Tuesday Talks with Darleen

Unlocking Inner Strength through the Solar Plexus Chakra {Ep 15}

Broadcast on:
03 Oct 2024
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Welcome to Tuesday Talks with Darlene Podcast, the show that goes deep into the topics of spirituality, intuition, the chakras and business. I will be building on the traditional knowledge of all of these and being a rebel by busting myths. There will be solo episodes and also episodes with guests. I'm your host Darlene, let's get started. Welcome to the solar plexus chakra in week 1 where we look at connection. Now we're going to look at three aspects and we look at one physical and two business, four weeks. Now when we look at the solar plexus it's just below where it is exactly. Traditionally it's like just below sort of the heart, the belly button area and it's a beautiful, beautiful normal tradition. It's about creativity. What I'm looking at today with a physical is the inner strength. Now think about where that is. You've got all of those beautiful muscles. So having the inner strength tightens up those beautiful muscles. It's also about the inner life. How much inner strength do you actually need when things happen, when things might go wrong or anything like that. Think about that beautiful inner strength that you need. You really need that and the more inner strength you have, the stronger your boundaries are going to be and the more that you're actually able to go through life more of a flow than up and down because you have that beautiful inner strength which means that you're not a pushover. You're not a doormat because you're willing to stand up for yourself in a way that's productive, in a way that's not aggressive or anything like that. You can stand up for yourself because you've got this inner strength. You've got this inner knowing as well. Strength comes from knowing and they sort of relate well to one another. This beautiful inner strength and when you've got that inner strength you actually respond instead of reacting. Think about when something happens and you get your you know like you sort of get like this. That's a you know and you might even want to hit somebody. That's our response. That's a reaction I mean sorry. When you respond what happens is yes you might sort of feel that for a few seconds but you really just relax. This inner strength allows you to relax and instead of reacting you actually respond because you've relaxed everything your mind is working better. When you're in that reaction there's literally it's it is a fight and flight. You you do that because you want to fight or you want to fly you know fly actually you know run away and that's what the reaction's about. Yet when you've got that inner strength and you've got the time to just gently relax yourself you can actually respond and it's such a nicer way to be. In an emergency of course you do need that fight and flight and all of that you do need that because it you know it can save you life sometimes. You need that. Yet most of the time we don't need that adrenaline running through our body and that's what causes a reaction near adrenaline because we're like oh my goodness oh my goodness. Yet when we just call on that inner strength the adrenaline settles down and you can see even talking about it my voice has changed. The adrenaline settles down and you respond. That's what the beautiful inner strength can do that's part of it. You need to find what it can do for you. I'm just saying what's what's beautifully come up for me all the downloads and that I've had. Now with business the first thing is claiming the expertise. Now how many times have you looked at other business women especially in some groups where they go on and on about you know it was only like six months ago and I had nothing at all and now I'm a six figure business you know honestly it's a real marketing ploy. I want you to ignore those posts because most of the time that is not a profit. They might be making six or seven figures but that's not their profit because they've got to take all the expenses out everything else and what they're left for you is profit and they don't tell you that. So I want you to stop comparing yourself. Now that's one way that you're not claiming the expertise is you're comparing yourself to others and you're going oh look at them no stop. Claim your expertise. You can see me I talk about the chakras that is one of my expertise. Art is another one and I'm claiming those expertise. I am the woman and the business woman that can help other business women connect to their body and communicate with their business. I'm claiming that expertise. It took me a while to do that because I also had that comparing and everything else you know like oh I'm not even doing this and I'm not doing that and I'm not making this much money and blah blah blah blah blah and that's what it is it's blah blah blah because it's other people's voices in your head and then your own voice goes well obviously you know you're not the expertise so continue to compare yourself continue to break yourself for not earning a certain amount of money stop that. Think about it. It doesn't matter how long you've been in business even if you've been in business streamouts. They streamouts of experience that you have. That's what expertise is experience. You've got so much experience and now you can claim the expertise. You can claim it up to that level. You might even have courses you've done all of that kind of beautiful stuff. You may have that and I really want you to bring on that inner strength and this is where inner strength comes in as well. Bringing that inner strength and goes I am the expertise. That is who I am. That is me and really really claim that expertise. Again I'm claiming the expertise. If I know the nine chakras of business I know how to help you connect to your body and I know how to help you communicate with your business. I know all of that and there's lots of other business things that I know as well. Graphics I know lots of different things I know yet I'm claiming the expertise of chakras connecting you back to your body and communicating with your business. Now the last one is facing the fears and learning how to do it. Now think when you start a business even if you've been in business for a while you might need to learn a new software. Now until you can outsource things and get other people in to do that you do need to learn to do it and it's not so easy. Sometimes it can be quite difficult. Now I'm grateful that I've been using computers for a very long time. There are still times when some of the software is really hard to understand and when that happens then my body is going oh you know why oh my mind is well yeah why are you even bothering you know all of those come up and it's like well if you can't even master this software how are you going to bring someone in to do that for you? Like all of this can go through my mind. Thankfully now I bring on that beautiful inner strength and I just go you know what no I'm just going to take it one step at a time I'm just going to learn one little thing at a time and all of that is just really amazing. Now you might have a fear of getting on a phone or on a call and chatting to somebody. It is learning how to tap into that fear reframe it and go ahead and do it anyway because the more you do it the more practice you get the better you're going to get and the more that you know and understand your services and products the more confident you can be in chatting to that potential client and going this is what I offer. The more that you really practice the more you get on calls the more you can do that you can bring in that inner strength and you can do that. Now let's recap we're looking at the solar plexus we're looking at connection and this is all these beautiful stuff so inner strength when you're fully connected to your body you can bring that inner strength in you can actually feel that inner strength like I'm actually feeling it right now I feel like I actually need to really you know make some movement actually it's movement I feel like I need to do that because I've really just connected to my body like that and going okay where's that inner strength coming and the inner strength to me it's like a wave is coming up and that's why I wanted to move because I want that wave to move through that's the physical the inner strength so connect to your body and feel that inner strength. Now in business claiming the expertise again the more connected you are to your body and the more connected you are to your business because I really believe your business is you know it's another aspect of you and it's got its own energy and chakras and everything then the more you connect to that the more you're able to claim your own expertise you can bring in that inner strength you can communicate with your business and you go boom and that is way out also by connecting to your body and your business facing those fears is easier because you're listening to your body you're listening to your business and you're going you know what I'm going to reframe that and this is what I'm going to do to actually learn how to do this or that or whatever it is that you need to learn that is a beautiful soul plexus chakra for week one are you interested in learning how to receive trust and believe your intuition so that you can use it within your business click the link in the description to book in a free connection call and let's chat about how we can work together thank you for listening to tuesday talks with darlene before we go I would love for you to show some love for your favorite podcast and yes that is mine by leaving a review on your preferred podcast player wishing you a beautiful day wherever you are on this gorgeous earth so so