The Sonship Place Shorts

The Fasted Life: An Introduction

This powerful teaching explores the biblical concept of fasting and its relevance for believers today. PO unpacks how Christ has fulfilled the Old Testament requirements for fasting, allowing us to enter into true rest and sufficiency in Him. Through examining key scriptures, we learn that fasting is no longer necessary as a means to approach God or gain His favor. Instead, we are called to embrace our position in Christ and live from a place of completion and satisfaction in Him. This teaching emphasizes that true spiritual maturity and connection with God come through faith in Christ's finished work, not through religious rituals or self-denial. Key Points: - The Fulfillment of Fasting: Christ has fulfilled the Old Testament requirements for fasting. Leviticus 16:29-34, Hebrews 9:11-15 - Eternal Satisfaction in God's Presence: True satisfaction comes from communion with God, not religious rituals. Jesus fulfills our spiritual hunger and thirst, making ritual fasting unnecessary. Exodus 34:27-29, John 6:35, Psalm 17:15 - Rest Through Belief, Not Works: We enter God's rest through faith in Christ, not through fasting or other works. We do not enter God's rest through religious observances. Hebrews 4:1-3, Matthew 11:28-29, John 6:28-29, Romans 12:1 - Christ as Our Perfect and Complete Atonement: Jesus is our perfect high priest and atoning sacrifice, eliminating the need for fasting as atonement. Christ's sacrifice has replaced the Old Testament system of atonement, including fasting. 1 John 2:2, Hebrews 10:11-18 - Christ as Our Mediator and Sabbath: Jesus is our true Sabbath and mediator, eliminating the need for ritual fasting to draw near to God. Mark 2:27-28, Hebrews 4:14-16, Romans 12:1 - Living from Sufficiency in Christ: Believers are called to live from a place of completion and maturity in Christ. Philippians 4:11-13, Hebrews 10:14 - The Sufficiency of Christ's Sacrifice: Christ's one-time sacrifice is completely sufficient, rendering ongoing sacrifices (including fasting) unnecessary. Hebrews 10:1,5-10, Hebrews 10:11-18 Declarations: In Christ, I have found my true and eternal satisfaction. Jesus is the bread of life that quenches all my spiritual hunger and thirst. I declare that Christ in me is my sufficiency. I proclaim that Jesus is my perfect and complete atoning sacrifice. In Christ, I have entered God's rest, free from religious burdens and observances. I declare that Jesus has fulfilled all the requirements of the law on my behalf. I present myself as a living sacrifice, made holy by Christ's work, not my own efforts. I am already acceptable and at one with God through Christ. Christ has united me with God; I need no other mediator or means of approach. I am as close to God as I can possibly be through Christ and His finished work. I recognize Jesus as the Lord of the Sabbath and my true source of rest. Through Christ's finished work I am no longer bound by religious rituals. I stand firm in the freedom Christ has won for me.
Beloved, We're excited to extend an invitation to grow together in Christ's love! 🎊

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Broadcast on:
25 Sep 2024