The Sonship Place Shorts

The Fasted Life II: A Description

In this episode, the PO challenges traditional views on fasting within Christianity. The discussion centers around how fasting, once a part of Old Testament law, has been fulfilled in Christ and is no longer necessary for believers under the new covenant of grace. PO emphasizes that believers should rely on the work of the Holy Spirit for spiritual growth and discipline rather than on religious practices like fasting. This teaching aims to shift focus from legalistic observances to living a Christ-led life guided by the Holy Spirit.

Key Points:

- The Fulfillment of Fasting in Christ: Christ has fulfilled the law, including fasting. Hebrews 9:13-15, Galatians 5:1-4 PO explains how Christ's sacrifice has fulfilled all Old Testament laws, including fasting. Believers are now called to live in the freedom Christ has won rather than returning to the bondage of religious observances.
- Grace as the Teacher of Godliness: God's grace, not fasting, teaches us to live godly lives. Titus 2:11-12, Galatians 5:22-23 The teaching emphasizes that it is God's grace, not religious practices like fasting, that instructs believers in rejecting ungodliness and living upright lives. The fruit of the Spirit is presented as the result of grace, not human effort.
- Belief as the Primary Work of Believers: Believing in Christ is the work God requires, not fasting. John 6:28-29, Hebrews 4:1-4 PO stresses that the primary "work" God requires of believers is belief in Christ, not religious observances like fasting. Entering God's rest comes through belief, not through religious rituals.
- The Holy Spirit's Role in Character Development: The Holy Spirit, not fasting, produces spiritual fruit and character. Galatians 5:16-18, Philippians 2:12-13 The teaching emphasizes that it is the Holy Spirit who develops godly character in believers, not self-imposed disciplines like fasting. PO encourages reliance on the Spirit's work rather than human effort.
- Our Identity and Rest in Christ: Believers are complete in Christ and have entered His rest. Colossians 2:10, Hebrews 4:3 PO emphasizes that believers are already complete in Christ and have entered God's rest. There is no need for additional work or rituals to draw closer to God or receive His blessings.

I am complete in Christ, lacking nothing in God's sight.
The finished work of Jesus fulfills all requirements for my atonement.
I rest in the sufficiency of Christ's sacrifice, no longer striving through religious rituals.
The Holy Spirit empowers me to live a disciplined life as I yield to His guidance.
I am being transformed from the inside out by the renewing of my mind in Christ.
My identity as a child of God is the foundation for all growth and change in my life.
I walk in the freedom Christ purchased for me, no longer bound by legalistic practices.
The fruit of the Spirit naturally flows through my life as I abide in Christ.
I am led by the Spirit of God, walking in wisdom and discernment.
My body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, and I honor God through grace-empowered living.
I boldly approached the throne of grace, confident in my standing before God through Christ.
The love of Christ compels me to live a life that glorifies God and blesses others.

Broadcast on:
01 Oct 2024