The Sonship Place Shorts


In this episode, we delve into the profound concept of being "the beloved of God." We explore the transformative power of understanding and embracing God's unconditional love, which exists beyond human comprehension and predates creation itself. This episode aims to shift listeners' perspectives on their self-worth, identity, and purpose by illuminating the depth and breadth of God's love for each individual.
Opening Declarations: I am loved by God before the creation of the world, chosen to be holy and blameless in His sight.
I am accepted and beloved in Christ, the One whom God loves.
I am a recipient of God's profound love, demonstrated through the gift of His Son.
I am adopted as God's child, given the status of His beloved.
I am loved by God despite my sins, a love that precedes any action on my part.
I am eternally loved, with nothing able to separate me from God's love in Christ Jesus.
I am loved by Jesus with the same love the Father has for Him.
I am an object of God's delight, in whom He takes great pleasure.
I am reconciled to God through Christ, my sins no longer counted against me.
I am more than a conqueror, gaining overwhelming victory through Christ who loves me.

Key Points:

  1. The Nature of God's Love: Foundation of Identity
    • God's very nature is love, unconditional and unearned
    • This love predates creation and is the basis of our existence
  2. Love in Action: Demonstration of Love
    • God's love is demonstrated through Christ's sacrifice
    • Love expressed in adoption, forgiveness, and delight in His children
  3. The Constancy of Divine Love: Security in Love
    • God's love is described as steadfast, unceasing, and everlasting
    • Nothing can separate believers from God's love
  4. Transformation through Love: Empowerment
    • Understanding God's love changes self-perception and approach to life
    • Believers are empowered to live as confident, loved children of God
  5. Living as the Beloved: Response to Love
    • Encouragement to let this love transform daily life and interactions
    • Challenge to carry and act upon this truth of being beloved

  1. Declarations:I am deeply loved by God, chosen before the foundation of the world.
    I am accepted and beloved in Christ, the One whom God loves.
    God's love for me is not based on my actions, but on His unchanging nature.
    I am adopted as God's child, cherished and delighted in by my Creator.
    Nothing can separate me from the love of God in Christ Jesus.
    I am loved by God with the same love the Father has for Jesus.
    God rejoices over me with gladness and calms my fears with His love.
    I am rooted and grounded in God's endless, amazing love.
    God's love empowers me to be more than a conqueror in all circumstances.
    I am forgiven and reconciled to God through Christ's loving sacrifice.
    God's patient and kind love towards me never fails or gives up.
    I carry the incredible truth of being God's beloved into every aspect of my life.
    Beloved, We're excited to extend an invitation to grow together in Christ's love! 🎊 🤝 Join our vibrant community: 📖 Study the Word with us this year: Everyone is welcome in our fellowship! As you feel led by the Holy Spirit, please share these links with others who might be seeking a place of belonging and spiritual growth. 🙏 We eagerly anticipate welcoming new faces and reconnecting with familiar ones. Your presence enriches our community and reflects God's diverse family. Remember, you are deeply loved and valued. We can't wait to see you all and journey together in faith! We love you all to life! ♥️

Broadcast on:
03 Oct 2024
Audio Format:

man. You've never been more sure that we are loved by a great God. More than winning. More than everyone. More than everyone on YouTube and iG. Thank you all for being here. My name is Ose. I'm one of the sons of the sons of this. And then a good morning. Good to see you. Father, we thank you that we could fellowship that we could rest in the embrace of your love. The testimony of your love is not a foregone reality from sons. We are embraced in love. We are welcomed in love. We are strengthened in love. We are encouraged in love. We are set aside in love. We are empowered in love. We are emboldened in love. The eyes of our hearts are enlightened in love. Now we can behold that same love along with all the other believers in love. That love is a reality for us in Christ. Thank you, Father. Help us to understand. Help us to realize and lighten the eyes of our understanding. Bring us to the truth of this great love that you have for us in Christ Jesus. Father, you don't teach us how would we know. If you don't express how would we understand? Please, Father. Educate us in this love. Help us behold this love. Believe this love so that we can become the love that you've set aside for us in Christ. Thank you, Father, for this reality and testimony of love that we have received. That we will understand. That will be embraced. Will be beholded. That you will help our own belief to receive and embrace this love that you have given to us in Jesus' name. Amen. Good morning, y'all. It's always good to have you all on that we can fellowship together and talk about the great things that we have received from God in love. Today, there is a heavy burden on my heart to talk about love. Yes, a very heavy burden on my heart to talk about love. Morning, TT, good morning, blessing. Good to see you all on. Our episode 29 is the topic is be loved. Have you ever wondered about your true worth on sure of your place in the world, on sure of your purpose? Have you ever felt like God has so many children or makes you special? Do you imagine that intention and intention is not paid towards you? But the goal of today is to bring us to a realization that everything about you is noted, intended and carefully orchestrated. God never left you. You are worth love. There is a deep, unconditional love that has been waiting for you even before the world began. There's a love that sent Christ to die thinking about you, not because you did a religious practice, not because you kept the religious rule, not because you tried to be perfect, but the love accepted you before you were perfect, makes you perfect, cherishes you in your weaknesses, vanishes you in your nakedness, glorifies you in your weakness. It's faithful to you when you have faithness. The gospel is a love story to us. It is not a doctrine of rule and regulations. It's an expression of the love that we have received, that we are worth love to God, that God saw us and deemed us worthy of His love. That God saw us and thought that love, love, is that it is a language that He should speak to us, and the eloquence of that language is expressed in a person, Christ. In that love you are chosen. In that love you are welcome. In that love you are accepted. It is not a feel good message. It's not a good talk message. It's a love that transforms. It's a love that compels. It's a love that ensures. It's a love that assures. It's a love that Navi gets the expression of God's totality to our humanity. You are worthy of love. It's not something that you have to do to earn. It's something that you because of God's nature you receive. It's not something that you have to do to earn. It's something that it's because of God's nature you receive. Love is an overwhelming reality, poured over humanity to come into God's divinity. Love is an overwhelming reality, poured over humanity to come into God's divinity. You are worthy of love. You are accepted in the Beloved. Love is your testimony. Love is your reality. Love is your victory. Love is your purpose. So when He said be loved, He's almost like He was saying light be. So love is a reality and a testimony of the believer in Christ. Love is a reality and a testimony of the believer in Christ. Love is a reality and a testimony of the believer in Christ. So part of your be style of living is love. To know this love is not to tolerate abusive forms of love. To know this love is to heal from the abusive loves, forms of love that friends, parents and people in our lives who should have expressed the accurate forms of love. Now we know God's love. Now we know we are loved by Him. Now we see the love we should accept. Now we see the love we should expect that is the love of the Father for us in Christ. Be loved. That is our Title to God. Be loved. That is our expression from God. Be loved. That is our nature in God. Be loved. That is our testimony in God. Be loved. Amen. And you're here, you're tracking. Let's go to Scripture. You see, God could have called Himself anything else. What He chose, one of the names He calls Himself is love. First John, Chapter 4, the 7 to 8, Amplified. First John, Chapter 4, the 7 to 8, I'm reading the Amplified so we can get God's expression of love. Because if you are going to go on this journey today, let us get God's expression and God's intention so we can get a definition of love. Let's get God's expression, God's intention so we can get a proper definition of love. You're tracking. First John, Chapter 4, the 7 to 8. Let's John, Chapter 4, the 7 to 8, I read. Beloved. Be loved. Let us on ourselves. So be loved. Style of living. Love. Style of living of the believer. Love. Style of living of the believer. So be loved. How do you live by this? Let us unselfishly love and seek the best from one another. For love is from God. Love is not from your emotion. Love is not from your decision. Love is a reality of your nature from God. For love is from God. For love is from God. And everyone who loves others is born of God and knows God through personal experience. The one who does not love has not become acquainted with God, does not and never did know him. For God is love. So to know God is to express the love that matches his nature. To know God is to express the love that matches his nature. Some will tell you that they are Christian. They are judgmental. They are bad-biting. They are insulting. They are the first to carry gossip. They will tell you that they are praying but carrying rumors. They will tell you that they want to advise you. And I speak to you in love. Can I tell you all next? Can I tell you something sweet? But it will break you down with their words. That is not love. Because you should not be speaking to a person. How God will not speak to them. You should not be treating a person. How God has not treated them. So if God's standard is not your standard, then your standard is so standard. Be loved. To the nature of our expression must match God's intention. The nature of our expression must match God's intention. Love. We seek the best for another. So love, unselfishly seeking the best for another. Love. So love is the unselfish choice to be constantly committed and continually content in the one you choose to love. Love is the unselfish choice to be constantly committed and continually content in the one you choose to love. And God in his love chose to be unselfishly concerned for us. God in his love chose to be unselfishly concerned. So it was not about him that he died. It was not about him that he sacrificed Christ. It was not about him that he came down to earth. It was not about him that he gave up his life. It was not about him that he gave up his son. But it was about us that we may be free from sin. That we may be reconciled in love. That we may be free from the bondage of the world. And to understand the proper expression of love. So love was his unselfish concern to us to show this commitment that I will be constantly committed to you. I will be content in you. So if sin made you not good enough. So I will present Christ so that I will always be looking at Christ. So in Christ I will be content in you. So he from his unselfish concern is constantly committed and continually content in us in Christ making us his be loved. So love is a nature of God that we received in Christ. Love is an expression of God that we received in Christ. So the nature and expression of God is the testimony of the believer in Christ. So when someone says to you be loved that is your reality in Christ. And love was not a mistake of God. Love was not a mistake of God. God did not mistakenly love you. God pre-ordined that decision of love before the world began. So I will say oh see where did you get that from. Let's go to Ephesians chapter 1 verse 3 to 4. Ephesians chapter 1 verse 3 to 4. I will read that in Amplified Ephesians 1 verse 3 to 4. Let's read that in Amplified. If you are there say oh-huh-huh. Ephesians chapter 1 verse 3 to 4. See? "Lest and worthy of praise be God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessings in the heavenly realms in Christ, just as in His love, just as." So it's a comparison. Just as when you see just as you're comparing someone, something you're about to compare something. "Just as in His love, He chose us in Christ." So "Bless be God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms in Christ." So "He blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realm." Why? So that the comparison of that blessing is love. So just as in His love, so the same way He did that, similarly in His love, similarly because of His love, He chose us in Christ. "Actually selected us for Himself as His own." So you are chosen in love. You are God's own in love. You are chosen in love. Say to yourself, "I am chosen in love. I am God's own in love." You were freely, freely chosen in love. Freely you did not have to pay you. You don't have to pay for anything. You were freely chosen in love. So see, He chose us in Christ. Actually selected us for as selected us for Himself as His own, before the foundation of the world. Not when, not before the serpent came. Before the world was accepted, before the foundation of the world. So your creation and your salvation, your creation, your salvation, you've been created, you've been saved, and you've been a parteca of His love was a predestined reality for you. To love is a predestined reality to the believer. Before the foundation of the world, so that we will be holy, that is, consecrated, set apart for Him, purpose-driven, and blameless in His sight, what in love. Blameless in His sight, and what in love. So you were long selected, long consecrated, long set apart, long purpose-driven. You know, I watch some things. I see all these things with IG. I think it's IG, I see them. And they say, "Soft life." So for us believers, it is not that life will not be tough. It's not that things will not be hard. It's not that situations will not be rough. It's that we are assured in God's love. So the reality of God's love is what gives us a mentality of the soft life in His love. So we rest assured regardless of what surrounds us. Our assurance is that we are loved. We are consecrated. We are set apart. We are purpose-driven in love. Purpose without love is built on abuse. Purpose without love is built on abuse. You would either abuse yourself, or you would abuse the people you would be able to focus on. But everything God proposed us is driven purpose towards us, is in love. The driven purpose of God towards us is in love. So if you are looking for your purpose outside of God's love, you have missed it. Are you a tracking? So say to yourself, "My purpose is in God's love." My rest is in God's love. I am chosen in God's love. I was chosen before the foundations of the world. I am set apart in God's love. I am purpose-driven and consecrated in love. I am purpose-driven and consecrated in God's love. So we are still on this efficiency one, three, two, four. We are still here. So not only are you loved before creation, you are beloved, indebeloved. You are what? Beloved, indebeloved. Because he says, he goes on to say five, "In love, he predestined and lovingly planned for us to be adopted to himself." So your adoption, your him bringing you into his family, was not something that was a mistake. Was not something at this Christ my son has done. This has brought people home. Let me just mistakenly accept them. No. It's he predestined, in love, he predestined and lovingly planned for us to be adopted to himself as his own children through Jesus Christ in accordance with the kind intention and good pleasure of his will. So it was always God's thoughts towards us that we should be accepted in accordance with the kind intention and good pleasure of his will. He's an intentional father. Let me know. I don't like three songs on that, but this, yeah, all the overwhelming, never-ending, reckless love of God. God's love is not reckless. It was not reckless. It was intentional. He decided it pleased him to Bruce Christ. It pleased him to sacrifice his son. He talked through and made a conscious decision. He willingly sacrificed this Christ. It was an intentional decision to follow through with the requirements of what it meant for us to be reconciled to him in love. So 6 now goes on to say, "To the praise of his glorious grace and favor, which which he freely bestowed on us, indeed beloved his son, Jesus Christ." So it was his kind intention that we be loved, indeed beloved, that we be loved, in the beloved. It was his intention that we be loved, in the beloved, that we be loved in Christ. We are loved. It was his intention for us to be received the full expression of his love in Christ. So love is not a foregone reality. Love is not something that was not planned. Love is not something that was a mistake. You are not a mistake. The fact that you exist on this earth means God intended for you to be alive as an expression and a recipient of his love. The fact that you are life means God intended for you to be an expression and a recipient of his love. Yes, many people may, the people that he gave you to, may not have held up their own end. They have abused their free will. But the Lord is telling you that was not him. He is here. He wants to personally express to you that you are not a mistake. You are not enough that thought. You are an intended creation for his love to be proclaimed to you in salvation. If you were the only one alive, Christ would have still died. If you were the only one existing, he would have still gone through that sacrifice that you know his love. Are you tracking? You are loved. You are the beloved. So be the love of God that you have received. So your love, the love he gives you, is not a function of your perfection. The love he gives you is not a function of your perfection. It's not how well you act. It's not how well you can do something. His love is not a result of something you can do. His love is a product of something that he has done. His love is not a product you are not loved because of something you can do. It's because of his nature and something that he has done. Let's explain that Romans chapter 5 was 7 to 8. Romans chapter 5 was 7 to 8. I read in Amplify, if you are there, say, oh, oh, oh. Romans chapter 5 was 7 to 8 if you are there, say, oh, oh, oh. I read. Now, it is an extraordinary thing for one to willingly give his life for an upright man. Though, perhaps, for a good man, one who is noble and selfless and worthy, someone might even dare to die. But God, that means when you see but in a statement, that means everything in that statement has been nullified by the action of God. Someone can die for an extraordinary person. Someone can die for a noble person. Someone can die for a good man. But God, let's see what the bottom of God is. But God clearly shows and proves his own love for us by the fact that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. While we were still sinners, so we were loved despite our sin. So, our sin, nature, did not stop his expression of love to us. To the lie of the enemy is at the times where you are imperfect, that you are not loved. The lie of the enemy, at the time where you fall short if you run away from God, no, the lie of the enemy is that because of something you have done, God will no longer accept you. No, no, no, no, no. You are accepted in the beloved, not because of your perfection. The result of his nature and his decision, God's love, precedes any action on our part. God's love precedes any action on our part. We are accepted, we are welcomed into the love of God because of his nature, because of his decision. That is the extraordinary nature, extraordinary expression, extraordinary decision of God's love towards us. Be loved. I keep repeating be loved, be loved because as loud as God's love is, the expression would mean nothing to you unless you embrace it, unless you receive it. Will you be loved? Will you receive this love? Will you accept this love? Love is the why of God to us. Love is the root of God's decision towards us. Love is God's intention towards us. Love is the preceding, pre-ordained, predestined direction of God towards us. Love. John 3 16. John 3 16, amplified. John chapter 3 verse 16, if you're there, say, uh-huh, uh-huh. John chapter 3 verse 16, I read. For God so greatly loved. For God so greatly loved and dearly prized the world, of us. So God did not greatly love and dearly prized the church. God did not greatly love and dearly prized the pastor. God did not greatly love and dearly prized the prophet. God so greatly, so greatly, so greatly, so greatly loved and dearly prized the world. So you are greatly loved. You are so greatly loved and you are dearly prized in love. You are greatly loved. You are dearly prized in love. So the reason for the sacrifice of Christ, the reason that God did anything that he greatly loved you and he paid a price to prove his love for you. You are worth the love of God. To him you are worth the love of God. Let's keep going. For God so greatly loved and dearly prized the world that he even gave his one and only begotten Son, so that whoever believes and trust in him as Savior shall not perish but have eternal life. So the reason for the sacrifice of Christ, the reason for the giving of Christ, the reason for God coming down as man to be sacrificed to us is love. So God loved you. So God so greatly loved you and he dearly prized you. What does that mean? layman stems. He dearly prized you meaning whatever he priced you is what he paid. Whatever he priced you is what he paid and he deemed you worth the price of his son. He deemed you worth God. God deemed you worth God in love. God deemed you worth God in love. So when the enemy comes to tell you because you are flawed you are unworthy. Because you make a mistake you are unworthy. Because something happened you are unworthy. You tell him no I am beloved. I am too God. I am what the price of God. He sacrificed his son. He gave up his divinity at a price for me. He sacrificed everything that meant anything to him to bring me into his love. I am worth the price of God in love to God. I am worth the price of God in love to God. Think about it. Which parent when their child makes a mistake who wants the child not to come back home stay outside don't come back home. No come back home let us discuss yes we may we may deal with each other in the house but I don't want you outside. I will not use the instruments of the outside world to punish you when I can bring you inside correct you inside direct to chastise you inside what you are still protected. He is not casting you out. He is not sending you away. Instead he is welcoming you in and whatever price it will cost him to keep you in the house to bring you in the house he will sacrifice it to show you that you are worth the price of God to him in love. That is a father and that is our responsible father in love. You are greatly loved and dearly priced in love. See it's yourself. I am greatly loved and dearly priced in love. I am greatly loved and dearly priced in love. I am worth the price of God to God in love. I am worth the price of God to God in love. I am worth the sacrifice of his divinity in love. I am worth the sacrifice of his divinity in love. I am forever welcomed into the beloved in love. I am forever welcomed into the beloved in love. God greatly loves me. God dearly prised me. God greatly loves me. God dearly prised me. I am worthy. God greatly loved me. God dearly prised me. I am worthy. So what makes you worthy is a love of God for you in Christ. You are never unworthy. You are never unaccepted. You are never wanted. You are loved. And his love is profound. His love is the foundational reason why Christ was given. The price of love is expressed to us in his given of Christ to us. The love was free. The love was not cheap. The love was free. The love was not cheap. The love was free. The love was not cheap. It cost God the price of God for you to receive the expression of his love. The love is free to you but does not mean it is cheap. Receive this love, expensive love because he greatly prised you in the currency of love. And his currency of expression is Christ to you. You are tracking. And you are here. God is greatly committed to us in love. God is greatly committed to us in love. God is greatly committed to us so he does not just dearly prise us. He is greatly committed to us in love. John 15, 13, John 15, John 15, Amplified. John 15, 13, Amplified. I read. John 15, 13, Amplified. I read. No one has greater love nor stronger commitment. No one has greater love nor stronger commitment so the greater love is defined as his strong commitment. No one has greater love nor strong commitment than to lay down his life for his friends. So to show his great love, so his expression of his great love is proof of his strong commitment. And how much stronger commitment can you be to a cause than to lay down your life for it? How much more committed can you be to a cause than to lay down your life for it? So the cause that Christ laid down his life for was for us to experience that great love God has for us. So to show for God to show his commitment to us, the great love expressed in commitment is showcased in the sacrifice of Christ. So God is showing his strong commitment to us. He showed his strong commitment to us in the sacrifice of Christ. So why do you think that God who has shown strong commitment will abandon you now after everything he has invested? Why do you think God who has shown strong commitment to you in love will abandon you now after all he has invested? Love will not leave you. Love will not abandon you. Love has invested. Love is strongly committed. Love has shown his commitment and he will express no greater love than being permanently with you, for you, in you, working with you regardless of the storm. It seems like we did not get it before. John repeated the same thing twice. In John 3 16, he repeated it in 1st John 3 16, Amplified 1st John 3 16, he says the same thing. That first time he said that he said that we were greatly, for God so greatly loved and dearly priced. This time he says we are preciously and willingly loved. We are what? Preciously and willingly loved. God was not forced to love us. God was not, it was not a compromise. He was not, he was not like his hands were bent. He was, he was, he was, he was malhandled. He was tricked. He was not trickery. John 3 16, 1st John 3 16, Amplified 1st John 3 16, by this we know, by this we know, and we have come to understand, see, by this we know, no more we know, we have come to understand the depth and the essence of his precious love. You are preciously loved. You are what? Preciously loved. You are what? Preciously loved. That he willingly laid down his life for us. Christ was not bamboo zoon. Christ was not tricked. God did not deceive Christ sending him down as man. The father was intentional. The son was willing. The father was intentional. The son was willing so that we can receive the expression of this love. That is why when it, when it, it was totally intentional. It was, it was a willing decision for us to receive this precious love. And he willingly laid down his life for us because he loved us. Because he loved us. Because he loved us. So it was a willing choice of Christ to lay down his life. So the cross is an ultimate demonstration of Christ's willing decision to love us. We are loved. We have willingly loved. So you were not mistakenly loved. Your love is not a condition. It's a willing choice of God towards you. God's love is not a condition of your perfection. It's not a condition of your situation. It's a willing choice of God towards you in Christ. So be loved. Receive this love. Accept this love. Embrace this love. Receive this love. Accept this love. Embrace this love. Receive this love. Accept the love. Embrace this love. How deep? Because you know we said, and he has loved those greatly loved, sacrificed Christ. If we need more evidence, even Christ said it, that we are loved as Christ is loved. We are loved as Christ is loved. God loves us as much as he loves Christ. Not a distant love, but as a father. John 1723. John 1723. Amplified. Your there's your home. John 1723. It's the last prayer of Christ before the cross. He says, I in them, you in me, that they may be perfected and completed into one. I in them, you in me, that they may be perfected and completed into one, so that the world may know without any doubt that you sent me and that you have loved them, just as you have loved me, that you have loved them, just as you have loved me. So if you are looking for comparison of love, if we think Christ was special, Christ is same. The same way the Father loves me, the Father loves you. The Father does not love you more, love Christ more than he loves you, and love you more than he loves Christ, because as a father, he loves all his children equally. He's not partial. That would defy his nature as a just judge. So he loves all his children equally, you are a child of God, and he loves you as much as he loves Christ. I didn't say it. I didn't formulate it. Christ himself said it. So this is our testimony that we are loved as much as Jesus is loved. Are we tracking people? Are we understanding? So we go. It is important, it's imperative that we understand the love of God for us in Christ. We are loved as much as Christ is loved. Christ said it himself, that they know that you love them, as much as you love me. I did not say it, or said it, Christ said it. We are incredibly adopted as God's children in love. He showed his responsibility as a father in the equality, the equal way, the egalitarian nature, in which he disverses love, that this child, I don't love one child more than the other, same way I love Christ, same way I love you. Do I love as much as Christ is loved by God? 1 John chapter 3, verse 1 to 2, 1 John chapter 3, verse 1 and 2, says, "See what an incredible quality of love the Father has shown us." See what an incredible quality of love, you see all the descriptions which when it comes to us, how the love is described, see what an incredible quality of love the Father has shown to us, that we would be permitted to be named and called and counted the children of God. We are called, we are counted as children of God in love. We are named, we are called, we are counted as children of God in love. We are named, we are called, we are counted as children of God in love. And so we are, for this reason the world does not know us because it did not know him. So the love you receive is not to be celebrated by the world, is to be reconciled to your Father in love. The love you receive by God is not to be celebrated by the world, is to be embraced by your Father. So the world may not accept you, that does not mean God does not love you. His love was not for you to be praised by the world, his love was for you to be embraced, to receive his embrace to you. To be loved, be loved, after that whole description of how we are children of God named, counted in love, now says be loved. We are even here, we are even here, and now children of God. And yet it is not made clear what will be after his coming. We know that when he comes and is revealed, we will as his children be like him, because we will see him just as he is in glory, love. In love we have been made children of God and conferred his image. So we look like him, we have his likeness in love, in Christ. We look like him, we have his image, we have his likeness in love, in Christ. So be loved, because that is the nature of your reality, that is the nature of your testimony, in God, in Christ. Are we tracking? Revelation now comes into the matter. Revelations, chapter comes into the matter, because the love is not a temporal thing. Jasmine said it earlier, "I am, you are always love." Revelation chapter 1 verse 5, "amplified, I read, and from Jesus Christ, the faithful and the trustworthy witness, the firstborn of the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth, through him who always loves us." It says sometimes, "Always loves us." It says often, "No, always loves us, and who once and for all, freedom from our sins, washed us from our sins by his own blood, his sacrificial death." So love is an always constant, continuous, consistent reality of the believer. It doesn't love you temporarily, it doesn't love you conditionally, it doesn't love you if, it doesn't love you when, it doesn't love you maybe, it loves you always, it loves you constantly, it loves you continually, it loves you consistently, love always is the reality of the believer in Christ. You are love always, at all times, for all ages, always is the reality of love you receive in God. Always, okay? I don't agree with always, let's look for a different word, let's look for on season, on season, steadfast, on season, steadfast, lamentations chapter 3, that's 22 to 23, lamentations chapter 3, that's 22 to 23, I'm reading it in the ESV, if you're dancing on on on on, lamentations chapter 3, that's 22 to 23, I read. One of our favorite songs, the steadfast love, the steadfast love of the Lord never seizes, his mercies never come to an end, he are new every morning, great is your faithfulness, the steadfast love, so his love is steadfast, his love does not seize, in case we do not get always, we get steadfast, in case we do not get steadfast, we get never seizes, so even in this in his love is messy, so the messy we receive is a function of his love, his love keeps no records of wrongs, his love, the nature of his love is expressed in messy, his love is defined as his faithfulness, so I need us to understand, God's love is steadfast and on season, this is not dependent on us, or a result, what is a result of his greatness and his nature as faithful, season to love is like saying God sees his to be faithful, season to love is like saying God sees his to be faithful, so since he cannot cease to be faithful, because the bank of his love, the bank, the guarantor of his love is faithfulness, the guarantor of God's love is his faithfulness, so since his faithfulness cannot change, his love cannot cease, oh see, you are reading it to scripture, let's go to scripture, Psalm 26 verse 3, for your steadfast love is before my eyes, I walk in your faithfulness, steadfast love, faithfulness, Psalm 36 by 5, verse 5, your steadfast love all Lord extends to the heaven, your faithfulness to the clouds, Psalm 40 verse 11, as for you O Lord, you will not restrain your messy from me, for your steadfast love and the faithfulness, which is faithfulness will preserve me, Psalm 57 verse 10, for your steadfast love is great to the heaven, your faithfulness to the clouds, Psalm 92 verse 1 to 2, I give thanks to the Lord, I seek praises to his name, almost high, declare your steadfast love and your faithfulness, so every time they talk about God's love being steadfast, they bank that steadfast love on God's faithfulness, so God's steadfast love is not as a result of your actions, it's as a result of his nature as faithfulness, your tracking, it's the sense making sense, it's the mat mathing, Jeremiah chapter 31 verse 3, Amplify Classic, Jeremiah 31 verse 3, Amplify Classic says, same day in love and faithfulness again, the Lord appeared from all to me, saying, me Israel, saying, yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love, so we've moved from always, we've moved from steadfast, we've moved to on season, we have entered everlasting, I have loved you with an everlasting love, therefore with loving kindness, I have drawn you and continued my faithfulness, so he described his expression of love as a nature of his faithfulness, so it's not about you, it's about him, so you don't have to be perfect, you just have to embrace all he has expressed to you in Christ, so what his love is a requirement, is a standard of his faithfulness, not an expression of your humanity, his love is a standard of his faithfulness or an expression of your humanity. To know this love is to have an understanding that you are calm, you are forgiven, you are rejoiced over in love, Zephaniah chapter 3, Zephaniah chapter 3 verse 17, Zephaniah chapter 3 verse 17, I read a new living translation, NLT, for the Lord your God is living among you, he is a mighty Savior, who is the one living amongst us, Christ in you, the hope of glory, Christ living within you, so for the Lord your God is living among you, he would delight in your gladness, with his love he will calm your fears, with his love he will calm your fears, for know the love of God is to be calm in all storms, to be calm in every world, to be calm in every situation, because it is his love that calms the believer, regardless of what they are going through, so be loved, so that you can be calm. Same Scripture amplified, same Scripture Zephaniah, Zephaniah 3 verse 17 says to us, the Lord your God is in your midst, a warrior who saves, he will rejoice over you with joy, he will be quiet in his love, making no mention of his past of your past sins, he will rejoice over you with shout of joy, so his love makes him quiet, making no mention of your past sins, so what makes him keep no record of wrongs, what makes him forgive you of your past sin is his love expressed to you, where in Christ by love every record of your sin is forgiven by God, are you all tracking, are you all understanding, God not only loves you, God delights in you, his love calms you, his love shows you, brings forth mercy to you, and he rejoices over you in love, you are also rooted and grounded in God's endless love, you are rooted and grounded in God's endless love, Ephesians chapter 3 verse 16 to 17, I read 16 to 18, I'm going to read, Ephesians 3, 16 to 18, I'm reading Amplify, be almost done with it, Ephesians 3, 16 to 18, I read in Amplify, if you are there sin, uh-huh, uh-huh, so the reason for the Holy Spirit in us, the reason for Christ in us is to have a proper understanding of this love that he has given us, so that we can be rooted and assured in that love, we'll read Ephesians 3, 16 to 18 and compare that with John 17, 26, I read, may he grant you, out of the riches of his glory, to be strengthened and spiritually energized with power through his spirit in your inner self, in dwelling your innermost being and personality, so the reason why the Holy Spirit is in your innermost being your inner man, why? so that Christ made dwelling your heart through faith, so Holy Spirit in your inner man, Christ in your heart, why? and may you, having been deeply rooted and securely grounded in love, so their assignment in you is to securely root you and ground you in love, so the assignment of the Holy Spirit and Christ in you is to root you and securely ground you in love, love is an expression, important to God, love is the why of God to us, and may you, having been deeply rooted and securely grounded in love, be fully comprehending with the sense God's people, the width, the length, the height and the depth of his love, fully experiencing that amazing endless love. John 17 and 26 now explains again, when Jesus was praying, this what he was saying, and I have made your name known to them, and I will continue to make it known, so that the love with which you have loved me may be in them, overwhelming their heart, and I may be in them. Love was the testimony that God needed us to know. Love was the testimony that God needed us to know, concluding the Ephesians 3, 17. To that, I'm sorry, Ephesians 3, 18, actually from 18, be fully capable of comprehending with the sense God's people, the width, the length, the height and the depth of his love, fully experiencing that amazing endless love, and that you may come to know practically through personal experience, the love of Christ, which fast surpasses may knowledge without human experience, that you may be filled up throughout your being, to all the fullness of God, so that you may have the richest experience of God's presence in your life, completely free-filled and flooded with God himself, completely what filled and flooded with God himself, so the fullness of love, your understanding of that love, makes you filled and flooded with God himself. To know love, to receive that love, fills you to fullness with God himself, and finally, you close out. Romans 8, verse 35 to 37 and 38 to 39. Who shall separate us from Christ's love? You have received the love that makes you inseparable, shall suffer no affliction, shall tribulation, or calamity, or distress, or persecution, or hunger, or destitution, or perry, or the sword? Nothing shall separate you from the love of God. Chapter 6, even as it is written, for thy sake we are put to death all day long, we are regarded as sheep for slaughter, we are counted as sheep for slaughter yet, amid all these things. We are more than conquerors, and gain is surpassing victory through him who loved us, not through your efforts in prayer, not through your fasting, not through your tithe, you gain a surpassing victory through him who loved us, so love is the concrete nature, the victorious reality of the believer, love. For I am persuaded, beyond doubt, I am sure that neither life, nor death, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things impending, and threatening, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor death, nothing else can separate us, separate us, nor creation will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is for us in Christ Jesus. You are loved, you are accepted, you are welcomed, you are whole, everything that you need, the victorious nature of the believer is available in the love of God for us. So as we wrap up, I need us to take a moment for this, all this to sink in. You are deeply and unconditionally loved, not because you end it, not because you are perfect, but simply because you exist. Love is his nature, love is his decision, love is his willing action towards you. So go forth and be loved. So be loved is not just your name. Be loved is a verb, is an action reality to the believer from God. Amen. And I will thank you that we are your beloved. We be loved in Greece. We be loved in Christ. We choose to embrace the love that you have given us in the sacrifice of Christ. Thank you Father. May this testimony of love continue to be a reality to us and for us in Jesus' name. Amen. Love and I appreciate you all. Go forth and be loved. Have a blessed week ahead. Never doubt that you are loved by God. In Christ, amen.