's off, Tom's down, if I'm lying, come on, what's me now? They thought I was very, I'm just, okay, okay, today, I was very judgmental, I thought I was very difficult to talk, talk to, that we were no friends at all, right, it was, I want to do this, okay, you can do it, no, you cannot do it, and that was kind of the research that we had, now, you know, we are kicking, I love it so much, you know, it's almost every day you will have this time, you know, because again, I realize, it's not me that we miss their lives, it just has a majority, but they are also children of course, yes, I do, you know, I allow myself to be led by the space where modeling, the example that I've got, you have me model, but yeah, if you don't see, and you know, that is working on everybody, where's that part, then, so that's where softness, I think, I mean, you can bear witness or not, I feel, no, but I'm just like, you know, because you see these things, like, as fast as I know, so it's accurate, it looks, but I don't want to be known as one of those, that's why I keep saying this thing, yes, a lot of passes are addressed, and that's like looking like, but that's not where we are here, so I believe that in my posture to them, that if definitely a lot softer than from yes pass, if you say like, did you blink once? You cannot see, so we don't know that she's blinking. Check out the blink in the comment section. What did you say? Huh? What did you say, why am I blinking? Sorry, I was doing this. I said if he's delighted, I'm soft at your now. No, I'm not, I'm not, yeah, soft, yeah, I'm soft at personal. Look at that, that's why, you know, I actually did not give this answer on that duress. Well, you put that as watching me, this is the duress, you don't know. Don't worry, it's not the duress. You know, did this, you will tell the truth, but she will tell the truth. Yes, he did it directly. Oh, sorry, we said it directly, tell you the truth, yes. But anyway, so now to get our part of the journey, right, even as you listen, my husband, so I did not know this, but I gave up a lot of very strong masculine energy. Again, sales data, science students, engineering class, all of these, like, down home for you to behalf us, for you to be perceived as half as good. You have to be, you have to show up twice as these and us, like, you have to be their money, I won't give, you cannot be them, join them, all of that. Like, familiarity to me was such a, like, it was, it was a, I saw it as a weakness. At the time, I saw it as a weakness. What do you want to say? I say, remember, I will not go for any money. I'm going to ask you for you, now, again, we have a traveling from, to come on the point. Wow. But now, yeah, well, you know, I'm going to ask you for now. Yeah, don't worry. Okay. Again, because take, when we don't talk about these things, we're in the body of Christ. We open ourselves. Yes, I used to do. Yeah. I've not changed our, you know, not that. But my mother also, because again, right, her husband was not present, so she did a lot of these things for herself. Like, she'll change the ball, she'll do this. Again, some of these things are good, just as a human being still to have. But the problem comes from when you now think that, that is, like, when somebody else now comes to help you, you are unable to receive that help, because this is how you always function, that's where the problem goes, right? Again, even in our feelings, we go. Exactly. With men, you know, it is a good skill for you to know how to perform, because again, everybody needs to be able to sustain themselves. No, I think at the end of this call, I'm going to divide the recordings into two. The first part of our favorancy and the second part about this part of this question, I'll divide it. Yeah, but I mean, we'd have, and it's the same for this conclusion. So the, the, all of these things that we have was, all of these things that we have picked up as wins for the game, surviving in the places we have found ourselves. Maybe if I, instead of their child's indicted by fire, maybe this way, the things that we had, taught us and instructed us in teenage church that year, we will not have been looking to people like Beyonce, to be telling us all the independent women, throwing lines up in the air, we will not have been listening to that. And on that stage, that again, it is a place for biblico femininity, and there is a place for biblico mass community, and both of these work together to bring about the purposes of God to the glory of God. So when a lot of us have had to flex, and become things that are not what God designed for us, because the world instructed us on how to and became cut when that was not the call for us, right? So for me, this is the journey, and it's so funny, because these things that have from it, I don't know what's going on already, but this journey for me started from, I found these ships that literally said biblico on it. I was that ship, I was wearing this, and I was saying this as a biblico on a biblico, not understanding what that journey would take me on. So now I'm at the, so to the point of how the journey of softness continues, like like I'm sharing these thoughts, what's okay? No, sorry, I'm not very, because of the fact of me, I don't know. I don't know, you know, because of the fact that the ship is. This girl, this girl, her cat was down, you know, she'll be, "Oh, you're a cat, who are you?" Okay, don't worry, you're footy, I mean, don't worry about this. Okay, you're a footy, I mean, you know, it was very avoidable, that way. It's working with, like we've seen on them, so on their toes. I'm going to pray though, we are now in title, this week, John Fada. We are now, all of you, it's only two hours, anyone gets in late, huh? I guess you are, okay, femininity is not schoollessness, hey, there's okay. I'm listening, not schooleness, femininity is not schoollessness. Proverbs that's wrong, human was not schoolless. Ephesians 5, hey, let's be clear. Proverbs that's wrong, human, is not schoolless because it's hard on softness, the human that's in jail, I think that's her name, the woman that's killed, the commander, she was not schoolless, the boy was not schoolless. Okay, let's be, let's be clear. So femininity does not equate schoollessness, that's what I was talking about here. What I'm saying is there is a design, okay, there is a design, there are skills that everybody often have to understand how to survive and thrive in the world. Everything, we must be able to cope, we must be able to take care of our living of our surroundings, we must be effective at our workplaces if we are called outside of this room to work. It doesn't mean that if you are a stay at home parent, there is anything wrong with you either because that might be your children and your home might be what you are called to in that time and that is fine, be it a male or a female. So that is not the gender I was talking about here, it was worth saying because men also, there is a degree of softness that is quiet, okay. So this conversation around softness and hardness is not a, a woman that was monthly, no. It is a, how are we making it so that the light of Christ, the passing of Christ is well reflected in every area of our lives and we are not using preconceived notion to either reject the help, whether you are a man or reject the help, whether you are a woman because a lot of the, a lot of God steps, so men that show up in some men's businesses, even in some ministries and so more is as a result, is as a result of the men not paying attention to the women, God has put them in this. So again, there is a reason men are feeling, you mean them, they are supposed to work together to achieve God's purposes and this is not a game, this is not a misogyny or chauvinism, it's not something I'm talking about here. The respect that I would give my husband, if you are in my workplace or outside my home, I may not be to that degree because it is my husband that I am subject to, I am not subject to any of them one, outside my husband. Does not mean that you be dishonorable? No, it doesn't mean that you be arrested, you don't be, you don't be disrespected. Uh-huh, but I'm not subject. Exactly, uh-huh. That's the, it's not that we may not have to be seen, not heard. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. It's the same spirits that is inside of Christ, it's the same spirits inside of me. Yes, in that you know Greek, male or female. Why not talking about transgender? Because all these things that you have to be clear, why not talking about transgender? Eh-huh. What he means is we are all warm. The same police spirits inside me, it's the same, what's the same, that was the same, that was the same, that was the same, that was the same, that was the same. Inside anybody that believes, that was what I was speaking on, not some money will not come out, use that to come out, support transgenderism. Eh-huh. This is is well, let's also be clear, this is my saying, concerning of when to be hot, concerning, going to be cold, concerning when to be hard, concerning when to be soft. The concern you should be having instead is, am I listening to you, or this? Am I led by exactly? My listening to you, or this, because what you are discussing is what is known as emotional maturity. Yes. I'm standing your seat. All the things that I shared, I shared, because one of the things that she struggled with, one of the things that she said, was that she is not general because of her self. You know, I understand, I heard that. Yeah, so all the things that I shared was to help you, I hope, see that you don't have to be hard on yourself, because these are the ways that your environment and the facts of the situation or the environment that you're in have contributed to this. That's the reason why I went on all that tangent and shared all of those stories. So, what about you? So, emotional maturity is being conscious of what you say, the weight of what you are about to say, and the effect what you are about to say as what you say, the weight of what you say, and the effect what you are about to say as. Emotional maturity is being responsible for the why of your emotions, the what of your emotions, and the how of your emotions, the why of your emotion, the what of your emotion, and the how of your emotion. The why of your emotion is the root of what you feel. Some things you feel are not in this moment. They might be as a result of a past trauma, something may be triggering, or something may be repetitive, especially if you are exploding, not because of what just happened, or because of something that has been happening. So, understanding the why of your emotion. Why am I feeling how I am feeling now? Then the what of your emotions? What exactly is it that I am feeling now? What exactly is this? What exactly is this I am feeling at this moment? And then how? How do I express what I am feeling? How will God have me express it? How? So, emotional maturity is being cognizant and responsible for the dispersive of your emotion. Emotional maturity is being responsible, cognizant for the dispersing of your emotions. So, you are taking notes in how, in the what, the why, the how, pattern. When the what, the why, and the how is understood, we now get into the whom. Who made me feel this? Is it the person I am dealing with? Is it myself? Was I led to feel this? Who made me feel this? Because you may be dealing with the person. The person just receiving the result of what how you got here is not the person that you are dealing with. It's almost like the person is receiving the effect of everything that you have felt in your life. This man is the trigger of what he meant that you have felt in your life. This woman is the trigger of all the women, all what all the women have done to you. Who made me feel this? Who made me feel this? So, when you understand the who made you feel it, so you separate am I dealing with the right who or who is the person I should be dealing with in this matter? Emotional maturity also involves a when, because emotional maturity is the decorum of our emotion. Emotional maturity is the decorum, the proper character practices of our emotion. So, when you lived who you know you went, because because you feel it now, does not mean a person is responsible to listen to you now. That's selfish. Because you want to, you feel I was expressing now, you must hear me now, and I must tell you the way I want to tell you now. No, no, no, that's a selfish perspective, because you only thought of you and thought of what you felt, and therefore everybody must be responsible for what you are feeling. It is irresponsible to make everyone responsible for how you are feeling. It is irresponsible to make everyone responsible for how you are feeling, because when everyone else does not meet the responsibility, and either feel that they failed you, or you have failed yourself. Now failure now becomes an expression in your emotion, because there was an irresponsibility in how it was dispersed. This is how you feel like a friend that you are close to, because they do not have the emotional bandwidth in that moment to be present for you. You feel like a bad friend, you are not a bad friend, just in that moment when you're dealing with something. Did you actually always wait for the win? Will you lead to the win? That you can share with them to help you talk through it or something. Will you lead to the win? All that we say, no, no, no, no, no, no, you are not discussing it. Let's close your, not close you up from everyone that's coming for you. Let's close your, not close you up to everyone that is coming after, because sometimes we will go for closure, and they will call, and they will go and do things they're not supposed to be doing in the process of closure. Or the way the person will respond to the closure is more helpful than the way they came, they're looking for closure. It is not, it's not attachment, it's not way that you need closure. It is not a week that you need closure. It is not a zip that you need closure. You are not a weak, it is a zip. Stop looking for closure. Emotional maturity is understanding the weight of our emotions and how to submit it to Christ. I look for his leadership in the administration of its... So, you cannot administer emotions based on your current feelings, based on the moments, because that is how emotions become lost over you. Because you feel right, there's no meaning you should make the person feel what you feel. Because you feel slighted, there's no meaning you should make the person feel the slight that you feel. Your emotion is not a weapon. Your emotion is not a weapon. Your emotion is not a weapon. Neither is it a mirror. Let me break that down. Your emotion is not a weapon that you make, that you use in the offensive to protect yourself. You are dancing that Christ is not your protection. You are dancing that Christ is not your sufficiency. So, your emotion is not a wall that you bring the world around you to create a persona to protect yourself. So, someone has to get past that emotion to get to know the real you. I do not know when Christians became onions, that the people who will not start feeling getting over layers to know you. You are like Christ. Super specific. Neither is your emotion and a mirror that you reflect the person back to themselves. No, no, no, no. Your reflection is Christ. So, because the person after the setting where you will not reflect that. So, you are dancing that the person is the auto and finisher of your feet. That is you respond in accordance with the person that's faithful is not part of your reality as a nature of grace. No, no, no. A person's emotions does not define your emotion. A person's emotion does not define your emotion. How you move is not defined by how they move. You are led by the Spirit. You are like the wind. You are moved by breath, not by the action. That is why we often hear or say your response is your responsibility. So, it's not you teaching a person the weight of what they did. You can teach from today to tomorrow. They will never graduate from the class. Because sometimes life has made people blind to the earth that it costs. Sometimes situations have made people blind to the earth that it costs. So, the more you reflect, you will look like a naked person chasing a fan in the same person. So, no one can differentiate who is mad. That is the story now. It was that I didn't say it. When he was talking to us about self-control and temper, he said an insane man came to the bathroom while someone was taking a shower, stole their towel and started running. If the man runs out of shower naked or the woman running out of the get pursuing after the insane person, this crazy person has taken my towel. This crazy person has taken my towel. People will not believe, people with that believe that both are insane or the person naked is the one that is crazy. So, if you choose to act in the nature of the person that is acting outside, the nature of the person is acting towards you. You have assumed the nature of the person and you have left the nature of Christ. So, anyone outside looking in would describe you as something outside what God describes you as. Yes, that's why we can all use the techniques of the world to live our new life in Christ. The goal for us is to be honest, unique, welcoming, loving, but at the same time, recognize that we have a standard. This one, don't understand that, no changing. I know I have sometimes a slip up on the talk. If my friends have all that chats, the guys have all that chat, I am not in. Because yes, we'll see, if the one that will come and jist and we'll talk about our hard problems, we'll see the one we'll come and share with. But there are some things we cannot post because we'll see this day. When I want to post the things about chicks, we cannot talk about we're doing outside our girlfriend. Also, we'll call you out on the things that you are doing. You said you introduced a girlfriend to me. What are you doing with this one? No, no, I don't know this one. And I will sit in front of you in front of us. So, I will hold you up to the standard that Christ holds me. And the standard is himself. The Lord is helping me be like something that that always says, "I have to choose, I have to agree with you to be angry with you. I have to agree with you to be angry with you." Which means, once when you do something to me, I have to interpret what you did from my mind and inform my mind to be angry about what it did. We often don't notice in the time something happens that we have informed our mind about the situation and decided that we should be angry. You are open, so important, what explains what are you. That was a mistake. Let me keep going. You have told your mind to interpret it as a mistake. Let it go, and you moved. So, what else? How can be? How can be? You didn't know where I am? You didn't know what I'm wearing? You have told your mind. Do you have to agree with your mind to be angry about the situation? So, you teach yourself how to react. To respond. Thank you. You teach yourself how to respond. To people, to situations. It does not mean you are a walk over. Right. It means that you are a lead son, reflect, because sometimes it is your response to situations that draw people. That you responded differently from how the typical person would have responded to. So, they want to know why you are different. And that is how you bring them to the code that you are serving. Always be preaching the gospel when necessary use words. That's correct. Or as if preaching the gospel when necessary use words. So, your life is the best Christ that people see. Yes. So, see, in the beginning was the word. So, the best knowledge people have of you is the authority of your word. How did you speak? How did you say, how do you speak to those that you say you love in the words that left your lips? Because your words, out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. And so, sometimes the most painful things that you have said are the only things that you remember that you said. Regardless of everything else. For emotional maturity requires us being intentional with the words that leave our lips. Because if we are after the image of our Father, our word does not come to us for it. That's what the Bible says you will judge for every idea word that leaves your lips. So, the question is, how have the words left your lips? How have you spoken to those around you? Now, emotional maturity is not just outward. It is inward. How are you speaking to you? How do you look at you? Are you the first to see? You don't go from what you beat yourself over. You do not grow from what you beat yourself over. Because to beat yourself over permits means that you think the change is based on you. And you think that the situation has defeated you and will keep on defeating you. Yes. To beat yourself over it means that it is a foregone situation and you are sitting in condemnation because you are an expectation of no change. To beat yourself over it means that you believe it's a foregone conclusion, a foregone situation. So, you are dealing with yourself in condemnation for what won't change. So, what you do instead is that proclaiming to yourself the nature that you were made in. I am Son. I am different. I am of the nature of Christ. That was not me. That will not be me. I will continue to be Christ. So, encounter me is to encounter the fullness of the Father. Yes. So, encounter me is to encounter the love of the Father. I am the regions of the nature of Christ. I am the atmosphere of Christ. I am the fullness of the love of the Father. I am the abundance of the nature of love. I am the eloquence of the Word of God. My character matches the character of the Spirit of God. I move in peace. I speak in love. I read it in grace. And from the abundance of the nature of my Father, I own peace, love, hope and joy. For Christ in me is the hope of glory in every place that I step in. I walk in the fullness of the manifestation of every fruit that the Holy Spirit has produced in me. That's how sons speak to themselves. That's how sons speak about themselves. That's how sons speak to themselves. That's how sons speak about themselves. So, you are not a self-witter of God. Because however you treat yourself, you will accept the world treating you and you will teach the world to treat you and you will eventually treat the world. Especially the ones who lose this to you. Because if I love Oinko and I say Oinko is the part of me, however I treat myself is how I will treat Oinko. If I don't learn how to speak to myself in love, because I see Oinko as a part of me, I will not be speaking to her in love. If I don't learn how to be patient with myself, I will not be patient with Oinko because I would expect those around me to know better. So, I'll be more patient with you outside. I'll be less patient with her because she's around me. She should know better. One of the marks of people like this, because this is something I had to learn. Welcome. Also, you are a patient that when it comes to me, you are not always when I have to have a conversation. Because in my, I was thinking, you are close to me. You should know better. You should know that was what I was saying. You are close to me. You should know better. You are around me. You should know better. You see me. You should know better. We are doing this thing together. You should know better. No, no, no, no. Grace is giving to the closer. Grace is giving to the closer, not to the further. Charity begins at home. I know that work for charity is grace. You be caritas. Caritas, whether charity, whether it's grace and love, charity caritas. I know that means grace and love. So, grace and love begins at home. There's more grace for us in the kingdom than those who are outside. So, we cannot give more grace to the people outside than those inside. So, we give more grace to them than they are able to walk and build in love and they are able to read yet and they are able to understand. They are able to better approach to that. They can understand our heart and our intentions. They are far from us because they think they will not be grace. We will not be gracious to them. So, they will go outside to find the grace and they can only find at home. You understand? The father models this, even in the giving of Christ. Scripture says he was first sent to the Jews before we did Gentiles were grafted in. So, even the father demonstrated they were the first partekas before they now grafted us as Gentiles into it. So, those also put in our day. Were Gentiles not Jews? Okay. So, charity begins at home. Grace begins at home. Love and kindness begins at home. Absolutely. It's not, they should know better because they are around me. No, no, no, no, no. More grace at home tells them be like home and helps them be more palatable to you. So, you give them progress. We don't give the best of ourselves to those outside. And leave the remnants for those in the house. No. We give the best of ourselves to those inside. And remnants is left for those outside. Even in the remnants of home to you is those inside that will cover. It is those inside that will make the difference. It is just inside that will be held responsible. So, why are we giving more grace to those outside who will not be responsible but the inside us like us? But even in that and even in that the full remnants or fullness is still fullness. The remnants of fullness is still fullness. So, the grace, the fullness of grace that will dispose at home is the fullness of the grace with this boss outside the house. Because, again, we are always preaching the gospel. We are necessary. We are using our words. What that means is our thoughts, our actions, our dispositions, our posture, all of it. Most always reflects, again, that's not the useless soul. So, the knowledge of grace that we have, this thing will come out every, every service to the grace that we have received and the knowledge of grace we are growing in. Let it not be that. This is what they keep saying. This is what they keep saying, you know, we will not be a people after that or that. We are people, where it is us. Again, remember, the Christians did not call themselves Christians. It was the Buddha. So, the Lord, what is Christ like? You wait, this one is believing. And what is Christ like Christians? Anointed. These ones are anointed. They are different. They are separated. Everything abounds them. There's the mark of this person called Christ. So are we that are now called into this life of Christ. This is not a gospel of me and my family. This is a gospel of I have received this abundance of grace. And from this abundance of grace, I dispense to everyone around me starting from birth in my house. My heart is shifted. My work is new. Absolutely. Absolutely. I've come to see the depth of your truth and not the same. Love to deep love, full of all life. Yes, I have been raised beyond to glory. Love to deep love. And I will gain truth. But I will scoff you. You failed me. You changed me. She will be too. Now let me know I've chosen me. I wish it all to me. In my life it is so amazing. I wish it is there we need. Oh, I thought it is so me. They see me. They see me. They know. 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