The Real Money Show

How Much Silver We Actually Need!

If you give the money to the Government you lose. Gold and silver don't lose value against inflation. If you can't hold it, you don't own it. For more information call 1.855.906.6381 or visit

Broadcast on:
12 Oct 2024
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If you give the money to the Government you lose. Gold and silver don't lose value against inflation. If you can't hold it, you don't own it.

For more information call 1.855.906.6381 or visit

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It's just an example of how strong the market is right now. Every week, all of our listeners, you guys know this, every week we talk about all of the amazing things that are happening in the gold and silver market. Even before the show, we get hyped up talking about the things that we're looking at and searching. Central banks are buying the stuff like crazy. The needs for silver and military and all of these usages throughout the world. We're going to get into a ton of this stuff, but it's just, you know, such a white pill moment when you realize that this, the force of where the metals are headed are going to be so much higher. I mean, wait till you see this kingle news article we're going to talk about and the potential for the silver prices. It's a given. It's a given. I was listening to an article, a video today with Mike Maloney, you know, nothing crazy new comes out. We've been doing this a very long time. It's always nice to hear different perspectives and just that hammering in the concept that silver is going to $50 and beyond $50 is going to be the next major level for us. But it's not the end. You know, in 2006, we could go back to $50. Okay, who cares? It got to $50. But now it's where is it going to go from there and the type of money that can be made from here to there and the reasons to be in the market. That's it. The fragility of the financial system, the banking system, the currencies, all of the buggery that's happening around the world and corruption and things like this, the knowing that you're in something that has zero counterparty risk. It's a no brainer. It is. It is a no brainer. And we offer this within registered accounts. Protect your retirement. Protect your retirement. There is nothing better than talking with clients who are converting to riffs, Jerry, and they're up over 100%. And they give it a shot in the stock market and it's up and down their portfolios, etc. They're making so much money in the gold and silver market. And it's like nobody knows about it still. I know it's true. Nobody knows. No. Except our listeners know, of course, you know, it's by more at 1-8-7-7-8. But we want more and more people to be involved because it is going to improve your wealth tremendously. Yeah. So just listen throughout the show of some of the things going on in the world to recognize why real money is the place to be. And so let's talk about the week that was. The week that was a lot of news and it just keeps the momentum keeps building, Jeremy. You know, the trends are our friends. And again, when we talk and this is not financial advice, all we're doing is we're bringing to the table trends that are going to ultimately safeguard your wealth and make you money. The approach has always been a crawl, walk, run approach. And what we're seeing as the momentum happens and as we're seeing the headlines and the deterioration of trust and the deterioration of credibility from these central banks that have lost all credibility, we're seeing more and more uptick. And people are starting to from walk to run now, Jeremy, adding more to their portfolios. I want to interrupt you there for just a second because someone might think, well, but you guys talk about central banks buying all the time. So let's just make a distinction of the type of central banks you're talking about versus the central banks that are buying gold. Yeah, there is there is definitely a distinct difference between the two. There are some central banks like the one here in Canada who offer who have no gold reserves on tap, nothing to back up the system, nothing to back up the Canadian people. But we then then have other countries. If you look at Poland, that just amassed another round of tonnages coming into the central bank, they're doing it for many reasons. From fiscal policy to monetary policy, even their stance with the European Union, they have not just differentiating, they're differentiating themselves from these woke policies. They're positioning the country for what's to come. The trend is towards, if we look towards the date, October 23rd, the BRICS summit is happening in Russia, and there are central banks that are involved and some are not. One of those central banks, including the president, French president, Macron, who begged to be a part of one of the BRICS summits before, and he was just laughed at and wasn't invited. So there's a clear distinction moving towards sound money and moving towards inclusion, and that's something that we need on the world stage. So let's get back to what happened this week in the market. It was sort of started up here, went down here, finished up all the way back up here. What was going on? I know some of it was the employment numbers in the States or something. Or did we talk about that last week? It turns out all of those numbers of employed people came from the government, which means straight out of the tax people, tax dollars of everyone's money, right out of their own pockets to make those employment numbers. All the majority of the employment numbers that came out, there were stellar figures. Most of them happened to be government workers, and I want to go into that statistic a little bit further because I need to know who are these people working in the government? What are they doing? Do they have a social security number? Well, did you see, I didn't watch it, but I saw some clips. Did you see Elon Musk with Tucker Carlson? He was talking about all of the different agencies that they have. Oh, yeah. And he said, yeah, you could probably break it down from it's like hundreds and hundreds. He was like, you could probably get it down onto a hundred. Yeah, bigger and bigger governments. This is the problem, you know, highlighting that. And just this week, the employment numbers continue to rise. So unemployment happening in the US, this is bad news, along with rising inflation. So this is the federal reserves. The US is worst nightmare. When you see rising inflation happening with rising unemployment, this is a massive headline, because the new narrative is, well, there's not going to be an landing. We're talking about hard landing and then to soft landing. To guess what, Jerry? No landing at all. We're just going to, we're just going to keep flying the plane. You see the plane flying and then just takes off again. This is exactly what we're going to see. Oh my god. Are we going to see? Are we going to really see this? So are they going to drop interest rates then? Of course, coming from Jerry's desk in my pen. Yes, they're going to cut interest rates. Okay. You heard it here first. Jerry looked into the crystal ball and the crystal ball said unequivocally, they're going to drop rates. You know, when we just look at trends and sharing the trends again, looking forward, we have central banks around the world that are looking to cut interest rates. So easing is a new policy, new bazooka money that's expected. And that's what happened this week when we started the week. Metals began to start the week off pretty strong, good momentum coming in from last Friday. So silver start at 3160, gold start at 2640, then a big pullback. There was an anticipation of another round of bazooka money, helicopter money from China as they did in weeks before. It really propped up the stock market there, boomed higher, 10% higher. Then they kind of head-ficked the market and said, you know, we're going to hold off a little bit on the bazooka. We're not going to blast today. So we saw a pullback to start the week this week. Gold pulled back to the 2700 support. We all saw that. Silver did a massive pullback to $30.50. And as we fast forward through the data and through the week, we're right back to where we started, even better. Silver's right back to 3167. Gold is back to 2660. So we're actually up on the week to finish. Do you think we can break $6 higher from there? That would be an all-time high. We're going to be hitting there. When we hit all-time high, I think we're kind of losing that excitement of all-time highs. We're waiting for that to happen in U.S. - I mean, you're going to get tired of winning. Never tired of winning, Jeremy. But the goal remains bullish after pulling back to that key 2600 level and bouncing, suggesting further upside. If that breaks higher, then we're going to see 262700. The market will reach 2700. And eventually 3000, a drop below 26. We could see a support, good support levels around 2570. We have central bank purchases, rate cuts coming up, strong technical supporting. And it's all anticipating this weekend, guys. This is Thanksgiving weekend where a lot to be thankful for despite all of the craziness that we're seeing, all of the corruption that we're seeing. There's still a lot to be thankful, including the upcoming gold and silver bull cycle. We're in two exciting cycles that we want to talk about, but this is a life-changing experience that's going to happen right before our eyes. We're at the precipice, Jeremy, of the biggest up cycle in precious metals history. And coming into this weekend, we're hoping for another Chinese stimulus. So the markets, the global markets, the stock markets are all waiting for China to launch another round of stimulus. It's supposed to be apparently two trillion won worth, which is $263 billion worth. Now, again, the same scenario. If they do blast that bazooka, I expect come Monday, we'll have another breakout in gold. We may see 2,700 to start the week next week, but if they disappoint, then we can have another pullback in metals. So watch those pullbacks, 2,600 support and 2570 support levels for gold. Silver, just tremendous topside potential ahead. Well, I hope they got out of some short positions. I know Vince Lancey was talking about 3250 being the next sort of level of resistance that we've got to break through. And after that, it becomes pretty loose in terms of where the market could go. So that 3250 is going to probably be defended quite a bit, but great to see silver back up to inching towards 32 again. He also actually talked about gold's potential to fall back 100 bucks, but more of a $500 upside potential. So what we've always characterized that as pennies to the downside, dollars to the up. And ultimately, look, big difference, okay? I could sit here like a cryptocurrency guy and say, oh, I think the market's going to go to and pull random numbers out of a hat. Okay? There is a reason why we can say gold can go to this number or that number, because gold is money and gold is a measuring tool. So when we say you should be able to buy a house in Toronto for less than 300, not a, not a two bedroom condo. Okay, fighting the bike lanes and stuff. No offense. I love bike lanes, but it's really ruining traffic in Toronto. And everyone who's listening to this knows exactly what I'm talking about. But it's the fact that you've got, you should be able to buy a house in the city for less than 300 ounces of gold. Do the math on what it costs today. It's over 600 ounces. And if you want to buy a house, it's probably closer to 700 ounces or a decent house. And what's the gold? What's the gold to Dow ratio? What's the gold to debt ratio? These are the measuring sticks to understand where gold can go. Now, we can give those law law numbers. And you know what, coming up in the show, get excited, we're going to give you some law law numbers. But this is like trying to win a tournament. Let's get through the first round. Let's get through the next round. We've got to get to 3250. Let's get to $50. It's only going to get better and better. But we're going to show you where the numbers can really go and just start to think about the type of wealth that can be created when you own real things, own real money. And you know who else wants to own real things and real money? The Russian central bank as well. We're going to talk about what they want coming up in the next segments. The number one eight, seven, seven, eight, silver, the website,, get physical gold. Today, you can go to our e-store You can hold it physically for ease of liquidity, make sure it's fully insured, fully allocated, fully segregated, or you can hold it in your registered account. TFSA, amazing, RSP, Lyra, lifts, rifts, any type of registered account you can think of. Most of them, we can accommodate you. We'll show you how to do it. We're there every step of the way. It's the real money show and 640 Toronto will be right back. Welcome back to the real money show, the number one eight, seven, seven, eight, silver, the website, That's where you go to find out more about holding physical gold and silver in your registered account. Why not sign up for success? Why not? It's been such a good market. It's only going to continue to get better or keep doing what you're doing. Hopefully, if that's working for you, fantastic. If you're looking to make a change, consider giving us a call. We'll walk you through it, show you how it works, show you the numbers so that you can decide if you want to maybe dip a toe in the water and see if that works. Obviously, this is not a panacea. We don't think that you should have your full portfolio in this, but certainly allocating 10, 15 percent towards this if you don't have any metals is a great place to start. Again, the number one, eight, seven, seven, eight, silver, and the website, Jerry, we have a saying on the show if someone's new listening is the debts don't matter until they do. Oh my goodness. Talk to us about the debts. Well, the debts, they just continued to mount because helicopter money is coming, bazooka money is coming, and this is just money. Currency created on the backs of our children and our children's children. It keeps going. The spiral will never end. The US and other countries are reaching a tipping point with their debts. The US debt is now 34.6 trillion. It's over 100% debt to GDP. The US deficit is now soaring to 1.8 trillion. That's the highest since the pandemic. And now global debts, it just reached 315 trillion, which is 333 percent of global output in their GDP. This is a debt trap, and there's no solution besides refinancing of this debt. And may I just say, Jerry, that in 1980, gold went to $850 and the debt in the US was 1 trillion. So if I take 850 times 35, you would come up with a number of 29,750. Just saying. Now, if we took the bottom, 350 is where it landed after it reached that peak. If you take 350 times 35 trillion, you'd end up with a number of about 12,250. That's amazing. It starts to feel reasonable. And this is, when we look at the debts, we have to soberly look at where we're at, and exactly what we were talking about earlier about positioning your portfolio. It's not the panacea, but people are getting a little bit more aggressive, like Egon von Reierz, who since 2002 was allocating up to 50 percent of his client's portfolio into physical assets like gold and silver. And that was then there up 500 percent. Imagine what it looks like now. The argument for higher allocation is here. So I we recommend walk into precious metals right now and then start to begin running because we don't want to experience, especially if you do not have any precious metals right now in your portfolio. You don't want to experience the visual of extra pyramid. When we look at extra pyramid and all of the trillions in debts, the ballooning markets that were pumped up because of all of this toxic derivative money printing, when that money comes and sloshes around, you want a place to go. And when in a world where we have a narrative being spun that there is not going to be a landing journey, this is going to continue into heavenly places. No landing. Buffett says, well, Warren Buffett this week decided to turn his attention from Bank of America. Remember Bank of America? How many shares he dumped of that bank just before their bank machines shut down? Well, now we have Warren Buffett dumping half of his apple shares. This is just after hurts. That hurts, right? And it's that even the CEO, he sold $50 million worth of apple shares. What is going to? What's the CEO of apple? Exactly. Yeah. So people are dumping. What do these people know? But okay, so we've got insiders dumping. We've been reporting that for years. But what would you say to someone who says, okay, they print all this money, it's got to go somewhere. They got to chase yield. It's going to go into the stock market. So what do I care? Stock market is going to keep reaching new highs. Well, this is the when you start to value your assets in a currency that you're just blowing up and you're printing into a blivion to support the bubbles that you need to support, you'll need more and more of it. The acceleration of the printing presses begins to spiral out of control. And we've already spun to a point where the countries that are holding this currency, this spun out of control are no longer using it. They're dumping these dollars. And this is a massive problem, which has led to the trend that we are overall seeing a global de-dollarizing trend, which is just getting worse. You're not to mention the wars that are happening, the geopolitical issues, this is just ramping up. Okay, let's talk about that. Let's talk about build up to conflict, the usage of silver in military. Now, before we started the show, we knew we were going to talk about sort of the some of the usages for silver. I mean, we're going to talk about its usage in sort of green new deal stuff, which I don't even think you have to believe in the green new deal. I think these things are going to happen with technologies, right? There's going to be new technologies. We saw what was happening. You know, anyone who saw what the presentation with Elon Musk, the driverless taxis and the buses, it's incredible. In some ways, this is like a Y2K moment where people are really worried about could things collapse? Could the world end? But on the other side of that, there's also, you know, in 1999, who knew what an iPhone might exist and how that could change the world, right? And now you've got these social media people making millions of dollars. The world can change through technology and all of the usages of silver in that. But let's talk about military. Do we need silver for a buildup for World War III? Or is it peace through superior fighting power? And we need more and more silver to build all of the things that we're going to need to keep the world at peace. Yeah, I think it's the latter. We do need silver to support a stronger and a mighty military. This is on the back of these multiple wars that we're seeing right now in conflicts from Yemen, Ukraine, Israel, Iran, beyond even even proxy wars from US to Russia. They're breaking out in multiple now African countries. So the Silver Institute has reported already that there is a market deficit this year, primarily due to rising demand, tech, solar, they always cite the solar industry. But John Forest litter, we've had him on the show a few times of the Silver Academy. He said the Silver Institute are double agents that pretend to advocate for silver investors. While delivering misinformation, solar is not the primary driver of demand. The main driver is the military and aerospace. And the next will be AI, fuel cell catalysts and EVs, new silver solid state batteries and 5G placing solar in about fifth or six. So solar's not even up there. Man, I just say I love that. I love that because there are some people out there who really push the whole solar power as a big part of the silver market. And when you look at the demand for silver in technologies and the new technologies that come out all the time, I am not worried if solar power disappeared tomorrow because there's so many new technologies that are going to require this. The Samsung car battery takes a kilo of silver, but you can charge it in less than an hour or something, a few minutes or something like that. And it'll drive for 500 kilometers. It's getting better and better. Exactly. All of that computing power, I mean, you need all the processors. How are you going to keep it all cool? You're probably going to need silver and more silver. So with military, with military, you need more silver, obviously. Silver is needed in this shortage. The military spending right now is booming and with Russia increasing its annual defense spending to 40% of its total budget and China's defense spending. It now rivals the US in terms of purchasing power parity. Naturally, the US is no slouch in this area and also ramping up in spending and production. But ultimately, this is required in the technology space, tech in military, tech in solar and tech in EV vehicles. And we're just going to highlight this example into vehicles, electric vehicles, of this macro supply and demand calamity. According to the world's silver mining production, that is 800 million Troy ounces per year. And if you look at this chart here, Jeremy, we have cars, buses, trucks, vans in total. So cars, they produce 150 million and there's one kilo of silver per vehicle. For buses, you have five kilos per vehicle. Trucks the same in vans, two kilos. A kilo is 32.15 ounces. Yes. Talking just about 30 ounces of silver. So if we add up the amount of vehicles and the amount of Troy ounces of silver that you need to sustain the demand for these vehicles, you need over 8.8 billion Troy ounces of silver. And according to the, and if we contrast it to the production, it would take based on the current annual world supply of 800 million Troy ounce, it would take approximately 11 years to produce the total amount of silver required. You need 11 years of supply of silver to get what you need. And one years. So you're going to have to ramp up mining 11 to one. This is just EV stuff. Just this is. We're not even talking the, the, the incredible breakthrough technologies that they could have in the medical industry, because it's antimicrobial and antibacterial antiviral. The list goes on, you know, over. So, so forget all the other usages. Just on this alone, 11 years worth of mine production, not even including investing. So what are you going to do? You're going to try to ramp up some mines. Okay, great. Prices are going to go higher anyway. It's going to get harder to get the product. Prices go through the roof in the meantime, because the only way, there's only two ways to satisfy that demand is higher prices or more products. And you're not bringing more product to the, to the market. So unless silver goes to $300 an ounce, just as an example, let's get to 51st people. But if it goes to $300 an ounce, believe me, someone who's holding 10,000 ounces of silver is going to let it go. So you're going to, you're going to end up being able to eat into that a little bit, but it's going to take much higher prices to let people, to make people want to let go. You know, this is, this is the reason why you want to get just as the demand is ramping up in these industries and central banks are ramping up silver in their reserves. You want to do the same. You want to become your own central bank and do that with Guildhall wealth. We're here to walk you through the steps on allocating into physical precious metals, whether it be gold, silver, platinum or even a natural fan sequel or diamond to round out a diversified portfolio. Stick with the pros Guildhall. We've been doing this for over 20 years and we're here to help. You want to, you want to give it, pick up the phone, give us a call 1-877-8-Silver, the website or to set your alerts and even to get your silver combos ready to go here at Guildhall wealth. And it's the Real Money Show. We'll be right back on 640 Toronto. Welcome back to the Real Money Show, the number 1-877-8-Silver and the website If you guys are looking to do additional research, you know, I'm glad if you love the Real Money Show, but you know, you want to do some additional research on your own. I love King World News. It's a great place to get some good information. I like to check it out all the time. They did this post this week, Jerry, Grady out of Sweden. This was sort of midway down through the article, talk about burying the lead, says, "Silver's all-time high." He writes Grady out of Sweden, still doubting that the price of silver can reach unimaginable levels. Have you seen the recent news with Russia and silver? We're going to get into that in a little bit. Then ponder that Silver's all-time high is not $50. It's $806 in 1998 U.S. dollar value. And in 2024, the U.S. dollar value of Silver's all-time high inflation adjusted is $1,554 using the Fed's massaged inflation calculator. Not John Williams' real inflation numbers. $1,554 is where silver would have to go to match its high from 1980. That's absolutely unbelievable if it could do that, but it's understandable. It is understandable, but again, these are sort of the La La number talk. You've got to get to $50. Look, if you understand that this is a gift and good, you can't get a precious metal cheaper than silver. If gold gets too crazy, you're going to buy silver at any price. We've always said that. More people will buy it the higher numbers because when gold is trading at $3,000 or $5,000 or $7,000, which you could get to, then what are you going to do? You're going to look at silver at $150 an ounce potentially and say, yeah, that's still relatively cheap. What other alternative do you have? You're going to buy copper? That's not a precious metal. No, you don't have that option. There's two precious metals that would be gold and silver. And this is a real-world example of what you're talking about. We see this shift when the gold prices go and exceed to certain levels, people in countries such as in India, they would shift for Diwali from gold to silver. And this is culturally the norm that's happening in the east. And this is going to happen in the west as we add some more precious metals to our portfolio, but totally understandable. It is a matter of perspective, though. And what currency is gold and silver being denominated in? Everyone's asking, when is the gold market? When is the silver price starting to move? We're seeing gold hit all-time highs almost every single day of every last few weeks. When is silver going to break out? Well, it is lacking. It is a matter of perspective. If we look at several other gold currencies, and this is a great article from Jay Post this week that silver is, in fact, in a hidden global bull market, what truly matters is that silver has actually been printing a higher series of fresh all-time highs in currencies like the Indian rupee note, the Australian dollar. Moreover, in other global currencies, even our loony, which is down to two-month lows this week, the loony just got smashed. And the Euro, silver is inches away from hitting new all-time highs. So it's becoming very, very clear that the global investor's interest in silver is very, very strong, much stronger than the silver in US dollar story. But the US dollar is going to break out. I mean, the silver in US is going to break out. And when the rate comes hit, rate cuts hit, the US dollar silver price in the US dollar is going to take off. And look, here's another perspective on that. You've had gold move from 2,000 to 2,600 and something dollars. Very quickly. Silver has also moved up from a year ago, we were trading at $22, $23 an ounce. We're now in the $31 range. And the ratio between gold and silver has maintained itself above 80 to one. So silver has had a great move in the last year, but still hasn't played the catch-up game yet. That's still to come. So if you're looking for a chance to get into the market, you haven't missed anything yet. Look at that. Look at knowing that the ratio is still above 80 to one, and that there's a lot more to come in that market. So, Jerry, as we've been talking about throughout the show, that Russia, and we did mention it last week, that Russia's planning now, their state fund plans to allocate over $500 million to precious metals, which includes silver. Now, we know that India has been buying silver for central banks. But now we have Russia saying they're going to buy silver for central banks. You've always got to ask yourself, what do they know? And so I think that's great. I don't want to miss that story. Central banks now buying silver. Could you imagine what that now? That may or may not push the price higher. It doesn't have to, but it's an indication that they value it and they're looking to own it. They know it's going to go higher. They know it can be used to revalue. And Russia doesn't need to revalue gold. They don't have debts. But when the revaluation happens, it's going to make them that much richer. Exactly. So it's great to see them doing that. But it's the other part of this. They said that they plan to allocate $538 million into precious metals and gemstones. Interesting. You know, the gemstone market specifically colored diamonds has been a very powerful market over the last 50 years. And yes, it's not liquid like the gold and silver market, but not everything has to be. You know, if you own, if you own an Andy Warhol amongst a million other artists that you could own, that's not a liquid asset. But you know that it's going up for generations upon generations. So in the next segment, we want to talk about another asset that you can consider as part of a hard asset diversification strategy. Because it doesn't always just have to be gold and silver. I need liquidity. I like where the gains are going. No, sometimes, you know, it's great. I love pizza. You can cook it in less than five minutes. But sometimes it's the low and slow. That is the best. And if you can, if you can put off the instant gratification sometimes, the gains that can come from these natural fancy colored diamonds is absolutely incredible. And we'll show you some of those numbers in the next segment. The number if you want to get involved in the gold and silver market right now, one, eight, seven, seven, eight silver, the website Own it in your registered account for your retirement. It doesn't get to be more conservative for your portfolio than owning portfolio insurance, physical gold and silver. You have house insurance, life insurance, car insurance. What do you have for your portfolio? What do you have protecting against your currencies? You need real money. That is real insurance. You can't own insurance after the fire. Not at all. When did Noah build the arc? All before before the rain. Be prepared. Give us a call. We'll show you how to do it. We're very service oriented. We'll walk you through the entire process. The number one eight seven seven eight silver, the website More to come on the real money show on 640 Toronto. Welcome back to the real money show. The number one eight seven seven eight silver, the website Jerry, I sent this to you during the week. We just remembered during the break. We cannot not talk about this. Actually during the break, everybody, we were talking about there's a story in the Bible about building a temple out of gold and how many ounces that was and what that would be worth today. And then our producer was talking to us about a temple in India and that's being made and that was made out of gold. So we were just running numbers about all these temples around the world that are built of gold. It's absolutely unbelievable. But Jerry, I sent this to you this week. A family in California discovered over 10 million dollars worth of gold buried in their backyard and it was gold eagles and gold coins from the 19th century and such that were worth so much money. And I loved how they said in the news piece, they were in mint condition. But when you looked at them, they were they were you know they were in cans. Yeah. And they were filled with dirt. But they were in mint condition because it's gold. It doesn't it doesn't erode. It doesn't corrode. It's durable. And and yeah, these are were alloys. Right. So yes, it's not pure gold. It was gold mixed with you know copper or nickel or whatnot. So they were and once you saw them shined up, beautiful. Look at they looked amazing. Amazing. Congratulations. The Hill right the Beverly Hill Billy strike again. First it was oil. Now they found a couple cans of gold coins. I mean, not in my backyard. I know not in my backyard. 10 million dollars worth of gold. I mean, maybe maybe one day. This is a great segue to their reserve. Their reserve stood the test of time. Well, I mean, yeah, I guess if they'd put it in a depository, they would have they would have had, you know, heirs finding pass it on to find right. Speaking of passing things on generational wealth, we want to talk a little bit about natural fancy colored diamonds because it it remains one of the world's best kept secrets. You know, the pink diamonds, 90% of the world's pink diamonds came from a single mine that mined from the mid 80s to just a few years ago. And it's closed. And that 90% of their production was one tenth of one percent of everything that came out of that mine. And not all of that meant that those diamonds could be put into a ring. Right. If you wanted enough to what that meant was basically a teacup of diamonds came out of that mine every year. And out of that teacup, one teaspoon would go into the Argyle tender. Now, if you had bought one of those pink diamonds from the Argyle tender back in the mid 80s, you probably would have paid tens of thousands of dollars for a one carat pink diamond that might have been a vivid. And now they go for millions. You know, in 1980, there was this gentleman who had a ranch in Colorado and he collected colored diamonds and he passed away and they had an inheritance tax for the family. The family said, oh, let's get rid of dad's crazy diamond collection. They sent it all up to Christie's or Sotheby's and Christie, whichever one it was, I think it was Sotheby's, sent all the diamonds back. But one, all they were looking to is to stave off foreclosure on the ranch. One diamond, a red diamond called the Hancock Red, sold for $850,000 in 1980. That that's worth what that covered the million that covered the inheritance tax and save the family one single diamond, one single diamond. Now, we've had diamonds that people bought for 20 grand that are worth over 60. Yep. And that's not in that's not in they didn't have to wait 50 years for that. But the longer you hold these assets, the better and better they get. So long as you're buying quality. Now, what we have always done at Guildhall is we went out and we purchased the diamond. So we did the collecting. We made sure that if we were going to buy a yellow diamond, we bought we bought internally flawless the best diamonds. We made sure that they were either vivid, intense, or fancy. No fancy light, no fancy, no dark. No, it had to be the highest quality. Good cuts, different cuts, ovals, pairs, things that could be even more rare. And these diamonds have continued to rise in value. Now, you're not going to buy it today and sell it tomorrow. It's like your house. You don't day trade your house. But over the long term, they just continue to be better and better assets. And something that eventually you say, I couldn't buy that again today. You know, we've sold diamonds that we said, we will never be able to buy those again. They're gone forever. Because once you sell the family's group of seven painting, you're never buying it again. No, it's gone. It's gone. But whoever does sell it, hopefully they do something amazing with it, right? Hopefully, they're buying a house and putting the kids through private school, etc, etc. Right. So these are the type of things that you can get with a natural fancy colored diamond. And we have gone out and done the research, put the labor into it to actually go out and acquire these things. We're not selling other people's diamonds. We're not selling other wholesalers diamonds. We collected the diamonds. And then our clients got the benefit of our collection. And it's been amazing. We've got a red diamond. We've got a red diamond that we have access to that we sold a client and some incredible pinks, some Argyle pinks, blues, greens. We're always really, really quick to move. It's pretty amazing. Go to the website. Check out some of the diamonds that we have. Jerry, we've got a couple minutes left. You know, what are your thoughts? You know, this is my 11th year Jeremy here. And that was the story that really opened my eyes to understanding generational wealth, how this asset was able to save a generation of a family, the generations of, you know, passing on wealth through the land. This one special, unique stone was able to do this. This is generation of wealth building and Guildhall being a GIA accredited. We take the guesswork out of what to acquire. We go after the best. And I've seen this over the course of my decade here where we were able to acquire rarity. And I think that's the definition of part of the definition of intrinsic value, value that goes beyond humankind. You know, we talked about the temples earlier. These are the very assets. That's these deities went after gold, silver, gemstones. These are the reserves for a reason. This is how you define intrinsic. It's rarity. And this is one of the definitions of money is durable. This thing has got to last in some cans and underground. And recognizability and scarcity. You cannot print these like the bubbles that we have printed over the over the few decades. This is generation generational wealth building. You want to do this with Guildhall. We know what we're doing. We're going to be here. We've been there for 20 years plus and we're going to be here for another 20 plus years. Thanks to great clients like yourselves, our listeners who have trusted us over the years. And we have done this successfully. We have helped people to acquire. And even after a certain tenure of hold, some people have been able to sell successfully. So we want you to give us a call and find out through and by joining us with your own diamond discovery session, you can discover what a color diamond is, what an investment grade stone is and how to own one and make it a part of your portfolio to achieve generational wealth and wealth building for your next generations. I want to thank everyone for joining us this week on The Real Money Show. If you've missed a show, you can catch us on YouTube or Rumble. You can follow us on X. And thank you, Jerry. So much. It's been a lot of fun this week. The number one eight seven seven eight silver, the website If you want to own physical gold and silver in your registered account, we are the people to go to. So we look forward to speaking with you soon. And we can't wait to speak to you next week here on The Real Money Show on 640 Toronto. The preceding was a paid commercial program unless otherwise identified the guests on the program or employees of or otherwise represent the advertiser. 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